LIBVDEPLUG_VDESL(1) | General Commands Manual | LIBVDEPLUG_VDESL(1) |
libvdeplug_vdesl - vdesl vdeplug module: ethernet over serial link
This libvdeplug module creates point-to-point virtual ethernet networks over serial links.
This module of libvdeplug4 can be used in any program supporting vde like vde_plug, vdens, kvm, qemu, user-mode-linux and virtualbox.
The vde_plug_url syntax of this module is the following:
vdesl://device_path [ [ OPTION [ /OPTION]...] ]
Scenario: two hosts connected by a serial line. e.g.: RS-232 serial ports connected by a null modem cable, USB-ttl cables or USB-FTDI boards or UART pins of System-on-Chip point-to-point connected so that the RXD on one end is connected to TXD on the other and viceversa.
In the following we use the device /dev/ttyAMA0, this may be changed to address the actual device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0...). No other processes should be using the serial port (e.g. no getty-login process should be active on it).
The following command (on both hosts) creates two vde namespaces connected by a virtual point-to-point ethernet network.
vdens vdesl:///dev/ttyAMA0
Run the following command on both hosts to create a virtual interface named vdesl0 on each end. The two interfaces are connected by a 4Mbaud link.
sudo vde_plug -d tap://vdesl0 vdesl:///dev/ttyAMA0[speed=4000000]
Virtual Distributed Ethernet is not related in any way with ("Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik" i.e. the German "Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies").
VirtualSquare. Project leader: Renzo Davoli
November 2020 | VirtualSquare |