Net::SIP::NATHelper::Local - handle NAT/RTP forwarding in local
event loop.
This module is a wrapper around Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base which
will handle the RTP forwarding within the local event loop the rest of
Net::SIP uses.
- new ( LOOP )
- Will create the object and tell it to use LOOP as the event loop. Will
create a Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base object which gets used internally.
- allocate_sockets
( ... )
- Calls allocate_sockets of the local Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base
object. Takes and returns the same arguments.
- activate_session
( ... )
- Calls activate_session of the local Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base
object. Takes the same arguments and returns 1 if the session was newly
activated, -1 if it was activated before and false if activation failed.
Updates callbacks into the event loop.
- close_session
( ... )
- Calls activate_session of the local Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base
object. Takes the same arguments and returns the number of closed
sessions. Updates callbacks into the event loop.
- expire ( ... )
- Calls expire of the local Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base object. Takes
the same arguments and returns the number of expired sessions. Updates
callbacks into the event loop if necessary.