Net::SIP:::SocketPool - manage sockets related to a leg
my $pool = Net::SIP::SocketPool->new(...)
$pool->sendto($packet, [ip,port,family], \&callback)
SocketPool manages a collection of sockets associated with
a Leg. This is usually an unconnected socket (i.e. UDP or TCP listen
socket) and mayby some connected sockets. While in UDP a packet can be
received and sent using an unconnected socket this is not possible in TCP
and therefore these connected socket have to be maintained somehow. Also, it
is expected in TCP that a response will be sent back through the same TCP
connection as the request came in, if possible.
SocketPool is usually not used directly but will be created
when a new Leg gets created.
- The constructer creates a new SocketPool for protocol PROTO
"tcp" or
"tls") with FD as the master
socket. If CONNECTED is true this master socket is connected and
DST will in this case be interpreted as the peer of the socket. But
a connected master socket makes only sense for UDP and only if the
communication should be limited to specific party, like an outgoing SIP
proxy. In the common case that CONNECTED is false the optional
DST given as "[ip, port, family]"
will be interpreted as restriction for the communication, i.e. it will be
forced as destination in sendto no matter what was given and it
will be checked that any received data origin from the expected peer
With the optional TLS argument a hash can be givevn wth
arguments used in creation of the IO::Socket::SSL objects when
<PROTO> is "tls". This typically
includes location of the certificate and key with
"SSL_cert_file" and
"SSL_key_file". These arguments will
be used for both server and client SSL sockets which also means that the
certificate configured as server certificates will also be used as
client certificates if the peer requires authentication with client
certificates. The special argument
"verify_client" in TLS can be
used to require authentication with client certificates by the peer. It
can be set to 0 for no client certificates,
"-1" for optional and
1 for required client certificates.
- sendto(PKT, DST,
- This method is used indirectly from Leg::deliver to deliver a new
packet to its destinination.
This will deliver the Net::SIP::Packet PKT to the
target DST given as hash with
"family" and will invoke
CALLBACK when done. Callback can be anything accepted by
invoke_callback from Net::SIP::Util.
With TCP the SocketPool will try to find an existing
connected socket to the target first before creating a new one. For
response packets it will prefer the socket where the request packet came
in, if possible.
With UDP instead it will just use the master socket for
- master
- This will just return the FD for the master socket. This is used by
Leg in case the SocketPool was created outside the
- attach_eventloop(LOOP,
- This attaches the SocketPool to a Net::SIP::Dispatcher::EventLoop
object so that it can be used for event based I/O. This attaches
CALLBACK as read handler to the given LOOP to handle new
packets coming in through the sockets inside the SocketPool. It
will accept any callback suitable for invoke_callback and will
invoke it with "[PKT, FROM]" where
PKT is the freshly read Net::SIP::Packet and FROM the origin
of this packet as hash. This hash includes
"port" of the sender,
"family" of the socket,
"proto" as the used protocol (i.e.
'udp', 'tcp' or 'tls') and "socket" for
the local socket object where the packet was received on. This socket is
either an IO::Socket or IO::Socket::SSL object and is only intended for
passive use, for example to extract the certificate send by the peer.
If LOOP is undef it will just detach from the current
This function is used from inside Net::SIP::Dispatcher to
attach a legs sockets to the event loop and process incoming data.
Additionally to these methods the internal configuration can be
adjusted with "use" or
use Net::SIP::SocketPool (MAX_SIP_HEADER => 2**14, ... );
The following settings are possible this way:
- maximum size of SIP header, default
- maximum size of SIP body, default
- This is maximum size of remembered incoming requests per socket. These
requests need to be remembered so that outgoing responses can be sent back
through the same connection as the request came in. This defaults to
- The minimal time for socket expiration and the maximum time. These default
to 15 and 120 (seconds). The exact time for expiration depends on the
number of sockets in the socketgroup, i.e. the more sockets the shorter
the expiration timeout.
- The timeout used for establishing a TCP connection. Default to 10
- The amount of data it tries to read within a single sysread, default