ltsp.conf - client configuration file for LTSP
The LTSP client configuration file is placed at
/etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf and it loosely follows the .ini format. It is
able to control various settings of the LTSP server and clients. After each
ltsp.conf modification, the ltsp initrd command needs to be run so
that it's included in the additional ltsp.img initrd that is sent when the
clients boot.
To create an initial ltsp.conf, run the following command:
install -m 0660 -g sudo /usr/share/ltsp/common/ltsp/ltsp.conf /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf
The optional -g sudo parameter allows users in the sudo
group to edit ltsp.conf with any editor (e.g. gedit) without running
Open and view the /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf file that you just created,
so that it's easier to understand its syntax.
The configuration file is separated into sections:
- The special [server] section is evaluated only by the ltsp server.
- The special [common] section is evaluated by both the server and ltsp
- In the special [clients] section, parameters for all clients can be
defined. Most ltsp.conf parameters should be placed there.
- MAC address, IP address, or hostname sections can be used to apply
settings to specific clients. Those support globs, for example
- It's also possible to group parameters into named sections like
[crt_monitor] in the example, and reference them from other sections with
the INCLUDE= parameter.
- Advanced users may also use [applet/host] sections, for example
[initrd-bottom/library*] would be evaluated by the ltsp
initrd-bottom applet only for clients that have a hostname that starts
with "library".
The ltsp.conf configuration file is internally transformed into a
shell script, so all the shell syntax rules apply, except for the sections
headers which are transformed into functions.
This means that you must not use spaces around the "="
sign, and that you may write comments using the "#" character.
The ltsp initrd command does a quick syntax check by
running sh -n /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf and aborts if it detects syntax
The following parameters are currently defined; an example is
given in each case.
- ADD_IMAGE_EXCLUDES="/etc/ltsp/add-image.excludes"
- Add or omit items to the ltsp image exclusion list. Some files and
directories shouldn't be included in the generated image. The initial list
is defined in /usr/share/ltsp/server/image/image.excludes. It can be
completely overridden by creating /etc/ltsp/image.excludes.
ADD_IMAGE_EXCLUDES and OMIT_IMAGE_EXCLUDES can finetune the list by adding
or removing lines to it. They can either be filenames or multiline text.
- AUTOLOGIN="user01"
- GDM3_CONF="WaylandEnable=false"
- LIGHTDM_CONF="greeter-hide-users=true"
- SDDM_CONF="/etc/ltsp/sddm.conf"
- Configure the display manager to log in this user automatically. If SSHFS
is used, the PASSWORDS_x parameter (see below) must also be provided.
AUTOLOGIN can be a simple username like "user01", or it can be a
partial regular expression that transforms a hostname to a username. For
example, AUTOLOGIN="pc/guest" means "automatically log in
as guest01 in pc01, as guest02 in pc02 etc". Setting RELOGIN=0 will
make AUTOLOGIN work only once. Finally, the *_CONF parameters can be
either filenames or direct text, and provide a way to write additional
content to the generated display manager configuration.
- CRONTAB_x="30
15 * * * root poweroff"
- Add a line in crontab. The example powers off the clients at 15:30.
- Set the CUPS server in the client /etc/cups/client.conf. Defaults to
$SERVER. You're supposed to also enable printer sharing on the server by
running cupsctl _share_printers=1 or system-config-printer
or by visiting http://localhost:631. Then all printers can be managed on
the LTSP server. Other possible values are
CUPS_SERVER="localhost", when a printer is connected to a
client, or CUPS_SERVER="ignore", to skip CUPS server handling.
- Write warnings and error messages to /run/ltsp/debug.log. Defaults to 0.
- Launch a debug shell when errors are detected. Defaults to 0.
- DEFAULT_IMAGE="x86_64"
- These parameters can be defined under [mac:address] sections in ltsp.conf,
and they are used by ltsp ipxe to generate the iPXE menu. They
control the default menu item, the additional kernel parameters and the
menu timeout for each client. They can also be defined globally under
- DISABLE_SESSION_SERVICES="evolution-addressbook-factory
- KEEP_SESSION_SERVICES="at-spi-dbus-bus"
- MASK_SESSION_SERVICES="gnome-software-service
apt-daily-upgrade rsyslog"
- Space separated lists of services to disable, permit or mask on LTSP
clients. They mostly correspond to systemctl disable/mask [--user]
invocations. Setting these ltsp.conf parameters adds or omits items from
the default lists that are defined in
/usr/share/ltsp/client/init/ Disabled services can
be started on demand by e.g. dbus or socket activation, while masked
services need to be manually unmasked first. Currently,
MASK_SESSION_SERVICES also deletes the non-systemd user services from
- Specify the DNS servers for the clients.
- FSTAB_x="server:/home
/home nfs defaults,nolock 0 0"
- All parameters that start with FSTAB_ are sorted and then their values are
written to /etc/fstab at the client init phase.
- HOSTNAME="pc01"
- Specify the client hostname. Defaults to "ltsp%{IP}". HOSTNAME
may contain the %{IP} pseudovariable, which is a sequence number
calculated from the client IP and the subnet mask, or the %{MAC}
pseudovariable, which is the MAC address without the colons.
- HOSTS_x="
- All parameters that start with HOSTS_ are sorted and then their values are
written to /etc/hosts at the client init phase.
- Specifying this option under the [clients] section copies the rootfs image
to RAM during boot. That makes clients less dependent on the server, but
they must have sufficient memory to fit the image.
