DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / patchutils / splitdiff.1.en

splitdiff - separate out incremental patches

splitdiff [-a] [-d] [-D dir] [-p n] [-E] [file]

splitdiff {[--help] | [--version]}

If you have a patch file composed of several incremental patches, you can use splitdiff to separate them out. You may want to do this in preparation for re-combining them with combinediff(1).

The effect of running splitdiff is to separate its input into a set of output files, with no output file patching the same file more than once.


Split out every single file-level patch.


Create file names such as a_b.c.patch for a patch that modifies a/b.c.

-D dir

Write output files into subdirectory dir. Implies -d.

-p n

Strip the first n components of the pathname to aid comparisons.


Don't use .patch filename extension when writing output files.


Display a short usage message.


Display the version number of splitdiff.

combinediff(1), lsdiff(1)

Tim Waugh <>

Package maintainer
4 Nov 2014 patchutils