PHYLOBOOT(1) | User Commands | PHYLOBOOT(1) |
phyloBoot - Generate simulated alignment data by parametric or nonparametric
Generate simulated alignment data by parametric or nonparametric bootstrapping, and/or estimate errors in phylogenetic model parameters. When estimating errors in parameters, the tree topology is not inferred -- estimated errors are conditional on the given topology.
If a model is given in the form of a .mod file (<model_fname>), then parametric bootstrapping is performed -- i.e., synthetic data sets are drawn from the distribution defined by the model. Otherwise, the input file is assumed to be a multiple alignment, and non-parametric bootstrapping is performed -- i.e., sites are drawn (with replacement) from the empirical distribution defined by the given alignment.
The default behavior is to produce simulated alignments, estimate model parameters for each one, and then write a table to stdout with a row for each parameter and columns for the mean, standard deviation (approximate standard error), median, minimum, and maximum of estimated values, plus the boundaries of 95%% and 90%% confidence intervals.
The --alignments-only option, however, allows the parameter estimation step to be bypassed entirely, and the program to be used simply to generate simulated data sets. See usage for phyloFit for additional details on tree-building options.
(See below for more details on options)
1. Estimation of parameter errors by parametric bootstrapping.
2. Estimation of parameter errors by nonparametric bootstrapping.
3. Parametric generation of simulated data.
4. Nonparametric generation of simulated data.
--nsites, -L <number> Number of sites in sampled alignments. If an alignment is
--nreps, -n <number> Number of replicates. Default is 100.
--msa-format, -i FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|MAF|SS
--alignments-only, -a <fname_root> Generate alignments and write them to files with given filename root, but do not estimate parameters.
--dump-mods, -d <fname_root>
--dump-samples, -m <fname_root>
--dump-format, -o FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|SS.
--read-mods, -R <fname_list> Read estimated models from list of filenames instead of generating alignments and estimating parameters. fname_list can be commadelimited list of files, or, if preceded by a '*', the name of a file containing the file names (one per line). Can be used to compute statistics for replicates that have been processed separately (see --alignments-only). When this option is used, the primary argument to the program (<model_fname>|<msa_fname>) will be ignored.
--output-average, -A <fname> Output a tree model representing the average of all input models to the specified file.
--quiet, -q
--help, -h Print this help message.
--tree, -t <tree_fname>|<tree_string> (Required if non-parametric and more than two species) Name of file or literal string defining tree topology.
--subst-mod, -s JC69|F81|HKY85|REV|SSREV|UNREST|R2|R2S|U2|U2S|R3|R3S|U3|U3S
--nrates, -k <nratecats> (default 1). Number of rate categories to use. Specifying a
--EM, -E Use EM rather than the BFGS quasi-Newton algorithm for parameter estimation.
--precision, -p HIGH|MED|LOW
--init-model, -M <mod_fname>
--init-random, -r
--scale,-P <rho> Scale input tree by factor rho before doing parametric simulations.
--subtree,-S <node> For use with --subtree-scale and/or subtree-switch. Define
--subtree-scale,-l <lambda> Scale subtree defined with --subtree option by factor lambda.
--subtree-switch,-w <prob>
--scale-file,-F <file> (For use with --subtree in parametric mode). Instead of using
--subtree-scale or --scale, read in a tab-delimited file with three columns: numSite,scale,subtree_scale. For each row in the file phyloBoot will simulate the given number of sites with those scaling factors, and then will move on to the next row, so that the total number of sites is the sum of the first column.
May 2016 | phyloBoot 1.4 |