encoder_ratio - an electronic gear to synchronize two axes
loadrt encoder_ratio [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]]
encoder_ratio can be used to synchronize two axes (like an "electronic gear"). It counts encoder pulses from both axes in software, and produces an error value that can be used with a PID loop to make the slave encoder track the master encoder with a specific ratio.
This module supports up to eight axis pairs. The number of pairs is set by the module parameter num_chan. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas.
The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is one.
The names for pins and parameters are prefixed as:
encoder-ratio.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num
nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using
The encoder-ratio.N. format is shown in the following descriptions.
2007-01-16 | LinuxCNC Documentation |