DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libcgi-application-plugin-requiressl-perl / CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL.3pm.en
CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL(3pm)

CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL - Force SSL in specified pages or modules

Version 0.04

    use CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL;
    sub login_form :RequireSSL {
        my $self = shift;
        # etc

CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL allows individual run modes or whole modules to be protected by SSL. If a standard HTTP request is received, you can specify whether an error is raised or if the request should be redirected to the HTTPS equivalent URL.

Exported methods:
config_requiressl, mode_redirect

run mode protection is specified by the RequireSSL attribute after the method name:

    sub process_login :RequireSSL {
        my $self = shift;

You can protect a complete module by setting the 'require_ssl' parameter in your instance script:

    use MyApp;
    my $webapp = MyApp->new(
        PARAMS => {require_ssl => 1}

By default, an error is raised if a request is made to a protected run mode or module using HTTP. However, you can specify that the request is redirected to the HTTPS url by setting the rewrite_to_ssl parameter as long as the requested method is not POST:

    my $webapp = MyApp->new(
        PARAMS => {rewrite_to_ssl => 1}

If you need to turn off checks, simply set the ignore_check parameter when configuring the plugin (see "config_requiressl" below).

Once a successful request is made to a protected run mode or module, subsequent requests to a non-protected run mode or module will revert to using HTTP. To prevent this from happening, set the parameter keep_in_ssl in the configuration (see "config_requiressl" below)

Optionally configure the plugin in your cgiapp_init method

        keep_in_ssl => 0,
        ignore_check => 0,

Valid parameters are:

  • keep_in_ssl - if set, all subsequent requests following one to a protected run mode or module will be via HTTPS.
  • ignore_check - ignore SSL schecking. This is useful if your application is deployed in an environment that doesn't support SSL.

This is a run mode that will be automatically called if the request should be redirected to the equivalent HTTP or HTTPS URL. You should not call it directly.

Dan Horne, "<dhorne at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cgi-application-plugin-requiressl at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

This module been tested under the FastCGI persistent environment, but not under mod_perl. The author would apprecaute feedback from anyone who is able to test with that environment.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL

You can also look for information at:

  • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


  • CPAN Ratings


  • RT: CPAN's request tracker


  • Search CPAN


  • Users of the CGI::Application wiki ( who requested this module.
  • Andy Grundman - I stole the idea of the keep_in_ssl parameter from his Catalyst::Plugin::RequireSSL module

Copyright 2007 Dan Horne, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-06-05 perl v5.34.0