MCONVERT(1) | Montage | MCONVERT(1) |
mConvert - Convert FITS data to a different data type (ie, integer to floating-point)
mConvert [-d level] [-s statusfile] [-b bitpix] [-min minval] [-max maxval] [-blank blankval] in.fits out.fits
mConvert changes the datatype of an image. When converting to floating point, no additional information is needed. However, when converting from higher precision (e.g. 64-bit floating point) to lower (e.g. 16-bit integer), scaling information is necessary. This can be given explicitly by the user or guessed by the program.
8 (character or unsigned binary integer) 16 (16-bit integer) 32 (32-bit integer) -32 (single precision floating point) -64 (double precision floating point).
Output image with the datatype as specified by the user (BITPIX).
Converting a single-precision image down to a 16-bit integer BITPIX, when the data is clustered between values of -0.01 and 0.1:
The drizzle algorithm has been implemented but has not been tested in this release.
If a header template contains carriage returns (i.e., created/modified on a Windows machine), the cfitsio library will be unable to read it properly, resulting in the error: [struct stat="ERROR", status=207, msg="illegal character in keyword"]
It is best for the background correction algorithms if the area described in the header template completely encloses all of the input images in their entirety. If parts of input images are "chopped off" by the header template, the background correction will be affected. We recommend you use an expanded header for the reprojection and background modeling steps, returning to the originally desired header size for the final coaddition. The default background matching assumes that there are no non-linear background variations in the individual images (and therefore in the overlap differences). If there is any uncertainty in this regard, it is safer to turn on the "level only" background matching (the "-l" flag in mBgModel.
2001-2015 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
If your research uses Montage, please include the following acknowledgement: "This research made use of Montage. It is funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number ACI-1440620, and was previously funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth Science Technology Office, Computation Technologies Project, under Cooperative Agreement Number NCC5-626 between NASA and the California Institute of Technology."
The Montage distribution includes an adaptation of the MOPEX algorithm developed at the Spitzer Science Center.
Dec 2016 | Montage 5 |