DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libnetsds-kannel-perl / NetSDS::Kannel.3pm.en
NetSDS::Kannel(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation NetSDS::Kannel(3pm)

NetSDS::Kannel - Kannel SMS gateway API

        #!/usr/bin/env perl
        use 5.8.0;
        use warnings;
        use strict;
        use NetSDS::Kannel;
        my $kannel = NetSDS::Kannel->new(
                sendsms_url    => 'http://localhost:1234/sendsms',
                sendsms_user   => 'sender',
                sendsms_passwd => 'secret',
                default_smsc   => 'esme-megafon',
        $res = $kannel->send(
                from     => '1234',
                to       => '380672222111',
                text     => 'Hallo there!',
                smsc     => 'emse-mts',
                priority => 3,

"NetSDS::Kannel" module provides API to Kannel SMS gateway.

To decrease innecessary problems we use a lot of predefined parameters while sending and receiving messages via Kannel HTTP API. It's not so flexible as direct HTTP processing but less expensive in development time ;-)

This modules uses LWP to send messages and to process messages from Kannel.

Constructor creates Kannel API handler and set it's configuration. Most of these parameters may be overriden while object method calls.

Admin API parameters:

* admin_url - Kannel admin API URL

* admin_passwd - password to admin API

Sending SMS API parameters:

* sendsms_url - URL of Kannel sendsms HTTP API

* sendsms_user - user name for sending SMS

* sendsms_passwd - password for sending SMS

* dlr_url - base URL for DLR retrieving

* default_smsc - default SMSC identifier for sending SMS

* default_timeout - default sending TCP timeout

This method allows to send SMS message via Kannel SMS gateway.

Parameters (mostly the same as in Kannel sendsms API):

* from - source address (overrides message)

* to - destination address (overrides message)

* text - message text (byte string)

* udh - user data header (byte string)

* charset - charset of text

* coding - 0 for GSM 03.38, 1 for binary, 2 for UCS2

* smsc - target SMSC (overrides default one)

* mclass - message class if necessary (0 for flash sms)

* validity - TTL for MO SM in minutes

* deferred - timeout for delayed delivery


        use NetSDS::Kannel;
        use NetSDS::Util::Misc;
        my $kannel = NetSDS::Kannel->new(...);
                from => '1234',
                to => '380672206770',
                text => 'Wake up!!!',
                smsc => 'nokia_modem',
                msgid => make_uuid,
This method provides import message structure from CGI request . This method is just wrapper around "receive_mo()" and "receive_dlr()" methods.

Message type (MO or DLR) recognized by "type" CGI parameter that may be "mo" or "dlr".

        my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new();
        my %ret = $kannel->receive($cgi);
This method provides import message structure from CGI request .

Imported MO message parameters returned as hash with the following keys:

* smsc - Kannel's SMSC Id

* smsid - SMSC message ID

* from - subscriber's MSISDN

* to - service address (short code)

* time - SMS receive time

* unixtime SMS receive time as UNIX timestamp

* text - MO SM text

* bin - MO SM as binary string

* udh - SMS UDH (User Data Headers)

* coding - SMS encoding (0 - 7 bit GSM 03.38; 2 - UCS2-BE)

* charset - charset of MO SM text while receiving from Kannel

* binfo - SMPP "service_type" parameter for billing puroses

This method provides import message structure from CGI request .

"receive_dlr" method returns hash with the following keys:

* smsc - kannel SMSC id

* msgid - original MT SM message id for DLR identification

* smsid - SMSC message ID

* from - subscriber's MSISDN (phone number)

* to - service address (short code)

* time - delivery time

* unixtime - delivery time as UNIX timestamp

* dlr - DLR state

* dlrmsg - DLR message from SMSC


        my $cgi = CGI->new();
        my %dlr = $kannel->receive_dlr($cgi);
        print "DLR received for MSISDN: " . $dlr{from};
This method creates URI escaped string with URL template for DLR notification.

Paramters: hash (dlr_url, msgid)

Returns: URI escaped DLR URL

This method creates URI escaped string with optional SMPP tag-lenght-value (TLV) parameters to send them in "meta-data" CGI paramter of Kannel's "sendsms" HTTP API.

Format of "meta-data" parameter value:


Paramters: hash of TLV pairs

Returns: URI escaped string


        my $meta = $self->make_meta(
                charging_id => '0',

This will return: %3Fsmpp%3Fcharging_id%3D0

Not implemented yet.

See Nibelite kannel API

  • NetSDS::Class::Abstract - base NetSDS class
  • <> - Kannel User Guide

1. Add PPG support.

2. Add OTA support.

Michael Bochkaryov <>

Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Net Style Ltd.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

2021-12-26 perl v5.32.1