nimble - Nim Package Installer
nimble [nimbleopts] COMMAND
- install
- [pkgname, ...] Installs a list of packages. [-d, --depsOnly]
Installs only dependencies of the package. [opts, ...] Passes options to
the Nim compiler.
- develop
- [pkgname, ...] Clones a list of packages for development.
- Symlinks the cloned
packages or any package
- in the current working directory.
- check
- Verifies the validity of a package in the current working directory.
- init
- [pkgname] Initializes a new Nimble project in the
- current directory or if
a name is provided a
- new directory of the same name.
- [--git, --hg]
- Creates a git/hg repo in the new nimble project.
- publish
- Publishes a package on nim-lang/packages. The current working directory
needs to be the toplevel directory of the Nimble package.
- uninstall
- [pkgname, ...] Uninstalls a list of packages. [-i, --inclDeps]
Uninstalls package and dependent package(s).
- build
- [opts, ...] [bin] Builds a package. Passes options to the Nim
- compiler.
- run
- [opts, ...] [bin] Builds and runs a package.
- Binary needs to be
specified after any
- compilation options if there are several binaries defined. Any flags after
the binary or -- arg are passed to the binary when it is run.
- c, cc, js
- [opts, ...] f.nim Builds a file inside a package. Passes options
- to the Nim compiler.
- test
- Compiles and executes tests.
- [-c, --continue]
- Don't stop execution on a failed test.
- [opts, ...]
- Passes options to the Nim compiler.
- doc, doc2
- [opts, ...] f.nim Builds documentation for a file inside a
- package. Passes options to the Nim compiler.
- refresh
- [url] Refreshes the package list. A package list URL
- can be optionally specified.
- search
- pkg/tag Searches for a specified package. Search is
- performed by tag and by name.
- [--ver]
- Queries remote server for package version.
- list
- Lists all packages.
- [--ver]
- Queries remote server for package version.
- [-i, --installed]
- Lists all installed packages.
- tasks
- Lists the tasks specified in the Nimble package's Nimble file.
- path
- pkgname ... Shows absolute path to the installed packages
- specified.
- dump
- [pkgname] Outputs Nimble package information for
- external tools. The
argument can be a
- .nimble file, a project directory or the name of an installed
- [--ini, --json]
- Selects the output format (the default is --ini).