MouseX::NativeTraits::Bool(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | MouseX::NativeTraits::Bool(3pm) |
MouseX::NativeTraits::Bool - Helper trait for Bool attributes
package Room; use Mouse; has 'is_lit' => ( traits => ['Bool'], is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, handles => { illuminate => 'set', darken => 'unset', flip_switch => 'toggle', is_dark => 'not', }, ); my $room = Room->new(); $room->illuminate; # same as $room->is_lit(1); $room->darken; # same as $room->is_lit(0); $room->flip_switch; # same as $room->is_lit(not $room->is_lit); return $room->is_dark; # same as !$room->is_lit
This provides a simple boolean attribute, which supports most of the basic math operations.
These methods are implemented in MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Bool. It is important to note that all those methods do in place modification of the value stored in the attribute.
2022-06-16 | perl v5.34.0 |