pkcsconf - configuration utility for the pkcsslotd daemon
pkcsconf [-itsmlIupPh] [-c slotnumber
-U userPIN -S SOPin -n newpin]
The pkcsconf utility displays and configures the state of
the pkcsslotd daemon and the tokens managed by the daemon.
- -i
- display PKCS11 info
- -t
- display token info
- -s
- display slot info
- -m
- display mechanism list
- -l
- display slot description
- -I
- initialize token
- -u
- initialize user PIN
- -p
- set the user PIN
- -P
- set the SO PIN
- -c SLOT
- specify the token slot for the operation
- the current user pin (for use when changing the user pin; -u and -p
options); if not specified, user will be prompted
- the current Security Officer (SO) pin (for use when changing the SO pin;
-P option); if not specified, user will be prompted
- the new pin (for use when changing either the user pin or the SO pin; -u,
-p and -P options); if not specified, user will be prompted
- -h
- show usage information