Legit: Git for Humans -
Inspired by GitHub for Mac.
GitHub for Mac is not just a Git client.
This comment on Hacker News says it best:
Why not bring this innovation back to the command line?
[image: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/legit.svg] [image: https://img.shields.io/travis/frostming/legit/master.svg] [image: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/github/frostming/legit.svg] [image: https://repl.it/badge/github/frostming/legit]
From PyPI with the Python package manager:
pip install legit
Or download a standalone Windows executable from GitHub Releases.
To install the cutting edge version from the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/frostming/legit.git cd legit python setup.py install
Note: if you encountered Permission denied, prepend sudo before the pip or python setup.py command.
You'll then have the wonderful legit command available. Run it within a repository.
To view usage and examples, run legit with no commands or options:
To install the git aliases, run the following command:
legit --install
To uninstall the git aliases, run the following command:
legit --uninstall
All legit commands support --verbose and --fake options.
In order to view the git commands invoked by legit, use the --verbose option:
legit sync --verbose
If you want to see the git commands used by legit but don't want them invoked, use the --fake option:
legit publish --fake