Exporter::Declare(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Exporter::Declare(3pm) |
Exporter::Declare - Exporting done right
Exporter::Declare is a meta-driven exporting tool. Exporter::Declare tries to adopt all the good features of other exporting tools, while throwing away horrible interfaces. Exporter::Declare also provides hooks that allow you to add options and arguments for import. Finally, Exporter::Declare's meta-driven system allows for top-notch introspection.
package Some::Exporter; use Exporter::Declare; default_exports qw/ do_the_thing /; exports qw/ subA subB $SCALAR @ARRAY %HASH /; # Create a couple tags (import lists) export_tag subs => qw/ subA subB do_the_thing /; export_tag vars => qw/ $SCALAR @ARRAY %HASH /; # These are simple boolean options, pass '-optionA' to enable it. import_options qw/ optionA optionB /; # These are options which slurp in the next argument as their value, pass # '-optionC' => 'foo' to give it a value. import_arguments qw/ optionC optionD /; export anon_export => sub { ... }; export '@anon_var' => [...]; default_export a_default => sub { 'default!' } our $X = "x"; default_export '$X'; my $iterator = 'a'; gen_export unique_class_id => sub { my $current = $iterator++; return sub { $current }; }; gen_default_export '$my_letter' => sub { my $letter = $iterator++; return \$letter; }; # You can create a function to mangle the arguments before they are # parsed into a Exporter::Declare::Spec object. sub alter_import_args { my ($class, $importer, $args) = @_; # fiddle with args before importing routines are called @$args = grep { !/^skip_/ } @$args } # There is no need to fiddle with import() or do any wrapping. # the $specs data structure means you generally do not need to parse # arguments yourself (but you can if you want using alter_import_args()) # Change the spec object before export occurs sub before_import { my $class = shift; my ( $importer, $specs ) = @_; if ($specs->config->{optionA}) { # Modify $spec attributes accordingly } } # Use spec object after export occurs sub after_import { my $class = shift; my ( $importer, $specs ) = @_; do_option_a() if $specs->config->{optionA}; do_option_c( $specs->config->{optionC} ) if $specs->config->{optionC}; print "-subs tag was used\n" if $specs->config->{subs}; print "exported 'subA'\n" if $specs->exports->{subA}; } ...
package Some::Importer; use Some::Exporter qw/ subA $SCALAR !%HASH /, -default => { -prefix => 'my_' }, qw/ -optionA !-optionB /, subB => { -as => 'sub_b' }; subA(); print $SCALAR; sub_b(); my_do_the_thing(); ...
Importing from a package that uses Exporter::Declare will be familiar to anyone who has imported from modules before. Arguments are all assumed to be export names, unless prefixed with "-" or ":" In which case they may be a tag or an option. Exports without a sigil are assumed to be code exports, variable exports must be listed with their sigil.
Items prefixed with the "!" symbol are forcefully excluded, regardless of any listed item that may normally include them. Tags can also be excluded, this will effectively exclude everything in the tag.
Tags are simply lists of exports, the exporting class may define any number of tags. Exporter::Declare also has the concept of options, they have the same syntax as tags. Options may be boolean or argument based. Boolean options are actually 3 value, undef, false "!", or true. Argument based options will grab the next value in the arguments list as their own, regardless of what type of value it is.
When you use the module, or call import(), all the arguments are transformed into an Exporter::Declare::Specs object. Arguments are parsed for you into a list of imports, and a configuration hash in which tags/options are keys. Tags are listed in the config hash as true, false, or undef depending on if they were included, negated, or unlisted. Boolean options will be treated in the same way as tags. Options that take arguments will have the argument as their value.
Exports can be subs, or package variables (scalar, hash, array). For subs simply ask for the sub by name, you may optionally prefix the subs name with the sub sigil "&". For variables list the variable name along with its sigil "$, %, or @".
use Some::Exporter qw/ somesub $somescalar %somehash @somearray /;
Every exporter automatically has the following 3 tags, in addition they may define any number of custom tags. Tags can be specified by their name prefixed by either "-" or ":".
The -alias tag is a shortcut so that you do not need to think about what the alias name would be when adding it to the import arguments.
use My::Long::Package::Name::Foo -alias; my $foo = Foo()->new(...);
You can prefix, suffix, or completely rename the items you import. Whenever an item is followed by a hash in the import list, that hash will be used for configuration. Configuration items always start with a dash "-".
The 3 available configuration options that effect import names are "-prefix", "-suffix", and "-as". If "-as" is seen it will be used as is. If prefix or suffix are seen they will be attached to the original name (unless -as is present in which case they are ignored).
use Some::Exporter subA => { -as => 'DoThing' }, subB => { -prefix => 'my_', -suffix => '_ok' };
The example above will import "subA()" under the name "DoThing()". It will also import "subB()" under the name "my_subB_ok()".
You may als specify a prefix and/or suffix for tags. The following example will import all the default exports with 'my_' prefixed to each name.
use Some::Exporter -default => { -prefix => 'my_' };
Some exporters will recognise options. Options look just like tags, and are specified the same way. What options do, and how they effect things is exporter-dependant.
use Some::Exporter qw/ -optionA -optionB /;
Some options require an argument. These options are just like other tags/options except that the next item in the argument list is slurped in as the option value.
use Some::Exporter -ArgOption => 'Value, not an export', -ArgTakesHash => { ... };
Once again available options are exporter specific.
Some items are generated at import time. These items may accept arguments. There are 3 ways to provide arguments, and they may all be mixed (though that is not recommended).
As a hash
use Some::Exporter generated => { key => 'val', ... };
As an array
use Some::Exporter generated => [ 'Arg1', 'Arg2', ... ];
As an array in a config hash
use Some::Exporter generated => { -as => 'my_gen', -args => [ 'arg1', ... ]};
You can use all three at once, but this is really a bad idea, documented for completeness:
use Some::Exporter generated => { -as => 'my_gen, key => 'value', -args => [ 'arg1', 'arg2' ]} generated => [ 'arg3', 'arg4' ];
The example above will work fine, all the arguments will make it into the generator. The only valid reason for this to work is that you may provide arguments such as "-prefix" to a tag that brings in generator(), while also desiring to give arguments to generator() independently.
With the exception of import(), all the following work equally well as functions or class methods.
These all work fine in function or method form, however the syntax sugar will only work in function form.
Please use Exporter::Declare::Magic directly from now on.
use Exporter::Declare '-magic';
This adds Devel::Declare magic to several functions. It also allows you to easily create or use parsers on your own exports. See Exporter::Declare::Magic for more details.
You can also provide import arguments to Devel::Declare::Magic
# Arguments to -magic must be in an arrayref, not a hashref. use Exporter::Declare -magic => [ '-default', '!export', -prefix => 'magic_' ];
Exporter/Declare.pm does not have much logic to speak of. Rather Exporter::Declare is sugar on top of class meta data stored in Exporter::Declare::Meta objects. Arguments are parsed via Exporter::Declare::Specs, and also turned into objects. Even exports are blessed references to the exported item itself, and handle the injection on their own (See Exporter::Declare::Export).
All exporters have a meta class, the only way to get the meta object is to call the export_meta() method on the class/object that is an exporter. Any class that uses Exporter::Declare gets this method, and a meta-object.
Chad Granum exodist7@gmail.com
Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum
Exporter-Declare is free software; Standard perl licence.
Exporter-Declare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
2022-06-13 | perl v5.34.0 |