DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / python3-ezdxf / ezdxf.1.en
EZDXF(1) ezdxf EZDXF(1)

ezdxf - ezdxf Documentation [image]

Welcome! This is the documentation for ezdxf release 0.18.1, last updated Sep 14, 2022.

  • ezdxf is a Python package to create new DXF files and read/modify/write existing DXF files
  • MIT-License
  • the intended audience are programmers
  • requires at least Python 3.7
  • OS independent
  • tested with CPython and pypy3
  • has type annotations and passes mypy --ignore-missing-imports -p ezdxf successful
  • additional required packages for the core package without add-ons: typing_extensions, pyparsing
  • read/write/new support for DXF versions: R12, R2000, R2004, R2007, R2010, R2013 and R2018
  • read-only support for DXF versions R13/R14 (upgraded to R2000)
  • read-only support for older DXF versions than R12 (upgraded to R12)
  • read/write support for ASCII DXF and Binary DXF
  • retains third-party DXF content
  • optional C-extensions for CPython are included in the binary wheels, available on PyPI for Windows, Linux and macOS

Additional packages required for these add-ons are not automatically installed during the basic setup, for more information about the setup & dependencies visit the documentation.

  • drawing add-on to visualise and convert DXF files to images which can be saved to various formats such as png, pdf and svg
  • r12writer add-on to write basic DXF entities direct and fast into a DXF R12 file or stream
  • iterdxf add-on to iterate over DXF entities from the modelspace of huge DXF files (> 5GB) which do not fit into memory
  • importer add-on to import entities, blocks and table entries from another DXF document
  • dxf2code add-on to generate Python code for DXF structures loaded from DXF documents as starting point for parametric DXF entity creation
  • acadctb add-on to read/write Plot Style Files (CTB/STB)
  • pycsg add-on for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) modeling technique
  • MTextExplode add-on for exploding MTEXT entities into single-line TEXT entities
  • text2path add-on to convert text into linear paths
  • geo add-on to support the __geo_interface__
  • meshex add-on for exchanging meshes with other tools as STL, OFF or OBJ files
  • openscad add-on, an interface to OpenSCAD
  • odafc add-on, an interface to the ODA File Converter to read and write DWG files

Documentation of development version at

Documentation of latest release at

Source Code:

Issue Tracker:


Please post questions at the forum or stack overflow to make answers available to other users as well.

ezdxf is a Python interface to the DXF (drawing interchange file) format developed by Autodesk, ezdxf allows developers to read and modify existing DXF drawings or create new DXF drawings.

The main objective in the development of ezdxf was to hide complex DXF details from the programmer but still support most capabilities of the DXF format. Nevertheless, a basic understanding of the DXF format is required, also to understand which tasks and goals are possible to accomplish by using the DXF format.

Not all DXF features are supported yet, but additional features will be added in the future gradually.

ezdxf is also a replacement for my dxfwrite and my dxfgrabber packages but with different APIs, for more information see also: What is the Relationship between ezdxf, dxfwrite and dxfgrabber?

  • ezdxf is not a DXF converter: ezdxf can not convert between different DXF versions, if you are looking for an appropriate application, try the free ODAFileConverter from the Open Design Alliance, which converts between different DXF version and also between the DXF and the DWG file format.
  • ezdxf is not a CAD file format converter: ezdxf can not convert DXF files to other CAD formats such as DWG
  • ezdxf is not a CAD kernel and does not provide high level functionality for construction work, it is just an interface to the DXF file format. If you are looking for a CAD kernel with Python scripting support, look at FreeCAD.

ezdxf requires at least Python 3.7 and will be tested with the latest stable CPython version and the latest stable release of pypy3 during development.

ezdxf is written in pure Python with optional Cython implementations of some low level math classes and requires only pyparser and typing_extensions as additional library beside the Python Standard Library. pytest is required to run the unit and integration tests. Data to run the stress and audit test can not be provided, because I don’t have the rights for publishing this DXF files.

ezdxf is OS independent and runs on all platforms which provide an appropriate Python interpreter (>=3.7).

Version AutoCAD Release
AC1009 AutoCAD R12
AC1012 AutoCAD R13 -> R2000
AC1014 AutoCAD R14 -> R2000
AC1015 AutoCAD R2000
AC1018 AutoCAD R2004
AC1021 AutoCAD R2007
AC1024 AutoCAD R2010
AC1027 AutoCAD R2013
AC1032 AutoCAD R2018

ezdxf also reads older DXF versions but saves it as DXF R12.

The DXF format allows third-party applications to embed application-specific information. ezdxf manages DXF data in a structure-preserving form, but for the price of large memory requirement. Because of this, processing of DXF information of third-party applications is possible and will retained on rewriting.

ezdxf is licensed under the very liberal MIT-License.

The primary goal is to keep the dependencies of the core package as small as possible. The add-ons are not part of the core package and can therefore use as many packages as needed. The only requirement for these packages is an easy way to install them on Windows, Linux and macOS, preferably as:

pip3 install ezdxf

The pyparsing package and the typing_extensions are the only hard dependency and will be installed automatically by pip3!

The minimal required Python version is determined by the latest stable version of pypy3 and the Python version deployed by the Raspberry Pi OS, which is currently Python 3.7 (2021).

The most common case is the installation by pip3 including the optional C-extensions from PyPI as binary wheels:

pip3 install ezdxf

To use all features of the drawing add-on, add the [draw] tag:

pip3 install ezdxf[draw]

Tag Additional Installed Packages
[draw] Matplotlib, PySide6, Pillow
[draw5] Matplotlib, PyQt5, Pillow (use only if PySide6 is not available)
[test] geomdl, pytest
[dev] setuptools, wheel, Cython + [test]
[all] [draw] + [test] + [dev]
[all5] [draw5] + [test] + [dev] (use only if PySide6 is not available)

Ezdxf includes some C-extensions, which will be deployed automatically at each release to PyPI as binary wheels to PyPI:

  • Windows: only amd64 packages
  • Linux: manylinux and musllinux packages for x86_64 & aarch64
  • macOS: x86_64, arm64 and universal packages

The wheels are created by the continuous integration (CI) service provided by GitHub and the build container cibuildwheel provided by PyPA the Python Packaging Authority. The workflows are kept short and simple, so my future me will understand what’s going on and they are maybe also helpful for other developers which do not touch CI services every day.

The C-extensions are disabled for pypy3, because the JIT compiled code of pypy is much faster than the compiled C-extensions for pypy.

Disable C-Extensions

It is possible to disable the C-Extensions by setting the environment variable EZDXF_DISABLE_C_EXT to 1 or true:


or on Linux:


This is has to be done before anything from ezdxf is imported! If you are working in an interactive environment, you have to restart the interpreter.

Install the latest development version by pip3 from GitHub:

pip3 install git+

This is only required if you want the compiled C-extensions, the ezdxf installation by pip from the source code package works without the C-extension but is slower. There are many binary wheels including the compiles C-extensions available on PyPi.

Make a build directory and a virtual environment:

mkdir build
cd build
py -m venv py310

A working C++ compiler setup is required to compile the C-extensions from source code. Windows users need the build tools from Microsoft:

Download and install the required Visual Studio Installer of the community edition and choose the option: Visual Studio Build Tools 20..

Install required packages to build and install ezdxf with C-extensions:

pip3 install setuptools wheel cython

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

Build and install ezdxf from source code:

cd ezdxf
pip3 install .

Check if the installation was successful:

python3 -m ezdxf -V

The ezdxf command should run without a preceding python3 -m, but calling the launcher through the interpreter guarantees to call the version which was installed in the venv if there exist a global installation of ezdxf like in my case.

The output should look like this:

ezdxf 0.17.2b4 from D:\Source\build\py310\lib\site-packages\ezdxf
Python version: 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec  6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
using C-extensions: yes
using Matplotlib: no

To install optional packages go to section: Install Optional Packages

To run the included tests go to section: Run the Tests

I use sometimes the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for some tests (how to install WSL).

By doing as fresh install on WSL & Ubuntu, I encountered an additional requirement, the build-essential package adds the required C++ support:

sudo apt install build-essential

The system Python 3 interpreter has the version 3.8, but I will show in a later section how to install an additional newer Python version from the source code:

cd ~
mkdir build
cd build
python3 -m venv py38
source py38/bin/activate

Install Cython and wheel in the venv to get the C-extensions compiled:

pip3 install cython wheel

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

Build and install ezdxf from source code:

cd ezdxf
pip3 install .

Check if the installation was successful:

python3 -m ezdxf -V

The output should look like this:

ezdxf 0.17.2b4 from /home/mozman/src/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ezdxf
Python version: 3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08)
[GCC 9.3.0]
using C-extensions: yes
using Matplotlib: no

To install optional packages go to section: Install Optional Packages

To run the included tests go to section: Run the Tests

Testing platform is a Raspberry Pi 400 and the OS is the Raspberry Pi OS which runs on 64bit hardware but is a 32bit OS. The system Python 3 interpreter comes in version 3.7, but I will show in a later section how to install an additional newer Python version from the source code.

Install the build requirements, Matplotlib and the PyQt5 bindings from the distribution repository:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-matplotlib python3-pyqt5

Installing Matplotlib and the PyQt5 bindings by pip from piwheels in the venv worked, but the packages showed errors at import, seems to be an packaging error in the required numpy package. PySide6 is the preferred Qt binding but wasn’t available on Raspberry Pi OS at the time of writing this - PyQt5 is supported as fallback.

Create the venv with access to the system site-packages for using Matplotlib and the Qt bindings from the system installation:

cd ~
mkdir build
cd build
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages py37
source py37/bin/activate

Install Cython and wheel in the venv to get the C-extensions compiled:

pip3 install cython wheel

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

Build and install ezdxf from source code:

cd ezdxf
pip3 install .

Check if the installation was successful:

python3 -m ezdxf -V

The output should look like this:

ezdxf 0.17.2b4 from /home/pi/src/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ezdxf
Python version: 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44)
[GCC 8.3.0]
using C-extensions: yes
using Matplotlib: yes

To run the included tests go to section: Run the Tests

Because the (very well working) Raspberry Pi OS is only a 32bit OS, I searched for a 64bit alternative like Ubuntu, which just switched to version 21.10 and always freezes at the installation process! So I tried Manjaro as rolling release, which I used prior in a virtual machine and wasn’t really happy, because there is always something to update. Anyway the distribution looks really nice and has Python 3.9.9 installed.

Install build requirements and optional packages by the system packager pacman:

sudo pacman -S python-pip python-matplotlib python-pyqt5

Create and activate the venv:

cd ~
mkdir build
cd build
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages py39
source py39/bin/activate

The rest is the same procedure as for the Raspberry Pi OS:

pip3 install cython wheel
git clone
cd ezdxf
pip3 install .
python3 -m ezdxf -V

To run the included tests go to section: Run the Tests

I gave the Ubuntu Server 21.10 a chance after the desktop version failed to install by a nasty bug and it worked well. The distribution comes with Python 3.9.4 and after installing some requirements:

sudo apt install build-essential python3-pip python3.9-venv

The remaining process is like on WSL & Ubuntu except for the newer Python version. Installing Matplotlib by pip works as expected and is maybe useful even on a headless server OS to create SVG and PNG from DXF files. PySide6 is not available by pip and the installation of PyQt5 starts from the source code package which I stopped because this already didn’t finished on Manjaro, but the installation of the PyQt5 bindings by apt works:

sudo apt install python3-pyqt5

Use the --system-site-packages option for creating the venv to get access to the PyQt5 package.

Install the optional dependencies by pip only for Windows 10 and WSL & Ubuntu, for Raspberry Pi OS and Manjaro on Raspberry Pi install these packages by the system packager:

pip3 install matplotlib PySide6

This is the same procedure for all systems, assuming you are still in the build directory build/ezdxf and ezdxf is now installed in the venv.

Install the test dependencies and run the tests:

pip3 install pytest geomdl
python3 -m pytest tests integration_tests

Assuming you are still in the build directory build/ezdxf of the previous section.

Install Sphinx:

pip3 install Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme

Build the HTML documentation:

cd docs
make html

The output is located in build/ezdxf/docs/build/html.

Debian based systems have often very outdated software installed and sometimes there is no easy way to install a newer Python version. This is a brief summery how I installed Python 3.9.9 on the Raspberry Pi OS, for more information go to the source of the recipe: Real Python

Install build requirements:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \

libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm \
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev

Make a build directory:

cd ~
mkdir build
cd build

Download and unpack the source code from, replace 3.9.9 by your desired version:

tar -xvzf Python-3.9.9.tgz
cd Python-3.9.9/

Configure the build process, use a prefix to the directory where the interpreter should be installed:

./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.9.9 --enable-optimizations

Build & install the Python interpreter. The -j option simply tells make to split the building into parallel steps to speed up the compilation, my Raspberry Pi 400 has 4 cores so 4 seems to be a good choice:

make -j 4
sudo make install

The building time was ~25min and the new Python 3.9.9 interpreter is now installed as /opt/python3.9.9/bin/python3.

At the time there were no system packages for Matplotlib and PyQt5 for this new Python version available, so there is no benefit of using the option --system-site-packages for building the venv:

cd ~/build
/opt/python3.9.9/bin/python3 -m venv py39
source py39/bin/activate

I have not tried to build Matplotlib and PyQt5 by myself and the installation by pip from piwheels did not work, in this case you don’t get Matplotlib support for better font measuring and the drawing add-on will not work.

Proceed with the ezdxf installation from source as shown for the Raspberry Pi OS.

This section shows the intended usage of the ezdxf package. This is just a brief overview for new ezdxf users, follow the provided links for more detailed information.

First import the package:

import ezdxf

ezdxf supports loading ASCII and binary DXF files from a file:

doc = ezdxf.readfile(filename)

or from a zip-file:

doc = ezdxf.readzip(zipfilename[, filename])

Which loads the DXF file filename from the zip-file zipfilename or the first DXF file in the zip-file if filename is absent.

It is also possible to read a DXF file from a stream by the function, but this is a more advanced feature, because this requires detection of the file encoding in advance.

This works well with DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD, for loading DXF files with minor or major flaws look at the ezdxf.recover module.


Documentation for ezdxf.readfile(), ezdxf.readzip() and, for more information about file management go to the Document Management section. For loading DXF files with structural errors look at the ezdxf.recover module.

Save the DXF document with a new name:


or with the same name as loaded:


Documentation for and ezdxf.document.Drawing.saveas(), for more information about file management go to the Document Management section.

Create new file for the latest supported DXF version:

doc =

Create a new DXF file for a specific DXF version, e.g for DXF R12:

doc ="R12")

To setup some basic DXF resources use the setup argument:

doc =


Documentation for, for more information about file management go to the Document Management section.

Layouts are containers for DXF entities like LINE or CIRCLE. The most important layout is the modelspace labeled as “Model” in CAD applications which represents the “world” work space. Paperspace layouts represents plottable sheets which contains often the framing and the tile block of a drawing and VIEWPORT entities as scaled and clipped “windows” into the modelspace.

The modelspace is always present and can not be deleted. The active paperspace is also always present in a new DXF document but can be deleted, in that case another paperspace layout gets the new active paperspace, but you can not delete the last paperspace layout.

Getting the modelspace of a DXF document:

msp = doc.modelspace()

Getting a paperspace layout by the name as shown in the tab of a CAD application:

psp = doc.layout("Layout1")

A block is just another kind of entity space, which can be inserted multiple times into other layouts and blocks by the INSERT entity also called block references, this is a very powerful and important concept of the DXF format.

Getting a block layout by the block name:

blk = doc.blocks.get("NAME")

All these layouts have factory functions to create graphical DXF entities for their entity space, for more information about creating entities see section: Create new DXF Entities

The block definitions of a DXF document are managed by the BlocksSection object:

my_block ="MyBlock")


Tutorial for Blocks

As said in the Layouts and Blocks section, all graphical DXF entities are stored in layouts, all these layouts can be iterated and support the index operator e.g. layout[-1] returns the last entity.

The main difference between iteration and index access is, that iteration filters destroyed entities, but the index operator returns also destroyed entities until these entities are purged by layout.purge() more about this topic in section: Delete Entities.

There are two advanced query methods: query() and groupby().

Get all lines of layer "MyLayer":

lines = msp.query('LINE[layer=="MyLayer"]')

This returns an EntityQuery container, which also provides the same query() and groupby() methods.

Get all lines categorized by a DXF attribute like color:

all_lines_by_color = msp.query("LINE").groupby("color")
lines_with_color_1 = all_lines_by_color.get(1, [])

The groupby() method returns a regular Python dict with colors as key and a regular Python list of entities as values (not an EntityQuery container).


For more information go to the Tutorial for getting data from DXF files

Each DXF entity has a dxf namespace attribute, which stores the named DXF attributes, some DXF attributes are only indirect available like the vertices in the LWPOLYLINE entity. More information about the DXF attributes of each entity can found in the documentation of the ezdxf.entities module.

Get some basic DXF attributes:

layer = entity.dxf.layer  # default is "0"
color = entity.dxf.color  # default is 256 = BYLAYER

Most DXF attributes have a default value, which will be returned if the DXF attribute is not present, for DXF attributes without a default value you can check in the attribute really exist:


or use the get() method and a default value:

entity.dxf.get("true_color", 0)


Common graphical DXF attributes

The factory methods for creating new graphical DXF entities are located in the BaseLayout class. This means this factory methods are available for all entity containers:

  • Modelspace
  • Paperspace
  • BlockLayout

The usage is simple:

msp = doc.modelspace()
msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0), dxfattribs={"layer": "MyLayer"})


Thematic Index of Layout Factory Methods

A few important or required DXF attributes are explicit method arguments, most additional and optional DXF attributes are gives as a regular Python dict object. The supported DXF attributes can be found in the documentation of the ezdxf.entities module.


Do not instantiate DXF entities by yourself and add them to layouts, always use the provided factory function to create new graphical entities, this is the intended way to use ezdxf.

A block reference is just another DXF entity called INSERT, but the term “Block Reference” is a better choice and so the Insert entity is created by the factory function: add_blockref():

msp.add_blockref("MyBlock", (0, 0))


See Tutorial for Blocks for more advanced features like using Attrib entities.

A layer is not an entity container, a layer is just another DXF attribute stored in the entity and this entity can inherit some properties from this Layer object. Layer objects are stored in the layer table which is available as attribute doc.layers.

You can create your own layers:

my_layer = doc.layer.add("MyLayer")

The layer object also controls the visibility of entities which references this layer, the on/off state of the layer is unfortunately stored as positive or negative color value which make the raw DXF attribute of layers useless, to change the color of a layer use the property Layer.color

my_layer.color = 1

To change the state of a layer use the provided methods of the Layer object, like on(), off(), freeze() or thaw():


Layer Concept

The safest way to delete entities is to delete the entity from the layout containing that entity:

line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))

This removes the entity immediately from the layout and destroys the entity. The property is_alive returns False for a destroyed entity and all Python attributes are deleted, so line.dxf.color will raise an AttributeError exception, because line does not have a dxf attribute anymore.

Ezdxf also supports also destruction of entities by calling method destroy() manually:


Manually destroyed entities are not removed immediately from entities containers like Modelspace or EntityQuery, but iterating such a container will filter destroyed entities automatically, so a for e in msp: ... loop will never yield destroyed entities. The index operator and the len() function do not filter deleted entities, to avoid getting deleted entities call the purge() method of the container manually to remove deleted entities.

  • Reference documentation
  • Documentation of package internals: Developer Guides.

The Basic Concepts section teach the intended meaning of DXF attributes and structures without teaching the application of this information or the specific implementation by ezdxf, if you are looking for more information about the ezdxf internals look at the Reference section or if you want to learn how to use ezdxf go to the Tutorials section and for the solution of specific problems go to the Howto section.

The common assumption is also the cite of Wikipedia:

AutoCAD DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) is a CAD data file format developed by Autodesk for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other applications.

DXF was originally introduced in December 1982 as part of AutoCAD 1.0, and was intended to provide an exact representation of the data in the AutoCAD native file format, DWG (Drawing). For many years Autodesk did not publish specifications making correct imports of DXF files difficult. Autodesk now publishes the DXF specifications online.

The more precise cite from the DXF reference itself:

The DXF™ format is a tagged data representation of all the information contained in an AutoCAD® drawing file. Tagged data means that each data element in the file is preceded by an integer number that is called a group code. A group code’s value indicates what type of data element follows. This value also indicates the meaning of a data element for a given object (or record) type. Virtually all user-specified information in a drawing file can be represented in DXF format.

No mention of interoperability between AutoCAD and other applications.

In reality the DXF format was designed to ensure AutoCAD cross-platform compatibility in the early days when different hardware platforms with different binary data formats were used. The name DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) may suggest an universal exchange format, but it is not. It is based on the infrastructure installed by Autodesk products (fonts) and the implementation details of AutoCAD (MTEXT) or on licensed third party technologies (embedded ACIS entities).

For more information about the AutoCAD history see the document: The Autodesk File - Bits of History, Words of Experience by John Walker, founder of Autodesk, Inc. and co-author of AutoCAD.

The DXF reference is by far no specification nor a standard like the W3C standard for SVG or the ISO standard for PDF.

The reference describes many but not all DXF entities and some basic concepts like the tag structure or the arbitrary axis algorithm. But the existing documentation (reference) is incomplete and partly misleading or wrong. Also missing from the reference are some important parts like the complex relationship between the entities to create higher order structures like block definitions, layouts (model space & paper space) or dynamic blocks to name a few.

Because of the suboptimal quality of the DXF reference not all DXF viewers, creators or processors are of equal quality. I consider a CAD application as a reliable CAD application when the application creates valid DXF documents in the meaning and interpretation of Autodesk and a reliable DXF viewer when the result matches in most parts the result of the free Trueview viewer provided by Autodesk.

These are some applications which do fit the criteria of a reliable CAD application:

  • AutoCAD and Trueview
  • CAD applications based on the OpenDesignAlliance (ODA) SDK, see also ODA on wikipedia, even Autodesk is a corporate member, see their blog post from 22 Sep 2020 at adsknews but only to use the ODA IFC tools and not to improve the DWG/DXF compatibility
  • BricsCAD (ODA based)
  • GstarCAD (ODA based)
  • ZWCAD (ODA based)

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend any open source applications because everyone I know has serious shortcomings, at least as a DXF viewer, and I don’t trust them as a DXF creator either. To be clear, not even ezdxf (which is not a CAD application) is a reliable library in this sense - it just keeps getting better, but is far from reliable.

BTW: Don’t send bug reports based on LibreCAD or QCAD, I won’t waste my time on them.

The color attribute represents an ACI (AutoCAD Color Index). AutoCAD and many other CAD application provides a default color table, but pen table would be the more correct term. Each ACI entry defines the color value, the line weight and some other attributes to use for the pen. This pen table can be edited by the user or loaded from an CTB or STB file. Ezdxf provides functions to create (new()) or modify (ezdxf.acadctb.load()) plot styles files.

DXF R12 and prior are not good in preserving the layout of a drawing, because of the lack of a standard color table defined by the DXF reference and missing DXF structures to define these color tables in the DXF file. So if a CAD user redefined an ACI and do not provide a CTB or STB file, you have no ability to determine which color or lineweight was used. This is better in later DXF versions by providing additional DXF attributes like lineweight and true_color.


Plot Style Files (CTB/STB) ezdxf.colors

Every object has a layer as one of its properties. You may be familiar with layers - independent drawing spaces that stack on top of each other to create an overall image - from using drawing programs. Most CAD programs use layers as the primary organizing principle for all the objects that you draw. You use layers to organize objects into logical groups of things that belong together; for example, walls, furniture, and text notes usually belong on three separate layers, for a couple of reasons:

  • Layers give you a way to turn groups of objects on and off - both on the screen and on the plot.
  • Layers provide the most efficient way of controlling object color and linetype

Create a layer table entry Layer by, assign the layer properties such as color and linetype. Then assign those layers to other DXF entities by setting the DXF attribute layer to the layer name as string.

It is possible to use layers without a layer definition but not recommend, just use a layer name without a layer definition, the layer has the default linetype 'Continuous' and the default color is 7.

The advantage of assigning a linetype and a color to a layer is that entities on this layer can inherit this properties by using 'BYLAYER' as linetype string and 256 as color, both values are default values for new entities.


Tutorial for Layers

The linetype defines the pattern of a line. The linetype of an entity can be specified by the DXF attribute linetype, this can be an explicit named linetype or the entity can inherit its line type from the assigned layer by setting linetype to 'BYLAYER', which is also the default value. CONTINUOUS is the default line type for layers with unspecified line type.

ezdxf creates several standard linetypes, if the argument setup is True at calling new(), this simple line types are supported by all DXF versions:

doc ='R2007', setup=True)


In DXF R13 Autodesk introduced complex linetypes, containing TEXT or SHAPES in linetypes. ezdxf v0.8.4 and later supports complex linetypes.


Tutorial for Linetypes

Global linetype scaling can be changed by setting the header variable doc.header['$LTSCALE'] = 2, which stretches the line pattern by factor 2.

To change the linetype scaling for single entities set scaling factor by DXF attribute ltscale, which is supported since DXF version R2000.

The lineweight attribute represents the lineweight as integer value in millimeters * 100, e.g. 0.25mm = 25, independently from the unit system used in the DXF document. The lineweight attribute is supported by DXF version R2000 and newer.

Only certain values are valid, they are stored in ezdxf.lldxf.const.VALID_DXF_LINEWEIGHTS: 0, 5, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 53, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 106, 120, 140, 158, 200, 211.

Values < 0 have a special meaning and can be imported as constants from ezdxf.lldxf.const


The validator function: ezdxf.lldxf.validator.is_valid_lineweight() returns True for valid lineweight values otherwise False.

Sample file which shows all valid lineweights: valid_lineweights.dxf

You have to enable the option to show lineweights in your CAD application or viewer to see the effect on screen, which is often disabled by default, the same has to be done in the page setup options for plotting lineweights.

Setting the HEADER variable $LWDISPLAY to 1 may activate support for showing lineweights on screen and $LWDISPSCALE may scale the lineweight on screen:

# activate on screen lineweight display
doc.header["$LWDISPLAY"] = 1
# lineweight scaling factor for on screen display
doc.header["$LWDISPSCALE"] = 0.55


The lineweight value can be overridden by CTB or STB files.

AutoLISP Reference to Coordinate Systems provided by Autodesk.

To brush up you knowledge about vectors, watch the YouTube tutorials of 3Blue1Brown about Linear Algebra.

World coordinate system - the reference coordinate system. All other coordinate systems are defined relative to the WCS, which never changes. Values measured relative to the WCS are stable across changes to other coordinate systems.

User coordinate system - the working coordinate system defined by the user to make drawing tasks easier. All points passed to AutoCAD commands, including those returned from AutoLISP routines and external functions, are points in the current UCS. As far as I know, all coordinates stored in DXF files are always WCS or OCS never UCS.

User defined coordinate systems are not just helpful for interactive CAD, therefore ezdxf provides a converter class UCS to translate coordinates from UCS into WCS and vice versa, but always remember: store only WCS or OCS coordinates in DXF files, because there is no method to determine which UCS was active or used to create UCS coordinates.


  • Table entry UCS
  • ezdxf.math.UCS - converter between WCS and UCS

Object coordinate system - coordinates relative to the object itself. These points are usually converted into the WCS, current UCS, or current DCS, according to the intended use of the object. Conversely, points must be translated into an OCS before they are written to the database. This is also known as the entity coordinate system.

Because ezdxf is just an interface to DXF, it does not automatically convert OCS into WCS, this is the domain of the user/application. And further more, the main goal of OCS is to place 2D elements in 3D space, this maybe was useful in the early years of CAD, I think nowadays this is an not often used feature, but I am not an AutoCAD user.

OCS differ from WCS only if extrusion != (0, 0, 1), convert OCS into WCS:

# circle is an DXF entity with extrusion != (0, 0, 1)
ocs = circle.ocs()
wcs_center = ocs.to_wcs(


  • Object Coordinate System (OCS) - deeper insights into OCS
  • ezdxf.math.OCS - converter between WCS and OCS

Display coordinate system - the coordinate system into which objects are transformed before they are displayed. The origin of the DCS is the point stored in the AutoCAD system variable TARGET, and its z-axis is the viewing direction. In other words, a viewport is always a plan view of its DCS. These coordinates can be used to determine where something will be displayed to the AutoCAD user.

Object Coordinate System (OCS)

DXF Reference for OCS provided by Autodesk.

The points associated with each entity are expressed in terms of the entity’s own object coordinate system (OCS). The OCS was referred to as ECS in previous releases of AutoCAD.

With OCS, the only additional information needed to describe the entity’s position in 3D space is the 3D vector describing the z-axis of the OCS (often referenced as extrusion vector), and the elevation value, which is the distance of the entity xy-plane to the WCS/OCS origin.

For a given z-axis (extrusion) direction, there are an infinite number of coordinate systems, defined by translating the origin in 3D space and by rotating the x- and y-axis around the z-axis. However, for the same z-axis direction, there is only one OCS. It has the following properties:

  • Its origin coincides with the WCS origin.
  • The orientation of the x- and y-axis within the xy-plane are calculated in an arbitrary but consistent manner. AutoCAD performs this calculation using the arbitrary axis algorithm (see below).
  • Because of Arbitrary Axis Algorithm the OCS can only represent a right-handed coordinate system!

The following entities do not lie in a particular plane. All points are expressed in world coordinates. Of these entities, only lines and points can be extruded. Their extrusion direction can differ from the world z-axis.

  • Line
  • Point
  • 3DFace
  • Polyline (3D)
  • Vertex (3D)
  • Polymesh
  • Polyface
  • Viewport

These entities are planar in nature. All points are expressed in object coordinates. All of these entities can be extruded. Their extrusion direction can differ from the world z-axis.

  • Circle
  • Arc
  • Solid
  • Trace
  • Text
  • Attrib
  • Attdef
  • Shape
  • Insert
  • Polyline (2D)
  • Vertex (2D)
  • LWPolyline
  • Hatch
  • Image

Some of a Dimension’s points are expressed in WCS and some in OCS.

Elevation group code 38:

Exists only in output from versions prior to R11. Otherwise, Z coordinates are supplied as part of each of the entity’s defining points.

DXF Reference for Arbitrary Axis Algorithm provided by Autodesk.

The arbitrary axis algorithm is used by AutoCAD internally to implement the arbitrary but consistent generation of object coordinate systems for all entities that use object coordinates.

Given a unit-length vector to be used as the z-axis of a coordinate system, the arbitrary axis algorithm generates a corresponding x-axis for the coordinate system. The y-axis follows by application of the right-hand rule.

We are looking for the arbitrary x- and y-axis to go with the normal Az (the arbitrary z-axis). They will be called Ax and Ay (using Vec3):

Az = Vec3(entity.dxf.extrusion).normalize()  # normal (extrusion) vector
if (abs(Az.x) < 1/64.) and (abs(Az.y) < 1/64.):

Ax = Vec3(0, 1, 0).cross(Az).normalize() # the cross-product operator else:
Ax = Vec3(0, 0, 1).cross(Az).normalize() # the cross-product operator Ay = Az.cross(Ax).normalize()

def wcs_to_ocs(point):

px, py, pz = Vec3(point) # point in WCS
x = px * Ax.x + py * Ax.y + pz * Ax.z
y = px * Ay.x + py * Ay.y + pz * Ay.z
z = px * Az.x + py * Az.y + pz * Az.z
return Vec3(x, y, z)

Wx = wcs_to_ocs((1, 0, 0))
Wy = wcs_to_ocs((0, 1, 0))
Wz = wcs_to_ocs((0, 0, 1))
def ocs_to_wcs(point):

px, py, pz = Vec3(point) # point in OCS
x = px * Wx.x + py * Wx.y + pz * Wx.z
y = px * Wy.x + py * Wy.y + pz * Wy.z
z = px * Wz.x + py * Wz.y + pz * Wz.z
return Vec3(x, y, z)

The DXF reference has no explicit information how to handle units in DXF, any information in this section is based on experiments with BricsCAD and may differ in other CAD application, BricsCAD tries to be as compatible with AutoCAD as possible. Therefore, this information should also apply to AutoCAD.

Please open an issue on github if you have any corrections or additional information about this topic.

Any length or coordinate value in DXF is unitless in the first place, there is no unit information attached to the value. The unit information comes from the context where a DXF entity is used. The document/modelspace get the unit information from the header variable $INSUNITS, paperspace and block layouts get their unit information form the attribute units. The modelspace object has also a units property, but this value do not represent the modelspace units, this value is always set to 0 “unitless”.

Get and set document/modelspace units as enum by the Drawing property units:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import units
doc =
# Set centimeter as document/modelspace units
doc.units = units.CM
# which is a shortcut (including validation) for
doc.header['$INSUNITS'] = units.CM

As said each block definition can have independent units, but there is no implicit unit conversion applied, not in CAD applications and not in ezdxf.

When inserting a block reference (INSERT) into the modelspace or another block layout with different units, the scaling factor between these units must be applied explicit as scaling DXF attributes (xscale, …) of the Insert entity, e.g. modelspace in meters and block in centimeters, x-, y- and z-scaling has to be 0.01:

doc.units = units.M
my_block ='MYBLOCK')
my_block.units = units.CM
block_ref = msp.add_block_ref('MYBLOCK')
# Set uniform scaling for x-, y- and z-axis

Use helper function conversion_factor() to calculate the scaling factor between units:

factor = units.conversion_factor(doc.units, my_block.units)
# factor = 100 for 1m is 100cm
# scaling factor = 1 / factor


It is never a good idea to use different measurement system in one document, ask the NASA about their Mars Climate Orbiter from 1999. The same applies for units of the same measurement system, just use one unit like meters or inches.

Angles are always in degrees (360 deg = full circle) and in counter clockwise orientation, unless stated explicit otherwise.

How values are shown in the CAD GUI is controlled by the header variables $LUNITS and $AUNITS, but this has no meaning for values stored in DXF files.

The most important setting is the header variable $INSUNITS, this variable defines the drawing units for the modelspace and therefore for the DXF document if no further settings are applied.

The modelspace LAYOUT entity has a property units as any layout like object, but it seem to have no meaning for the modelspace, BricsCAD set this property always to 0, which means unitless.

The most common units are 6 for meters and 1 for inches.

Changed in version 0.17.2: added an enumeration ezdxf.enums.InsertUnits

doc.header['$INSUNITS'] = 6

0 Unitless
1 Inches, units.IN
2 Feet, units.FT
3 Miles, units.MI
4 Millimeters, units.MM
5 Centimeters, units.CM
6 Meters, units.M
7 Kilometers, units.KM
8 Microinches
9 Mils
10 Yards, units.YD
11 Angstroms
12 Nanometers
13 Microns
14 Decimeters, units.DM
15 Decameters
16 Hectometers
17 Gigameters
18 Astronomical units
19 Light years
20 Parsecs
21 US Survey Feet
22 US Survey Inch
23 US Survey Yard
24 US Survey Mile

The header variable $MEASUREMENT controls whether the current drawing uses imperial or metric hatch pattern and linetype files, this setting is not applied correct in ezdxf yet, but will be fixed in the future:

This setting is independent from $INSUNITS, it is possible to set the drawing units to inch and use metric linetypes and hatch pattern.

In BricsCAD the base scaling of the linetypes is only depending from the $MEASUREMENT value, is not relevant if $INSUNITS is meter, centimeter, millimeter, … and so on and the same is valid for hatch pattern.

Changed in version 0.17.2: added an enumeration ezdxf.enums.Measurement

doc.header['$MEASUREMENT'] = 1

0 English
1 Metric

The header variable $LUNITS defines how CAD applications show linear values in the GUI and has no meaning for ezdxf:

Changed in version 0.17.2: added an enumeration ezdxf.enums.LengthUnits

doc.header['$LUNITS'] = 2

1 Scientific
2 Decimal (default)
3 Engineering
4 Architectural
5 Fractional

The header variable $AUNITS defines how CAD applications show angular values in the GUI and has no meaning for ezdxf, DXF angles are always degrees in counter-clockwise orientation, unless stated explicit otherwise:

Changed in version 0.17.2: added an enumeration ezdxf.enums.AngularUnits

doc.header['$AUNITS'] = 0

0 Decimal degrees
1 Degrees/minutes/seconds
2 Grad
3 Radians

Returns the conversion factor to represent source_units in target_units.

E.g. millimeter in centimeter conversion_factor(MM, CM) returns 0.1, because 1 mm = 0.1 cm

Returns the name of the unit enum.

Returns the name of the angle unit enum.

The extents and limits of an layout represents borders which can be referenced by the ZOOM command or read from some header variables from the HeaderSection, if the creator application maintains these values – ezdxf does it not automatically.

The extents of an layout are determined by the maximum extents of all DXF entities that are in this layout. The command:

ZOOM extents

sets the current viewport to the extents of the currently selected layout.

A paper space layout in an arbitrary zoom state: [image]

The same layout after the ZOOM extents command: [image]

Sets an invisible rectangular boundary in the drawing area that can limit the grid display and limit clicking or entering point locations. The default limits for paper space layouts is defined by the paper size.

The layout from above after the ZOOM all command: [image]


The AutoCAD online reference for the ZOOM and the LIMITS command.

The extents of the model space (the tab called “Model”) are stored in the header variable $EXTMIN and $EXTMAX. The default values of $EXTMIN is (+1e20, +1e20, +1e20) and $EXTMAX is (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20), which do not describe real borders. These values are copies of the extents attributes of the Layout object as Layout.dxf.extmin and Layout.dxf.extmax.

The limits of the modelspace are stored in the header variables $LIMMIN and $LIMMAX and have default values of (0, 0) and (420, 297), the default paper size of ezdxf in drawing units. These are copies of the Layout attributes Layout.dxf.extmin and Layout.dxf.extmax.

The extents and the limits of the actual paper space layout, which is the last activated paper space layout tab, stored in the header variable $PEXTMIN, $PEXTMAX, $PLIMMIN and $PLIMMAX.

Each paper space layout has its own values stored in the Layout attributes Layout.dxf.extmin, Layout.dxf.extmax, Layout.dxf.limmin and Layout.dxf.limmax.

Since v0.16 ezdxf it is sufficient to define the attributes for extents and limits (Layout.dxf.extmax, Layout.dxf.limmin and Layout.dxf.limmax) of Layout object. The header variables are synchronized when the document is saved.

The extents of a layout are not calculated automatically by ezdxf, as this can take a long time for large documents and correct values are not required to create a valid DXF document.


How to: Calculate Extents for the Modelspace

DXF relies on the infrastructure installed by AutoCAD like the included SHX files or True Type fonts. There is no simple way to store additional information about a used fonts beside the plain file system name like "arial.ttf". The CAD application or viewer which opens the DXF file has to have access to the specified fonts used in your DXF document or it has to use an appropriate replacement font, which is not that easy in the age of unicode. Later DXF versions can store font family names in the XDATA of the STYLE entity but not all CAD application use this information.

In this tutorial I show you how to get data from an existing DXF drawing. If you are a new ezdxf user, read also the tutorial Usage for Beginners.

Loading the DXF file:

import sys
import ezdxf

doc = ezdxf.readfile("your_dxf_file.dxf") except IOError:
print(f"Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.")
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f"Invalid or corrupted DXF file.")

This works well for DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD, for loading DXF files with minor or major flaws look at the ezdxf.recover module.


  • Document Management
  • Usage for Beginners

I use the term layout as synonym for an arbitrary entity space which can contain DXF entities like LINE, CIRCLE, TEXT and so on. Every DXF entity can only reside in exact one layout.

There are three different layout types:

  • Modelspace: this is the common construction space
  • Paperspace: used to to create print layouts
  • BlockLayout: reusable elements, every block has its own entity space

A DXF drawing consist of exact one modelspace and at least of one paperspace. DXF R12 has only one unnamed paperspace the later DXF versions support more than one paperspace and each paperspace has a name.

The modelspace contains the “real” world representation of the drawing subjects in real world units. The modelspace has the fixed name “Model” and the DXF document has a special getter method modelspace().

msp = doc.modelspace()

Iterate over all DXF entities in modelspace. Although this is a possible way to retrieve DXF entities, I would like to point out that entity queries are the better way.

# helper function
def print_entity(e):

print("LINE on layer: %s\n" % e.dxf.layer)
print("start point: %s\n" % e.dxf.start)
print("end point: %s\n" % e.dxf.end) # iterate over all entities in modelspace msp = doc.modelspace() for e in msp:
if e.dxftype() == "LINE":
print_entity(e) # entity query for all LINE entities in modelspace for e in msp.query("LINE"):

All layout objects supports the standard Python iterator protocol and the in operator.

Check the type of an DXF entity by e.dxftype(). The DXF type is always uppercase. All DXF attributes of an entity are grouped in the namespace attribute dxf:

e.dxf.layer  # layer of the entity as string
e.dxf.color  # color of the entity as integer

See Common graphical DXF attributes

If a DXF attribute is not set (a valid DXF attribute has no value), a DXFValueError will be raised. To avoid this use the get_dxf_attrib() method with a default value:

# If DXF attribute 'paperspace' does not exist, the entity defaults
# to modelspace:
p = e.get_dxf_attrib("paperspace", 0)

An unsupported DXF attribute raises an DXFAttributeError.

paperspace = doc.layout("layout0")

Retrieves the paperspace named layout0, the usage of the Layout object is the same as of the modelspace object. DXF R12 provides only one paperspace, therefore the paperspace name in the method call doc.layout("layout0") is ignored or can be left off. For newer DXF versions you can get a list of the available layout names by the methods layout_names() and layout_names_in_taborder().

ezdxf provides a flexible query language for DXF entities. All layout types have a query() method to start an entity query or use the function.

The query string is the combination of two queries, first the required entity query and second the optional attribute query, enclosed in square brackets: "EntityQuery[AttributeQuery]"

The entity query is a whitespace separated list of DXF entity names or the special name *. Where * means all DXF entities, all other DXF names have to be uppercase. The * search can exclude entity types by adding the entity name with a presceding ! (e.g. * !LINE, search all entities except lines).

The attribute query is used to select DXF entities by its DXF attributes. The attribute query is an addition to the entity query and matches only if the entity already match the entity query. The attribute query is a boolean expression, supported operators: and, or, !.


Entity Query String

Get all LINE entities from the modelspace:

msp = doc.modelspace()
lines = msp.query("LINE")

The result container EntityQuery also provides the query() method, get all LINE entities at layer construction:

construction_lines = lines.query('*[layer=="construction"]')

The * is a wildcard for all DXF types, in this case you could also use LINE instead of *, * works here because lines just contains entities of DXF type LINE.

All together as one query:

lines = msp.query('LINE[layer=="construction"]')

The ENTITIES section also supports the query() method:

lines_and_circles = doc.entities.query('LINE CIRCLE[layer=="construction"]')

Get all modelspace entities at layer construction, but excluding entities with linetype DASHED:

not_dashed_entities = msp.query('*[layer=="construction" and linetype!="DASHED"]')

Search and group entities by a user defined criteria. As example let’s group all entities from modelspace by layer, the result will be a dict with layer names as dict-key and a list of all entities from modelspace matching this layer as dict-value. Usage as dedicated function call:

from ezdxf.groupby import groupby
group = groupby(entities=msp, dxfattrib="layer")

The entities argument can be any container or generator which yields DXFEntity or inherited objects. Shorter and simpler to use as method of BaseLayout (modelspace, paperspace layouts, blocks) and query results as EntityQuery objects:

group = msp.groupby(dxfattrib="layer")
for layer, entities in group.items():

print(f'Layer "{layer}" contains following entities:')
for entity in entities:
print(f" {entity}")

The previous example shows how to group entities by a single DXF attribute, but it is also possible to group entities by a custom key, to do so create a custom key function, which accepts a DXF entity as argument and returns a hashable value as dict-key or None to exclude the entity. The following example shows how to group entities by layer and color, so each result entry has a tuple (layer, color) as key and a list of entities with matching DXF attributes as values:

def layer_and_color_key(entity):

# return None to exclude entities from result container
if entity.dxf.layer == "0": # exclude entities from default layer "0"
return None
return entity.dxf.layer, entity.dxf.color group = msp.groupby(key=layer_and_color_key) for key, entities in group.items():
print(f'Grouping criteria "{key}" matches following entities:')
for entity in entities:
print(f" {entity}")

To exclude entities from the result container the key function should return None. The groupby() function catches DXFAttributeError exceptions while processing entities and excludes this entities from the result container. So there is no need to worry about DXF entities which do not support certain attributes, they will be excluded automatically.


groupby() documentation

r12writer - create simple DXF R12 drawings with a restricted entities set: LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, TEXT, POINT, SOLID, 3DFACE and POLYLINE. Advantage of the r12writer is the speed and the low memory footprint, all entities are written direct to the file/stream without building a drawing data structure in memory.



Create a new DXF drawing with to use all available DXF entities:

import ezdxf
# Create a new DXF R2010 drawing, official DXF version name: "AC1024"
doc ='R2010')
# Add new entities to the modelspace:
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Add a LINE entity
msp.add_line((0, 0), (10, 0))

New entities are always added to layouts, a layout can be the model space, a paper space layout or a block layout.


Thematic Index of Layout Factory Methods

If you are not familiar with the concept of layers, please read this first: Layer Concept

import ezdxf
doc =  # setup required line types
msp = doc.modelspace()
doc.layers.add(name="MyLines", color=7, linetype="DASHED")

The advantage of assigning a linetype and a color to a layer is that entities on this layer can inherit this properties by using "BYLAYER" as linetype string and 256 as color, both values are default values for new entities so you can leave off these assignments:

msp.add_line((0, 0), (10, 0), dxfattribs={"layer": "MyLines"})

The new created line will be drawn with color 7 and linetype "DASHED".

Get the layer definition object:

my_lines = doc.layers.get('MyLines')

Check the state of the layer:

my_lines.is_off()  # True if layer is off
my_lines.is_on()   # True if layer is on
my_lines.is_locked()  # True if layer is locked
layer_name =  # get the layer name

Change the state of the layer:

# switch layer off, entities at this layer will not shown in CAD applications/viewers
# lock layer, entities at this layer are not editable in CAD applications

Get/set default color of a layer by property Layer.color, because the DXF attribute Layer.dxf.color is misused for switching the layer on and off, layer is off if the color value is negative.

Changing the default layer values:

my_lines.dxf.linetype = "DOTTED"
my_lines.color = 13  # preserves on/off state of layer


For all methods and attributes see class Layer.

The layers object supports some standard Python protocols:

# iteration
for layer in doc.layers:

if != "0": # switch all layers off except layer "0" # check for existing layer definition if "MyLines" in doc.layers:
layer = doc.layers.get("MyLines") layer_count = len(doc.layers) # total count of layer definitions

Delete a layer definition:


This just deletes the layer definition, all DXF entities with the DXF attribute layer set to "MyLines" are still there, but if they inherit color and/or linetype from the layer definition they will be drawn now with linetype "Continuous" and color 1.

Blocks are collections of DXF entities which can be placed multiple times as block references in different layouts and other block definitions. The block reference (Insert) can be rotated, scaled, placed in 3D space by OCS and arranged in a grid like manner, each Insert entity can have individual attributes (Attrib) attached.

Blocks are managed as BlockLayout objects by the BlocksSection object, every drawing has only one blocks section stored in the attribute: Drawing.blocks.

import ezdxf
import random  # needed for random placing points
def get_random_point():

"""Returns random x, y coordinates."""
x = random.randint(-100, 100)
y = random.randint(-100, 100)
return x, y # Create a new drawing in the DXF format of AutoCAD 2010 doc ='R2010') # Create a block with the name 'FLAG' flag ='FLAG') # Add DXF entities to the block 'FLAG'. # The default base point (= insertion point) of the block is (0, 0). flag.add_lwpolyline([(0, 0), (0, 5), (4, 3), (0, 3)]) # the flag symbol as 2D polyline flag.add_circle((0, 0), .4, dxfattribs={'color': 2}) # mark the base point with a circle

A block reference is a DXF Insert entity and can be placed in any layout: Modelspace, any Paperspace or BlockLayout (which enables nested block references). Every block reference can be placed, scaled and rotated individually. Scaling by negative values is mirroring.

Lets insert some random flags into the modelspace:

# Get the modelspace of the drawing.
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Get 50 random placing points.
placing_points = [get_random_point() for _ in range(50)]
for point in placing_points:

# Every flag has a different scaling and a rotation of -15 deg.
random_scale = 0.5 + random.random() * 2.0
# Add a block reference to the block named 'FLAG' at the coordinates 'point'.
msp.add_blockref('FLAG', point, dxfattribs={
'xscale': random_scale,
'yscale': random_scale,
'rotation': -15
}) # Save the drawing. doc.saveas("blockref_tutorial.dxf")

Query all block references of block FLAG:

for flag_ref in msp.query('INSERT[name=="FLAG"]'):


When inserting a block reference into the modelspace or another block layout with different units, the scaling factor between these units should be applied as scaling attributes (xscale, …) e.g. modelspace in meters and block in centimeters, xscale has to be 0.01.

An attribute (Attrib) is a text annotation attached to a block reference with an associated tag. Attributes are often used to add information to blocks which can be evaluated and exported by CAD programs. An attribute can be visible or hidden. The simple way to use attributes is just to add an attribute to a block reference by Insert.add_attrib(), but the attribute is geometrically not related to the block reference, so you have to calculate the insertion point, rotation and scaling of the attribute by yourself.

The second way to use attributes in block references is a two step process, first step is to create an attribute definition (template) in the block definition, the second step is adding the block reference by Layout.add_blockref() and attach and fill attribute automatically by the add_auto_attribs() method to the block reference. The advantage of this method is that all attributes are placed relative to the block base point with the same rotation and scaling as the block, but has the disadvantage that non uniform scaling is not handled very well. The method Layout.add_auto_blockref() handles non uniform scaling better by wrapping the block reference and its attributes into an anonymous block and let the CAD application do the transformation work which will create correct graphical representations at least by AutoCAD and BricsCAD. This method has the disadvantage of a more complex evaluation of attached attributes

Using attribute definitions (Attdef):

# Define some attributes for the block 'FLAG', placed relative
# to the base point, (0, 0) in this case.
flag.add_attdef('NAME', (0.5, -0.5), dxfattribs={'height': 0.5, 'color': 3})
flag.add_attdef('XPOS', (0.5, -1.0), dxfattribs={'height': 0.25, 'color': 4})
flag.add_attdef('YPOS', (0.5, -1.5), dxfattribs={'height': 0.25, 'color': 4})
# Get another 50 random placing points.
placing_points = [get_random_point() for _ in range(50)]
for number, point in enumerate(placing_points):

# values is a dict with the attribute tag as item-key and
# the attribute text content as item-value.
values = {
'NAME': "P(%d)" % (number + 1),
'XPOS': "x = %.3f" % point[0],
'YPOS': "y = %.3f" % point[1]
# Every flag has a different scaling and a rotation of +15 deg.
random_scale = 0.5 + random.random() * 2.0
blockref = msp.add_blockref('FLAG', point, dxfattribs={
'rotation': 15
blockref.add_auto_attribs(values) # Save the drawing. doc.saveas("auto_blockref_tutorial.dxf")

See the howto: Get/Set Block Reference Attributes

As mentioned above evaluation of block references wrapped into anonymous blocks is complex:

# Collect all anonymous block references starting with '*U'
anonymous_block_refs = modelspace.query('INSERT[name ? "^\*U.+"]')
# Collect real references to 'FLAG'
flag_refs = []
for block_ref in anonymous_block_refs:

# Get the block layout of the anonymous block
block = doc.blocks.get(
# Find all block references to 'FLAG' in the anonymous block
flag_refs.extend(block.query('INSERT[name=="FLAG"]')) # Evaluation example: collect all flag names. flag_numbers = [
for flag in flag_refs
if flag.has_attrib("NAME") ] print(flag_numbers)

This is an advanced feature and because ezdxf is still not a CAD application, the results may no be perfect. Non uniform scaling lead to incorrect results for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT, ATTRIB) and some other entities like HATCH with arc or ellipse path segments.

By default the “exploded” entities are added to the same layout as the block reference is located.

for flag_ref in msp.query('INSERT[name=="FLAG"]'):


If you just want to examine the entities of a block reference use the virtual_entities() method. This methods yields “virtual” entities with attributes identical to “exploded” entities but they are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

for flag_ref in msp.query('INSERT[name=="FLAG"]'):

for entity in flag_ref.virtual_entities():
if entity.dxftype() == "LWPOLYLINE":
print(f"Found {str(entity)}.")

The LWPolyline is defined as a single graphic entity, which differs from the old-style Polyline entity, which is defined as a group of sub-entities. LWPolyline display faster (in AutoCAD) and consume less disk space, it is a planar element, therefore all points in OCS as (x, y) tuples (LWPolyline.dxf.elevation is the z-axis value).

Create a simple polyline:

import ezdxf
doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
points = [(0, 0), (3, 0), (6, 3), (6, 6)]

Append multiple points to a polyline:

doc = ezdxf.readfile("lwpolyline1.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
line = msp.query("LWPOLYLINE").first
if line is not None:

line.append_points([(8, 7), (10, 7)]) doc.saveas("lwpolyline2.dxf")

The LWPOLYLINE entity always returns polyline points as 5-tuple (x, y, start_width, end_width, bulge), the start_width, end_width and bulge values are 0 if not present:

first_point = line[0]
x, y, start_width, end_width, bulge = first_point

Use the method points() as context manager to edit polyline points, this method was introduced because accessing single points was very slow in early versions of ezdxf, but now direct access by the index operator [] is very fast and using the context manager is not required anymore. The advantage of the context manager is the ability to use a user defined point format:

doc = ezdxf.readfile("lwpolyline2.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
line = msp.query("LWPOLYLINE").first
with line.points("xyseb") as points:

# points is a standard Python list
# existing points are 5-tuples, but new points can be
# set as (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple
# set start_width, end_width to 0 to be ignored (x, y, 0, 0, bulge).
# delete last 2 points
del points[-2:]
# adding two points
points.extend([(4, 7), (0, 7)]) doc.saveas("lwpolyline3.dxf")

Each line segment can have a different start- and end-width, if omitted start- and end-width is 0:

doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# point format = (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]])
# set start_width, end_width to 0 to be ignored (x, y, 0, 0, bulge).
points = [(0, 0, .1, .15), (3, 0, .2, .25), (6, 3, .3, .35), (6, 6)]

The first point carries the start- and end-width of the first segment, the second point of the second segment and so on, the start- and end-width value of the last point is used for the closing segment if the polyline is closed else these values are ignored. Start- and end-width only works if the DXF attribute dxf.const_width is unset, to be sure delete it:

# no exception will be raised if const_width is already unset:
del line.dxf.const_width

LWPolyline can also have curved elements, they are defined by the Bulge value:

doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# point format = (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]])
# set start_width, end_width to 0 to be ignored (x, y, 0, 0, bulge).
points = [(0, 0, 0, .05), (3, 0, .1, .2, -.5), (6, 0, .1, .05), (9, 0)]


The curved segment is drawn from the point which defines the bulge value to the following point, the curved segment is always an arc. The bulge value defines the ratio of the arc sagitta (segment height h) to half line segment length (point distance), a bulge value of 1 defines a semicircle. The curve is on the right side of the line for a bulge value > 0, and on the left side of the line for a bulge value < 0.

The user defined point format, default is xyseb:

  • x = x coordinate
  • y = y coordinate
  • s = start width
  • e = end width
  • b = bulge value
  • v = (x, y) as tuple

msp.add_lwpolyline([(0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 1), (20, 0, 0)], format="xyb")
msp.add_lwpolyline([(0, 10, 0), (10, 10, .5), (20, 10, 0)], format="xyb")


Add a simple one line text entity by factory function add_text().

import ezdxf
# TEXT is a basic entity and is supported by every DXF version.
# Argument setup=True for adding standard linetypes and text styles.
doc ='R12', setup=True)
msp = doc.modelspace()
# use set_pos() for proper TEXT alignment:
# The relations between DXF attributes 'halign', 'valign',
# 'insert' and 'align_point' are tricky.
msp.add_text("A Simple Text").set_pos((2, 3), align='MIDDLE_RIGHT')
# Using a text style
msp.add_text("Text Style Example: Liberation Serif",

'style': 'LiberationSerif',
'height': 0.35}
).set_pos((2, 6), align='LEFT') doc.saveas("simple_text.dxf")

Valid text alignments for argument align in Text.set_pos():

Vert/Horiz Left Center Right

Special alignments are ALIGNED and FIT, they require a second alignment point, the text is justified with the vertical alignment Baseline on the virtual line between these two points.

Alignment Description
ALIGNED Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 and the text height is also adjusted to preserve height/width ratio.
FIT Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 but only the text width is adjusted, the text height is fixed by the height attribute.
MIDDLE also a special adjustment, but the result is the same as for MIDDLE_CENTER.

Setup some standard text styles and linetypes by argument setup=True:

doc ='R12', setup=True)

Replaced all proprietary font declarations in setup_styles() (ARIAL, ARIAL_NARROW, ISOCPEUR and TIMES) by open source fonts, this is also the style name (e.g. {'style': 'OpenSans-Italic'}): [image]

Creating a new text style is simple:'myStandard', dxfattribs={'font' : 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf'})

But getting the correct font name is often not that simple, especially on Windows. This shows the required steps to get the font name for Open Sans:

  • open font folder c:\windows\fonts
  • select and open the font-family Open Sans
  • right-click on Open Sans Standard and select Properties
  • on top of the first tab you see the font name: 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf'

The style name has to be unique in the DXF document, else ezdxf will raise an DXFTableEntryError exception. To replace an existing entry, delete the existing entry by doc.styles.remove(name), and add the replacement entry.

It is possible to place the 2D Text entity into 3D space by using the OCS, for further information see: Tutorial for OCS/UCS Usage.

The MText entity is a multi line entity with extended formatting possibilities and requires at least DXF version R2000, to use all features (e.g. background fill) DXF R2007 is required.

Prolog code:

import ezdxf
doc ="R2007", setup=True)
msp = doc.modelspace()
lorem_ipsum = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The MText entity can be added to any layout (modelspace, paperspace or block) by the add_mtext() function.

# store MText entity for additional manipulations
mtext = msp.add_mtext(lorem_ipsum, dxfattribs={"style": "OpenSans"})

This adds a MText entity with text style “OpenSans”. The MText content can be accessed by the text attribute, this attribute can be edited like any Python string:

mtext.text += "Append additional text to the MText entity."
# even shorter with __iadd__() support:
mtext += "Append additional text to the MText entity."



Line endings “\n” will be replaced by the MTEXT line endings “\P” at DXF export, but not vice versa “\P” by “\n” at DXF file loading.

The location of the MText entity is defined by the MText.dxf.insert and the MText.dxf.attachment_point attributes. The attachment_point defines the text alignment relative to the insert location, default value is 1.

Attachment point constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:

MText.dxf.attachment_point Value

The MText entity has a method for setting insert, attachment_point and rotation attributes by one call: set_location()

The character height is defined by the DXF attribute MText.dxf.char_height in drawing units, which has also consequences for the line spacing of the MText entity:

mtext.dxf.char_height = 0.5

The character height can be changed inline, see also MText formatting and MText Inline Codes.

The MText.dxf.rotation attribute defines the text rotation as angle between the x-axis and the horizontal direction of the text in degrees. The MText.dxf.text_direction attribute defines the horizontal direction of MText as vector in WCS or OCS, if an OCS is defined. Both attributes can be present at the same entity, in this case the MText.dxf.text_direction attribute has the higher priority.

The MText entity has two methods to get/set rotation: get_rotation() returns the rotation angle in degrees independent from definition as angle or direction, and set_rotation() set the rotation attribute and removes the text_direction attribute if present.

The wrapping border limits the text width and forces a line break for text beyond this border. Without attribute dxf.width (or setting 0) the lines are wrapped only at the regular line endings ” \P” or “\n”, setting the reference column width forces additional line wrappings at the given width. The text height can not be limited, the text always occupies as much space as needed.

mtext.dxf.width = 60


MText supports inline formatting by special codes: MText Inline Codes

mtext.text = "{\\C1;red text} - {\\C3;green text} - {\\C5;blue text}"


See also new section for the new support class MTextEditor in ezdxf v0.17.

MText also supports stacked text:

# the space ' ' in front of 'Lower' and the ';' behind 'Lower' are necessary
# combined with vertical center alignment
mtext.text = "\\A1;\\SUpper^ Lower; - \\SUpper/ Lower;} - \\SUpper# Lower;"


See also new section for the new support class MTextEditor in ezdxf v0.17.

The MText entity can have a background filling:

  • AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
  • true color value as (r, g, b) tuple
  • color name as string, use special name 'canvas' to use the canvas background color

Because of the complex dependencies ezdxf provides a method to set all required DXF attributes at once:

mtext.set_bg_color(2, scale=1.5)

The parameter scale determines how much border there is around the text, the value is based on the text height, and should be in the range of 1 - 5, where 1 fits exact the MText entity. [image]

New in version 0.17.


The MTextEditor assembles just the inline code, which has to be parsed and rendered by the target CAD application, ezdxf has no influence to that result.

Keep inline formatting as simple as possible, don’t test the limits of its capabilities, this will not work across different CAD applications and keep the formatting in a logic manner like, do not change paragraph properties in the middle of a paragraph.

There is no official documentation for the inline codes!

The MTextEditor class provides a floating interface to build MText content in an easy way.

This example only shows the connection between MText and the MTextEditor, and shows no additional features to the first example of this tutorial:

import ezdxf
from import MTextEditor
doc ="R2007", setup=True)
msp = doc.modelspace()
lorem_ipsum = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ... see prolog code
# create a new editor object with an initial text:
editor = MTextEditor(lorem_ipsum)
# get the MTEXT content string from the editor by the str() function:
mtext = msp.add_mtext(str(editor), dxfattribs={"style": "OpenSans"})

Tutorial Prolog:

# use constants defined in MTextEditor:

"char_height": 0.7,
"style": "OpenSans",
"width": 10, } editor = MTextEditor("using colors:" + NP)

There are three ways to change the color inline:

  • by color name “red”, “green”, “blue”, “yellow”, “cyan”, “magenta”, “white”
  • by AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
  • by RGB values

# RED: set color by name - red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, white
editor.color("red").append("RED" + NP)
# RED: the color stays the same until the next change
editor.append("also RED" + NP)
# GREEN: change color by ACI (AutoCAD Color Index)
editor.aci(3).append("GREEN" + NP)
# BLUE: change color by RGB tuples
editor.rgb((0, 0, 255)).append("BLUE" + NP)
# add the MTEXT entity to the model space:
msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


The MtextEditor.height() method set the text height as absolute value in drawing units (text height = cap height):

attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["width"] = 40.0
editor = MTextEditor("changing text height absolute: default height is 0.7" + NP)
# doubling the default height = 1.4
editor.append("text height: 1.4" + NP)
editor.height(3.5).append("text height: 3.5" + NP)
editor.height(0.7).append("back to default height: 0.7" + NP)
msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


The MtextEditor.scale_height() method set the text height by a relative factor, the MtextEditor object does not keep track of current text height, you have to do this by yourself. The initial text height is MText.dxf.char_height:

attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["width"] = 40.0
editor = MTextEditor("changing text height relative: default height is 0.7" + NP)
# this is the default text height in the beginning:
current_height = attribs["char_height"]
# The text height can only be changed by a factor:
editor.scale_height(2)  # scale by 2 = 1.4
# keep track of the actual height:
current_height *= 2
editor.append("text height: 1.4" + NP)
# to set an absolute height, calculate the required factor:
desired_height = 3.5
factor = desired_height / current_height
editor.scale_height(factor).append("text height: 3.5" + NP)
current_height = desired_height
# and back to 0.7
editor.scale_height(0.7 / current_height).append("back to default height: 0.7" + NP)
msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)

The font name for changing MText fonts inline is the font family name! The font family name is the name shown in font selection widgets in desktop applications: “Arial”, “Times New Roman”, “Comic Sans MS”. The font has to be installed at the target system, else then CAD default font will be used, in AutoCAD/BricsCAD is this the font defined for the text style “Standard”.


The DXF/DWG format is not optimal for preserving text layouts across multiple systems, and it’s getting really bad across different CAD applications.

attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["width"] = 15.0
editor = MTextEditor("changing fonts:" + NP)
editor.append("Default: Hello World!" + NP)
editor.append("SimSun: ")
# change font in a group to revert back to the default font at the end:
simsun_editor = MTextEditor().font("SimSun").append("你好,世界" + NP)
# reverts the font back at the end of the group:
# back to default font OpenSans:
editor.append("Times New Roman: ")
# change font outside of a group until next font change:
editor.font("Times New Roman").append("Привет мир!" + NP)
# If the font does not exist, a replacement font will be used:
editor.font("Does not exist").append("This is the replacement font!")
msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


The paragraph properties are set by the paragraph() method and a ParagraphProperties object, which bundles all paragraph properties in a named tuple.

