sgen - Mono XML Serializer GENerator
Generates pre-compilable custom XML serializer classes for
specific types.
- --assembly[:filename]
, -a
- Specifies the assembly filename to process.
- --type[:typefullname]
, -t
- Explicitly specifies the runtime type to process.
- --reference:[filename]
, -r
- Specifies an assembly filename, which is referenced by the target assembly
and thus required to process it.
- --compiler:[options]
, -c
- Specifies compiler options.
- --proxytypes ,
- (Not supported yet.)
- --debug , -d
- Indicates the compiler to generate debug information.
- --keep , -k
- Indicates the compiler to keep generated temporary source files.
- --force , -f
- Indicates the generator to force overwriting existing assembly.
- --out:[output-directory]
, -o
- Specifies the output directory for resulting files. By default, it is
current directory.
- --nologo ,
- Indicates to not print the logo for this tool.
- --silent ,
- Indicates the tool to run silently.
- --verbose ,
- Indicates the tool to be more verbose on its progress.
- --help , -?
- Display command line help.
Written by Lluis Sanchez Gual
Copyright (C) 2006 Novell.
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