nauty-addptg - add additional vertices in various ways
addptg [-lq] [-n#] [-j#] [-ck]
[-io] [infile [outfile]]
- Add a specified number of new vertices
- The output file has a header if and only if the input file does.
- -l
- canonically label outputs
- -c
- join each new vertex to all the old vertices
- -k
- make a clique on the set of new vertices
-n# the number of new vertices (default 1)
-j# join a new vertex to # old vertices in all possible
- (-j is incompatible with -n)
- -i
- for a digraph, edges go towards the old vertices
- -o
- for a digraph, edges go away from the old vertices
- (-i is the default if neither -i nor -o is
- -q
- Suppress auxiliary information