DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / mp3blaster / mp3tag.1.en
MP3TAG(1) General Commands Manual MP3TAG(1)

mp3tag - view and manipulate ID3v1 tags.

mp3tag [ -s song ] [ -a artist ] [ -l album ] [ -y year ] [ -e comment ] [ -k track ] [ -g genre ] [ -r ] file [ file ... ]

This manual page briefly documents the mp3tag command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have one.

mp3tag is a program that allows you to both view and manipulate ID3v1 metadata tags. Running the command with just a filename will display the file's current tag. Setting some options will cause the tag to be updated and displayed.

Set the artist name to artist. Strings over thirty characters are truncated.
Set the comment to comment. Strings over thirty characters are truncated.
Set the genre to genre. This is a single integer with a value of 0 to 254 corresponding to the appropriate Winamp compatible genre (use '-g list' to list all supported genres).
Set the track number to track. This is a single integer with a value of 0 to 255. Specifying this field truncates the comment field to twenty-eight characters, as per the ID3v1.1 standard.
Set the album name to album. Strings over thirty characters are truncated.
Merge new tag with any preexisting tag in the file.
Set the song name to song. Strings over thirty characters are truncated.
Set the year to year. Strings over four characters are truncated.

mp3tag foo.mp3

mp3tag -a Bar -l Baz foo.mp3

mp3tag -y 2001 -r foo.mp3

mp3tag was written by Bram Avontuur <>.

This manual page was written by Brian Boucheron <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others).

More info on ID3v1 can be found at <>.

February 19, 2004