DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libnutscan-dev / nutscan_scan_xml_http_range.3.en

nutscan_scan_xml_http_range - Scan network for XML/HTTP devices.

#include <nut-scan.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* useconds_t */

nutscan_device_t * nutscan_scan_xml_http_range(

const char * start_ip,
const char * end_ip,
useconds_t usec_timeout,
nutscan_xml_t * sec)

The nutscan_scan_xml_http_range() function tries to detect NUT compatible XML/HTTP devices.

If start_ip is NULL, the function does this by issuing a broadcast message on currently configured network interfaces.

Otherwise, it queries every IP ranging from start_ip to stop_ip. Those IP arguments may be either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or host names.

It waits up to usec_timeout microseconds for a response from potential devices.

You MUST call nutscan_init(3) before using this function.

The nutscan_scan_xml_http_range() function returns a pointer to a nutscan_device_t structure containing all found devices or NULL if an error occurs or no device is found.

nutscan_init(3), nutscan_scan_usb(3), nutscan_scan_snmp(3), nutscan_scan_nut(3), nutscan_scan_avahi(3), nutscan_scan_ipmi(3), nutscan_display_ups_conf(3), nutscan_display_parsable(3), nutscan_new_device(3), nutscan_free_device(3), nutscan_add_option_to_device(3), nutscan_add_device_to_device(3), nutscan_scan_eaton_serial(3)

01/25/2023 Network UPS Tools 2.8.0