transform(3x) | AfterStep X11 window manager | transform(3x) |
transform - transformations available for ASImages libAfterImage/transform.h
Defines transformations that could be performed on ASImage.
Transformations can be performed with different degree of quality. Internal engine uses 24.8 bits per channel per pixel. As the result there are no precision loss, while performing complex calculations. Error diffusion algorithms could be used to transform it back into 8 bit without quality loss.
Any Transformation could be performed with the result written directly into XImage, so that it could be displayed faster.
Complex interpolation algorithms are used to perform scaling
operations, thus yielding very good quality. All the transformations are
performed in integer math, with the result of greater speeds. Optional MMX
inline assembly has been incorporated into some procedures, and allows one
to achieve considerably better performance on compatible CPUs.
Transformations :
scale_asimage(), tile_asimage(), merge_layers(),
make_gradient(), flip_asimage(), mirror_asimage(),
pad_asimage(), blur_asimage_gauss(), fill_asimage(),
Other libAfterImage modules :
ascmap.h asfont.h asimage.h asvisual.h blender.h export.h
import.h transform.h ximage.h
Sasha Vasko <sasha at aftercode dot net>
- scales source ASImage into new image of requested dimensions.
ASImage *scale_asimage( struct ASVisual *asv,
ASImage *src,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
If size has to be reduced - then several neighboring pixels will
be averaged into single pixel. If size has to be increased then new pixels
will be interpolated based on values of four neighboring pixels.
- tiles/crops ASImage to desired size, while optionally tinting it at the same time.
ASImage *tile_asimage ( struct ASVisual *asv,
ASImage *src,
int offset_x,
int offset_y,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
ARGB32 tint,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
Offset_x and offset_y define origin on source image from which
tiling will start. If offset_x or offset_y is outside of the image
boundaries, then it will be reduced by whole number of image sizes to fit
inside the image. At the time of tiling image will be tinted unless tint ==
ASImage *merge_layers ( struct ASVisual *asv,
ASImageLayer *layers, int count,
unsigned int dst_width,
unsigned int dst_height,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality);
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
merge_layers() will create new ASImage of requested size. It will
then go through all the layers, and fill image with composition. Bottommost
layer will be used unchanged and above layers will be superimposed on it,
using algorithm specified in ASImageLayer structure of the overlaying layer.
Layers may have smaller size then destination image, and maybe placed in
arbitrary locations. Each layer will be padded to fit width of the
destination image with all 0 effectively making it transparent.
- renders linear gradient into new ASImage
ASImage *make_gradient ( struct ASVisual *asv,
struct ASGradient *grad,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
ASFlagType filter,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality);
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
make_gradient() will create new image of requested size and it
will fill it with gradient, described in structure pointed to by grad.
Different dithering techniques will be applied to produce nicer looking
- rotates ASImage in 90 degree increments
ASImage *flip_asimage ( struct ASVisual *asv,
ASImage *src,
int offset_x, int offset_y,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
int flip, ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
flip_asimage() will create new image of requested size, it will
then tile source image based on offset_x, offset_y, and destination size,
and it will rotate it then based on flip value. Three rotation angles
supported 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
ASImage *mirror_asimage ( struct ASVisual *asv,
ASImage *src,
int offset_x, int offset_y,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
Bool vertical, ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
mirror_asimage() will create new image of requested size, it will
then tile source image based on offset_x, offset_y, and destination size,
and it will mirror it in vertical or horizontal direction.
enlarges ASImage, padding it with specified color on each side in accordance with requested geometry.
ASImage *pad_asimage( ASVisual *asv, ASImage *src,
int dst_x, int dst_y,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
ARGB32 color,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
Performs Gaussian blurr of the image ( useful for drop shadows and the likes ).
ASImage* blur_asimage_gauss( ASVisual* asv, ASImage* src,
double horz, double vert,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out,
int quality );
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
- Fills rectangle within the existing ASImage with specified color.
Bool fill_asimage( ASVisual *asv, ASImage *im,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
ARGB32 color );
True on success, False on failure.
- adjusts image color properties in HSV colorspace
ASImage *adjust_asimage_hsv( ASVisual *asv, ASImage *src,
int offset_x, int offset_y,
unsigned int to_width,
unsigned int to_height,
unsigned int affected_hue,
unsigned int affected_radius,
int hue_offset, int saturation_offset,
int value_offset,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality);
returns newly created and encoded ASImage on success, NULL of
This function will tile original image to specified size with offsets requested, and then it will go though it and adjust hue, saturation and value of those pixels that have specific hue, set by affected_hue/ affected_radius parameters. When affected_radius is greater then 180 entire image will be adjusted. Note that since grayscale colors have no hue - the will not get adjusted. Only saturation and value will be adjusted in gray pixels. Hue is measured as an angle on a 360 degree circle, The following is relationship of hue values to regular color names : red - 0 yellow - 60 green - 120 cyan - 180 blue - 240 magenta - 300 red - 360
All the hue values in parameters will be adjusted to fall within
0-360 range.
creates ASImage from double precision indexed image data - useful for scientific visualisation.
Bool colorize_asimage_vector( ASVisual *asv, ASImage *im,
ASVectorPalette *palette,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
int quality );
True on success, False on failure.
This function will try to convert double precision indexed image
data into actuall color image using palette. Original data should be
attached to ASImage using vector member. Operation is relatively fast and
allows representation of scientific data as color image with dynamically
changing palette.
- convenience function allowing one to create new ASImage, set its vector data and colorize it using palette - all in one step.
ASImage *create_asimage_from_vector( ASVisual *asv, double
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
ASVectorPalette *palette,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression,
int quality );
New ASImage on success, NULL on failure.
colorize_asimage_vector(), create_asimage(), set_asimage_vector()
- slice ASImage leaving its corners intact, and scaling the middle part.
ASImage* slice_asimage2( ASVisual *asv, ASImage *src,
int slice_x_start, int slice_x_end,
int slice_y_start, int slice_y_end,
int to_width,
int to_height,
Bool scaled,
ASAltImFormats out_format,
unsigned int compression_out, int quality );
New ASImage on success, NULL on failure.
scale_asimage(), tile_asimage()
AfterStep v.2.2.12 | 3rd Berkeley Distribution |