common(3x) | AfterStep X11 window manager | common(3x) |
common - common functions used in other examples libAfterImage/tutorials/common.h
Generic Xlib related functionality, common for all the tutorials.
libAfterImage, ASView, ASScale, ASTile, ASMerge, ASGrad, ASFlip,
_XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW - stores value of X Atom
In X all client's top level windows are managed by window manager.
That includes moving, resizing, decorating, focusing and closing of windows.
Interactions between window manager and client window are governed by ICCCM
specification. All the parts of this specification are completely optional,
but it is recommended that the following minimum set of hints be supplied
for any client window: Window's title(WM_NAME), iconified window
title(WM_ICON_NAME), class hint (WM_CLASS) and supported protocols
(WM_PROTOCOLS). It is recommended also that WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol be
supported, as otherwise there are no way to safely close client window, but
to kill it. All of the above mentioned hints are identified by atoms that
have standard preset values, except for WM_DELETE_WINDOW. As the result we
need to obtain WM_DELETE_WINDOW atoms ID explicitly. We use
_XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW to store the ID of that atom, so it is accessible
anywhere from our application.
Window create_top_level_window( ASVisual *asv, Window root,
int x, int y,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
unsigned int border_width,
unsigned long attr_mask,
XSetWindowAttributes *attr,
char *app_class );
ID of the created window.
create_top_level_window() is autyomating process of creating top
level application window. It creates window for specified ASVisual, and then
sets up basic ICCCM hints for that window, such as WM_NAME, WM_ICON_NAME,
Window create_top_level_window( ASVisual *asv, Window root, int x, int y,
unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
unsigned int border_width,
unsigned long attr_mask,
XSetWindowAttributes *attr,
const char *app_class, const char *app_name ) {
Window w = None; #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
char *tmp ;
XTextProperty name;
XClassHint class1;
w = create_visual_window(asv, root, x, y, width, height, border_width,
InputOutput, attr_mask, attr );
tmp = (app_name==NULL)?(char*)get_application_name():(char*)app_name;
XStringListToTextProperty (&tmp, 1, &name);
class1.res_name = tmp; /* for future use */
class1.res_class = (char*)app_class;
XSetWMProtocols (asv->dpy, w, &_XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1);
XSetWMProperties (asv->dpy, w, &name, &name, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
/* final cleanup */
XFree ((char *) name.value);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
return w; }
Pixmap set_window_background_and_free( Window w, Pixmap p );
None on success. Pixmap ID of original Pixmap on failure.
set_window_background_and_free() will set window's background to
specified Pixmap, Then refresh window contents so that background is drawn
by the server, flush all the requests to force it to be sent to server to be
processed as fast as possible.
After Window's background has been set to Pixmap - X server makes
hidden copy of this Pixmap for later window refreshing. As the result
original Pixmap is no longer needed and can be freed to conserve resources.
Pixmap set_window_background_and_free( Window w, Pixmap p ) { #ifndef
if( p != None && w != None )
Display *dpy = get_default_asvisual()->dpy;
if (dpy)
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( dpy, w, p );
XClearWindow( dpy, w );
XFlush( dpy );
XFreePixmap( dpy, p );
p = None ;
} #endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
return p ; }
void wait_closedown( Window w );
User action requesting window to be closed is generally received
first by Window Manager. Window Manager is then handles it down to the
window by sending it ClientMessage event with first 32 bit word of data set
to the value of WM_DELETE_WINDOW Atom. Accordingly, all client has to do is
wait for such event from X server and, when received, it should destroy its
window and generally exit.
It is recommended that XFlush() is issued right after
XDestroyWindow() as Window Manager itself may attempt to do something with
the window until it receives DestroyNotify event.
ICCCM, Window
void wait_closedown( Window w ) { #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
Display *dpy = get_default_asvisual()->dpy;
if (w)
XSelectInput (dpy, w, ( StructureNotifyMask |
while(w != None)
XEvent event ;
XNextEvent (dpy, &event);
case ClientMessage:
if ((event.xclient.format != 32) ||
break ;
case ButtonPress:
XDestroyWindow( dpy, w );
XFlush( dpy );
w = None ;
break ;
XCloseDisplay (dpy);
} #endif }
AfterStep v.2.2.12 | 3rd Berkeley Distribution |