DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libnutscan-dev / nutscan_add_option_to_device.3.en

nutscan_add_option_to_device - Add option data to the specified device.

#include <nut-scan.h>

void nutscan_add_option_to_device(

nutscan_device_t * device,
char * option_name,
char * value);

The nutscan_device_t contains the following variables:

nutscan_device_type_t   type;
char *          driver;
char *          port;
nutscan_options_t       opt;
struct nutscan_device * prev;
struct nutscan_device * next;

This is a double linked list of device. Each device is described by its type, its driver name, its port and any number of optional data.

The nutscan_add_option_to_device() adds an optional data in the given device. Optional data are made of an option_name and an associated value. Copies of option_name and value are stored in the device, so the caller can safely free both of the original strings used as arguments.

Technically, the function is currently defined in nutscan-device.h file.

nutscan_scan_usb(3), nutscan_scan_xml_http_range(3), nutscan_scan_nut(3), nutscan_scan_avahi(3), nutscan_scan_ipmi(3), nutscan_scan_snmp(3), nutscan_display_ups_conf(3), nutscan_display_parsable(3), nutscan_new_device(3), nutscan_free_device(3), nutscan_add_device_to_device(3)

01/25/2023 Network UPS Tools 2.8.0