DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libbusiness-onlinepayment-ippay-perl / Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay.3pm.en
IPPay(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation IPPay(3pm)

Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay - IPPay backend for Business::OnlinePayment

  use Business::OnlinePayment;
  my $tx =
    new Business::OnlinePayment( "IPPay",
                                 'default_Origin' => 'PHONE ORDER',
      type           => 'VISA',
      login          => 'testdrive',
      password       => '', #password 
      action         => 'Normal Authorization',
      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
      amount         => '49.95',
      customer_id    => 'tfb',
      name           => 'Tofu Beast',
      address        => '123 Anystreet',
      city           => 'Anywhere',
      state          => 'UT',
      zip            => '84058',
      card_number    => '4007000000027',
      expiration     => '09/02',
      cvv2           => '1234', #optional
  if($tx->is_success()) {
      print "Card processed successfully: ".$tx->authorization."\n";
  } else {
      print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";

CC, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover

Content required: type, login, action, amount, card_number, expiration.

Content required: type, login, action, amount, name, account_number, routing_code.

For detailed information see Business::OnlinePayment.

See Business::OnlinePayment for the complete list. The following methods either override the methods in Business::OnlinePayment or provide additional functions.

Returns the response error code.

Returns the response error description text.

Returns the complete response from the server.

The following actions are valid

  normal authorization
  authorization only
  reverse authorization
  post authorization

The following rules are applied to map data to IPPay parameters from content(%content):

      # param => $content{<key>}
      TransactionType     => 'TransactionType',
      TerminalID          => 'login',
      TransactionID       => 'order_number',
      RoutingCode         => 'RoutingCode',
      Approval            => 'authorization',
      BatchID             => 'BatchID',
      Origin              => 'Origin',
      Password            => 'password',
      OrderNumber         => 'invoice_number',
      CardNum             => 'card_number',
      CVV2                => 'cvv2',
      Issue               => 'issue_number',
      CardExpMonth        => \( $month ), # MM from MM(-)YY(YY) of 'expiration'
      CardExpYear         => \( $year ), # YY from MM(-)YY(YY) of 'expiration'
      CardStartMonth      => \( $month ), # MM from MM(-)YY(YY) of 'card_start'
      CardStartYear       => \( $year ), # YY from MM(-)YY(YY) of 'card_start'
      Track1              => 'track1',
      Track2              => 'track2',
        AccountNumber       => 'account_number',
        ABA                 => 'routing_code',
        CheckNumber         => 'check_number',
      CardName            => 'name',
      DispositionType     => 'DispositionType',
      TotalAmount         => 'amount' reformatted into cents
      FeeAmount           => 'FeeAmount',
      TaxAmount           => 'TaxAmount',
      BillingAddress      => 'address',
      BillingCity         => 'city',
      BillingStateProv    => 'state',
      BillingPostalCode   => 'zip',
      BillingCountry      => 'country',           # forced to ISO-3166-alpha-3
      BillingPhone        => 'phone',
      Email               => 'email',
      UserIPAddress        => 'customer_ip',
      UserHost            => 'UserHost',
      UDField1            => 'UDField1',
      UDField2            => 'UDField2',
      ActionCode          => 'ActionCode',
        Type                => 'IndustryInfo',
        CustomerPO          => 'CustomerPO',
        ShippingMethod      => 'ShippingMethod',
        ShippingName        => 'ship_name',
          Address             => 'ship_address',
          City                => 'ship_city',
          StateProv           => 'ship_state',
          Country             => 'ship_country',  # forced to ISO-3166-alpha-3
          Phone               => 'ship_phone',

Version 0.07 changes the server name and path for IPPay's late 2012 update.

Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay uses IPPay XML Product Specifications version 1.1.2.

See for more information.

Original author: Jeff Finucane

Current maintainer: Ivan Kohler <>

Reverse Authorization patch from dougforpres

Copyright (c) 1999 Jason Kohles Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Ivan Kohler Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Freeside Internet Services, Inc.

All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Need a complete, open-source back-office and customer self-service solution? The Freeside software includes support for credit card and electronic check processing with IPPay and over 50 other gateways, invoicing, integrated trouble ticketing, and customer signup and self-service web interfaces.

perl(1). Business::OnlinePayment.

2022-09-12 perl v5.34.0