DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / libpng-dev / libpng16-config.1.en
libpng16-config(1) Debian GNU/Linux libpng16-config(1)

libpng16-config - get information about installed libpng library

libpng16-config [OPTION] ...

Provides information about libpng library.

Known values for OPTION are:

print libpng prefix
print path to directory containing library
print library linking information
print compiler options
print pre-processor flags
print preprocessor flags, I_opts, and compiler options
print "-I" include options
print linker "-L" flags for dynamic linking
print dynamic linker "-R" or "-rpath" flags
print linker options
print linker flags (ldopts, L_opts, R_opts, and libs)
revise subsequent outputs for static linking
print this help and exit
print version information

This manpage has been written by Junichi Uekawa <> for Debian GNU/Linux system, with the help of help2man, and may be used by others.

15 Apr 2011 libpng