Each paragraph can have its own properties for:

indentation arguments:
  • indent is the left indentation of the first line
  • left is the left side indentation of the paragraph
  • right is the right side indentation of the paragraph

text adjustment: align, by enum MTextParagraphAlignment
  • MTextParagraphAlignment.LEFT
  • MTextParagraphAlignment.RIGHT
  • MTextParagraphAlignment.CENTER
  • MTextParagraphAlignment.JUSTIFIED
  • MTextParagraphAlignment.DISTRIBUTED

tabulator stops: tab_stops, a tuple of tabulator stops

Indentation and tabulator stops are multiples of the default MText text height stored in MText.dxf.char_height. Calculate the drawing units for indentation and tabulator stops, by multiplying the indentation value by the char_height value.

Mtext paragraphs are separated by new paragraph “\P” characters.

# import support classes:
from import ParagraphProperties, MTextParagraphAlignment
attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
attribs["width"] = 7.5
editor = MTextEditor("Indent the first line:" + NP)
props = ParagraphProperties(

indent=1, # indent first line = 1x0.25 drawing units
align=MTextParagraphAlignment.JUSTIFIED ) editor.paragraph(props) editor.append(lorem_ipsum) msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


The first line indentation “indent” is relative to the “left” indentation.

# import support classes:
from import ParagraphProperties, MTextParagraphAlignment
attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
attribs["width"] = 7.5
editor = MTextEditor("Indent left paragraph side:" + NP)
indent = 0.7  # 0.7 * 0.25 = 0.175 drawing units
props = ParagraphProperties(

# first line indentation is relative to "left", this reverses the
# left indentation:
indent=-indent, # first line
# indent left paragraph side:
align=MTextParagraphAlignment.JUSTIFIED ) editor.paragraph(props) editor.append(" ".join(lorem_ipsum(100))) msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)


There are no special commands to build bullet list, the list is build of indentation and a tabulator stop. Each list item needs a marker as an arbitrary string. For more information about paragraph indentation and tabulator stops see also chapter Set Paragraph Properties.

attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
attribs["width"] = 7.5
bullet = "•"  # alt + numpad 7
editor = MTextEditor("Bullet List:" + NP)

bullets=[bullet] * 3, # each list item needs a marker
"First item",
"Second item",
" ".join(lorem_ipsum(30)),
]) msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


There are no special commands to build numbered list, the list is build of indentation and a tabulator stop. There is no automatic numbering, but therefore the absolute freedom for using any string as list marker. For more information about paragraph indentation and tabulator stops see also chapter Set Paragraph Properties.

attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
attribs["width"] = 7.5
editor = MTextEditor("Numbered List:" + NP)

bullets=["1.", "2.", "3."],
"First item",
"Second item",
" ".join(lorem_ipsum(30)),
]) msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)


MText supports stacked text (fractions) as a single inline code, which means it is not possible to change any property inside the fraction. This example shows a fraction with scaled down text height, placed in a group to revert the text height afterwards:

editor = MTextEditor("Stacked text:" + NP)
stack = MTextEditor().scale_height(0.6).stack("1", "2", "^")
editor.append("over: ").group(str(stack)).append(NP)
stack = MTextEditor().scale_height(0.6).stack("1", "2", "/")
editor.append("fraction: ").group(str(stack)).append(NP)
stack = MTextEditor().scale_height(0.6).stack("1", "2", "#")
editor.append("slanted: ").group(str(stack)).append(NP)
# Additional formatting in numerator and denominator is not supported
# by AutoCAD or BricsCAD, switching the color inside the stacked text
# to red does not work:
numerator = MTextEditor().color("red").append("1")
stack = MTextEditor().scale_height(0.6).stack(str(numerator), "2", "#")
editor.append("color red: ").group(str(stack)).append(NP)
msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs)



  • MTextEditor example code on github.
  • Documentation of MTextEditor

Background information about B-spline at Wikipedia.

Splines can be defined by fit points only, this means the curve goes through all given fit points. AutoCAD and BricsCAD generates required control points and knot values by itself, if only fit points are present.

Create a simple spline:

doc ='R2000')
fit_points = [(0, 0, 0), (750, 500, 0), (1750, 500, 0), (2250, 1250, 0)]
msp = doc.modelspace()
spline = msp.add_spline(fit_points)


Append a fit point to a spline:

# fit_points, control_points, knots and weights are list-like containers:
spline.fit_points.append((2250, 2500, 0))


You can set additional control points, but if they do not fit the auto-generated AutoCAD values, they will be ignored and don’t mess around with knot values.

Solve problems of incorrect values after editing a spline generated by AutoCAD:

doc = ezdxf.readfile("AutoCAD_generated.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
spline = msp.query('SPLINE').first
# fit_points, control_points, knots and weights are list-like objects:
spline.fit_points.append((2250, 2500, 0))

As far as I have tested, this approach works without complaints from AutoCAD, but for the case of problems remove invalid data:

# current control points do not match spline defined by fit points
spline.control_points = []
# count of knots is not correct:
# count of knots = count of control points + degree + 1
spline.knots = []
# same for weights, count of weights == count of control points
spline.weights = []

To create splines from fit points is the easiest way to create splines, but this method is also the least accurate, because a spline is defined by control points and knot values, which are generated for the case of a definition by fit points, and the worst fact is that for every given set of fit points exist an infinite number of possible splines as solution.

AutoCAD (and BricsCAD also) uses an proprietary algorithm to generate control points and knot values from fit points, which differs from the well documented Global Curve Interpolation. Therefore splines generated from fit points by ezdxf do not match splines generated by AutoCAD (BricsCAD).

To ensure the same spline geometry for all CAD applications, the spline has to be defined by control points. The method add_spline_control_frame() adds a spline through fit points by calculating the control points by the Global Curve Interpolation algorithm. There is also a low level function ezdxf.math.global_bspline_interpolation() which calculates the control points from fit points.

msp.add_spline_control_frame(fit_points, method='uniform', dxfattribs={'color': 1})
msp.add_spline_control_frame(fit_points, method='chord', dxfattribs={'color': 3})
msp.add_spline_control_frame(fit_points, method='centripetal', dxfattribs={'color': 5})

  • black curve: AutoCAD/BricsCAD spline generated from fit points
  • red curve: spline curve interpolation, “uniform” method
  • green curve: spline curve interpolation, “chord” method
  • blue curve: spline curve interpolation, “centripetal” method


Add and open (clamped) spline defined by control points with the method add_open_spline(). If no knot values are given, an open uniform knot vector will be generated. A clamped B-spline starts at the first control point and ends at the last control point.

control_points = [(0, 0, 0), (1250, 1560, 0), (3130, 610, 0), (2250, 1250, 0)]


Rational B-splines have a weight for every control point, which can raise or lower the influence of the control point, default weight = 1, to lower the influence set a weight < 1 to raise the influence set a weight > 1. The count of weights has to be always equal to the count of control points.

Example to raise the influence of the first control point:

msp.add_closed_rational_spline(control_points, weights=[3, 1, 1, 1])


Check if spline is a closed curve or close/open spline, for a closed spline the last point is connected to the first point:

if spline.closed:

# this spline is closed
pass # close spline spline.closed = True # open spline spline.closed = False

Set start- and end tangent for splines defined by fit points:

spline.dxf.start_tangent = (0, 1, 0)  # in y-axis
spline.dxf.end_tangent = (1, 0, 0)  # in x-axis

Get data count as stored in DXF file:

count = spline.dxf.n_fit_points
count = spline.dxf.n_control_points
count = spline.dxf.n_knots

Get data count of real existing data:

count = spline.fit_point_count
count = spline.control_point_count
count = spline.knot_count

The Polyface entity represents a 3D mesh build of vertices and faces and is just an extended POLYLINE entity with a complex VERTEX structure. The Polyface entity was used in DXF R12 and older DXF versions and is still supported by newer DXF versions. The new Mesh entity stores the same data much more efficient but requires DXF R2000 or newer. The Polyface entity supports only triangles and quadrilaterals as faces the Mesh entity supports n-gons.

Its recommended to use the MeshBuilder objects to create 3D meshes and render them as POLYFACE entities by the render_polymesh() method into a layout:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import colors
from ezdxf.gfxattribs import GfxAttribs
from ezdxf.render import forms
cube = forms.cube().scale_uniform(10).subdivide(2)
red = GfxAttribs(color=colors.RED)
green = GfxAttribs(color=colors.GREEN)
blue = GfxAttribs(color=colors.BLUE)
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
# render as MESH entity
cube.render(msp, dxfattribs=red)
# render as POLYFACE a.k.a. POLYLINE entity
cube.render_polyface(msp, dxfattribs=green)
# render as unconnected 3DFACE entities
cube.render_3dfaces(msp, dxfattribs=blue)



If the mesh contains n-gons the render methods for POLYFACE and 3DFACES subdivides the n-gons into triangles, which does not work for concave faces.

The usage of the MeshBuilder object is also recommended for inspecting Polyface entities:

  • MeshBuilder.vertices is a sequence of 3D points as ezdxf.math.Vec3 objects
  • a face in MeshBuilder.faces is a sequence of indices into the MeshBuilder.vertices sequence

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.render import MeshBuilder
def process(mesh):

# vertices is a sequence of 3D points
vertices = mses.vertices
# a face is a sequence of indices into the vertices sequence
faces = mesh.faces
... doc = ezdxf.readfile("meshes.dxf") msp = doc.modelspace() for polyline in msp.query("POLYLINE"):
if polyline.is_poly_face_mesh:
mesh = MeshBuilder.from_polyface(polyline)

Create a cube mesh by direct access to base data structures:

import ezdxf
# 8 corner vertices
cube_vertices = [

(0, 0, 0),
(1, 0, 0),
(1, 1, 0),
(0, 1, 0),
(0, 0, 1),
(1, 0, 1),
(1, 1, 1),
(0, 1, 1), ] # 6 cube faces cube_faces = [
[0, 1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6, 7],
[0, 1, 5, 4],
[1, 2, 6, 5],
[3, 2, 6, 7],
[0, 3, 7, 4] ] # MESH requires DXF R2000 or later doc ="R2000") msp = doc.modelspace() mesh = msp.add_mesh() # do not subdivide cube, 0 is the default value mesh.dxf.subdivision_levels = 0 with mesh.edit_data() as mesh_data:
mesh_data.vertices = cube_vertices
mesh_data.faces = cube_faces doc.saveas("cube_mesh_1.dxf")

Create a cube mesh by assembling single faces and the edit_data() context manager of the Mesh class, using the helper class MeshData:

import ezdxf
# 8 corner vertices
p = [

(0, 0, 0),
(1, 0, 0),
(1, 1, 0),
(0, 1, 0),
(0, 0, 1),
(1, 0, 1),
(1, 1, 1),
(0, 1, 1), ] # MESH requires DXF R2000 or later doc ="R2000") msp = doc.modelspace() mesh = msp.add_mesh() with mesh.edit_data() as mesh_data:
mesh_data.add_face([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]])
mesh_data.add_face([p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]])
mesh_data.add_face([p[0], p[1], p[5], p[4]])
mesh_data.add_face([p[1], p[2], p[6], p[5]])
mesh_data.add_face([p[3], p[2], p[6], p[7]])
mesh_data.add_face([p[0], p[3], p[7], p[4]])
# optional call optimize(): minimizes the vertex count
mesh_data.optimize() doc.saveas("cube_mesh_2.dxf")

The simplest form of the Hatch entity has one polyline path with only straight lines as boundary path:

import ezdxf
# hatch requires DXF R2000 or later
doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# by default a solid fill hatch with fill color=7 (white/black)
hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=2)
# every boundary path is a 2D element
# vertex format for the polyline path is: (x, y[, bulge])
# there are no bulge values in this example

[(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10)], is_closed=True ) doc.saveas("solid_hatch_polyline_path.dxf")

But like all polyline entities the polyline path can also have bulge values:

import ezdxf
# hatch requires the DXF R2000 or later
doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# by default a solid fill hatch with fill color=7 (white/black)
hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=2)
# every boundary path is a 2D element
# vertex format for the polyline path is: (x, y[, bulge])
# bulge value 1 = an arc with diameter=10 (= distance to next vertex * bulge value)
# bulge value > 0 ... arc is right of line
# bulge value < 0 ... arc is left of line

[(0, 0, 1), (10, 0), (10, 10, -0.5), (0, 10)], is_closed=True ) doc.saveas("solid_hatch_polyline_path_with_bulge.dxf")

The most flexible way to define a boundary path is the edge path. An edge path can have multiple edges and each edge can be one of the following elements:

  • line EdgePath.add_line()
  • arc EdgePath.add_arc()
  • ellipse EdgePath.add_ellipse()
  • spline EdgePath.add_spline()

Create a solid hatch with an edge path (ellipse) as boundary path:

import ezdxf
# hatch requires the DXF R2000 or later
doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# important: major axis >= minor axis (ratio <= 1.)
# minor axis length = major axis length * ratio
msp.add_ellipse((0, 0), major_axis=(0, 10), ratio=0.5)
# by default a solid fill hatch with fill color=7 (white/black)
hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=2)
# every boundary path is a 2D element
edge_path = hatch.paths.add_edge_path()
# each edge path can contain line, arc, ellipse and spline elements
# important: major axis >= minor axis (ratio <= 1.)
edge_path.add_ellipse((0, 0), major_axis=(0, 10), ratio=0.5)

The DXF attribute hatch_style defines the island detection style:

0 nested - altering filled and unfilled areas
1 outer - area between external and outermost path is filled
2 ignore - external path is filled

hatch = msp.add_hatch(

"hatch_style": ezdxf.const.HATCH_STYLE_NESTED,
# 0 = nested: ezdxf.const.HATCH_STYLE_NESTED
# 1 = outer: ezdxf.const.HATCH_STYLE_OUTERMOST
# 2 = ignore: ezdxf.const.HATCH_STYLE_IGNORE
}, ) # The first path has to set flag: 1 = external # flag const.BOUNDARY_PATH_POLYLINE is added (OR) automatically hatch.paths.add_polyline_path(
[(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10)],
flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_EXTERNAL, )

This is also the result for all 4 paths and hatch_style set to 2 (ignore). [image]

# The second path has to set flag: 16 = outermost

[(1, 1), (9, 1), (9, 9), (1, 9)],
flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_OUTERMOST, )

This is also the result for all 4 paths and hatch_style set to 1 (outer). [image]

# The third path has to set flag: 0 = default

[(2, 2), (8, 2), (8, 8), (2, 8)],
flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_DEFAULT, )


# The forth path has to set flag: 0 = default, and so on

[(3, 3), (7, 3), (7, 7), (3, 7)],
flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_DEFAULT, ) doc.saveas(OUTDIR / "solid_hatch_islands_04.dxf")


The expected result of combinations of various hatch_style values and paths flags, or the handling of overlapping paths is not documented by the DXF reference, so don’t ask me, ask Autodesk or just try it by yourself and post your experience in the forum.

hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=1)
# 1. polyline path

(240, 210, 0),
(0, 210, 0),
(0, 0, 0.0),
(240, 0, 0),
flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_EXTERNAL, ) # 2. edge path edge_path = hatch.paths.add_edge_path(flags=ezdxf.const.BOUNDARY_PATH_OUTERMOST) edge_path.add_spline(
(126.658105895725, 177.0823706957212),
(141.5497003747484, 187.8907860433995),
(205.8997365206943, 154.7946313459515),
(113.0168862297068, 117.8189380884978),
(202.9816918983783, 63.17222935389572),
(157.363511042264, 26.4621294342132),
(144.8204003260554, 28.4383294369643),
], ) edge_path.add_arc(
center=(152.6378550678883, 128.3209356351659),
end_angle=177.1345242028005, ) edge_path.add_line(
(52.57506282464041, 123.3124200796114),
(126.658105895725, 177.0823706957212), )


A HATCH entity can be associative to a base geometry, which means if the base geometry is edited in a CAD application the HATCH get the same modification. Because ezdxf is not a CAD application, this association is not maintained nor verified by ezdxf, so if you modify the base geometry afterwards the geometry of the boundary path is not updated and no verification is done to check if the associated geometry matches the boundary path, this opens many possibilities to create invalid DXF files: USE WITH CARE.

This example associates a LWPOLYLINE entity to the hatch created from the LWPOLYLINE vertices:

# Create base geometry
lwpolyline = msp.add_lwpolyline(

[(0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0.5), (10, 10, 0), (0, 10, 0)],
close=True, ) hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=1) path = hatch.paths.add_polyline_path(
# get path vertices from associated LWPOLYLINE entity
# get closed state also from associated LWPOLYLINE entity
is_closed=lwpolyline.closed, ) # Set association between boundary path and LWPOLYLINE hatch.associate(path, [lwpolyline])

An EdgePath needs associations to all geometry entities forming the boundary path.

Use predefined hatch pattern by name:

hatch.set_pattern_fill("ANSI31", scale=0.5)




Insert a raster image into a DXF document, the raster image is NOT embedded in the DXF file:

import ezdxf
# The IMAGE entity requires the DXF R2000 format or later.
doc ="R2000")
# The IMAGEDEF entity is like a block definition, it just defines the image.
my_image_def = doc.add_image_def(

filename="mycat.jpg", size_in_pixel=(640, 360) ) msp = doc.modelspace() # The IMAGE entity is like the INSERT entity, it's just an image reference, # and there can be multiple references to the same picture in a DXF document. # 1st image reference msp.add_image(
insert=(2, 1),
size_in_units=(6.4, 3.6),
rotation=0 ) # 2nd image reference msp.add_image(
insert=(4, 5),
size_in_units=(3.2, 1.8),
rotation=30 ) # Get existing image definitions from the OBJECTS section: image_defs = doc.objects.query("IMAGEDEF") doc.saveas("dxf_with_cat.dxf")

Insert a PDF, DWF, DWFx or DGN file as drawing underlay, the underlay file is NOT embedded into the DXF file:

import ezdxf
doc ='AC1015')  # underlay requires the DXF R2000 format or later
my_underlay_def = doc.add_underlay_def(filename='my_underlay.pdf', name='1')
# The (PDF)DEFINITION entity is like a block definition, it just defines the underlay
# 'name' is misleading, because it defines the page/sheet to be displayed
# PDF: name is the page number to display
# DGN: name='default' ???
# DWF: ????
msp = doc.modelspace()
# add first underlay
msp.add_underlay(my_underlay_def, insert=(2, 1, 0), scale=0.05)
# The (PDF)UNDERLAY entity is like the INSERT entity, it creates an underlay reference,
# and there can be multiple references to the same underlay in a drawing.
msp.add_underlay(my_underlay_def, insert=(4, 5, 0), scale=.5, rotation=30)
# get existing underlay definitions, Important: UNDERLAYDEFs resides in the objects section
pdf_defs = doc.objects.query('PDFDEFINITION')  # get all pdf underlay defs in drawing

Simple line type example: [image]

You can define your own linetypes. A linetype definition has a name, a description and line pattern elements:

elements = [total_pattern_length, elem1, elem2, ...]

Sum of all linetype elements (absolute values)
if elem > 0 it is a line, if elem < 0 it is gap, if elem == 0.0 it is a dot

Create a new linetype definition:

import ezdxf
from import linetypes  # some predefined linetypes
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
my_line_types = [

"Dotted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
[0.2, 0.0, -0.2],
"Dotted (2x) . . . . . . . . ",
[0.4, 0.0, -0.4],
"Dotted (.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
[0.1, 0.0, -0.1],
), ] for name, desc, pattern in my_line_types:
if name not in doc.linetypes:

Setup some predefined linetypes:

for name, desc, pattern in linetypes():

if name not in doc.linetypes:
pattern= pattern,

The linetypes object supports some standard Python protocols:

# iteration
print("available linetypes:")
for lt in doc.linetypes:

print(f"{}: {lt.dxf.description}") # check for existing linetype if "DOTTED" in doc.linetypes:
pass count = len(doc.linetypes) # total count of linetypes


Ezdxf does not check if a linetype is still in use and deleting a linetype which is still in use generates an invalid DXF file. The audit process audit() of the DXF document removes linetype attributes referencing non existing linetypes.

You can delete a linetype:


This just removes the linetype definition, the linetype attribute of DXF entities may still refer the reoved linetype definition “DASHED” and AutoCAD will not open DXF files including undefined linetypes.

In DXF R13 Autodesk introduced complex linetypes, containing TEXT or SHAPES in line types.

Complex linetype example with text: [image]

Complex line type example with shapes: [image]

For easy usage the pattern string for complex line types is mostly the same string as the pattern definition strings in AutoCAD “.lin” files.

Example for complex line type TEXT:

doc ="R2018")  # DXF R13 or later is required

# linetype definition string from acad.lin:
description= "Gasleitung2 ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----",
length=1, # required for complex line types })

The pattern always starts with an “A”, the following float values have the same meaning as for simple linetypes, a value > 0 is a line, a value < 0 is a gap, and a 0 is a point, the opening square bracket “[” starts the complex part of the linetype pattern.

The text after the “[” defines the complex linetype:

  • A text in quotes (e.g. “GAS”) defines a complex TEXT linetype and represents the pattern text itself.
  • A text without quotes is a SHAPE name (in “.lin” files) and defines a complex SHAPE linetype. Ezdxf can not translate this SHAPE name from the “.lin” file into the required shape file index, so *YOU have to translate this SHAPE name into the shape file index, e.g. saving the file with AutoCAD as DXF and searching for the DXF linetype definition, see example below and the DXF Internals: LTYPE Table.

For complex TEXT linetypes the second parameter is the text style, for complex SHAPE linetypes the second parameter is the shape file name, the shape file has to be in the same directory as the DXF file or in one of the CAD application support paths.

The meaning of the following comple linetype parameters are shown in the table below:

S scaling factor, always > 0, if S=0 the TEXT or SHAPE is not visible
R or U rotation relative to the line direction
X x-direction offset (along the line)
Y y-direction offset (perpendicular to the line)

These parameters are case insensitive and the closing square bracket “]” ends the complex part of the linetype pattern.

The fine tuning of this parameters is a try an error process, for complex TEXT linetypes the scaling factor (e.g. the STANDARD text style) sets the text height (e.g. “S=0.1” sets the text height to 0.1 units), by shifting in y-direction by half of the scaling factor, the text is vertically centered to the line. For the x-direction it seems to be a good practice to place a gap in front of the text and after the text, find x shifting value and gap sizes by try and error. The overall length is at least the sum of all line and gap definitions (absolute values).

Example for complex line type SHAPE:


# linetype definition in acad.lin:
# A,.25,-.1,[BOX,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.1,1
# replacing BOX by shape index 132 (got index from an AutoCAD file),
# ezdxf can't get shape index from ltypeshp.shx
description="Grenze eckig ----[]-----[]----[]-----[]----[]--",
length= 1.45, # required for complex line types })

Complex line types with shapes only work if the associated shape file (e. g. ltypeshp.shx) and the DXF file are in the same directory or the shape file is placed in one of the CAD application support folders.

For OCS/UCS usage is a basic understanding of vectors required, for a brush up, watch the YouTube tutorials of 3Blue1Brown about Linear Algebra.

Second read the Coordinate Systems introduction please.


The free online book 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development is a very good resource for learning vector math and other graphic related topics, it is easy to read for beginners and especially targeted to programmers.

For WCS there is not much to say as, it is what it is: the main world coordinate system, and a drawing unit can have any real world unit you want. Autodesk added some mechanism to define a scale for dimension and text entities, but because I am not an AutoCAD user, I am not familiar with it, and further more I think this is more an AutoCAD topic than a DXF topic.

Object Coordinate System (OCS)

The OCS is used to place planar 2D entities in 3D space. ALL points of a planar entity lay in the same plane, this is also true if the plane is located in 3D space by an OCS. There are three basic DXF attributes that gives a 2D entity its spatial form.

The extrusion vector defines the OCS, it is a normal vector to the base plane of a planar entity. This base plane is always located in the origin of the WCS. But there are some entities like Ellipse, which have an extrusion vector, but do not establish an OCS. For this entities the extrusion vector defines only the extrusion direction and thickness defines the extrusion distance, but all other points in WCS.

The elevation value defines the z-axis value for all points of a planar entity, this is an OCS value, and defines the distance of the entity plane from the base plane.

This value exists only in output from DXF versions prior to R11 as separated DXF attribute (group code 38). In DXF R12 and later, the elevation value is supplied as z-axis value of each point. But as always in DXF, this simple rule does not apply to all entities: LWPolyline and Hatch have an DXF attribute elevation, where the z-axis of this point is the elevation height and the x-axis = y-axis = 0.

Defines the extrusion distance for an entity.


There is a new edition of this tutorial using UCS based transformation, which are available in ezdxf v0.11 and later: Tutorial for UCS Based Transformations

This edition shows the hard way to accomplish the transformations by low level operations.

Placing 2D Circle in 3D Space

The colors for axis follow the AutoCAD standard:

  • red is x-axis
  • green is y-axis
  • blue is z-axis

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import OCS
doc ='R2010')
msp = doc.modelspace()
# For this example the OCS is rotated around x-axis about 45 degree
# OCS z-axis: x=0, y=1, z=1
# extrusion vector must not normalized here
ocs = OCS((0, 1, 1))

# You can place the 2D circle in 3D space
# but you have to convert WCS into OCS
center=ocs.from_wcs((0, 2, 2)),
# center in OCS: (0.0, 0.0, 2.82842712474619)
# here the extrusion vector should be normalized,
# which is granted by using the
'color': 1,
}) # mark center point of circle in WCS msp.add_point((0, 2, 2), dxfattribs={'color': 1})

The following image shows the 2D circle in 3D space in AutoCAD Left and Front view. The blue line shows the OCS z-axis (extrusion direction), elevation is the distance from the origin to the center of the circle in this case 2.828, and you see that the x- and y-axis of OCS and WCS are not aligned. [image: circle in ocs as side view] [image] [image: circle in ocs as front view] [image]

Placing LWPolyline in 3D Space

For simplicity of calculation I use the UCS class in this example to place a 2D pentagon in 3D space.

# The center of the pentagon should be (0, 2, 2), and the shape is
# rotated around x-axis about 45 degree, to accomplish this I use an
# UCS with z-axis (0, 1, 1) and an x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis.
ucs = UCS(

origin=(0, 2, 2), # center of pentagon
ux=(1, 0, 0), # x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis
uz=(0, 1, 1), # z-axis ) # calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates points = [Vec3.from_deg_angle((360 / 5) * n) for n in range(5)] # converting UCS into OCS coordinates ocs_points = list(ucs.points_to_ocs(points)) # LWPOLYLINE accepts only 2D points and has an separated DXF attribute elevation. # All points have the same z-axis (elevation) in OCS! elevation = ocs_points[0].z msp.add_lwpolyline(
format='xy', # ignore z-axis
'elevation': elevation,
'color': 1,

The following image shows the 2D pentagon in 3D space in AutoCAD Left, Front and Top view. The three lines from the center of the pentagon show the UCS, the three colored lines in the origin show the OCS the white lines in the origin show the WCS.

The z-axis of the UCS and the OCS show the same direction (extrusion direction), and the x-axis of the UCS and the WCS show the same direction. The elevation is the distance from the origin to the center of the pentagon and all points of the pentagon have the same elevation, and you see that the y- axis of UCS, OCS and WCS are not aligned. [image: pentagon in ucs as side view] [image] [image: pentagon in ucs as front view] [image]

Using UCS to Place 3D Polyline

It is much simpler to use a 3D Polyline to create the 3D pentagon. The UCS class is handy for this example and all kind of 3D operations.

# Using an UCS simplifies 3D operations, but UCS definition can happen later
# calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates without Vec3 class
angle = math.radians(360 / 5)
corners_ucs = [(math.cos(angle * n), math.sin(angle * n), 0) for n in range(5)]
# let's do some transformations
tmatrix = Matrix44.chain(  # creating a transformation matrix

Matrix44.z_rotate(math.radians(15)), # 1. rotation around z-axis
Matrix44.translate(0, .333, .333), # 2. translation ) transformed_corners_ucs = tmatrix.transform_vertices(corners_ucs) # transform UCS into WCS ucs = UCS(
origin=(0, 2, 2), # center of pentagon
ux=(1, 0, 0), # x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis
uz=(0, 1, 1), # z-axis ) corners_wcs = list(ucs.points_to_wcs(transformed_corners_ucs)) msp.add_polyline3d(
close=True, ) # add lines from center to corners center_wcs = ucs.to_wcs((0, .333, .333)) for corner in corners_wcs:
msp.add_line(center_wcs, corner, dxfattribs={'color': 1}) ucs.render_axis(msp)

[image: 3d poyline with UCS] [image]

Placing 2D Text in 3D Space

The problem by placing text in 3D space is the text rotation, which is always counter clockwise around the OCS z-axis, and 0 degree is in direction of the positive OCS x-axis, and the OCS x-axis is calculated by the Arbitrary Axis Algorithm.

Calculate the OCS rotation angle by converting the TEXT rotation angle (in UCS or WCS) into a vector or begin with text direction as vector, transform this direction vector into OCS and convert the OCS vector back into an angle in the OCS xy-plane (see example), this procedure is available as UCS.to_ocs_angle_deg() or UCS.to_ocs_angle_rad().

AutoCAD supports thickness for the TEXT entity only for .shx fonts and not for true type fonts.

# Thickness for text works only with shx fonts not with true type fonts'TXT', dxfattribs={'font': 'romans.shx'})
ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2), ux=(1, 0, 0), uz=(0, 1, 1))
# calculation of text direction as angle in OCS:
# convert text rotation in degree into a vector in UCS
text_direction = Vec3.from_deg_angle(-45)
# transform vector into OCS and get angle of vector in xy-plane
rotation = ucs.to_ocs(text_direction).angle_deg
text = msp.add_text(

# text rotation angle in degrees in OCS
'rotation': rotation,
'thickness': .333,
'color': 1,
'style': 'TXT',
}) # set text position in OCS text.set_pos(ucs.to_ocs((0, 0, 0)), align='MIDDLE_CENTER')

[image: text in ucs as top view] [image] [image: text in ucs as front view] [image]


For calculating OCS angles from an UCS, be aware that 2D entities, like TEXT or ARC, are placed parallel to the xy-plane of the UCS.

Placing 2D Arc in 3D Space

Here we have the same problem as for placing text, you need the start and end angle of the arc in degrees in OCS, and this example also shows a shortcut for calculating the OCS angles.

ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2), ux=(1, 0, 0), uz=(0, 1, 1))

center=ucs.to_ocs((0, 0)),
'color': 1,
}) center = ucs.to_wcs((0, 0)) msp.add_line(
dxfattribs={'color': 1}, ) msp.add_line(
dxfattribs={'color': 1}, )

[image: arc in ucs as top view] [image] [image: arc in ucs as front view] [image]

Placing Block References in 3D Space

Despite the fact that block references (Insert) can contain true 3D entities like Line or Mesh, the Insert entity uses the same placing principe as Text or Arc shown in the previous chapters.

Simple placing by OCS and rotation about the z-axis, can be achieved the same way as for generic 2D entity types. The DXF attribute Insert.dxf.rotation rotates a block reference around the block z-axis, which is located in the Block.dxf.base_point. To rotate the block reference around the WCS x-axis, a transformation of the block z-axis into the WCS x-axis is required by rotating the block z-axis 90 degree counter clockwise around y-axis by using an UCS:

This is just an excerpt of the important parts, see the whole code of at github.

# rotate UCS around an arbitrary axis:
def ucs_rotation(ucs: UCS, axis: Vec3, angle: float):

# new in ezdxf v0.11: UCS.rotate(axis, angle)
t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(axis, math.radians(angle))
ux, uy, uz = t.transform_vertices([ucs.ux,,])
return UCS(origin=ucs.origin, ux=ux, uy=uy, uz=uz) doc ='R2010', setup=True) blk ='CSYS') setup_csys(blk) msp = doc.modelspace() ucs = ucs_rotation(UCS(), axis=Y_AXIS, angle=90) # transform insert location to OCS insert = ucs.to_ocs((0, 0, 0)) # rotation angle about the z-axis (= WCS x-axis) rotation = ucs.to_ocs_angle_deg(15) msp.add_blockref('CSYS', insert, dxfattribs={
'rotation': rotation, })

[image] [image]

To rotate a block reference around another axis than the block z-axis, you have to find the rotated z-axis (extrusion vector) of the rotated block reference, following example rotates the block reference around the block x-axis by 15 degrees:

# t is a transformation matrix to rotate 15 degree around the x-axis
t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(axis=X_AXIS, angle=math.radians(15))
# transform block z-axis into new UCS z-axis (= extrusion vector)
uz = Vec3(t.transform(Z_AXIS))
# create new UCS at the insertion point, because we are rotating around the x-axis,
# ux is the same as the WCS x-axis and uz is the rotated z-axis.
ucs = UCS(origin=(1, 2, 0), ux=X_AXIS, uz=uz)
# transform insert location to OCS, block base_point=(0, 0, 0)
insert = ucs.to_ocs((0, 0, 0))
# for this case a rotation around the z-axis is not required
rotation = 0
blockref = msp.add_blockref('CSYS', insert, dxfattribs={

'rotation': rotation, })

[image] [image]

The next example shows how to translate a block references with an already established OCS:

# translate a block references with an established OCS
translation = Vec3(-3, -1, 1)
# get established OCS
ocs = blockref.ocs()
# get insert location in WCS
actual_wcs_location = ocs.to_wcs(blockref.dxf.insert)
# translate location
new_wcs_location = actual_wcs_location + translation
# convert WCS location to OCS location
blockref.dxf.insert = ocs.from_wcs(new_wcs_location)

Setting a new insert location is the same procedure without adding a translation vector, just transform the new insert location into the OCS. [image] [image]

The next operation is to rotate a block reference with an established OCS, rotation axis is the block y-axis, rotation angle is -90 degrees. First transform block y-axis (rotation axis) and block z-axis (extrusion vector) from OCS into WCS:

# rotate a block references with an established OCS around the block y-axis about 90 degree
ocs = blockref.ocs()
# convert block y-axis (= rotation axis) into WCS vector
rotation_axis = ocs.to_wcs((0, 1, 0))
# convert local z-axis (=extrusion vector) into WCS vector
local_z_axis = ocs.to_wcs((0, 0, 1))

Build transformation matrix and transform extrusion vector and build new UCS:

# build transformation matrix
t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(axis=rotation_axis, angle=math.radians(-90))
uz = t.transform(local_z_axis)
uy = rotation_axis
# the block reference origin stays at the same location, no rotation needed
wcs_insert = ocs.to_wcs(blockref.dxf.insert)
# build new UCS to convert WCS locations and angles into OCS
ucs = UCS(origin=wcs_insert, uy=uy, uz=uz)

Set new OCS attributes, we also have to set the rotation attribute even though we do not rotate the block reference around the local z-axis, the new block x-axis (0 deg) differs from OCS x-axis and has to be adjusted:

# set new OCS
blockref.dxf.extrusion =
# set new insert
blockref.dxf.insert = ucs.to_ocs((0, 0, 0))
# set new rotation: we do not rotate the block reference around the local z-axis,
# but the new block x-axis (0 deg) differs from OCS x-axis and has to be adjusted
blockref.dxf.rotation = ucs.to_ocs_angle_deg(0)

[image] [image]

And here is the point, where my math knowledge ends, for more advanced CAD operation you have to look elsewhere.

With ezdxf v0.11 a new feature for entity transformation was introduced, which makes working with OCS/UCS much easier, this is a new edition of the older Tutorial for OCS/UCS Usage. For the basic information read the old tutorial please. In ezdxf v0.13 the transform_to_wcs() interface was replaced by the general transformation interface: transform().

For this tutorial we don’t have to worry about the OCS and the extrusion vector, this is done automatically by the transform() method of each DXF entity.

Placing 2D Circle in 3D Space

To recreate the situation of the old tutorial instantiate a new UCS and rotate it around the local x-axis. Use UCS coordinates to place the 2D CIRCLE in 3D space, and transform the UCS coordinates to the WCS.

import math
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import UCS
doc ='R2010')
msp = doc.modelspace()
ucs = UCS()  # New default UCS
# All rotation angles in radians, and rotation
# methods always return a new UCS.
ucs = ucs.rotate_local_x(math.radians(-45))
circle = msp.add_circle(

# Use UCS coordinates to place the 2d circle in 3d space
center=(0, 0, 2),
dxfattribs={'color': 1} ) circle.transform(ucs.matrix) # mark center point of circle in WCS msp.add_point((0, 0, 2), dxfattribs={'color': 1}).transform(ucs.matrix)

[image: circle in ucs as side view] [image] [image: circle in ucs as front view] [image]

Placing LWPolyline in 3D Space

Simplified LWPOLYLINE example:

# The center of the pentagon should be (0, 2, 2), and the shape is
# rotated around x-axis about -45 degree
ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(-45))

# calculating corner points in UCS coordinates
points=(Vec3.from_deg_angle((360 / 5) * n) for n in range(5)),
format='xy', # ignore z-axis
'color': 1,

The 2D pentagon in 3D space in BricsCAD Left and Front view. [image: pentagon in ucs as side view] [image] [image: pentagon in ucs as front view] [image]

Using UCS to Place 3D Polyline

Simplified POLYLINE example: Using a first UCS to transform the POLYLINE and a second UCS to place the POLYLINE in 3D space.

# using an UCS simplifies 3D operations, but UCS definition can happen later
# calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates without Vec3 class
angle = math.radians(360 / 5)
corners_ucs = [(math.cos(angle * n), math.sin(angle * n), 0) for n in range(5)]
# let's do some transformations by UCS
transformation_ucs = UCS().rotate_local_z(math.radians(15))  # 1. rotation around z-axis
transformation_ucs.shift((0, .333, .333))  # 2. translation (inplace)
corners_ucs = list(transformation_ucs.points_to_wcs(corners_ucs))
location_ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(-45))

'color': 1,
} ).transform(location_ucs.matrix) # Add lines from the center of the POLYLINE to the corners center_ucs = transformation_ucs.to_wcs((0, 0, 0)) for corner in corners_ucs:
center_ucs, corner, dxfattribs={'color': 1}

[image: 3d poyline with UCS] [image]

Placing 2D Text in 3D Space

The problem with the text rotation in the old tutorial disappears (or better it is hidden in transform()) with the new UCS based transformation method:

AutoCAD supports thickness for the TEXT entity only for .shx fonts and not for true type fonts.

# thickness for text works only with shx fonts not with true type fonts'TXT', dxfattribs={'font': 'romans.shx'})
ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(-45))
text = msp.add_text(

# text rotation angle in degrees in UCS
'rotation': -45,
'thickness': .333,
'color': 1,
'style': 'TXT',
} ) # set text position in UCS text.set_pos((0, 0, 0), align='MIDDLE_CENTER') text.transform(ucs.matrix)

[image: text in ucs as top view] [image] [image: text in ucs as front view] [image]

Placing 2D Arc in 3D Space

Same as for the text example, OCS angle transformation can be ignored:

ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(-45))
CENTER = (0, 0)

dxfattribs={'color': 6}, ).transform(ucs.matrix) msp.add_line(
dxfattribs={'color': 6}, ).transform(ucs.matrix) msp.add_line(
dxfattribs={'color': 6}, ).transform(ucs.matrix)

[image: arc in ucs as top view] [image] [image: arc in ucs as front view] [image]

Placing Block References in 3D Space

Despite the fact that block references (INSERT) can contain true 3D entities like LINE or MESH, the INSERT entity uses the same placing principe as TEXT or ARC shown in the previous chapters.

To rotate the block reference 15 degrees around the WCS x-axis, we place the block reference in the origin of the UCS, and rotate the UCS 90 degrees around its local y-axis, to align the UCS z-axis with the WCS x-axis:

This is just an excerpt of the important parts, see the whole code of at github.

doc ='R2010', setup=True)
blk ='CSYS')
msp = doc.modelspace()
ucs = UCS().rotate_local_y(angle=math.radians(90))

insert=(0, 0),
# rotation around the block z-axis (= WCS x-axis)
dxfattribs={'rotation': 15}, ).transform(ucs.matrix)

[image] [image]

A more simple approach is to ignore the rotate attribute at all and just rotate the UCS. To rotate a block reference around any axis rather than the block z-axis, rotate the UCS into the desired position. Following example rotates the block reference around the block x-axis by 15 degrees:

ucs = UCS(origin=(1, 2, 0)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(15))
blockref = msp.add_blockref('CSYS', insert=(0, 0, 0))

[image] [image]

The next example shows how to translate a block references with an already established OCS:

# New UCS at the translated location, axis aligned to the WCS
ucs = UCS((-3, -1, 1))
# Transform an already placed block reference, including
# the transformation of the established OCS.

[image] [image]

The next operation is to rotate a block reference with an established OCS, rotation axis is the block y-axis, rotation angle is -90 degrees. The idea is to create an UCS in the origin of the already placed block reference, UCS axis aligned to the block axis and resetting the block reference parameters for a new WCS transformation.

# Get UCS at the block reference insert location, UCS axis aligned
# to the block axis.
ucs = blockref.ucs()
# Rotate UCS around the local y-axis.
ucs = ucs.rotate_local_y(math.radians(-90))

Reset block reference parameters, this places the block reference in the UCS origin and aligns the block axis to the UCS axis, now we do a new transformation from UCS to WCS:

# Reset block reference parameters to place block reference in
# UCS origin, without any rotation and OCS.
# Transform block reference from UCS to WCS

[image] [image]

The Dimension entity is the generic entity for all dimension types, but unfortunately AutoCAD is not willing to show a dimension line defined only by this dimension entity, it also needs an anonymous block which contains the dimension line shape constructed by basic DXF entities like LINE and TEXT entities, this representation is called the dimension line rendering in this documentation, beside the fact this is not a real graphical rendering. BricsCAD is a much more friendly CAD application, which do show the dimension entity without the graphical rendering as block, which was very useful for testing, because there is no documentation how to apply all the dimension style variables (more than 80). This seems to be the reason why dimension lines are rendered so differently by many CAD application.

Don’t expect to get the same rendering results by ezdxf as you get from AutoCAD, ezdxf tries to be as close to the results rendered by BricsCAD, but it is not possible to implement all the various combinations of dimension style parameters, which often affect one another.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

Text rendering is another problem, because ezdxf has no real rendering engine. Some font properties, like the real text width, which is only available to ezdxf if the Matplotlib package is installed and may also vary slightly for different CAD applications. Without access to the Matplotlib package the text properties in ezdxf are based on an abstract monospaced font and are bigger than required by true type fonts.

Not all DIMENSION and DIMSTYLE features are supported by all DXF versions, especially DXF R12 does not support many features, but in this case the required rendering of dimension lines is an advantage, because if the application just shows the rendered block, all features which can be used in DXF R12 are displayed like linetypes, but this features will disappear if the dimension line will be edited in the CAD application. Ezdxf writes only the supported DIMVARS of the used DXF version to avoid invalid DXF files. So it is not that critical to know all the supported features of a DXF version, except for limits and tolerances, ezdxf uses the advanced features of the MTEXT entity to create limits and tolerances and therefore they are not supported (displayed) in DXF R12 files.


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for linear dimensions.

import ezdxf
# Create a DXF R2010 document:
# Use argument setup=True to setup the default dimension styles.
doc ="R2010", setup=True)
# Add new dimension entities to the modelspace:
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Add a LINE entity for visualization, not required to create the DIMENSION
# entity:
msp.add_line((0, 0), (3, 0))
# Add a horizontal linear DIMENSION entity:
dim = msp.add_linear_dim(

base=(3, 2), # location of the dimension line
p1=(0, 0), # 1st measurement point
p2=(3, 0), # 2nd measurement point
dimstyle="EZDXF", # default dimension style ) # Necessary second step to create the BLOCK entity with the dimension geometry. # Additional processing of the DIMENSION entity could happen between adding # the entity and the rendering call. dim.render() doc.saveas("dim_linear_horiz.dxf")


The example above creates a horizontal Dimension entity. The default dimension style “EZDXF” is defined as:

  • 1 drawing unit = 1m
  • measurement text height = 0.25 (drawing scale = 1:100)
  • the length factor dimlfac = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm.
  • arrow is “ARCHTICK”, arrow size dimasz = 0.175

Every dimension style which does not exist will be replaced by the dimension style “Standard” at DXF export by save() or saveas() (e.g. dimension style setup was not initiated).

The base point defines the location of the dimension line, ezdxf accepts any point on the dimension line, the point p1 defines the start point of the first extension line, which also defines the first measurement point and the point p2 defines the start point of the second extension line, which also defines the second measurement point.

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as attribute dim.dimension.

Argument angle defines the angle of the dimension line in relation to the x-axis of the WCS or UCS, measurement is the distance between first and second measurement point in direction of angle.

# assignment to dim is not necessary, if no additional processing happens
msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(0, 0), p2=(3, 0), angle=-30).render()


For a vertical dimension set argument angle to 90 degree, but in this example the vertical distance would be 0.

An aligned dimension line is parallel to the line defined by the definition points p1 and p2. The placement of the dimension line is defined by the argument distance, which is the distance between the definition line and the dimension line. The distance of the dimension line is orthogonal to the base line in counter clockwise orientation.

msp.add_line((0, 2), (3, 0))
dim = msp.add_aligned_dim(p1=(0, 2), p2=(3, 0), distance=1)


Many dimension styling options are defined by the associated DimStyle entity. But often you wanna change just a few settings without creating a new dimension style, therefore the DXF format has a protocol to store this changed settings in the dimension entity itself. This protocol is supported by ezdxf and every factory function which creates dimension entities supports the override argument. This override argument is a simple Python dictionary (e.g. override = {"dimtad": 4}, place measurement text below dimension line).

The overriding protocol is managed by the DimStyleOverride object, which is returned by the most dimension factory functions.

Placing Measurement Text

The default location of the measurement text depends on various DimStyle parameters and is applied if no user defined text location is defined.

Default Text Locations

“Horizontal direction” means in direction of the dimension line and “vertical direction” means perpendicular to the dimension line direction.

The “horizontal” location of the measurement text is defined by dimjust:

0 Center of dimension line
1 Left side of the dimension line, near first extension line
2 Right side of the dimension line, near second extension line
3 Over first extension line
4 Over second extension line


base=(3, 2), p1=(0, 0), p2=(3, 0), override={"dimjust": 1} ).render()


The “vertical” location of the measurement text relative to the dimension line is defined by dimtad:

0 Center, it is possible to adjust the vertical location by dimtvp
1 Above
2 Outside, handled like Above by ezdxf
3 JIS, handled like Above by ezdxf
4 Below


base=(3, 2), p1=(0, 0), p2=(3, 0), override={"dimtad": 4} ).render()


The distance between text and dimension line is defined by dimgap.

The DimStyleOverride object has a method set_text_align() to set the default text location in an easy way, this is also the reason for the 2 step creation process of dimension entities:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(0, 0), p2=(3, 0))
dim.set_text_align(halign="left", valign="center")

halign “left”, “right”, “center”, “above1”, “above2”
valign “above”, “center”, “below”

Run function example_for_all_text_placings_R2007() in the example script to create a DXF file with all text placings supported by ezdxf.

User Defined Text Locations

Beside the default location, it is possible to locate the measurement text freely.

The user defined text location can be set by the argument location in most dimension factory functions and always references the midpoint of the measurement text:


base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0), location=(4, 4) ).render()


The location is relative to origin of the active coordinate system or WCS if no UCS is defined in the render() method, the user defined location can also be set by user_location_override().

The method set_location() has additional features for linear dimensions. Argument leader = True adds a simple leader from the measurement text to the center of the dimension line and argument relative = True places the measurement text relative to the center of the dimension line.

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))
dim.set_location(location=(-1, 1), leader=True, relative=True)


The method shift_text() shifts the measurement text away from the default text location. The shifting directions are aligned to the text direction, which is the direction of the dimension line in most cases, dh (for delta horizontal) shifts the text parallel to the text direction, dv (for delta vertical) shifts the text perpendicular to the text direction. This method does not support leaders.

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))
dim.shift_text(dh=1, dv=1)


Overriding Text Rotation

All factory methods supporting the argument text_rotation can override the measurement text rotation. The user defined rotation is relative to the render UCS x-axis (default is WCS).

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

DIMVAR Description
dimtxsty Specifies the text style of the dimension as Textstyle name.
dimtxt Text height in drawing units.
dimclrt Measurement text color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimtxsty": "Standard",
"dimtxt": 0.35,
"dimclrt": 1,
} ).render()


Background Filling

Background fillings are supported since DXF R2007, and ezdxf uses the MTEXT entity to implement this feature, so setting background filling in DXF R12 has no effect. The DIMVAR dimtfill defines the kind of background filling and the DIMVAR dimtfillclr defines the fill color.

DIMVAR Description
dimtfill Enables background filling if bigger than 0
dimtfillclr Fill color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), if dimtfill is 2
dimtfill Description
0 disabled
1 canvas color
2 color defined by dimtfillclr


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimtfill": 2,
"dimtfillclr": 1,
} ).render()


Text Formatting

  • decimal places: dimdec defines the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. (DXF R2000)
  • decimal point character: dimdsep defines the decimal point as ASCII code, get the ASCII code by ord('.')
  • rounding: dimrnd, rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value, for instance, if dimrnd is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If dimrnd is set to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer. For more information look at the documentation of the ezdxf.math.xround() function.
  • zero trimming: dimzin, ezdxf supports only a subset of values:
  • 4 to suppress leading zeros
  • 8 to suppress trailing zeros
  • 12 as the combination of both

  • measurement factor: scale measurement by factor dimlfac, e.g. to get the dimensioning text in cm for a DXF file where 1 drawing unit represents 1m, set dimlfac to 100.
  • text template: dimpost, “<>” represents the measurement text, e.g. “~<>cm” produces “~300cm” for measurement in previous example.

To set this values the ezdxf.entities.DimStyle.set_text_format() and ezdxf.entities.DimStyleOverride.set_text_format() methods are very recommended.

Overriding Measurement Text

This feature allows overriding the real measurement text by a custom measurement text, the text is stored as string in the Dimension entity as attribute text. Special values of the text attribute are: one space ” ” to suppress the measurement text at all, an empty string “” or “<>” to display the real measurement.

All factory functions have an explicit text argument, which always replaces the text value in the dxfattribs dict.

msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0), text=">1m").render()


The dimension line color is defined by the DIMVAR dimclrd as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), dimclrd and also defines the color of the arrows. The linetype is defined by dimltype and requires DXF R2007. The lineweight is defined by dimlwd and requires DXF R2000, see also the lineweight reference for valid values. The dimdle is the extension of the dimension line beyond the extension lines, this dimension line extension is not supported for all arrows.

DIMVAR Description
dimclrd dimension line and arrows color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
dimltype linetype of dimension line
dimlwd line weight of dimension line
dimdle extension of dimension line in drawing units


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimclrd": 1, # red
"dimdle": 0.25,
"dimltype": "DASHED2",
"dimlwd": 35, # 0.35mm line weight
} ).render()


DimStyleOverride() method:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))

color=1, linetype="DASHED2", lineweight=35, extension=0.25 ) dim.render()

The extension line color is defined by the DIMVAR dimclre as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI). The linetype for the first and the second extension line is defined by dimltex1 and dimltex2 and requires DXF R2007. The lineweight is defined by dimlwe and required DXF R2000, see also the lineweight reference for valid values.

The dimexe is the extension of the extension line beyond the dimension line, and dimexo defines the offset of the extension line from the measurement point.

DIMVAR Description
dimclre extension line color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
dimltex1 linetype of first extension line
dimltex2 linetype of second extension line
dimlwe line weight of extension line
dimexe extension beyond dimension line in drawing units
dimexo offset of extension line from measurement point
dimfxlon set to 1 to enable fixed length extension line
dimfxl length of fixed length extension line in drawing units
dimse1 suppress first extension line if 1
dimse2 suppress second extension line if 1


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimclre": 1, # red
"dimltex1": "DASHED2",
"dimltex2": "CENTER2",
"dimlwe": 35, # 0.35mm line weight
"dimexe": 0.3, # length above dimension line
"dimexo": 0.1, # offset from measurement point
} ).render()


DimStyleOverride() methods:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))
dim.set_extline_format(color=1, lineweight=35, extension=0.3, offset=0.1)

Fixed length extension lines are supported in DXF R2007, set dimfxlon to 1 and dimfxl defines the length of the extension line starting at the dimension line.


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimfxlon": 1, # fixed length extension lines
"dimexe": 0.2, # length above dimension line
"dimfxl": 0.4, # length below dimension line
} ).render()


DimStyleOverride() method:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))
dim.set_extline_format(extension=0.2, fixed_length=0.4)

To suppress extension lines set dimse1 to 1 to suppress the first extension line and dimse2 to 1 to suppress the second extension line.


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimse1": 1, # suppress first extension line
"dimse2": 1, # suppress second extension line
"dimblk": ezdxf.ARROWS.closed_filled, # arrows just looks better
} ).render()


DimStyleOverride() methods:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))

“Arrows” mark then beginning and the end of a dimension line, and most of them do not look like arrows.

DXF distinguish between the simple tick (a slanted line) and arrows as blocks.

To use a simple tick as “arrow” set dimtsz to a value greater than 0, this also disables arrow blocks as side effect:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))

Ezdxf uses the “ARCHTICK” block at double size to render the tick (AutoCAD and BricsCad just draw a simple line), so there is no advantage of using the tick instead of an arrow.

Using arrows:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(3, 2), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6, 0))
dim.set_arrow(blk="OPEN_30", size=0.25)

DIMVAR Description
dimtsz tick size in drawing units, set to 0 to use arrows
dimblk set both arrow block names at once
dimblk1 first arrow block name
dimblk2 second arrow block name
dimasz arrow size in drawing units


base=(3, 2),
p1=(3, 0),
p2=(6, 0),
"dimtsz": 0, # set tick size to 0 to enable arrow usage
"dimasz": 0.25, # arrow size in drawing units
"dimblk": "OPEN_30", # arrow block name
} ).render()

The dimension line extension (dimdle) works only for a few arrow blocks and the simple tick:

  • “NONE”
  • “SMALL”


The arrow names are stored as attributes in the ezdxf.ARROWS object.

closed_filled “” (empty string)
dot “DOT”
dot_small “DOTSMALL”
dot_blank “DOTBLANK”
origin_indicator “ORIGIN”
origin_indicator_2 “ORIGIN2”
open “OPEN”
right_angle “OPEN90”
open_30 “OPEN30”
closed “CLOSED”
dot_smallblank “SMALL”
none “NONE”
oblique “OBLIQUE”
box_filled “BOXFILLED”
closed_blank “CLOSEDBLANK”
datum_triangle_filled “DATUMFILLED”
datum_triangle “DATUMBLANK”
integral “INTEGRAL”
architectural_tick “ARCHTICK”
ez_arrow “EZ_ARROW”
ez_arrow_blank “EZ_ARROW_BLANK”
ez_arrow_filled “EZ_ARROW_FILLED”

Tolerances and Limits

The tolerances and limits features are implemented by using inline codes for the MText entity, therefore DXF R2000 is required. It is not possible to use both tolerances and limits at the same time.

Geometrical tolerances are shown as additional text appended to the measurement text. It is recommend to use set_tolerance() method in DimStyleOverride or DimStyle.

The attribute dimtp defines the upper tolerance value, dimtm defines the lower tolerance value if present, else the lower tolerance value is the same as the upper tolerance value. Tolerance values are shown as given!

Same upper and lower tolerance value:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 3), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6.5, 0))
dim.set_tolerance(.1, hfactor=.4, align="top", dec=2)


Different upper and lower tolerance values:

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 3), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6.5, 0))
dim.set_tolerance(upper=.1, lower=.15, hfactor=.4, align="middle", dec=2)


The attribute dimtfac specifies a scale factor for the text height of limits and tolerance values relative to the dimension text height, as set by dimtxt. For example, if dimtfac is set to 1.0, the text height of fractions and tolerances is the same height as the dimension text. If dimtxt is set to 0.75, the text height of limits and tolerances is three-quarters the size of dimension text.

Vertical justification for tolerances is specified by dimtolj:

dimtolj Description
0 Align with bottom line of dimension text
1 Align vertical centered to dimension text
2 Align with top line of dimension text
DIMVAR Description
dimtol set to 1 to enable tolerances
dimtp set the maximum (or upper) tolerance limit for dimension text
dimtm set the minimum (or lower) tolerance limit for dimension text
dimtfac specifies a scale factor for the text height of limits and tolerance values relative to the dimension text height, as set by dimtxt.
dimtzin 4 to suppress leading zeros, 8 to suppress trailing zeros or 12 to suppress both, like dimzin for dimension text, see also Text Formatting
dimtolj set the vertical justification for tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text.
dimtdec set the number of decimal places to display in tolerance values

The geometrical limits are shown as upper and lower measurement limit and replaces the usual measurement text. It is recommend to use set_limits() method in DimStyleOverride or DimStyle.

For limits the tolerance values are drawing units scaled by measurement factor dimlfac, the upper limit is scaled measurement value + dimtp and the lower limit is scaled measurement value - dimtm.

The attributes dimtfac, dimtzin and dimtdec have the same meaning for limits as for tolerances.

dim = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 3), p1=(3, 0), p2=(6.5, 0))
dim.set_limits(upper=.1, lower=.15, hfactor=.4, dec=2)

DIMVAR Description
dimlim set to 1 to enable limits

Alternative units are not supported.

Please read the Tutorial for Linear Dimensions before, if you haven’t.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

import ezdxf
# DXF R2010 drawing, official DXF version name: 'AC1024',
# setup=True setups the default dimension styles
doc ="R2010", setup=True)
msp = doc.modelspace()  # add new dimension entities to the modelspace
msp.add_circle((0, 0), radius=3)  # add a CIRCLE entity, not required
# add default radius dimension, measurement text is located outside
dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0), radius=3, angle=45, dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" ) # necessary second step, to create the BLOCK entity with the dimension geometry. dim.render() doc.saveas("radius_dimension.dxf")

The example above creates a 45 degrees slanted radius Dimension entity, the default dimension style “EZ_RADIUS” is defined as 1 drawing unit = 1m, drawing scale = 1:100 and the length factor = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm, the default location for the measurement text is outside of the circle.

The center point defines the center of the circle but there doesn’t have to exist a circle entity, radius defines the circle radius, which is also the measurement, and angle defines the slope of the dimension line, it is also possible to define the circle by a measurement point mpoint on the circle.

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as dim.dimension.

Placing Measurement Text

There are different predefined DIMSTYLES to achieve various text placing locations.

The basic DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS” settings are:

  • 1 drawing unit = 1m
  • scale 1:100
  • the length factor dimlfac = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm.
  • uses a closed filled arrow, arrow size dimasz = 0.25


Not all possibles features of DIMSTYLE are supported by the ezdxf rendering procedure and especially for the radial dimension there are less features implemented than for the linear dimension because of the lack of good documentation.


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for radius dimensions.

Default Text Locations Outside

Advanced “EZ_RADIUS” settings for placing the text outside of the circle:

tmove 1 = add a leader when dimension text is moved, this is the best setting for text outside to preserve the appearance of the DIMENSION entity, if editing afterwards in a CAD application.
dimtad 1 = place the text vertical above the dimension line

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" ) dim.render() # always required, but not shown in the following examples


To force text outside horizontal set dimtoh to 1:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
override={"dimtoh": 1} )


Default Text Locations Inside

DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” can be used to place the dimension text inside the circle at a default location.

The basic DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” settings are:

  • 1 drawing unit = 1m
  • scale 1:100, length_factor is 100 which creates
  • the length factor dimlfac = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm.
  • uses a closed filled arrow, arrow size dimasz = 0.25

Advanced “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” settings to place (force) the text inside of the circle:

tmove 0 = moves the dimension line with dimension text, this is the best setting for text inside to preserve the appearance of the DIMENSION entity, if editing afterwards in a CAD application.
dimtix 1 = force text inside
dimatfit 0 = force text inside, required by BricsCAD and AutoCAD
dimtad 0 = center text vertical, BricsCAD and AutoCAD always create a vertical centered text, ezdxf let you choose the vertical placement (above, below, center), but editing the DIMENSION in BricsCAD or AutoCAD will reset text to center placement.

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE" )

[image] [image]

To force text inside horizontal set dimtih to 1:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
override={"dimtih": 1} )


User Defined Text Locations

Beside the default location it is always possible to override the text location by a user defined location. This location also determines the angle of the dimension line and overrides the argument angle. For user defined locations it is not necessary to force text inside (dimtix=1), because the location of the text is explicit given, therefore the DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS” can be used for all this examples.

User defined location outside of the circle:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(4, 4),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" )


User defined location outside of the circle and forced horizontal text:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(4, 4),
override={"dimtoh": 1} )


User defined location inside of the circle:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(1, 1),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" )

[image] [image]

User defined location inside of the circle and forced horizontal text:

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(1, 1),
override={"dimtih": 1}, )


Center Mark/Lines

Center mark/lines are controlled by dimcen, default value is 0 for predefined dimstyles “EZ_RADIUS” and “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE”:

0 Center mark is off
>0 Create center mark of given size
<0 Create center lines

dim = msp.add_radius_dim(

center=(0, 0),
override={"dimcen": 0.25}, )


Overriding Measurement Text

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Overriding Measurement Text

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

Please read the Tutorial for Radius Dimensions before, if you haven’t.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

This is a repetition of the radius tutorial, just with diameter dimensions.

import ezdxf
# setup=True setups the default dimension styles
doc ="R2010", setup=True)
msp = doc.modelspace()  # add new dimension entities to the modelspace
msp.add_circle((0, 0), radius=3)  # add a CIRCLE entity, not required
# add default diameter dimension, measurement text is located outside
dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" ) dim.render() doc.saveas("diameter_dimension.dxf")

The example above creates a 45 degrees slanted diameter Dimension entity, the default dimension style “EZ_RADIUS” (same as for radius dimensions) is defined as 1 drawing unit = 1m, drawing scale = 1:100 and the length factor = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm, the default location for the measurement text is outside of the circle.

The center point defines the center of the circle but there doesn’t have to exist a circle entity, radius defines the circle radius and angle defines the slope of the dimension line, it is also possible to define the circle by a measurement point mpoint on the circle.

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as dim.dimension.

Placing Measurement Text

There are different predefined DIMSTYLES to achieve various text placing locations.

The basic DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS” settings are:

  • 1 drawing unit = 1m
  • scale 1:100
  • the length factor dimlfac = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm.
  • uses a closed filled arrow, arrow size dimasz = 0.25


Not all possibles features of DIMSTYLE are supported by the ezdxf rendering procedure and especially for the diameter dimension there are less features implemented than for the linear dimension because of the lack of good documentation.


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for radius dimensions.

Default Text Locations Outside

“EZ_RADIUS” default settings for to place text outside:

tmove 1 = add a leader when dimension text is moved, this is the best setting for text outside to preserve the appearance of the DIMENSION entity, if editing afterwards in a CAD application.
dimtad 1 = place the text vertical above the dimension line

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" ) dim.render() # always required, but not shown in the following examples


To force text outside horizontal set dimtoh to 1:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
override={"dimtoh": 1} )


Default Text Locations Inside

DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” can be used to place the dimension text inside the circle at a default location.

The basic DIMSTYLE settings are:

  • 1 drawing unit = 1m
  • scale 1:100, length_factor is 100 which creates
  • the length factor dimlfac = 100, which creates a measurement text in cm.
  • uses a closed filled arrow, arrow size dimasz = 0.25

Advanced “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” settings to place (force) the text inside of the circle:

tmove 0 = moves the dimension line with dimension text, this is the best setting for text inside to preserve the appearance of the DIMENSION entity, if editing afterwards in a CAD application.
dimtix 1 = force text inside
dimatfit 0 = force text inside, required by BricsCAD and AutoCAD
dimtad 0 = center text vertical, BricsCAD and AutoCAD always create a vertical centered text, ezdxf let you choose the vertical placement (above, below, center), but editing the DIMENSION in BricsCAD or AutoCAD will reset text to center placement.

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE" )


To force text inside horizontal set dimtih to 1:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
override={"dimtih": 1} )


User Defined Text Locations

Beside the default location it is always possible to override the text location by a user defined location. This location also determines the angle of the dimension line and overrides the argument angle. For user defined locations it is not necessary to force text inside (dimtix=1), because the location of the text is explicit given, therefore the DIMSTYLE “EZ_RADIUS” can be used for all this examples.

