DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ncbi-entrez-direct / efilter.1.en
EFILTER(1) NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual EFILTER(1)
NCBI "NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual"

efilter - filter and/or sort NCBI Entrez search results

efilter [-help] [-query str] [-days N] [-datetype field] [-mindate date] [-maxdate date] [-pub type] [-journal name] [-released when] [-country name] [-feature type] [-location type] [-molecule type] [-organism type] [-source type] [-division code] [-keyword purpose] [-purpose why] [-status alive] [-type type] [-class class]

efilter filters and/or sorts results from a previous Entrez Direct search.

Limit results to those matching the given query string.

Keep only results from the past N days.
Which date field (in abbreviated form) to consider.
Start of date range.
End of date range.

abstract, clinical, english, free, historical, journal, medline, preprint, published, retracted, retraction, review, or structured.
pnas, "j bacteriol", ...
last_week, last_month, last_year, or prev_years.

usa:minnesota, united_kingdom, "pacific ocean", ...
gene, mrna, cds, mat_peptide, ...
mitochondrion, chloroplast, plasmid, or plastid.
genomic, mrna, trna, rrna, or ncrna.
animals, archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, fungi, human, insects, mammals, plants, prokaryotes, protists, rodents, viruses, ...
genbank, insd, pdb, pir, refseq, select, swissprot, or tpa.
Three-letter GenBank division code: bct, con, env, est, gss, htc, htg, inv, mam, pat, phg, pln, pri, rod, sts, syn, una, vrl, or vrt.
baseline or targeted.

coding or pseudo.

acceptor, donor, coding, frameshift, indel, intron, missense, nonsense, or synonymous.

latest or replaced.

Print usage information.

combine-uid-lists(1), difference-uid-lists(1), esearch(1), nquire(1), exclude-uid-lists(1), intersect-uid-lists(1).

2023-02-18 NCBI