latex2ps - script to convert LaTeX file to PostScript
latex2ps [OPTIONS] [-o output] [sourcefile]
"latex2ps" is a simple script to
invoke the "LaTeX::Driver" module to
convert a LaTeX file to PostScript.
- "-output=FILE"
- specifies that the formatted file should be written to
"FILE". If this option is not specified,
or is specified as ""-"" then
the file will be written to standard output, otherwise if an input file is
specified then the it will be formatted in place and the output file will
have the same name as the input file, but with the original extension
replaced with ".dvi".
- "-tt2"
- specifies that the source document should be taken to be a Template
Toolkit template and processed through that before being fed to the
"LaTeX::Driver" module for latex
- "-define=NAME=VALUE"
- defines the template variable NAME to have the value VALUE.
Multiple template variables may be defined and these are passed to the
Template Toolkit processing stage (they are ignored if the
"-tt2" option is not specified).
Andrew Ford <>
Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Ford. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.