User defined location outside of the circle:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(4, 4),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" )


User defined location outside of the circle and forced horizontal text:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(4, 4),
override={"dimtoh": 1} )


User defined location inside of the circle:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(1, 1),
dimstyle="EZ_RADIUS" )


User defined location inside of the circle and forced horizontal text:

dim = msp.add_diameter_dim(

center=(0, 0),
location=(1, 1),
override={"dimtih": 1}, )


Center Mark/Lines

See Radius Dimension Tutorial: Center Mark/Lines

Overriding Measurement Text

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Overriding Measurement Text

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

Please read the Tutorial for Linear Dimensions before, if you haven’t.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

Dimension Style “EZ_CURVED”

All factory methods to create angular dimensions uses the dimension style “EZ_CURVED” for curved dimension lines which is defined as:

  • angle unit is decimal degrees, dimaunit = 0
  • measurement text height = 0.25 (drawing scale = 1:100)
  • measurement text location is above the dimension line
  • closed filled arrow and arrow size dimasz = 0.25
  • dimazin = 2, suppresses trailing zeros (e.g. 12.5000 becomes 12.5)

This DIMENSION style only exist if the argument setup is True for creating a new DXF document by Every dimension style which does not exist will be replaced by the dimension style “Standard” at DXF export by save() or saveas() (e.g. dimension style setup was not initiated).

Add all ezdxf specific resources (line types, text- and dimension styles) to an existing DXF document:

import ezdxf
from import setup_drawing
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
setup_drawing(doc, topics="all")

Defined by Center, Radius and Angles

The first example shows an angular dimension defined by the center point, radius, start- and end angles:

import ezdxf
# Create a DXF R2010 document:
# Use argument setup=True to setup the default dimension styles.
doc ="R2010", setup=True)
# Add new entities to the modelspace:
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Add an angular DIMENSION defined by the center point, start- and end angles,
# the measurement text is placed at the default location above the dimension
# line:
dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(

center=(5, 5), # center point of the angle
radius= 7, # distance from center point to the start of the extension lines
start_angle=60, # start angle in degrees
end_angle=120, # end angle in degrees
distance=3, # distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line
dimstyle="EZ_CURVED", # default angular dimension style ) # Necessary second step to create the BLOCK entity with the dimension geometry. # Additional processing of the DIMENSION entity could happen between adding # the entity and the rendering call. dim.render() doc.saveas("angular_dimension_cra.dxf")

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as dim.dimension. [image]

The next example shows an angular dimension for an angle defined by two lines:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Setup the geometric parameters for the DIMENSION entity:
base = (5.8833, -6.3408)  # location of the dimension line
p1 = (2.0101, -7.5156)  # start point of 1st leg
p2 = (2.7865, -10.4133)  # end point of 1st leg
p3 = (6.7054, -7.5156)  # start point of 2nd leg
p4 = (5.9289, -10.4133)  # end point of 2nd leg
# Draw the lines for visualization, not required to create the
# DIMENSION entity:
msp.add_line(p1, p2)
msp.add_line(p3, p4)
# Add an angular DIMENSION defined by two lines, the measurement text is
# placed at the default location above the dimension line:
dim = msp.add_angular_dim_2l(

base=base, # defines the location of the dimension line
line1=(p1, p2), # start leg of the angle
line2=(p3, p4), # end leg of the angle
dimstyle="EZ_CURVED", # default angular dimension style ) # Necessary second step to create the dimension line geometry: dim.render() doc.saveas("angular_dimension_2l.dxf")

The example above creates an angular Dimension entity to measures the angle between two lines (line1 and line2).

The base point defines the location of the dimension line (arc), any point on the dimension line is valid. The points p1 and p2 define the first leg of the angle, p1 also defines the start point of the first extension line. The points p3 and p4 define the second leg of the angle and point p3 also defines the start point of the second extension line.

The measurement of the DIMENSION entity is the angle enclosed by the first and the second leg and where the dimension line passes the base point. [image]

The next example shows an angular dimension defined by three points, a center point and the two end points of the angle legs:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()

base=(0, 7), # location of the dimension line
center=(0, 0), # center point
p1=(-3, 5), # end point of 1st leg = start angle
p2=(3, 5), # end point of 2nd leg = end angle ).render()


Angle from ConstructionArc

The ezdxf.math.ConstructionArc provides various class methods for creating arcs and the construction tool can be created from an ARC entity.

Add an angular dimension to an ARC entity:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
arc = msp.add_arc(

center=(0, 0),
start_angle = 60,
end_angle = 120, ) msp.add_angular_dim_arc(
distance=2, ).render()


Placing Measurement Text

The default location of the measurement text depends on various DimStyle parameters and is applied if no user defined text location is defined.


Not all possibles features of DIMSTYLE are supported by the ezdxf rendering procedure and especially for the angular dimension there are less features implemented than for the linear dimension because of the lack of good documentation.


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for angular dimensions.

Default Text Locations

The DIMSTYLE “EZ_CURVED” places the measurement text in the center of the angle above the dimension line. The first examples above show the measurement text at the default text location.

The text direction angle is always perpendicular to the line from the text center to the center point of the angle unless this angle is manually overridden.

The “vertical” location of the measurement text relative to the dimension line is defined by dimtad:

0 Center, it is possible to adjust the vertical location by dimtvp
1 Above
2 Outside, handled like Above by ezdxf
3 JIS, handled like Above by ezdxf
4 Below


center=(3, 3),
"dimtad": 1, # 0=center; 1=above; 4=below;
}, ).render()


Arrows and measurement text are placed “outside” automatically if the available space between the extension lines isn’t sufficient. This overrides the dimtad value by 1 (“above”). Ezdxf follows its own rules, ignores the dimatfit attribute and works similar to dimatfit = 1, move arrows first, then text: [image]

Shift Text From Default Location

The method shift_text() shifts the measurement text away from the default location. The shifting direction is aligned to the text rotation of the default measurement text.

dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(

center=(3, 3),
end_angle=120, ) # shift text from default text location: dim.shift_text(0.5, 1.0) dim.render()


This is just a rendering effect, editing the dimension line in a CAD application resets the text to the default location.

User Defined Text Locations

Beside the default location it is always possible to override the text location by a user defined location.

The coordinates of user locations are located in the rendering UCS and the default rendering UCS is the WCS.

Absolute User Location

Absolute placing of the measurement text means relative to the origin of the render UCS. The user location is stored in the DIMENSION entity, which means editing the dimension line in a CAD application does not alter the text location. This location also determines the rotation of the measurement text.

dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(

center=(3, 3),
location=(5, 8), # user defined measurement text location ) dim.render()


Relative User Location

Relative placing of the measurement text means relative to the middle of the dimension line. This is only possible by calling the set_location() method, and the argument relative has to be True. The user location is stored in the DIMENSION entity, which means editing the dimension line in a CAD application does not alter the text location. This location also determines the rotation of the measurement text.

dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(

center=(3, 3),
end_angle=120, ) dim.set_location((1, 2), relative=True) dim.render()


Adding a Leader

The method set_location() has the option to add a leader line to the measurement text. This also aligns the text rotation to the render UCS x-axis, this means in the default case the measurement text is horizontal. The leader line can be “below” the text or start at the “left” or “right” center of the text, this location is defined by the dimtad attribute, 0 means “center” and any value != 0 means “below”.

for dimtad, x in [(0, 0), (4, 6)]:

dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(
center=(3 + x, 3),
override={"dimtad": dimtad} # "center" == 0; "below" != 0;
dim.set_location((1, 2), relative=True, leader=True)


Advanced version which calculates the relative text location: The user location vector has a length 2 and the orientation is defined by center_angle pointing away from the center of the angle.

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import Vec3
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
for dimtad, y, leader in [

[0, 0, False],
[0, 7, True],
[4, 14, True], ]:
for x, center_angle in [
(0, 0), (7, 45), (14, 90), (21, 135), (26, 225), (29, 270)
dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(
center=(x, y),
start_angle=center_angle - 15.0,
end_angle=center_angle + 15.0,
override={"dimtad": dimtad},
# The user location is relative to the center of the dimension line:
usr_location = Vec3.from_deg_angle(angle=center_angle, length=2.0)
dim.set_location(usr_location, leader=leader, relative=True)


Overriding Text Rotation

All factory methods supporting the argument text_rotation can override the measurement text rotation. The user defined rotation is relative to the render UCS x-axis (default is WCS).

This example uses a relative text location without a leader and forces the text rotation to 90 degrees:

for x, center_angle in [(7, 45), (14, 90), (21, 135)]:

dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(
center=(x, 0),
start_angle=center_angle - 15.0,
end_angle=center_angle + 15.0,
text_rotation=90, # vertical text
usr_location = Vec3.from_deg_angle(angle=center_angle, length=1.0)
dim.set_location(usr_location, leader=False, relative=True)


Angular units are set by dimaunit:

0 Decimal degrees
1 Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, dimadec controls the shown precision 0.0 • 2 dimadec=0: 30° • 2 dimadec=2: 30°35’ • 2 dimadec=4: 30°35’25” • 2 dimadec=7: 30°35’25.15” 168u
2 Grad
3 Radians

d1 = 15
d2 = 15.59031944
for x, (dimaunit, dimadec) in enumerate(

(0, 4),
(1, 7),
(2, 4),
(3, 4),
] ):
dim = msp.add_angular_dim_cra(
center=(x * 4.0, 0.0),
start_angle=90.0 - d1,
end_angle=90.0 + d2,
"dimaunit": dimaunit,
"dimadec": dimadec,

[image] [image]

Overriding Measurement Text

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Overriding Measurement Text

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

Tolerances and Limits

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Tolerances and Limits

Please read the Tutorial for Linear Dimensions before, if you haven’t. This is a repetition of the Tutorial for Angular Dimensions, because ezdxf reuses the angular dimension to render arc dimensions. This approach is very different to CAD applications, but also much less work.


Ezdxf does not render the arc dimension like CAD applications and does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are very different from CAD applications.

Dimension Style “EZ_CURVED”

All factory methods to create arc dimensions uses the dimension style “EZ_CURVED” for curved dimension lines which is defined as:

  • angle unit is decimal degrees, dimaunit = 0
  • measurement text height = 0.25 (drawing scale = 1:100)
  • measurement text location is above the dimension line
  • closed filled arrow and arrow size dimasz = 0.25
  • dimzin = 2, suppresses trailing zeros (e.g. 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
  • dimarcsym = 2, disables the arc symbol, 0 renders only an open round bracket “(” in front of the text and 1 for arc symbol above the text is not supported, renders like disabled

For more information go to: Dimension Style “EZ_CURVED”

Defined by Center, Radius and Angles

The first example shows an arc dimension defined by the center point, radius, start- and end angles:

import ezdxf
# Use argument setup=True to setup the default dimension styles.
doc =
# Add new entities to the modelspace:
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Add an arc DIMENSION defined by the center point, start- and end angles,
# the measurement text is placed at the default location above the dimension
# line:
dim = msp.add_arc_dim_cra(

center=(5, 5), # center point of the angle
radius=5, # distance from center point to the start of the extension lines
start_angle=60, # start angle in degrees
end_angle=120, # end angle in degrees
distance=2, # distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line
dimstyle="EZ_CURVED", # default angular dimension style ) # Necessary second step to create the BLOCK entity with the dimension geometry. # Additional processing of the DIMENSION entity could happen between adding # the entity and the rendering call. dim.render() doc.saveas("arc_dimension_cra.dxf")

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as dim.dimension. [image]

The next example shows an angular dimension defined by three points, a center point and the two end points of the angle legs, the first point defines the radius, the second point defines only the end angle, the distance from the center point is not relevant:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()

base=(0, 7), # location of the dimension line
center=(0, 0), # center point
p1=(2.5, 4.330127018922193), # 1st point of arc defines start angle and radius
p2=(-2.5, 4.330127018922194), # 2nd point defines the end angle ).render()


Angle from ConstructionArc

The ezdxf.math.ConstructionArc provides various class methods for creating arcs and the construction tool can be created from an ARC entity.

Add an angular dimension to an ARC entity:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
arc = msp.add_arc(

center=(0, 0),
start_angle = 60,
end_angle = 120, ) msp.add_arc_dim_arc(
distance=2, ).render()

Placing Measurement Text

The default location of the measurement text depends on various DimStyle parameters and is applied if no user defined text location is defined.


Not all possibles features of DIMSTYLE are supported by the ezdxf rendering procedure and especially for the arc dimension there are less features implemented than for the linear dimension because of the lack of good documentation. If the arc symbol is enabled (dimarcsym = 0) only an open round bracket “(” is rendered in front of the measurement text!


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for angular dimensions.

Default Text Locations

The DIMSTYLE “EZ_CURVED” places the measurement text in the center of the angle above the dimension line. The first examples above show the measurement text at the default text location.

The text direction angle is always perpendicular to the line from the text center to the center point of the angle unless this angle is manually overridden.

Arrows and measurement text are placed “outside” automatically if the available space between the extension lines isn’t sufficient.

For more information go to: Default Text Locations

Shift Text From Default Location

The method shift_text() shifts the measurement text away from the default location. The shifting direction is aligned to the text rotation of the default measurement text.

For more information go to: Shift Text From Default Location

User Defined Text Locations

Beside the default location it is always possible to override the text location by a user defined location.

The coordinates of user locations are located in the rendering UCS and the default rendering UCS is the WCS.

For more information go to: User Defined Text Locations

Absolute User Location

Absolute placing of the measurement text means relative to the origin of the render UCS.

For more information go to: User Defined Text Locations

Relative User Location

Relative placing of the measurement text means relative to the middle of the dimension line.

For more information go to: User Defined Text Locations

Adding a Leader

Add a leader line to the measurement text and set the text rotation to “horizontal”.

For more information go to: User Defined Text Locations

Overriding Text Rotation

All factory methods supporting the argument text_rotation can override the measurement text rotation. The user defined rotation is relative to the render UCS x-axis (default is WCS).

For more information go to: User Defined Text Locations

Overriding Measurement Text

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Overriding Text Rotation

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

Tolerances and Limits

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Tolerances and Limits

Please read the Tutorial for Linear Dimensions before, if you haven’t.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

Ordinate dimensioning is used when the x- and the y-coordinates from a location (feature), are the only dimensions necessary. The dimensions to each feature, originate from one datum location, called “origin” in this tutorial.

The local coordinate system (LCS) in which the measurement is done, is defined by the origin and the rotation angle around the z-axis in the rendering UCS, which is the WCS by default.

All factory methods for creating ordinate dimensions expect global coordinates to define the feature location.

The first example shows ordinate dimensions defined in the render UCS, in this example the WCS, this is how the DIMENSION entity expects the coordinates of the feature location:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import Vec3
from ezdxf.render import forms
# Use argument setup=True to setup the default dimension styles.
doc =
# Add new entities to the modelspace:
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Add a rectangle: width=4, height = 2.5, lower left corner is WCS(x=2, y=3)
origin = Vec3(2, 3)

forms.translate(, 2.5), origin),
close=True ) # Add an x-type ordinate DIMENSION with global feature locations: msp.add_ordinate_x_dim(
# lower left corner
feature_location=origin + (0, 0), # feature location in the WCS
offset=(0, -2), # end of leader, relative to the feature location
origin=origin, ).render() msp.add_ordinate_x_dim(
# lower right corner
feature_location=origin + (4, 0), # feature location in the WCS
offset=(0, -2),
origin=origin, ).render() # Add an y-type ordinate DIMENSION with global feature locations: msp.add_ordinate_y_dim(
# lower right corner
feature_location=origin + (4, 0), # feature location in the WCS
offset=(2, 0),
origin=origin, ).render() msp.add_ordinate_y_dim(
# upper right corner
feature_location=origin + (4, 2.5), # feature location in the WCS
offset=(2, 0),
origin=origin, ).render() # Necessary second step to create the BLOCK entity with the dimension geometry. # Additional processing of the DIMENSION entity could happen between adding # the entity and the rendering call. doc.saveas("ord_global_features.dxf")

The return value dim is not a dimension entity, instead a DimStyleOverride object is returned, the dimension entity is stored as dim.dimension. [image]

The previous examples shows that the calculation of the global feature location is cumbersome and it gets even more complicated for a rotated LCS.

This example shows how to use a render UCS for using locale coordinates to define the feature locations:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import Vec3, UCS
from ezdxf.render import forms
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Create a special DIMSTYLE for "vertical" centered measurement text:
dimstyle = doc.dimstyles.duplicate_entry("EZDXF", "ORD_CENTER")
dimstyle.dxf.dimtad = 0  # "vertical" centered measurement text
# Add a rectangle: width=4, height = 2.5, lower left corner is WCS(x=2, y=3),
# rotated about 30 degrees:
origin = Vec3(2, 3)

forms.translate(forms.rotate(, 2.5), 30), origin),
close=True ) # Define the rotated local render UCS. # The origin is the lower-left corner of the rectangle and the axis are # aligned to the rectangle edges: # The y-axis "uy" is calculated automatically by the right-hand rule. ucs = UCS(origin, ux=Vec3.from_deg_angle(30), uz=(0, 0, 1)) # Add a x-type ordinate DIMENSION with local feature locations: # the origin is now the origin of the UCS, which is (0, 0) the default value of # "origin" and the feature coordinates are located in the UCS: msp.add_ordinate_x_dim(
# lower left corner
feature_location=(0, 0), # feature location in the UCS
offset=(0.25, -2), # # leader with a "knee"
dimstyle="ORD_CENTER", ).render(ucs=ucs) # Important when using a render UCS! msp.add_ordinate_x_dim(
# lower right corner
feature_location=(4, 0), # feature location in the UCS
offset=(0.25, -2), # leader with a "knee"
dimstyle="ORD_CENTER", ).render(ucs=ucs) # Important when using a render UCS! # Add a y-type ordinate DIMENSION with local feature coordinates: msp.add_ordinate_y_dim(
# lower right corner
feature_location=(4, 0), # feature location in the UCS
offset=(2, 0.25), # leader with a "knee"
dimstyle="ORD_CENTER", ).render(ucs=ucs) # Important when using a render UCS! msp.add_ordinate_y_dim(
# upper right corner
feature_location=(4, 2.5), # feature location in the UCS
offset=(2, 0.25), # leader with a "knee"
dimstyle="ORD_CENTER", ).render(ucs=ucs) # Important when using a render UCS! doc.saveas("ord_local_features.dxf")


Placing Measurement Text

The ezdxf ordinate DIMENSION renderer places the measurement text always at the default location, because the location of the leader end point is given by the argument offset in the factory methods, which provides a flexible way to place the measurement text, overriding the text location by an explicit user location is not supported, also the user text rotation is not supported, the text is always aligned to the local coordinate system x- and y-axis.


  • Graphical reference of many DIMVARS and some advanced information: DIMSTYLE Table
  • Source code file shows how to create your own DIMSTYLES.
  • The Script shows examples for angular dimensions.

Overriding Measurement Text

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Overriding Text Rotation

Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Measurement Text Formatting and Styling

Tolerances and Limits

See Linear Dimension Tutorial: Tolerances and Limits

This tutorial shows how to load a GPS track into a geo located DXF file and also the inverse operation, exporting geo located DXF entities as GeoJSON files.

Please read the section Intended Usage in the documentation of the ezdxf.addons.geo module first.



If you are just learning to work with geospatial data, using DXF files is not the way to go! DXF is not the first choice for storing data for spatial data analysts. If you run into problems I cannot help you as I am just learning myself.

The complete source code and test data for this tutorial are available in the github repository:

The first step is setting up the geo location reference, which is not doable with ezdxf yet - this feature may come in the future - but for now you have to use a CAD application to do this. If the DXF file has no geo location reference the projected 2D coordinates are most likely far away from the WCS origin (0, 0), use the CAD command “ZOOM EXTENDS” to find the data.

The GPX format stores GPS data in a XML format, use the ElementTree class to load the data:

def load_gpx_track(p: Path) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]:

"""Load all track points from all track segments at once."""
gpx = ET.parse(p)
root = gpx.getroot()
for track_point in root.findall(".//gpx:trkpt", GPX_NS):
data = track_point.attrib
# Elevation is not supported by the geo add-on.
yield float(data["lon"]), float(data["lat"])

The loaded GPS data has a WSG84 EPSG:4326 projection as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. The next step is to create a GeoProxy object from this data, the GeoProxy.parse() method accepts a __geo_interface__ mapping or a Python object with a __geo_interface__ attribute/property. In this case as simple “LineString” object for all GPS points is sufficient:

def add_gpx_track(msp, track_data, layer: str):

geo_mapping = {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": track_data,
geo_track = geo.GeoProxy.parse(geo_mapping)

Transform the data from the polar representation EPSG:4326 into a 2D cartesian map representation EPSG:3395 called “World Mercator”, this is the only projection supported by the add-on, without the need to write a custom transformation function:


The data is now transformed into 2D cartesian coordinates in meters and most likely far away from origin (0, 0), the data stored in the GEODATA entity helps to transform the data into the DXF WCS in modelspace units, if the DXF file has no geo location reference you have to stick with the large coordinates:

# Load geo data information from the DXF file:
geo_data = msp.get_geodata()
if geo_data:
# Get the transformation matrix and epsg code:
m, epsg = geo_data.get_crs_transformation()
# Identity matrix for DXF files without a geo location reference:
m = Matrix44()
epsg = 3395
# Check for compatible projection:
if epsg == 3395:
# Transform CRS coordinates into DXF WCS:
# Create DXF entities (LWPOLYLINE)
for entity in geo_track.to_dxf_entities(dxfattribs={"layer": layer}):
# Add entity to the modelspace:
print(f"Incompatible CRS EPSG:{epsg}")

We are ready to save the final DXF file:


In BricsCAD the result looks like this, the underlying images were added by the BricsCAD command MAPCONNECT and such a feature is not planned for the add-on: [image]

This will only work with a proper geo location reference, the code shown accepts also WCS data from DXF files without a GEODATA object, but the result is just unusable - but in valid GeoJSON notation.

First get epsg code and the CRS transformation matrix:

# Get the geo location information from the DXF file:
geo_data = msp.get_geodata()
if geo_data:
# Get transformation matrix and epsg code:
m, epsg = geo_data.get_crs_transformation()
# Identity matrix for DXF files without geo reference data:
m = Matrix44()

Query the DXF entities to export:

for track in msp.query("LWPOLYLINE"):
export_geojson(track, m)

Create a GeoProxy object from the DXF entity:

def export_geojson(entity, m):

# Convert DXF entity into a GeoProxy object:
geo_proxy = geo.proxy(entity)

Transform DXF WCS coordinates in modelspace units into the CRS coordinate system by the transformation matrix m:

# Transform DXF WCS coordinates into CRS coordinates:

The next step assumes a EPSG:3395 projection, everything else needs a custom transformation function:

# Transform 2D map projection EPSG:3395 into globe (polar)
# representation EPSG:4326

Use the json module from the Python standard library to write the GeoJSON data, provided by the GeoProxy.__geo_interface__ property:

# Export GeoJSON data:
name = entity.dxf.layer + ".geojson"
with open(TRACK_DATA / name, "wt", encoding="utf8") as fp:
json.dump(geo_proxy.__geo_interface__, fp, indent=2)

The content of the GeoJSON file looks like this:


"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
... }

This sections shows how to use the GDAL package to write a custom transformation function. The example reimplements the builtin transformation from unprojected WGS84 coordinates to 2D map coordinates EPSG:3395 “World Mercator”:

from osgeo import osr
from ezdxf.math import Vec3
# GPS track in WGS84, load_gpx_track() code see above
gpx_points = list(load_gpx_track('track1.gpx'))
# Create source coordinate system:
src_datum = osr.SpatialReference()
# Create target coordinate system:
target_datum = osr.SpatialReference()
# Create transformation object:
ct = osr.CoordinateTransform(src_datum, target_datum)
# Create GeoProxy() object:
geo_proxy = GeoProxy.parse({

'type': 'LineString',
'coordinates': gpx_points }) # Apply a custom transformation function to all coordinates: geo_proxy.apply(lambda v: Vec3(ct.TransformPoint(v.x, v.y)))

The same example with the pyproj package:

from pyproj import Transformer
from ezdxf.math import Vec3
# GPS track in WGS84, load_gpx_track() code see above
gpx_points = list(load_gpx_track('track1.gpx'))
# Create transformation object:
ct = Transformer.from_crs('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3395')
# Create GeoProxy() object:
geo_proxy = GeoProxy.parse({

'type': 'LineString',
'coordinates': gpx_points }) # Apply a custom transformation function to all coordinates: geo_proxy.apply(lambda v: Vec3(ct.transform(v.x, v.y)))

Ezdxf tries to avoid to create invalid polygons from HATCH entities like a hole in another hole, but not all problems are detected by ezdxf, especially overlapping polygons. For a reliable and robust result use the Shapely package to check for valid polygons:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons import geo
from shapley.geometry import shape
# Load DXF document including HATCH entities.
doc = ezdxf.readfile('hatch.dxf')
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Test a single entity
# Get the first DXF hatch entity:
hatch_entity = msp.query('HATCH').first
# Create GeoProxy() object:
hatch_proxy = geo.proxy(hatch_entity)
# Shapely supports the __geo_interface__
shapley_polygon = shape(hatch_proxy)
if shapely_polygon.is_valid:

... else:
print(f'Invalid Polygon from {str(hatch_entity)}.') # Remove invalid entities by a filter function def validate(geo_proxy: geo.GeoProxy) -> bool:
# Multi-entities are divided into single entities:
# e.g. MultiPolygon is verified as multiple single Polygon entities.
if geo_proxy.geotype == 'Polygon':
return shape(geo_proxy).is_valid
return True # The gfilter() function let only pass compatible DXF entities msp_proxy = geo.GeoProxy.from_dxf_entities(geo.gfilter(msp)) # remove all mappings for which validate() returns False msp_proxy.filter(validate)

The GDAL/OGR package has no direct support for the __geo_interface__, but has builtin support for the GeoJSON format:

from osgeo import ogr
from ezdxf.addons import geo
from ezdxf.render import random_2d_path
import json
p = geo.GeoProxy({'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': list(random_2d_path(20))})
# Create a GeoJSON string from the __geo_interface__ object by the json
# module and feed the result into ogr:
line_string = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(json.dumps(p.__geo_interface__))
# Parse the GeoJSON string from ogr by the json module and feed the result
# into a GeoProxy() object:
p2 = geo.GeoProxy.parse(json.loads(line_string.ExportToJson()))

This tutorial describes how to store custom data in DXF files using standard DXF features.

Saving data in comments is not covered in this section, because comments are not a reliable way to store information in DXF files and ezdxf does not support adding comments to DXF files. Comments are also ignored by ezdxf and many other DXF libraries when loading DXF files, but there is a ezdxf.comments module to load comments from DXF files.

The DXF data format is a very versatile and flexible data format and supports various ways to store custom data. This starts by setting special header variables, storing XData, AppData and extension dictionaries in DXF entities and objects, storing XRecords in the OBJECTS section and ends by using proxy entities or even extending the DXF format by user defined entities and objects.

This is the common prolog for all Python code examples shown in this tutorial:

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()

Retrieving the is a simple task by ezdxf, but often not possible in CAD applications without using the scripting features (AutoLISP) or even the SDK.

  • Autodesk Developer Documentation
  • AfraLISP
  • Lee Mac Programming


I have no experience with AutoLISP so far and I created this scripts for AutoLISP while writing this tutorial. There may be better ways to accomplish these tasks, and feedback on this is very welcome. Everything is tested with BricsCAD and should also work with the full version of AutoCAD.

Header Section

The HEADER section has tow ways to store custom data.

There are ten predefined user variables, five 16-bit integer variables called $USERI1 up to $USERI5 and five floating point variables (reals) called $USERR1 up to $USERR5. This is very limited and the data maybe will be overwritten by the next application which opens and saves the DXF file. Advantage of this methods is, it works for all supported DXF versions starting at R12.

Settings the data:

doc.header["$USERI1"] = 4711
doc.header["$USERR1"] = 3.141592

Getting the data by ezdxf:

i1 = doc.header["$USERI1"]
r1 = doc.header["$USERR1"]

Getting the data in BricsCAD at the command line:

New current value for USERI1 (-32768 to 32767) <4711>:

Getting the data by AutoLISP:

: (getvar 'USERI1)

Setting the value by AutoLISP:

: (setvar 'USERI1 1234)

This method defines custom document properties, but requires at least DXF R2004. The custom document properties are stored in a CustomVars instance in the custom_vars attribute of the HeaderSection object and supports only string values.

Settings the data:

doc.header.custom_vars.append("MyFirstVar", "First Value")

Getting the data by ezdxf:

my_first_var = doc.header.custom_vars.get("MyFirstVar", "Default Value")

The document property MyFirstVar is available in BricsCAD as FIELD variable: [image]

AutoLISP script for getting the custom document properties:

(defun C:CUSTOMDOCPROPS (/ Info Num Index Custom)

(setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object))
(setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject))
;;Get the SummaryInfo
(setq Info (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo))
(setq Num (vla-NumCustomInfo Info))
(setq Index 0)
(repeat Num
(vla-getCustomByIndex Info Index 'ID 'Value)
(setq Custom (cons (cons ID Value) Custom))
(setq Index (1+ Index))
) ;repeat
(if Custom (reverse Custom)) )

Running the script in BricsCAD:

: (load "customdocprops.lsp")
(("MyFirstVar" . "First Value"))

Starting with version v0.16.4 ezdxf stores some meta data in the DXF file and the AppID EZDXF will be created. Two entries will be added to the MetaData instance, the CREATED_BY_EZDXF for DXF documents created by ezdxf and the entry WRITTEN_BY_EZDXF if the DXF document will be saved by ezdxf. The marker string looks like this "0.17b0 @ 2021-09-18T05:14:37.921826+00:00" and contains the ezdxf version and an UTC timestamp in ISO format.

You can add your own data to the MetaData instance as a string with a maximum of 254 characters and choose a good name which may never be used by ezdxf in the future.

metadata = doc.ezdxf_metadata()
metadata["MY_UNIQUE_KEY"] = "my additional meta data"

The data is stored as XDATA in then BLOCK entity of the model space for DXF R12 and for DXF R2000 and later as a DXF Dictionary in the root dictionary by the key EZDXF_META. See following chapters for accessing such data by AutoLISP.

Extended Data (XDATA) is a way to attach arbitrary data to DXF entities. Each application needs a unique AppID registered in the AppID table to add XDATA to an entity. The AppID ACAD is reserved and by using ezdxf the AppID EZDXF is also registered automatically. The total size of XDATA for a single DXF entity is limited to 16kB for AutoCAD. XDATA is supported by all DXF versions and is accessible by AutoLISP.

The valid group codes for extended data are limited to the following values, see also the internals of Extended Data:

Group Code Description
1000 Strings up to 255 bytes long
1001 (fixed) Registered application name up to 31 bytes long
1002 (fixed) An extended data control string '{' or '}'
1004 Binary data
1005 Database Handle of entities in the drawing database
1010 3D point, in the order X, Y, Z that will not be modified at any transformation of the entity
1011 A WCS point that is moved, scaled, rotated and mirrored along with the entity
1012 A WCS displacement that is scaled, rotated and mirrored along with the entity, but not moved
1013 A WCS direction that is rotated and mirrored along with the entity but not moved and scaled.
1040 A real value
1041 Distance, a real value that is scaled along with the entity
1042 Scale Factor, a real value that is scaled along with the entity
1070 A 16-bit integer (signed or unsigned)
1071 A 32-bit signed (long) integer

Group codes are not unique in the XDATA section and can be repeated, therefore tag order matters.

# register your appid
# create a DXF entity
line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
# setting the data
line.set_xdata(APPID, [

# basic types
(1000, "custom text"),
(1040, 3.141592),
(1070, 4711), # 16bit
(1071, 1_048_576), # 32bit
# points and vectors
(1010, (10, 20, 30)),
(1011, (11, 21, 31)),
(1012, (12, 22, 32)),
(1013, (13, 23, 33)),
# scaled distances and factors
(1041, 10),
(1042, 10), ]) # getting the data if line.has_xdata(APPID):
tags = line.get_xdata(APPID)
print(f"{str(line)} has {len(tags)} tags of XDATA for AppID {APPID!r}")
for tag in tags:

AutoLISP script for getting XDATA for AppID YOUR_UNIQUE_ID:

(defun C:SHOWXDATA (/ entity_list xdata_list)

(setq entity_list (entget (car (entsel)) '("YOUR_UNIQUE_ID")))
(setq xdata_list (assoc -3 entity_list))
(car (cdr xdata_list)) )

Script output:

Select entity: ("YOUR_UNIQUE_ID" (1000 . "custom text") (1040 . 3.141592) ...


  • AfraLISP XDATA tutorial
  • Extended Data (XDATA) Reference

The XDataUserList and XDataUserDict are helper classes to manage XDATA content in a simple way.

Both classes store the Python types int, float and str and the ezdxf type Vec3. As the names suggests has the XDataUserList a list-like interface and the XDataUserDict a dict-like interface. This classes can not contain additional container types, but multiple lists and/or dicts can be stored in the same XDATA section for the same AppID.

These helper classes uses a fixed group code for each data type:

1001 strings (max. 255 chars)
1040 floats
1071 32-bit ints
1010 Vec3

Additional required imports for these examples:

from ezdxf.math import Vec3
from ezdxf.entities.xdata import XDataUserDict, XDataUserList

Example for XDataUserDict:

Each XDataUserDict has a unique name, the default name is “DefaultDict” and the default AppID is EZDXF. If you use your own AppID, don’t forget to create the requited AppID table entry like"MyAppID"), otherwise AutoCAD will not open the DXF file.

doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
with XDataUserDict.entity(line) as user_dict:

user_dict["CreatedBy"] = "mozman"
user_dict["Float"] = 3.1415
user_dict["Int"] = 4711
user_dict["Point"] = Vec3(1, 2, 3)

If you modify the content of without using the context manager entity(), you have to call commit() by yourself, to transfer the modified data back into the XDATA section.

Getting the data back from an entity:

with XDataUserDict.entity(line) as user_dict:

# acts like any other dict()
storage = dict(user_dict)

Example for XDataUserList:

This example stores the data in a XDataUserList named “AppendedPoints”, the default name is “DefaultList” and the default AppID is EZDXF.

with XDataUserList.entity(line, name="AppendedPoints") as user_list:

user_list.append(Vec3(1, 0, 0))
user_list.append(Vec3(0, 1, 0))
user_list.append(Vec3(0, 0, 1))

Now the content of both classes are stored in the same XDATA section for AppID EZDXF. The XDataUserDict is stored by the name “DefaultDict” and the XDataUserList is stored by the name “AppendedPoints”.

Getting the data back from an entity:

with XDataUserList.entity(line, name="AppendedPoints") as user_list:

storage = list(user_list) print(f"Copy of XDataUserList: {storage}")


  • XDataUserList class
  • XDataUserDict class

Extension dictionaries are another way to attach custom data to any DXF entity. This method requires DXF R13/14 or later. I will use the short term XDICT for extension dictionaries in this tutorial.

The Extension Dictionary is a regular DXF Dictionary which can store (key, value) pairs where the key is a string and the value is a DXF object from the OBJECTS section but not graphical DXF entities. The usual objects to store custom data are DictionaryVar to store simple strings and XRecord to store complex data.

Unlike XDATA, custom data attached by extension dictionary will not be transformed along with the DXF entity!

This example shows how to manage the XDICT and to store simple strings as DictionaryVar objects in the XDICT, to store more complex data go to the next section XRecord.

Get or create the XDICT for an entity:

# create a DXF entity
line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
if line.has_extension_dict:

# get the extension dictionary
xdict = line.get_extension_dict() else:
# create a new extension dictionary
xdict = line.new_extension_dict()

2. Add strings as DictionaryVar objects to the XDICT. No AppIDs required, but existing keys will be overridden, so be careful by choosing your keys:

xdict.add_dictionary_var("DATA1", "Your custom data string 1")
xdict.add_dictionary_var("DATA2", "Your custom data string 2")

3. Retrieve the strings from the XDICT as DictionaryVar objects:

print(f"DATA1 is '{xdict['DATA1'].value}'")
print(f"DATA2 is '{xdict['DATA2'].value}'")

The AutoLISP access to DICTIONARIES is possible, but it gets complex and I’m only referring to the AfraLISP Dictionaries and XRecords tutorial.


  • AfraLISP Dictionaries and XRecords Tutorial
  • Extension Dictionary Reference
  • DXF Dictionary Reference
  • DictionaryVar Reference

The XRecord object can store arbitrary data like the XDATA section, but is not limited by size and can use all group codes in the range from 1 to 369 for DXF Tags. The XRecord can be referenced by any DXF Dictionary, other XRecord objects (tricky ownership!), the XDATA section (store handle by group code 1005) or any other DXF object by adding the XRecord object to the Extension Dictionary of the DXF entity.

It is recommend to follow the DXF reference to assign appropriate group codes to DXF Tags. My recommendation is shown in the table below, but all group codes from 1 to 369 are valid. I advice against using the group codes 100 and 102 (structure tags) to avoid confusing generic tag loaders. Unfortunately, Autodesk doesn’t like general rules and uses DXF format exceptions everywhere.

1 strings (max. 2049 chars)
2 structure tags as strings like "{" and "}"
10 points and vectors
40 floats
90 integers
330 handles

Group codes are not unique in XRecord and can be repeated, therefore tag order matters.

This example shows how to attach a XRecord object to a LINE entity by Extension Dictionary:

line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
line2 = msp.add_line((0, 2), (1, 2))
if line.has_extension_dict:

xdict = line.get_extension_dict() else:
xdict = line.new_extension_dict() xrecord = xdict.add_xrecord("DATA1") xrecord.reset([
(1, "text1"), # string
(40, 3.141592), # float
(90, 256), # 32-bit int
(10, (1, 2, 0)), # points and vectors
(330, line2.dxf.handle) # handles ]) print(xrecord.tags)

Script output:

[DXFTag(1, 'text1'),

DXFTag(40, 3.141592),
DXFTag(90, 256),
DXFVertex(10, (1.0, 2.0, 0.0)),
DXFTag(330, '30')]

Unlike XDATA, custom data attached by extension dictionary will not be transformed along with the DXF entity! To react to entity modifications by a CAD applications it is possible to write event handlers by AutoLISP, see the AfraLISP Reactors Tutorial for more information. This very advanced stuff!


  • AfraLISP Dictionaries and XRecords Tutorial
  • AfraLISP Reactors Tutorial
  • XRecord Reference
  • helper functions: ezdxf.lldxf.types.dxftag() and ezdxf.lldxf.types.tuples_to_tags()

The UserRecord and BinaryRecord are helper classes to manage XRECORD content in a simple way. The UserRecord manages the data as plain Python types: dict, list, int, float, str and the ezdxf types Vec2 and Vec3. The top level type for the attribute has to be a list. The BinaryRecord stores arbitrary binary data as BLOB. These helper classes uses fixed group codes to manage the data in XRECORD, you have no choice to change them.

Additional required imports for these examples:

from pprint import pprint
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import Vec3
from ezdxf.urecord import UserRecord, BinaryRecord
from ezdxf.entities import XRecord
import zlib

Example 1: Store entity specific data in the Extension Dictionary:

line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
xdict = line.new_extension_dict()
xrecord = xdict.add_xrecord("MyData")
with UserRecord(xrecord) as user_record: = [ # top level has to be a list!
Vec3(1, 2, 3),
"MyIntList": [1, 2, 3],
"MyFloatList": [4.5, 5.6, 7.8],

Example 1: Get entity specific data back from the Extension Dictionary:

if line.has_extension_dict:

xdict = line.get_extension_dict()
xrecord = xdict.get("MyData")
if isinstance(xrecord, XRecord):
user_record = UserRecord(xrecord)

If you modify the content of without using the context manager, you have to call commit() by yourself, to store the modified data back into the XRECORD.

Example 2: Store arbitrary data in DICTIONARY objects. The XRECORD is stored in the named DICTIONARY, called rootdict in ezdxf. This DICTIONARY is the root entity for the tree-like data structure stored in the OBJECTS section, see also the documentation of the ezdxf.sections.objects module.

# Get the existing DICTIONARY object or create a new DICTIONARY object:
my_dict = doc.objects.rootdict.get_required_dict("MyDict")
# Create a new XRECORD object, the DICTIONARY object is the owner of this
# new XRECORD:
xrecord = my_dict.add_xrecord("MyData")
# This example creates the user record without the context manager.
user_record = UserRecord(xrecord)
# Store user data: = [

"Just another user record",
3.1415, ] # Store user data in associated XRECORD: user_record.commit()

Example 2: Get user data back from the DICTIONARY object

my_dict = doc.rootdict.get_required_dict("MyDict")
entity = my_dict["MyData"]
if isinstance(entity, XRecord):

user_record = UserRecord(entity)

Example 3: Store arbitrary binary data

my_dict = doc.rootdict.get_required_dict("MyDict")
xrecord = my_dict.add_xrecord("MyBinaryData")
with BinaryRecord(xrecord) as binary_record:

# The content is stored as hex strings (e.g. ABBAFEFE...) in one or more
# group code 310 tags.
# A preceding group code 160 tag stores the data size in bytes.
data = b"Store any binary data, even line breaks\r\n" * 20
# compress data if required = zlib.compress(data, level=9)

Example 3: Get binary data back from the DICTIONARY object

entity = my_dict["MyBinaryData"]
if isinstance(entity, XRecord):

binary_record = BinaryRecord(entity)
print("\ncompressed data:")
print("\nuncompressed data:")


Don’t be fooled, the ability to save any binary data such as images, office documents, etc. in the DXF file doesn’t impress AutoCAD, it simply ignores this data, this data only has a meaning for your application!


  • urecord module
  • UserRecord class
  • BinaryRecord class

Application-Defined Data (AppData) was introduced in DXF R13/14 and is used by AutoCAD internally to store the handle to the Extension Dictionary and the Reactors in DXF entities. Ezdxf supports these kind of data storage for any AppID and the data is preserved by AutoCAD and BricsCAD, but I haven’t found a way to access this data by AutoLISP or even the SDK. So I don’t recommend this feature to store application defined data, because Extended Data (XDATA) and the Extension Dictionary are well documented and safe ways to attach custom data to entities.

# register your appid
# create a DXF entity
line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0))
# setting the data
line.set_app_data(APPID, [(300, "custom text"), (370, 4711), (460, 3.141592)])
# getting the data
if line.has_app_data(APPID):

tags = line.get_app_data(APPID)
print(f"{str(line)} has {len(tags)} tags of AppData for AppID {APPID!r}")
for tag in tags:

Printed output:

LINE(#30) has 3 tags of AppData for AppID 'YOUR_UNIQUE_ID'
(300, 'custom text')
(370, 4711)
(460, 3.141592)

New in version 0.18.

A multileader object typically consists of an arrowhead, a horizontal landing (a.k.a. “dogleg”), a leader line or curve, and either a MTEXT object or a BLOCK.

Factory methods of the BaseLayout class to create new MultiLeader entities:

  • add_multileader_mtext()
  • add_multileader_block()

Because of the complexity of the MULTILEADER entity, the factory method add_multileader_mtext() returns a MultiLeaderMTextBuilder instance to build a new entity and the factory method add_multileader_block() returns a MultiLeaderBlockBuilder instance.

Due of the lack of good documentation it’s not possible to support all combinations of MULTILEADER properties with decent quality, so stick to recipes and hints shown in this tutorial to get usable results otherwise, you will enter uncharted territory.

The rendering result of the MULTILEADER entity is highly dependent on the CAD application. The MULTILEADER entity does not have a pre-rendered anonymous block of DXF primitives like all DIMENSION entities, so results may vary from CAD application to CAD application. The general support for this entity is only good in Autodesk products other CAD applications often struggle when rendering MULTILEADERS, even my preferred testing application BricsCAD has rendering issues.


MULTILEADER support has flaws in many CAD applications except Autodesk products!


  • ezdxf.render.MultiLeaderBuilder classes
  • ezdxf.entities.MultiLeader class
  • ezdxf.entities.MLeaderStyle class
  • class
  • MULTILEADER Internals

Full Python script:

The quick_leader() method of a MTEXT - MULTILEADER entity constructs the geometry parameters in reverse manner, starting from a given target point:

DXF document setup:

doc =
# Create a new custom MLEADERSTYLE:
mleaderstyle = doc.mleader_styles.duplicate_entry("Standard", "EZDXF")
# The required TEXT style "OpenSans" was created by because setup is True:
msp = doc.modelspace()

Draw a red circle to mark the target point:

target_point = Vec2(40, 15)
target_point, radius=0.5, dxfattribs=GfxAttribs(color=colors.RED)

Create four horizontal placed MULTILEADER entities pointing at the target point, the first segment of the leader line is determined by an angle in this example pointing away from the target point:

for angle in [45, 135, 225, -45]:
ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("EZDXF")
f"angle={angle}°\n2nd text line",
segment1=Vec2.from_deg_angle(angle, 14),


The content is automatically aligned to the end of the leader line. The first segment is a relative vector to the target point and the optional second segment vector is relative to the end of the first segment. The default connection type is horizontal but can be changed to vertical:

A smaller text size is required:

mleaderstyle = doc.mleader_styles.duplicate_entry("Standard", "EZDXF")
mleaderstyle.dxf.char_height = 2.0 # set the default char height of MTEXT

Adding vertical placed MULTILEADER entities:

for angle in [45, 135, 225, -45]:
ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("EZDXF")
f"angle={angle}°\n2nd text line",
segment1=Vec2.from_deg_angle(angle, 14),

This example already shows the limitation caused by different text renderings in various CAD applications. The ezdxf text measurement by matplotlib is different to AutoCAD and BricsCAD and the result is a misalignment of the overline and the leader line.

The DXF file shown in BricsCAD: [image]

The same DXF file shown with the ezdxf view command (drawing add-on): [image]

My advice is to avoid vertical placed MULTILEADER entities at all and for horizontal placed MULTILEADER entities avoid styles including an “underline” or an “overline”.

The quick_leader() method is not very customizable for ease of use, but follows the settings of the associated MLeaderStyle.

The following sections show how to have more control when adding MULTILEADER entities.

Full Python script:

This section shows how to create a MULTILEADER entity with MTEXT content the manual way with full control over all settings.

For good results the MTEXT alignment should match the leader connection side, e.g. if you attach leaders to the left side also align the MTEXT to the left side, for leaders attached at the right side, align the MTEXT to the right side and if you attach leaders at both sides one side will fit better than the other or maybe a center aligned MTEXT is a good solution, for further details see section MTEXT Alignment.

The first example uses the default connection type of the MLEADERSTYLE “Standard” which is “middle of the top line” for left and right attached leaders. The render UCS for this example is the WCS to keep things simple.

Create a new MULTILEADER entity.

msp = doc.modelspace()

Set MTEXT content, text style and alignment.

ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("Standard")
alignment=mleader.TextAlignment.left, # set MTEXT alignment!

Add the first leader on the left side. The leader points always to the first given vertex and all vertices are given in render UCS coordinates (= WCS in this example).


More than one vertex per leader can be used:

ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.left, [Vec2(-20, -15)])
[Vec2(-20, 15), Vec2(-10, 15), Vec2(-15, 11), Vec2(-10, 7)],

The insert point of the build() method is the alignment point for the MTEXT content.


The “dogleg” settings are defined by the MLEADERSTYLE “Standard”. [image]

This example shows a leader attached to the right side and the MTEXT aligned to the right side.

msp = doc.modelspace()
ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("Standard")
alignment=mleader.TextAlignment.right, # set MTEXT alignment!
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(40, -15)])


This example shows two leaders attached to both sides and the MTEXT aligned to the left side, which shows that the right landing gap (space between text and start of vertex) is bigger than the gap on the left size. This is due to the different text size calculations from AutoCAD/BricsCAD and Matplotlib. The longer the text, the greater the error.

msp = doc.modelspace()
ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("Standard")
alignment=mleader.TextAlignment.left, # set MTEXT alignment!
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.left, [Vec2(-20, -15)])
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(40, -15)])


A centered MTEXT alignment gives a more even result.

msp = doc.modelspace()
ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_mtext("Standard")
"First Line\n2. Line",
style="OpenSans",, # set MTEXT alignment!
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.left, [Vec2(-20, -15)])
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(40, -15)])


But even this has its disadvantages, the attachment calculation is always based on the bounding box of the MTEXT content. [image]

There are four connection sides defined by the enum ezdxf.render.ConnectionSide:

  • left
  • right
  • top
  • bottom

The MultiLeader entity supports as the name says multiple leader lines, but all have to have a horizontal (left/right) connection side or a vertical (top/bottom) connection side, it’s not possible to mix left/right and top/bottom connection sides. This is determined by the DXF format.

There are different connection types available for the horizontal and the vertical connection sides. All leaders connecting to the same side have the same connection type. The horizontal connection sides support following connection types, defined by the enum ezdxf.render.HorizontalConnection:

  • by_style
  • top_of_top_line
  • middle_of_top_line
  • middle_of_text
  • middle_of_bottom_line
  • bottom_of_bottom_line
  • bottom_of_bottom_line_underline (not recommended)
  • bottom_of_top_line_underline (not recommended)
  • bottom_of_top_line
  • bottom_of_top_line_underline_all (not recommended)

The vertical connection sides support following connection types, defined by the enum ezdxf.render.VerticalConnection:

  • by_style
  • center
  • center_overline (not recommended)

The connection type for each side can be set by the method set_connection_types(), the default for all sides is by_style:

ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(40, -15)])



As shown in the quick draw section using connection types including underlines or overlines do not render well in AutoCAD/BricsCAD because of the different text measurement of matplotlib, therefore it’s not recommended to use any of these connection types when creating MULTILEADERS by ezdxf.

In contrast to the standalone MTEXT entity supports the MTEXT content entity only three text alignments defined by the enum ezdxf.render.TextAlignment.

  • left
  • center
  • right

The MTEXT alignment is set as argument alignment of the set_content() method and the alignment point is the insert point of the build() method.

Full Python script:

This section shows how to create a MULTILEADER entity with BLOCK content the manual way with full control over all settings.

The BLOCK content consist of a BLOCK layout and optional ATTDEF entities which defines the location and DXF attributes of dynamically created ATTRIB entities.

Create the BLOCK content, the full create_square_block() function can be found in the script.

block = create_square_block(
doc, size=8.0, margin=0.25, base_point=base_point

Create the MULTILEADER and set the content:

ml_builder = msp.add_multileader_block(style="Standard")
ml_builder.set_content(, alignment=mleader.BlockAlignment.insertion_point

Set the BLOCK attribute content as text:

ml_builder.set_attribute("ONE", "Data1")
ml_builder.set_attribute("TWO", "Data2")

Add some leader lines to the left and right side of the BLOCK:

Construction plane of the entity is defined by a render UCS. The leader lines vertices are expected in render UCS coordinates, which means relative to the UCS origin and this example shows the simple case where the UCS is the WCS which is also the default setting.

ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(x2, y1)])
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.right, [Vec2(x2, y2)])
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.left, [Vec2(x1, y1)])
ml_builder.add_leader_line(mleader.ConnectionSide.left, [Vec2(x1, y2)])

Last step is to build the final MULTILEADER entity. This example uses the alignment type insertion_point where the insert point of the build() method is the base point of the BLOCK:, 2), rotation=30)


The result is shown in BricsCAD as expected, although BricsCAD shows “Center extents” as attachment type in the properties dialog instead of the correct attachment type “Insertion point”.

There are four connection sides defined by the enum ezdxf.render.ConnectionSide:

  • left
  • right
  • top
  • bottom

The connection point for leader lines is always the center of the side of the block bounding box the leader is connected to and has the same limitation as for the MTEXT content, it’s not possible to mix the connection sides left/right and top/bottom.

The connection side is set when adding the leader line by the add_leader_line() method.

Unfortunately BricsCAD has an error in version 22.2.03 and renders all connection types as left/right, this is top/bottom connection shown in Autodesk TrueView 2022: [image]

The top/bottom connection type does not support the “dogleg” feature.

There are two alignments types, defined by the enum ezdxf.render.BlockAlignment

  • center_extents
  • insertion_point

The alignment is set by the set_content() method.

The alignment type center_extent inserts the BLOCK with the center of the bounding box at the insert point of the build() method. The insert point is (5, 2) in this example: [image]

The same MULTILEADER with alignment type insert_point: [image]

The BLOCK content can be scaled independently from the overall scaling of the MULTILEADER entity:

The block scaling factor is set by the set_content() method:

ml_builder.set_content(, scale=2.0, alignment=mleader.BlockAlignment.center_extents )

This is the first example with a block scaling factor of 2. The BLOCK and the attached ATTRIB entities are scaled but not the arrows. [image]

The rotation around the render UCS z-axis in degrees is applied by the build() method:, 2), rotation=30)

This is the first example with a rotation of 30 degrees. The BLOCK, the attached ATTRIB entities and the last connection lines (“dogleg”) are rotated. [image]

BLOCK attributes are defined as ATTDEF entities in the BLOCK layout. This ATTDEF entities will be replaced by ATTRIB entities at the rendering process of the CAD application. Only the text content and the text width factor can be changed for each MULTILEADER entity individually by the set_attribute() method. The ATTDEF is addressed by it’s DXF tag attribute:

ml_builder.set_attribute("ONE", "Data1")
ml_builder.set_attribute("TWO", "Data2")

“Dogleg” Properties

The “dogleg” is the last line segment from the last leader vertex to the MULTILEADER content for polyline leaders. [image]

The length of the dogleg and the landing gap size is set by the set_connection_properties().

A polygon leader line has only straight line segments and is added by the add_leader_line():


[Vec2(-20, 15), Vec2(-10, 15), Vec2(-15, 11), Vec2(-10, 7)], )


All leader line vertices have render UCS coordinates and the start- and end-vertex of the “dogleg” is calculated automatically.

A spline leader line has a single curved line as leader line and is also added by the add_leader_line(). This is spline leader has the same vertices as the previous created polyline leader:


[Vec2(-20, 15), Vec2(-10, 15), Vec2(-15, 11), Vec2(-10, 7)], )


The spline leader has no “dogleg” and spline leaders and polyline leaders can not be mixed in a single MULTILEADER entity.

The leader type is set by the set_leader_properties() method.

The LeaderType enum:

  • none
  • straight_lines
  • splines

The leader color, linetype and lineweight is set by the set_leader_properties() method:


lineweight=70, )


All leader lines have the same properties.

The arrow head is set by the set_arrow_properties() method:

from ezdxf.render import ARROWS
ml_builder.set_arrow_properties(name=ARROWS.closed_blank, size=8.0)


All leader lines have the same arrow head and size. The available arrow heads are defined in the ARROWS object.

The overall scaling has to be applied by the set_overall_scaling() method and scales the MTEXT or BLOCK content and the arrows.

The MLeaderStyle stores many of the MULTILEADER settings but most of them are copied to the MULTILINE entity at initialization. So changing the MLEADERSTYLE style afterwards has little to no effect for existing MULTILEADER entities.

Create a new MLEADERSTYLE called “MY_STYLE” and set the MTEXT style to “OpenSans”:

my_style = doc.mleader_styles.duplicate_entry("Standard", "MY_STYLE")

The style for a MULTILEADER is set at the add_multileader_mtext() and add_multileader_block() factory methods.

The Howto section show how to accomplish specific tasks with ezdxf in a straight forward way without teaching basics or internals, if you are looking for more information about the ezdxf internals look at the Reference section or if you want to learn how to use ezdxf go to the Tutorials section or to the Basic Concepts section.

General preconditions:

import sys
import ezdxf

doc = ezdxf.readfile("your_dxf_file.dxf") except IOError:
print(f"Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.")
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f"Invalid or corrupted DXF file.")
sys.exit(2) msp = doc.modelspace()

This works well with DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD, for loading DXF files with minor or major flaws look at the ezdxf.recover module.

If you know the files you will process have most likely minor or major flaws, use the ezdxf.recover module:

import sys
from ezdxf import recover
try:  # low level structure repair:

doc, auditor = recover.readfile(name) except IOError:
print(f"Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.")
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f"Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.")
sys.exit(2) # DXF file can still have unrecoverable errors, but this is maybe # just a problem when saving the recovered DXF file. if auditor.has_errors:
print(f"Found unrecoverable errors in DXF file: {name}.")

For more loading scenarios follow the link: ezdxf.recover

ezdxf has an interface to get and set HEADER variables:

doc.header["VarName"] = value
value = doc.header["VarName"]


HeaderSection and online documentation from Autodesk for available header variables.

The header variable $INSUNITS defines the drawing units for the modelspace and therefore for the DXF document if no further settings are applied. The most common units are 6 for meters and 1 for inches.

Use this HEADER variables to setup the default units for CAD applications opening the DXF file. This setting is not relevant for ezdxf API calls, which are unitless for length values and coordinates and decimal degrees for angles (in most cases).

Sets drawing units:

doc.header["$INSUNITS"] = 6

For more information see section DXF Units.

DXF files are plain text files, you can open this files with every text editor which handles bigger files. But it is not really easy to get quick the information you want.

Create a more readable HTML file (DXF Pretty Printer):

# Call as executable script from the command line:
ezdxf pp FILE [FILE ...]
# Call as module on Windows:
py -m ezdxf pp FILE [FILE ...]
# Call as module on Linux/Mac
python3 -m ezdxf pp FILE [FILE ...]

This creates a HTML file with a nicer layout than a plain text file, and handles are links between DXF entities, this simplifies the navigation between the DXF entities.

Changed in version 0.16: The dxfpp command was replaced by a sub-command of the ezdxf launcher.

usage: ezdxf pp [-h] [-o] [-r] [-x] [-l] FILE [FILE ...]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF files pretty print optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --open open generated HTML file with the default web browser
-r, --raw raw mode - just print tags, no DXF structure interpretation
-x, --nocompile don't compile points coordinates into single tags (only in
raw mode)
-l, --legacy legacy mode - reorders DXF point coordinates


This does not render the graphical content of the DXF file to a HTML canvas element.

Since ezdxf v0.16 exist a ezdxf.bbox module to calculate bounding boxes for DXF entities. This module makes the extents calculation very easy, but read the documentation for the bbox module to understand its limitations.

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import bbox
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
extents = bbox.extents(msp)

The returned extents is a ezdxf.math.BoundingBox object.

Set Initial View/Zoom for the Modelspace

To show an arbitrary location of the modelspace centered in the CAD application window, set the '*Active' VPORT to this location. The DXF attribute defines the location in the modelspace, and the dxf.height specifies the area of the modelspace to view. Shortcut function:

doc.set_modelspace_vport(height=10, center=(10, 10))

New in version 0.16.

The new ezdxf.zoom module of ezdxf v0.16, makes this task much easier.

Setting the initial view to the extents of all entities in the modelspace:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import zoom
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()

Setting the initial view to the extents of just some entities:

lines = msp.query("LINES")

The zoom module also works for paperspace layouts.


The zoom module uses the bbox module to calculate the bounding boxes for DXF entities. Read the documentation for the bbox module to understand its limitations and the bounding box calculation for large documents can take a while!

The visibility of the UCS icon is controlled by the DXF ucs_icon attribute of the VPort entity:

  • bit 0: 0=hide, 1=show
  • bit 1: 0=display in lower left corner, 1=display at origin

The state of the UCS icon can be set in conjunction with the initial VPort of the model space, this code turns off the UCS icon:

doc.set_modelspace_vport(10, center=(10, 10), dxfattribs={"ucs_icon": 0})

Alternative: turn off UCS icons for all VPort entries in the active viewport configuration:

for vport in doc.viewports.get_config("*Active"):

vport.dxf.ucs_icon = 0

Show Lineweights in DXF Viewers

By default lines and curves are shown without lineweights in DXF viewers. By setting the header variable $LWDISPLAY to 1 the DXF viewer should display lineweights, if supported by the viewer.

doc.header["$LWDISPLAY"] = 1

Add all ezdxf specific resources (line types, text- and dimension styles) to an existing DXF document:

import ezdxf
from import setup_drawing
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
setup_drawing(doc, topics="all")

Set the logging level of the ezdxf package to a higher level to minimize logging messages from ezdxf. At level ERROR only severe errors will be logged and WARNING, INFO and DEBUG messages will be suppressed:

import logging

AutoDesk web service A360 seems to be more picky than the AutoCAD desktop applications, may be it helps to use the latest DXF version supported by ezdxf, which is DXF R2018 (AC1032) in the year of writing this lines (2018).

ezdxf does not automatically locate the main viewport of the modelspace at the entities, you have to perform the “Zoom to Extends” command, here in TrueView 2020: [image]

And here in the Autodesk Online Viewer: [image]

Add this line to your code to relocate the main viewport, adjust the center (in modelspace coordinates) and the height (in drawing units) arguments to your needs:

doc.set_modelspace_vport(height=10, center=(0, 0))

If you are adding XREFS and IMAGES with relative paths to existing drawings and they do not show up in AutoCAD immediately, change the HEADER variable $PROJECTNAME='' to (not really) solve this problem. The ezdxf templates for DXF R2004 and later have $PROJECTNAME='' as default value.

Thanks to David Booth:

If the filename in the IMAGEDEF contains the full path (absolute in AutoCAD) then it shows on loading, otherwise it won’t display (reports as unreadable) until you manually reload using XREF manager.

A workaround (to show IMAGES on loading) appears to be to save the full file path in the DXF or save it as a DWG.

So far - no solution for showing IMAGES with relative paths on loading.

Set Initial View/Zoom for the Modelspace

See section “General Document”: Set Initial View/Zoom for the Modelspace

Show Lineweights in DXF Viewers

By default lines and curves are shown without lineweights in DXF viewers. By setting the header variable $LWDISPLAY to 1 the DXF viewer should display lineweights, if supported by the viewer.

doc.header["$LWDISPLAY"] = 1

General preconditions:

import sys
import ezdxf

doc = ezdxf.readfile("your_dxf_file.dxf") except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file.')
sys.exit(2) msp = doc.modelspace()

The entity color is stored as ACI (AutoCAD Color Index):

aci = entity.dxf.color

Default value is 256 which means BYLAYER:

layer = doc.layers.get(entity.dxf.layer)
aci = layer.get_color()

The special get_color() method is required, because the color attribute Layer.dxf.color is misused as layer on/off flag, a negative color value means the layer is off.

ACI value 0 means BYBLOCK, which means the color from the block reference (INSERT entity).

Set color as ACI value as int in range [0, 256]:

entity.dxf.color = 1

The ACI value 7 has a special meaning, it is white on dark backgrounds and white on light backgrounds.

RGB true color values are supported since DXF R13 (AC1012), the 24-bit RGB value is stored as integer in the DXF attribute true_color:

# 24 bit binary value: 0bRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBB or hex value: 0xRRGGBB
# set true color value to red
entity.dxf.true_color = 0xFF0000

Use the helper functions from the ezdxf.colors module for RGB integer value handling:

from ezdxf import colors
entity.dxf.true_color = colors.rgb2int((0xFF, 0, 0))
r, g, b = colors.int2rgb(entity.dxf.true_color)

The RGB values of the AutoCAD default colors are not officially documented, but an accurate translation table is included in ezdxf:

# Warning: ACI value 256 (BYLAYER) raises an IndexError!
rgb24 = colors.DXF_DEFAULT_COLORS[aci]
print(f"RGB Hex Value: #{rgb24:06X}")
r, g, b = colors.int2rgb(rgb24)
print(f"RGB Channel Values: R={r:02X} G={g:02X} b={b:02X}")

If color and true_color values are set, BricsCAD and AutoCAD use the true_color value as display color for the entity.

Get/Set the true color value as (r, g, b)-tuple by the rgb property of the DXFGraphic entity:

# set true color value to red
entity.rgb = (0xFF, 0, 0)
# get true color values
r, g, b = entity.rgb

Block references (Insert) can have attached attributes (Attrib), these are simple text annotations with an associated tag appended to the block reference.

Iterate over all appended attributes:

# get all INSERT entities with == "Part12"
blockrefs = msp.query('INSERT[name=="Part12"]')
if len(blockrefs):

entity = blockrefs[0] # process first entity found
for attrib in entity.attribs:
if attrib.dxf.tag == "diameter": # identify attribute by tag
attrib.dxf.text = "17mm" # change attribute content

Get attribute by tag:

diameter = entity.get_attrib('diameter')
if diameter is not None:

diameter.dxf.text = "17mm"

Adding XDATA as list of tuples (group code, value) by set_xdata(), overwrites data if already present:'YOUR_APPID')  # IMPORTANT: create an APP ID entry
circle = msp.add_circle((10, 10), 100)

(1000, ''),
(1002, '{'),
(1000, 'some text'),
(1002, '{'),
(1071, 1),
(1002, '}'),
(1002, '}')

For group code meaning see DXF reference section DXF Group Codes in Numerical Order Reference, valid group codes are in the range 1000 - 1071.

Method get_xdata() returns the extended data for an entity as Tags object.


Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files

In general the Dimension styling and config attributes are stored in the Dimstyle entity, but every attribute can be overridden for each DIMENSION entity individually, get overwritten values by the DimstyleOverride object as shown in the following example:

for dimension in msp.query('DIMENSION'):

dimstyle_override = dimension.override() # requires v0.12
dimtol = dimstyle_override['dimtol']
if dimtol:
print(f'{str(dimension)} has tolerance values:')
dimtp = dimstyle_override['dimtp']
dimtm = dimstyle_override['dimtm']
print(f'Upper tolerance: {dimtp}')
print(f'Lower tolerance: {dimtm}')

The DimstyleOverride object returns the value of the underlying DIMSTYLE objects if the value in DIMENSION was not overwritten, or None if the value was neither defined in DIMSTYLE nor in DIMENSION.

Same as above, the DimstyleOverride object supports also overriding DIMSTYLE values. But just overriding this values have no effect on the graphical representation of the DIMENSION entity, because CAD applications just show the associated anonymous block which contains the graphical representation on the DIMENSION entity as simple DXF entities. Call the render method of the DimstyleOverride object to recreate this graphical representation by ezdxf, but ezdxf does not support all DIMENSION types and DIMVARS yet, and results will differ from AutoCAD or BricsCAD renderings.

dimstyle_override = dimension.override()
# delete associated geometry block
del doc.blocks[dimension.dxf.geometry]
# recreate geometry block

Rendering SHX Fonts

The SHX font format is not documented nor supported by many libraries/packages like Matplotlib and Qt, therefore only SHX fonts which have corresponding TTF-fonts can be rendered by these backends. The mapping from/to SHX/TTF fonts is hard coded in the source code file: ezdxf/tools/

Ezdxf uses Matplotlib to manage fonts and caches the collected information. If you wanna use new installed fonts which are not included in the default cache files of ezdxf you have to rebuild the cache files:

import ezdxf
from import fonts
# xdg_path() returns "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/ezdxf" or "~/.cache/ezdxf" if
# $XDG_CACHE_HOME is not set
font_cache_dir = ezdxf.options.xdg_path("XDG_CACHE_HOME", ".cache")
ezdxf.options.font_cache_directory = font_cache_dir
# Save changes to the default config file "~/.config/ezdxf/ezdxf.ini"
# to load the font cache always from the new location.

For more information see the ezdxf.options and the module.

If Matplotlib does not find an installed font and rebuilding the matplotlib font cache does not help, deleting the cache file ~/.matplotlib/fontlist-v330.json (or similar file in newer versions) may help.

For more information see the module.

In 2010 I started my first Python package for creating DXF documents called dxfwrite, this package can’t read DXF files and writes only the DXF R12 (AC1009) version. While dxfwrite works fine, I wanted a more versatile package, that can read and write DXF files and maybe also supports newer DXF formats than DXF R12.

This was the start of the ezdxf package in 2011, but the progress was so slow, that I created a spin off in 2012 called dxfgrabber, which implements only the reading part of ezdxf, which I needed for my work and I wasn’t sure if ezdxf will ever be usable. Luckily in 2014 the first usable version of ezdxf could be released. The ezdxf package has all the features of dxfwrite and dxfgrabber and much more, but with a different API. So ezdxf is not a drop-in replacement for dxfgrabber or dxfwrite.

Since ezdxf can do all the things that dxfwrite and dxfgrabber can do, I focused on the development of ezdxf, dxfwrite and dxfgrabber are in maintenance-only mode and will not get any new features, just bugfixes.

There are no advantages of dxfwrite over ezdxf, dxfwrite has a smaller memory footprint, but the r12writer add-on does the same job as dxfwrite without any in-memory structures by writing direct to a stream or file and there is also no advantage of dxfgrabber over ezdxf for ordinary DXF files, the smaller memory footprint of dxfgrabber is not noticeable and for really big files the iterdxf add-on does a better job.

AttributeError: partially initialized module ‘ezdxf’ has no attribute ‘readfile’ (most likely due to a circular import)

Did you name your file/script “”? This causes problems with circular imports. Renaming your file/script should solve this issue.

AttributeError: module ‘ezdxf’ has no attribute ‘readfile’

This could be a hidden permission error, for more information about this issue read Petr Zemeks article:

The BODY, 3DSOLID, SURFACE, REGION and so on, are stored as ACIS data embedded in the DXF file. The ACIS data is stored as SAT (text) format in the entity itself for DXF R2000-R2010 and as SAB (binary) format in the ACDSDATA section for DXF R2013+. Ezdxf can read SAT and SAB data, but only write SAT data.

The ACIS data is a proprietary format from Spatial Inc., and there exist no free available documentation or open source libraries to create or edit SAT or SAB data, and also ezdxf provides no functionality for creating or editing ACIS data.

The ACIS support provided by ezdxf is only useful for users which have access to the ACIS SDK from Spatial Inc..


The Wikipedia definition of OLE: Object Linking & Embedding (OLE) is a proprietary technology developed by Microsoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. For developers, it brought OLE Control Extension (OCX), a way to develop and use custom user interface elements. On a technical level, an OLE object is any object that implements the IOleObject interface, possibly along with a wide range of other interfaces, depending on the object’s needs.

Therefore ezdxf does not support this entities in any way, this only work on Windows and with the required editing application installed. The binary data stored in the OLE objects cannot be used without the editing application.

In my opinion, using OLE objects in a CAD drawing is a very bad design decision that can and will cause problems opening these files in the future, even in AutoCAD on Windows when the required editing application is no longer available or the underlying technology is no longer supported.

All of this is unacceptable for a data storage format that should be accessed for many years or decades (e.g. construction drawings for buildings or bridges).

Rendering SHX Fonts

The SHX font format is not documented nor supported by many libraries/packages like Matplotlib and Qt, therefore only SHX fonts which have corresponding TTF-fonts can be rendered by these backends. See also how-tos about Fonts

The DXF Reference is online available at Autodesk.

Quoted from the original DXF 12 Reference which is not available on the web:

Since the AutoCAD drawing database (.dwg file) is written in a compact format that changes significantly as new features are added to AutoCAD, we do not document its format and do not recommend that you attempt to write programs to read it directly. To assist in interchanging drawings between AutoCAD and other programs, a Drawing Interchange file format (DXF) has been defined. All implementations of AutoCAD accept this format and are able to convert it to and from their internal drawing file representation.

Create a new Drawing from scratch, dxfversion can be either “AC1009” the official DXF version name or “R12” the AutoCAD release name.

new() can create drawings for following DXF versions:

Version AutoCAD Release
AC1009 AutoCAD R12
AC1015 AutoCAD R2000
AC1018 AutoCAD R2004
AC1021 AutoCAD R2007
AC1024 AutoCAD R2010
AC1027 AutoCAD R2013
AC1032 AutoCAD R2018

The units argument defines th document and modelspace units. The header variable $MEASUREMENT will be set according to the given units, 0 for inch, feet, miles, … and 1 for metric units. For more information go to module ezdxf.units

  • dxfversion – DXF version specifier as string, default is “AC1027” respectively “R2013”
  • setup

    setup default styles, False for no setup, True to setup everything or a list of topics as strings, e.g. [“linetypes”, “styles”] to setup only some topics:

    Topic Description
    linetypes setup line types
    styles setup text styles
    dimstyles setup default ezdxf dimension styles
    visualstyles setup 25 standard visual styles

  • units – document and modelspace units, default is 6 for meters

Open DXF drawings from file system or text stream, byte stream usage is not supported.

DXF files prior to R2007 requires file encoding defined by header variable $DWGCODEPAGE, DXF R2007 and later requires an UTF-8 encoding.

ezdxf supports reading of files for following DXF versions:

Version Release Encoding Remarks
< AC1009 $DWGCODEPAGE pre AutoCAD R12 upgraded to AC1009
AC1012 R13 $DWGCODEPAGE AutoCAD R13 upgraded to AC1015
AC1014 R14 $DWGCODEPAGE AutoCAD R14 upgraded to AC1015
AC1015 R2000 $DWGCODEPAGE AutoCAD R2000
AC1018 R2004 $DWGCODEPAGE AutoCAD R2004
AC1021 R2007 UTF-8 AutoCAD R2007
AC1024 R2010 UTF-8 AutoCAD R2010
AC1027 R2013 UTF-8 AutoCAD R2013
AC1032 R2018 UTF-8 AutoCAD R2018
Read the DXF document filename from the file-system.

This is the preferred method to load existing ASCII or Binary DXF files, the required text encoding will be detected automatically and decoding errors will be ignored.

Override encoding detection by setting argument encoding to the estimated encoding. (use Python encoding names like in the open() function).

If this function struggles to load the DXF document and raises a DXFStructureError exception, try the ezdxf.recover.readfile() function to load this corrupt DXF document.

  • filename – filename of the ASCII- or Binary DXF document
  • encoding – use None for auto detect (default), or set a specific encoding like “utf-8”, argument is ignored for Binary DXF files
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • IOError – not a DXF file or file does not exist
  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Read a DXF document from a text-stream. Open stream in text mode (mode='rt') and set correct text encoding, the stream requires at least a readline() method.

Since DXF version R2007 (AC1021) file encoding is always “utf-8”, use the helper function dxf_stream_info() to detect the required text encoding for prior DXF versions. To preserve possible binary data in use errors='surrogateescape' as error handler for the import stream.

If this function struggles to load the DXF document and raises a DXFStructureError exception, try the function to load this corrupt DXF document.

stream – input text stream opened with correct encoding
DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures

Load a DXF document specified by filename from a zip archive, or if filename is None the first DXF document in the zip archive.
  • zipfile – name of the zip archive
  • filename – filename of DXF file, or None to load the first DXF document from the zip archive.
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • IOError – not a DXF file or file does not exist or
    if filename is None - no DXF file found
  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Load a DXF document from base64 encoded binary data, like uploaded data to web applications.
  • data – DXF document base64 encoded binary data
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs


This works well with DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD, for loading DXF files with minor or major flaws look at the ezdxf.recover module.

Save the DXF document to the file system by Drawing methods save() or saveas(). Write the DXF document to a text stream with write(), the text stream requires at least a write() method. Get required output encoding for text streams by property Drawing.output_encoding

The HeaderSection stores meta data like modelspace extensions, user name or saving time and current application settings, like actual layer, text style or dimension style settings. These settings are not necessary to process DXF data and therefore many of this settings are not maintained by ezdxf automatically.

$ACADVER DXF version
$TDCREATE date/time at creating the drawing
$FINGERPRINTGUID every drawing gets a GUID

$TDUPDATE actual date/time at saving
$HANDSEED next available handle as hex string
$DWGCODEPAGE encoding setting
$VERSIONGUID every saved version gets a new GUID


  • Howto: Set/Get Header Variables
  • Howto: Set DXF Drawing Units

New in version 0.17.

Store internal metadata like ezdxf version and creation time for a new created document as metadata in the DXF file. Only standard DXF features are used to store meta data and this meta data is preserved by Autodesk products, BricsCAD and of course ezdxf. Other 3rd party DXF libraries may remove this meta data.

For DXF R12 the meta data is stored as XDATA by AppID EZDXF in the model space BLOCK entity in the BLOCKS section.

For DXF R2000+ the meta data is stored in the “root” DICTIONARY in the OBJECTS section as a DICTIONARY object by the key EZDXF_META.

The MetaData object has a dict-like interface and can also store custom metadata:

metadata = doc.ezdxf_metadata()
# set data
metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"] = "a string with max. length of 254"
# get data, raises a KeyError() if key not exist
value = metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"]
# get data, returns an empty string if key not exist
value = metadata.get("MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA")
# delete entry, raises a KeyError() if key not exist
del metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"]
# discard entry, does not raise a KeyError() if key not exist

Keys and values are limited to strings with a max. length of 254 characters and line ending \n will be replaced by \P.

Keys used by ezdxf:

  • WRITTEN_BY_EZDXF: ezdxf version and UTC time in ISO format
  • CREATED_BY_EZDXF: ezdxf version and UTC time in ISO format

Example of the ezdxf marker string: 0.16.4b1 @ 2021-06-12T07:35:34.898808+00:00

Returns the value for self[key].
KeyErrorkey does not exist

Returns the value for key. Returns default if key not exist.

Delete self[key].
KeyErrorkey does not exist

Remove key, does not raise an exception if key not exist.

The Drawing class manages all entities and tables related to a DXF drawing.
Actual DXF version like 'AC1009', set by or ezdxf.readfile().

For supported DXF versions see Document Management

The AutoCAD release name like 'R12' or 'R2000' for actual dxfversion.

Text encoding of Drawing, the default encoding for new drawings is 'cp1252'. Starting with DXF R2007 (AC1021), DXF files are written as UTF-8 encoded text files, regardless of the attribute encoding. The text encoding can be changed to encodings listed below.

see also: DXF File Encoding

supported encodings
'cp874' Thai
'cp932' Japanese
'gbk' UnifiedChinese
'cp949' Korean
'cp950' TradChinese
'cp1250' CentralEurope
'cp1251' Cyrillic
'cp1252' WesternEurope
'cp1253' Greek
'cp1254' Turkish
'cp1255' Hebrew
'cp1256' Arabic
'cp1257' Baltic
'cp1258' Vietnam

Returns required output encoding for saving to filesystem or encoding to binary data.

Drawing filename, if loaded by ezdxf.readfile() else None.

Reference to the root dictionary of the OBJECTS section.

Reference to the HeaderSection, get/set drawing settings as header variables.

Reference to the EntitySection of the drawing, where all graphical entities are stored, but only from modelspace and the active paperspace layout. Just for your information: Entities of other paperspace layouts are stored as BlockLayout in the BlocksSection.

Reference to the objects section, see also ObjectsSection.

Reference to the blocks section, see also BlocksSection.

Reference to the tables section, see also TablesSection.

Reference to the classes section, see also ClassesSection.

Reference to the layout manager, see also Layouts.

Collection of all groups, see also GroupCollection.

requires DXF R13 or later

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.layers

Reference to the layers table, where you can create, get and remove layers, see also Table and Layer

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.styles

Reference to the styles table, see also Style.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.dimstyles

Reference to the dimstyles table, see also DimStyle.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.linetypes

Reference to the linetypes table, see also Linetype.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.views

Reference to the views table, see also View.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.viewports

Reference to the viewports table, see also Viewport.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.ucs

Reference to the ucs table, see also UCS.

Shortcut for Drawing.tables.appids

Reference to the appids table, see also AppID.

MaterialCollection of all Material objects.

MLineStyleCollection of all MLineStyle objects.

MLeaderStyleCollection of all MLeaderStyle objects.

Get and set the document/modelspace base units as enum, for more information read this: DXF Units.

Write drawing to file-system by using the filename attribute as filename. Override file encoding by argument encoding, handle with care, but this option allows you to create DXF files for applications that handles file encoding different than AutoCAD.
  • encoding – override default encoding as Python encoding string like 'utf-8'
  • fmt'asc' for ASCII DXF (default) or 'bin' for Binary DXF

Set Drawing attribute filename to filename and write drawing to the file system. Override file encoding by argument encoding, handle with care, but this option allows you to create DXF files for applications that handles file encoding different than AutoCAD.
  • filename – file name as string
  • encoding – override default encoding as Python encoding string like 'utf-8'
  • fmt'asc' for ASCII DXF (default) or 'bin' for Binary DXF

Write drawing as ASCII DXF to a text stream or as Binary DXF to a binary stream. For DXF R2004 (AC1018) and prior open stream with drawing encoding and mode='wt'. For DXF R2007 (AC1021) and later use encoding='utf-8', or better use the later added Drawing property output_encoding which returns the correct encoding automatically. The correct and required error handler is errors='dxfreplace'!

If writing to a StringIO stream, use Drawing.encode() to encode the result string from StringIO.get_value():

binary = doc.encode(stream.get_value())

  • stream – output text stream or binary stream
  • fmt'asc' for ASCII DXF (default) or 'bin' for binary DXF

Returns DXF document as base64 encoded binary data.

Encode string s with correct encoding and error handler.

Entity query over all layouts and blocks, excluding the OBJECTS section.
query – query string


Entity Query String and Retrieve entities by query language

Groups DXF entities of all layouts and blocks (excluding the OBJECTS section) by a DXF attribute or a key function.
  • dxfattrib – grouping DXF attribute like 'layer'
  • key – key function, which accepts a DXFEntity as argument and returns a hashable grouping key or None to ignore this entity.


groupby() documentation

Returns the modelspace layout, displayed as 'Model' tab in CAD applications, defined by block record named '*Model_Space'.

Returns paperspace layout name or returns first layout in tab order if name is None.

Returns the active paperspace layout, defined by block record name '*Paper_Space'.

Returns all layout names (modelspace 'Model' included) in arbitrary order.

Returns all layout names in tab order, layout “Model” (model space) is always the first name.

Create a new paperspace layout name. Returns a Layout object. DXF R12 (AC1009) supports only one paperspace layout, only the active paperspace layout is saved, other layouts are dismissed.
  • name – unique layout name
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DXFLayout entity

DXFValueErrorLayout name already exist

Delete paper space layout name and all entities owned by this layout. Available only for DXF R2000 or later, DXF R12 supports only one paperspace and it can’t be deleted.

Add an image definition to the objects section.

Add an ImageDef entity to the drawing (objects section). filename is the image file name as relative or absolute path and size_in_pixel is the image size in pixel as (x, y) tuple. To avoid dependencies to external packages, ezdxf can not determine the image size by itself. Returns a ImageDef entity which is needed to create an image reference. name is the internal image name, if set to None, name is auto-generated.

Absolute image paths works best for AutoCAD but not really good, you have to update external references manually in AutoCAD, which is not possible in TrueView. If the drawing units differ from 1 meter, you also have to use: set_raster_variables().

  • filename – image file name (absolute path works best for AutoCAD)
  • size_in_pixel – image size in pixel as (x, y) tuple
  • name – image name for internal use, None for using filename as name (best for AutoCAD)


Tutorial for Image and ImageDef

Set raster variables.
  • frame0 = do not show image frame; 1 = show image frame
  • quality0 = draft; 1 = high
  • units

    units for inserting images. This defines the real world unit for one drawing unit for the purpose of inserting and scaling images with an associated resolution.

    mm Millimeter
    cm Centimeter
    m Meter (ezdxf default)
    km Kilometer
    in Inch
    ft Foot
    yd Yard
    mi Mile

Set wipeout variables.
frame0 = do not show image frame; 1 = show image frame

Add an UnderlayDef entity to the drawing (OBJECTS section). filename is the underlay file name as relative or absolute path and fmt as string (pdf, dwf, dgn). The underlay definition is required to create an underlay reference.
  • filename – underlay file name
  • fmt – file format as string 'pdf'|'dwf'|'dgn' or 'ext' for getting file format from filename extension
  • name – pdf format = page number to display; dgn format = 'default'; dwf: ????


Tutorial for Underlay and UnderlayDefinition

Add an external reference (xref) definition to the blocks section.
  • filename – external reference filename
  • name – name of the xref block
  • flags – block flags

Iterate over all layouts (modelspace and paperspace) and all block definitions.

Chain entity spaces of all layouts and blocks. Yields an iterator for all entities in all layouts and blocks.

Reset fingerprint GUID.

Reset version GUID.

Set initial view/zoom location for the modelspace, this replaces the current “*Active” viewport configuration (VPort) and reset the coordinate system to the WCS.
  • height – modelspace area to view
  • center – modelspace location to view in the center of the CAD application window.
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the VPORT entity

Changed in version 0.17.2: added argument dxfattribs to pass additional DXF attributes to the VPORT entity

Checks document integrity and fixes all fixable problems, not fixable problems are stored in Auditor.errors.

If you are messing around with internal structures, call this method before saving to be sure to export valid DXF documents, but be aware this is a long running task.

Simple way to run an audit process. Fixes all fixable problems, return False if not fixable errors occurs, to get more information about not fixable errors use audit() method instead.
print_report – print report to stdout

Returns: True if no errors occurred

Returns the ezdxf ezdxf.document.MetaData object, which manages ezdxf and custom metadata in DXF files. For more information see: Ezdxf Metadata.

New in version 0.17.

New in version v0.14.

This module provides functions to “recover” ASCII DXF documents with structural flaws, which prevents the regular and ezdxf.readfile() functions to load the document.

The read() and readfile() functions will repair as much flaws as possible and run the required audit process automatically afterwards and return the result of this audit process:

import sys
import ezdxf
from ezdxf import recover

doc, auditor = recover.readfile("messy.dxf") except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file.')
sys.exit(2) # DXF file can still have unrecoverable errors, but this is maybe just # a problem when saving the recovered DXF file. if auditor.has_errors:

This efforts cost some time, loading the DXF document with or ezdxf.readfile() will be faster.


This module will load DXF files which have decoding errors, most likely binary data stored in XRECORD entities, these errors are logged as unrecoverable AuditError.DECODE_ERRORS in the Auditor.errors attribute, but no DXFStructureError exception will be raised, because for many use cases this errors can be ignored.

Writing such files back with ezdxf may create invalid DXF files, or at least some information will be lost - handle with care!

To avoid this problem use recover.readfile(filename, errors='strict') which raises an UnicodeDecodeError exception for such binary data. Catch the exception and handle this DXF files as unrecoverable.

Mostly DXF files from AutoCAD or BricsCAD (e.g. for In-house solutions):


doc = ezdxf.readfile(name) except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')

DXF files have only minor flaws, like undefined resources:


doc = ezdxf.readfile(name) except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')
sys.exit(2) auditor = doc.audit() if auditor.has_errors:

From trusted and untrusted sources but with good hopes, the worst case works like a cache miss, you pay for the first try and pay the extra fee for the recover mode:

try:  # Fast path:

doc = ezdxf.readfile(name) except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) # Catch all DXF errors: except ezdxf.DXFError:
try: # Slow path including fixing low level structures:
doc, auditor = recover.readfile(name)
except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')
sys.exit(2) # DXF file can still have unrecoverable errors, but this is maybe # just a problem when saving the recovered DXF file. if auditor.has_errors:
print(f'Found unrecoverable errors in DXF file: {name}.')

Untrusted sources and expecting many invalid or corrupted DXF files, you always pay an extra fee for the recover mode:

try:  # Slow path including fixing low level structures:

doc, auditor = recover.readfile(name) except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')
sys.exit(2) # DXF file can still have unrecoverable errors, but this is maybe # just a problem when saving the recovered DXF file. if auditor.has_errors:
print(f'Found unrecoverable errors in DXF file: {name}.')

If files contain binary data which can not be decoded by the document encoding, it is maybe the best to ignore this files, this works in normal and recover mode:


doc, auditor = recover.readfile(name, errors='strict') except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')
sys.exit(2) except UnicodeDecodeError:
print(f'Decoding error in DXF file: {name}.')

Sometimes ignoring decoding errors can recover DXF files or at least you can detect where the decoding errors occur:


doc, auditor = recover.readfile(name, errors='ignore') except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {name}.')
sys.exit(2) if auditor.has_errors:

The error messages with code AuditError.DECODING_ERROR shows the approximate line number of the decoding error: “Fixed unicode decoding error near line: xxx.”


This functions can handle only ASCII DXF files!

Read a DXF document from file system similar to ezdxf.readfile(), but this function will repair as much flaws as possible, runs the required audit process automatically the DXF document and the Auditor.
  • filename – file-system name of the DXF document to load
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Read a DXF document from a binary-stream similar to, but this function will detect the text encoding automatically and repair as much flaws as possible, runs the required audit process afterwards and returns the DXF document and the Auditor.
  • stream – data stream to load in binary read mode
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Read a DXF document from file system similar to readfile(), but this function will use a special tag loader, which synchronise the tag stream if invalid tags occur. This function is intended to load corrupted DXF files and should only be used to explore such files, data loss is very likely.
  • filename – file-system name of the DXF document to load
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

New in version 0.18.

This is a high-level module for working with CAD application settings and behaviors. None of these settings have any influence on the behavior of ezdxf, since ezdxf only takes care of the content of the DXF file and not of the way it is presented to the user.


You need to understand that these settings work at the application level, ezdxf cannot force an application to do something in a certain way! The functionality of this module has been tested with Autodesk TrueView and BricsCAD, other applications may show different results or ignore the settings.

The current properties are used by the CAD application to create new entities, these settings do not affect how ezdxf creates new entities.

The module ezdxf.gfxattribs provides the class GfxAttribs(), which can load the current graphical entity settings from the HEADER section for creating new entities by ezdxf: load_from_header()

Set current AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).

Set current lineweight, see Lineweights reference for valid values.

Restore the UCS settings in the HEADER section to the WCS and reset all active viewports to the WCS.

Calculate the extents of the model space, update the HEADER variables $EXTMIN and $EXTMAX and returns the result as ezdxf.math.BoundingBox. Note that this function uses the ezdxf.bbox module to calculate the extent of the model space. This module is not very fast and not very accurate for text and ignores all ACIS based entities.

The function updates only the values in the HEADER section, to zoom the active viewport to this extents, use this recipe:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import zoom, appsettings
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
extents = appsettings.update_extents(doc),, extents.size)


  • the ezdxf.bbox module to understand the limitations of the extent calculation
  • the ezdxf.zoom module

The CAD application or DXF viewer should show lines and curves with “thickness” (lineweight) if state is True.

DXF Structures

Header Section

The drawing settings are stored in the HEADER section, which is accessible by the header attribute of the Drawing object. See the online documentation from Autodesk for available header variables.


DXF Internals: HEADER Section

Stores the custom drawing properties in a CustomVars object.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of header variables.

__contains__(key) -> bool
Returns True if header variable key exist.

Returns an iterable of all header variable names.

Returns value of header variable key if exist, else the default value.

__getitem__(key: str) -> Any
Get header variable key by index operator like: drawing.header['$ACADVER']

__setitem__(key: str, value: Any) -> None
Set header variable key to value by index operator like: drawing.header['$ANGDIR'] = 1

__delitem__(key: str) -> None
Delete header variable key by index operator like: del drawing.header['$ANGDIR']

Reset the current UCS settings to the WCS.

Stores custom properties in the DXF header as $CUSTOMPROPERTYTAG and $CUSTOMPROPERTY values. Custom properties are just supported by DXF R2004 (AC1018) or later. ezdxf can create custom properties at older DXF versions, but AutoCAD will not show this properties.
List of custom drawing properties, stored as string tuples (tag, value). Multiple occurrence of the same custom tag is allowed, but not well supported by the interface. This is a standard python list and it is save to change this list as long you store just tuples of strings in the format (tag, value).

__len__() -> int
Count of custom properties.

__iter__() -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]
Iterate over all custom properties as (tag, value) tuples.

clear() -> None
Remove all custom properties.

Returns the value of the first custom property tag.

Returns True if custom property tag exist.

Add custom property as (tag, value) tuple.

Replaces the value of the first custom property tag by a new value.

Raises DXFValueError if tag does not exist.

Removes the first occurrence of custom property tag, removes all occurrences if all is True.

Raises :class:`DXFValueError if tag does not exist.

The CLASSES section in DXF files holds the information for application-defined classes whose instances appear in Layout objects. As usual package user there is no need to bother about CLASSES.


DXF Internals: CLASSES Section

Storage of all DXFClass objects, they are not stored in the entities database, because CLASS has no handle attribute.

Register a known class by name.

Returns the first class matching name.

Storage key is the (name, cpp_class_name) tuple, because there are some classes with the same name but different cpp_class_names.

Add all required CLASS definitions for dxfversion.

Update CLASS instance counter for all registered classes, requires DXF R2004+.

Information about application-defined classes.
Class DXF record name.

C++ class name. Used to bind with software that defines object class behavior.

Application name. Posted in Alert box when a class definition listed in this section is not currently loaded.

Proxy capabilities flag
0 No operations allowed (0)
1 Erase allowed (0x1)
2 Transform allowed (0x2)
4 Color change allowed (0x4)
8 Layer change allowed (0x8)
16 Linetype change allowed (0x10)
32 Linetype scale change allowed (0x20)
64 Visibility change allowed (0x40)
128 Cloning allowed (0x80)
256 Lineweight change allowed (0x100)
512 Plot Style Name change allowed (0x200)
895 All operations except cloning allowed (0x37F)
1023 All operations allowed (0x3FF)
1024 Disables proxy warning dialog (0x400)
32768 R13 format proxy (0x8000)

Instance count for a custom class.

Set to 1 if class was not loaded when this DXF file was created, and 0 otherwise.

Set to 1 if class was derived from the DXFGraphic class and can reside in layouts. If 0, instances may appear only in the OBJECTS section.

Unique name as (name, cpp_class_name) tuple.

The TABLES section is the home of all TABLE objects of a DXF document.


DXF Internals: TABLES Section

LayerTable object for Layer objects

LineTypesTable object for Linetype objects

TextstyleTable object for Textstyle objects

DimStyleTable object for DimStyle objects

AppIDTable object for AppID objects

UCSTable object for UCSTable objects

ViewTable object for View objects

ViewportTable object for VPort objects

BlockRecordTable object for BlockRecord objects

The BLOCKS section is the home all block definitions (BlockLayout) of a DXF document.


DXF Internals: BLOCKS Section and Block Management Structures

__iter__() -> Iterator[BlockLayout]
Iterable of all BlockLayout objects.

__contains__(name: str) -> bool
Returns True if BlockLayout name exist.

__getitem__(name: str) -> BlockLayout
Returns BlockLayout name, raises DXFKeyError if name not exist.

__delitem__(name: str) -> None
Deletes BlockLayout name and all of its content, raises DXFKeyError if name not exist.

Returns BlockLayout name, returns default if name not exist.

Create and add a new BlockLayout, name is the BLOCK name, base_point is the insertion point of the BLOCK.

Create and add a new anonymous BlockLayout, type_char is the BLOCK type, base_point is the insertion point of the BLOCK.
type_char Anonymous Block Type
'U' '*U###' anonymous BLOCK
'E' '*E###' anonymous non-uniformly scaled BLOCK
'X' '*X###' anonymous HATCH graphic
'D' '*D###' anonymous DIMENSION graphic
'A' '*A###' anonymous GROUP
'T' '*T###' anonymous block for ACAD_TABLE content

Rename BlockLayout old_name to new_name

Delete block. If save is True, check if block is still referenced.
  • name – block name (case insensitive)
  • safe – check if block is still referenced or special block without explicit references

  • DXFKeyError – if block not exists
  • DXFBlockInUseError – if block is still referenced, and save is True

Delete all blocks without references except modelspace- or paperspace layout blocks, special arrow- and anonymous blocks (DIMENSION, ACAD_TABLE).


There could exist undiscovered references to blocks which are not documented in the DXF reference, hidden in extended data sections or application defined data, which could produce invalid DXF documents if such referenced blocks will be deleted.

Changed in version 0.14: removed unsafe mode

The ENTITIES section is the home of all Modelspace and active Paperspace layout entities. This is a real section in the DXF file, for ezdxf the EntitySection is just a proxy for modelspace and the active paperspace linked together.


DXF Internals: ENTITIES Section

__iter__() -> Iterator[DXFEntity]
Iterable for all entities of modelspace and active paperspace.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of all entities of modelspace and active paperspace.

The OBJECTS section is the home of all none graphical objects of a DXF document. The OBJECTS section is accessible by Drawing.objects.

Convenience methods of the Drawing object to create required structures in the OBJECTS section:

  • IMAGEDEF: add_image_def()
  • UNDERLAYDEF: add_underlay_def()
  • RASTERVARIABLES: set_raster_variables()
  • WIPEOUTVARIABLES: set_wipeout_variables()


DXF Internals: OBJECTS Section

Returns the root DICTIONARY, or as AutoCAD calls it: the named DICTIONARY.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of DXF objects.

Returns iterable of all DXF objects in the OBJECTS section.

__getitem__(index) -> DXFObject
Get entity at index.

The underlying data structure for storing DXF objects is organized like a standard Python list, therefore index can be any valid list indexing or slicing term, like a single index objects[-1] to get the last entity, or an index slice objects[:10] to get the first 10 or less objects as List[DXFObject].

Returns True if entity stored in OBJECTS section.
entityDXFObject or handle as hex string

Get all DXF objects matching the Entity Query String.

Add new Dictionary object.
  • owner – handle to owner as hex string.
  • hard_ownedTrue to treat entries as hard owned.

Add new DictionaryWithDefault object.
  • owner – handle to owner as hex string.
  • default – handle to default entry.
  • hard_ownedTrue to treat entries as hard owned.

Add a new DictionaryVar object.
  • owner – handle to owner as hex string.
  • value – value as string

Creates a new GeoData entity and replaces existing ones. The GEODATA entity resides in the OBJECTS section and NOT in the layout entity space and it is linked to the layout by an extension dictionary located in BLOCK_RECORD of the layout.

The GEODATA entity requires DXF version R2010+. The DXF Reference does not document if other layouts than model space supports geo referencing, so getting/setting geo data may only make sense for the model space layout, but it is also available in paper space layouts.

  • owner – handle to owner as hex string
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for GeoData entity

Add an image definition to the objects section.

Add an ImageDef entity to the drawing (objects section). filename is the image file name as relative or absolute path and size_in_pixel is the image size in pixel as (x, y) tuple. To avoid dependencies to external packages, ezdxf can not determine the image size by itself. Returns a ImageDef entity which is needed to create an image reference. name is the internal image name, if set to None, name is auto-generated.

Absolute image paths works best for AutoCAD but not really good, you have to update external references manually in AutoCAD, which is not possible in TrueView. If the drawing units differ from 1 meter, you also have to use: set_raster_variables().

  • filename – image file name (absolute path works best for AutoCAD)
  • size_in_pixel – image size in pixel as (x, y) tuple
  • name – image name for internal use, None for using filename as name (best for AutoCAD)

Add a new Placeholder object.
owner – handle to owner as hex string.

Add an UnderlayDefinition entity to the drawing (OBJECTS section). filename is the underlay file name as relative or absolute path and fmt as string (pdf, dwf, dgn). The underlay definition is required to create an underlay reference.
  • filename – underlay file name
  • fmt – file format as string 'pdf'|'dwf'|'dgn'
  • name – pdf format = page number to display; dgn format = 'default'; dwf: ????

Add a new XRecord object.
owner – handle to owner as hex string.

Set raster variables.
  • frame0 = do not show image frame; 1 = show image frame
  • quality0 = draft; 1 = high
  • units

    units for inserting images. This defines the real world unit for one drawing unit for the purpose of inserting and scaling images with an associated resolution.

    mm Millimeter
    cm Centimeter
    m Meter (ezdxf default)
    km Kilometer
    in Inch
    ft Foot
    yd Yard
    mi Mile

(internal API), public interface set_raster_variables()

Set wipeout variables.
frame0 = do not show image frame; 1 = show image frame

(internal API)

Generic collection of table entries. Table entry names are case insensitive: “Test” == “TEST”.
Unified table entry key.

Returns True if an table entry name exist.

__contains__(name: str) -> bool
Returns True if an table entry name exist.

__len__() -> int
Count of table entries.

__iter__() -> Iterator[T]
Iterable of all table entries.

Create a new table entry name.
  • name – name of table entry, case insensitive
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for table entry

Get table entry name (case insensitive). Raises DXFValueError if table entry does not exist.

Removes table entry name. Raises DXFValueError if table-entry does not exist.

Returns a new table entry new_name as copy of name, replaces entry new_name if already exist.
DXFValueErrorname does not exist

Subclass of Table.

Collection of Layer objects.

Add a new Layer.
  • name (str) – layer name
  • color (int) – AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value, default is BYLAYER
  • true_color (int) – true color value, use ezdxf.rgb2int() to create int values from RGB values
  • linetype (str) – line type name, default is “Continuous”
  • lineweight (int) – line weight, default is BYLAYER
  • plot (bool) – plot layer as bool, default is True
  • transparency – transparency value in the range [0, 1], where 1 is 100% transparent and 0 is opaque
  • dxfattribs (dict) – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of Linetype objects.

Add a new line type entry. The simple line type pattern is a list of floats [total_pattern_length, elem1, elem2, ...] where an element > 0 is a line, an element < 0 is a gap and an element == 0.0 is a dot. The definition for complex line types are strings, like: 'A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,U=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25' similar to the line type definitions stored in the line definition .lin files, for more information see the tutorial about complex line types. Be aware that not many CAD applications and DXF viewers support complex linetypes.


  • Tutorial for simple line types
  • Tutorial for complex line types

  • name (str) – line type name
  • pattern – line type pattern as list of floats or as a string
  • description (str) – line type description, optional
  • length (float) – total pattern length, only for complex line types required
  • dxfattribs (dict) – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of Textstyle objects.

Add a new text style entry for TTF fonts. The entry must not yet exist, otherwise an DXFTableEntryError exception will be raised.

Finding the TTF font files is the task of the DXF viewer and each viewer is different (hint: support files).

  • name (str) – text style name
  • font (str) – TTF font file name like “Arial.ttf”, the real font file name from the file system is required and remember only Windows is case insensitive.
  • dxfattribs (dict) – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Add a new shape font (SHX file) entry. These are special text style entries and have no name. The entry must not yet exist, otherwise an DXFTableEntryError exception will be raised.

Finding the SHX files is the task of the DXF viewer and each viewer is different (hint: support files).

  • shx_file (str) – shape file name like “gdt.shx”
  • dxfattribs (dict) – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Get existing entry for a shape file (SHX file), or create a new entry.

Finding the SHX files is the task of the DXF viewer and each viewer is different (hint: support files).

shx_file (str) – shape file name like “gdt.shx”

Find the shape file (SHX file) text style table entry, by a case insensitive search.

A shape file table entry has no name, so you have to search by the font attribute.

shx_file (str) – shape file name like “gdt.shx”

Subclass of Table.

Collection of DimStyle objects.

Add a new dimension style table entry.
  • name (str) – dimension style name
  • dxfattribs (dict) – DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of AppID objects.

Add a new appid table entry.
  • name (str) – appid name
  • dxfattribs (dict) – DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of UCSTableEntry objects.

Add a new UCS table entry.
  • name (str) – UCS name
  • dxfattribs (dict) – DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of View objects.

Add a new view table entry.
  • name (str) – view name
  • dxfattribs (dict) – DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

The viewport table stores the modelspace viewport configurations. A viewport configuration is a tiled view of multiple viewports or just one viewport. In contrast to other tables the viewport table can have multiple entries with the same name, because all viewport entries of a multi-viewport configuration are having the same name - the viewport configuration name.

The name of the actual displayed viewport configuration is “*ACTIVE”.

Duplication of table entries is not supported: duplicate_entry() raises NotImplementedError

Add a new modelspace viewport entry. A modelspace viewport configuration can consist of multiple viewport entries with the same name.
  • name (str) – viewport name, multiple entries possible
  • dxfattribs (dict) – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Returns a list of VPort objects, for the multi-viewport configuration name.

Delete all VPort objects of the multi-viewport configuration name.

Subclass of Table.

Collection of BlockRecord objects.

Add a new block record table entry.
  • name (str) – block record name
  • dxfattribs (dict) – DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

LAYER (DXF Reference) definition, defines attribute values for entities on this layer for their attributes set to BYLAYER.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'LAYER'
Factory function


Layer Concept and Tutorial for Layers

DXF handle (feature for experts)

Handle to owner (LayerTable).

Layer name, case insensitive and can not contain any of this characters: <>/\":;?*|=` (str)

Layer flags (bit-coded values, feature for experts)
1 Layer is frozen; otherwise layer is thawed; use is_frozen(), freeze() and thaw()
2 Layer is frozen by default in new viewports
4 Layer is locked; use is_locked(), lock(), unlock()
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is for the benefit of AutoCAD commands. It can be ignored by most programs that read DXF files and need not be set by programs that write DXF files)

Layer color, but use property Layer.color to get/set color value, because color is negative for layer status off (int)

Layer true color value as int, use property Layer.rgb to set/get true color value as (r, g, b) tuple.

(requires DXF R2004)

Name of line type (str)

Plot flag (int). Whether entities belonging to this layer should be drawn when the document is exported (plotted) to pdf. Does not affect visibility inside the CAD application itself.
1 plot layer (default value)
0 don’t plot layer

Line weight in mm times 100 (e.g. 0.13mm = 13). Smallest line weight is 13 and biggest line weight is 200, values outside this range prevents AutoCAD from loading the file.

ezdxf.lldxf.const.LINEWEIGHT_DEFAULT for using global default line weight.

(requires DXF R13)

Handle to plot style name?

(requires DXF R13)

Handle to default Material.

(requires DXF R13)

Get/set DXF attribute dxf.true_color as (r, g, b) tuple, returns None if attribute dxf.true_color is not set.

layer.rgb = (30, 40, 50)
r, g, b = layer.rgb

This is the recommend method to get/set RGB values, when ever possible do not use the DXF low level attribute dxf.true_color.

Get/set layer color, preferred method for getting the layer color, because dxf.color is negative for layer status off.

Get/set layer description as string

Get/set layer transparency as float value in the range from 0 to 1. 0 for no transparency (opaque) and 1 for 100% transparency.

Returns True if layer is frozen.

Freeze layer.

Thaw layer.

Returns True if layer is locked.

Lock layer, entities on this layer are not editable - just important in CAD applications.

Unlock layer, entities on this layer are editable - just important in CAD applications.

Returns True if layer is off.

Returns True if layer is on.

Switch layer on (visible).

Switch layer off (invisible).

Use property Layer.color instead.

Use property Layer.color instead.

Rename layer and all known (documented) references to this layer.


Renaming layers may damage the DXF file in some circumstances!

name – new layer name
  • ValueErrorname contains invalid characters: <>/":;?*|=`
  • ValueError – layer name already exist
  • ValueError – renaming of layers '0' and 'DEFPOINTS' not

Returns the LayerOverrides object for this layer.

This object stores the layer attribute overridden in Viewport entities, where each Viewport can have individual layer attribute overrides.

Layer attributes which can be overridden:

  • ACI color
  • true color (rgb)
  • linetype
  • lineweight
  • transparency

Get the override object for a certain layer by the Layer.get_vp_overrides() method.

It is important to write changes back by calling commit(), otherwise the changes are lost.


The implementation of this feature as DXF structures is not documented by the DXF reference, so if you encounter problems or errors, ALWAYS provide the DXF files, otherwise it is not possible to help.

Returns True if attribute overrides exist for the given Viewport handle. Returns True if any attribute overrides exist if the given handle is None.

Write Viewport overrides back into the Layer entity. Without a commit() all changes are lost!

Returns the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) override or the original layer value if no override exist.

Override the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).
ValueError – invalid color value

Returns the RGB override or the original layer value if no override exist. Returns None if no true color value is set.

Set the RGB override as (red, gree, blue) tuple or None to remove the true color setting.
ValueError – invalid RGB value

Returns the transparency override or the original layer value if no override exist. Returns 0.0 for opaque and 1.0 for fully transparent.

Set the transparency override. A transparency of 0.0 is opaque and 1.0 is fully transparent.
ValueError – invalid transparency value

Returns the linetype override or the original layer value if no override exist.

Set the linetype override.
ValueError – linetype without a LTYPE table entry

Returns the lineweight override or the original layer value if no override exist.

Set the lineweight override.
ValueError – invalid lineweight value

Discard all attribute overrides for the given Viewport handle or for all Viewport entities if the handle is None.


DXF is not a layout preserving data format like PDF. It is more similar to the MS Word format. Many applications can open MS Word documents, but the displayed or printed document does not look perfect like the result of MS Word.

The final rendering of DXF files is highly dependent on the interpretation of DXF entities by the rendering engine, and the DXF reference does not provide any guidelines for rendering entities. The biggest visual differences of CAD applications are the text renderings, therefore the only way to get the exact same result is to use the same CAD application.

The DXF format does not and can not embed TTF fonts like the PDF format!

The Textstyle entity defines a text style (DXF Reference), and can be used by the entities: Text, Attrib, Attdef, MText, Dimension, Leader and MultiLeader.

Example to create a new text style “Arial” and to apply this text style:

doc.styles.add("Arial", font="Arial.ttf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
msp.add_text("my text", dxfattribs={"style": "Arial"})

The settings stored in the Textstyle entity are the default text style values used by CAD applications if the text settings are not stored in the text entity itself. But not all setting are substituted by the default value. The height or width attribute must be stored in the text entities itself in order to influence the appearance of the text. It is recommended that you do not rely on the default settings in the Textstyle entity, set all attributes in the text entity itself if supported.

Just a few settings are available exclusive by the Textstyle entity:

The most important setting is the font attribute, this attribute defines the rendering font as raw TTF file name, e.g. “Arial.ttf” or “OpenSansCondensed-Light.ttf”, this file name is often not the name displayed in GUI application and you have to digg down into the fonts folder e.g. (“C:\Windows\Fonts”) to get the real file name for the TTF font. Do not include the path! [image]

AutoCAD supports beyond the legacy SHX fonts only TTF fonts. The SHX font format is not documented and only available in some CAD applications. The ezdxf drawing add-on replaces the SHX fonts by TTF fonts, which look similar to the SHX fonts, unfortunately the license of these fonts is unclear, therefore they can not be packaged with ezdxf. They are installed automatically if you use an Autodesk product like TrueView, or search the internet at you own risk for these TTF fonts.

The extended font data can provide extra information for the font, it is stored in the XDATA section, not well documented and not widely supported.


The DXF format does not and can not embed TTF fonts like the PDF format!

You need to make sure that the CAD application is properly configured to have access to the system fonts. The DXF format has no setting where the CAD application should search for fonts, and does not guarantee that the text rendering on other computers or operating systems looks the same as on your current system on which you created the DXF.

The second exclusive setting is the vertical text flag in Textstyle.flags. The vertical text style is enabled for all entities using the text style. Vertical text works only for SHX fonts and is not supported for TTF fonts (in AutoCAD) and is works only for the single line entities Text and Attrib. Most CAD applications beside AutoCAD and BricsCAD do not support vertical text rendering and even AutoCAD and BricsCAD have problems with vertical text rendering in some circumstances. Using the vertical text feature is not recommended.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'STYLE'
Factory function


Tutorial for Text and DXF internals for DIMSTYLE Table.

Get/set text generation flag BACKWARDS, for mirrored text along the x-axis.

Get/set text generation flag UPSIDE_DOWN, for mirrored text along the y-axis.

Get/set style flag VERTICAL_STACKED, for vertical stacked text.

DXF handle (feature for experts).

Handle to owner (TextstyleTable).

Style name (str)

Style flags (feature for experts).
1 If set, this entry describes a shape
4 Vertical text
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)commands. It can be ignored by most programs that read DXF files and need not be set by programs that write DXF files)

Fixed height in drawing units as float value, 0 for not fixed.

Width factor as float value, default value is 1.

Oblique (slanting) angle in degrees as float value, default value is 0 for no slanting.

Text generations flags as int value.
2 text is backward (mirrored along the x-axis)
4 text is upside down (mirrored about the base line)

Last height used in drawing units as float value.

Raw font file name as string without leading path, e.g. “Arial.ttf” for TTF fonts or the SHX font name like “TXT” or “TXT.SHX”.

Big font name as string, blank if none. No documentation how to use this feature, maybe just a legacy artifact.

Returns True if extended font data is present.

Returns extended font data as tuple (font-family, italic-flag, bold-flag).

The extended font data is optional and not reliable! Returns (“”, False, False) if extended font data is not present.

Set extended font data, the font-family name family is not validated by ezdxf. Overwrites existing data.

Discard extended font data.

Returns a font abstraction AbstractFont for this text style. Returns a font for a cap height of 1, if the text style has auto height (Textstyle.dxf.height is 0) and the given cap_height is None or 0. Uses the Textstyle.dxf.width attribute if the given width_factor is None or 0, the default value is 1. The attribute Textstyle.dxf.big_font is ignored.

Defines a linetype (DXF Reference).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'LTYPE'
Factory function


Tutorial for Linetypes

DXF Internals: LTYPE Table

Linetype name (str).

Handle to owner (Table).

Linetype description (str).

Total pattern length in drawing units (float).

Number of linetype elements (int).

[image] [image]

DIMSTYLE (DXF Reference) defines the appearance of Dimension entities. Each of this dimension variables starting with "dim..." can be overridden for any Dimension entity individually.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
Factory function
Handle to owner (Table).

Dimension style name.

Standard flag values (bit-coded values):
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent XREF has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)

Prefix/suffix for primary units dimension values.

Prefix/suffix for alternate units dimensions.

Block type to use for both arrowheads as name string.

Block type to use for first arrowhead as name string.

Block type to use for second arrowhead as name string.

Global dimension feature scale factor. (default=1)

Dimension line and arrowhead size. (default=0.25)

Distance from origin points to extension lines. (default imperial=0.0625, default metric=0.625)

Incremental spacing between baseline dimensions. (default imperial=0.38, default metric=3.75)

Extension line distance beyond dimension line. (default imperial=0.28, default metric=2.25)

Rounding value for decimal dimensions. (default=0)

Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value, for instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer.

Dimension line extension beyond extension lines. (default=0)

Upper tolerance value for tolerance dimensions. (default=0)

Lower tolerance value for tolerance dimensions. (default=0)

Size of dimension text. (default imperial=0.28, default metric=2.5)

Controls placement of center marks or centerlines. (default imperial=0.09, default metric=2.5)

Controls size of dimension line tick marks drawn instead of arrowheads. (default=0)

Alternate units dimension scale factor. (default=25.4)

Scale factor for linear dimension values. (default=1)

Vertical position of text above or below dimension line if dimtad is 0. (default=0)

Scale factor for fractional or tolerance text size. (default=1)

Gap size between dimension line and dimension text. (default imperial=0.09, default metric=0.625)

Rounding value for alternate dimension units. (default=0)

Toggles creation of appended tolerance dimensions. (default imperial=1, default metric=0)

Toggles creation of limits-style dimension text. (default=0)

Orientation of text inside extension lines. (default imperial=1, default metric=0)

Orientation of text outside extension lines. (default imperial=1, default metric=0)

Toggles suppression of first extension line. (default=0)

Toggles suppression of second extension line. (default=0)

Sets vertical text placement relative to dimension line. (default imperial=0, default metric=1)
0 center
1 above
2 outside, handled like above by ezdxf
3 JIS, handled like above by ezdxf
4 below

Zero suppression for primary units dimensions. (default imperial=0, default metric=8)

Values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only.

0 Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches
1 Includes zero feet and precisely zero inches
2 Includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches
3 Includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet
4 Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000)
8 Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
12 Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)

Controls zero suppression for angular dimensions. (default=0)
0 Displays all leading and trailing zeros
1 Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000)
2 Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
3 Suppresses leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)

Enables or disables alternate units dimensioning. (default=0)

Controls decimal places for alternate units dimensions. (default imperial=2, default metric=3)

Toggles forced dimension line creation. (default imperial=0, default metric=1)

Toggles appearance of arrowhead blocks. (default=0)

Toggles forced placement of text between extension lines. (default=0)

Suppresses dimension lines outside extension lines. (default=0)

Dimension line, arrowhead, and leader line color. (default=0)

Dimension extension line color. (default=0)

Dimension text color. (default=0)

Controls the number of decimal places for angular dimensions.

Obsolete, now use DIMLUNIT AND DIMFRAC

Decimal places for dimension values. (default imperial=4, default metric=2)

Decimal places for primary units tolerance values. (default imperial=4, default metric=2)

Units format for alternate units dimensions. (default=2)

Decimal places for alternate units tolerance values. (default imperial=4, default metric=2)

Unit format for angular dimension values. (default=0)

Controls the fraction format used for architectural and fractional dimensions. (default=0)

Specifies units for all nonangular dimensions. (default=2)

Specifies a single character to use as a decimal separator. (default imperial = “.”, default metric = “,”) This is an integer value, use ord(".") to write value.

Controls the format of dimension text when it is moved. (default=0)
0 Moves the dimension line with dimension text
1 Adds a leader when dimension text is moved
2 Allows text to be moved freely without a leader

Horizontal justification of dimension text. (default=0)
0 Center of dimension line
1 Left side of the dimension line, near first extension line
2 Right side of the dimension line, near second extension line
3 Over first extension line
4 Over second extension line

Toggles suppression of first dimension line. (default=0)

Toggles suppression of second dimension line. (default=0)

Vertical justification for dimension tolerance text. (default=1)
0 Align with bottom line of dimension text
1 Align vertical centered to dimension text
2 Align with top line of dimension text

Zero suppression for tolerances values, see DimStyle.dxf.dimzin

Zero suppression for alternate units dimension values. (default=0)

Zero suppression for alternate units tolerance values. (default=0)

Obsolete, now use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE

Controls user placement of dimension line and text. (default=0)

Controls placement of text and arrowheads when there is insufficient space between the extension lines. (default=3)

Text style used for dimension text by name.

Text style used for dimension text by handle of STYLE entry. (use DimStyle.dxf.dimtxsty to get/set text style by name)

Specify arrowhead used for leaders by name.

Specify arrowhead used for leaders by handle of referenced block. (use DimStyle.dxf.dimldrblk to get/set arrowhead by name)

Block type to use for both arrowheads, handle of referenced block. (use DimStyle.dxf.dimblk to get/set arrowheads by name)

Block type to use for first arrowhead, handle of referenced block. (use DimStyle.dxf.dimblk1 to get/set arrowhead by name)

Block type to use for second arrowhead, handle of referenced block. (use DimStyle.dxf.dimblk2 to get/set arrowhead by name)

Lineweight value for dimension lines. (default=-2, BYBLOCK)

Lineweight value for extension lines. (default=-2, BYBLOCK)

Specifies the linetype used for the dimension line as linetype name, requires DXF R2007+

Specifies the linetype used for the dimension line as handle to LTYPE entry, requires DXF R2007+ (use DimStyle.dxf.dimltype to get/set linetype by name)

Specifies the linetype used for the extension line 1 as linetype name, requires DXF R2007+

Specifies the linetype used for the extension line 1 as handle to LTYPE entry, requires DXF R2007+ (use DimStyle.dxf.dimltex1 to get/set linetype by name)

Specifies the linetype used for the extension line 2 as linetype name, requires DXF R2007+

Specifies the linetype used for the extension line 2 as handle to LTYPE entry, requires DXF R2007+ (use DimStyle.dxf.dimltex2 to get/set linetype by name)

Extension line has fixed length if set to 1, requires DXF R2007+

Length of extension line below dimension line if fixed (DimStyle.dxf.dimtfxlon == 1), DimStyle.dxf.dimexen defines the length above the dimension line, requires DXF R2007+

Text fill 0=off; 1=background color; 2=custom color (see DimStyle.dxf.dimtfillclr), requires DXF R2007+

Text fill custom color as color index (1-255), requires DXF R2007+

Display arc symbol, supported only by ArcDimension:
0 arc symbol preceding the measurement text
1 arc symbol above the measurement text
2 disable arc symbol

Copy all dimension style variables to HEADER section of doc.

Set arrows by block names or AutoCAD standard arrow names, set DIMTSZ to 0 which disables tick.
  • blk – block/arrow name for both arrows, if DIMSAH is 0
  • blk1 – block/arrow name for first arrow, if DIMSAH is 1
  • blk2 – block/arrow name for second arrow, if DIMSAH is 1
  • ldrblk – block/arrow name for leader

Set tick size, which also disables arrows, a tick is just an oblique stroke as marker.
size – arrow size in drawing units

Set measurement text alignment, halign defines the horizontal alignment (requires DXF R2000+), valign defines the vertical alignment, above1 and above2 means above extension line 1 or 2 and aligned with extension line.
  • halign – “left”, “right”, “center”, “above1”, “above2”, requires DXF R2000+
  • valign – “above”, “center”, “below”
  • vshift – vertical text shift, if valign is “center”; >0 shift upward, <0 shift downwards

Set dimension text format, like prefix and postfix string, rounding rule and number of decimal places.
  • prefix – Dimension text prefix text as string
  • postfix – Dimension text postfix text as string
  • rnd – Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value, for instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer.
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension, requires DXF R2000+
  • sep – “.” or “,” as decimal separator, requires DXF R2000+
  • leading_zeros – Suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False
  • trailing_zeros – Suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False

Set dimension line properties
  • color – color index
  • linetype – linetype as string, requires DXF R2007+
  • lineweight – line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm, requires DXF R2000+
  • extension – extension length
  • disable1True to suppress first part of dimension line, requires DXF R2000+
  • disable2True to suppress second part of dimension line, requires DXF R2000+

Set common extension line attributes.
  • color – color index
  • lineweight – line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm
  • extension – extension length above dimension line
  • offset – offset from measurement point
  • fixed_length – set fixed length extension line, length below the dimension line

Set extension line 1 attributes.
  • linetype – linetype for extension line 1, requires DXF R2007+
  • disable – disable extension line 1 if True

Set extension line 2 attributes.
  • linetype – linetype for extension line 2, requires DXF R2007+
  • disable – disable extension line 2 if True

Set tolerance text format, upper and lower value, text height factor, number of decimal places or leading and trailing zero suppression.
  • upper – upper tolerance value
  • lower – lower tolerance value, if None same as upper
  • hfactor – tolerance text height factor in relation to the dimension text height
  • align – tolerance text alignment enum ezdxf.enums.MTextLineAlignment requires DXF R2000+
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed, requires DXF R2000+
  • leading_zeros – suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False, requires DXF R2000+
  • trailing_zeros – suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False, requires DXF R2000+

Changed in version 0.17.2: argument align as enum ezdxf.enums.MTextLineAlignment

Set limits text format, upper and lower limit values, text height factor, number of decimal places or leading and trailing zero suppression.
  • upper – upper limit value added to measurement value
  • lower – lower lower value subtracted from measurement value
  • hfactor – limit text height factor in relation to the dimension text height
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed, requires DXF R2000+
  • leading_zeros – suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False, requires DXF R2000+
  • trailing_zeros – suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False, requires DXF R2000+

The viewport table (DXF Reference) stores the modelspace viewport configurations. So this entries just modelspace viewports, not paperspace viewports, for paperspace viewports see the Viewport entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'VPORT'
Factory function


DXF Internals: VPORT Configuration Table

Subclass of DXFEntity

Defines a viewport configurations for the modelspace.

Handle to owner (ViewportTable).

Viewport name

Standard flag values (bit-coded values):
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)

Lower-left corner of viewport

Upper-right corner of viewport

View center point (in DCS)

Snap base point (in DCS)

Snap spacing X and Y

Grid spacing X and Y

View direction from target point (in WCS)

View target point (in WCS)

View height

Lens focal length in mm

Front clipping plane (offset from target point)

Back clipping plane (offset from target point)

Snap rotation angle in degrees

View twist angle in degrees

  • bit 0: 0=hide, 1=show
  • bit 1: 0=display in lower left corner, 1=display at origin

reset_wcs() -> None
Reset coordinate system to the WCS.

The View table (DXF Reference) stores named views of the model or paperspace layouts. This stored views makes parts of the drawing or some view points of the model in a CAD applications more accessible. This views have no influence to the drawing content or to the generated output by exporting PDFs or plotting on paper sheets, they are just for the convenience of CAD application users.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'VIEW'
Factory function


DXF Internals: VIEW Table

Handle to owner (Table).

Name of view.

Standard flag values (bit-coded values):
1 If set, this is a paper space view
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)

View height (in DCS)

View width (in DCS)

View center point (in DCS)

View direction from target (in WCS)

Target point (in WCS)

Lens length

Front clipping plane (offset from target point)

Back clipping plane (offset from target point)

Twist angle in degrees.

View mode (see VIEWMODE system variable)

0 2D Optimized (classic 2D)
1 Wireframe
2 Hidden line
3 Flat shaded
4 Gouraud shaded
5 Flat shaded with wireframe
6 Gouraud shaded with wireframe

1 if there is a UCS associated to this view; 0 otherwise

UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple (appears only if ucs is set to 1)

UCS x-axis as (x, y, z) tuple (appears only if ucs is set to 1)

UCS y-axis as (x, y, z) tuple (appears only if ucs is set to 1)

Orthographic type of UCS (appears only if ucs is set to 1)
0 UCS is not orthographic
1 Top
2 Bottom
3 Front
4 Back
5 Left
6 Right

UCS elevation

Handle of UCSTable if UCS is a named UCS. If not present, then UCS is unnamed (appears only if ucs is set to 1)

Handle of UCSTable of base UCS if UCS is orthographic. If not present and ucs_ortho_type is non-zero, then base UCS is taken to be WORLD (appears only if ucs is set to 1)

1 if the camera is plottable

Handle to background object (optional)

Handle to live section object (optional)

Handle to visual style object (optional)

Sun hard ownership handle.

Defines an APPID (DXF Reference). These table entries maintain a set of names for all registered applications.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'APPID'
Factory function
Handle to owner (Table).

User-supplied (or application-supplied) application name (for extended data).

Standard flag values (bit-coded values):
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)

Defines an named or unnamed user coordinate system (DXF Reference) for usage in CAD applications. This UCS table entry does not interact with ezdxf in any way, to do coordinate transformations by ezdxf use the ezdxf.math.UCS class.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'UCS'
Factory function



Handle to owner (Table).

UCS name (str).

Standard flags (bit-coded values):
16 If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref
32 If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved
64 If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is only for the benefit of AutoCAD)

Origin as (x, y, z) tuple

X-axis direction as (x, y, z) tuple

Y-axis direction as (x, y, z) tuple

ucs() -> UCS
Returns an ezdxf.math.UCS object for this UCS table entry.

BLOCK_RECORD (DXF Reference) is the core management structure for BlockLayout and Layout. This is an internal DXF structure managed by ezdxf, package users don’t have to care about it.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
Factory function
Handle to owner (Table).

Name of associated BLOCK.

Handle to associated DXFLayout, if paperspace layout or modelspace else “0”

1 for BLOCK references can be exploded else 0

1 for BLOCK references can be scaled else 0

BLOCK insert units
0 Unitless
1 Inches
2 Feet
3 Miles
4 Millimeters
5 Centimeters
6 Meters
7 Kilometers
8 Microinches
9 Mils
10 Yards
11 Angstroms
12 Nanometers
13 Microns
14 Decimeters
15 Decameters
16 Hectometers
17 Gigameters
18 Astronomical units
19 Light years
20 Parsecs
21 US Survey Feet
22 US Survey Inch
23 US Survey Yard
24 US Survey Mile

True if is “active” paperspace layout.

True if is any kind of paperspace layout.

True if is any kind of modelspace or paperspace layout.

True if not any kind of modelspace or paperspace layout, just a regular block definition.

True if is the modelspace layout.

True if represents an XREF (external reference) or XREF_OVERLAY.

Do not change this structures, this is just an information for experienced developers!

The BLOCK_RECORD is the owner of all the entities in a layout and stores them in an EntitySpace object (BlockRecord.entity_space). For each layout exist a BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section, a reference to the Block entity is stored in BlockRecord.block.

Modelspace and Paperspace layouts require an additional DXFLayout object in the OBJECTS section.


More information about Block Management Structures and Layout Management Structures.

A block definition (BlockLayout) is a collection of DXF entities, which can be placed multiply times at different layouts or other blocks as references to the block definition.


Tutorial for Blocks and DXF Internals: Block Management Structures

BLOCK (DXF Reference) entity is embedded into the BlockLayout object. The BLOCK entity is accessible by the BlockLayout.block attribute.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
DXF type 'BLOCK'
Factory function (returns a BlockLayout)


Tutorial for Blocks and DXF Internals: Block Management Structures

BLOCK handle as plain hex string. (feature for experts)

Handle to owner as plain hex string. (feature for experts)

Layer name as string; default value is '0'

BLOCK name as string. (case insensitive)

BLOCK base point as (x, y, z) tuple, default value is (0, 0, 0)

Insertion location referenced by the Insert entity to place the block reference and also the center of rotation and scaling.

BLOCK flags (bit-coded)
1 Anonymous block generated by hatching, associative dimensioning, other internal operations, or an application
2 Block has non-constant attribute definitions (this bit is not set if the block has any attribute definitions that are constant, or has no attribute definitions at all)
4 Block is an external reference (xref)
8 Block is an xref overlay
16 Block is externally dependent
32 This is a resolved external reference, or dependent of an external reference (ignored on input)
64 This definition is a referenced external reference (ignored on input)

File system path as string, if this block defines an external reference (XREF).

Returns True if this is a Modelspace or Paperspace block definition.

Returns True if this is an anonymous block generated by hatching, associative dimensioning, other internal operations, or an application.

Returns True if bock is an external referenced file.

Returns True if bock is an external referenced overlay file.

ENDBLK entity is embedded into the BlockLayout object. The ENDBLK entity is accessible by the BlockLayout.endblk attribute.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity
BLOCK handle as plain hex string. (feature for experts)

Handle to owner as plain hex string. (feature for experts)

Layer name as string; should always be the same as Block.dxf.layer

Block reference (DXF Reference) with maybe attached attributes (Attrib).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_blockref()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Tutorial for Blocks


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

TODO: influence of layer, linetype, color DXF attributes to block entities

BLOCK name (str)

Insertion location of the BLOCK base point as (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Scale factor for x direction (float)

Scale factor for y direction (float)

Not all CAD applications support non-uniform scaling (e.g. LibreCAD).

