AtteanX::Store::Memory - Simple in-memory RDF store
This document describes AtteanX::Store::Memory version 0.033
use AtteanX::Store::Memory;
AtteanX::Store::Memory provides an in-memory quad-store.
- "subject"
- "predicate"
- "object"
- "graph"
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods
from the Attean::API::QuadStore class.
- "new ()"
- Returns a new memory-backed storage object.
- "size"
- Returns the number of quads in the store.
- "get_quads ( $subject, $predicate, $object, $graph )"
- Returns a stream object of all statements matching the specified subject,
predicate and objects. Any of the arguments may be undef to match any
- "get_graphs"
- Returns an iterator over the Attean::API::Term objects comprising the set
of graphs of the stored quads.
- "add_quad ( $quad )"
- Adds the specified $quad to the underlying
- "remove_quad ( $statement )"
- Removes the specified $statement from the
underlying model.
- "remove_quads ( $subject, $predicate, $object, $graph )"
- Removes the specified $statement from the
underlying model.
- "create_graph( $graph )"
- This is a no-op function for the memory quad-store.
- "drop_graph( $graph )"
- Removes all quads with the given $graph.
- "clear_graph( $graph )"
- Removes all quads with the given $graph.
- "count_quads ( $subject, $predicate, $object, $graph )"
- Returns a count of all the statements matching the specified subject,
predicate, object, and graph. Any of the arguments may be undef to match
any value.
- "etag_value_for_quads"
- If the store has the capability and knowledge to support caching, returns
a persistent token that will remain consistent as long as the store's data
doesn't change. This token is acceptable for use as an HTTP ETag.
- "mtime_for_quads"
- "plans_for_algebra"
- The store implements a cost-based query planner, but this method is
reimplemented to hand the overall control of the planning process to an
external planner by returning
- "cost_for_plan"
- This store provides a cost estimate only for retrieving individual quad
patterns in this method. It will allow other planners to estimate the cost
for any other parts of the plan by returning
"undef" for those parts.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub
web interface at <>.
Gregory Todd Williams
Copyright (c) 2014--2022 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.