wallpaper = <color>
The background color of the application. Colors are
specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
keyboard-background = <color>
The keyboard background color. Colors are specified in
hex: #RRGGBB.
keyboard-map = us
Keyboard map layout, currently only 'us' is
keyboard-font = <TTF font file>
Path to the TTF font file to use for rendering keyboard
caps. This must be an absolute path to the font file.
keyboard-font-size = <value>
Size of keyboard cap font, in points.
key-foreground = <color>
The keyboard key cap font color. Colors are specified in
hex: #RRGGBB.
key-foreground-highlighted = <color>
The keyboard key font color when the key is
tapped/pressed. Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
key-background-letter = <color>
The background color for letter key caps on the keyboard.
Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
key-background-return = <color>
The background color for RETURN key cap on the keyboard.
Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
key-background-other = <color>
The background color for the symbols/numbers key caps on
the keyboard. Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
key-background-highlighted = <color>
The background color for key caps on the keyboard when
they are tapped/pressed. Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
key-radius = <value>
Radius, in pixels, for rounding corners of keyboard key
caps. A value of 0 disables rounded corners.
key-vibrate-duration = <value>
Duration, in milliseconds, for haptic vibration on key
key-preview-popup = true|false
Enables or disables the preview popup when a key on the
keyboard is touched.
inputbox-foreground = <color>
The font color for input box. Colors are specified in
hex: #RRGGBB.
inputbox-foreground-error = <color>
The font color for the input box when displaying an
error. Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
inputbox-background = <color>
The background color for the input box. Colors are
specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
inputbox-background-error = <color>
The background color for the input box when displaying an
error. Colors are specified in hex: #RRGGBB.
inputbox-radius = <value>
Radius, in pixels, for rounding corners of input box. A
value of 0 disables rounded corners.
inputbox-dot-glyph = <value>
Font character glyph to used to represent each character
of the passphrase. Can be set to "none" (without quotes) disable
displaying information about passphrase length on screen, or set to a valid
utf8 character from the configured font.
inputbox-font-size = <value>
Size of input box font, in points.
animations = true|false
Enables or disables animations in the application.
Disabling animations might help with making the application more responsive on
certain devices.