Scale factor for z direction (float)

Not all CAD applications support non-uniform scaling (e.g. LibreCAD).

Rotation angle in degrees (float)

Count of repeated insertions in row direction, MINSERT entity if > 1 (int)

Distance between two insert points (MINSERT) in row direction (float)

Count of repeated insertions in column direction, MINSERT entity if > 1 (int)

Distance between two insert points (MINSERT) in column direction (float)

A list of all attached Attrib entities.

Returns True if any axis scaling is applied.

Returns True if scaling is uniform in x-, y- and z-axis ignoring reflections e.g. (1, 1, -1) is uniform scaling.

Returns the multi-insert count, MINSERT (multi-insert) processing is required if mcount > 1.

Set uniform scaling.

Returns associated BlockLayout.

Set block reference placing location insert, scaling and rotation attributes. Parameters which are None will not be altered.
  • insert – insert location as (x, y [,z]) tuple
  • scale(x-scale, y-scale, z-scale) tuple
  • rotation – rotation angle in degrees

Place block reference in a grid layout, grid size defines the row- and column count, spacing defines the distance between two block references.
  • size – grid size as (row_count, column_count) tuple
  • spacing – distance between placing as (row_spacing, column_spacing) tuple

Returns True if ATTRIB tag exist, for search_const doc see get_attrib().
  • tag – tag name as string
  • search_const – search also const ATTDEF entities

Get attached Attrib entity with dxf.tag == tag, returns None if not found. Some applications may not attach constant ATTRIB entities, set search_const to True, to get at least the associated AttDef entity.
  • tag – tag name
  • search_const – search also const ATTDEF entities

Get content text of attached Attrib entity with dxf.tag == tag, returns default if not found. Some applications may not attach constant ATTRIB entities, set search_const to True, to get content text of the associated AttDef entity.
  • tag – tag name
  • default – default value if ATTRIB tag is absent
  • search_const – search also const ATTDEF entities

Attach an Attrib entity to the block reference.

Example for appending an attribute to an INSERT entity with none standard alignment:

e.add_attrib('EXAMPLETAG', 'example text').set_placement(

(3, 7), align=TextEntityAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER )

  • tag – tag name as string
  • text – content text as string
  • insert – insert location as tuple (x, y[, z]) in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the ATTRIB entity

Attach for each Attdef entity, defined in the block definition, automatically an Attrib entity to the block reference and set tag/value DXF attributes of the ATTRIB entities by the key/value pairs (both as strings) of the values dict. The ATTRIB entities are placed relative to the insert location of the block reference, which is identical to the block base point.

This method avoids the wrapper block of the add_auto_blockref() method, but the visual results may not match the results of CAD applications, especially for non uniform scaling. If the visual result is very important to you, use the add_auto_blockref() method.

valuesAttrib tag values as tag/value pairs

Delete an attached Attrib entity from INSERT. If ignore is False, an DXFKeyError exception is raised, if ATTRIB tag does not exist.
  • tag – ATTRIB name
  • ignoreFalse for raising DXFKeyError if ATTRIB tag does not exist.

DXFKeyError – if ATTRIB tag does not exist.

Delete all Attrib entities attached to the INSERT entity.

Reset block reference parameters location, rotation and extrusion vector.

Transform INSERT entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Unlike the transformation matrix m, the INSERT entity can not represent a non-orthogonal target coordinate system, for this case an InsertTransformationError will be raised.

Optimized INSERT translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis.

Yields “virtual” entities of a block reference. This method is meant to examine the block reference entities at the “exploded” location without really “exploding” the block reference. The`skipped_entity_callback()` will be called for all entities which are not processed, signature: skipped_entity_callback(entity: DXFEntity, reason: str), entity is the original (untransformed) DXF entity of the block definition, the reason string is an explanation why the entity was skipped.

This entities are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout. It is possible to convert this entities into regular drawing entities by adding the entities to the entities database and a layout of the same DXF document as the block reference:

msp = doc.modelspace()

This method does not resolve the MINSERT attributes, only the sub-entities of the base INSERT will be returned. To resolve MINSERT entities check if multi insert processing is required, that’s the case if property Insert.mcount > 1, use the Insert.multi_insert() method to resolve the MINSERT entity into single INSERT entities.


Non uniform scaling may return incorrect results for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT, ATTRIB) and maybe some other entities.

  • skipped_entity_callback – called whenever the transformation of an entity is not supported and so was skipped
  • redraw_order – yield entities in ascending redraw order if True

Yields a virtual INSERT entity for each grid element of a MINSERT entity (multi-insert).

Explode block reference entities into target layout, if target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the block reference. This method destroys the source block reference entity.

Transforms the block entities into the required WCS location by applying the block reference attributes insert, extrusion, rotation and the scaling values xscale, yscale and zscale.

Attached ATTRIB entities are converted to TEXT entities, this is the behavior of the BURST command of the AutoCAD Express Tools.

Returns an EntityQuery container with all “exploded” DXF entities.


Non uniform scaling may lead to incorrect results for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT, ATTRIB) and maybe some other entities.

  • target_layout – target layout for exploded entities, None for same layout as source entity.
  • redraw_order – create entities in ascending redraw order if True

Returns the block reference coordinate system as ezdxf.math.UCS object.

The ATTRIB (DXF Reference) entity represents a text value associated with a tag. In most cases an ATTRIB is appended to an Insert entity, but it can also appear as standalone entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Text
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_attrib() (stand alone entity)
Factory function Insert.add_attrib() (attached to Insert)
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Tutorial for Blocks


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

ATTRIB supports all DXF attributes and methods of parent class Text.
Tag to identify the attribute (str)

Attribute content as text (str)

Attribute is invisible (does not appear).

This is a constant attribute.

Verification is required on input of this attribute. (CAD application feature)

No prompt during insertion. (CAD application feature)

Returns True if the entity has an embedded MTEXT entity for multi line support.

Returns the embedded MTEXT entity as a regular but virtual MText entity with the same graphical properties as the host entity.

Returns the embedded MTEXT content without formatting codes. Returns an empty string if no embedded MTEXT entity exist.

The “fast” mode is accurate if the DXF content was created by reliable (and newer) CAD applications like AutoCAD or BricsCAD. The “accurate” mode is for some rare cases where the content was created by older CAD applications or unreliable DXF libraries and CAD applications.

The “accurate” mode is much slower than the “fast” mode.

fast – uses the “fast” mode to extract the plain MTEXT content if True or the “accurate” mode if set to False

Set multi-line properties from a MText entity.

The multi-line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity requires DXF R2018, otherwise an ordinary single line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity will be exported.

  • mtext – source MText entity
  • graphic_properties – copy graphic properties (color, layer, …) from source MTEXT if True

Set multi-line properties from a MText entity and destroy the source entity afterwards.

The multi-line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity requires DXF R2018, otherwise an ordinary single line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity will be exported.

  • mtext – source MText entity
  • graphic_properties – copy graphic properties (color, layer, …) from source MTEXT if True

The ATTDEF (DXF Reference) entity is a template in a BlockLayout, which will be used to create an attached Attrib entity for an Insert entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Text
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_attdef()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Tutorial for Blocks


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

ATTDEF supports all DXF attributes and methods of parent class Text.
Tag to identify the attribute (str)

Attribute content as text (str)

Attribute prompt string. (CAD application feature)

Just relevant to CAD programs for validating user input

Attribute is invisible (does not appear).

This is a constant attribute.

Verification is required on input of this attribute. (CAD application feature)

No prompt during insertion. (CAD application feature)

Returns True if the entity has an embedded MTEXT entity for multi line support.

Returns the embedded MTEXT entity as a regular but virtual MText entity with the same graphical properties as the host entity.

Returns the embedded MTEXT content without formatting codes. Returns an empty string if no embedded MTEXT entity exist.

The “fast” mode is accurate if the DXF content was created by reliable (and newer) CAD applications like AutoCAD or BricsCAD. The “accurate” mode is for some rare cases where the content was created by older CAD applications or unreliable DXF libraries and CAD applications.

The “accurate” mode is much slower than the “fast” mode.

fast – uses the “fast” mode to extract the plain MTEXT content if True or the “accurate” mode if set to False

Set multi-line properties from a MText entity.

The multi-line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity requires DXF R2018, otherwise an ordinary single line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity will be exported.

  • mtext – source MText entity
  • graphic_properties – copy graphic properties (color, layer, …) from source MTEXT if True

Set multi-line properties from a MText entity and destroy the source entity afterwards.

The multi-line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity requires DXF R2018, otherwise an ordinary single line ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity will be exported.

  • mtext – source MText entity
  • graphic_properties – copy graphic properties (color, layer, …) from source MTEXT if True

The layout manager is unique to each DXF drawing, access the layout manager as layouts attribute of the Drawing object (e.g. doc.layouts.rename("Layout1", "PlanView")).

The Layouts class manages Paperspace layouts and the Modelspace.
__len__() -> int
Returns count of existing layouts, including the modelspace layout.

__contains__(name: str) -> bool
Returns True if layout name exist.

__iter__() -> Iterator[Layout]
Returns iterable of all layouts as Layout objects, including the modelspace layout.

Returns a list of all layout names, all names in original case sensitive form.

Returns all layout names in tab order as shown in CAD applications.

Returns the Modelspace layout.

Returns Layout by name, case insensitive “Model” == “MODEL”.
name – layout name as shown in tab, e.g. 'Model' for modelspace

Returns a new Paperspace layout.
  • name – layout name as shown in tabs in CAD applications
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DXFLayout entity

  • DXFValueError – Invalid characters in layout name.
  • DXFValueError – Layout name already exist.

Rename a layout from old_name to new_name. Can not rename layout 'Model' and the new name of a layout must not exist.
  • old_name – actual layout name, case insensitive
  • new_name – new layout name, case insensitive

  • DXFValueError – try to rename 'Model'
  • DXFValueError – Layout new_name already exist.

Delete layout name and destroy all entities in that layout.
name (str) – layout name as shown in tabs
  • DXFKeyError – if layout name do not exists
  • DXFValueError – deleting modelspace layout is not possible
  • DXFValueError – deleting last paperspace layout is not possible

Returns the active paperspace layout.

Set layout name as active paperspace layout.

Returns the owner layout for a DXF entity.

A Layout represents and manages DXF entities, there are three different layout objects:

  • Modelspace is the common working space, containing basic drawing entities.
  • Paperspace is arrangement of objects for printing and plotting, this layout contains basic drawing entities and viewports to the Modelspace.
  • BlockLayout works on an associated Block, Blocks are collections of drawing entities for reusing by block references.


Do not instantiate layout classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

A layout owns all entities residing in their entity space, this means the dxf.owner attribute of any DXFGraphic in this layout is the dxf.handle of the layout, and deleting an entity from a layout is the end of life of this entity, because it is also deleted from the EntityDB. But it is possible to just unlink an entity from a layout, so it can be assigned to another layout, use the move_to_layout() method to move entities between layouts.

BaseLayout is the common base class for Layout and BlockLayout.
False if layout is deleted.

True if is active layout.

True if is any kind of paperspace layout.

True if is modelspace layout.

True if is any kind of modelspace or paperspace layout.

True if not any kind of modelspace or paperspace layout, just a regular block definition.

set drawing units.
Get/Set layout/block drawing units as enum, see also

__len__() -> int
Returns count of entities owned by the layout.

__iter__() -> Iterator['DXFGraphic']
Returns iterable of all drawing entities in this layout.

Get entity at index.

The underlying data structure for storing entities is organized like a standard Python list, therefore index can be any valid list indexing or slicing term, like a single index layout[-1] to get the last entity, or an index slice layout[:10] to get the first 10 or less entities as List[DXFGraphic].

Returns the associated extension dictionary, creates a new one if necessary.

Delete entity from layout entity space and the entity database, this destroys the entity.

Delete all entities from this layout and from entity database, this destroys all entities in this layout.

Unlink entity from layout but does not delete entity from the entity database, this removes entity just from the layout entity space.

Remove all destroyed entities from the layout entity space.

Get all DXF entities matching the Entity Query String.

Returns a dict of entity lists, where entities are grouped by a dxfattrib or a key function.
  • dxfattrib – grouping by DXF attribute like 'layer'
  • key – key function, which accepts a DXFGraphic entity as argument and returns the grouping key of an entity or None to ignore the entity. Reason for ignoring: a queried DXF attribute is not supported by entity.

Move entity to another layout.
  • entity – DXF entity to move
  • layout – any layout (modelspace, paperspace, block) from same drawing

If the header variable $SORTENTS Regen flag (bit-code value 16) is set, AutoCAD regenerates entities in ascending handles order.

To change redraw order associate a different sort-handle to entities, this redefines the order in which the entities are regenerated. handles can be a dict of entity_handle and sort_handle as (k, v) pairs, or an iterable of (entity_handle, sort_handle) tuples.

The sort-handle doesn’t have to be unique, some or all entities can share the same sort-handle and a sort-handle can be an existing handle.

The “0” handle can be used, but this sort-handle will be drawn as latest (on top of all other entities) and not as first as expected.

handles – iterable or dict of handle associations; an iterable of 2-tuples (entity_handle, sort_handle) or a dict (k, v) association as (entity_handle, sort_handle)

Returns iterable for all existing table entries as (entity_handle, sort_handle) pairs, see also set_redraw_order().

Yields all entities from layout in ascending redraw order or descending redraw order if reverse is True.

New in version 0.18.1.

Add an existing DXFGraphic entity to a layout, but be sure to unlink (unlink_entity()) entity from the previous owner layout. Adding entities from a different DXF drawing is not supported.

Add a foreign DXF entity to a layout, this foreign entity could be from another DXF document or an entity without an assigned DXF document. The intention of this method is to add simple entities from another DXF document or from a DXF iterator, for more complex operations use the importer add-on. Especially objects with BLOCK section (INSERT, DIMENSION, MLEADER) or OBJECTS section dependencies (IMAGE, UNDERLAY) can not be supported by this simple method.

Not all DXF types are supported and every dependency or resource reference from another DXF document will be removed except attribute layer will be preserved but only with default attributes like color 7 and linetype CONTINUOUS because the layer attribute doesn’t need a layer table entry.

If the entity is part of another DXF document, it will be unlinked from this document and its entity database if argument copy is False, else the entity will be copied. Unassigned entities like from DXF iterators will just be added.

Supported DXF types:

  • LINE
  • ARC
  • 3DFACE
  • MESH
  • TEXT

  • entity – DXF entity to copy or move
  • copy – if True copy entity from other document else unlink from other document

Add a Point entity at location.
  • location – 2D/3D point in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Line entity from start to end.
  • start – 2D/3D point in WCS
  • end – 2D/3D point in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Circle entity. This is an 2D element, which can be placed in space by using OCS.
  • center – 2D/3D point in WCS
  • radius – circle radius
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an Ellipse entity, ratio is the ratio of minor axis to major axis, start_param and end_param defines start and end point of the ellipse, a full ellipse goes from 0 to 2π. The ellipse goes from start to end param in counter clockwise direction.
  • center – center of ellipse as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • major_axis – major axis as vector (x, y, z)
  • ratio – ratio of minor axis to major axis in range +/-[1e-6, 1.0]
  • start_param – start of ellipse curve
  • end_param – end param of ellipse curve
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an Arc entity. The arc goes from start_angle to end_angle in counter clockwise direction by default, set parameter is_counter_clockwise to False for clockwise orientation.
  • center – center of arc as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • radius – arc radius
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees
  • is_counter_clockwiseFalse for clockwise orientation
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Solid entity, points is an iterable of 3 or 4 points.


The last two vertices are in reversed order: a square has the vertex order 0-1-3-2

  • points – iterable of 3 or 4 2D/3D points in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Trace entity, points is an iterable of 3 or 4 points.


The last two vertices are in reversed order: a square has the vertex order 0-1-3-2

  • points – iterable of 3 or 4 2D/3D points in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a 3DFace entity, points is an iterable 3 or 4 2D/3D points.


In contrast to SOLID and TRACE, the last two vertices are in regular order: a square has the vertex order 0-1-2-3

  • points – iterable of 3 or 4 2D/3D points in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Text entity, see also Textstyle.
  • text – content string
  • height – text height in drawing units
  • rotation – text rotation in degrees
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an Insert entity.

When inserting a block reference into the modelspace or another block layout with different units, the scaling factor between these units should be applied as scaling attributes (xscale, …) e.g. modelspace in meters and block in centimeters, xscale has to be 0.01.

  • name – block name as str
  • insert – insert location as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an Insert entity. This method adds for each Attdef entity, defined in the block definition, automatically an Attrib entity to the block reference and set (tag, value) DXF attributes of the ATTRIB entities by the (key, value) pairs (both as strings) of the values dict.

The Attrib entities are placed relative to the insert point, which is equal to the block base point.

This method wraps the INSERT and all the ATTRIB entities into an anonymous block, which produces the best visual results, especially for non uniform scaled block references, because the transformation and scaling is done by the CAD application. But this makes evaluation of block references with attributes more complicated, if you prefer INSERT and ATTRIB entities without a wrapper block use the add_blockref_with_attribs() method.

  • name – block name
  • insert – insert location as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • valuesAttrib tag values as (tag, value) pairs
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an AttDef as stand alone DXF entity.

Set position and alignment by the idiom:


(2, 3), align=TextEntityAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER )

  • tag – tag name as string
  • insert – insert location as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • text – tag value as string
  • height – text height in drawing units
  • rotation – text rotation in degrees
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a 2D Polyline entity.
  • points – iterable of 2D points in WCS
  • closeTrue for a closed polyline
  • format – user defined point format like add_lwpolyline(), default is None
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a 3D Polyline entity.
  • points – iterable of 3D points in WCS
  • closeTrue for a closed polyline
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Polymesh entity, which is a wrapper class for the POLYLINE entity. A polymesh is a grid of mcount x ncount vertices and every vertex has its own (x, y, z)-coordinates.
  • size – 2-tuple (mcount, ncount)
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Polyface entity, which is a wrapper class for the POLYLINE entity.
dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for Polyline entity

Add a Shape reference to a external stored shape.
  • name – shape name as string
  • insert – insert location as 2D/3D point in WCS
  • size – size factor
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a 2D polyline as LWPolyline entity. A points are defined as (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuples, but order can be redefined by the format argument. Set start_width, end_width to 0 to be ignored like (x, y, 0, 0, bulge).

The LWPolyline is defined as a single DXF entity and needs less disk space than a Polyline entity. (requires DXF R2000)

Format codes:

  • x = x-coordinate
  • y = y-coordinate
  • s = start width
  • e = end width
  • b = bulge value
  • v = (x, y [,z]) tuple (z-axis is ignored)

  • points – iterable of (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuples
  • format – user defined point format, default is “xyseb”
  • closeTrue for a closed polyline
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a multiline text entity with automatic text wrapping at boundaries as MText entity. (requires DXF R2000)
  • text – content string
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a multiline text entity with static columns as MText entity. The content is spread across the columns, the count of content strings determine the count of columns.

This factory method adds automatically a column break "\N" at the end of each column text to force a new column. The height attribute should be big enough to reserve enough space for the tallest column. Too small values produce valid DXF files, but the visual result will not be as expected. The height attribute also defines the total height of the MTEXT entity.

(requires DXF R2000)

  • content – iterable of column content
  • width – column width
  • gutter_width – distance between columns
  • height – max. column height
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Add a multiline text entity with dynamic columns as MText entity. The content is spread across the columns automatically by the CAD application. The heights sequence determine the height of the columns, except for the last column, which always takes the remaining content. The height value for the last column is required but can be 0, because the value is ignored. The count of heights also determines the count of columns, and max(heights) defines the total height of the MTEXT entity, which may be wrong if the last column requires more space.

This current implementation works best for DXF R2018, because the content is stored as a continuous text in a single MTEXT entity. For DXF versions prior to R2018 the content should be distributed across multiple MTEXT entities (one entity per column), which is not done by ezdxf, but the result is correct for advanced DXF viewers and CAD application, which do the MTEXT content distribution completely by itself.

(requires DXF R2000)

  • content – column content as a single string
  • width – column width
  • gutter_width – distance between columns
  • heights – column height for each column
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Add a multiline text entity with as much columns as needed for the given common fixed height. The content is spread across the columns automatically by the CAD application. The height argument also defines the total height of the MTEXT entity. To get the correct column count requires an exact MTEXT rendering like AutoCAD, which is not done by ezdxf, therefore passing the expected column count is required to calculate the correct total width.

This current implementation works best for DXF R2018, because the content is stored as a continuous text in a single MTEXT entity. For DXF versions prior to R2018 the content should be distributed across multiple MTEXT entities (one entity per column), which is not done by ezdxf, but the result is correct for advanced DXF viewers and CAD application, which do the MTEXT content distribution completely by itself.

Because of the current limitations the use of this method is not recommend. This situation may improve in future releases, but the exact rendering of the content will also slow down the processing speed dramatically.

(requires DXF R2000)

  • content – column content as a single string
  • width – column width
  • gutter_width – distance between columns
  • height – max. column height
  • count – expected column count
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.17.

Add a Ray that begins at start point and continues to infinity (construction line). (requires DXF R2000)
  • start – location 3D point in WCS
  • unit_vector – 3D vector (x, y, z)
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an infinity XLine (construction line). (requires DXF R2000)
  • start – location 3D point in WCS
  • unit_vector – 3D vector (x, y, z)
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a MLine entity
  • vertices – MLINE vertices (in WCS)
  • closeTrue to add a closed MLINE
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a B-spline (Spline entity) defined by the given fit_points - the control points and knot values are created by the CAD application, therefore it is not predictable how the rendered spline will look like, because for every set of fit points exists an infinite set of B-splines.

If fit_points is None, an “empty” spline will be created, all data has to be set by the user.

The SPLINE entity requires DXF R2000.

AutoCAD creates a spline through fit points by a global curve interpolation and an unknown method to estimate the direction of the start- and end tangent.


  • Tutorial for Spline
  • ezdxf.math.fit_points_to_cad_cv()

  • fit_points – iterable of fit points as (x, y[, z]) in WCS, creates an empty Spline if None
  • degree – degree of B-spline, max. degree supported by AutoCAD is 11
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Spline entity passing through the given fit points. This method tries to create the same curve as CAD applications do. To understand the limitations and for more information see function ezdxf.math.fit_points_to_cad_cv().
  • fit_points – iterable of fit points as (x, y[, z]) in WCS
  • tangents – start- and end tangent, default is autodetect
  • estimate – tangent direction estimation method
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Spline entity passing through the given fit_points, the control points are calculated by a global curve interpolation without start- and end tangent constrains. The new SPLINE entity is defined by control points and not by the fit points, therefore the SPLINE looks always the same, no matter which CAD application renders the SPLINE.
  • “uniform”: creates a uniform t vector, from 0 to 1 evenly spaced, see uniform method
  • “distance”, “chord”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point distances, see chord length method
  • “centripetal”, “sqrt_chord”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point sqrt(distances), see centripetal method
  • “arc”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the arc length between fit points.

Use function add_cad_spline_control_frame() to create SPLINE entities from fit points similar to CAD application including start- and end tangent constraints.

  • fit_points – iterable of fit points as (x, y[, z]) in WCS
  • degree – degree of B-spline, max. degree supported by AutoCAD is 11
  • method – calculation method for parameter vector t
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an open uniform Spline defined by control_points. (requires DXF R2000)

Open uniform B-splines start and end at your first and last control point.

  • control_points – iterable of 3D points in WCS
  • degree – degree of B-spline, max. degree supported by AutoCAD is 11
  • knots – knot values as iterable of floats
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an open rational uniform Spline defined by control_points. (requires DXF R2000)

weights has to be an iterable of floats, which defines the influence of the associated control point to the shape of the B-spline, therefore for each control point is one weight value required.

Open rational uniform B-splines start and end at the first and last control point.

  • control_points – iterable of 3D points in WCS
  • weights – weight values as iterable of floats
  • degree – degree of B-spline, max. degree supported by AutoCAD is 11
  • knots – knot values as iterable of floats
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Hatch entity. (requires DXF R2000)
  • color – fill color as :ref`ACI`, default is 7 (black/white).
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Helix entity.

The center of the helix is always (0, 0, 0) and the helix axis direction is the +z-axis.

Transform the new HELIX by the transform() method to your needs.

  • radius – helix radius
  • pitch – the height of one complete helix turn
  • turns – count of turns
  • ccw – creates a counter-clockwise turning (right-handed) helix if True
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.18.

Add a MPolygon entity. (requires DXF R2000)

The MPOLYGON entity is not a core DXF entity and is not supported by every CAD application or DXF library.

DXF version R2004+ is required to use a fill color different from BYLAYER. For R2000 the fill color is always BYLAYER, set any ACI value to create a filled MPOLYGON entity.

  • color – boundary color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), default is BYLAYER.
  • fill_color – fill color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), default is None
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a Mesh entity. (requires DXF R2007)
dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add an Image entity, requires a ImageDef entity, see Tutorial for Image and ImageDef. (requires DXF R2000)
  • image_def – required image definition as ImageDef
  • insert – insertion point as 3D point in WCS
  • size_in_units – size as (x, y) tuple in drawing units
  • rotation – rotation angle around the extrusion axis, default is the z-axis, in degrees
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a ezdxf.entities.Wipeout entity, the masking area is defined by WCS vertices.

This method creates only a 2D entity in the xy-plane of the layout, the z-axis of the input vertices are ignored.

Add an Underlay entity, requires a UnderlayDefinition entity, see Tutorial for Underlay and UnderlayDefinition. (requires DXF R2000)
  • underlay_def – required underlay definition as UnderlayDefinition
  • insert – insertion point as 3D point in WCS
  • scale – underlay scaling factor as (x, y, z) tuple or as single value for uniform scaling for x, y and z
  • rotation – rotation angle around the extrusion axis, default is the z-axis, in degrees
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add horizontal, vertical and rotated Dimension line. If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default. See also: Tutorial for Linear Dimensions

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • base – location of dimension line, any point on the dimension line or its extension will do (in UCS)
  • p1 – measurement point 1 and start point of extension line 1 (in UCS)
  • p2 – measurement point 2 and start point of extension line 2 (in UCS)
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZDXF”
  • angle – angle from ucs/wcs x-axis to dimension line in degrees
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Add multiple linear dimensions for iterable points. If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default. See also: Tutorial for Linear Dimensions

This method sets many design decisions by itself, the necessary geometry will be generated automatically, no required nor possible render() call. This method is easy to use but you get what you get.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • base – location of dimension line, any point on the dimension line or its extension will do (in UCS)
  • points – iterable of measurement points (in UCS)
  • angle – angle from ucs/wcs x-axis to dimension line in degrees (0 = horizontal, 90 = vertical)
  • ucs – user defined coordinate system
  • avoid_double_rendering – suppresses the first extension line and the first arrow if possible for continued dimension entities
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZDXF”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity
  • discard – discard rendering result for friendly CAD applications like BricsCAD to get a native and likely better rendering result. (does not work with AutoCAD)

Add linear dimension aligned with measurement points p1 and p2. If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default. See also: Tutorial for Linear Dimensions

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object, to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call DimStyleOverride.render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • p1 – measurement point 1 and start point of extension line 1 (in UCS)
  • p2 – measurement point 2 and start point of extension line 2 (in UCS)
  • distance – distance of dimension line from measurement points
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZDXF”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Add a radius Dimension line. The radius dimension line requires a center point and a point mpoint on the circle or as an alternative a radius and a dimension line angle in degrees. See also: Tutorial for Radius Dimensions

If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.

Following render types are supported:

  • Default text location outside: text aligned with dimension line; dimension style: “EZ_RADIUS”
  • Default text location outside horizontal: “EZ_RADIUS” + dimtoh=1
  • Default text location inside: text aligned with dimension line; dimension style: “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE”
  • Default text location inside horizontal: “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE” + dimtih=1
  • User defined text location: argument location != None, text aligned with dimension line; dimension style: “EZ_RADIUS”
  • User defined text location horizontal: argument location != None, “EZ_RADIUS” + dimtoh=1 for text outside horizontal, “EZ_RADIUS” + dimtih=1 for text inside horizontal

Placing the dimension text at a user defined location, overrides the mpoint and the angle argument, but requires a given radius argument. The location argument does not define the exact text location, instead it defines the dimension line starting at center and the measurement text midpoint projected on this dimension line going through location, if text is aligned to the dimension line. If text is horizontal, location is the kink point of the dimension line from radial to horizontal direction.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • center – center point of the circle (in UCS)
  • mpoint – measurement point on the circle, overrides angle and radius (in UCS)
  • radius – radius in drawing units, requires argument angle
  • angle – specify angle of dimension line in degrees, requires argument radius
  • location – user defined dimension text location, overrides mpoint and angle, but requires radius (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_RADIUS”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Shortcut method to create a radius dimension by center point, measurement point on the circle and the measurement text at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle, for further information see general method add_radius_dim().
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS”: places the dimension text outside
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE”: places the dimension text inside

  • center – center point of the circle (in UCS)
  • mpoint – measurement point on the circle (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_RADIUS”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Shortcut method to create a radius dimension by (c)enter point, (r)adius and (a)ngle, the measurement text is placed at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle, for further information see general method add_radius_dim().
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS”: places the dimension text outside
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE”: places the dimension text inside

  • center – center point of the circle (in UCS)
  • radius – radius in drawing units
  • angle – angle of dimension line in degrees
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_RADIUS”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Add a diameter Dimension line. The diameter dimension line requires a center point and a point mpoint on the circle or as an alternative a radius and a dimension line angle in degrees.

If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • center – specifies the center of the circle (in UCS)
  • mpoint – specifies the measurement point on the circle (in UCS)
  • radius – specify radius, requires argument angle, overrides p1 argument
  • angle – specify angle of dimension line in degrees, requires argument radius, overrides p1 argument
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or "<>" the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_RADIUS”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Shortcut method to create a diameter dimension by two points on the circle and the measurement text at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle, for further information see general method add_diameter_dim(). Center point of the virtual circle is the mid point between p1 and p2.
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS”: places the dimension text outside
  • dimstyle “EZ_RADIUS_INSIDE”: places the dimension text inside

  • p1 – first point of the circle (in UCS)
  • p2 – second point on the opposite side of the center point of the circle (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_RADIUS”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

Add angular Dimension from 2 lines. The measurement is always done from line1 to line2 in counter clockwise orientation. This does not always match the result in CAD applications!

If an UCS is used for angular dimension rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • base – location of dimension line, any point on the dimension line or its extension is valid (in UCS)
  • line1 – specifies start leg of the angle (start point, end point) and determines extension line 1 (in UCS)
  • line2 – specifies end leg of the angle (start point, end point) and determines extension line 2 (in UCS)
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Add angular Dimension from 3 points (center, p1, p2). The measurement is always done from p1 to p2 in counter clockwise orientation. This does not always match the result in CAD applications!

If an UCS is used for angular dimension rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • base – location of dimension line, any point on the dimension line or its extension is valid (in UCS)
  • center – specifies the vertex of the angle
  • p1 – specifies start leg of the angle (center -> p1) and end point of extension line 1 (in UCS)
  • p2 – specifies end leg of the angle (center -> p2) and end point of extension line 2 (in UCS)
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Shortcut method to create an angular dimension by (c)enter point, (r)adius and start- and end (a)ngles, the measurement text is placed at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle. The measurement is always done from start_angle to end_angle in counter clockwise orientation. This does not always match the result in CAD applications! For further information see the more generic factory method add_angular_dim_3p().
  • center – center point of the angle (in UCS)
  • radius – the distance from center to the start of the extension lines in drawing units
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees (in UCS)
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees (in UCS)
  • distance – distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line in drawing units
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Shortcut method to create an angular dimension from a ConstructionArc. This construction tool can be created from ARC entities and the tool itself provides various construction class methods. The measurement text is placed at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle. The measurement is always done from start_angle to end_angle of the arc in counter clockwise orientation. This does not always match the result in CAD applications! For further information see the more generic factory method add_angular_dim_3p().
  • arcConstructionArc
  • distance – distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line in drawing units
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Add ArcDimension from 3 points (center, p1, p2). Point p1 defines the radius and the start angle of the arc, point p2 only defines the end angle of the arc.

If an UCS is used for arc dimension rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the ArcDimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not render the arc dimension like CAD applications and does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are very different from CAD applications.

  • base – location of dimension line, any point on the dimension line or its extension is valid (in UCS)
  • center – specifies the vertex of the angle
  • p1 – specifies the radius (center -> p1) and the star angle of the arc, this is also the start point for the 1st extension line (in UCS)
  • p2 – specifies the end angle of the arc. The start 2nd extension line is defined by this angle and the radius defined by p1 (in UCS)
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Shortcut method to create an arc dimension by (c)enter point, (r)adius and start- and end (a)ngles, the measurement text is placed at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle.


Ezdxf does not render the arc dimension like CAD applications and does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are very different from CAD applications.

  • center – center point of the angle (in UCS)
  • radius – the distance from center to the start of the extension lines in drawing units
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees (in UCS)
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees (in UCS)
  • distance – distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line in drawing units
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Shortcut method to create an arc dimension from a ConstructionArc. This construction tool can be created from ARC entities and the tool itself provides various construction class methods. The measurement text is placed at the default location defined by the associated dimstyle.


Ezdxf does not render the arc dimension like CAD applications and does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are very different from CAD applications.

  • arcConstructionArc
  • distance – distance from start of the extension lines to the dimension line in drawing units
  • location – user defined location for text mid point (in UCS)
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • text_rotation – rotation angle of the dimension text as absolute angle (x-axis=0, y-axis=90) in degrees
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZ_CURVED”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

Add an ordinate type Dimension line. The feature location is defined in the global coordinate system, which is set as render UCS, which is the WCS by default.

If an UCS is used for dimension line rendering, all point definitions in UCS coordinates, translation into WCS and OCS is done by the rendering function. Extrusion vector is defined by UCS or (0, 0, 1) by default.

This method returns a DimStyleOverride object - to create the necessary dimension geometry, you have to call render() manually, this two step process allows additional processing steps on the Dimension entity between creation and rendering.


Ezdxf does not consider all DIMSTYLE variables, so the rendering results are different from CAD applications.

  • feature_location – feature location in the global coordinate system (UCS)
  • offset – offset vector of leader end point from the feature location in the local coordinate system
  • dtype – 1 = x-type, 0 = y-type
  • origin – specifies the origin (0, 0) of the local coordinate system in UCS
  • rotation – rotation angle of the local coordinate system in degrees
  • textNone or “<>” the measurement is drawn as text, ” ” (a single space) suppresses the dimension text, everything else text is drawn as dimension text
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZDXF”
  • overrideDimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the DIMENSION entity

Returns: DimStyleOverride

New in version v0.18.

The Leader entity represents an arrow, made up of one or more vertices (or spline fit points) and an arrowhead. The label or other content to which the Leader is attached is stored as a separate entity, and is not part of the Leader itself. (requires DXF R2000)

Leader shares its styling infrastructure with Dimension.

By default a Leader without any annotation is created. For creating more fancy leaders and annotations see documentation provided by Autodesk or Demystifying DXF: LEADER and MULTILEADER implementation notes .

  • vertices – leader vertices (in WCS)
  • dimstyle – dimension style name (DimStyle table entry), default is “EZDXF”
  • override – override DimStyleOverride attributes
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes

Add a MultiLeader entity but returns a MultiLeaderMTextBuilder.

New in version 0.18.

Add a MultiLeader entity but returns a MultiLeaderBlockBuilder.

New in version 0.18.

Add a Body entity. (requires DXF R2000 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a Region entity. (requires DXF R2000 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a 3DSOLID entity (Solid3d). (requires DXF R2000 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a Surface entity. (requires DXF R2007 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a ExtrudedSurface entity. (requires DXF R2007 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a LoftedSurface entity. (requires DXF R2007 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a RevolvedSurface entity. (requires DXF R2007 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Add a SweptSurface entity. (requires DXF R2007 or later)

The ACIS data has to be set as SAT or SAB.

Layout is a subclass of BaseLayout and common base class of Modelspace and Paperspace.
Layout name as shown in tabs of CAD applications.

Returns the DXF name space attribute of the associated DXFLayout object.

This enables direct access to the underlying LAYOUT entity, e.g. Layout.dxf.layout_flags

__contains__(entity: Union['DXFGraphic', str]) -> bool
Returns True if entity is stored in this layout.
entityDXFGraphic object or handle as hex string

Reset extents to given values or the AutoCAD default values.

“Drawing extents are the bounds of the area occupied by objects.” (Quote Autodesk Knowledge Network)

  • extmin – minimum extents or (+1e20, +1e20, +1e20) as default value
  • extmax – maximum extents or (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20) as default value

Reset limits to given values or the AutoCAD default values.

“Sets an invisible rectangular boundary in the drawing area that can limit the grid display and limit clicking or entering point locations.” (Quote Autodesk Knowledge Network)

The Paperspace class has an additional method reset_paper_limits() to deduce the default limits from the paper size settings.

  • extmin – minimum extents or (0, 0) as default
  • extmax – maximum extents or (paper width, paper height) as default value

0 last screen display
1 drawing extents
2 drawing limits
3 view specific (defined by Layout.dxf.plot_view_name)
4 window specific (defined by Layout.set_plot_window_limits())
5 layout information (default)
value – plot type
DXFValueError – for value out of range

Set plot style file of type .ctb.
  • name – plot style filename
  • show – show plot style effect in preview? (AutoCAD specific attribute)

Set plot window size in (scaled) paper space units.
  • lower_left – lower left corner as 2D point
  • upper_right – upper right corner as 2D point

Modelspace is a subclass of Layout.

The modelspace contains the “real” world representation of the drawing subjects in real world units.

Name of modelspace is fixed as “Model”.

Creates a new GeoData entity and replaces existing ones. The GEODATA entity resides in the OBJECTS section and not in the modelspace, it is linked to the modelspace by an ExtensionDict located in BLOCK_RECORD of the modelspace.

The GEODATA entity requires DXF R2010. The DXF reference does not document if other layouts than the modelspace supports geo referencing, so I assume getting/setting geo data may only make sense for the modelspace.

dxfattribs – DXF attributes for GeoData entity

Returns the GeoData entity associated to the modelspace or None.

Paperspace is a subclass of Layout.

Paperspace layouts are used to create different drawing sheets of the modelspace subjects for printing or PDF export.

Layout name as shown in tabs of CAD applications.

Setup plot settings and paper size and reset viewports. All parameters in given units (mm or inch).

Reset paper limits, extents and viewports.

  • size – paper size as (width, height) tuple
  • margins – (top, right, bottom, left) hint: clockwise
  • units – “mm” or “inch”
  • offset – plot origin offset is 2D point
  • rotation – see table Rotation
  • scale – integer in range [0, 32] defines a standard scale type or as tuple(numerator, denominator) e.g. (1, 50) for scale 1:50
  • name – paper name prefix “{name}_({width}_x_{height}_{unit})”
  • device – device .pc3 configuration file or system printer name

int Rotation
0 no rotation
1 90 degrees counter-clockwise
2 upside-down
3 90 degrees clockwise

Get all VIEWPORT entities defined in this paperspace layout. Returns a list of Viewport objects, sorted by id, the first entity is always the main viewport with an id of 1.

Returns the main viewport of this paper space layout, or None if no main viewport exist.

Delete all existing viewports, and create a new main viewport.

Reset the main viewport of this paper space layout to the given values, or reset them to the default values, deduced from the paper settings. Creates a new main viewport if none exist.

Ezdxf does not create a main viewport by default, because CAD applications don’t require one.

  • center – center of the viewport in paper space units
  • size – viewport size as (width, height) tuple in paper space units

Set paper limits to default values, all values in paperspace units but without plot scale (?).

Returns paper limits in plot paper units, relative to the plot origin.

plot origin = lower left corner of printable area + plot origin offset

tuple (Vec2(x1, y1), Vec2(x2, y2)), lower left corner is (x1, y1), upper right corner is (x2, y2).

BlockLayout is a subclass of BaseLayout.

Block layouts are reusable sets of graphical entities, which can be referenced by multiple Insert entities. Each reference can be placed, scaled and rotated individually and can have it’s own set of DXF Attrib entities attached.

Get/set the BLOCK name

DXF name space of associated BlockRecord table entry.

Set property to True to allow exploding block references of this block.

Set property to True to allow block references of this block only scale uniformly.

Returns the base point of the block.

__contains__(entity) -> bool
Returns True if block contains entity.
entityDXFGraphic object or handle as hex string

Returns iterable of all Attdef entities.

Returns True if an Attdef for tag exist.

Returns attached Attdef entity by tag name.

Returns text content for Attdef tag as string or returns default if no Attdef for tag exist.
  • tag – name of tag
  • default – default value if tag not exist

A group is just a bunch of DXF entities tied together. All entities of a group has to be on the same layout (modelspace or any paper layout but not block). Groups can be named or unnamed, but in reality an unnamed groups has just a special name like “*Annnn”. The name of a group has to be unique in the drawing. Groups are organized in the main group table, which is stored as attribute groups in the Drawing object.

Group entities have to be in modelspace or any paperspace layout but not in a block definition!

The group name is not stored in the GROUP entity, it is stored in the GroupCollection object.
group description (string)

1 for unnamed, 0 for named group (int)

1 for selectable, 0 for not selectable group (int)

__iter__() -> Iterator[DXFEntity]
Iterate over all DXF entities in DXFGroup as instances of DXFGraphic or inherited (LINE, CIRCLE, …).

__len__() -> int
Returns the count of DXF entities in DXFGroup.

Returns entities by standard Python indexing and slicing.

__contains__(item: Union[str, DXFEntity]) -> bool
Returns True if item is in DXFGroup. item has to be a handle string or an object of type DXFEntity or inherited.

Iterable of handles of all DXF entities in DXFGroup.

Context manager which yields all the group entities as standard Python list:

with group.edit_data() as data:

# add new entities to a group
data.append(modelspace.add_line((0, 0), (3, 0)))
# remove last entity from a group

Set entities as new group content, entities should be an iterable DXFGraphic or inherited (LINE, CIRCLE, …). Raises DXFValueError if not all entities be on the same layout (modelspace or any paperspace layout but not block)

Add entities to DXFGroup without immediate verification!

Validation at DXF export may raise a DXFStructureError!

clear() -> None
Remove all entities from DXFGroup, does not delete any drawing entities referenced by this group.

Remove invalid entities from DXFGroup.

Invalid entities are:

  • deleted entities
  • all entities which do not reside in model- or paper space
  • all entities if they do not reside in the same layout

Each Drawing has one group table, which is accessible by the attribute groups.

Manages all DXFGroup objects of a Drawing.
Returns the count of DXF groups.

Iterate over all existing groups as (name, group) tuples. name is the name of the group as string and group is an DXFGroup object.

Returns True if a group name exist.

Returns the group name. Raises DXFKeyError if group name does not exist.

Iterable of all existing groups.

Creates a new group. If name is None an unnamed group is created, which has an automatically generated name like “*Annnn”. Group names are case insensitive.
  • name – group name as string
  • description – group description as string
  • selectable – group is selectable if True

Delete group, group can be an object of type DXFGroup or a group name as string.

Delete all groups.

Removes empty groups and invalid handles from all groups.

DXF Entities

All DXF entities can only reside in the BaseLayout and inherited classes like Modelspace, Paperspace and BlockLayout.


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Common base class for all DXF entities and objects.


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

The DXF attributes namespace:

# set attribute value
entity.dxf.layer = 'MyLayer'
# get attribute value
linetype = entity.dxf.linetype
# delete attribute
del entity.dxf.linetype

DXF handle is a unique identifier as plain hex string like F000. (feature for experts)

Handle to owner as plain hex string like F000. (feature for experts)

Get the associated Drawing instance.

Is False if entity has been deleted.

Is True if entity is a virtual entity.

Is True if entity is bound to DXF document.

Is True if the entity is a copy.

Returns an UUID, which allows to distinguish even virtual entities without a handle.

Dynamic attribute: this UUID will be created at the first request.

The immediate source entity if this entity is a copy else None. Never references a destroyed entity.

The origin source entity if this entity is a copy else None. References the first non virtual source entity and never references a destroyed entity.

Is True if this virtual entity was created by a block reference.

The source block reference (INSERT) which created this virtual entity. The property is None if this entity was not created by a block reference.

Get DXF type as string, like LINE for the line entity.

__str__() -> str
Returns a simple string representation.

__repr__() -> str
Returns a simple string representation including the class.

Returns True if DXF attribute key really exist.

Raises DXFAttributeError if key is not an supported DXF attribute.

Returns True if DXF attrib key is supported by this entity. Does not grant that attribute key really exist.

Get DXF attribute key, returns default if key doesn’t exist, or raise DXFValueError if default is DXFValueError and no DXF default value is defined:

layer = entity.get_dxf_attrib("layer")
# same as
layer = entity.dxf.layer

Raises DXFAttributeError if key is not an supported DXF attribute.

Set new value for DXF attribute key:

entity.set_dxf_attrib("layer", "MyLayer")
# same as
entity.dxf.layer = "MyLayer"

Raises DXFAttributeError if key is not an supported DXF attribute.

Delete DXF attribute key, does not raise an error if attribute is supported but not present.

Raises DXFAttributeError if key is not an supported DXF attribute.

Returns a dict with all existing DXF attributes and their values and exclude all DXF attributes listed in set drop.

Set DXF attributes by a dict like {'layer': 'test', 'color': 4}.

Set binary coded flag of DXF attribute name to 1 (on) if state is True, set flag to 0 (off) if state is False.

Returns True if any flag of DXF attribute is 1 (on), else False. Always check only one flag state at the time.

Returns True if entity has an attached ExtensionDict instance.

Returns the existing ExtensionDict instance.
AttributeError – extension dict does not exist

Create a new ExtensionDict instance .

Delete ExtensionDict instance .

Returns True if application defined data for appid exist.

Returns application defined data for appid.
appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
DXFValueError – no data for appid found

Set application defined data for appid as iterable of tags.
  • appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
  • tags – iterable of (code, value) tuples or DXFTag

Discard application defined data for appid. Does not raise an exception if no data for appid exist.

Returns True if extended data for appid exist.

Returns extended data for appid.
appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
DXFValueError – no extended data for appid found

Set extended data for appid as iterable of tags.
  • appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
  • tags – iterable of (code, value) tuples or DXFTag

Discard extended data for appid. Does not raise an exception if no extended data for appid exist.

Returns True if a tag list name for extended data appid exist.

Returns tag list name for extended data appid.
  • appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
  • name – extended data list name

DXFValueError – no extended data for appid found or no data list name not found

Set tag list name for extended data appid as iterable of tags.
  • appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
  • name – extended data list name
  • tags – iterable of (code, value) tuples or DXFTag

Discard tag list name for extended data appid. Does not raise an exception if no extended data for appid or no tag list name exist.

Replaces tag list name for existing extended data appid by tags. Appends new list if tag list name do not exist, but raises DXFValueError if extended data appid do not exist.
  • appid – application name as defined in the APPID table.
  • name – extended data list name
  • tags – iterable of (code, value) tuples or DXFTag

DXFValueError – no extended data for appid found

Returns True if entity has reactors.

Returns associated reactors as list of handles.

Set reactors as list of handles.

Append handle to reactors.

Discard handle from reactors. Does not raise an exception if handle does not exist.

Common base class for all graphical DXF entities.

This entities resides in entity spaces like Modelspace, any Paperspace or BlockLayout.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Get/set DXF attribute dxf.true_color as (r, g, b) tuple, returns None if attribute dxf.true_color is not set.

entity.rgb = (30, 40, 50)
r, g, b = entity.rgb

This is the recommend method to get/set RGB values, when ever possible do not use the DXF low level attribute dxf.true_color.

Get/set transparency value as float. Value range 0 to 1, where 0 means entity is opaque and 1 means entity is 100% transparent (invisible). This is the recommend method to get/set transparency values, when ever possible do not use the DXF low level attribute DXFGraphic.dxf.transparency

This attribute requires DXF R2004 or later, returns 0 for prior DXF versions and raises DXFAttributeError for setting transparency in older DXF versions.

Returns True if entity inherits transparency from layer.

Returns True if entity inherits transparency from block.

Returns object coordinate system (OCS) for 2D entities like Text or Circle, returns a pass-through OCS for entities without OCS support.

Returns the owner layout or returns None if entity is not assigned to any layout.

Unlink entity from associated layout. Does nothing if entity is already unlinked.

It is more efficient to call the unlink_entity() method of the associated layout, especially if you have to unlink more than one entity.

Copy entity to another layout, returns new created entity as DXFEntity object. Copying between different DXF drawings is not supported.
layout – any layout (model space, paper space, block)
DXFStructureError – for copying between different DXF drawings

Move entity from model space or a paper space layout to another layout. For block layout as source, the block layout has to be specified. Moving between different DXF drawings is not supported.
  • layout – any layout (model space, paper space, block)
  • source – provide source layout, faster for DXF R12, if entity is in a block layout

DXFStructureError – for moving between different DXF drawings

Returns the important common properties layer, color, linetype, lineweight, ltscale, true_color and color_name as dxfattribs dict.

Returns True if entity has an attached hyperlink.

Returns hyperlink, description and location.

Inplace transformation interface, returns self (floating interface).
m – 4x4 transformation matrix (ezdxf.math.Matrix44)

Translate entity inplace about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Basic implementation uses the transform() interface, subclasses may have faster implementations.

Scale entity inplace about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Scale entity inplace uniform about s in x-axis, y-axis and z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Rotate entity inplace about x-axis, returns self (floating interface).
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate entity inplace about y-axis, returns self (floating interface).
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate entity inplace about z-axis, returns self (floating interface).
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate entity inplace about vector axis, returns self (floating interface).
  • axis – rotation axis as tuple or Vec3
  • angle – rotation angle in radians

Layer name as string; default = '0'

Linetype as string, special names 'BYLAYER', 'BYBLOCK'; default value is 'BYLAYER'

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), default = 256

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const


Line weight in mm times 100 (e.g. 0.13mm = 13). There are fixed valid lineweights which are accepted by AutoCAD, other values prevents AutoCAD from loading the DXF document, BricsCAD isn’t that picky. (requires DXF R2000)

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const


Valid DXF lineweights stored in VALID_DXF_LINEWEIGHTS: 0, 5, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 53, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 106, 120, 140, 158, 200, 211

Line type scale as float; default = 1.0 (requires DXF R2000)

1 for invisible, 0 for visible; default = 0 (requires DXF R2000)

0 for entity resides in modelspace or a block, 1 for paperspace, this attribute is set automatically by adding an entity to a layout (feature for experts); default = 0

Extrusion direction as 3D vector; default = (0, 0, 1)

Entity thickness as float; default = 0.0 (requires DXF R2000)

True color value as int 0x00RRGGBB, use DXFGraphic.rgb to get/set true color values as (r, g, b) tuples. (requires DXF R2004)

Color name as string. (requires DXF R2004)

Transparency value as int, 0x020000TT 0x00 = 100% transparent / 0xFF = opaque, special value 0x01000000 means transparency by block. An unset transparency value means transparency by layer. Use DXFGraphic.transparency to get/set transparency as float value, and the properties DXFGraphic.is_transparency_by_block and DXFGraphic.is_transparency_by_layer to check special cases.

(requires DXF R2004)

0 casts and receives shadows
1 casts shadows
2 receives shadows
3 ignores shadows

(requires DXF R2007)

A 3DFACE (DXF Reference) is real 3D solid filled triangle or quadrilateral. Access vertices by name (entity.dxf.vtx0 = (1.7, 2.3)) or by index (entity[0] = (1.7, 2.3)).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type '3DFACE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_3dface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Face3d because 3dface is not a valid Python class name.
Location of 1. vertex (3D Point in WCS)

Location of 2. vertex (3D Point in WCS)

Location of 3. vertex (3D Point in WCS)

Location of 4. vertex (3D Point in WCS)

invisible edge flag (int, default=0)
1 first edge is invisible
2 second edge is invisible
4 third edge is invisible
8 fourth edge is invisible

Combine values by adding them, e.g. 1+4 = first and third edge is invisible.

Transform the 3DFACE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Returns WCS vertices, if argument close is True, last vertex == first vertex.

returns 4 vertices when close=False and 5 vertices when close=True. Some edges may have 0 length.

Compatibility interface to SOLID and TRACE. The 3DFACE entity returns already WCS vertices.

3DSOLID (DXF Reference) created by an ACIS geometry kernel provided by the Spatial Corp.


Ezdxf has only very limited support for ACIS based entities, for more information see the FAQ: How to add/edit ACIS based entities like 3DSOLID, REGION or SURFACE?

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Body
DXF type '3DSOLID'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_3dsolid()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Same attributes and methods as parent class Body.
Handle to history object.

ARC (DXF Reference) center at location and radius of dxf.radius from dxf.start_angle to dxf.end_angle. ARC goes always from dxf.start_angle to dxf.end_angle in counter clockwise orientation around the dxf.extrusion vector, which is (0, 0, 1) by default and the usual case for 2D arcs.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Circle
DXF type 'ARC'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_arc()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Center point of arc (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Radius of arc (float)

Start angle in degrees (float)

End angle in degrees (float)

Returns the start point of the arc in WCS, takes OCS into account.

Returns the end point of the arc in WCS, takes OCS into account.

Returns num angles from start- to end angle in degrees in counter clockwise order.

All angles are normalized in the range from [0, 360).

Approximate the arc by vertices in WCS, argument segment is the max. distance from the center of an arc segment to the center of its chord.

Transform ARC entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Raises NonUniformScalingError() for non uniform scaling.

Convert CIRCLE/ARC to an Ellipse entity.

Adds the new ELLIPSE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.

replace – replace (delete) source entity by ELLIPSE entity if True

Convert CIRCLE/ARC to a Spline entity.

Adds the new SPLINE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.

replace – replace (delete) source entity by SPLINE entity if True

Returns 2D construction tool ezdxf.math.ConstructionArc, ignoring the extrusion vector.

Set ARC data from construction tool ezdxf.math.ConstructionArc, will not change the extrusion vector.

BODY (DXF Reference) created by an ACIS geometry kernel provided by the Spatial Corp.


Ezdxf has only very limited support for ACIS based entities, for more information see the FAQ: How to add/edit ACIS based entities like 3DSOLID, REGION or SURFACE?

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'BODY'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_body()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Modeler format version number, default value is 1

Require DXF R2013.

Require DXF R2013.

Returns SAT data for DXF R2000 up to R2010 and SAB data for DXF R2013 and later

Get/Set SAT data as list of strings.

Get/Set SAB data as bytes.

Returns True if the entity contains SAB data and False if the entity contains SAT data.

Returns ACIS SAT data as a single string if the entity has SAT data.

CIRCLE (DXF Reference) center at location and radius of dxf.radius.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_circle()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Center point of circle (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Radius of circle (float)

Yields vertices of the circle for iterable angles in WCS.
angles – iterable of angles in OCS as degrees, angle goes counter clockwise around the extrusion vector, OCS x-axis = 0 deg.

Approximate the circle by vertices in WCS, argument sagitta is the max. distance from the center of an arc segment to the center of its chord. Returns a closed polygon: start vertex == end vertex!

Yields always Vec3 objects.

New in version 0.15.

Transform the CIRCLE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Raises NonUniformScalingError() for non uniform scaling.

Optimized CIRCLE/ARC translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Convert CIRCLE/ARC to an Ellipse entity.

Adds the new ELLIPSE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.

replace – replace (delete) source entity by ELLIPSE entity if True

Convert CIRCLE/ARC to a Spline entity.

Adds the new SPLINE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.

replace – replace (delete) source entity by SPLINE entity if True

The DIMENSION entity (DXF Reference) represents several types of dimensions in many orientations and alignments. The basic types of dimensioning are linear, radial, angular, ordinate, and arc length.

For more information about dimensions see the online help from AutoDesk: About the Types of Dimensions


The DIMENSION entity is reused to create dimensional constraints, such entities do not have an associated geometrical block nor a dimension type group code (2) and reside on layer *ADSK_CONSTRAINTS. Use property Dimension.is_dimensional_constraint to check for this objects. Dimensional constraints are not documented in the DXF reference and not supported by ezdxf.


  • Tutorial for Linear Dimensions
  • Tutorial for Radius Dimensions
  • Tutorial for Diameter Dimensions
  • Tutorial for Angular Dimensions
  • Tutorial for Ordinate Dimensions

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
factory function see table below
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes

Factory Functions

Linear and Rotated Dimension (DXF) add_linear_dim()
Aligned Dimension (DXF) add_aligned_dim()
Angular Dimension (DXF) add_angular_dim_2l()
Angular 3P Dimension (DXF) add_angular_dim_3p()
Angular Dimension by center, radius, angles add_angular_dim_cra()
Angular Dimension by ConstructionArc add_angular_dim_arc()
Diameter Dimension (DXF) add_diameter_dim()
Radius Dimension (DXF) add_radius_dim()
Ordinate Dimension (DXF) add_ordinate_dim() (not implemented)


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

There is only one Dimension class to represent all different dimension types.
Version number: 0 = R2010. (int, DXF R2010)

Name of the BLOCK that contains the entities that make up the dimension picture.

For AutoCAD this graphical representation is mandatory, else AutoCAD will not open the DXF drawing. BricsCAD will render the DIMENSION entity by itself, if the graphical representation is not present, but uses the BLOCK instead of rendering, if it is present.

Dimension style (DimStyle) name as string.

Values 0-6 are integer values that represent the dimension type. Values 32, 64, and 128 are bit values, which are added to the integer values.
0 Linear and Rotated Dimension (DXF)
1 Aligned Dimension (DXF)
2 Angular Dimension (DXF)
3 Diameter Dimension (DXF)
4 Radius Dimension (DXF)
5 Angular 3P Dimension (DXF)
6 Ordinate Dimension (DXF)
8 subclass ezdxf.entities.ArcDimension introduced in DXF R2004
32 Indicates that graphical representation geometry is referenced by this dimension only. (always set in DXF R13 and later)
64 Ordinate type. This is a bit value (bit 7) used only with integer value 6. If set, ordinate is X-type; if not set, ordinate is Y-type
128 This is a bit value (bit 8) added to the other dimtype values if the dimension text has been positioned at a user-defined location rather than at the default location

Definition point for all dimension types. (3D Point in WCS)

Linear and rotated dimension: dxf.defpoint specifies the dimension line location.

Arc and angular dimension: dxf.defpoint and dxfdefpoint4 specify the endpoints of the line used to determine the second extension line.

Definition point for linear and angular dimensions. (3D Point in WCS)

Linear and rotated dimension: The dxf.defpoint2 specifies the start point of the first extension line.

Arc and angular dimension: The dxf.defpoint2 and dxf.defpoint3 specify the endpoints of the line used to determine the first extension line.

Definition point for linear and angular dimensions. (3D Point in WCS)

Linear and rotated dimension: The dxf.defpoint3 specifies the start point of the second extension line.

Arc and angular dimension: The dxf.defpoint2 and dxf.defpoint3 specify the endpoints of the line used to determine the first extension line.

Definition point for diameter, radius, and angular dimensions. (3D Point in WCS)

Arc and angular dimension: dxf.defpoint and dxf.defpoint4 specify the endpoints of the line used to determine the second extension line.

Point defining dimension arc for angular dimensions, specifies the location of the dimension line arc. (3D Point in OCS)

Angle of linear and rotated dimensions in degrees. (float)

Leader length for radius and diameter dimensions. (float)

Middle point of dimension text. (3D Point in OCS)

Insertion point for clones of a linear dimensions. (3D Point in OCS)

This value translates the content of the associated anonymous block for cloned linear dimensions, similar to the insert attribute of the Insert entity.

Text attachment point (int, DXF R2000), default value is 5.
1 Top left
2 Top center
3 Top right
4 Middle left
5 Middle center
6 Middle right
7 Bottom left
8 Bottom center
9 Bottom right

Dimension text line-spacing style (int, DXF R2000), default value is 1.
1 At least (taller characters will override)
2 Exact (taller characters will not override)

Dimension text-line spacing factor. (float, DXF R2000)

Percentage of default (3-on-5) line spacing to be applied. Valid values range from 0.25 to 4.00.

Actual measurement (float, DXF R2000), this is an optional attribute and often not present. (read-only value)

Dimension text explicitly entered by the user (str), default value is an empty string.

If empty string or '<>', the dimension measurement is drawn as the text, if ' ' (one blank space), the text is suppressed. Anything else is drawn as the text.

Linear dimension types with an oblique angle have an optional dxf.oblique_angle.

When added to the rotation dxf.angle of the linear dimension, it gives the angle of the extension lines.

Defines is the rotation angle of the dimension text away from its default orientation (the direction of the dimension line). (float)

Indicates the horizontal direction for the dimension entity (float).

This attribute determines the orientation of dimension text and lines for horizontal, vertical, and rotated linear dimensions. This value is the negative of the angle in the OCS xy-plane between the dimension line and the OCS x-axis.

dxf.dimtype without binary flags (32, 62, 128).

Returns True if the DIMENSION entity is a dimensional constrains object.

Returns the associated DimStyle entity.

Returns BlockLayout of associated anonymous dimension block, which contains the entities that make up the dimension picture. Returns None if block name is not set or the BLOCK itself does not exist

Returns the actual dimension measurement in WCS units, no scaling applied for linear dimensions. Returns angle in degrees for angular dimension from 2 lines and angular dimension from 3 points. Returns vector from origin to feature location for ordinate dimensions.

Returns the DimStyleOverride object.

Render graphical representation as anonymous block.

Transform the DIMENSION entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Raises NonUniformScalingError() for non uniform scaling.

Yields ‘virtual’ parts of DIMENSION as basic DXF entities like LINE, ARC or TEXT.

This entities are located at the original positions, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode parts of DIMENSION as basic DXF entities like LINE, ARC or TEXT into target layout, if target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the DIMENSION.

Returns an EntityQuery container with all DXF primitives.

target_layout – target layout for DXF parts, None for same layout as source entity.

All of the DimStyle attributes can be overridden for each Dimension entity individually.

The DimStyleOverride class manages all the complex dependencies between DimStyle and Dimension, the different features of all DXF versions and the rendering process to create the Dimension picture as BLOCK, which is required for AutoCAD.

Base Dimension entity.

By dimension referenced DimStyle entity.

Contains all overridden attributes of dimension, as a dict with DimStyle attribute names as keys.

__getitem__(key: str) -> Any
Returns DIMSTYLE attribute key, see also get().

__setitem__(key: str, value: Any) -> None
Set DIMSTYLE attribute key in dimstyle_attribs.

__delitem__(key: str) -> None
Deletes DIMSTYLE attribute key from dimstyle_attribs, ignores KeyErrors silently.

Returns DIMSTYLE attribute from override dict dimstyle_attribs or base DimStyle.

Returns default value for attributes not supported by DXF R12. This is a hack to use the same algorithm to render DXF R2000 and DXF R12 DIMENSION entities. But the DXF R2000 attributes are not stored in the DXF R12 file! Does not catch invalid attributes names! Look into debug log for ignored DIMSTYLE attributes.

Returns DIMSTYLE attribute from override dict dimstyle_attribs and removes this attribute from override dict.

Update override dict dimstyle_attribs.
attribsdict of DIMSTYLE attributes

Writes overridden DIMSTYLE attributes into ACAD:DSTYLE section of XDATA of the DIMENSION entity.

