lpe - Lightweight programmer's editor
lpe [ --help | --version ]
lpe [ -- ] file
This page needs to be translated into Bulgarian!!!
Lpe is a minimalist, visual, real-time text editor designed
to make editing code easier without alienating its user from the shell. It
includes abilities to search files for plain text and block cut and paste,
along with standard editing capabilities. It takes some inspiration from
emacs(1) and pico(1).
- --help
- Prints a brief description of program usage and terminates. This must be
the first option to lpe, and all other options are ignored.
- --version
- Prints a message indication the program version and terminates. This must
be the first option to lpe, and all other options are ignored.
- --
- Treat future arguments as file names, not options. This allows lpe to be
used to edit files starting with the - character.
As mentioned above, lpe is designed as a minimalist editor, meant
to be small and robust and efficient, but not to provide too many
superfluous features. For this reason, it should not be difficult to learn
to use lpe, provided that one is willing to invest effort to learn a few
basic keys.
- Up or Alt-K
- Go to previous line of text
- Down or
- Go to next line of text
- Left or
- Move cursor left one column
- Right or
- Move cursor right one column
- Home or
- Move cursor to beginning of line
- End or
- Move cursor to end of line
- PageUp or
- Scroll one screen up
- PageDn or
- Scroll one screen down
- Alt-A
- Move cursor to beginning of buffer
- Alt-S
- Move cursor to end of buffer
- Ctrl-S
- Search for a specified string in the file
- Ctrl-K
- Kill the current line
- Ctrl-Y or
- Insert the most recent block of killed lines
- Ctrl-T
- Toggle between hard and soft tab characters
- Ctrl-O
- Open a new file within the editor
- Ctrl-W
- Write the buffer to disk
- Ctrl-Q
- Save to an alternate file
- Ctrl-E
- Forget modifications to the buffer
- Ctrl-X
- Write the buffer to disk and exit
- Ctrl-D
- Perform an internal debug command
- <interrupt>
- Exit without writing to disk
- Ctrl-Z
- Suspend the editor and escape to a prompt
<interrupt> refers to your terminal's interrupt
key. This is often Ctrl-C, but can vary between terminals. Ctrl-Z, on
the other hand, is fixed, regardless of the normal stop key for your
Chris Smith, cd_smith@ou.edu
Lots of 'em -- see the BUGS file in the distribution for a partial
list. I am not planning on updating this man page often enough to keep up
with the bug list, so I won't even try to list bugs here.