LUA-URI-URN-ISBN(3) | Lua uri.urn.isbn module | LUA-URI-URN-ISBN(3) |
lua-uri-urn-isbn - ISBN URN support for Lua URI library
The class "uri.urn.isbn" is used for URNs with the NID 'isbn', that is, URIs which begin "urn:isbn:". It inherits from the uri.urn class.
Some of the functionality of this class depends on the lua-isbn(3) module being installed, although it can be used without that. In particular, if the module is installed then full checksum validation of the ISBN is performed, whereas without it the ISBN is only checked for invalid characters. The ISBN value is normalized to include hyphens in the conventional places if the lua-isbn module is installed (the exact hyphen positions depend on the number), but without it all hyphens are removed instead. If the ISBN ends in a checksum of 'x', then it folded to uppercase.
All the methods defined in lua-uri(3) and lua-uri-urn(3) are supported, as well as the following:
If a new value is provided then it must not be nil, and will be validated in the normal way, causing an exception if it is invalid.
This implements the 'isbn' NID defined in "RFC 3187", and is consistent with the same NID suggested in "RFC 2288".
2012-00-00 | 1.1 |