Get arrow names as strings like ‘ARCHTICK’.
tuple of [dimblk1, dimblk2]
Tuple[str, str]

Set arrows or user defined blocks and disable oblique stroke as tick.
  • blk – defines both arrows at once as name str or user defined block
  • blk1 – defines left arrow as name str or as user defined block
  • blk2 – defines right arrow as name str or as user defined block
  • ldrblk – defines leader arrow as name str or as user defined block
  • size – arrow size in drawing units

Use oblique stroke as tick, disables arrows.
size – arrow size in daring units

Set measurement text alignment, halign defines the horizontal alignment, valign defines the vertical alignment, above1 and above2 means above extension line 1 or 2 and aligned with extension line.
  • halignleft, right, center, above1, above2, requires DXF R2000+
  • valignabove, center, below
  • vshift – vertical text shift, if valign is center; >0 shift upward, <0 shift downwards

Set tolerance text format, upper and lower value, text height factor, number of decimal places or leading and trailing zero suppression.
  • upper – upper tolerance value
  • lower – lower tolerance value, if None same as upper
  • hfactor – tolerance text height factor in relation to the dimension text height
  • align – tolerance text alignment enum ezdxf.enums.MTextLineAlignment
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed
  • leading_zeros – suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False
  • trailing_zeros – suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False

Changed in version 0.17.2: argument align as enum ezdxf.enums.MTextLineAlignment

Set limits text format, upper and lower limit values, text height factor, number of decimal places or leading and trailing zero suppression.
  • upper – upper limit value added to measurement value
  • lower – lower lower value subtracted from measurement value
  • hfactor – limit text height factor in relation to the dimension text height
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed, required DXF R2000+
  • leading_zeros – suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False, required DXF R2000+
  • trailing_zeros – suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False, required DXF R2000+

Set dimension text format, like prefix and postfix string, rounding rule and number of decimal places.
  • prefix – dimension text prefix text as string
  • postfix – dimension text postfix text as string
  • rnd – Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value, for instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer.
  • dec – Sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. requires DXF R2000+
  • sep – “.” or “,” as decimal separator
  • leading_zeros – suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False
  • trailing_zeros – suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False

Set dimension line properties
  • color – color index
  • linetype – linetype as string
  • lineweight – line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm
  • extension – extension length
  • disable1 – True to suppress first part of dimension line
  • disable2 – True to suppress second part of dimension line

Set common extension line attributes.
  • color – color index
  • lineweight – line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm
  • extension – extension length above dimension line
  • offset – offset from measurement point
  • fixed_length – set fixed length extension line, length below the dimension line

Set extension line 1 attributes.
  • linetype – linetype for extension line 1
  • disable – disable extension line 1 if True

Set extension line 2 attributes.
  • linetype – linetype for extension line 2
  • disable – disable extension line 2 if True

Set dimension text.
  • text = ” ” to suppress dimension text
  • text = “” or “<>” to use measured distance as dimension text
  • else use “text” literally

Set relative text movement, implemented as user location override without leader.
  • dh – shift text in text direction
  • dv – shift text perpendicular to text direction

Set text location by user, special version for linear dimensions, behaves for other dimension types like user_location_override().
  • location – user defined text location
  • leader – create leader from text to dimension line
  • relativelocation is relative to default location.

Set text location by user, location is relative to the origin of the UCS defined in the render() method or WCS if the ucs argument is None.

Initiate dimension line rendering process and also writes overridden dimension style attributes into the DSTYLE XDATA section.

For a friendly CAD applications like BricsCAD you can discard the dimension line rendering, because it is done automatically by BricsCAD, if no dimension rendering BLOCK is available and it is likely to get better results as by ezdxf.

AutoCAD does not render DIMENSION entities automatically, so I rate AutoCAD as an unfriendly CAD application.

  • ucs – user coordinate system
  • discard – discard rendering done by ezdxf (works with BricsCAD, but not tolerated by AutoCAD)

Rendering object used to render the DIMENSION entity for analytics

The ARC_DIMENSION entity was introduced in DXF R2004 and is not documented in the DXF reference.


Tutorial for Arc Dimensions

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Dimension
factory function 0.0 • 2 add_arc_dim_3p() • 2 add_arc_dim_cra() • 2 add_arc_dim_arc() 168u
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version R2004 / AC1018


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

start point of first extension line in OCS

start point of second extension line in OCS

center point of arc in OCS

Returns always 8.

ELLIPSE (DXF Reference) with center point at location and a major axis dxf.major_axis as vector. dxf.ratio is the ratio of minor axis to major axis. dxf.start_param and dxf.end_param defines the starting- and the end point of the ellipse, a full ellipse goes from 0 to 2*pi. The ellipse goes from starting- to end param in counter clockwise direction.

dxf.extrusion is supported, but does not establish an OCS, but creates an 3D entity by extruding the base ellipse in direction of the dxf.extrusion vector.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
factory function add_ellipse()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
Center point of circle (2D/3D Point in WCS)

Endpoint of major axis, relative to the (Vec3), default value is (1, 0, 0).

Ratio of minor axis to major axis (float), has to be in range from 0.000001 to 1, default value is 1.

Start parameter (float), default value is 0.

End parameter (float), default value is 2*pi.

Returns the start point of the ellipse in WCS.

Returns the end point of the ellipse in WCS.

Returns the minor axis of the ellipse as Vec3 in WCS.

Returns construction tool ezdxf.math.ConstructionEllipse.

Set ELLIPSE data from construction tool ezdxf.math.ConstructionEllipse.

Yields vertices on ellipse for iterable params in WCS.
params – param values in the range from 0 to 2*pi in radians, param goes counter clockwise around the extrusion vector, major_axis = local x-axis = 0 rad.

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided. Returns a closed polygon for a full ellipse: start vertex == end vertex.
  • distance – maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the segment chord.
  • segments – minimum segment count

New in version 0.15.

Returns num params from start- to end param in counter clockwise order.

All params are normalized in the range from [0, 2pi).

Transform the ELLIPSE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized ELLIPSE translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Convert ELLIPSE to a Spline entity.

Adds the new SPLINE entity to the entity database and to the same layout as the source entity.

replace – replace (delete) source entity by SPLINE entity if True

Create a new ELLIPSE entity from ARC or CIRCLE entity.

The new SPLINE entity has no owner, no handle, is not stored in the entity database nor assigned to any layout!

The HATCH entity (DXF Reference) fills an enclosed area defined by one or more boundary paths with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.

All points in OCS as (x, y) tuples (Hatch.dxf.elevation is the z-axis value).

There are two different hatch pattern default scaling, depending on the HEADER variable $MEASUREMENT, one for ISO measurement (m, cm, mm, …) and one for imperial measurement (in, ft, yd, …).

Starting with ezdxf v0.15 the default scaling for predefined hatch pattern will be chosen according this measurement setting in the HEADER section, this replicates the behavior of BricsCAD and other CAD applications. ezdxf uses the ISO pattern definitions as a base line and scales this pattern down by factor 1/25.6 for imperial measurement usage. The pattern scaling is independent from the drawing units of the document defined by the HEADER variable $INSUNITS.

Prior to ezdxf v0.15 the default scaling was always the ISO measurement scaling, no matter which value $MEASUREMENT had.


Tutorial for Hatch and DXF Units

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'HATCH'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_hatch()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Boundary paths helper classes

Path manager: BoundaryPaths

  • PolylinePath
  • LineEdge
  • ArcEdge
  • EllipseEdge
  • SplineEdge

Pattern and gradient helper classes

  • Pattern
  • PatternLine
  • Gradien

Pattern name as string

1 solid fill, better use: Hatch.set_solid_fill()
0 pattern fill, better use: Hatch.set_pattern_fill()

1 associative hatch
0 not associative hatch

Associations not handled by ezdxf, you have to set the handles to the associated DXF entities by yourself.

0 normal
1 outer
2 ignore

(search AutoCAD help for more information)

0 user
1 predefined
2 custom

Actual pattern angle in degrees (float). Changing this value does not rotate the pattern, use set_pattern_angle() for this task.

Actual pattern scaling factor (float). Changing this value does not scale the pattern use set_pattern_scale() for this task.

1 = double pattern size else 0. (int)

Count of seed points (better user: get_seed_points())

Z value represents the elevation height of the OCS. (float)

BoundaryPaths object.

Pattern object.

Gradient object.

List of (x, y) tuples.

True if entity has a solid fill. (read only)

True if entity has a pattern fill. (read only)

True if entity has a gradient fill. A hatch with gradient fill has also a solid fill. (read only)

Set pattern fill background color as (r, g, b)-tuple, rgb values in the range [0, 255] (read/write/del)


r, g, b = entity.bgcolor  # get pattern fill background color
entity.bgcolor = (10, 20, 30)  # set pattern fill background color
del entity.bgcolor  # delete pattern fill background color

Setup pattern definition by a list of definition lines and a definition line is a 4-tuple (angle, base_point, offset, dash_length_items), the pattern definition should be designed for scaling factor 1 and angle 0.
  • angle: line angle in degrees
  • base-point: 2-tuple (x, y)
  • offset: 2-tuple (dx, dy)
  • dash_length_items: list of dash items (item > 0 is a line, item < 0 is a gap and item == 0.0 is a point)

  • lines – list of definition lines
  • factor – pattern scaling factor
  • angle – rotation angle in degrees

Set scaling of pattern definition to scale.

Starts always from the original base scaling, set_pattern_scale(1) reset the pattern scaling to the original appearance as defined by the pattern designer, but only if the pattern attribute dxf.pattern_scale represents the actual scaling, it is not possible to recreate the original pattern scaling from the pattern definition itself.

scale – pattern scaling factor

Set rotation of pattern definition to angle in degrees.

Starts always from the original base rotation 0, set_pattern_angle(0) reset the pattern rotation to the original appearance as defined by the pattern designer, but only if the pattern attribute dxf.pattern_angle represents the actual rotation, it is not possible to recreate the original rotation from the pattern definition itself.

angle – rotation angle in degrees

Set Hatch to solid fill mode and removes all gradient and pattern fill related data.
  • colorAutoCAD Color Index (ACI), (0 = BYBLOCK; 256 = BYLAYER)
  • style – hatch style (0 = normal; 1 = outer; 2 = ignore)
  • rgb – true color value as (r, g, b)-tuple - has higher priority than color. True color support requires DXF R2000.

Set Hatch and MPolygon to pattern fill mode. Removes all gradient related data. The pattern definition should be designed for scaling factor 1. Predefined hatch pattern like “ANSI33” are scaled according to the HEADER variable $MEASUREMENT for ISO measurement (m, cm, … ), or imperial units (in, ft, …), this replicates the behavior of BricsCAD.
  • name – pattern name as string
  • color – pattern color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
  • angle – angle of pattern fill in degrees
  • scale – pattern scaling as float
  • double – double size flag
  • style – hatch style (0 = normal; 1 = outer; 2 = ignore)
  • pattern_type – pattern type (0 = user-defined; 1 = predefined; 2 = custom)
  • definition – list of definition lines and a definition line is a 4-tuple [angle, base_point, offset, dash_length_items], see set_pattern_definition()

Set Hatch and MPolygon to gradient fill mode and removes all pattern fill related data. Gradient support requires DXF R2004+. A gradient filled hatch is also a solid filled hatch.

Valid gradient type names are:

  • 'LINEAR'
  • 'CURVED'

  • color1 – (r, g, b)-tuple for first color, rgb values as int in the range [0, 255]
  • color2 – (r, g, b)-tuple for second color, rgb values as int in the range [0, 255]
  • rotation – rotation angle in degrees
  • centered – determines whether the gradient is centered or not
  • one_color – 1 for gradient from color1 to tinted color1
  • tint – determines the tinted target color1 for a one color gradient. (valid range 0.0 to 1.0)
  • name – name of gradient type, default “LINEAR”

Set seed points, points is an iterable of (x, y)-tuples. I don’t know why there can be more than one seed point. All points in OCS (Hatch.dxf.elevation is the Z value)

Transform entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Set association from hatch boundary path to DXF geometry entities.

A HATCH entity can be associative to a base geometry, this association is not maintained nor verified by ezdxf, so if you modify the base geometry the geometry of the boundary path is not updated and no verification is done to check if the associated geometry matches the boundary path, this opens many possibilities to create invalid DXF files: USE WITH CARE!

Remove associated path elements.

The hatch entity is build by different functional path types, this are filter flags for the Hatch.dxf.hatch_style:

  • EXTERNAL: defines the outer boundary of the hatch
  • OUTERMOST: defines the first tier of inner hatch boundaries
  • DEFAULT: default boundary path

As you will learn in the next sections, these are more the recommended usage type for the flags, but the fill algorithm doesn’t care much about that, for instance an OUTERMOST path doesn’t have to be inside the EXTERNAL path.

In general the island detection algorithm works always from outside to inside and alternates filled and unfilled areas. The area between then 1st and the 2nd boundary is filled, the area between the 2nd and the 3rd boundary is unfilled and so on. The different hatch styles defined by the Hatch.dxf.hatch_style attribute are created by filtering some boundary path types.

  • HATCH_STYLE_IGNORE: Ignores all paths except the paths marked as EXTERNAL, if there are more than one path marked as EXTERNAL, they are filled in NESTED style. Creates no hatch if no path is marked as EXTERNAL.
  • HATCH_STYLE_OUTERMOST: Ignores all paths marked as DEFAULT, remaining EXTERNAL and OUTERMOST paths are filled in NESTED style. Creates no hatch if no path is marked as EXTERNAL or OUTERMOST.
  • HATCH_STYLE_NESTED: Use all existing paths.

Defines the borders of the hatch, a hatch can consist of more than one path.
List of all boundary paths. Contains PolylinePath and EdgePath objects. (read/write)

Iterable of external paths, could be empty.

Iterable of outermost paths, could be empty.

Iterable of default paths, could be empty.

Iterable of paths to process for rendering, filters unused boundary paths according to the given hatch style:
  • NESTED: use all boundary paths
  • OUTERMOST: use EXTERNAL and OUTERMOST boundary paths
  • IGNORE: ignore all paths except EXTERNAL boundary paths

Yields paths in order of EXTERNAL, OUTERMOST and DEFAULT.

Create and add a new PolylinePath object.
  • path_vertices – iterable of polyline vertices as (x, y) or (x, y, bulge)-tuples.
  • is_closed – 1 for a closed polyline else 0
  • flagsexternal(1) or outermost(16) or default (0)

Create and add a new EdgePath object.
flagsexternal(1) or outermost(16) or default (0)

Convert polyline paths including bulge values to line- and arc edges.
just_with_bulge – convert only polyline paths including bulge values if True

Convert all edge paths to simple polyline paths without bulges.
  • distance – maximum distance from the center of the curve to the center of the line segment between two approximation points to determine if a segment should be subdivided.
  • segments – minimum segment count per curve

Convert all arc edges to ellipse edges.

Convert all ellipse edges to spline edges (approximation).
num – count of control points for a full ellipse, partial ellipses have proportional fewer control points but at least 3.

Convert all spline edges to line edges (approximation).
factor – count of approximation segments = count of control points x factor

Convert all bulge, arc and ellipse edges to spline edges (approximation).
num – count of control points for a full circle/ellipse, partial circles/ellipses have proportional fewer control points but at least 3.

Convert all bulge, arc and ellipse edges to spline edges and approximate this splines by line edges.
  • num – count of control points for a full circle/ellipse, partial circles/ellipses have proportional fewer control points but at least 3.
  • spline_factor – count of spline approximation segments = count of control points x spline_factor

clear() -> None
Remove all boundary paths.

polyline path type

edge path type

A polyline as hatch boundary path.
Path type as BoundaryPathType.POLYLINE enum

(bit coded flags)
0 default
1 external
2 polyline, will be set by ezdxf
16 outermost

My interpretation of the path_type_flags, see also Tutorial for Hatch:

  • external - path is part of the hatch outer border
  • outermost - path is completely inside of one or more external paths
  • default - path is completely inside of one or more outermost paths

If there are troubles with AutoCAD, maybe the hatch entity has the Hatch.dxf.pixel_size attribute set - delete it del hatch.dxf.pixel_size and maybe the problem is solved. ezdxf does not use the Hatch.dxf.pixel_size attribute, but it can occur in DXF files created by other applications.

True if polyline path is closed.

List of path vertices as (x, y, bulge)-tuples. (read/write)

List of handles of the associated DXF entities for associative hatches. There is no support for associative hatches by ezdxf, you have to do it all by yourself. (read/write)

Set new vertices as new polyline path, a vertex has to be a (x, y) or a (x, y, bulge)-tuple.

clear() -> None
Removes all vertices and all handles to associated DXF objects (source_boundary_objects).

Boundary path build by edges. There are four different edge types: LineEdge, ArcEdge, EllipseEdge of SplineEdge. Make sure there are no gaps between edges and the edge path must be closed to be recognized as path. AutoCAD is very picky in this regard. Ezdxf performs no checks on gaps between the edges and does not prevent creating open loops.


ArcEdge and EllipseEdge are ALWAYS represented in counter-clockwise orientation, even if an clockwise oriented edge is required to build a closed loop. To add a clockwise oriented curve swap start- and end angles and set the ccw flag to False and ezdxf will export a correct clockwise orientated curve.

Path type as BoundaryPathType.EDGE enum

(bit coded flags)
0 default
1 external
16 outermost

see PolylinePath.path_type_flags

List of boundary edges of type LineEdge, ArcEdge, EllipseEdge of SplineEdge

Required for associative hatches, list of handles to the associated DXF entities.

clear() -> None
Delete all edges.

Add a LineEdge from start to end.
  • start – start point of line, (x, y)-tuple
  • end – end point of line, (x, y)-tuple

Add an ArcEdge.

Adding Clockwise Oriented Arcs:

Clockwise oriented ArcEdge objects are sometimes necessary to build closed loops, but the ArcEdge objects are always represented in counter-clockwise orientation. To add a clockwise oriented ArcEdge you have to swap the start- and end angle and set the ccw flag to False, e.g. to add a clockwise oriented ArcEdge from 180 to 90 degree, add the ArcEdge in counter-clockwise orientation with swapped angles:

edge_path.add_arc(center, radius, start_angle=90, end_angle=180, ccw=False)

  • center – center point of arc, (x, y)-tuple
  • radius – radius of circle
  • start_angle – start angle of arc in degrees (end_angle for a clockwise oriented arc)
  • end_angle – end angle of arc in degrees (start_angle for a clockwise oriented arc)
  • ccwTrue for counter clockwise False for clockwise orientation

Add an EllipseEdge.

Adding Clockwise Oriented Ellipses:

Clockwise oriented EllipseEdge objects are sometimes necessary to build closed loops, but the EllipseEdge objects are always represented in counter-clockwise orientation. To add a clockwise oriented EllipseEdge you have to swap the start- and end angle and set the ccw flag to False, e.g. to add a clockwise oriented EllipseEdge from 180 to 90 degree, add the EllipseEdge in counter-clockwise orientation with swapped angles:

edge_path.add_ellipse(center, major_axis, ratio, start_angle=90, end_angle=180, ccw=False)

  • center – center point of ellipse, (x, y)-tuple
  • major_axis – vector of major axis as (x, y)-tuple
  • ratio – ratio of minor axis to major axis as float
  • start_angle – start angle of ellipse in degrees (end_angle for a clockwise oriented ellipse)
  • end_angle – end angle of ellipse in degrees (start_angle for a clockwise oriented ellipse)
  • ccwTrue for counter clockwise False for clockwise orientation

Add a SplineEdge.
  • fit_points – points through which the spline must go, at least 3 fit points are required. list of (x, y)-tuples
  • control_points – affects the shape of the spline, mandatory and AutoCAD crashes on invalid data. list of (x, y)-tuples
  • knot_values – (knot vector) mandatory and AutoCAD crashes on invalid data. list of floats; ezdxf provides two tool functions to calculate valid knot values: ezdxf.math.uniform_knot_vector(), ezdxf.math.open_uniform_knot_vector() (default if None)
  • weights – weight of control point, not mandatory, list of floats.
  • degree – degree of spline (int)
  • periodic – 1 for periodic spline, 0 for none periodic spline
  • start_tangent – start_tangent as 2d vector, optional
  • end_tangent – end_tangent as 2d vector, optional


Unlike for the spline entity AutoCAD does not calculate the necessary knot_values for the spline edge itself. On the contrary, if the knot_values in the spline edge are missing or invalid AutoCAD crashes.

Straight boundary edge.
Edge type as EdgeType.LINE enum

Start point as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

End point as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

Arc as boundary edge in counter-clockwise orientation, see EdgePath.add_arc().
Edge type as EdgeType.ARC enum

Center point of arc as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

Arc radius as float. (read/write)

Arc start angle in counter-clockwise orientation in degrees. (read/write)

Arc end angle in counter-clockwise orientation in degrees. (read/write)

True for counter clockwise arc else False. (read/write)

Elliptic arc as boundary edge in counter-clockwise orientation, see EdgePath.add_ellipse().
Edge type as EdgeType.ELLIPSE enum

Ellipse major axis vector as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

Ellipse minor axis length as float. (read/write)

Ellipse radius as float. (read/write)

Ellipse start angle in counter-clockwise orientation in degrees. (read/write)

Ellipse end angle in counter-clockwise orientation in degrees. (read/write)

True for counter clockwise ellipse else False. (read/write)

Spline as boundary edge.
Edge type as EdgeType.SPLINE enum

Spline degree as int. (read/write)

1 for rational spline else 0. (read/write)

1 for periodic spline else 0. (read/write)

List of knot values as floats. (read/write)

List of control points as (x, y)-tuples. (read/write)

List of fit points as (x, y)-tuples. (read/write)

List of weights (of control points) as floats. (read/write)

Spline start tangent (vector) as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

Spline end tangent (vector) as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

List of pattern definition lines (read/write). see PatternLine

clear() -> None
Delete all pattern definition lines.

Scale and rotate pattern.

Be careful, this changes the base pattern definition, maybe better use Hatch.set_pattern_scale() or Hatch.set_pattern_angle().

  • factor – scaling factor
  • angle – rotation angle in degrees

Represents a pattern definition line, use factory function Pattern.add_line() to create new pattern definition lines.
Line angle in degrees. (read/write)

Base point as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

Offset as (x, y)-tuple. (read/write)

List of dash length items (item > 0 is line, < 0 is gap, 0.0 = dot). (read/write)

First rgb color as (r, g, b)-tuple, rgb values in range 0 to 255. (read/write)

Second rgb color as (r, g, b)-tuple, rgb values in range 0 to 255. (read/write)

If one_color is 1 - the hatch is filled with a smooth transition between color1 and a specified tint of color1. (read/write)

Gradient rotation in degrees. (read/write)

Specifies a symmetrical gradient configuration. If this option is not selected, the gradient fill is shifted up and to the left, creating the illusion of a light source to the left of the object. (read/write)

Specifies the tint (color1 mixed with white) of a color to be used for a gradient fill of one color. (read/write)


Tutorial for Hatch Pattern Definition

HELIX curve (DXF Reference).

The helix curve is represented by a cubic B-spline curve, therefore the HELIX entity is also derived from the SPLINE entity.

New in version 0.18.


Wikipedia article about the helix shape

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Spline
DXF type 'HELIX'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_helix()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
All points in WCS as (x, y, z) tuples
The base point of the helix axis (Vec3).

The starting point of the helix curve (Vec3). This also defines the base radius as the distance from the start point to the axis base point.

Defines the direction of the helix axis (Vec3).

Defines the top radius of the helix (float).

Defines the pitch (height if one helix turn) of the helix (float).

The count of helix turns (float).

Helix orientation (int).
0 clock wise (left handed)
1 counter clockwise (right handed)

0 constrain turn height (pitch)
1 constrain count of turns
2 constrain total height

Add a raster IMAGE (DXF Reference) to the DXF file, the file itself is not embedded into the DXF file, it is always a separated file. The IMAGE entity is like a block reference, you can use it multiple times to add the image on different locations with different scales and rotations. But therefore you need a also a IMAGEDEF entity, see ImageDef. ezdxf creates only images in the xy-plan, you can place images in the 3D space too, but then you have to set the Image.dxf.u_pixel and the Image.dxf.v_pixel vectors by yourself.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'IMAGE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_image()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Insertion point, lower left corner of the image (3D Point in WCS).

U-vector of a single pixel (points along the visual bottom of the image, starting at the insertion point) as (x, y, z) tuple

V-vector of a single pixel (points along the visual left side of the image, starting at the insertion point) as (x, y, z) tuple

Image size in pixels as (x, y) tuple

Handle to the image definition entity, see ImageDef

Image.dxf.flags Value Description
Image.SHOW_IMAGE 1 Show image
Image.SHOW_WHEN_NOT_ALIGNED 2 Show image when not aligned with screen
Image.USE_CLIPPING_BOUNDARY 4 Use clipping boundary
Image.USE_TRANSPARENCY 8 Transparency is on

Clipping state:
0 clipping off
1 clipping on

Brightness value (0-100; default = 50)

Contrast value (0-100; default = 50)

Fade value (0-100; default = 0)

Clipping boundary type:
1 Rectangular
2 Polygonal

Number of clip boundary vertices, maintained by ezdxf.

Clip mode (DXF R2010):
0 Outside
1 Inside

A list of vertices as pixel coordinates, Two vertices describe a rectangle, lower left corner is (-0.5, -0.5) and upper right corner is (ImageSizeX-0.5, ImageSizeY-0.5), more than two vertices is a polygon as clipping path. All vertices as pixel coordinates. (read/write)

Returns the associated IMAGEDEF entity, see ImageDef.

Reset boundary path to the default rectangle [(-0.5, -0.5), (ImageSizeX-0.5, ImageSizeY-0.5)].

Set boundary path to vertices. Two vertices describe a rectangle (lower left and upper right corner), more than two vertices is a polygon as clipping path.

Returns the boundary/clipping path in WCS coordinates.

New in version 0.14.

Since version 0.16 it’s recommended to create the clipping path as Path object by the make_path() function:

form ezdxf.path import make_path
image = ...  # get image entity
clipping_path = make_path(image)

Transform IMAGE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

The LEADER entity (DXF Reference) represents an arrow, made up of one or more vertices (or spline fit points) and an arrowhead. The label or other content to which the Leader is attached is stored as a separate entity, and is not part of the Leader itself.

Leader shares its styling infrastructure with Dimension.

By default a Leader without any annotation is created. For creating more fancy leaders and annotations see documentation provided by Autodesk or Demystifying DXF: LEADER and MULTILEADER implementation notes .

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_leader()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
Name of Dimstyle as string.

0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Leader path type:
0 Straight line segments
1 Spline

0 Created with text annotation
1 Created with tolerance annotation
2 Created with block reference annotation
3 Created without any annotation (default)

Hook line direction flag:
0 Hookline (or end of tangent for a splined leader) is the opposite direction from the horizontal vector
1 Hookline (or end of tangent for a splined leader) is the same direction as horizontal vector (see has_hook_line)

0 No hookline
1 Has a hookline

Text annotation height in drawing units.

Text annotation width.

Color to use if leader’s DIMCLRD = BYBLOCK

Hard reference (handle) to associated annotation (MText, Tolerance, or Insert entity)

Extrusion vector? default = (0, 0, 1).

Horizontal direction for leader, default = (1, 0, 0).

Offset of last leader vertex from block reference insertion point, default = (0, 0, 0).

Offset of last leader vertex from annotation placement point, default = (0, 0, 0).

List of Vec3 objects, representing the vertices of the leader (3D Point in WCS).

Set vertices of the leader, vertices is an iterable of (x, y [,z]) tuples or Vec3.

Transform LEADER entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Yields ‘virtual’ parts of LEADER as DXF primitives.

This entities are located at the original positions, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode parts of LEADER as DXF primitives into target layout, if target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the LEADER.

Returns an EntityQuery container with all DXF parts.

target_layout – target layout for DXF parts, None for same layout as source entity.

New in version 0.14.

LINE (DXF Reference) entity is a 3D line from Line.dxf.start to Line.dxf.end.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'LINE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_line()
Inherited DXF Attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

start point of line (2D/3D Point in WCS)

end point of line (2D/3D Point in WCS)

Line thickness in 3D space in direction extrusion, default value is 0. This value should not be confused with the lineweight value.

extrusion vector, default value is (0, 0, 1)

Transform the LINE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized LINE translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis.

The LWPOLYLINE entity (Lightweight POLYLINE, DXF Reference) is defined as a single graphic entity, which differs from the old-style Polyline entity, which is defined as a group of sub-entities. LWPolyline display faster (in AutoCAD) and consume less disk space, it is a planar element, therefore all points are located in the OCS as (x, y)-tuples (LWPolyline.dxf.elevation is the z-axis value).

Changed in version 0.8.9: LWPolyline stores point data as packed data (array.array).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
factory function add_lwpolyline()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Bulge value

The bulge value is used to create arc shaped line segments for Polyline and LWPolyline entities. The arc starts at the vertex which includes the bulge value and ends at the following vertex. The bulge value defines the ratio of the arc sagitta (versine) to half line segment length, a bulge value of 1 defines a semicircle.

The sign of the bulge value defines the side of the bulge:

  • positive value (> 0): bulge is right of line (counter clockwise)
  • negative value (< 0): bulge is left of line (clockwise)
  • 0 = no bulge


Start- and end width

The start width and end width values defines the width in drawing units for the following line segment. To use the default width value for a line segment set value to 0.

Width and bulge values at last point

The width and bulge values of the last point has only a meaning if the polyline is closed, and they apply to the last line segment from the last to the first point.


Tutorial for LWPolyline and Bulge Related Functions

Code Point Component
x x-coordinate
y y-coordinate
s start width
e end width
b bulge value
v (x, y [, z]) as tuple

OCS z-axis value for all polyline points, default=0

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:
dxf.flags Value Description
LWPOLYLINE_CLOSED 1 polyline is closed

Constant line width (float), default value is 0.

Count of polyline points (read only), same as len(polyline)

Get/set closed state of polyline. A closed polyline has a connection from the last vertex to the first vertex.

Returns True if LWPOLYLINE is closed. Compatibility interface to Polyline

Get/set closed state of LWPOLYLINE. Compatibility interface to Polyline

Returns True if LWPOLYLINE has an arc segment.

Returns True if LWPOLYLINE has any segment with width attributes or DXF attribute const_width != 0.

New in version 0.14.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of polyline points.

__getitem__(index: int) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]
Returns point at position index as (x, y, start_width, end_width, bulge) tuple. start_width, end_width and bulge is 0 if not present, supports extended slicing. Point format is fixed as 'xyseb'.

All coordinates in OCS.

__setitem__(index: int, value: Sequence[float]) -> None
Set point at position index as (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple. If start_width or end_width is 0 or left off the default value is used. If the bulge value is left off, bulge is 0 by default (straight line). Does NOT support extend slicing. Point format is fixed as 'xyseb'.

All coordinates in OCS.

  • index – point index
  • value – point value as (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple

__delitem__(index: int) -> None
Delete point at position index, supports extended slicing.

__iter__() -> Iterator[Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]]
Returns iterable of tuples (x, y, start_width, end_width, bulge).

Returns iterable of all polyline points as (x, y) tuples in OCS (dxf.elevation is the z-axis value).

Returns iterable of all polyline points as Vec3(x, y, z) in WCS.

Append point to polyline, format` specifies a user defined point format.

All coordinates in OCS.

  • point – (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple
  • format – format string, default is 'xyseb', see: format codes

Append new points to polyline, format specifies a user defined point format.

All coordinates in OCS.

  • points – iterable of point, point is (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple
  • format – format string, default is 'xyseb', see: format codes

Insert new point in front of positions pos, format specifies a user defined point format.

All coordinates in OCS.

  • pos – insert position
  • point – point data
  • format – format string, default is ‘xyseb’, see: format codes

clear() -> None
Remove all points.

Returns all points as list of tuples, format specifies a user defined point format.

All points in OCS as (x, y) tuples (dxf.elevation is the z-axis value).

format – format string, default is 'xyseb', see format codes

Remove all points and append new points.

All coordinates in OCS.

  • points – iterable of point, point is (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple
  • format – format string, default is 'xyseb', see format codes

Context manager for polyline points. Returns a standard Python list of points, according to the format string.

All coordinates in OCS.

format – format string, see format codes

Transform the LWPOLYLINE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

A non-uniform scaling is not supported if the entity contains circular arc segments (bulges).

m – transformation Matrix44
NonUniformScalingError – for non uniform scaling of entity containing
circular arc segments (bulges)

Yields the graphical representation of LWPOLYLINE as virtual DXF primitives (LINE or ARC).

These virtual entities are located at the original location, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode the LWPOLYLINE entity as DXF primitives (LINE or ARC) into the target layout, if the target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the source entity.

Returns an EntityQuery container of all DXF primitives.

target_layout – target layout for the DXF primitives, None for same layout as the source entity.

The MLINE entity (DXF Reference).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'MLINE'
factory function add_mline()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
MLineStyle name stored in Drawing.mline_styles dictionary, use set_style() to change the MLINESTYLE and update geometry accordingly.

Handle of MLineStyle, use set_style() to change the MLINESTYLE and update geometry accordingly.

MLINE scaling factor, use method set_scale_factor() to change the scaling factor and update geometry accordingly.

Justification defines the location of the MLINE in relation to the reference line, use method set_justification() to change the justification and update geometry accordingly.

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:

dxf.justification Value
MLINE_RIGHT (alias) 0
MLINE_CENTER (alias) 1
MLINE_LEFT (alias) 2

Use method close() and the properties start_caps and end_caps to change these flags.

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:

dxf.flags Value

Start location of the reference line. (read only)

Count of MLINE vertices. (read only)

Count of elements in MLineStyle definition. (read only)

Normal vector of the entity plane, but MLINE is not an OCS entity, all vertices of the reference line are WCS! (read only)

MLINE vertices as MLineVertex objects, stored in a regular Python list.

Set MLINESTYLE by name and update geometry accordingly. The MLINESTYLE definition must exist.

Set the scale factor and update geometry accordingly.

Set MLINE justification and update geometry accordingly. See dxf.justification for valid settings.

Returns True if MLINE is closed. Compatibility interface to Polyline

Get/set closed state of MLINE and update geometry accordingly. Compatibility interface to Polyline

Get/Set start caps state. True to enable start caps and False tu suppress start caps.

Get/Set end caps state. True to enable end caps and False tu suppress start caps.

Count of MLINE vertices.

Returns the start location of the reference line. Callback function for dxf.start_location.

Returns the vertices of the reference line.

Append multiple vertices to the reference line.

It is possible to work with 3D vertices, but all vertices have to be in the same plane and the normal vector of this plan is stored as extrusion vector in the MLINE entity.

clear() -> None
Remove all MLINE vertices.

Regenerate the MLINE geometry based on current settings.

Regenerate the MLINE geometry for new reference line defined by vertices.

Transform MLINE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Yields ‘virtual’ parts of MLINE as LINE, ARC and HATCH entities.

This entities are located at the original positions, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode parts of MLINE as LINE, ARC and HATCH entities into target layout, if target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the MLINE.

Returns an EntityQuery container with all DXF parts.

target_layout – target layout for DXF parts, None for same layout as source entity.

Reference line vertex location.

Reference line direction.

The line parameterization is a list of float values. The list may contain zero or more items.

The first value (miter-offset) is the distance from the vertex location along the miter_direction vector to the point where the line element’s path intersects the miter vector.

The next value (line-start-offset) is the distance along the line_direction from the miter/line path intersection point to the actual start of the line element.

The next value (dash-length) is the distance from the start of the line element (dash) to the first break (gap) in the line element. The successive values continue to list the start and stop points of the line element in this segment of the mline.

The fill parameterization is also a list of float values. Similar to the line parameterization, it describes the parameterization of the fill area for this mline segment. The values are interpreted identically to the line parameters and when taken as a whole for all line elements in the mline segment, they define the boundary of the fill area for the mline segment.

The MLineStyle stores the style properties for the MLINE entity.

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value of the fill color

MLineStyleElements object

Update all MLINE entities using this MLINESTYLE.

The update is required if elements were added or removed or the offset of any element was changed.

List of MLineStyleElement objects, one for each line element.

Append a new line element.
  • offset – normal offset from the reference line: if justification is MLINE_ZERO, positive values are above and negative values are below the reference line.
  • colorAutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value
  • linetype – linetype name

Named tuple to store properties of a line element.
Normal offset from the reference line: if justification is MLINE_ZERO, positive values are above and negative values are below the reference line.

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value

Linetype name

The MESH entity (DXF Reference) is a 3D mesh similar to the Polyface entity.

All vertices in WCS as (x, y, z) tuples

Changed in version 0.8.9: Mesh stores vertices, edges, faces and creases as packed data.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'MESH'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_mesh()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Tutorial for Mesh and helper classes: MeshBuilder, MeshVertexMerger

0 = off, 1 = on

0 for no smoothing else integer greater than 0.

Vertices as list like VertexArray. (read/write)

Edges as list like TagArray. (read/write)

Faces as list like TagList. (read/write)

Creases as array.array. (read/write)

Context manager various mesh data, returns MeshData.

Despite that vertices, edge and faces since ezdxf v0.8.9 are accessible as packed data types, the usage of MeshData by context manager edit_data() is still recommended.

Transform the MESH entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

A standard Python list with (x, y, z) tuples (read/write)

A standard Python list with (v1, v2, v3,…) tuples (read/write)

Each face consist of a list of vertex indices (= index in vertices).

A standard Python list with (v1, v2) tuples (read/write). These list represents the edges to which the edge_crease_values values will be applied. Each edge consist of exact two vertex indices (= index in vertices).

A standard Python list of float values, one value for each edge. (read/write)

Add a face by coordinates, vertices is a list of (x, y, z) tuples.

Add an edge crease value, the edge is defined by the vertex indices v1 and v2. The crease value defines the amount of subdivision that will be applied to this edge. A crease value of the subdivision level prevents the edge from deformation and a value of 0.0 means no protection from subdividing.

Try to reduce vertex count by merging near vertices. precision defines the decimal places for coordinate be equal to merge two vertices.

The MPOLYGON entity is not a core DXF entity and is not supported by every CAD application or DXF library.

The MPolygon class is very similar to the Hatch class with small differences in supported DXF attributes and features.

The boundary paths of the MPOLYGON are visible and use the graphical DXF attributes of the main entity like dxf.color, dxf.linetype and so on. The solid filling is only visible if the attribute dxf.solid_fill is 1, the color of the solid fill is defined by dxf.fill_color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).

MPOLYGON supports ezdxf.entities.Gradient settings like HATCH for DXF R2004+. This feature is used by method MPolygon.set_solid_fill() to set a solid RGB fill color as linear gradient, this disables pattern fill automatically.

The MPOLYGON does not support associated source path entities, because the MPOLYGON also represents the boundary paths as visible graphical objects.

Hatch patterns are supported, but the hatch style tag is not supported, the default hatch style is ezdxf.const.HATCH_STYLE_NESTED and the style flags of the boundary paths are ignored.

Background color for pattern fillings is supported, set background color by property MPolygon.bgcolor as RGB tuple.


Background RGB fill color for solid fill and pattern fill is set differently!

Autodesk products do support polyline paths including bulges. An example for edge paths as boundary paths is not available or edge paths are not supported. Ezdxf does not export MPOLYGON entities including edge paths! The BoundaryPaths.edge_to_polyline_paths() method converts all edge paths to simple polyline paths with approximated curves, this conversion has to be done explicit.


For more information see the ezdxf.entities.Hatch documentation.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_mpolygon()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
Pattern name as string

1 solid fill, better use: MPolygon.set_solid_fill()
0 pattern fill, better use: MPolygon.set_pattern_fill()

(search AutoCAD help for more information)

0 user
1 predefined
2 custom

Actual pattern angle in degrees (float). Changing this value does not rotate the pattern, use set_pattern_angle() for this task.

Actual pattern scaling factor (float). Changing this value does not scale the pattern use set_pattern_scale() for this task.

1 = double pattern size else 0. (int)

Z value represents the elevation height of the OCS. (float)

BoundaryPaths object.

Pattern object.

Gradient object.

True if entity has a solid fill. (read only)

True if entity has a pattern fill. (read only)

True if entity has a gradient fill. A hatch with gradient fill has also a solid fill. (read only)

Set pattern fill background color as (r, g, b)-tuple, rgb values in the range [0, 255] (read/write/del)


r, g, b = entity.bgcolor  # get pattern fill background color
entity.bgcolor = (10, 20, 30)  # set pattern fill background color
del entity.bgcolor  # delete pattern fill background color

Setup pattern definition by a list of definition lines and a definition line is a 4-tuple (angle, base_point, offset, dash_length_items), the pattern definition should be designed for scaling factor 1 and angle 0.
  • angle: line angle in degrees
  • base-point: 2-tuple (x, y)
  • offset: 2-tuple (dx, dy)
  • dash_length_items: list of dash items (item > 0 is a line, item < 0 is a gap and item == 0.0 is a point)

  • lines – list of definition lines
  • factor – pattern scaling factor
  • angle – rotation angle in degrees

Set scaling of pattern definition to scale.

Starts always from the original base scaling, set_pattern_scale(1) reset the pattern scaling to the original appearance as defined by the pattern designer, but only if the pattern attribute dxf.pattern_scale represents the actual scaling, it is not possible to recreate the original pattern scaling from the pattern definition itself.

scale – pattern scaling factor

Set rotation of pattern definition to angle in degrees.

Starts always from the original base rotation 0, set_pattern_angle(0) reset the pattern rotation to the original appearance as defined by the pattern designer, but only if the pattern attribute dxf.pattern_angle represents the actual rotation, it is not possible to recreate the original rotation from the pattern definition itself.

angle – rotation angle in degrees

Set MPolygon to solid fill mode and removes all gradient and pattern fill related data.
  • colorAutoCAD Color Index (ACI), (0 = BYBLOCK; 256 = BYLAYER)
  • style – hatch style is not supported by MPOLYGON, just for symmetry to HATCH
  • rgb – true color value as (r, g, b)-tuple - has higher priority than color. True color support requires DXF R2004+

Set Hatch and MPolygon to pattern fill mode. Removes all gradient related data. The pattern definition should be designed for scaling factor 1. Predefined hatch pattern like “ANSI33” are scaled according to the HEADER variable $MEASUREMENT for ISO measurement (m, cm, … ), or imperial units (in, ft, …), this replicates the behavior of BricsCAD.
  • name – pattern name as string
  • color – pattern color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
  • angle – angle of pattern fill in degrees
  • scale – pattern scaling as float
  • double – double size flag
  • style – hatch style (0 = normal; 1 = outer; 2 = ignore)
  • pattern_type – pattern type (0 = user-defined; 1 = predefined; 2 = custom)
  • definition – list of definition lines and a definition line is a 4-tuple [angle, base_point, offset, dash_length_items], see set_pattern_definition()

Set Hatch and MPolygon to gradient fill mode and removes all pattern fill related data. Gradient support requires DXF R2004+. A gradient filled hatch is also a solid filled hatch.

Valid gradient type names are:

  • 'LINEAR'
  • 'CURVED'

  • color1 – (r, g, b)-tuple for first color, rgb values as int in the range [0, 255]
  • color2 – (r, g, b)-tuple for second color, rgb values as int in the range [0, 255]
  • rotation – rotation angle in degrees
  • centered – determines whether the gradient is centered or not
  • one_color – 1 for gradient from color1 to tinted color1
  • tint – determines the tinted target color1 for a one color gradient. (valid range 0.0 to 1.0)
  • name – name of gradient type, default “LINEAR”

Transform entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

The MTEXT entity (DXF Reference) fits a multiline text in a specified width but can extend vertically to an indefinite length. You can format individual words or characters within the MText.


Tutorial for MText and MTextEditor

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'MTEXT'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_mtext()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
Insertion point (3D Point in OCS)

Initial text height (float); default=1.0

Reference text width (float), forces text wrapping at given width.

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:
MText.dxf.attachment_point Value

Constants defined in ezdxf.const:
MText.dxf.flow_direction Value Description
MTEXT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT 1 left to right
MTEXT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM 3 top to bottom
MTEXT_BY_STYLE 5 by style (the flow direction is inherited from the associated text style)

Text style (string); default = 'STANDARD'

X-axis direction vector in WCS (3D Point); default value is (1, 0, 0); if dxf.rotation and dxf.text_direction are present, dxf.text_direction wins.

Text rotation in degrees (float); default = 0

Line spacing style (int), see table below

Percentage of default (3-on-5) line spacing to be applied. Valid values range from 0.25 to 4.00 (float).

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:

MText.dxf.line_spacing_style Value Description
MTEXT_AT_LEAST 1 taller characters will override
MTEXT_EXACT 2 taller characters will not override

Defines the background fill type. (DXF R2007)
MText.dxf.bg_fill Value Description
MTEXT_BG_OFF 0 no background color
MTEXT_BG_COLOR 1 use specified color
MTEXT_BG_WINDOW_COLOR 2 use window color (?)
MTEXT_BG_CANVAS_COLOR 3 use canvas background color

Determines how much border there is around the text. (DXF R2007)

Requires: bg_fill, bg_fill_color else AutoCAD complains

Better use set_bg_color()

Background fill color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) (DXF R2007)

Better use set_bg_color()

Background fill color as true color value (DXF R2007), also dxf.bg_fill_color must be present, else AutoCAD complains.

Better use set_bg_color()

Background fill color as name string (?) (DXF R2007), also dxf.bg_fill_color must be present, else AutoCAD complains.

Better use set_bg_color()

Transparency of background fill color (DXF R2007), not supported by AutoCAD or BricsCAD.

MTEXT content as string (read/write).

Line endings \n will be replaced by the MTEXT line endings \P at DXF export, but not vice versa \P by \n at DXF file loading.

Set attributes dxf.insert, dxf.rotation and dxf.attachment_point, None for dxf.rotation or dxf.attachment_point preserves the existing value.

Get text rotation in degrees, independent if it is defined by dxf.rotation or dxf.text_direction.

Set attribute rotation to angle (in degrees) and deletes dxf.text_direction if present.

Returns the horizontal text direction as Vec3 object, even if only the text rotation is defined.

Set background color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value or as name string or as RGB tuple (r, g, b).

Use special color name canvas, to set background color to canvas background color.

Use color = None to remove the background filling.

Setting only a text border is supported (color`=``None`), but in this case the scaling is always 1.5.

  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), string, RGB tuple or None
  • scale – determines how much border there is around the text, the value is based on the text height, and should be in the range of [1, 5], where 1 fits exact the MText entity.
  • text_frame – draw a text frame in text color if True

__iadd__(text: str) -> MText
Append text to existing content (text attribute).

Append text to existing content (text attribute).

Returns the text content without inline formatting codes.

The “fast” mode is accurate if the DXF content was created by reliable (and newer) CAD applications like AutoCAD or BricsCAD. The “accurate” mode is for some rare cases where the content was created by older CAD applications or unreliable DXF libraries and CAD applications.

  • split – split content text at line breaks if True and returns a list of strings without line endings
  • fast – uses the “fast” mode to extract the plain MTEXT content if True or the “accurate” mode if set to False

New in version 0.16.6: fast argument

Returns the text content of all columns without inline formatting codes.
split – split content text at line breaks if True and returns a list of strings without line endings

New in version 0.17.

Returns the text content of all columns as a single string including the inline formatting codes.

New in version 0.17.

Transform the MTEXT entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

ucs() -> UCS
Returns the UCS of the MText entity, defined by the insert location (origin), the text direction or rotation (x-axis) and the extrusion vector (z-axis).

Code Description
\L Start underline
\l Stop underline
\O Start overline
\o Stop overline
\K Start strike-through
\k Stop strike-through
\P New paragraph (new line)
\p Paragraphs properties: indentation, alignment, tabulator stops
\X Paragraph wrap on the dimension line (only in dimensions)
\Q Slanting (oblique) text by angle - e.g. \Q30;
\H Text height - e.g. relative \H3x; absolut \H3;
\W Text width - e.g. relative \W0.8x; absolut \W0.8;
\T Tracking, character spacing - e.g. relative \T0.5x; absolut \T2;
\F Font selection e.g. \Fgdt;o - GDT-tolerance
\S Stacking, fractions e.g. \SA^ B; space after “^” is required to avoid caret decoding, \SX/Y; \S1#4;
\A Alignment 0.0 • 2 \A0; = bottom • 2 \A1; = center • 2 \A2; = top 168u
\C Color change 0.0 • 2 \C1; = red • 2 \C2; = yellow • 2 \C3; = green • 2 \C4; = cyan • 2 \C5; = blue • 2 \C6; = magenta • 2 \C7; = white 168u
\~ Non breaking space
{} Braces - define the text area influenced by the code, codes and braces can be nested up to 8 levels deep
\ Escape character - e.g. \{ = “{”

Constant Description
UNDERLINE_START start underline text
UNDERLINE_STOP stop underline text
OVERSTRIKE_START start overline
OVERSTRIKE_STOP stop overline
STRIKE_START start strike through
STRIKE_STOP stop strike through
GROUP_START start of group
GROUP_END end of group
NEW_LINE start in new line
NBSP none breaking space

New in version 0.18.

The MULTILEADER entity (DXF Reference) represents one or more leaders, made up of one or more vertices (or spline fit points) and an arrowhead. In contrast to the Leader entity the text- or block content is part of the MULTILEADER entity.

AutoCAD, BricsCAD and maybe other CAD applications do accept 'MLEADER' as type string but they always create entities with 'MULTILEADER' as type string.

Because of the complexity of the MULTILEADER entity, the factory method add_multileader_mtext() returns a MultiLeaderMTextBuilder instance to build a new entity and the factory method add_multileader_block() returns a MultiLeaderBlockBuilder instance.

The visual design is based on an associated MLeaderStyle, but almost all attributes are also stored in the MULTILEADER entity itself.

The attribute MultiLeader.dxf.property_override_flags should indicate which MLEADERSTYLE attributes are overridden by MULTILEADER attributes, but these flags do not always reflect the state of overridden attributes. The ezdxf MULTILEADER renderer uses always the attributes from the MULTILEADER entity and ignores the override flags.

All vertices are WCS coordinates, even those for BLOCK entities which are OCS coordinates in the usual case.


  • ezdxf.entities.MLeaderStyle
  • ezdxf.render.MultiLeaderBuilder
  • Tutorial for MultiLeader
  • MULTILEADER Internals

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory functions 0.0 • 2 ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_multileader_mtext() • 2 ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_multileader_block() 168u
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
handle of the arrow head, see also ezdxf.render.arrows module, “closed filled” arrow if not set

arrow head size in drawing units

block color as raw color value, default is BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE

0 center extents
1 insertion point

handle to block record of the BLOCK content

BLOCK rotation in radians

Vec3 object which stores the scaling factors for the x-, y- and z-axis

0 none

dogleg length in drawing units

leader line color as raw color value

handle of the leader linetype, “CONTINUOUS” if not set

0 invisible
1 straight line leader
2 spline leader

Each bit shows if the MLEADERSTYLE is overridden by the value in the MULTILEADER entity, but this is not always the case for all values, it seems to be save to always use the value from the MULTILEADER entity.

overall scaling factor

handle to the associated MLEADERSTYLE object

unknown meaning

unknown meaning - its not the MTEXT attachment point!

0 text angle is equal to last leader line segment angle
1 text is horizontal
2 text angle is equal to last leader line segment angle, but potentially rotated by 180 degrees so the right side is up for readability.

defines whether the leaders attach to the left & right of the content BLOCK/MTEXT or attach to the top & bottom:
0 horizontal - left & right of content
1 vertical - top & bottom of content

MTEXT attachment point
1 top left
2 top center
3 top right

9 center
10 overline and center

MTEXT color as raw color value

0 top of top MTEXT line
1 middle of top MTEXT line
2 middle of whole MTEXT
3 middle of bottom MTEXT line
4 bottom of bottom MTEXT line
5 bottom of bottom MTEXT line & underline bottom MTEXT line
6 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline top MTEXT line
7 bottom of top MTEXT line
8 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline all MTEXT lines

0 top of top MTEXT line
1 middle of top MTEXT line
2 middle of whole MTEXT
3 middle of bottom MTEXT line
4 bottom of bottom MTEXT line
5 bottom of bottom MTEXT line & underline bottom MTEXT line
6 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline top MTEXT line
7 bottom of top MTEXT line
8 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline all MTEXT lines

handle of the MTEXT text style, “Standard” if not set

9 center
10 overline and center

always 2?

MLeaderContext instance

list of ArrowHeadData

list of AttribData

Yields the graphical representation of MULTILEADER as virtual DXF primitives.

This entities are located at the original location, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode MULTILEADER as DXF primitives into target layout, if target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the source entity.

Returns an EntityQuery container with all DXF primitives.

target_layout – target layout for the DXF primitives, None for same layout as the source entity.

Transform the MULTILEADER entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Non uniform scaling is not supported.

m – transformation Matrix44
NonUniformScalingError – for non uniform scaling

list of LeaderData objects

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.scale

insert location as Vec3 of the MTEXT or the BLOCK entity?

MTEXT char height, already scaled

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.arrow_head_size

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_left_attachment_type

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_right_attachment_type

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_attachment_point

BLOCK alignment?
0 content extents
1 insertion point

instance of MTextData if content is MTEXT otherwise None

instance of BlockData if content is BLOCK otherwise None

the plan normal is x-axis “cross” y-axis (right-hand-rule), this flag indicates to invert this plan normal

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_top_attachment_type

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_bottom_attachment_type

list of LeaderLine

unknown meaning

WCS point as Vec3

WCS direction as Vec3

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.dogleg_length

leader index?

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_attachment_direction

list of break vertices as Vec3 objects

list of WCS coordinates as Vec3

mixed list of mixed integer indices and break coordinates or None leader lines without breaks in it

leader line index?

leader line color override, ignore override value if BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE

arrow head index?

handle to arrow head block

handle to Attdef entity in the BLOCK definition

unknown meaning

text width factor?

Attrib content

stores the content and attributes of the MTEXT entity
content as string

extrusion vector of the MTEXT entity but MTEXT is not an OCS entity!

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_style_handle

insert location in WCS coordinates, same as MLeaderContext.base_point?

“horizontal” text direction vector in WCS

rotation angle in radians (!) around the extrusion vector, calculated as it were an OCS entity

unscaled column width

unscaled defined column height

see MText.dxf.line_spacing_factor

see MText.dxf.line_spacing_style

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_color

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.text_attachment_point

1 horizontal
3 vertical
6 by text style

background color as raw color value

see MText.dxf.box_fill_scale

background transparency value

unknown meaning - most likely:
0 none
1 static
2 dynamic

unscaled column width, redundant data width

unscaled column gutter width

list of unscaled columns heights for dynamic column with manual heights

stores the attributes for the Insert entity
redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.block_record_handle

extrusion vector in WCS

insertion location in WCS as Vec3, same as MLeaderContext.base_point?

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.block_scale_vector

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.block_rotation

redundant data: MultiLeader.dxf.block_color

POINT (DXF Reference) at location dxf.location.

The POINT styling is a global setting, stored as header variable $PDMODE, this also means all POINT entities in a DXF document have the same styling:

0 center dot (.)
1 none ( )
2 cross (+)
3 x-cross (x)
4 tick (‘)

Combined with these bit values

32 circle
64 Square

e.g. circle + square + center dot = 32 + 64 + 0 = 96 [image]

The size of the points is defined by the header variable $PDSIZE:

0 5% of draw area height
<0 Specifies a percentage of the viewport size
>0 Specifies an absolute size
Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'POINT'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_point()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Location of the point (2D/3D Point in WCS)

Angle in degrees of the x-axis for the UCS in effect when POINT was drawn (float); used when PDMODE is nonzero.

Transform the POINT entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized POINT translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis.

Yields point graphic as DXF primitives LINE and CIRCLE entities. The dimensionless point is rendered as zero-length line!

Check for this condition:

e.dxftype() == 'LINE' and e.dxf.start.isclose(e.dxf.end)

if the rendering engine can’t handle zero-length lines.

  • pdsize – point size in drawing units
  • pdmode – point styling mode

The POLYLINE entity (POLYLINE DXF Reference) is very complex, it’s used to build 2D/3D polylines, 3D meshes and 3D polyfaces. For every type exists a different wrapper class but they all have the same dxftype of 'POLYLINE'. Detect POLYLINE type by Polyline.get_mode().

POLYLINE types returned by Polyline.get_mode():

  • 'AcDb2dPolyline' for 2D Polyline
  • 'AcDb3dPolyline' for 3D Polyline
  • 'AcDbPolygonMesh' for Polymesh
  • 'AcDbPolyFaceMesh' for Polyface

For 2D entities all vertices in OCS.

For 3D entities all vertices in WCS.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
2D factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_polyline2d()
3D factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_polyline3d()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Vertex entities are stored in a standard Python list Polyline.vertices. Vertices can be retrieved and deleted by direct access to Polyline.vertices attribute:

# delete first and second vertex
del polyline.vertices[:2]

Elevation point, the X and Y values are always 0, and the Z value is the polyline’s elevation (3D Point in OCS when 2D, WCS when 3D).

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:
Polyline.dxf.flags Value Description
POLYLINE_CLOSED 1 This is a closed Polyline (or a polygon mesh closed in the M direction)
POLYLINE_CURVE_FIT_VERTICES_ADDED 2 Curve-fit vertices have been added
POLYLINE_SPLINE_FIT_VERTICES_ADDED 4 Spline-fit vertices have been added
POLYLINE_3D_POLYLINE 8 This is a 3D Polyline
POLYLINE_3D_POLYMESH 16 This is a 3D polygon mesh
POLYLINE_MESH_CLOSED_N_DIRECTION 32 The polygon mesh is closed in the N direction
POLYLINE_POLYFACE_MESH 64 This Polyline is a polyface mesh
POLYLINE_GENERATE_LINETYPE_PATTERN 128 The linetype pattern is generated continuously around the vertices of this Polyline

Default line start width (float); default = 0

Default line end width (float); default = 0

Polymesh M vertex count (int); default = 1

Polymesh N vertex count (int); default = 1

Smooth surface M density (int); default = 0

Smooth surface N density (int); default = 0

Curves and smooth surface type (int); default=0, see table below

Constants for smooth_type defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:

Polyline.dxf.smooth_type Value Description
POLYMESH_NO_SMOOTH 0 no smooth surface fitted
POLYMESH_QUADRATIC_BSPLINE 5 quadratic B-spline surface
POLYMESH_CUBIC_BSPLINE 6 cubic B-spline surface

List of Vertex entities.

True if POLYLINE is a 2D polyline.

True if POLYLINE is a 3D polyline.

True if POLYLINE is a polygon mesh, see Polymesh

True if POLYLINE is a poly face mesh, see Polyface

True if POLYLINE is closed.

True if POLYLINE (as Polymesh) is closed in m direction.

True if POLYLINE (as Polymesh) is closed in n direction.

Returns True if 2D POLYLINE has an arc segment.

Returns True if 2D POLYLINE has default width values or any segment with width attributes.

New in version 0.14.

Returns POLYLINE type as string:
  • ‘AcDb2dPolyline’
  • ‘AcDb3dPolyline’
  • ‘AcDbPolygonMesh’
  • ‘AcDbPolyFaceMesh’

Close POLYMESH in m direction if status is True (also closes POLYLINE), clears closed state if status is False.

Close POLYMESH in n direction if status is True, clears closed state if status is False.

Set closed state of POLYMESH and POLYLINE in m direction and n direction. True set closed flag, False clears closed flag.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of Vertex entities.

__getitem__(pos) -> DXFVertex
Get Vertex entity at position pos, supports list slicing.

Returns iterable of all polyline vertices as (x, y, z) tuples, not as Vertex objects.

Append a single Vertex entity at location point.
  • point – as (x, y[, z]) tuple
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for Vertex class

Append multiple Vertex entities at location points.
  • points – iterable of (x, y[, z]) tuples
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for the VERTEX objects

Append multiple Vertex entities at location points.
  • points – iterable of (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple
  • format – format string, default is 'xy', see: User Defined Point Format Codes
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for the VERTEX objects

Insert vertices points into Polyline.vertices list at insertion location pos .
  • pos – insertion position of list Polyline.vertices
  • points – list of (x, y[, z]) tuples
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for Vertex class

Transform the POLYLINE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

A non-uniform scaling is not supported if a 2D POLYLINE contains circular arc segments (bulges).

m – transformation Matrix44
NonUniformScalingError – for non-uniform scaling of 2D POLYLINE
containing circular arc segments (bulges)

Yields the graphical representation of POLYLINE as virtual DXF primitives (LINE, ARC or 3DFACE).

These virtual entities are located at the original location, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout.

Explode the POLYLINE entity as DXF primitives (LINE, ARC or 3DFACE) into the target layout, if the target layout is None, the target layout is the layout of the POLYLINE entity.

Returns an EntityQuery container of all DXF primitives.

target_layout – target layout for DXF primitives, None for same layout as source entity.

A VERTEX (VERTEX DXF Reference) represents a polyline/mesh vertex.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function Polyline.append_vertex()
Factory function Polyline.extend()
Factory function Polyline.insert_vertices()
Inherited DXF Attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Vertex location (2D/3D Point OCS when 2D, WCS when 3D)

Line segment start width (float); default = 0

Line segment end width (float); default = 0

Bulge value (float); default = 0.

The bulge value is used to create arc shaped line segments.

Constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:
Vertex.dxf.flags Value Description
VTX_EXTRA_VERTEX_CREATED 1 Extra vertex created by curve-fitting
VTX_CURVE_FIT_TANGENT 2 curve-fit tangent defined for this vertex. A curve-fit tangent direction of 0 may be omitted from the DXF output, but is significant if this bit is set.
VTX_SPLINE_VERTEX_CREATED 8 spline vertex created by spline-fitting
VTX_SPLINE_FRAME_CONTROL_POINT 16 spline frame control point
VTX_3D_POLYLINE_VERTEX 32 3D polyline vertex
VTX_3D_POLYGON_MESH_VERTEX 64 3D polygon mesh
VTX_3D_POLYFACE_MESH_VERTEX 128 polyface mesh vertex

Curve fit tangent direction (float), used for 2D spline in DXF R12.

Index of 1st vertex, if used as face (feature for experts)

Index of 2nd vertex, if used as face (feature for experts)

Index of 3rd vertex, if used as face (feature for experts)

Index of 4th vertex, if used as face (feature for experts)

Return formatted vertex components as tuple.

Format codes:

  • “x” = x-coordinate
  • “y” = y-coordinate
  • “z” = z-coordinate
  • “s” = start width
  • “e” = end width
  • “b” = bulge value
  • “v” = (x, y, z) as tuple

format: format string, default is “xyz”

New in version 0.14.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Polyline
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_polymesh()
Inherited DXF Attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
A polymesh is a grid of m_count x n_count vertices, every vertex has its own (x, y, z) location. The Polymesh is an subclass of Polyline, DXF type is also 'POLYLINE' but get_mode() returns 'AcDbPolygonMesh'.
Get location of a single mesh vertex.
pos – 0-based (row, col) tuple, position of mesh vertex

Set location and DXF attributes of a single mesh vertex.
  • pos – 0-based (row, col)-tuple, position of mesh vertex
  • point – (x, y, z)-tuple, new 3D coordinates of the mesh vertex
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes

Get a MeshVertexCache object for this POLYMESH. The caching object provides fast access to the location attribute of mesh vertices.

Cache mesh vertices in a dict, keys are 0-based (row, col) tuples.

Set vertex location: cache[row, col] = (x, y, z)

Get vertex location: x, y, z = cache[row, col]

Dict of mesh vertices, keys are 0-based (row, col) tuples.

__getitem__(pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> Union[Sequence[float], Vec2, Vec3]
Get mesh vertex location as (x, y, z)-tuple.
pos – 0-based (row, col)-tuple.

__setitem__(pos: Tuple[int, int], location: Union[Sequence[float], Vec2, Vec3]) -> None
Get mesh vertex location as (x, y, z)-tuple.
  • pos – 0-based (row, col)-tuple.
  • location – (x, y, z)-tuple

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Polyline
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_polyface()
Inherited DXF Attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Tutorial for Polyface

A polyface consist of multiple location independent 3D areas called faces. The Polyface is a subclass of Polyline, DXF type is also 'POLYLINE' but get_mode() returns 'AcDbPolyFaceMesh'.
Append a single face. A face is a list of (x, y, z) tuples.
  • face – List[(x, y, z) tuples]
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for VERTEX objects

Append multiple faces. faces is a list of single faces and a single face is a list of (x, y, z) tuples.
  • faces – list of List[(x, y, z) tuples]
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes for the VERTEX objects

Iterable of all faces, a face is a tuple of vertices.
[vertex, vertex, vertex, [vertex,] face_record]

Rebuilds Polyface including vertex optimization by merging vertices with nearly same vertex locations.
precision – floating point precision for determining identical vertex locations

RAY entity (DXF Reference) starts at Ray.dxf.point and continues to infinity (construction line).

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.XLine
DXF type 'RAY'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_ray()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Start point as (3D Point in WCS)

Unit direction vector as (3D Point in WCS)

Transform the XLINE/RAY entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized XLINE/RAY translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis.

REGION (DXF Reference) created by an ACIS geometry kernel provided by the Spatial Corp.


Ezdxf has only very limited support for ACIS based entities, for more information see the FAQ: How to add/edit ACIS based entities like 3DSOLID, REGION or SURFACE?

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Body
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_region()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Same attributes and methods as parent class Body.

SHAPES (DXF Reference) are objects that are used like block references, each SHAPE reference can be scaled and rotated individually. The SHAPE definitions are stored in external shape files (*.SHX), and ezdxf can not create this shape files.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'SHAPE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_shape()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Insertion location as (2D/3D Point in WCS)

Shape name (str)

Shape size (float)

Rotation angle in degrees; default value is 0

Relative X scale factor (float); default value is 1

Oblique angle in degrees (float); default value is 0

Transform the SHAPE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

SOLID (DXF Reference) is a filled triangle or quadrilateral. Access vertices by name (entity.dxf.vtx0 = (1.7, 2.3)) or by index (entity[0] = (1.7, 2.3)). If only 3 vertices are provided the last (3rd) vertex will be repeated in the DXF file.

