Worst-case scheduling error (in ns). This is the largest discrepancy
between ideal thread period, and actual time between sequential runs of
this component. This uses the absolute value of the error, so 'got run too
early' and 'got run too late' both show up as positive jitter.
Scheduling error (in ns) of the current invocation. This is the
discrepancy between ideal thread period, and actual time since the
previous run of this component. This uses the absolute value of the error,
so 'got run too early' and 'got run too late' both show up as positive
Scheduling error (in ns) of the current invocation. This is the
discrepancy between ideal thread period, and actual time since the
previous run of this component. This does not use the absolute value of
the error, so 'got run too early' shows up as negative error and 'got run
too late' shows up as positive error.