DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libdirectory-scratch-structured-perl / Directory::Scratch::Structured.3pm.en
Directory::Scratch::Structured(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Directory::Scratch::Structured(3pm)

 Directory::Scratch::Structured - creates temporary files and directories from a structured description

  my %tree_structure =
                dir_1 =>
                        subdir_1 =>{},
                        file_1 =>[],
                        file_a => [],
                dir_2 =>
                        subdir_2 =>
                                file_22 =>[],
                                file_2a =>[],
                        file_2 =>[],
                        file_a =>['12345'],
                        file_b =>[],
                file_0 => [] ,
                ) ;
  use Directory::Scratch::Structured qw(create_structured_tree) ;
  my $temporary_directory = create_structured_tree(%tree_structure) ;
  use Directory::Scratch ;
  use Directory::Scratch::Structured  qw(piggyback_directory_scratch) ;
  my $temporary_directory = Directory::Scratch->new;
  $temporary_directory->create_structured_tree(%tree_structure) ;

This module adds a create_structured_tree subroutine to the Directory::Scratch.

I needed a subroutine to create a bunch of temporary directories and files while running tests. I used the excellent Directory::Scratch to implement such a functionality. I proposed the subroutine to the Directory::Scratch author but he preferred to implement a subroutine using an unstructured input data based on the fact that Directory::Scratch didn't use structured data. This is, IMHO, flawed design, though it may require slightly less typing.

I proposed a hybrid solution to reduce the amount of subroutines and integrate the subroutine using structured input into Directory::Scratch but we didn't reach an agreement on the API. Instead I decided that I would piggyback on Directory::Scratch.

You can access create_structured_tree through a subroutine or a method through a Directory::Scratch object.

Whichever interface you choose, the argument to the create_structured_tree consists of tuples (hash entries). The key represents the name of the object to create in the directory.

If the value is of type:

A file will be created, it's contents are the contents of the array (See Directory::Scratch)
A directory will be created. the element of the hash will also be , recursively, created
The subroutine will croak.

  use Directory::Scratch::Structured qw(create_structured_tree) ;
  my $temporary_directory = create_structured_tree(%tree_structure) ;
  my $base = $temporary_directory->base() ;

Returns a default Directory::Scratch object.

Adds create_structured_tree to Directory::Scratch when you Load Directory::Scratch::Structured with the piggyback_directory_scratch option.

  use Directory::Scratch ;
  use Directory::Scratch::Structured qw(piggyback_directory_scratch) ;
  my $temporary_directory = Directory::Scratch->new;
  $temporary_directory->create_structured_tree(%tree_structure) ;

Used internally by both interfaces

Used internally to piggyback Directory::Scratch.

None so far.

        Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda
        CPAN ID: NKH

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Directory::Scratch::Structured

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2022-06-13 perl v5.34.0