The SOLID entity stores the vertices in an unusual way, the last two vertices are reversed. The coordinates [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] do not create a square as you would expect: [image]

Reverse the last two vertices to get the expected square: [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] [image]


The Solid.vertices() and Solid.wcs_vertices() methods return the vertices in the expected (reversed) order.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'SOLID'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_solid()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Location of 1. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 2. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 3. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 4. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Transform the SOLID/TRACE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Returns OCS vertices in correct order, if argument close is True, last vertex == first vertex. Does not return duplicated last vertex if represents a triangle.

New in version 0.15.

Returns WCS vertices in correct order, if argument close is True, last vertex == first vertex. Does not return duplicated last vertex if represents a triangle.

New in version 0.15.

SPLINE curve (DXF Reference), all coordinates have to be 3D coordinates even the spline is only a 2D planar curve.

The spline curve is defined by control points, knot values and weights. The control points establish the spline, the various types of knot vector determines the shape of the curve and the weights of rational splines define how strong a control point influences the shape.

To create a Spline curve you just need a bunch of fit points - knot values and weights are optional (tested with AutoCAD 2010). If you add additional data, be sure that you know what you do.

New in version 0.16: The function ezdxf.math.fit_points_to_cad_cv() calculates control vertices from given fit points. This control vertices define a cubic B-spline which matches visually the SPLINE entities created by BricsCAD and AutoCAD from fit points.


  • Wikipedia article about B_splines
  • Department of Computer Science and Technology at the Cambridge University
  • Tutorial for Spline

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function see table below
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Factory Functions

Basic spline entity add_spline()
Spline control frame from fit points add_spline_control_frame()
Open uniform spline add_open_spline()
Closed uniform spline add_closed_spline()
Open rational uniform spline add_rational_spline()
Closed rational uniform spline add_closed_rational_spline()
All points in WCS as (x, y, z) tuples
Degree of the spline curve (int).

Bit coded option flags, constants defined in ezdxf.lldxf.const:
dxf.flags Value Description
CLOSED_SPLINE 1 Spline is closed
LINEAR_SPLINE 16 planar bit is also set

Count of knot values (int), automatically set by ezdxf (read only)

Count of fit points (int), automatically set by ezdxf (read only)

Count of control points (int), automatically set by ezdxf (read only)

Knot tolerance (float); default = 1e-10

Fit tolerance (float); default = 1e-10

Control point tolerance (float); default = 1e-10

Start tangent vector as (3D vector in WCS)

End tangent vector as (3D vector in WCS)

True if spline is closed. A closed spline has a connection from the last control point to the first control point. (read/write)

VertexArray of control points in WCS.

VertexArray of fit points in WCS.

Knot values as array.array('d').

Control point weights as array.array('d').

Count of control points.

Count of fit points.

Count of knot values.

Returns the construction tool ezdxf.math.BSpline.

Apply SPLINE data from a BSpline construction tool or from a geomdl.BSpline.Curve object.

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments between two knots, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.
  • distance – maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the segment chord.
  • segments – minimum segment count between two knots

New in version 0.15.

Open B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first and last control points.

B-spline with a uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end at your first and last control points.

Closed B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point.

Open rational B-spline with a uniform knot vector, start and end at your first and last control points, and has additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

Rational B-spline with a uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end at your first and last control points, and has additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

Closed rational B-spline with a uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point, and has additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

Transform the SPLINE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Create a new SPLINE entity from a CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity.

The new SPLINE entity has no owner, no handle, is not stored in the entity database nor assigned to any layout!

SURFACE (DXF Reference) created by an ACIS geometry kernel provided by the Spatial Corp.


Ezdxf has only very limited support for ACIS based entities, for more information see the FAQ: How to add/edit ACIS based entities like 3DSOLID, REGION or SURFACE?

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Body
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_surface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Same attributes and methods as parent class Body.
Number of U isolines.

Number of V2 isolines.

(DXF Reference)

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Surface
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_extruded_surface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2007 ('AC1021')

(DXF Reference)

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Surface
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_lofted_surface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2007 ('AC1021')

(DXF Reference)

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Surface
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_revolved_surface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2007 ('AC1021')

(DXF Reference)

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Surface
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_swept_surface()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2007 ('AC1021')

The single line TEXT entity (DXF Reference). The style attribute stores the associated Textstyle entity as string, which defines the basic font properties. The text size is stored as cap height in the height attribute in drawing units. Text alignments are defined as enums of type ezdxf.enums.TextEntityAlignment.


See the documentation for the Textstyle class to understand the limitations of text representation in the DXF format.

Tutorial for Text

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'TEXT'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_text()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Text content as string.

First alignment point of text (2D/3D Point in OCS), relevant for the adjustments LEFT, ALIGNED and FIT.

The main alignment point of text (2D/3D Point in OCS), if the alignment is anything else than LEFT, or the second alignment point for the ALIGNED and FIT alignments.

Text height in drawing units as float value, the default value is 1.

Text rotation in degrees as float value, the default value is 0.

Text oblique angle (slanting) in degrees as float value, the default value is 0 (straight vertical text).

Textstyle name as case insensitive string, the default value is “Standard”

Width scale factor as float value, the default value is 1.

Horizontal alignment flag as int value, use the set_placement() and get_align_enum() methods to handle text alignment, the default value is 0.
0 Left
2 Right
3 Aligned (if vertical alignment = 0)
4 Middle (if vertical alignment = 0)
5 Fit (if vertical alignment = 0)

Vertical alignment flag as int value, use the set_placement() and get_align_enum() methods to handle text alignment, the default value is 0.
0 Baseline
1 Bottom
2 Middle
3 Top

Text generation flags as int value, use the is_backward and is_upside_down attributes to handle this flags.
2 text is backward (mirrored in X)
4 text is upside down (mirrored in Y)

Get/set text generation flag BACKWARDS, for mirrored text along the x-axis.

Get/set text generation flag UPSIDE_DOWN, for mirrored text along the y-axis.

Set text alignment and location.

The alignments ALIGNED and FIT are special, they require a second alignment point, the text is aligned on the virtual line between these two points and sits vertically at the baseline.

  • ALIGNED: Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 and the text height is also adjusted to preserve height/width ratio.
  • FIT: Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 but only the text width is adjusted, the text height is fixed by the dxf.height attribute.
  • MIDDLE: also a special adjustment, centered text like MIDDLE_CENTER, but vertically centred at the total height of the text.

  • p1 – first alignment point as (x, y[, z])
  • p2 – second alignment point as (x, y[, z]), required for ALIGNED and FIT else ignored
  • align – new alignment as enum TextEntityAlignment, None to preserve the existing alignment.

Set text alignment and location. (deprecated)

The alignments “ALIGNED” and “FIT” are special, they require a second alignment point, the text is aligned on the virtual line between these two points and sits vertically at the base line.

  • “ALIGNED”: Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 and the text height is also adjusted to preserve height/width ratio.
  • “FIT”: Text is stretched or compressed to fit exactly between p1 and p2 but only the text width is adjusted, the text height is fixed by the dxf.height attribute.
  • “MIDDLE”: also a special adjustment, centered text like “MIDDLE_CENTER”, but vertically centred at the total height of the text.


Will be removed in v1.0.0, use set_placement()

  • p1 – first alignment point as (x, y[, z])
  • p2 – second alignment point as (x, y[, z]), required for “ALIGNED” and “FIT” else ignored
  • align – new alignment as string or None to preserve the existing alignment.

Returns a tuple (align, p1, p2), align is the alignment enum TextEntityAlignment, p1 is the alignment point, p2 is only relevant if align is ALIGNED or FIT, otherwise it is None.

Returns a tuple (align, p1, p2), align is the alignment method, p1 is the alignment point, p2 is only relevant if align is “ALIGNED” or “FIT”, otherwise it is None (deprecated).


Will be removed in v1.0.0, use get_placement()

Returns the current text alignment as TextEntityAlignment, see also set_placement().

Returns the current text alignment as string (deprecated).


Will be removed in v1.0.0, use get_align_enum()

Just for experts: Sets the text alignment without setting the alignment points, set adjustment points attr:dxf.insert and dxf.align_point manually.

Set the text alignment as string (deprecated)


Will be removed in v1.0.0, use set_align_enum()

Transform the TEXT entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized TEXT/ATTRIB/ATTDEF translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis, returns self.

Returns text content without formatting codes.

Returns the font name of the associated Textstyle.

Returns the text length for alignments TextEntityAlignment.FIT and TextEntityAlignment.ALIGNED, defined by the distance from the insertion point to the align point or 0 for all other alignments.

TRACE entity (DXF Reference) is solid filled triangle or quadrilateral. Access vertices by name (entity.dxf.vtx0 = (1.7, 2.3)) or by index (entity[0] = (1.7, 2.3)). If only 3 vertices are provided the last (3rd) vertex will be repeated in the DXF file.

The TRACE entity stores the vertices in an unusual way, the last two vertices are reversed. The coordinates [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] do not create a square as you would expect: [image]

Reverse the last two vertices to get the expected square: [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] [image]


The Trace.vertices() and Trace.wcs_vertices() methods return the vertices in the expected (reversed) order.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'TRACE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_trace()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Location of 1. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 2. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 3. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Location of 4. vertex (2D/3D Point in OCS)

Transform the SOLID/TRACE entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Returns OCS vertices in correct order, if argument close is True, last vertex == first vertex. Does not return duplicated last vertex if represents a triangle.

New in version 0.15.

Returns WCS vertices in correct order, if argument close is True, last vertex == first vertex. Does not return duplicated last vertex if represents a triangle.

New in version 0.15.

UNDERLAY entity (DXF Reference) links an underlay file to the DXF file, the file itself is not embedded into the DXF file, it is always a separated file. The (PDF)UNDERLAY entity is like a block reference, you can use it multiple times to add the underlay on different locations with different scales and rotations. But therefore you need a also a (PDF)DEFINITION entity, see UnderlayDefinition.

The DXF standard supports three different file formats: PDF, DWF (DWFx) and DGN. An Underlay can be clipped by a rectangle or a polygon path. The clipping coordinates are 2D OCS coordinates in drawing units but without scaling.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type internal base class
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_underlay()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')
Base class of PdfUnderlay, DwfUnderlay and DgnUnderlay
Insertion point, lower left corner of the image in OCS.

Scaling factor in x-direction (float)

Scaling factor in y-direction (float)

Scaling factor in z-direction (float)

ccw rotation in degrees around the extrusion vector (float)

extrusion vector, default = (0, 0, 1)

Handle to the underlay definition entity, see UnderlayDefinition

dxf.flags Value Description
UNDERLAY_CLIPPING 1 clipping is on/off
UNDERLAY_ON 2 underlay is on/off

Contrast value (20 - 100; default = 100)

Fade value (0 - 80; default = 0)

True or False (read/write)

True or False (read/write)

True or False (read/write)

True or False (read/write)

Scaling (x, y, z) tuple (read/write)

Boundary path as list of vertices (read/write).

Two vertices describe a rectangle (lower left and upper right corner), more than two vertices is a polygon as clipping path.

Returns the associated DEFINITION entity. see UnderlayDefinition.

Set the associated DEFINITION entity. see UnderlayDefinition.

Removes the clipping path.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Underlay
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_underlay()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Underlay
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_underlay()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Underlay
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_underlay()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

The VIEWPORT (DXF Reference) entity is a window from a paperspace layout to the modelspace.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.Paperspace.add_viewport()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Center point of the viewport located in the paper space layout in paper space units stored as 3D point. (Error in the DXF reference)

Viewport width in paperspace units (float)

Viewport height in paperspace units (float)

Viewport status field (int)
-1 On, but is fully off screen, or is one of the viewports that is not active because the $MAXACTVP count is currently being exceeded.
0 Off
>0 On and active. The value indicates the order of stacking for the viewports, where 1 is the active viewport, 2 is the next, and so forth

Viewport id (int)

View center point in modelspace stored as 2D point, but represents a WCS point. (Error in the DXF reference)

View direction (3D vector in WCS).

View target point (3D point in WCS).

Lens focal length in mm as 35mm film equivalent.

View height in WCS.

Viewport status bit-coded flags:
Bit value Constant in ezdxf.const Description
1 (0x1) VSF_PERSPECTIVE_MODE Enables perspective mode
2 (0x2) VSF_FRONT_CLIPPING Enables front clipping
4 (0x4) VSF_BACK_CLIPPING Enables back clipping
8 (0x8) VSF_USC_FOLLOW Enables UCS follow
16 (0x10) VSF_FRONT_CLIPPING_NOT_AT_EYE Enables front clip not at eye
32 (0x20) VSF_UCS_ICON_VISIBILITY Enables UCS icon visibility
64 (0x40) VSF_UCS_ICON_AT_ORIGIN Enables UCS icon at origin
128 (0x80) VSF_FAST_ZOOM Enables fast zoom
256 (0x100) VSF_SNAP_MODE Enables snap mode
512 (0x200) VSF_GRID_MODE Enables grid mode
1024 (0x400) VSF_ISOMETRIC_SNAP_STYLE Enables isometric snap style
2048 (0x800) VSF_HIDE_PLOT_MODE Enables hide plot mode
4096 (0x1000) VSF_KISOPAIR_TOP kIsoPairTop. If set and kIsoPairRight is not set, then isopair top is enabled. If both kIsoPairTop and kIsoPairRight are set, then isopair left is enabled
8192 (0x2000) VSF_KISOPAIR_RIGHT kIsoPairRight. If set and kIsoPairTop is not set, then isopair right is enabled
16384 (0x4000) VSF_LOCK_ZOOM Enables viewport zoom locking
32768 (0x8000) VSF_CURRENTLY_ALWAYS_ENABLED Currently always enabled
65536 (0x10000) VSF_NON_RECTANGULAR_CLIPPING Enables non-rectangular clipping
131072 (0x20000) VSF_TURN_VIEWPORT_OFF Turns the viewport off
262144 (0x40000) VSF_NO_GRID_LIMITS Enables the display of the grid beyond the drawing limits
524288 (0x80000) VSF_ADAPTIVE_GRID_DISPLAY Enable adaptive grid display
1048576 (0x100000) VSF_SUBDIVIDE_GRID Enables subdivision of the grid below the set grid spacing when the grid display is adaptive
2097152 (0x200000) VSF_GRID_FOLLOW_WORKPLANE Enables grid follows workplane switching

Use helper method set_flag_state() to set and clear viewport flags, e.g. lock viewport:

vp.set_flag_state(ezdxf.const.VSF_LOCK_ZOOM, True)

0 2D Optimized (classic 2D)
1 Wireframe
2 Hidden line
3 Flat shaded
4 Gouraud shaded
5 Flat shaded with wireframe
6 Gouraud shaded with wireframe

UCS origin as 3D point.

UCS x-axis as 3D vector.

UCS y-axis as 3D vector.

Handle of UCSTable if UCS is a named UCS. If not present, then UCS is unnamed.

0 not orthographic
1 Top
2 Bottom
3 Front
4 Back
5 Left
6 Right

Handle of UCSTable of base UCS if UCS is orthographic (Viewport.dxf.ucs_ortho_type is non-zero). If not present and Viewport.dxf.ucs_ortho_type is non-zero, then base UCS is taken to be WORLD.

(DXF R2004)
0 As Displayed
1 Wireframe
2 Hidden
3 Rendered

Frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines. (DXF R2007)

0 One distant light
1 Two distant lights

as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)

as true color value

as true color value

Set/get frozen layers as list of layer names.

Returns True if layer_name id frozen in this viewport.

Freeze layer_name in this viewport.

Thaw layer_name in this viewport.

Returns True if a non-rectangular clipping path is defined.

Returns the lower left and the upper right corner of the clipping rectangle.

Returns the default rectangular clipping path as list of vertices. Use function ezdxf.path.make_path() to get also non-rectangular shaped clipping paths if defined.

Returns the aspect ratio of the viewport, return 0.0 if width or height is zero.

Returns the limits of the modelspace to view in drawing units as tuple (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y).

Returns the scaling factor from modelspace to viewport.

Returns the transformation matrix from modelspace to viewport.

THE WIPEOUT (DXF Reference) entity is a polygonal area that masks underlying objects with the current background color. The WIPEOUT entity is based on the IMAGE entity, but usage does not require any knowledge about the IMAGE entity.

The handles to the support entities ImageDef and ImageDefReactor are always “0”, both are not needed by the WIPEOUT entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Image
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_wipeout()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')


Do not instantiate entity classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

XLINE entity (DXF Reference) is a construction line that extents to infinity in both directions.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFGraphic
DXF type 'XLINE'
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout.add_xline()
Inherited DXF attributes Common graphical DXF attributes
Required DXF version DXF R2000 ('AC1015')

Location point of line as (3D Point in WCS)

Unit direction vector as (3D Point in WCS)

Transform the XLINE/RAY entity by transformation matrix m inplace.

Optimized XLINE/RAY translation about dx in x-axis, dy in y-axis and dz in z-axis.

DXF Objects

All DXF objects can only reside in the OBJECTS section of a DXF document.

The DICTIONARY is a general storage entity.

AutoCAD maintains items such as MLINE_STYLES and GROUP definitions as objects in dictionaries. Other applications are free to create and use their own dictionaries as they see fit. The prefix 'ACAD_' is reserved for use by AutoCAD applications.

Dictionary entries are (key, DXFEntity) pairs for fully loaded or new created DXF documents. The referenced entities are owned by the dictionary and cannot be graphical entities that always belong to the layout in which they are located.

Loading DXF files is done in two passes, because at the first loading stage not all referenced objects are already stored in the entity database. Therefore the entities are stored as handles strings at the first loading stage and have to be replaced by the real entity at the second loading stage. If the entity is still a handle string after the second loading stage, the entity does not exist.

Dictionary keys are handled case insensitive by AutoCAD, but not by ezdxf, in doubt use an uppercase key. AutoCAD stores all keys in uppercase.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_dictionary()


Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

If set to 1, indicates that elements of the dictionary are to be treated as hard-owned.

Duplicate record cloning flag (determines how to merge duplicate entries, ignored by ezdxf):
0 not applicable
1 keep existing
2 use clone
3 <xref>$0$<name>
4 $0$<name>
5 Unmangle name

Returns True if the dictionary is hard owner of entities. Hard owned entities will be destroyed by deleting the dictionary.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of dictionary entries.

__contains__(key: str) -> bool
Returns key in self.

__getitem__(key: str) -> DXFEntity
Return self[key].

The returned value can be a handle string if the entity does not exist.

DXFKeyErrorkey does not exist

__setitem__(key: str, entity: DXFObject) -> None
Set self[key] = entity.

Only DXF objects stored in the OBJECTS section are allowed as content of Dictionary objects. DXF entities stored in layouts are not allowed.

DXFTypeError – invalid DXF type

__delitem__(key: str) -> None
Delete self[key].
DXFKeyErrorkey does not exist

Returns a KeysView of all dictionary keys.

Returns an ItemsView for all dictionary entries as (key, entity) pairs. An entity can be a handle string if the entity does not exist.

Returns count of dictionary entries.

Returns the DXFEntity for key, if key exist else default. An entity can be a handle string if the entity does not exist.

Add entry (key, value).
  • DXFValueError – invalid entity handle
  • DXFTypeError – invalid DXF type

Delete entry key. Raises DXFKeyError, if key does not exist. Destroys hard owned DXF entities.

Delete entry key if exists. Does not raise an exception if key doesn’t exist and does not destroy hard owned DXF entities.

clear() -> None
Delete all entries from the dictionary and destroys hard owned DXF entities.

Create a new sub-dictionary of type Dictionary.
  • key – name of the sub-dictionary
  • hard_owned – entries of the new dictionary are hard owned

Get entry key or create a new Dictionary, if Key not exist.

Add a new DictionaryVar.
  • key – entry name as string
  • value – entry value as string

Add a new XRecord.
key – entry name as string

Add obj and set owner of obj to this dictionary.

Graphical DXF entities have to reside in a layout and therefore can not be owned by a Dictionary.

DXFTypeErrorobj has invalid DXF type

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.Dictionary
Factory function ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_dictionary_with_default()
Handle to default entry as hex string like FF00.

Returns DXFEntity for key or the predefined dictionary wide dxf.default entity if key does not exist or None if default value also not exist.

Set dictionary wide default entry.
default – default entry as DXFEntity

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function ezdxf.entities.Dictionary.add_dict_var()
Object schema number (currently set to 0)

Value as string.

Get/set the value of the DictionaryVar as string.

LAYOUT entity is part of a modelspace or paperspace layout definitions.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.PlotSettings
Factory function internal data structure, use Layouts to manage layout objects.
Layout name as shown in tabs by CAD applications


Common base class for all non-graphical DXF objects.

A class hierarchy marker class and subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFEntity

The GEODATA entity is associated to the Modelspace object. The GEODATA entity is supported since the DXF version R2000, but was officially documented the first time in the DXF reference for version R2009.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function ezdxf.layouts.Modelspace.new_geodata()
Required DXF version R2010 ('AC1024')



Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

1 R2009
2 R2010

0 unknown
1 local grid
2 projected grid
3 geographic (latitude/longitude)

Handle of host BLOCK_RECORD table entry, in general the Modelspace.

Changed in version 0.10: renamed from dxf.block_record

Reference point in WCS coordinates.

Reference point in geo coordinates, valid only when coordinate type is local grid. The difference between dxf.design_point and dxf.reference_point defines the translation from WCS coordinates to geo-coordinates.

North direction as 2D vector. Defines the rotation (about the dxf.design_point) to transform from WCS coordinates to geo-coordinates

Horizontal unit scale, factor which converts horizontal design coordinates to meters by multiplication.

Vertical unit scale, factor which converts vertical design coordinates to meters by multiplication.

Horizontal units (see BlockRecord). Will be 0 (Unitless) if units specified by horizontal unit scale is not supported by AutoCAD enumeration.

Vertical units (see BlockRecord). Will be 0 (Unitless) if units specified by vertical unit scale is not supported by AutoCAD enumeration.

Up direction as 3D vector.

1 none
2 user specified scale factor
3 grid scale at reference point
4 prismoidal

Bool flag specifying whether to do sea level correction.

2D source vertices in the CRS of the GeoData as VertexArray. Used together with target_vertices to define the transformation from the CRS of the GeoData to WGS84.

2D target vertices in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) as VertexArray. Used together with source_vertices to define the transformation from the CRS of the geoData to WGS84.

List of face definition tuples, each face entry is a 3-tuple of vertex indices (0-based).

The coordinate system definition string. Stored as XML. Defines the CRS used by the GeoData. The EPSG number and other details like the axis-ordering of the CRS is stored.

Returns the EPSG index and axis-ordering, axis-ordering is True if fist axis is labeled “E” or “W” and False if first axis is labeled “N” or “S”.

If axis-ordering is False the CRS is not compatible with the __geo_interface__ or GeoJSON (see chapter 3.1.1).

InvalidGeoDataException – for invalid or unknown XML data

The EPSG number is stored in a tag like:

<Alias id="27700" type="CoordinateSystem">

<Namespace>EPSG Code</Namespace> </Alias>

The axis-ordering is stored in a tag like:

<Axis uom="METER">

</CoordinateSystemAxis> </Axis>

Returns the transformation matrix and the EPSG index to transform WCS coordinates into CRS coordinates. Because of the lack of proper documentation this method works only for tested configurations, set argument no_checks to True to use the method for untested geodata configurations, but the results may be incorrect.

Supports only “Local Grid” transformation!

InvalidGeoDataException – for untested geodata configurations

Setup local grid coordinate system. This method is designed to setup CRS similar to EPSG:3395 World Mercator, the basic features of the CRS should fulfill these assumptions:
  • base unit of reference coordinates is 1 meter
  • right-handed coordinate system: +Y=north/+X=east/+Z=up

The CRS string is not validated nor interpreted!


The reference point must be a 2D cartesian map coordinate and not a globe (lon/lat) coordinate like stored in GeoJSON or GPS data.

  • design_point – WCS coordinates of the CRS reference point
  • reference_point – CRS reference point in 2D cartesian coordinates
  • north_direction – north direction a 2D vertex, default is (0, 1)
  • crs – Coordinate Reference System definition XML string, default is the definition string for EPSG:3395 World Mercator

IMAGEDEF entity defines an image file, which can be placed by the Image entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function (1) ezdxf.document.Drawing.add_image_def()
Factory function (2) ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_image_def()


Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Current version is 0.

Relative (to the DXF file) or absolute path to the image file as string.

Image size in pixel as (x, y) tuple.

Default size of one pixel in drawing units as (x, y) tuple.

0 = unloaded; 1 = loaded, default = 1

0 No units
2 Centimeters
5 Inch

Default = 0

The MLEADERSTYLE object (DXF Reference) store all attributes required to create new MultiLeader entities. The meaning of these attributes are not really documented in the DXF Reference. The default style “Standard” always exist.


  • ezdxf.entities.MultiLeader
  • ezdxf.render.MultiLeaderBuilder
  • Tutorial for MultiLeader

Create a new MLeaderStyle:

import ezdxf
doc =
new_style ="NewStyle")

Duplicate an existing style:

duplicated_style = doc.mleader_styles.duplicate_entry("Standard", "DuplicatedStyle")

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function
unknown meaning

handle of default arrow head, see also ezdxf.render.arrows module, by default no handle is set, which mean default arrow “closed filled”

default arrow head size in drawing units, default is 4.0

default block color as ;term:raw color value, default is BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE

0 center extents
1 insertion point

handle to block record of the BLOCK content, not set by default

default BLOCK rotation in radians, default is 0.0

default block x-axis scale factor, default is 1.0

default block y-axis scale factor, default is 1.0

default block z-axis scale factor, default is 1.0

default break gap size, default is 3.75

default MTEXT char height, default is 4.0

0 none

default is MTEXT (2)

default MTEXT content as string, default is “”

default dogleg length, default is 8.0

unknown meaning

unknown meaning

angle of fist leader segment in radians, default is 0.0

default is 1

default is 1

default is 0

default landing gap size, default is 2.0

default leader line color as raw color value, default is BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE

handle of default leader linetype

default leader lineweight, default is LINEWEIGHT_BYBLOCK

0 invisible
1 straight line leader
2 spline leader

default is 1

max count of leader segments, default is 2


overall scaling factor, default is 1.0

angle of fist leader segment in radians, default is 0.0

use always left side to attach leaders, default is 0

unknown meaning - its not the MTEXT attachment point!

0 text angle is equal to last leader line segment angle
1 text is horizontal
2 text angle is equal to last leader line segment angle, but potentially rotated by 180 degrees so the right side is up for readability.

default is 1

defines whether the leaders attach to the left & right of the content BLOCK/MTEXT or attach to the top & bottom:
0 horizontal - left & right of content
1 vertical - top & bottom of content

default is 0

9 center
10 overline and center

default is 9

default MTEXT color as raw color value, default is BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE

0 top of top MTEXT line
1 middle of top MTEXT line
2 middle of whole MTEXT
3 middle of bottom MTEXT line
4 bottom of bottom MTEXT line
5 bottom of bottom MTEXT line & underline bottom MTEXT line
6 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline top MTEXT line
7 bottom of top MTEXT line
8 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline all MTEXT lines

0 top of top MTEXT line
1 middle of top MTEXT line
2 middle of whole MTEXT
3 middle of bottom MTEXT line
4 bottom of bottom MTEXT line
5 bottom of bottom MTEXT line & underline bottom MTEXT line
6 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline top MTEXT line
7 bottom of top MTEXT line
8 bottom of top MTEXT line & underline all MTEXT lines

handle of the default MTEXT text style, not set by default, which means “Standard”

9 center
10 overline and center

The ACDBPLACEHOLDER object for internal usage.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_placeholder()


Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

All PLOTSETTINGS attributes are part of the DXFLayout entity, I don’t know if this entity also appears as standalone entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function internal data structure


SUN entity defines properties of the sun.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
DXF type 'SUN'
Factory function creating a new SUN entity is not supported
Current version is 1.

on = 1 or off = 0

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value of the sun.

true color value of the sun.

Intensity value in the range of 0 to 1. (float)

use calendardate() to convert dxf.julian_day to datetime.datetime object.

Day time in seconds past midnight. (int)

0 Sun do not cast shadows
1 Sun do cast shadows

UnderlayDefinition (DXF Reference) defines an underlay file, which can be placed by the Underlay entity.

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
DXF type internal base class
Factory function (1) ezdxf.document.Drawing.add_underlay_def()
Factory function (2) ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_underlay_def()
Base class of PdfDefinition, DwfDefinition and DgnDefinition
Relative (to the DXF file) or absolute path to the underlay file as string.

Defines which part of the underlay file to display.
'pdf' PDF page number
'dgn' always 'default'
'dwf' ?


Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.UnderlayDefinition
Factory function (1) ezdxf.document.Drawing.add_underlay_def()
Factory function (2) ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_underlay_def()

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.UnderlayDefinition
Factory function (1) ezdxf.document.Drawing.add_underlay_def()
Factory function (2) ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_underlay_def()

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.UnderlayDefinition
Factory function (1) ezdxf.document.Drawing.add_underlay_def()
Factory function (2) ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_underlay_def()

Important class for storing application defined data in DXF files.

XRECORD objects are used to store and manage arbitrary data. They are composed of DXF group codes ranging from 1 through 369. This object is similar in concept to XDATA but is not limited by size or order.

To reference a XRECORD by an DXF entity, store the handle of the XRECORD in the XDATA section, application defined data or the ExtensionDict of the DXF entity.


  • Extended Data (XDATA)
  • Extension Dictionary
  • Storing Custom Data in DXF Files

Subclass of ezdxf.entities.DXFObject
Factory function ezdxf.sections.objects.ObjectsSection.add_xrecord()


Do not instantiate object classes by yourself - always use the provided factory functions!

Duplicate record cloning flag (determines how to merge duplicate entries, ignored by ezdxf):
0 not applicable
1 keep existing
2 use clone
3 <xref>$0$<name>
4 $0$<name>
5 Unmangle name

Raw DXF tag container Tags. Be careful ezdxf does not validate the content of XRECORDS.

clear() -> None
Remove all DXF tags.

Extended data (XDATA) is a DXF tags structure to store arbitrary data in DXF entities. The XDATA is associated to an AppID and only one tag list is supported for each AppID per entity.


Low level usage of XDATA is an advanced feature, it is the responsibility of the programmer to create valid XDATA structures. Any errors can invalidate the DXF file!

This section shows how to store DXF tags directly in DXF entity but there is also a more user friendly and safer way to store custom XDATA in DXF entities:

  • XDataUserList
  • XDataUserDict

Use the high level methods of DXFEntity to manage XDATA tags.

  • has_xdata()
  • get_xdata()
  • set_xdata()

Get XDATA tags as a ezdxf.lldxf.tags.Tags data structure, without the mandatory first tag (1001, AppID):

if entity.has_xdata("EZDXF"):

tags = entity.get_xdata("EZDXF") # or use alternatively: try:
tags = entity.get_xdata("EZDXF") except DXFValueError:
# XDATA for "EZDXF" does not exist

Set DXF tags as list of (group code, value) tuples or as ezdxf.lldxf.tags.Tags data structure, valid DXF tags for XDATA are documented in the section about the Extended Data internals. The mandatory first tag (1001, AppID) is inserted automatically if not present.

Set only new XDATA tags:

if not entity.has_xdata("EZDXF"):

entity.set_xdata("EZDXF", [(1000, "MyString")])

Replace or set new XDATA tags:

entity.set_xdata("EZDXF", [(1000, "MyString")])


  • Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files
  • Internals about Extended Data tags
  • Internal XDATA management class: XData
  • DXF R2018 Reference

Application-Defined Data (AppData)

The application-defined data feature is not very well documented in the DXF reference, so usage as custom data store is not recommended. AutoCAD uses these feature to store the handle to the extension dictionary (ExtensionDict) of a DXF entity and the handles to the persistent reactors (Reactors) of a DXF entity.

Use the high level methods of DXFEntity to manage application-defined data tags.

  • has_app_data()
  • get_app_data()
  • set_app_data()
  • discard_app_data()


Ezdxf uses special classes to manage the extension dictionary and the reactor handles. These features cannot be accessed by the methods above.

Set application-defined data:

entity.set_app_data("YOURAPPID", [(1, "DataString")]))

Setting the content tags can contain the opening structure tag (102, “{YOURAPPID”) and the closing tag (102, “}”), but doesn’t have to. The returned Tags objects does not contain these structure tags. Which tags are valid for application-defined data is not documented.

The AppID has to have an entry in the AppID table.

Get application-defined data:

if entity.has_app_data("YOURAPPID"):

tags = entity.get_app_data("YOURAPPID") # tags content is [DXFTag(1, 'DataString')]


  • Internals about Application-Defined Codes
  • Internal AppData management class: AppData

Extension Dictionary

Every entity can have an extension dictionary, which can reference arbitrary DXF objects from the OBJECTS section but not graphical entities. Using this mechanism, several applications can attach data to the same entity. The usage of extension dictionaries is more complex than Extended Data (XDATA) but also more flexible with higher capacity for adding data.

Use the high level methods of DXFEntity to manage extension dictionaries.

  • has_extension_dict()
  • get_extension_dict()
  • new_extension_dict()
  • discard_extension_dict()

The main data storage objects referenced by extension dictionaries are:

  • Dictionary, structural container
  • DictionaryVar, stores a single string
  • XRecord, stores arbitrary data


Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files

Internal management class for extension dictionaries.


  • Underlying DXF Dictionary class
  • DXF Internals: Extension Dictionary
  • DXF R2018 Reference

Returns True if the underlying Dictionary object is not deleted.

__contains__(key: str)
Return key in self.

__getitem__(key: str)
Get self[key].

__setitem__(key: str, value)
Set self[key] to value.

Only DXF objects stored in the OBJECTS section are allowed as content of the extension dictionary. DXF entities stored in layouts are not allowed.

DXFTypeError – invalid DXF type

__delitem__(key: str)
Delete self[key], destroys referenced entity.

Returns count of extension dictionary entries.

Return extension dictionary entry key.

Returns a KeysView of all extension dictionary keys.

Returns an ItemsView for all extension dictionary entries as (key, entity) pairs. An entity can be a handle string if the entity does not exist.

Discard extension dictionary entry key.

Create a new Dictionary object as extension dictionary entry name.

Create a new DictionaryVar object as extension dictionary entry name.

Create a new XRecord object as extension dictionary entry name.

Link obj to the extension dictionary as entry name.

Linked objects are owned by the extensions dictionary and therefore cannot be a graphical entity, which have to be owned by a BaseLayout.

DXFTypeErrorobj has invalid DXF type

Destroy the underlying Dictionary object.

Persistent reactors are optional object handles of objects registering themselves as reactors on an object. Any DXF object or DXF entity may have reactors.

Use the high level methods of DXFEntity to manage persistent reactor handles.

  • has_reactors()
  • get_reactors()
  • set_reactors()
  • append_reactor_handle()
  • discard_reactor_handle()

Ezdxf keeps these reactors only up to date, if this is absolute necessary according to the DXF reference.


  • Internals about Persistent Reactors
  • Internal Reactors management class: Reactors

The package ezdxf is not designed as a CAD library and does not automatically monitor all internal changes. This enables faster entity processing at the cost of an unknown state of the DXF document.

In order to carry out precise BLOCK reference management, i.e. to handle dependencies or to delete unused BLOCK definition, the block reference status (counter) must be acquired explicitly by the package user. All block reference management structures must be explicitly recreated each time the document content is changed. This is not very efficient, but it is safe.


And even with all this careful approach, it is always possible to destroy a DXF document by deleting an absolutely necessary block definition.

Always remember that ezdxf is not intended or suitable as a basis for a CAD application!

New in version 0.18.

Index of all BlockRecord entities representing real BLOCK definitions, excluding all BlockRecord entities defining model space or paper space layouts. External references (XREF) and XREF overlays are included.
Returns an iterator of all BlockRecord entities representing BLOCK definitions.

Rebuild index from scratch.

Returns True if a BlockRecord for the given block record handle exist.

Returns the BlockRecord for the given block record handle or None.

Returns True if a BlockRecord for the given block name exist.

Returns BlockRecord for the given block name or None.

Counts all block references in a DXF document.

Check if a block is referenced by any entity or any resource (DIMSYTLE, MLEADERSTYLE) in a DXF document:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.blkrefs import BlockReferenceCounter
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
counter = BlockReferenceCounter(doc)
count = counter.by_name("XYZ")
print(f"Block 'XYZ' if referenced {count} times.")

Returns the block reference count for a given BlockRecord handle.

Returns the block reference count for a given block name.

The module ezdxf.lldxf.const, is also accessible from the ezdxf namespace:

from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXF12
import ezdxf

Name Version Alias
DXF9 “AC1004” “R9”
DXF10 “AC1006” “R10”
DXF12 “AC1009” “R12”
DXF13 “AC1012” “R13”
DXF14 “AC1014” “R14”
DXF2000 “AC1015” “R2000”
DXF2004 “AC1018” “R2004”
DXF2007 “AC1021” “R2007”
DXF2010 “AC1024” “R2010”
DXF2013 “AC1027” “R2013”
DXF2018 “AC1032” “R2018”

Base exception for all ezdxf exceptions.

Errors related to features not supported by the chosen DXF Version

Recommended way to create DXF entities.

For all supported entities exist at least one factory method in the ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout class. All factory methods have the prefix: add_...

import ezdxf
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
msp.add_line((0, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0), dxfattribs={"color": 2})

  • add_3dface()
  • add_arc()
  • add_circle()
  • add_ellipse()
  • add_hatch()
  • add_helix()
  • add_image()
  • add_leader()
  • add_line()
  • add_lwpolyline()
  • add_mesh()
  • add_mline()
  • add_mpolygon()
  • add_multileader_mtext()
  • add_multileader_block()
  • add_point()
  • add_polyface()
  • add_polyline2d()
  • add_polyline3d()
  • add_polymesh()
  • add_ray()
  • add_shape()
  • add_solid()
  • add_trace()
  • add_wipeout()
  • add_xline()

  • add_attdef()
  • add_mtext_dynamic_auto_height_columns()
  • add_mtext_dynamic_manual_height_columns()
  • add_mtext_static_columns()
  • add_mtext()
  • add_text()

  • add_cad_spline_control_frame()
  • add_open_spline()
  • add_rational_spline()
  • add_spline_control_frame()
  • add_spline()

  • add_arrow_blockref()
  • add_auto_blockref()
  • add_blockref()
  • add_underlay()

Only available in paper space layouts.


Linear Dimension

  • add_aligned_dim()
  • add_linear_dim()
  • add_multi_point_linear_dim()

Radius and Diameter Dimension

  • add_diameter_dim_2p()
  • add_diameter_dim()
  • add_radius_dim_2p()
  • add_radius_dim_cra()
  • add_radius_dim()

Angular Dimension

  • add_angular_dim_2l()
  • add_angular_dim_3p()
  • add_angular_dim_arc()
  • add_angular_dim_cra()

Arc Dimension

  • add_arc_dim_3p()
  • add_arc_dim_arc()
  • add_arc_dim_cra()

Ordinate Dimension

  • add_ordinate_dim()
  • add_ordinate_x_dim()
  • add_ordinate_y_dim()

  • add_entity()
  • add_foreign_entity()
  • add_arrow()

The creation of the required ACIS data has do be done by an external library!

  • add_3dsolid()
  • add_body()
  • add_extruded_surface()
  • add_lofted_surface()
  • add_region()
  • add_revolved_surface()
  • add_surface()
  • add_swept_surface()


Layout base class: BaseLayout

Factory Functions

Alternative way to create DXF entities for advanced ezdxf users.

The ezdxf.entities.factory module provides the new() function to create new DXF entities by their DXF name and a dictionary of DXF attributes. This will bypass the validity checks in the factory methods of the BaseLayout class.

This new created entities are virtual entities which are not assigned to any DXF document nor to any layout. Add the entity to a layout (and document) by the layout method add_entity().

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.entities import factory
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
line =

"start": (0, 0, 0),
"end": (3, 0, 0),
"color": 2,
}, ) msp.add_entity(line)

For advanced developers with knowledge about the internal design of ezdxf.

Import the entity classes from sub-package ezdxf.entities and instantiate them. This will bypass the validity checks in the factory methods of the BaseLayout class and maybe additional required setup procedures for some entities - study the source code!.


A refactoring of the internal ezdxf structures will break your code.

This new created entities are virtual entities which are not assigned to any DXF document nor to any layout. Add the entity to a layout (and document) by the layout method add_entity().

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.entities import Line
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
line =

"start": (0, 0, 0),
"end": (3, 0, 0),
"color": 2,
} ) msp.add_entity(line)

Combination of flags is supported: UNDERLINE + STRIKE_THROUGH

An enumeration.

Sorts for object selection

Sorts for object snap

Sorts for redraws; obsolete

Sorts for MSLIDE command slide creation; obsolete

Sorts for REGEN commands

Sorts for plotting

Sorts for PostScript output; obsolete

This module provides functions and constants to manage all kinds of colors in DXF documents.

Combined integer value from (r, g, b) tuple.

Split RGB integer value into (r, g, b) tuple.

Convert AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) into (r, g, b) tuple, based on default AutoCAD colors.

Returns perceived luminance for a RGB color in the range [0.0, 1.0] from dark to light.

Decode raw color value as tuple(type, Union[aci, (r, g, b)]), the true color value is a (r, g, b) tuple.

Decode raw color value as tuple(type, int), the true color value is a 24-bit int value.

Encode true color value or AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) color value into a :term: raw color value.

Returns transparency value as float from 0 to 1, 0 for no transparency (opaque) and 1 for 100% transparency.
value – DXF integer transparency value, 0 for 100% transparency and 255 for opaque

Returns DXF transparency value as integer in the range from 0 to 255, where 0 is 100% transparent and 255 is opaque.
value – transparency value as float in the range from 0 to 1, where 0 is opaque and 1 is 100% transparent.

Common AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) values, also accessible as IntEnum ezdxf.enums.ACI

BLACK (on light background) 7
WHITE (on dark background) 7

Default color mappings from AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) to true color values.



BY_LAYER_RAW_VALUE -1073741824
BY_BLOCK_RAW_VALUE -1056964608

OPAQUE 0x20000FF
TRANSPARENCY_40 0x2000099
TRANSPARENCY_60 0x2000066
TRANSPARENCY_80 0x2000032
TRANSPARENCY_90 0x2000019


For usage of the query features see the tutorial: Tutorial for getting data from DXF files

QueryString := EntityQuery ("[" AttribQuery "]" "i"?)*

The query string is the combination of two queries, first the required entity query and second the optional attribute query, enclosed in square brackets, append 'i' after the closing square bracket to ignore case for strings.

The entity query is a whitespace separated list of DXF entity names or the special name '*'. Where '*' means all DXF entities, exclude some entity types by appending their names with a preceding ! (e.g. all entities except LINE = '* !LINE'). All DXF names have to be uppercase.

The optional attribute query is a boolean expression, supported operators are:

  • not (!): !term is true, if term is false
  • and (&): term & term is true, if both terms are true
  • or (|): term | term is true, if one term is true
  • and arbitrary nested round brackets
  • append (i) after the closing square bracket to ignore case for strings

Attribute selection is a term: “name comparator value”, where name is a DXF entity attribute in lowercase, value is a integer, float or double quoted string, valid comparators are:

  • == equal “value”
  • != not equal “value”
  • < lower than “value”
  • <= lower or equal than “value”
  • > greater than “value”
  • >= greater or equal than “value”
  • ? match regular expression “value”
  • !? does not match regular expression “value”

The EntityQuery class is the return type of all query() methods. EntityQuery contains all DXF entities of the source collection, which matches one name of the entity query AND the whole attribute query. If a DXF entity does not have or support a required attribute, the corresponding attribute search term is False.


  • LINE[text ? ".*"]: always empty, because the LINE entity has no text attribute.
  • LINE CIRCLE[layer=="construction"]: all LINE and CIRCLE entities with layer == "construction"
  • *[!(layer=="construction" & color<7)]: all entities except those with layer == "construction" and color < 7
  • *[layer=="construction"]i, (ignore case) all entities with layer == "construction" | "Construction" | "ConStruction"

The EntityQuery class is a result container, which is filled with DXF entities matching the query string. It is possible to add entities to the container (extend), remove entities from the container and to filter the container. Supports the standard Python Sequence methods and protocols. Does not remove automatically destroyed entities (entities deleted by calling method destroy()), the method purge() has to be called explicitly to remove the destroyed entities.
First entity or None.

Last entity or None.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of DXF entities.

Returns DXFEntity at index item, supports negative indices and slicing. Returns all entities which support a specific DXF attribute, if item is a DXF attribute name as string.

Changed in version 0.18: support DXF attribute name as argument

__setitem__(key, value)
Set the DXF attribute key for all supported DXF entities to value.

New in version 0.18.

Discard the DXF attribute key from all supported DXF entities.

New in version 0.18.

Equal selector (self == other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is equal to other.

New in version 0.18.

Not equal selector (self != other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is not equal to other.

New in version 0.18.

Less than selector (self < other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is less than other.
TypeError – for vector based attributes like center or insert

New in version 0.18.

Less equal selector (self <= other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is less or equal other.
TypeError – for vector based attributes like center or insert

New in version 0.18.

Greater than selector (self > other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is greater than other.
TypeError – for vector based attributes like center or insert

New in version 0.18.

Greater equal selector (self >= other). Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute is greater or equal other.
TypeError – for vector based attributes like center or insert

New in version 0.18.

Returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute matches the regular expression pattern.
TypeError – for non-string based attributes

New in version 0.18.

Union operator, see union().

New in version 0.18.

Intersection operator, see intersection().

New in version 0.18.

Difference operator, see difference().

New in version 0.18.

Symmetric difference operator, see symmetric_difference().

New in version 0.18.

__iter__() -> Iterator[DXFEntity]
Returns iterable of DXFEntity objects.

purge() -> EntityQuery
Remove destroyed entities.

Extent the EntityQuery container by entities matching an additional query.

Remove all entities from EntityQuery container matching this additional query.

Returns a new EntityQuery container with all entities matching this additional query.
pyparsing.ParseException – query string parsing error

Returns a dict of entity lists, where entities are grouped by a DXF attribute or a key function.
  • dxfattrib – grouping DXF attribute as string like 'layer'
  • key – key function, which accepts a DXFEntity as argument, returns grouping key of this entity or None for ignore this object. Reason for ignoring: a queried DXF attribute is not supported by this entity

Returns a new EntityQuery with all entities from this container for which the callable func returns True.

Build your own operator to filter by attributes which are not DXF attributes or to build complex queries:

result = msp.query().filter(

lambda e: hasattr(e, "rgb") and e.rbg == (0, 0, 0) )

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new EntityQuery with entities from self and other. All entities are unique - no duplicates.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new EntityQuery with entities common to self and other.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new EntityQuery with all entities from self that are not in other.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new EntityQuery with entities in either self or other but not both.

New in version 0.18.

New in version 0.18.

The [] operator got extended features in version 0.18, until then the EntityQuery implemented the __getitem__() interface like a sequence to get entities from the container:

result = msp.query(...)
first = result[0]
last = result[-1]
sequence = result[1:-2]  # returns not an EntityQuery container!

Now the __getitem__() function accepts also a DXF attribute name and returns all entities which support this attribute, this is the base for supporting queries by relational operators. More on that later.

The __setitem__() method assigns a DXF attribute to all supported entities in the EntityQuery container:

result = msp.query(...)
result["layer"] = "MyLayer"

Entities which do not support an attribute are silently ignored:

result = msp.query(...)
result["center"] = (0, 0)  # set center only of CIRCLE and ARC entities

The __delitem__() method discards DXF attributes from all entities in the EntityQuery container:

result = msp.query(...)
# reset the layer attribute from all entities in container result to the
# default layer "0"
del result["layer"]

New in version 0.18.

For some basic DXF attributes exist descriptors in the EntityQuery class:

  • layer: layer name as string
  • color: AutoCAD Color Index (ACI), see ezdxf.colors
  • linetype: linetype as string
  • ltscale: linetype scaling factor as float value
  • lineweight: Lineweights
  • invisible: 0 if visible 1 if invisible, 0 is the default value
  • true_color: true color as int value, see ezdxf.colors, has no default value
  • transparency: transparency as int value, see ezdxf.colors, has no default value

A descriptor simplifies the attribute access through the EntityQuery container and has auto-completion support from IDEs:

result = msp.query(...)
# set attribute of all entities in result
result.layer = "MyLayer"
# delete attribute from all entities in result
del result.layer
# and for selector usage, see following section
assert len(result.layer == "MyLayer") == 1

New in version 0.18.

The attribute selection by __getitem__() allows further selections by relational operators:

msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0), dxfattribs={"layer": "MyLayer})
lines = msp.query("LINE")
# select all entities on layer "MyLayer"
entities = lines["layer"] == "MyLayer"
assert len(entities) == 1
# or select all entities except the entities on layer "MyLayer"
entities = lines["layer"] != "MyLayer"

These operators work only with real DXF attributes, for instance the rgb attribute of graphical entities is not a real DXF attribute either the vertices of the LWPOLYLINE entity.

The selection by relational operators is case insensitive by default, because all names of DXF table entries are handled case insensitive. But if required the selection mode can be set to case sensitive:

lines = msp.query("LINE")
# use case sensitive selection: "MyLayer" != "MYLAYER"
lines.ignore_case = False
entities = lines["layer"] == "MYLAYER"
assert len(entities) == 0
# the result container has the default setting:
assert entities.ignore_case is True

Supported selection operators are:

  • == equal “value”
  • != not equal “value”
  • < lower than “value”
  • <= lower or equal than “value”
  • > greater than “value”
  • >= greater or equal than “value”

The relational operators <, >, <= and >= are not supported for vector-based attributes such as center or insert and raise a TypeError.


These operators are selection operators and not logic operators, therefore the logic operators and, or and not are not applicable. The methods union(), intersection(), difference() and symmetric_difference() can be used to combine selection. See section Query Set Operators and Build Own Filters.

The EntityQuery.match() method returns all entities where the selected DXF attribute matches the given regular expression. This methods work only on string based attributes, raises TypeError otherwise.

From here on I use only descriptors for attribute selection if possible.

msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0), dxfattribs={"layer": "Lay1"})
msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0), dxfattribs={"layer": "Lay2"})
lines = msp.query("LINE")
# select all entities at layers starting with "Lay",
# selection is also case insensitive by default:
assert len(lines.layer.match("^Lay.*")) == 2

The method EntityQuery.filter can be used to build operators for none-DXF attributes or for complex logic expressions.

Find all MTEXT entities in modelspace containing “SearchText”. All MText entities have a text attribute, no need for a safety check:

mtext = msp.query("MTEXT").filter(lambda e: "SearchText" in e.text)

This filter checks the non-DXF attribute rgb. The filter has to check if the rgb attributes exist to avoid exceptions, because not all entities in modelspace may have the rgb attribute e.g. the DXFTagStorage entities which preserve unknown DXF entities:

result = msp.query().filter(

lambda e: hasattr(e, "rgb") and e.rgb == (0, 0, 0) )

Build 1-pass logic filters for complex queries, which would require otherwise multiple passes:

result = msp.query().filter(lambda e: e.dxf.color < 7 and e.dxf.layer == "0")

Combine filters for more complex operations. The first filter passes only valid entities and the second filter does the actual check:

def validator(entity):

return True # if entity is valid and has all required attributes def check(entity):
return True # if entity passes the attribute checks result = msp.query().filter(validator).filter(check)

The | operator or EntityQuery.union() returns a new EntityQuery with all entities from both queries. All entities are unique - no duplicates. This operator acts like the logical or operator.

entities = msp.query()
# select all entities with color < 2 or color > 7
result = (entities.color < 2 ) | (entities.color > 7)

The & operator or EntityQuery.intersection() returns a new EntityQuery with entities common to self and other. This operator acts like the logical and operator.

entities = msp.query()
# select all entities with color > 1 and color < 7
result = (entities.color > 1) & (entities.color < 7)

The - operator or EntityQuery.difference() returns a new EntityQuery with all entities from self that are not in other.

entities = msp.query()
# select all entities with color > 1 and not layer == "MyLayer"
result = (entities.color > 1) - (entities.layer != "MyLayer")

The ^ operator or EntityQuery.symmetric_difference() returns a new EntityQuery with entities in either self or other but not both.

entities = msp.query()
# select all entities with color > 1 or layer == "MyLayer", exclusive
# entities with color > 1 and layer == "MyLayer"
result = (entities.color > 1) ^ (entities.layer == "MyLayer")

Start a new query based on sequence entities. The entities argument has to be an iterable of DXFEntity or inherited objects and returns an EntityQuery object.


For usage of the groupby features see the tutorial: Retrieve entities by groupby() function

Groups a sequence of DXF entities by a DXF attribute like 'layer', returns a dict with dxfattrib values as key and a list of entities matching this dxfattrib. A key function can be used to combine some DXF attributes (e.g. layer and color) and should return a hashable data type like a tuple of strings, integers or floats, key function example:

def group_key(entity: DXFEntity):

return entity.dxf.layer, entity.dxf.color

For not suitable DXF entities return None to exclude this entity, in this case it’s not required, because groupby() catches DXFAttributeError exceptions to exclude entities, which do not provide layer and/or color attributes, automatically.

Result dict for dxfattrib = 'layer' may look like this:


'0': [ ... list of entities ],
'ExampleLayer1': [ ... ],
'ExampleLayer2': [ ... ],
... }

Result dict for key = group_key, which returns a (layer, color) tuple, may look like this:


('0', 1): [ ... list of entities ],
('0', 3): [ ... ],
('0', 7): [ ... ],
('ExampleLayer1', 1): [ ... ],
('ExampleLayer1', 2): [ ... ],
('ExampleLayer1', 5): [ ... ],
('ExampleLayer2', 7): [ ... ],
... }

All entity containers (modelspace, paperspace layouts and blocks) and the EntityQuery object have a dedicated groupby() method.

  • entities – sequence of DXF entities to group by a DXF attribute or a key function
  • dxfattrib – grouping DXF attribute like 'layer'
  • key – key function, which accepts a DXFEntity as argument and returns a hashable grouping key or None to ignore this entity

Math core module: ezdxf.math

These are the core math functions and classes which should be imported from ezdxf.math.

Returns the closest point to base.
  • base – base point as Vec3 compatible object
  • points – iterable of points as Vec3 compatible object

Returns an uniform knot vector for a B-spline of order and count control points.

order = degree + 1

  • count – count of control points
  • order – spline order
  • normalize – normalize values in range [0, 1] if True

Returns an open (clamped) uniform knot vector for a B-spline of order and count control points.

order = degree + 1

  • count – count of control points
  • order – spline order
  • normalize – normalize values in range [0, 1] if True

Returns the count of required knot values for a B-spline of order and count control points.
  • count – count of control points, in text-books referred as “n + 1”
  • order – order of B-Spline, in text-books referred as “k”


“p” is the degree of the B-spline, text-book notation.

  • k = p + 1
  • 2 ≤ k ≤ n + 1

Extended rounding function, argument rounding defines the rounding limit:
0 remove fraction
0.1 round next to x.1, x.2, … x.0
0.25 round next to x.25, x.50, x.75 or x.00
0.5 round next to x.5 or x.0
1.0 round to a multiple of 1: remove fraction
2.0 round to a multiple of 2: xxx2, xxx4, xxx6 …
5.0 round to a multiple of 5: xxx5 or xxx0
10.0 round to a multiple of 10: xx10, xx20, …
  • value – float value to round
  • rounding – rounding limit

Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval, like numpy.linspace().

Returns num evenly spaced samples, calculated over the interval [start, stop]. The endpoint of the interval can optionally be excluded.

Returns the area of a polygon, returns the projected area in the xy-plane for any vertices (z-axis will be ignored).

Returns the counter-clockwise angle span from start to end in degrees.

Returns the angle span in the range of [0, 360], 360 is a full circle. Full circle handling is a special case, because normalization of angles which describe a full circle would return 0 if treated as regular angles. e.g. (0, 360) → 360, (0, -360) → 360, (180, -180) → 360. Input angles with the same value always return 0 by definition: (0, 0) → 0, (-180, -180) → 0, (360, 360) → 0.

Returns the counter-clockwise angle span from start to end in radians.

Returns the angle span in the range of [0, 2π], 2π is a full circle. Full circle handling is a special case, because normalization of angles which describe a full circle would return 0 if treated as regular angles. e.g. (0, 2π) → 2π, (0, -2π) → 2π, (π, -π) → 2π. Input angles with the same value always return 0 by definition: (0, 0) → 0, (-π, -π) → 0, (2π, 2π) → 0.

Returns the count of required segments for the approximation of an arc for a given maximum sagitta.
  • radius – arc radius
  • angle – angle span of the arc in radians
  • sagitta – max. distance from the center of an arc segment to the center of its chord

Returns the chord length for an arc defined by radius and the sagitta.
  • radius – arc radius
  • sagitta – distance from the center of the arc to the center of its base

Returns the counter-clockwise params span of an elliptic arc from start- to end param.

Returns the param span in the range [0, 2π], 2π is a full ellipse. Full ellipse handling is a special case, because normalization of params which describe a full ellipse would return 0 if treated as regular params. e.g. (0, 2π) → 2π, (0, -2π) → 2π, (π, -π) → 2π. Input params with the same value always return 0 by definition: (0, 0) → 0, (-π, -π) → 0, (2π, 2π) → 0.

Alias to function: ezdxf.math.arc_angle_span_rad()

Returns True if matrix m performs a non-uniform xy-scaling. Uniform scaling is not stretching in this context.

Does not check if the target system is a cartesian coordinate system, use the Matrix44 property is_cartesian for that.

Returns True if matrix m performs a non-uniform xyz-scaling. Uniform scaling is not stretching in this context.

Does not check if the target system is a cartesian coordinate system, use the Matrix44 property is_cartesian for that.


Description of the Bulge value.

Returns bulge parameters from arc parameters.
  • center – circle center point as Vec2 compatible object
  • start_angle – start angle in radians
  • end_angle – end angle in radians
  • radius – circle radius

(start_point, end_point, bulge)

Returns bulge value defined by three points.

Based on 3-Points to Bulge by Lee Mac.

  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • point – arbitrary point as Vec2 compatible object

Returns center of arc described by the given bulge parameters.

Based on Bulge Center by Lee Mac.

  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • bulge – bulge value as float

Returns radius of arc defined by the given bulge parameters.

Based on Bulge Radius by Lee Mac

  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • bulge – bulge value

Returns arc parameters from bulge parameters.

The arcs defined by bulge values of LWPolyline and 2D Polyline entities start at the vertex which includes the bulge value and ends at the following vertex.

Based on Bulge to Arc by Lee Mac.

  • start_point – start vertex as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end vertex as Vec2 compatible object
  • bulge – bulge value

(center, start_angle, end_angle, radius)

Returns 2D convex hull for points as list of Vec2. Returns a closed polyline, first vertex == last vertex.
points – iterable of points, z-axis is ignored

Returns the normal distance from point to 2D line defined by start- and end point.

Returns the intersection points for two polylines as list of Vec2 objects, the list is empty if no intersection points exist. Does not return self intersection points of p1 or p2. Duplicate intersection points are removed from the result list, but the list does not have a particular order! You can sort the result list by result.sort() to introduce an order.
  • p1 – first polyline as sequence of Vec2 objects
  • p2 – second polyline as sequence of Vec2 objects
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

New in version 0.17.2.

Compute the intersection of two lines in the xy-plane.
  • line1 – start- and end point of first line to test e.g. ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)).
  • line2 – start- and end point of second line to test e.g. ((x3, y3), (x4, y4)).
  • virtualTrue returns any intersection point, False returns only real intersection points.
  • abs_tol – tolerance for intersection test.

None if there is no intersection point (parallel lines) or intersection point as Vec2

Returns True if the 2D polygon is convex. This function works with open and closed polygons and clockwise or counter-clockwise vertex orientation. Coincident vertices will always be skipped and if argument strict is True, polygons with collinear vertices are not considered as convex.

This solution works only for simple non-self-intersecting polygons!

Test if point is inside polygon. Returns -1 (for outside) if the polygon is degenerated, no exception will be raised.
  • point – 2D point to test as Vec2
  • polygon – sequence of 2D points as Vec2
  • abs_tol – tolerance for distance check

+1 for inside, 0 for on boundary line, -1 for outside

Returns True if point is “left of line” defined by start- and end point, a colinear point is also “left of line” if argument colinear is True.
  • point – 2D point to test as Vec2
  • start – line definition point as Vec2
  • end – line definition point as Vec2
  • colinear – a colinear point is also “left of line” if True

Returns True if point is on line.
  • point – 2D point to test as Vec2
  • start – line definition point as Vec2
  • end – line definition point as Vec2
  • ray – if True point has to be on the infinite ray, if False point has to be on the line segment
  • abs_tol – tolerance for on the line test

Yields vertices of the offset line to the shape defined by vertices. The source shape consist of straight segments and is located in the xy-plane, the z-axis of input vertices is ignored. Takes closed shapes into account if argument closed is True, which yields intersection of first and last offset segment as first vertex for a closed shape. For closed shapes the first and last vertex can be equal, else an implicit closing segment from last to first vertex is added. A shape with equal first and last vertex is not handled automatically as closed shape.


Adjacent collinear segments in opposite directions, same as a turn by 180 degree (U-turn), leads to unexpected results.

  • vertices – source shape defined by vertices
  • offset – line offset perpendicular to direction of shape segments defined by vertices order, offset > 0 is ‘left’ of line segment, offset < 0 is ‘right’ of line segment
  • closedTrue to handle as closed shape

source = [(0, 0), (3, 0), (3, 3), (0, 3)]
result = list(offset_vertices_2d(source, offset=0.5, closed=True))


Example for a closed collinear shape, which creates 2 additional vertices and the first one has an unexpected location:

source = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)]
result = list(offset_vertices_2d(source, offset=0.5, closed=True))

Returns -1 if point is left line, +1 if point is right of line and 0 if point is on the line. The line is defined by two vertices given as arguments start and end.
  • point – 2D point to test as Vec2
  • start – line definition point as Vec2
  • end – line definition point as Vec2
  • abs_tol – tolerance for minimum distance to line

The Rytz’s axis construction is a basic method of descriptive Geometry to find the axes, the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis, starting from two conjugated half-diameters.

Source: Wikipedia

Given conjugated diameter d1 is the vector from center C to point P and the given conjugated diameter d2 is the vector from center C to point Q. Center of ellipse is always (0, 0, 0). This algorithm works for 2D/3D vectors.

  • d1 – conjugated semi-major axis as Vec3
  • d2 – conjugated semi-minor axis as Vec3

Tuple of (major axis, minor axis, ratio)


The free online book 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development is a very good resource for learning vector math and other graphic related topics, it is easy to read for beginners and especially targeted to programmers.

Returns a combined transformation matrix for translation, scaling and rotation about the z-axis.
  • move – translation vector
  • scale – x-, y- and z-axis scaling as float triplet, e.g. (2, 2, 1)
  • z_rotation – rotation angle about the z-axis in radians

Returns the “best fit” normal for a plane defined by three or more vertices. This function tolerates imperfect plane vertices. Safe function to detect the extrusion vector of flat arbitrary polygons.

Convert multiple quadratic or cubic Bèzier curves into a single cubic B-spline (ezdxf.math.BSpline). For good results the curves must be lined up seamlessly, i.e. the starting point of the following curve must be the same as the end point of the previous curve. G1 continuity or better at the connection points of the Bézier curves is required to get best results.

New in version 0.16.

Creates an closed uniform (periodic) B-spline curve (open curve).

This B-spline does not pass any of the control points.

  • control_points – iterable of control points as Vec3 compatible objects
  • order – spline order (degree + 1)
  • weights – iterable of weight values

Returns the BoundingBox of a cubic Bézier curve of type Bezier4P.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a cubic Bèzier curve Bezier4P from three points. The curve starts at p1, goes through p2 and ends at p3. (source: pomax-2)

New in version 0.17.2.

Returns an approximation for a circular 2D arc by multiple cubic Bézier-curves.
  • center – circle center as Vec3 compatible object
  • radius – circle radius
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees
  • segments – count of Bèzier-curve segments, at least one segment for each quarter (90 deg), 1 for as few as possible.

Returns an approximation for an elliptic arc by multiple cubic Bézier-curves.
  • ellipse – ellipse parameters as ConstructionEllipse object
  • segments – count of Bèzier-curve segments, at least one segment for each quarter (π/2), 1 for as few as possible.

