phpcs - PHP code sniffer CLI tool
phpcs [-nwlsaepqvi] [-d
key[=value]] [--colors] [--no-colors]
[--cache=cacheFile] [--no-cache]
[--tab-width=tabWidth] [--report=report]
[--basepath=basepath] [--bootstrap=bootstrap]
[--warning-severity=severity] [--runtime-set
key value] [--config-set key value]
[--config-delete key] [--config-show]
[--standard=standard] [--sniffs=sniffs]
[--exclude=sniffs] [--encoding=encoding]
[--parallel=processes] [--generator=generator]
[--extensions=extensions [--ignore=patterns]
[--ignore-annotations] [--stdin-path=stdinPath]
[--file-list=fileList] [--filter=filter]
file ...
phpcs (or PHP_CodeSniffer) is a PHP5 script that tokenises
PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding
standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains
clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors
made by developers.
- Use a specific file for caching (uses a temporary file by default)
- A path to strip from the front of file paths inside reports
- A comma separated list of files to run before processing starts
- The encoding of the files being checked (default is iso-8859-1)
- A comma separated list of file extensions to check. The type of the file
can be specified using: ext/type e.g., module/php,es/js
- One or more files and/or directories to check
- A file containing a list of files and/or directories to check (one per
- Use either the "gitmodified" or "gitstaged" filter, or
specify the path to a custom filter class
- Use either the "HTML", "Markdown" or "Text"
generator (forces documentation generation instead of checking)
- A comma separated list of patterns to ignore files and directories
- How many files should be checked simultaneously (default is 1)
- Print either the full, xml, checkstyle, csv,
json, junit, emacs, source, summary,
diff, svnblame, gitblame, hgblame, or
notifysend report, or specify the path to a custom report class
(the full report is printed by default)
- Write the report to the specified file path
- How many columns wide screen reports should be printed or set to
"auto" to use current screen width, where supported
- The minimum severity required to display an error or warning
- A comma separated list of sniff codes to include or exclude during
checking (all sniffs must be part of the specified standard)
- The name or path of the coding standard to use
- If processing STDIN, the file path that STDIN will be processed as
- The number of spaces each tab represents
- Do not print warnings (shortcut for --warning-severity=0)
- Print both warnings and errors (this is the default)
- Local directory only, no recursion
- Show sniff codes in all reports
- Run interactively
- Explain a standard by showing the sniffs it includes
- Show progress of the run
- Quiet mode; disables progress and verbose output
- Stop error messages from being recorded (saves a lot of memory, but stops
many reports from being used)
- Print processed files
- Print ruleset and token output
- Print sniff processing information
- Show a list of installed coding standards
- Set the key php.ini value to value or true if
value is omitted
- Print the help message
- Print version information
- Use colors in output
- Do not use colors in output (this is the default)
- Cache results between runs
- Do not cache results between runs (this is the default)
- Ignore all phpcs: annotations in code comments