- INCLUDE="other-section"
- Include another section in this section.
- Activate local swap partitions. Defaults to 1.
- UDEV_SEAT_n_x="*/usb?/?-[2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]/*"
- MULTISEAT=1 tries to autodetect if an LTSP client has two graphics cards
and to automatically split them along with the USB ports into two seats.
Optional lines like UDEV_SEAT_1_SOUND="*/sound/card1*"
can be used to finetune the udev rules that will be generated and placed
in a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/72-ltsp-seats.rules.
- NAT=0|1
- Only use this under the [server] section. Normally, ltsp service
runs when the server boots and detects if a server IP is, in
which case it automatically enables IP forwarding for the clients to be
able to access the Internet in dual NIC setups. But if there's a chance
that the IP isn't set yet (e.g. disconnected network cable), setting NAT=1
enforces that.
- OMIT_FUNCTIONS="pam_main
- A space separated list of function names that should be omitted. The
functions specified here will not be executed when called. This option can
be specified in any [section].
- PASSWORDS_x="teacher/cXdlcjEyMzQK
[a-z][-0-9]*/MTIzNAo= guest[^:]*/"
- A space separated list of regular expressions that match usernames,
followed by slash and base64-encoded passwords. At boot, ltsp init
writes those passwords for the matching users in /etc/shadow, so that then
pamltsp can pass them to SSH/SSHFS. The end result is that those users are
able to login either in the console or the display manager by just
pressing [Enter] at the password prompt.
Passwords are base64-encoded to prevent over-the-shoulder spying and to
avoid the need for escaping special characters. To encode a password in
base64, run base64, type a single password, and then Ctrl+D.
In the example above, the teacher account will automatically use
"qwer1234" as the password, the a1-01, b1-02 etc students will
use "1234", and the guest01 etc accounts will be able to use an
empty password without even authenticating against the server; in this
case, SSHFS can't be used, /home should be local or NFS.
-s /etc/ltsp/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
- All parameters that start with POST_ and then have an ltsp client applet
name are sorted and their values are executed after the main function of
that applet. See the ltsp(8) man page for the available applets. The usual
place to run client initialization commands that don't need to daemonize
- PRE_APPLET_x="debug_shell"
- All parameters that start with PRE_ and then have an ltsp client applet
name are sorted and their values are executed before the main function of
that applet.
- Normally, all the server users are listed on the client login screens and
are permitted to log in. To exclude some of them, define one or more of
those regular expressions. For more information, read
/usr/share/ltsp/client/login/pwmerge. For example, if you name your
clients pc01, pc02 etc, and your users a01, a02, b01, b02 etc, then the
following line only shows/allows a01 and b01 to login to pc01:
- REMOTEAPPS="users-admin
- Register the specified applications as remoteapps, so that they're
executed on the LTSP server via ssh -X instead of on the clients.
For more information, see ltsp-remoteapps(8).
- RPI_IMAGE="raspios"
- Select this LTSP image to boot Raspberry Pis from. This symlinks all
$BASE_DIR/$RPI_IMAGE/boot/* files directly under $TFTP_DIR when ltsp
kernel $RPI_IMAGE is called. See the Raspberry Pi OS documentation
page ⟨⟩ for more
- A search domain to add to resolv.conf and to /etc/hosts. Usually provided
by DHCP.
- The LTSP server is usually autodetected; it can be manually specified if
there's need for it.
- X_DRIVER="vesa"
- X_HORIZSYNC="28.0-87.0"
- X_MODELINE='"1024x768_85.00"
94.50 1024 1096 1200 1376 768 771 775 809 -hsync +vsync'
- X_MODES='"1024x768"
"800x600" "640x480"'
- X_PREFERREDMODE="1024x768"
- X_VERTREFRESH="43.0-87.0"
- X_VIRTUAL="800
- If any of these parameters are set, the
/usr/share/ltsp/client/init/xorg.conf template is installed to
/etc/X11/xorg.conf, while applying the parameters. Read that template and
consult xorg.conf(5) for more information. The most widely supported
method to set a default resolution is X_MODES. If more parameters are
required, create a custom xorg.conf as described in the EXAMPLES section.
To specify a hostname and a user to autologin in a client:
The password above is "pass01" in base64 encoding. To
calculate it, the base64 command was run in a terminal:
<press Ctrl+D at this point>
If some clients need a custom xorg.conf file, create it in e.g.
/etc/ltsp/xorg-nvidia.conf, and put the following in ltsp.conf to
dynamically symlink it for those clients at boot:
POST_INIT_LN_XORG="ln -sf ../ltsp/xorg-nvidia.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
Since ltsp.conf is transformed into a shell script and sections
into functions, it's possible to directly include code or to call sections
at POST_APPLET_x hooks.
# Allow local root logins by setting a password hash for the root user.
# The hash contains $, making it hard to escape in POST_INIT_x="sed ...".
# So put sed in a section and call it at POST_INIT like this:
# This is the hash of "qwer1234"; cat /etc/shadow to see your hash.
sed 's|^root:[^:]*:|root:$6$VRfFL349App5$BfxBbLE.tYInJfeqyGTv2lbk6KOza3L2AMpQz7bMuCdb3ZsJacl9Nra7F/Zm7WZJbnK5kvK74Ik9WO2qGietM0:|' -i /etc/shadow
Copyright 2019-2022 the LTSP team, see AUTHORS.