DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / netperfmeter / runtimeestimator.1.en
runtimeestimator(1) General Commands Manual runtimeestimator(1)

runtimeestimatorBatch Job Runtime Estimator

runtimeestimator [start_file] [total_runs] [current_run]

runtimeestimator is a simple program to estimate the total runtime of a batch job consisting of multiple runs. Upon initialisation, it initialises a start file with a time stamp. Each time a run is completed, it prints out the estimated total runtime.

The following arguments have to be provided:

The name of the start file.
The total number of runs.
The current run number that has just been completed.

Some netperfmeter usage examples:

runtimeestimator runtime.dat 100 0
Initialize runtime estimation (i.e. before the first run). The start file "runtime.dat" is created.
runtimeestimator runtime.dat 100 1
Completed run 1 of 100 (i.e. the first run).
runtimeestimator runtime.dat 100 5
Completed run 5 of 100.
runtimeestimator runtime.dat 100 100
Completed run 100 of 100 (i.e. all runs are complete).

Thomas Dreibholz

November 3, 2013 runtimeestimator