DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ncbi-tools-bin / asn2all.1.en
ASN2ALL(1) NCBI Tools User's Manual ASN2ALL(1)

asn2all - generate reports from ASN.1 biological data

asn2all [-] [-A acc] [-F filename] [-G] [-J n] [-K n] [-M] [-T] [-X] [-a type] [-b] [-c] [-d path] [-f format] [-h] [-i filename] [-k] [-l] [-n policy] [-o filename] [-p path] [-r] [-s db] [-v filename] [-x ext]

asn2all is primarily intended for generating reports from the binary ASN.1 Bioseq-set release files downloaded from the NCBI ftp site (ncbi-asn1 directory). It can produce GenBank and GenPept flatfiles, FASTA sequence files, INSDSet structured XML, TinySeq XML, and Sequin-style 5-column feature tables.

The release files (which have the extension .aso.gz) should be uncompressed with gunzip(1), resulting in files with the extension .aso. For example, gbpri1.aso is the first file in the primate division, and the command

gunzip gbpri1.aso.gz

will result in gbpri1.aso being created. The original gbpri1.aso.gz file is removed after successful decompression.

In asn2all, the name of the file to be processed is specified by the -i command line argument. Use -a t to indicate that it is a release file and -b to indicate that it is binary ASN.1. A text ASN.1 file obtained from Entrez can be processed by using -a a instead of -a t -b.

Nucleotide and protein records can be processed simultaneously. Use the -o argument to indicate the nucleotide output file, and the -v argument for the protein output file.

The -f argument determines the format to be generated, and is documented in more detail (along with other options) in the following section.

A summary of options is included below.

Print usage message
Accession to fetch; may take the form accession,complexity,flags where complexity should normally be 0 and a flags value of -1 enables fetching of external features
Accession Filter file
Relaxed Genome Mapping
Seq-loc from
Seq-loc to
Seq-loc Minus strand
Use Threads
EXtended qualifier output
-a type
Input ASN.1 type:
Automatic (default)
Batch Bioseq-set
Batch Seq-submit
Bioseq-set is Binary
Bioseq-set is Compressed
-d path
Path to indexed binary ASN.1 Data
-f format
Output Format:
GenBank/GenPept (default)
GenBank Master Style
Regenerated Defline
Sequin-style 5-column feature table
TinySet XML (akin to FASTA)
INSDSet XML (akin to GenBank/GenPept)
structurally equivalent text ASN.1
structurally equivalent XML
cache components
Display extra Help message
Input file name (standard input by default)
Enable local fetching
Lock components in advance
-n policy
Near FASTA policy:
Near only (default)
Far only
Nucleotide Output file name
-p path
Path to files
Enable Remote fetching
-s db
Source database:
Any (default)
Exclude segmented sequences
Protein output file name
-x ext
File selection suffix when working with entire directories. (default is .aso)

The command

asn2all -i gbpri1.aso -a t -b -f g -o gbpri1.nuc -v gbpri1.prt

will generate GenBank and GenPept reports from gbpri1.aso.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information.

asn2asn(1), asn2ff(1), asn2fsa(1), asn2gb(1), asn2idx(1), asn2xml(1), asndhuff(1), gene2xml(1), gunzip(1).

2016-09-01 NCBI