pvm_start_pvmd - Starts new PVM daemon.
C int info = pvm_start_pvmd( int argc, char **argv, int block )
Fortran call pvmfstartpvmd( args, block, info )
The routine pvm_start_pvmd starts up a pvmd3 process, the master of a new virtual machine. It returns as soon as the pvmd is started and ready for work. If the block parameter is nonzero and a hostfile is passed to the pvmd as a parameter, it returns when all hosts marked to start have been added. pvm_start_pvmd returns zero on success.
If PVM is compiled to allow running more than one pvmd per host, a task calling pvm_start_pvmd before any other pvm functions will connect to the pvmd that it starts. pvm_start_pvmd sets environment variable PVMSOCK to the address printed by the pvmd as it starts up.
C: static char *argv[] = { "-d41", "/u/jones/pvmd_hosts", }; argc = 2 info = pvm_start_pvmd( argc, argv, block ); Fortran: CALL PVMFSTART_PVMD( '-d41 /u/jones/pvmd_hosts', BLOCK, INFO )
C: static char *argv[] = { "-d41", "/u/jones/pvmd_hosts", }; argc = 2 info = pvm_start_pvmd( argc, argv, block ); Fortran: CALL PVMFSTART_PVMD( '-d41 /u/jones/pvmd_hosts', BLOCK, INFO )
The following error conditions can be returned
11 December, 1995 |