lambda-term-inputrc - Key bindings for lambda-term applications
This manual page describes the format of the ~/.config/lambda-term-inputrc file. This file is a text file which associates editing actions to key sequences. Comments start with a '#' character and empty lines are ignored.
Bindings are of the form:
<key-sequence>: <actions>
Where <key-sequence> is a sequence of keys in the emacs format. For example Control+w is written "C-w", Control+Meta+x followed by "e" is written "C-M-x e". <actions> is a list of editing actions separeted by commas. The list of all available actions with a short description can be obtained by running the command lambda-term-actions(1) in a terminal.
The file is divided in two section, the [edit] section and the [read-line] section. The first one is for key bindings that apply everyhere and the second for key bindings that apply only in read-line.
Here is an example of bindings:
C-w: kill-prev-word
M-!: play-macro
In addition to letters and symbols the following keys can be used:
* enter
* escape
* tab
* up
* down
* left
* right
* f1
* f2
* f3
* f4
* f5
* f6
* f7
* f8
* f9
* f10
* f11
* f12
* next
* prev
* home
* end
* insert
* delete
* backspace
Note that lambda-term accept only ascii characters in the configuration file, to use other unicode character you must use the notation U+<code> where <code> is the code of the character in hexadecimal.
C-e: play-macro
C-left: complete-bar-prev
C-right: complete-bar-next
Jérémie Dimino <>
August 2011 |