nauty-watercluster2 - (faster alternative to directg)
watercluster2 [ix] [oy] [S] [T]
[B] [Z] [C] [m]
- Reads graphs in g6 code or multicode (optional) from stdin and directs
- ix: the indegree of every vertex may be at most x.
- The default maximum indegree is unlimited.
- oy: the outdegree of every vertex may be at most y.
- The default maximum outdegree is unlimited.
- S : allow that for every pair of vertices x,y at most one of the edges
- and y-->x may be present. By default both of them may be present in the
same graph.
- T : Output directed graphs in T-code. This is a simple ASCII output
- Every line contains one graph. First the number of vertices, then the
number of directed edges and then the list of directed edges with the
start first and the end then. E.g.: 3 2 0 1 2 1 means 3 vertices, 2
directed edges: 0-->1 and 2-->1
- B : Output the directed graphs in a binary code. Every item of the code is
- unsigned char. The first unsigned char is the number nv of vertices. The
vertices are numbered 1..nv. Then the list of vertices x for which there
is a directed edge 1->x follow. This list is ended by a 0. Then the
list of outgoing neighbours of 2 follows -- again ended with a 0,
etc. The code is complete with the 0 ending the list of outgoing
neighbours of nv.
- Z : Output the directed graphs in digraph6 code. See formats.txt for
- complete definition.
- C : Do really construct all the directed graphs in memory, but don't
- them. This is not a big difference in case of restricted in- and
outdegrees, because all that is done extra is that edges are directed
instead of just keeping track of in- and out-degrees. This option is
intended only for testing purposes to test also routines that are normally
not used when counting. Things that would speed up the counting also in
some cases of restricted in- and out-degrees -- like multiplying
the possibilities of assigning directions to edges that can be assigned
directions independent of each other (depending on the degrees of the
endvertices and overlaps) -- are not included. In case of not
restrictive bounds on the in- and out-degree it not really constructing
the graphs can be considerably faster. In cases of restricted in- and
out-degrees the only difference is that the graph isn't modified. The fact
that in case of no output the graph is not modified is mainly to save time
for the one case of waterclusters, where large numbers were determined. If
large numbers (without output) for other cases shall be determined, one
should think about adding the multiplication routines.
- m : read multicode instead of g6 code
This program uses different labelling routines -- all based
on the ideas of
G. Brinkmann, Generating water clusters and other directed
graphs,mJournal of Mathematical Chemistry 46, 1112--1121 (2009)