Maven - Creates a link in /usr/share/maven-repo for an existing
mh_linkjar [option]... [pom]
[dest_jar] [link]...
Create symlinks for a jar installed by other means. The symlinks
created include links to the jar in /usr/share/maven-repo, at the
correct location for Maven. It can also create additional links to the jar,
usually located in /usr/share/java.
- [pom] is the location of the POM associated with the jar to install.
- GroupId, artifactId and version will be extracted from this file.
- [dest_jar] is the path of the installed jar, usually located in the
- usr/share/java folder.
- [link] is an additional link to the jar to install, usually there
- be a link to usr/share/java/$jar.jar and usr/share/java/$jar-$version.jar
to comply with the Java packaging guidelines. Note that there is no need
to specify those particular links if the --java-lib option is
-h --help: show this text
-V --version: show the version
-p<package> --package=<package>: name
of the Debian package which
- will contain this jar file
-e<version>, --set-version=<version>:
set the version for the jar,
- do not use the version declared in the POM file.
-r<rules> --rules=<rules>: path to
the file containing the
- rules to apply when cleaning the POM. Optional, the default location is
debian/maven.rules Maven rules are used here to extract the groupId,
artifactId and version from the POM file.
-l --java-lib: Optional, if given it will install
the jar into
- /usr/share/java to comply with the Debian Java specification. The
jar will be installed as /usr/share/java/$name-$version.jar and a
versionless link /usr/share/java/$name.jar will point to it, as well as
the links installed in /usr/share/maven-repo
-n<name> --usj-name=<name>: Optional,
the name to use when installing the
- library in /usr/share/java when --java-lib is used. Defaults
to the artifact id found in the POM.
-j<version> --usj-version=<version>:
Optional, the version to use when
- installing the library in /usr/share/java when --java-lib is
used. Defaults to the version found in the POM.
-s --no-usj-versionless: Optional, don't install
the versionless link
- in /usr/share/java. This flag is used only when the -l or
--java-lib option is given.
--classifier=<classifier>: Optional, the classifier for
- the jar. Empty by default.
-v --verbose: show more information while
-n --no-act: don't actually do anything, just
print the results
--skip-clean-pom: don't clean the pom, assume that a
previous action ran
- mh_cleanpom with the correct options. mh_cleanpom is run only to extract
the groupId, artifactId and version of the jar