JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2(3pm) |
JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2 - OpenAPI version 2 / Swagger
use JSON::Validator; my $schema = JSON::Validator->new->schema("...")->schema; # Check for specification errors my $errors = $schema->errors; # Returns a list of zero or more JSON::Validator::Error objects my @request_errors = $schema->validate_request( [get => "/path"], {body => sub { return {exists => 1, value => {}} }}, ); # Returns a list of zero or more JSON::Validator::Error objects my @response_errors = $schema->validate_response( [get => "/path", 200], {body => sub { return {exists => 1, value => {}} }}, );
This class represents <http://swagger.io/v2/schema.json>.
my $array_ref = $schema->errors;
See "errors" in JSON::Validator::Schema.
$str = $schema->moniker; $schema = $schema->moniker("openapiv2");
Used to get/set the moniker for the given schema. Default value is "openapiv2".
my $str = $schema->specification; my $schema = $schema->specification($str);
Defaults to "<http://swagger.io/v2/schema.json>".
$schema = $schema->add_default_response(\%params);
Used to add a default response schema for operations that does not already have one. %params can be:
The human readable description added to the operation.
Defaults: "Default response."
The name used in the specification under "/components/schemas/".
Defaults: "DefaultResponse"
The schema to add. The default schema below might change, but the basics will stay the same:
{ type: "object", required: ["errors"], properties: { errors: { type: "array", items: { type: "object", required: ["message"], properties: { message: {type: "string"}, path: {type: "string"} } } } } }
A list of status codes to apply the default schema to.
Default: "[400, 401, 404, 500, 501]".
$url = $schema->base_url; $schema = $schema->base_url($url);
Can get or set the default URL for this schema. $url can be either a Mojo::URL object or a plain string.
This method will read or write "basePath", "host" and/or "schemas" in "data".
my $schema = $schema->coerce({booleans => 1, numbers => 1, strings => 1}); my $hash_ref = $schema->coerce;
Coercion is enabled by default, since headers, path parts, query parameters, ... are in most cases strings.
See also "coerce" in JSON::Validator.
$schema = JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2->new(\%attrs); $schema = JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2->new;
Same as "new" in JSON::Validator::Schema, but will also build L/coerce>.
$parameters = $schema->parameters_for_request([$method, $path]);
Finds all the request parameters defined in the schema, including inherited parameters. Returns "undef" if the $path and $method cannot be found.
Example return value:
[ {in => "query", name => "q"}, {in => "body", name => "body", accepts => ["application/json"]}, ]
The return value MUST not be mutated.
$array_ref = $schema->parameters_for_response([$method, $path, $status]);
Finds the response parameters defined in the schema. Returns "undef" if the $path, $method and $status cannot be found. Will default to the "default" response definition if $status could not be found and "default" exists.
Example return value:
[ {in => "header", name => "X-Foo"}, {in => "body", name => "body", accepts => ["application/json"]}, ]
The return value MUST not be mutated.
$collection = $schema->routes;
Used to gather all available routes in the schema and return them sorted. The result is a Mojo::Collection object, where each item has a hash looking like this:
{ method => 'get', path => '/user/{id}', operation_id => 'getUser', # Might be undef() }
@errors = $schema->validate_request([$method, $path], \%req);
This method can be used to validate a HTTP request. %req should contain key/value pairs representing the request parameters. Example:
%req = ( body => sub { my ($name, $param) = shift; # $param = {name => $name, in => ..., schema => ..., ...} return {exists => 1, value => \%all_params} unless defined $name; return {exists => 1, value => "..."}; }, formData => {email => "..."}, header => {"X-Request-Base" => "..."}, path => {id => "..."}, query => {limit => 42}, );
"formData", "header", "path" and "query" can be either a hash-ref, a hash-like object or a code ref, while "body" MUST be a code ref. The return value from the code ref will get mutated, making it possible to check if an individual parameter was validated or not.
# Before: "exists" and "value" must be present my @evaluated; $req{query} = sub { push @evaluated, {exists => 1, value => 42}, return $evaluated[-1] }; # Validate $schema->validate_request(get => "/user"], \%req); # After: "in", "name" and "valid" are added $evaluated[-1] ==> {exists => 1, value => 42, in => "query", name => "foo", valid => 1};
A plain hash-ref will /not get mutated.
The body hash-ref can also have a "content_type" key. This will be checked against the list of valid request or response content types in the spec.
@errors = $schema->validate_response([$method, $path, $status], \%res);
This method can be used to validate a HTTP response. %res should contain key/value pairs representing the response parameters. Example:
%res = ( body => sub { my ($name, $param) = shift; # $param = {name => $name, in => ..., ...} return {exists => 1, value => \%all_params} unless defined $name; return {accept => "application/json", exists => 1, value => "..."}; }, header => {"Location" => "..."}, );
%res follows the same rules as %req in "validate_request", but also supports "accept", instead of specifying "content_type". "accept" should have the same format as an "Accept" HTTP header.
JSON::Validator, Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI, <http://openapi-specification-visual-documentation.apihandyman.io/>
2023-03-06 | perl v5.36.0 |