GRAPH-EASY(1p) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | GRAPH-EASY(1p) |
graph-easy - render/convert graphs in/from various formats
Convert between graph formats and layout/render graphs:
graph-easy [options] [inputfile [outputfile]] echo "[ Bonn ] - car -> [ Berlin ]" | graph-easy graph-easy --as_ascii graph-easy --html --output=mygraph.html graph.txt graph-easy graph.txt graph.svg graph-easy graph.txt --as_dot | dot -Tpng -o graph.png graph-easy graph.txt --png graph-easy graph.vcg --dot graph-easy --gdl graph-easy --graphml
Here are the most important options, more are listed in the full documentation:
graph-easy --input=input.txt
The format will be auto-detected, override it with --from.
graph-easy --output=output.txt input.txt
graph-easy --as=ascii input.txt
Valid formats are:
ascii ASCII art rendering boxart Unicode Boxart rendering html HTML svg Scalable Vector Graphics graphviz the DOT language dot alias for "graphviz" txt Graph::Easy text vcg VCG (Visualizing Compiler Graphs - a subset of GDL) text gdl GDL (Graph Description Language) text graphml GraphML
In addition, the following formats are understood and piped through the program specified with the --renderer option (default: dot):
bmp Windows bitmap gif GIF hpgl HP-GL/2 vector graphic jpg JPEG pcl PCL printer language pdf PDF png PNG ps Postscript ps2 Postscript with PDF notations (see graphviz documentation) tga Targa bitmap tif TIFF bitmap
The default format will be determined by the output filename extension, and is "ascii", if the output filename was not set.
You can also use ONE argument of the form "--as_ascii" or "--ascii".
graphviz the DOT language txt Graph::Easy text vcg VCG text gdl GDL (Graph Description Language) text
If not specified, the input format is auto-detected.
You can also use ONE argument of the form "--from_dot", etc.
graph-easy input.txt --parse --debug=1
graph-easy input.txt --parse --stats
graph-easy input.txt --timeout=500
Conversion to DOT, VCG/GDL, GraphML or plain text ignores the timeout.
The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).
"graph-easy" reads a description of a graph (a connected network of nodes and edges, not a pie chart :-) and then converts this to the desired output format.
By default, the input will be read from STDIN, and the output will go to STDOUT. The input is expected to be encoded in UTF-8, the output will also be UTF-8.
It understands the following formats as input:
Graph::Easy DOT VCG GDL
The formats are automatically detected, regardless of the input file name, but you can also explicitly declare your input to be in one specific format.
The output can be a dump of the graph in one of the following formats:
Graph::Easy DOT VCG GDL GraphML
In addition, "Graph::Easy" can also create layouts of graphs in one of the following output formats:
Note that for SVG output, you need to install the module Graph::Easy::As_svg first.
As a shortcut, you can also specify the output format as 'png', this will cause "graph-easy" to pipe the input in graphviz format to the "dot" program to create a PNG file in one step. The following two examples are equivalent:
graph-easy graph.txt --dot | dot -Tpng -o graph.png graph-easy graph.txt --png
"graph-easy" supports a few more arguments in addition to the ones from above:
graph-easy input.txt --output=test.html --debug=1
echo "[ Bonn ] -- car --> [ Berlin ], [ Ulm ]" | graph-easy +--------+ car +-----+ | Bonn | -----> | Ulm | +--------+ +-----+ | | car v +--------+ | Berlin | +--------+
echo "[ Bonn ] -- car --> [ Berlin ], [ Ulm ]" | graph-easy --dot digraph GRAPH_0 { edge [ arrowhead=open ]; graph [ rankdir=LR ]; node [ fontsize=11, fillcolor=white, style=filled, shape=box ]; Bonn -> Ulm [ label=car ] Bonn -> Berlin [ label=car ] }
echo "[ Bonn ] -- car --> [ Berlin ], [ Ulm ]" | graph-easy --vcg graph: { title: "Untitled graph" node: { title: "Berlin" } node: { title: "Bonn" } node: { title: "Ulm" } edge: { label: "car" sourcename: "Bonn" targetname: "Ulm" } edge: { label: "car" sourcename: "Bonn" targetname: "Berlin" } }
GDL (Graph Description Language) is a superset of VCG, and thus the output will look almost the same as VCG:
echo "[ Bonn ] -- car --> [ Berlin ], [ Ulm ]" | graph-easy --gdl graph: { title: "Untitled graph" node: { title: "Berlin" } node: { title: "Bonn" } node: { title: "Ulm" } edge: { label: "car" source: "Bonn" target: "Ulm" } edge: { label: "car" source: "Bonn" target: "Berlin" } }
GraphML is XML:
echo "[ Bonn ] -- car --> [ Berlin ], [ Ulm ]" | graph-easy --graphml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <!-- Created by Graph::Easy v0.58 at Mon Aug 20 00:01:25 2007 --> <key id="d0" for="edge""label" attr.type="string"/> <graph id="G" edgedefault="directed"> <node id="Berlin"> </node> <node id="Bonn"> </node> <node id="Ulm"> </node> <edge source="Bonn" target="Berlin"> <data key="d0">car</data> </edge> <edge source="Bonn" target="Ulm"> <data key="d0">car</data> </edge> </graph> <graphml>
Please note that it is impossible to convert 100% from one format to another format since every graph language out there has features that are unique to only this language.
In addition, the conversion process always converts the input first into an Graph::Easy graph, and then to the desired output format.
This means that only features and attributes that are actually valid in Graph::Easy are supported yet. Work in making Graph::Easy an universal format supporting as much as possible is still in progress.
Attributes that are not yet supported natively by Graph::Easy are converted to custom attributes with a prefixed "x-format-", f.i. "x-dot-". Upon output to the same format, these are converted back, but conversion to a different format will lose these attributes.
For a list of what problems still remain, please see the TODO file in the "Graph::Easy" distribution on CPAN:
If you notice anything wrong, or miss attributes, please file a bug report on
so we can fix it and include the missing things into Graph::Easy!
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL.
See the LICENSE file of Graph::Easy for a copy of the GPL.
This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer (<>). See the LICENSE file for the full license text that applies to these color schemes.
Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008 by Tels <>
More information can be found in the online manual of Graph::Easy:
See also: Graph::Easy, Graph::Easy::Manual
2022-11-20 | perl v5.36.0 |