XFM2DEF(1) | MINC User's Guide | XFM2DEF(1) |
xfm2def - convert a MNI transform file to a deformation volume
xfm2def [options] input.xfm def_vol.mnc
xfm2def takes an input transform input.xfm that can consist of a series of concatenated transforms in a single xfm file and converts this into a single deformation volume that is output as def_vol.mnc. Note that the output is not a transform file itself, you can then make use of this volume in a MINC transform by creating an .xfm file as such:
MNI Transform File
Transform_Type = Grid_Transform;
Displacement_Volume = def_vol.mnc;
The output resolution and sampling of the deformation grid must be specified or a default size will be used. (100x100x100 1mm steps centred around the origin).
Andrew Janke
Copyright © 2010 Andrew Janke - a.janke@gmail.com
$Date: 2010-08-11 04:06:42 $ |