Tk::CodeText::Template - a template for syntax highlighting
Tk::CodeText::Template is a framework to assist authors of plugin
modules. All methods to provide highlighting in a Tk::CodeText widget are
there, Just no syntax definitions and callbacks. An instance of
Tk::CodeText::Template should never be created, it's meant to be sub classed
- callbacks({'Tagname'
=> \&callback, ...});
- sets and returns the instance variable 'callbacks'
- highlight($text);
- highlights $text. It does so
by selecting the proper callback from the commands hash and invoke
it. It will do so untill $text has been reduced to
an empty string.
- listAdd('listname',
$item2 ...);
- Adds a list to the 'lists' hash.
- lists(?\%lists?);
- sets and returns the instance variable 'lists'.
- out(?\@highlightedlist?);
- sets and returns the instance variable 'out'.
- parserError('text');
- Error trapping method. Tries to escape the current mode. If that is not
possible, it will parse the text with the default tag. Furthermore it
complains about being called at all. Usefull for debugging when writing a
new plugin.
- rules(?\@rules?)
- sets and returns a reference to a list of tagnames and options. By default
it is set to [].
- snippetAppend($string)
- appends $string to the
current snippet.
- snippetParse(?$text?,
- parses $text to the 'out' list, and assigns
$tagname to it. If
$tagname is not specified it will look for the
tagname by calling stackTop. If
$text is also not specified
it will look for text by calling snippet.
- stack
- sets and returns the instance variable 'stack', a reference to an
- stackPull
- retrieves the element that is on top of the stack, decrements stacksize by
- stackPush($tagname)
- puts $tagname on top of the
stack, increments stacksize by 1
- stackTop
- retrieves the element that is on top of the stack.
- stateCompare(\@state);
- Compares two lists, \@state and the stack. returns true if they
- stateGet
- Returns a list containing the entire stack.
- stateSet(@list)
- Accepts @list as the current
- tokenParse('Tagname');
- Parses the currently build snippet and tags it with 'Tagname'
- tokenTest($value,
- returns true if $value is and element of
'Listname' in the 'lists' hash
Hans Jeuken (