Returns an interpolation curve for given data points as multiple cubic Bézier-curves. Returns n-1 cubic Bézier-curves for n given data points, curve i goes from point[i] to point[i+1].
points – data points

Returns the normal distance from point to 3D line defined by start- and end point.

Estimate tangent magnitude of start- and end tangents.

Available estimation methods:

  • “chord”: total chord length, curve approximation by straight segments
  • “arc”: total arc length, curve approximation by arcs
  • “bezier-n”: total length from cubic bezier curve approximation, n segments per section

  • points – start-, end- and passing points of curve
  • method – tangent magnitude estimation method

Estimate tangents for curve defined by given fit points. Calculated tangents are normalized (unit-vectors).

Available tangent estimation methods:

  • “3-points”: 3 point interpolation
  • “5-points”: 5 point interpolation
  • “bezier”: tangents from an interpolated cubic bezier curve
  • “diff”: finite difference

  • points – start-, end- and passing points of curve
  • method – tangent estimation method
  • normalize – normalize tangents if True

tangents as list of Vec3 objects

Returns a cubic BSpline from fit points as close as possible to common CAD applications like BricsCAD.

There exist infinite numerical correct solution for this setup, but some facts are known:

  • Global curve interpolation with start- and end derivatives, e.g. 6 fit points creates 8 control vertices in BricsCAD
  • Degree of B-spline is always 3, the stored degree is ignored, this is only valid for B-splines defined by fit points
  • Knot parametrization method is “chord”
  • Knot distribution is “natural”

The last missing parameter is the start- and end tangents estimation method used by BricsCAD, if these tangents are stored in the DXF file provide them as argument tangents as 2-tuple (start, end) and the interpolated control vertices will match the BricsCAD calculation, except for floating point imprecision.

If the end tangents are not given, the start- and ent tangent directions will be estimated. The argument estimate lets choose from different estimation methods (first 3 letters are significant):

  • “3-points”: 3 point interpolation
  • “5-points”: 5 point interpolation
  • “bezier”: tangents from an interpolated cubic bezier curve
  • “diff”: finite difference

The estimation method “5-p” yields the closest match to the BricsCAD rendering, but sometimes “bez” creates a better result.

If I figure out how BricsCAD estimates the end tangents directions, the argument estimate gets an additional value for that case. The existing estimation methods will perform the same way as now, except for bug fixes. But the default value may change, therefore set argument estimate to specific value to always get the same result in the future.

  • fit_points – points the spline is passing through
  • tangents – start- and end tangent, default is autodetect
  • estimate – tangent direction estimation method

Changed in version 0.16: removed unused arguments degree and method

Returns a cubic BSpline from fit points without end tangents.

This function uses the cubic Bèzier interpolation to create multiple Bèzier curves and combine them into a single B-spline, this works for short simple splines better than the fit_points_to_cad_cv(), but is worse for longer and more complex splines.

fit_points – points the spline is passing through

New in version 0.16.

B-spline interpolation by the Global Curve Interpolation. Given are the fit points and the degree of the B-spline. The function provides 3 methods for generating the parameter vector t:
  • “uniform”: creates a uniform t vector, from 0 to 1 evenly spaced, see uniform method
  • “chord”, “distance”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point distances, see chord length method
  • “centripetal”, “sqrt_chord”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point sqrt(distances), see centripetal method
  • “arc”: creates a t vector with values proportional to the arc length between fit points.

It is possible to constraint the curve by tangents, by start- and end tangent if only two tangents are given or by one tangent for each fit point.

If tangents are given, they represent 1st derivatives and should be scaled if they are unit vectors, if only start- and end tangents given the function estimate_end_tangent_magnitude() helps with an educated guess, if all tangents are given, scaling by chord length is a reasonable choice (Piegl & Tiller).

  • fit_points – fit points of B-spline, as list of Vec3 compatible objects
  • tangents – if only two vectors are given, take the first and the last vector as start- and end tangent constraints or if for all fit points a tangent is given use all tangents as interpolation constraints (optional)
  • degree – degree of B-spline
  • method – calculation method for parameter vector t


Returns the intersection points for two polylines as list of Vec3 objects, the list is empty if no intersection points exist. Does not return self intersection points of p1 or p2. Duplicate intersection points are removed from the result list, but the list does not have a particular order! You can sort the result list by result.sort() to introduce an order.
  • p1 – first polyline as sequence of Vec3 objects
  • p2 – second polyline as sequence of Vec3 objects
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

New in version 0.17.2.

Returns the intersection point of two 3D lines, returns None if lines do not intersect.
  • line1 – first line as tuple of two points as Vec3 objects
  • line2 – second line as tuple of two points as Vec3 objects
  • virtualTrue returns any intersection point, False returns only real intersection points
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

New in version 0.17.2.

Returns the intersection point of the 3D line form start to end and the given polygon.
  • start – start point of 3D line as Vec3
  • end – end point of 3D line as Vec3
  • polygon – 3D polygon as iterable of Vec3
  • coplanar – if True a coplanar start- or end point as intersection point is valid
  • boundary – if True an intersection point at the polygon boundary line is valid
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

New in version 0.18.

Returns the intersection point of the infinite 3D ray defined by origin and the direction vector and the given polygon.
  • origin – origin point of the 3D ray as Vec3
  • direction – direction vector of the 3D ray as Vec3
  • polygon – 3D polygon as iterable of Vec3
  • boundary – if True intersection points at the polygon boundary line are valid
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

New in version 0.18.

Calculate intersection of two 3D rays, returns a 0-tuple for parallel rays, a 1-tuple for intersecting rays and a 2-tuple for not intersecting and not parallel rays with points of the closest approach on each ray.
  • ray1 – first ray as tuple of two points as Vec3 objects
  • ray2 – second ray as tuple of two points as Vec3 objects
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for comparisons

Returns True if sequence of vectors is a planar face.
  • face – sequence of Vec3 objects
  • abs_tol – tolerance for normals check

Returns count evenly spaced vertices from start to end.

B-spline interpolation by ‘Local Cubic Curve Interpolation’, which creates B-spline from fit points and estimated tangent direction at start-, end- and passing points.

Source: Piegl & Tiller: “The NURBS Book” - chapter 9.3.4

Available tangent estimation methods:

  • “3-points”: 3 point interpolation
  • “5-points”: 5 point interpolation
  • “bezier”: cubic bezier curve interpolation
  • “diff”: finite difference

or pass pre-calculated tangents, which overrides tangent estimation.

  • fit_points – all B-spline fit points as Vec3 compatible objects
  • method – tangent estimation method
  • tangents – tangents as Vec3 compatible objects (optional)


Returns normal vector for 3 points, which is the normalized cross product for: a->b x a->c.

Creates an open uniform (periodic) B-spline curve (open curve).

This is an unclamped curve, which means the curve passes none of the control points.

  • control_points – iterable of control points as Vec3 compatible objects
  • order – spline order (degree + 1)
  • weights – iterable of weight values

Returns the BoundingBox of a quadratic Bézier curve of type Bezier3P.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a quadratic Bèzier curve Bezier3P from three points. The curve starts at p1, goes through p2 and ends at p3. (source: pomax-2)

New in version 0.17.2.

Convert quadratic Bèzier curves (ezdxf.math.Bezier3P) into cubic Bèzier curves (ezdxf.math.Bezier4P).

New in version 0.16.

Returns a rational B-splines for a circular 2D arc.
  • center – circle center as Vec3 compatible object
  • radius – circle radius
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees
  • segments – count of spline segments, at least one segment for each quarter (90 deg), default is 1, for as few as needed.

Returns a rational B-splines for an elliptic arc.
  • ellipse – ellipse parameters as ConstructionEllipse object
  • segments – count of spline segments, at least one segment for each quarter (π/2), default is 1, for as few as needed.

Safe function to detect the normal vector for a face or polygon defined by 3 or more vertices.

Calculate the spherical envelope for the given points. Returns the centroid (a.k.a. geometric center) and the radius of the enclosing sphere.


The result does not represent the minimal bounding sphere!

New in version 0.18.

Split Bèzier curves at parameter t by de Casteljau’s algorithm (source: pomax-1). Returns the control points for two new Bèzier curves of the same degree and type as the input curve.
  • control_points – of the Bèzier curve as Vec2 or Vec3 objects. Requires 3 points for a quadratic curve, 4 points for a cubic curve , …
  • t – parameter where to split the curve in the range [0, 1]

New in version 0.17.2.

Split a convex polygon by the given plane if needed. Returns a tuple of front- and back vertices (front, back). Returns also coplanar polygons if the argument coplanar is True, the coplanar vertices goes into either front or back depending on their orientation with respect to this plane.

New in version 0.18.

Yields new subdivided faces. Creates new faces from subdivided edges and the face midpoint by linear interpolation.
  • face – a sequence of vertices, Vec2 and Vec3 objects supported.
  • quads – create quad faces if True else create triangles

Yields only triangles or quad faces, subdivides ngons into triangles.
  • faces – iterable of faces as sequence of Vec2 and Vec3 objects
  • max_vertex_count – subdivide only ngons with more vertices

Establish an user coordinate system (UCS). The UCS is defined by the origin and two unit vectors for the x-, y- or z-axis, all axis in WCS. The missing axis is the cross product of the given axis.

If x- and y-axis are None: ux = (1, 0, 0), uy = (0, 1, 0), uz = (0, 0, 1).

Unit vectors don’t have to be normalized, normalization is done at initialization, this is also the reason why scaling gets lost by copying or rotating.

  • origin – defines the UCS origin in world coordinates
  • ux – defines the UCS x-axis as vector in WCS
  • uy – defines the UCS y-axis as vector in WCS
  • uz – defines the UCS z-axis as vector in WCS

x-axis unit vector

y-axis unit vector

z-axis unit vector

Returns True if cartesian coordinate system.

copy() -> UCS
Returns a copy of this UCS.

Returns WCS point for UCS point.

Returns iterable of WCS vectors for UCS points.

Returns WCS direction for UCS vector without origin adjustment.

Returns UCS point for WCS point.

Returns iterable of UCS vectors from WCS points.

Returns UCS vector for WCS vector without origin adjustment.

Returns OCS vector for UCS point.

The OCS is defined by the z-axis of the UCS.

Returns iterable of OCS vectors for UCS points.

The OCS is defined by the z-axis of the UCS.

points – iterable of UCS vertices

Transforms angle from current UCS to the parent coordinate system (most likely the WCS) including the transformation to the OCS established by the extrusion vector
angle – in UCS in degrees

General inplace transformation interface, returns self (floating interface).
m – 4x4 transformation matrix (ezdxf.math.Matrix44)

Returns a new rotated UCS, with the same origin as the source UCS. The rotation vector is located in the origin and has WCS coordinates e.g. (0, 0, 1) is the WCS z-axis as rotation vector.
  • axis – arbitrary rotation axis as vector in WCS
  • angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local x-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local y-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local z-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Shifts current UCS by delta vector and returns self.
delta – shifting vector

Place current UCS at new origin location and returns self.
location – new origin in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the x-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xy-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – x-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xy-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the x-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xz-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – x-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the y-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xy-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – y-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xy-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the y-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the yz-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – y-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the yz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the z-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xz-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – z-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

Returns an new UCS defined by the origin, the z-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the yz-plane.
  • origin – UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • axis – z-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS
  • point – arbitrary point unlike the origin in the yz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in WCS

This is a 4x4 transformation matrix.

The utility functions for constructing transformations and transforming vectors and points assumes that vectors are stored as row vectors, meaning when multiplied, transformations are applied left to right (e.g. vAB transforms v by A then by B).

Matrix44 initialization:

  • Matrix44() returns the identity matrix.
  • Matrix44(values) values is an iterable with the 16 components of the matrix.
  • Matrix44(row1, row2, row3, row4) four rows, each row with four values.

__repr__() -> str
Returns the representation string of the matrix: Matrix44((col0, col1, col2, col3), (...), (...), (...))

Get row as list of four float values.
row – row index [0 .. 3]

Sets the values in a row.
  • row – row index [0 .. 3]
  • values – iterable of four row values

Returns a column as a tuple of four floats.
col – column index [0 .. 3]

Sets the values in a column.
  • col – column index [0 .. 3]
  • values – iterable of four column values

copy() -> Matrix44
Returns a copy of same type.

__copy__() -> Matrix44
Returns a copy of same type.

Returns a scaling transformation matrix. If sy is None, sy = sx, and if sz is None sz = sx.

Returns a translation matrix for translation vector (dx, dy, dz).

Returns a rotation matrix about the x-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a rotation matrix about the y-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a rotation matrix about the z-axis.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a rotation matrix about an arbitrary axis.
  • axis – rotation axis as (x, y, z) tuple or Vec3 object
  • angle – rotation angle in radians

Returns a rotation matrix for rotation about each axis.
  • angle_x – rotation angle about x-axis in radians
  • angle_y – rotation angle about y-axis in radians
  • angle_z – rotation angle about z-axis in radians

Returns a translation matrix for shear mapping (visually similar to slanting) in the xy-plane.
  • angle_x – slanting angle in x direction in radians
  • angle_y – slanting angle in y direction in radians

Returns a matrix for a 2D projection.
  • left – Coordinate of left of screen
  • right – Coordinate of right of screen
  • top – Coordinate of the top of the screen
  • bottom – Coordinate of the bottom of the screen
  • near – Coordinate of the near clipping plane
  • far – Coordinate of the far clipping plane

Returns a matrix for a 2D projection.
  • fov – The field of view (in radians)
  • aspect – The aspect ratio of the screen (width / height)
  • near – Coordinate of the near clipping plane
  • far – Coordinate of the far clipping plane

Compose a transformation matrix from one or more matrices.

Returns a matrix for coordinate transformation from WCS to UCS. For transformation from UCS to WCS, transpose the returned matrix.
  • ux – x-axis for UCS as unit vector
  • uy – y-axis for UCS as unit vector
  • uz – z-axis for UCS as unit vector
  • origin – UCS origin as location vector

Return hash(self).

__getitem__(index: Tuple[int, int])
Get (row, column) element.

__setitem__(index: Tuple[int, int], value: float)
Set (row, column) element.

__iter__() -> Iterator[float]
Iterates over all matrix values.

Iterate over rows as 4-tuples.

Iterate over columns as 4-tuples.

__mul__(other: Matrix44) -> Matrix44
Returns a new matrix as result of the matrix multiplication with another matrix.

__imul__(other: Matrix44) -> Matrix44
Inplace multiplication with another matrix.

Returns a transformed vertex.

Returns a transformed direction vector without translation.

Returns an iterable of transformed vertices.

Returns an iterable of transformed direction vectors without translation.

Swaps the rows for columns inplace.

Returns determinant.

Calculates the inverse of the matrix.
ZeroDivisionError – if matrix has no inverse.

Returns True if target coordinate system is a right handed orthogonal coordinate system.

Returns True if target coordinate system has orthogonal axis.

Does not check for left- or right handed orientation, any orientation of the axis valid.

Type alias for Union[Sequence[float], Vec2, Vec3]

This is an immutable universal 3D vector object. This class is optimized for universality not for speed. Immutable means you can’t change (x, y, z) components after initialization:

v1 = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
v2 = v1
v2.z = 7  # this is not possible, raises AttributeError
v2 = Vec3(v2.x, v2.y, 7)  # this creates a new Vec3() object
assert v1.z == 3  # and v1 remains unchanged

Vec3 initialization:

  • Vec3(), returns Vec3(0, 0, 0)
  • Vec3((x, y)), returns Vec3(x, y, 0)
  • Vec3((x, y, z)), returns Vec3(x, y, z)
  • Vec3(x, y), returns Vec3(x, y, 0)
  • Vec3(x, y, z), returns Vec3(x, y, z)

Addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and scalar division left and right handed are supported:

v = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
v + (1, 2, 3) == Vec3(2, 4, 6)
(1, 2, 3) + v == Vec3(2, 4, 6)
v - (1, 2, 3) == Vec3(0, 0, 0)
(1, 2, 3) - v == Vec3(0, 0, 0)
v * 3 == Vec3(3, 6, 9)
3 * v == Vec3(3, 6, 9)
Vec3(3, 6, 9) / 3 == Vec3(1, 2, 3)
-Vec3(1, 2, 3) == (-1, -2, -3)

Comparison between vectors and vectors or tuples is supported:

Vec3(1, 2, 3) < Vec3 (2, 2, 2)
(1, 2, 3) < tuple(Vec3(2, 2, 2))  # conversion necessary
Vec3(1, 2, 3) == (1, 2, 3)
bool(Vec3(1, 2, 3)) is True
bool(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) is False

x-axis value

y-axis value

z-axis value

Vec3 as (x, y, 0), projected on the xy-plane.

Vec3 as (x, y, z) tuple.

Real 2D vector as Vec2 object.

Length of vector.

Length of vector in the xy-plane.

Square length of vector.

Vec3(0, 0, 0). Has a fixed absolute testing tolerance of 1e-12!
True if all components are close to zero

Angle between vector and x-axis in the xy-plane in radians.

Returns angle of vector and x-axis in the xy-plane in degrees.

Spatial angle between vector and x-axis in radians.

Spatial angle between vector and x-axis in degrees.

__str__() -> str
Return '(x, y, z)' as string.

__repr__() -> str
Return 'Vec3(x, y, z)' as string.

__len__() -> int
Returns always 3.

__hash__() -> int
Returns hash value of vector, enables the usage of vector as key in set and dict.

copy() -> Vec3
Returns a copy of vector as Vec3 object.

__copy__() -> Vec3
Returns a copy of vector as Vec3 object.

__deepcopy__(memodict: dict) -> Vec3
copy.deepcopy() support.

__getitem__(index: int) -> float
Support for indexing:
  • v[0] is v.x
  • v[1] is v.y
  • v[2] is v.z

__iter__() -> Iterator[float]
Returns iterable of x-, y- and z-axis.

__abs__() -> float
Returns length (magnitude) of vector.

Returns a Vec3 object from angle in radians in the xy-plane, z-axis = 0.

Returns a Vec3 object from angle in degrees in the xy-plane, z-axis = 0.

Returns orthogonal 2D vector, z-axis is unchanged.
ccw – counter clockwise if True else clockwise

Returns linear interpolation between self and other.
  • other – end point as Vec3 compatible object
  • factor – interpolation factor (0 = self, 1 = other, 0.5 = mid point)

Returns True if self and other are parallel to vectors.

Returns projected vector of other onto self.

Returns normalized vector, optional scaled by length.

Returns negated vector (-self).

Returns True if self is close to other. Uses math.isclose() to compare all axis.

Learn more about the math.isclose() function in PEP 485.

__neg__() -> Vec3
Returns negated vector (-self).

__bool__() -> bool
Returns True if vector is not (0, 0, 0).

__eq__(other: UVec) -> bool
Equal operator.
otherVec3 compatible object

__lt__(other: UVec) -> bool
Lower than operator.
otherVec3 compatible object

__add__(other: UVec) -> Vec3
Add Vec3 operator: self + other.

__radd__(other: UVec) -> Vec3
RAdd Vec3 operator: other + self.

__sub__(other: UVec) -> Vec3
Sub Vec3 operator: self - other.

__rsub__(other: UVec) -> Vec3
RSub Vec3 operator: other - self.

__mul__(other: float) -> Vec3
Scalar Mul operator: self * other.

__rmul__(other: float) -> Vec3
Scalar RMul operator: other * self.

__truediv__(other: float) -> Vec3
Scalar Div operator: self / other.

Dot operator: self . other
otherVec3 compatible object

Dot operator: self x other
otherVec3 compatible object

Returns distance between self and other vector.

Returns counter clockwise angle in radians about self from base to target when projected onto the plane defined by self as the normal vector.
  • base – base vector, defines angle 0
  • target – target vector

Returns angle between self and other in radians. +angle is counter clockwise orientation.
otherVec3 compatible object

Returns vector rotated about angle around the z-axis.
angle – angle in radians

Returns vector rotated about angle around the z-axis.
angle – angle in degrees

Vec3(1, 0, 0)

Vec3(0, 1, 0)

Vec3(0, 0, 1)

Vec3(0, 0, 0)

Vec2 represents a special 2D vector (x, y). The Vec2 class is optimized for speed and not immutable, iadd(), isub(), imul() and idiv() modifies the vector itself, the Vec3 class returns a new object.

Vec2 initialization accepts float-tuples (x, y[, z]), two floats or any object providing x and y attributes like Vec2 and Vec3 objects.

  • v – vector object with x and y attributes/properties or a sequence of float [x, y, ...] or x-axis as float if argument y is not None
  • y – second float for Vec2(x, y)

Vec2 implements a subset of Vec3.

Represents a plane in 3D space as normal vector and the perpendicular distance from origin.
Normal vector of the plane.

The (perpendicular) distance of the plane from origin (0, 0, 0).

Returns the location vector.

Returns a new plane from 3 points in space.

Returns a new plane from the given location vector.

copy() -> Plane
Returns a copy of the plane.

Returns signed distance of vertex v to plane, if distance is > 0, v is in ‘front’ of plane, in direction of the normal vector, if distance is < 0, v is at the ‘back’ of the plane, in the opposite direction of the normal vector.

Returns absolute (unsigned) distance of vertex v to plane.

Returns True if vertex v is coplanar, distance from plane to vertex v is 0.

Returns True if plane p is coplanar, normal vectors in same or opposite direction.

Returns the intersection point of the 3D line from start to end and this plane or None if there is no intersection. If the argument coplanar is False the start- or end point of the line are ignored as intersection points.

New in version 0.18.

Returns the intersection point of the infinite 3D ray defined by origin and the direction vector and this plane or None if there is no intersection. A coplanar ray does not intersect the plane!

New in version 0.18.

3D bounding box.
vertices – iterable of (x, y, z) tuples or Vec3 objects

“lower left” corner of bounding box

“upper right” corner of bounding box

Returns True if the bounding box is empty or the bounding box has a size of 0 in any or all dimensions or is undefined.

Changed in version 0.18.

Returns True if the bonding box has known limits.

Returns size of bounding box.

Returns center of bounding box.

Returns True if vertex is inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if any vertex is inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if all vertices are inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if this bounding box intersects with other but does not include touching bounding boxes, see also has_overlap():

bbox1 = BoundingBox([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])
bbox2 = BoundingBox([(1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2)])
assert bbox1.has_intersection(bbox2) is False

Returns True if this bounding box intersects with other but in contrast to has_intersection() includes touching bounding boxes too:

bbox1 = BoundingBox([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])
bbox2 = BoundingBox([(1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2)])
assert bbox1.has_overlap(bbox2) is True

Returns True if the other bounding box is completely inside of this bounding box.

New in version 0.17.2.

Extend bounds by vertices.
vertices – iterable of vertices

Returns a new bounding box as union of this and other bounding box.

Returns the bounding box of the intersection cube of both 3D bounding boxes. Returns an empty bounding box if the intersection volume is 0.

Returns the corners of the bounding box in the xy-plane as Vec2 objects.

Returns the 3D corners of the bounding box as Vec3 objects.

Grow or shrink the bounding box by an uniform value in x, y and z-axis. A negative value shrinks the bounding box. Raises ValueError for shrinking the size of the bounding box to zero or below in any dimension.

Optimized 2D bounding box.
vertices – iterable of (x, y[, z]) tuples or Vec3 objects

“lower left” corner of bounding box

“upper right” corner of bounding box

Returns True if the bounding box is empty. The bounding box has a size of 0 in any or all dimensions or is undefined.

Returns True if the bonding box has known limits.

Returns size of bounding box.

Returns center of bounding box.

Returns True if vertex is inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if any vertex is inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if all vertices are inside this bounding box.

Vertices at the box border are inside!

Returns True if this bounding box intersects with other but does not include touching bounding boxes, see also has_overlap():

bbox1 = BoundingBox2d([(0, 0), (1, 1)])
bbox2 = BoundingBox2d([(1, 1), (2, 2)])
assert bbox1.has_intersection(bbox2) is False

Returns True if this bounding box intersects with other but in contrast to has_intersection() includes touching bounding boxes too:

bbox1 = BoundingBox2d([(0, 0), (1, 1)])
bbox2 = BoundingBox2d([(1, 1), (2, 2)])
assert bbox1.has_overlap(bbox2) is True

New in version 0.17.2.

Returns True if the other bounding box is completely inside of this bounding box.

New in version 0.17.2.

Extend bounds by vertices.
vertices – iterable of vertices

Returns a new bounding box as union of this and other bounding box.

Returns the bounding box of the intersection rectangle of both 2D bounding boxes. Returns an empty bounding box if the intersection area is 0.

Returns the corners of the bounding box in the xy-plane as Vec2 objects.

Infinite 2D construction ray as immutable object.
  • p1 – definition point 1
  • p2 – ray direction as 2nd point or None
  • angle – ray direction as angle in radians or None

Location vector as Vec2.

Direction vector as Vec2.

Slope of ray or None if vertical.

Angle between x-axis and ray in radians.

Angle between x-axis and ray in degrees.

True if ray is vertical (parallel to y-axis).

True if ray is horizontal (parallel to x-axis).

Return str(self).

Returns True if rays are parallel.

Returns the intersection point as (x, y) tuple of self and other.
ParallelRaysError – if rays are parallel

Bisectrix between self and other.

Returns y-value of ray for x location.
ArithmeticError – for vertical rays

Returns x-value of ray for y location.
ArithmeticError – for horizontal rays

2D ConstructionLine is similar to ConstructionRay, but has a start- and endpoint. The direction of line goes from start- to endpoint, “left of line” is always in relation to this line direction.
  • start – start point of line as Vec2 compatible object
  • end – end point of line as Vec2 compatible object

start point as Vec2

end point as Vec2

bounding box of line as BoundingBox2d object.

collinear ConstructionRay.

True if line is vertical.

True if line is horizontal.

Return str(self).

Move line about dx in x-axis and about dy in y-axis.
  • dx – translation in x-axis
  • dy – translation in y-axis

Returns length of line.

Returns mid point of line.

Returns True if point is inside of line bounding box.

Returns the intersection point of to lines or None if they have no intersection point.
  • other – other ConstructionLine
  • abs_tol – tolerance for distance check

Returns True if has intersection with other line.

Returns True if point is left of construction line in relation to the line direction from start to end.

If colinear is True, a colinear point is also left of the line.

Circle construction tool.
  • center – center point as Vec2 compatible object
  • radius – circle radius > 0

center point as Vec2

radius as float

2D bounding box of circle as BoundingBox2d object.

__str__() -> str
Returns string representation of circle “ConstructionCircle(center, radius)”.

Move circle about dx in x-axis and about dy in y-axis.
  • dx – translation in x-axis
  • dy – translation in y-axis

Returns point on circle at angle as Vec2 object.
angle – angle in radians, angle goes counter clockwise around the z-axis, x-axis = 0 deg.

Yields vertices of the circle for iterable angles.
angles – iterable of angles as radians, angle goes counter clockwise around the z-axis, x-axis = 0 deg.

New in version 0.17.1.

Approximate the circle by vertices, argument sagitta is the max. distance from the center of an arc segment to the center of its chord. Returns a closed polygon where the start vertex is coincident with the end vertex!

New in version 0.17.1.

Returns True if point is inside circle.

Returns tangent to circle at angle as ConstructionRay object.
angle – angle in radians

Returns intersection points of circle and ray as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • ray – intersection ray
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for tangents)

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 ray is a tangent to circle
2 ray intersects with the circle

Returns intersection points of circle and line as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • line – intersection line
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for tangents)

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 line intersects or touches the circle at one point
2 line intersects the circle at two points

New in version 0.17.1.

Returns intersection points of two circles as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • other – intersection circle
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 circle touches the other circle at one point
2 circle intersects with the other circle

This is a helper class to create parameters for the DXF Arc class.

ConstructionArc represents a 2D arc in the xy-plane, use an UCS to place arc in 3D space, see method add_to_layout().

Implements the 2D transformation tools: translate(), scale_uniform() and rotate_z()

  • center – center point as Vec2 compatible object
  • radius – radius
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees
  • is_counter_clockwise – swaps start- and end angle if False

center point as Vec2

radius as float

start angle in degrees

end angle in degrees

Returns angle span of arc from start- to end param.

Returns the start angle in radians.

Returns the end angle in radians.

start point of arc as Vec2.

end point of arc as Vec2.

bounding box of arc as BoundingBox2d.

Returns num angles from start- to end angle in degrees in counter-clockwise order.

All angles are normalized in the range from [0, 360).

Yields vertices on arc for angles in iterable a in WCS as location vectors.
a – angles in the range from 0 to 360 in degrees, arc goes counter clockwise around the z-axis, WCS x-axis = 0 deg.

Yields tangents on arc for angles in iterable a in WCS as direction vectors.
a – angles in the range from 0 to 360 in degrees, arc goes counter-clockwise around the z-axis, WCS x-axis = 0 deg.

Move arc about dx in x-axis and about dy in y-axis, returns self (floating interface).
  • dx – translation in x-axis
  • dy – translation in y-axis

Scale arc inplace uniform about s in x- and y-axis, returns self (floating interface).

Rotate arc inplace about z-axis, returns self (floating interface).
angle – rotation angle in degrees

Create arc from two points and enclosing angle. Additional precondition: arc goes by default in counter-clockwise orientation from start_point to end_point, can be changed by ccw = False.
  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • angle – enclosing angle in degrees
  • ccw – counter-clockwise direction if True

Create arc from two points and arc radius. Additional precondition: arc goes by default in counter-clockwise orientation from start_point to end_point can be changed by ccw = False.

The parameter center_is_left defines if the center of the arc is left or right of the line from start_point to end_point. Parameter ccw = False swaps start- and end point, which also inverts the meaning of center_is_left.

  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • radius – arc radius
  • ccw – counter-clockwise direction if True
  • center_is_left – center point of arc is left of line from start- to end point if True

Create arc from three points. Additional precondition: arc goes in counter-clockwise orientation from start_point to end_point.
  • start_point – start point as Vec2 compatible object
  • end_point – end point as Vec2 compatible object
  • def_point – additional definition point as Vec2 compatible object
  • ccw – counter-clockwise direction if True

Add arc as DXF Arc entity to a layout.

Supports 3D arcs by using an UCS. An ConstructionArc is always defined in the xy-plane, but by using an arbitrary UCS, the arc can be placed in 3D space, automatically OCS transformation included.

  • layout – destination layout as BaseLayout object
  • ucs – place arc in 3D space by UCS object
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the ARC entity

Returns intersection points of arc and ray as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • ray – intersection ray
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for tangents)

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 line intersects or touches the arc at one point
2 line intersects the arc at two points

New in version 0.17.1.

Returns intersection points of arc and line as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • line – intersection line
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for tangents)

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 line intersects or touches the arc at one point
2 line intersects the arc at two points

New in version 0.17.1.

Returns intersection points of arc and circle as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • circle – intersection circle
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 circle intersects or touches the arc at one point
2 circle intersects the arc at two points

New in version 0.17.1.

Returns intersection points of two arcs as sequence of Vec2 objects.
  • other – other intersection arc
  • abs_tol – absolute tolerance for tests

tuple of Vec2 objects
tuple size Description
0 no intersection
1 other arc intersects or touches the arc at one point
2 other arc intersects the arc at two points

New in version 0.17.1.

This is a helper class to create parameters for 3D ellipses.
  • center – 3D center point
  • major_axis – major axis as 3D vector
  • extrusion – normal vector of ellipse plane
  • ratio – ratio of minor axis to major axis
  • start_param – start param in radians
  • end_param – end param in radians
  • ccw – is counter clockwise flag - swaps start- and end param if False

center point as Vec3

major axis as Vec3

minor axis as Vec3, automatically calculated from major_axis and extrusion.

extrusion vector (normal of ellipse plane) as Vec3

ratio of minor axis to major axis (float)

start param in radians (float)

end param in radians (float)

Returns start point of ellipse as Vec3.

Returns end point of ellipse as Vec3.

Returns the counter clockwise params span from start- to end param, see also ezdxf.math.ellipse_param_span() for more information.

Returns ellipse parameters as OCS representation.

OCS elevation is stored in center.z.

Returns num params from start- to end param in counter clockwise order.

All params are normalized in the range from [0, 2π).

Yields vertices on ellipse for iterable params in WCS.
params – param values in the range from [0, 2π) in radians, param goes counter clockwise around the extrusion vector, major_axis = local x-axis = 0 rad.

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided. Returns a closed polygon for a full ellipse: start vertex == end vertex.
  • distance – maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the segment chord.
  • segments – minimum segment count

New in version 0.15.

Yields ellipse params for all given vertices.

The vertex don’t has to be exact on the ellipse curve or in the range from start- to end param or even in the ellipse plane. Param is calculated from the intersection point of the ray projected on the ellipse plane from the center of the ellipse through the vertex.


An input for start- and end vertex at param 0 and 2π return unpredictable results because of floating point inaccuracy, sometimes 0 and sometimes 2π.

Returns required DXF attributes to build an ELLIPSE entity.

Entity ELLIPSE has always a ratio in range from 1e-6 to 1.

Yields main axis points of ellipse in the range from start- to end param.

Returns ConstructionEllipse from arc or circle.

Arc and Circle parameters defined in OCS.

  • center – center in OCS
  • radius – arc or circle radius
  • extrusion – OCS extrusion vector
  • start_angle – start angle in degrees
  • end_angle – end angle in degrees
  • ccw – arc curve goes counter clockwise from start to end if True

Transform ellipse in place by transformation matrix m.

Swap axis and adjust start- and end parameter.

Add ellipse as DXF Ellipse entity to a layout.
  • layout – destination layout as BaseLayout object
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attributes for the ELLIPSE entity

Helper class to create rectangles.
  • center – center of rectangle
  • width – width of rectangle
  • height – height of rectangle
  • angle – angle of rectangle in degrees

box center

box width

box height

rotation angle in degrees

box corners as sequence of Vec2 objects.


incircle radius

circum circle radius

__iter__() -> Iterable[Vec2]
Iterable of box corners as Vec2 objects.

__getitem__(corner) -> Vec2
Get corner by index corner, list like slicing is supported.

__repr__() -> str
Returns string representation of box as ConstructionBox(center, width, height, angle)

Creates a box from two opposite corners, box sides are parallel to x- and y-axis.
  • p1 – first corner as Vec2 compatible object
  • p2 – second corner as Vec2 compatible object

Move box about dx in x-axis and about dy in y-axis.
  • dx – translation in x-axis
  • dy – translation in y-axis

Expand box: dw expand width, dh expand height.

Scale box: sw scales width, sh scales height.

Rotate box by angle in degrees.

Returns True if point is inside of box.

Returns True if any corner of other box is inside this box.

Returns True if this box and other box do overlap.

Returns borderlines of box as sequence of ConstructionLine.

Returns 0, 1 or 2 intersection points between line and box borderlines.
line – line to intersect with borderlines
list of intersection points
list size Description
0 no intersection
1 line touches box at one corner
2 line intersects with box

A polyline construction tool to measure, interpolate and divide anything that can be approximated or flattened into vertices. This is an immutable data structure which supports the Sequence interface.
  • vertices – iterable of polyline vertices
  • closeTrue to close the polyline (first vertex == last vertex)
  • rel_tol – relative tolerance for floating point comparisons

Example to measure or divide a SPLINE entity:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import ConstructionPolyline
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
spline = msp.query("SPLINE").first
if spline is not None:

polyline = ConstructionPolyline(spline.flattening(0.01))
print(f"Entity {spline} has an approximated length of {polyline.length}")
# get dividing points with a distance of 1.0 drawing unit to each other
points = list(polyline.divide_by_length(1.0))

New in version 0.18.

Returns the overall length of the polyline.

Returns True if the polyline is closed (first vertex == last vertex).

Returns the tuple (distance from start, distance from previous vertex, vertex). All distances measured along the polyline.

Returns the data index of the exact or next data entry for the given distance. Returns the index of last entry if distance > length.

Returns the interpolated vertex at the given distance from the start of the polyline.

Returns count interpolated vertices along the polyline. Argument count has to be greater than 2 and the start- and end vertices are always included.

Returns interpolated vertices along the polyline. Each vertex has a fix distance length from its predecessor. Yields the last vertex if argument force_last is True even if the last distance is not equal to length.

2D geometry object as list of Vec2 objects, vertices can be moved, rotated and scaled.
vertices – iterable of Vec2 compatible objects.

List of Vec2 objects


__len__() -> int
Returns count of vertices.

__getitem__(item: Union[int, slice]) -> Vec2
Get vertex by index item, supports list like slicing.

Append single vertex.
vertex – vertex as Vec2 compatible object

Append multiple vertices.
vertices – iterable of vertices as Vec2 compatible objects

Scale shape about sx in x-axis and sy in y-axis.

Scale shape uniform about scale in x- and y-axis.

Rotate shape around rotation center about angle in degrees.

Rotate shape around rotation center about angle in radians.

Returns a new offset shape, for more information see also ezdxf.math.offset_vertices_2d() function.
  • offset – line offset perpendicular to direction of shape segments defined by vertices order, offset > 0 is ‘left’ of line segment, offset < 0 is ‘right’ of line segment
  • closedTrue to handle as closed shape

Returns convex hull as new shape.

Representation of a B-spline curve. The default configuration of the knot vector is a uniform open knot vector (“clamped”).

Factory functions:

  • fit_points_to_cad_cv()
  • fit_points_to_cubic_bezier()
  • open_uniform_bspline()
  • closed_uniform_bspline()
  • rational_bspline_from_arc()
  • rational_bspline_from_ellipse()
  • global_bspline_interpolation()
  • local_cubic_bspline_interpolation()

  • control_points – iterable of control points as Vec3 compatible objects
  • order – spline order (degree + 1)
  • knots – iterable of knot values
  • weights – iterable of weight values

Count of control points, (n + 1 in text book notation).

Order (k) of B-spline = p + 1

Degree (p) of B-spline = order - 1

Biggest knot value.

Returns True if curve is a rational B-spline. (has weights)

Returns True if curve is a clamped (open) B-spline.

Returns a tuple of knot values as floats, the knot vector always has order + count values (n + p + 2 in text book notation).

Returns a tuple of weights values as floats, one for each control point or an empty tuple.

Yield evenly spaced parameters for given segment count.

Returns a new BSpline object with reversed control point order.

Returns a new BSpline object transformed by a Matrix44 transformation matrix.

Approximates curve by vertices as Vec3 objects, vertices count = segments + 1.

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments between two knots, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.
  • distance – maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the segment chord.
  • segments – minimum segment count between two knots

New in version 0.15.

Returns point for parameter t.
t – parameter in range [0, max_t]

Yields points for parameter vector t.
t – parameters in range [0, max_t]

Return point and derivatives up to n <= degree for parameter t.

e.g. n=1 returns point and 1st derivative.

  • t – parameter in range [0, max_t]
  • n – compute all derivatives up to n <= degree

n+1 values as Vec3 objects

Yields points and derivatives up to n <= degree for parameter vector t.

e.g. n=1 returns point and 1st derivative.

  • t – parameters in range [0, max_t]
  • n – compute all derivatives up to n <= degree

List of n+1 values as Vec3 objects

Insert an additional knot, without altering the shape of the curve. Returns a new BSpline object.
t – position of new knot 0 < t < max_t

Insert multiple knots, without altering the shape of the curve. Returns a new BSpline object.
u – vector of new knots t and for each t: 0 < t < max_t

Returns the ellipse as BSpline of 2nd degree with as few control points as possible.

Returns the arc as BSpline of 2nd degree with as few control points as possible.

Returns an arc approximation as BSpline with num control points.

Returns an ellipse approximation as BSpline with num control points.

Decompose a non-rational B-spline into multiple Bézier curves.

This is the preferred method to represent the most common non-rational B-splines of 3rd degree by cubic Bézier curves, which are often supported by render backends.

Yields control points of Bézier curves, each Bézier segment has degree+1 control points e.g. B-spline of 3rd degree yields cubic Bézier curves of 4 control points.

Approximate arbitrary B-splines (degree != 3 and/or rational) by multiple segments of cubic Bézier curves. The choice of cubic Bézier curves is based on the widely support of this curves by many render backends. For cubic non-rational B-splines, which is maybe the most common used B-spline, is bezier_decomposition() the better choice.
approximation by level: an educated guess, the first level of approximation segments is based on the count of control points and their distribution along the B-spline, every additional level is a subdivision of the previous level.

E.g. a B-Spline of 8 control points has 7 segments at the first level, 14 at the 2nd level and 28 at the 3rd level, a level >= 3 is recommended.

approximation by a given count of evenly distributed approximation segments.

  • level – subdivision level of approximation segments (ignored if argument segments is not None)
  • segments – absolute count of approximation segments

Yields control points of cubic Bézier curves as Bezier4P objects

A Bézier curve is a parametric curve used in computer graphics and related fields. Bézier curves are used to model smooth curves that can be scaled indefinitely. “Paths”, as they are commonly referred to in image manipulation programs, are combinations of linked Bézier curves. Paths are not bound by the limits of rasterized images and are intuitive to modify. (Source: Wikipedia)

This is a generic implementation which works with any count of definition points greater than 2, but it is a simple and slow implementation. For more performance look at the specialized Bezier4P class.

Objects are immutable.

defpoints – iterable of definition points as Vec3 compatible objects.

Control points as tuple of Vec3 objects.

Yield evenly spaced parameters from 0 to 1 for given segment count.

Returns a new Bèzier-curve with reversed control point order.

General transformation interface, returns a new Bezier curve.
m – 4x4 transformation matrix (ezdxf.math.Matrix44)

Approximates curve by vertices as Vec3 objects, vertices count = segments + 1.

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.
  • distance – maximum distance from the center of the curve (Cn) to the center of the linear (C1) curve between two approximation points to determine if a segment should be subdivided.
  • segments – minimum segment count

New in version 0.15.

Returns a point for parameter t in range [0, 1] as Vec3 object.

Yields multiple points for parameters in vector t as Vec3 objects. Parameters have to be in range [0, 1].

Returns (point, 1st derivative, 2nd derivative) tuple for parameter t in range [0, 1] as Vec3 objects.

Returns multiple (point, 1st derivative, 2nd derivative) tuples for parameter vector t as Vec3 objects. Parameters in range [0, 1]

Control points as tuple of Vec3 or Vec2 objects.

Returns a new Bèzier-curve with reversed control point order.

General transformation interface, returns a new Bezier4p curve and it is always a 3D curve.
m – 4x4 transformation matrix (ezdxf.math.Matrix44)

New in version 0.14.

Approximate Bézier curve by vertices, yields segments + 1 vertices as (x, y[, z]) tuples.
segments – count of segments for approximation

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.
  • distance – maximum distance from the center of the cubic (C3) curve to the center of the linear (C1) curve between two approximation points to determine if a segment should be subdivided.
  • segments – minimum segment count

New in version 0.15.

Returns estimated length of Bèzier-curve as approximation by line segments.

Returns point for location t` at the Bèzier-curve.
t – curve position in the range [0, 1]

Returns direction vector of tangent for location t at the Bèzier-curve.
t – curve position in the range [0, 1]

Control points as tuple of Vec3 or Vec2 objects.

Returns a new Bèzier-curve with reversed control point order.

General transformation interface, returns a new Bezier3P curve and it is always a 3D curve.
m – 4x4 transformation matrix (ezdxf.math.Matrix44)

Approximate Bézier curve by vertices, yields segments + 1 vertices as (x, y[, z]) tuples.
segments – count of segments for approximation

Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.
  • distance – maximum distance from the center of the quadratic (C2) curve to the center of the linear (C1) curve between two approximation points to determine if a segment should be subdivided.
  • segments – minimum segment count

Returns estimated length of Bèzier-curve as approximation by line segments.

Returns point for location t` at the Bèzier-curve.
t – curve position in the range [0, 1]

Returns direction vector of tangent for location t at the Bèzier-curve.
t – curve position in the range [0, 1]

Approximation tool for parametrized curves.
  • approximate parameter t for a given distance from the start of the curve
  • approximate the distance for a given parameter t from the start of the curve

These approximations can be applied to all parametrized curves which provide a point() method, like Bezier4P, Bezier3P and BSpline.

The approximation is based on equally spaced parameters from 0 to max_t for a given segment count. The flattening() method can not be used for the curve approximation, because the required parameter t is not logged by the flattening process.

  • curve – curve object, requires a method point()
  • max_t – the max. parameter value
  • segments – count of approximation segments

New in version 0.18.

Approximate parameter t for the given distance from the start of the curve.

Approximate the distance from the start of the curve to the point t on the curve.

BezierSurface defines a mesh of m x n control points. This is a parametric surface, which means the m-dimension goes from 0 to 1 as parameter u and the n-dimension goes from 0 to 1 as parameter v.
defpoints – matrix (list of lists) of m rows and n columns: [ [m1n1, m1n2, … ], [m2n1, m2n2, …] … ] each element is a 3D location as (x, y, z) tuple.

count of rows (m-dimension)

count of columns (n-dimension)

Returns a point for location (u, v) at the Bézier surface as (x, y, z) tuple, parameters u and v in the range of [0, 1].

Approximate surface as grid of (x, y, z) Vec3.
  • usegs – count of segments in u-direction (m-dimension)
  • vsegs – count of segments in v-direction (n-dimension)

list of usegs + 1 rows, each row is a list of vsegs + 1 vertices as Vec3.

This class represents an euler spiral (clothoid) for curvature (Radius of curvature).

This is a parametric curve, which always starts at the origin = (0, 0).

curvature – radius of curvature

Get radius of circle at distance t.

Get tangent at distance t as Vec3 object.

Get distance L from origin for radius.

Get point at distance t as Vec3.

Get circle center at distance t.

Approximate curve of length with line segments. Generates segments+1 vertices as Vec3 objects.

Approximate euler spiral as B-spline.
  • length – length of euler spiral
  • segments – count of fit points for B-spline calculation
  • degree – degree of BSpline
  • method – calculation method for parameter vector t


Clipping module: ezdxf.math.clipping

Returns the UNION of polygon p1 | polygon p2. This algorithm works only for polygons with real intersection points and line end points on face edges are not considered as such intersection points!

New in version 0.18.

Returns the DIFFERENCE of polygon p1 - polygon p2. This algorithm works only for polygons with real intersection points and line end points on face edges are not considered as such intersection points!

New in version 0.18.

Returns the INTERSECTION of polygon p1 & polygon p2. This algorithm works only for polygons with real intersection points and line end points on face edges are not considered as such intersection points!

New in version 0.18.

The clipping path is an arbitrary polygon.

Returns the parts of the clipped polyline.

Returns True if point is inside the clipping polygon.

The clipping path is a rectangle parallel to the x- and y-axis.

This class will get an optimized implementation in the future.

Returns the parts of the clipped polyline.

Returns True if point is inside the clipping rectangle.

Clustering module: ezdxf.math.clustering

DBSCAN clustering.

  • points – list of points to cluster
  • radius – radius of the dense regions
  • min_points – minimum number of points that needs to be within the radius for a point to be a core point (must be >= 2)
  • rtree – optional RTree
  • max_node_size – max node size for internally created RTree

list of clusters, each cluster is a list of points

New in version 0.18.

K-means clustering.

  • points – list of points to cluster
  • k – number of clusters
  • max_iter – max iterations

list of clusters, each cluster is a list of points

New in version 0.18.

Linear algebra module for internal usage: ezdxf.math.linalg

Solves the linear equation system given by a nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as nxm Matrix B by the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, which is the slowest of all, but it is very reliable. Returns a copy of the modified input matrix A and the result matrix x.

Internally used for matrix inverse calculation.

  • A – matrix [[a11, a12, …, a1n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], … [an1, an2, …, ann]]
  • B – matrix [[b11, b12, …, b1m], [b21, b22, …, b2m], … [bn1, bn2, …, bnm]]

2-tuple of Matrix objects
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Returns the inverse of matrix A as Matrix object.


For small matrices (n<10) is this function faster than LUDecomposition(m).inverse() and as fast even if the decomposition is already done.

ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Solves the linear equation system given by a nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as vector B with n elements by the Gauss-Elimination algorithm, which is faster than the Gauss-Jordan algorithm. The speed improvement is more significant for solving multiple right-hand side quantities as matrix at once.

Reference implementation for error checking.

  • A – matrix [[a11, a12, …, a1n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], … [an1, an2, …, ann]]
  • B – vector [b1, b2, …, bn]

vector as list of floats
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Solves the linear equation system given by a nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as nxm Matrix B by the Gauss-Elimination algorithm, which is faster than the Gauss-Jordan algorithm.

Reference implementation for error checking.

  • A – matrix [[a11, a12, …, a1n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], … [an1, an2, …, ann]]
  • B – matrix [[b11, b12, …, b1m], [b21, b22, …, b2m], … [bn1, bn2, …, bnm]]

matrix as Matrix object
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Solves the linear equation system given by a tri-diagonal nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as vector B. Matrix A is diagonal matrix defined by 3 diagonals [-1 (a), 0 (b), +1 (c)].

Note: a0 is not used but has to be present, cn-1 is also not used and must not be present.

If an ZeroDivisionError exception occurs, the equation system can possibly be solved by BandedMatrixLU(A, 1, 1).solve_vector(B)


diagonal matrix [[], [], []]

[[b0, c0, 0, 0, ...],
[a1, b1, c1, 0, ...],
[0, a2, b2, c2, ...],
... ]

B – iterable of floats [[b1, b1, …, bn]

list of floats
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Solves the linear equation system given by a tri-diagonal nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as nxm Matrix B. Matrix A is diagonal matrix defined by 3 diagonals [-1 (a), 0 (b), +1 (c)].

Note: a0 is not used but has to be present, cn-1 is also not used and must not be present.

If an ZeroDivisionError exception occurs, the equation system can possibly be solved by BandedMatrixLU(A, 1, 1).solve_vector(B)


diagonal matrix [[], [], []]

[[b0, c0, 0, 0, ...],
[a1, b1, c1, 0, ...],
[0, a2, b2, c2, ...],
... ]

B – matrix [[b11, b12, …, b1m], [b21, b22, …, b2m], … [bn1, bn2, …, bnm]]

matrix as Matrix object
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Transform matrix A into a compact banded matrix representation. Returns compact representation as Matrix object and lower- and upper band count m1 and m2.
  • A – input Matrix
  • check_all – check all diagonals if True or abort testing after first all zero diagonal if False.

Returns lower- and upper band count m1 and m2.
  • A – input Matrix
  • check_all – check all diagonals if True or abort testing after first all zero diagonal if False.

Returns compact banded matrix representation as Matrix object.
  • A – matrix to transform
  • m1 – lower band count, excluding main matrix diagonal
  • m2 – upper band count, excluding main matrix diagonal

Returns a frozen matrix, all data is stored in immutable tuples.

Basic matrix implementation without any optimization for speed or memory usage. Matrix data is stored in row major order, this means in a list of rows, where each row is a list of floats. Direct access to the data is accessible by the attribute Matrix.matrix.

The matrix can be frozen by function freeze_matrix() or method Matrix.freeze(), than the data is stored in immutable tuples.


  • Matrix(shape=(rows, cols)) … new matrix filled with zeros
  • Matrix(matrix[, shape=(rows, cols)]) … from copy of matrix and optional reshape
  • Matrix([[row_0], [row_1], …, [row_n]]) … from Iterable[Iterable[float]]
  • Matrix([a1, a2, …, an], shape=(rows, cols)) … from Iterable[float] and shape

Count of matrix rows.

Count of matrix columns.

Shape of matrix as (n, m) tuple for n rows and m columns.

Returns a new matrix for iterable items in the configuration of shape.

Returns the identity matrix for configuration shape.

Returns row index as list of floats.

Yield values of row index.

Return column index as list of floats.

Yield values of column index.

Returns diagonal index as list of floats.

An index of 0 specifies the main diagonal, negative values specifies diagonals below the main diagonal and positive values specifies diagonals above the main diagonal.

e.g. given a 4x4 matrix:

  • index 0 is [00, 11, 22, 33],
  • index -1 is [10, 21, 32] and
  • index +1 is [01, 12, 23]

Yield values of diagonal index, see also diag().

Return a list of all rows.

Return a list of all columns.

Set row values to a fixed value or from an iterable of floats.

Set column values to a fixed value or from an iterable of floats.

Set diagonal values to a fixed value or from an iterable of floats.

An index of 0 specifies the main diagonal, negative values specifies diagonals below the main diagonal and positive values specifies diagonals above the main diagonal.

e.g. given a 4x4 matrix: index 0 is [00, 11, 22, 33], index -1 is [10, 21, 32] and index +1 is [01, 12, 23]

Append a row to the matrix.

Append a column to the matrix.

Swap rows a and b inplace.

Swap columns a and b inplace.

Returns a new transposed matrix.

Returns inverse of matrix as new object.

Returns determinant of matrix, raises ZeroDivisionError if matrix is singular.

Returns a frozen matrix, all data is stored in immutable tuples.

Returns the LU decomposition as LUDecomposition object, a faster linear equation solver.

__getitem__(item: Tuple[int, int]) -> float
Get value by (row, col) index tuple, fancy slicing as known from numpy is not supported.

__setitem__(item: Tuple[int, int], value: float)
Set value by (row, col) index tuple, fancy slicing as known from numpy is not supported.

__eq__(other: object) -> bool
Returns True if matrices are equal, tolerance value for comparison is adjustable by the attribute Matrix.abs_tol.

__add__(other: Union[Matrix, float]) -> Matrix
Matrix addition by another matrix or a float, returns a new matrix.

__sub__(other: Union[Matrix, float]) -> Matrix
Matrix subtraction by another matrix or a float, returns a new matrix.

__mul__(other: Union[Matrix, float]) -> Matrix
Matrix multiplication by another matrix or a float, returns a new matrix.

Represents a LU decomposition matrix of A, raise ZeroDivisionError for a singular matrix.

This algorithm is a little bit faster than the Gauss-Elimination algorithm using CPython and much faster when using pypy.

The LUDecomposition.matrix attribute gives access to the matrix data as list of rows like in the Matrix class, and the LUDecomposition.index attribute gives access to the swapped row indices.

A – matrix [[a11, a12, …, a1n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], [a21, a22, …, a2n], … [an1, an2, …, ann]]
ZeroDivisionError – singular matrix

Count of matrix rows (and cols).

Solves the linear equation system given by the nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as vector B with n elements.
B – vector [b1, b2, …, bn]
vector as list of floats

Solves the linear equation system given by the nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as nxm Matrix B.
B – matrix [[b11, b12, …, b1m], [b21, b22, …, b2m], … [bn1, bn2, …, bnm]]
matrix as Matrix object

Returns the inverse of matrix as Matrix object, raise ZeroDivisionError for a singular matrix.

Returns the determinant of matrix, raises ZeroDivisionError if matrix is singular.

Represents a LU decomposition of a compact banded matrix.
Upper triangle

Lower triangle

Lower band count, excluding main matrix diagonal

Upper band count, excluding main matrix diagonal

Swapped indices

Count of matrix rows.

Solves the linear equation system given by the banded nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as vector B with n elements.
B – vector [b1, b2, …, bn]
vector as list of floats

Solves the linear equation system given by the banded nxn Matrix A . x = B, right-hand side quantities as nxm Matrix B.
B – matrix [[b11, b12, …, b1m], [b21, b22, …, b2m], … [bn1, bn2, …, bnm]]
matrix as Matrix object

Returns the determinant of matrix.

RTree module: ezdxf.math.rtree

Immutable spatial search tree loosely based on R-trees.

The search tree is buildup once at initialization and immutable afterwards, because rebuilding the tree after inserting or deleting nodes is very costly and also keeps the implementation very simple. Without the ability to alter the content the restrictions which forces the tree balance at growing and shrinking of the original R-trees, could be ignored, like the fixed minimum and maximum node size.

This class uses internally only 3D bounding boxes, but also supports Vec2 as well as Vec3 objects as input data, but point types should not be mixed in a single search tree.

The point objects keep their type and identity and the returned points of queries can be compared by the is operator for identity to the input points.

The implementation requires a maximum node size of at least 2 and does not support empty trees!

ValueError – max. node size too small or no data given

New in version 0.18.

Returns the count of points in the search tree.

__iter__() -> Iterator[Union[Vec2, Vec3]]
Yields all points in the search tree.

Returns True if point exists, the comparison is done by the isclose() method and not by the identity operator is.

Returns the closest point to the target point and the distance between these points.

Returns all points in the range of the given sphere including the points at the boundary.

Returns all points in the range of the given bounding box including the points at the boundary.

Returns the average size of the leaf bounding boxes. The size of a leaf bounding box is the maximum size in all dimensions. Excludes outliers of sizes beyond mean + standard deviation * spread. Returns 0.0 if less than two points in tree.

Returns the average radius of spherical envelopes of the leaf nodes. Excludes outliers with radius beyond mean + standard deviation * spread. Returns 0.0 if less than two points in tree.

Returns the average of the nearest neighbor distances inside (!) leaf nodes. Excludes outliers with a distance beyond the overall mean + standard deviation * spread. Returns 0.0 if less than two points in tree.


This is a brute force check with O(n!) for each leaf node, where n is the point count of the leaf node.

Triangulation module: ezdxf.math.triangulation

Mapbox triangulation algorithm with hole support for 2D polygons.

Implements a modified ear slicing algorithm, optimized by z-order curve hashing and extended to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections in a way that doesn’t guarantee correctness of triangulation, but attempts to always produce acceptable results for practical data.


  • exterior – exterior polygon as iterable of Vec2 objects
  • holes – iterable of holes as iterable of Vec2 objects, a hole with single point represents a Steiner point.

yields the result as 3-tuples of Vec2 objects

New in version 0.18.

Mapbox triangulation algorithm with hole support for flat 3D polygons.

Implements a modified ear slicing algorithm, optimized by z-order curve hashing and extended to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections in a way that doesn’t guarantee correctness of triangulation, but attempts to always produce acceptable results for practical data.


  • exterior – exterior polygon as iterable of Vec3 objects
  • holes – iterable of holes as iterable of Vec3 objects, a hole with single point represents a Steiner point.

yields the result as 3-tuples of Vec3 objects
  • TypeError – invalid input data type
  • ZeroDivisionError – normal vector calculation failed

New in version 0.18.

This module implements a geometric Path, supported by several render backends, with the goal to create such paths from DXF entities like LWPOLYLINE, POLYLINE or HATCH and send them to the render backend, see ezdxf.addons.drawing.

Minimum common interface:

  • matplotlib.path.Path() codes:
  • CURVE3 - quadratic Bèzier-curve
  • CURVE4 - cubic Bèzier-curve

  • moveTo()
  • lineTo()
  • quadTo() - quadratic Bèzier-curve (converted to a cubic Bèzier-curve)
  • cubicTo() - cubic Bèzier-curve

  • move_to()
  • line_to()
  • no support for quadratic Bèzier-curve
  • curve_to() - cubic Bèzier-curve

  • “M” - absolute move to
  • “L” - absolute line to
  • “Q” - absolute quadratic Bèzier-curve
  • “C” - absolute cubic Bèzier-curve

ARC and ELLIPSE entities are approximated by multiple cubic Bézier-curves, which are close enough for display rendering. Non-rational SPLINES of 3rd degree can be represented exact as multiple cubic Bézier-curves, other B-splines will be approximated. The XLINE and the RAY entities are not supported, because of their infinite nature.

This Path class is a full featured 3D object, although the backends only support 2D paths.


A Path can not represent a point. A Path with only a start point yields no vertices!

Changed in version 0.16: Refactored the module ezdxf.render.path into the subpackage ezdxf.path.

The usability of the Path class expanded by the introduction of the reverse conversion from Path to DXF entities (LWPOLYLINE, POLYLINE, LINE), and many other tools in ezdxf v0.16. To emphasize this new usability, the Path class has got its own subpackage ezdxf.path.

New in version 0.17: Added the Path.move_to() command and Multi-Path support.

Contains only a start point, the length of the path is 0 and the methods Path.approximate(), Path.flattening() and Path.control_vertices() do not yield any vertices.
The Path object contains only one path without gaps, the property Path.has_sub_paths is False and the method Path.sub_paths() yields only this one path.
The Path object contains more than one path, the property Path.has_sub_paths is True and the method Path.sub_paths() yields all paths within this object as single-path objects. It is not possible to detect the orientation of a multi-path object, therefore the methods Path.has_clockwise_orientation(), Path.clockwise() and Path.counter_clockwise() raise a TypeError exception.


Always import from the top level ezdxf.path, never from the sub-modules

Factory Functions

Functions to create Path objects from other objects.

Factory function to create a single Path object from a DXF entity. Supported DXF types:
  • LINE
  • ARC
  • 2D and 3D POLYLINE
  • IMAGE, WIPEOUT clipping path
  • VIEWPORT clipping path
  • HATCH as Multi-Path object, new in v0.17

  • entity – DXF entity
  • segments – minimal count of cubic Bézier-curves for elliptical arcs like CIRCLE, ARC, ELLIPSE, see Path.add_ellipse()
  • level – subdivide level for SPLINE approximation, see Path.add_spline()

TypeError – for unsupported DXF types

New in version 0.16.

Changed in version 0.17: support for HATCH as Multi-Path object

Yield all HATCH boundary paths as separated Path objects.

New in version 0.16.

Changed in version 17.1: Attaches the boundary state to each path as ezdxf.lldxf.const.BoundaryPathState.

Yields multiple Path objects from a Matplotlib Path (TextPath) object. (requires Matplotlib)

New in version 0.16.

Returns a Path object from a Matplotlib Path (TextPath) object. (requires Matplotlib). Returns a multi-path object if necessary.

New in version 0.17.

Yields multiple Path objects from a QPainterPath. (requires Qt bindings)

New in version 0.16.

Returns a Path objects from a QPainterPath. Returns a multi-path object if necessary. (requires Qt bindings)

New in version 0.17.

Functions to create DXF entities from paths and add them to the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition.

Render the given paths into layout as Hatch entities. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • edge_pathTrue for edge paths build of LINE and SPLINE edges, False for only LWPOLYLINE paths as boundary paths
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve to flatten polyline paths
  • g1_tol – tolerance for G1 continuity check to separate SPLINE edges
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Render the given paths into layout as Line entities.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Render the given paths into layout as LWPolyline entities. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Render the given paths into layout as MPolygon entities. The MPOLYGON entity supports only polyline boundary paths. All curves will be approximated.

The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.

  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve to flatten polyline paths
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.17.

Render the given paths into layout as 2D Polyline entities. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector.The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Render the given paths into layout as 3D Polyline entities.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Render the given paths into layout as Spline and 3D Polyline entities.
  • layout – the modelspace, a paperspace layout or a block definition
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • g1_tol – tolerance for G1 continuity check
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

created entities in an EntityQuery object

New in version 0.16.

Functions to create DXF entities from paths.

Convert the given paths into Hatch entities. Uses LWPOLYLINE paths for boundaries without curves and edge paths, build of LINE and SPLINE edges, as boundary paths for boundaries including curves. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • edge_pathTrue for edge paths build of LINE and SPLINE edges, False for only LWPOLYLINE paths as boundary paths
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve to flatten LWPOLYLINE paths
  • g1_tol – tolerance for G1 continuity check to separate SPLINE edges
  • extrusion – extrusion vector to all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of Hatch objects

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into Line entities.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of Line objects

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into LWPolyline entities. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of LWPolyline objects

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into MPolygon entities. In contrast to HATCH, MPOLYGON supports only polyline boundary paths. All curves will be approximated.

The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.

  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve to flatten LWPOLYLINE paths
  • extrusion – extrusion vector to all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of MPolygon objects

New in version 0.17.

Convert the given paths into 2D Polyline entities. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The plane elevation is the distance from the WCS origin to the start point of the first path.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of 2D Polyline objects

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into 3D Polyline entities.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • distance – maximum distance, see Path.flattening()
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of 3D Polyline objects

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into Spline and 3D Polyline entities.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • g1_tol – tolerance for G1 continuity check
  • dxfattribs – additional DXF attribs

iterable of Line objects

New in version 0.16.

Functions to create construction tools.

Convert a Path object into multiple cubic B-splines and polylines as lists of vertices. Breaks adjacent Bèzier without G1 continuity into separated B-splines.
  • pathPath objects
  • g1_tol – tolerance for G1 continuity check

BSpline and lists of Vec3

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into a single matplotlib.path.Path object. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector.The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The Matplotlib Path is a 2D object with OCS coordinates and the z-elevation is lost. (requires Matplotlib)
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths

matplotlib Path in OCS!

New in version 0.16.

Convert the given paths into a QtGui.QPainterPath object. The extrusion vector is applied to all paths, all vertices are projected onto the plane normal to this extrusion vector. The default extrusion vector is the WCS z-axis. The QPainterPath is a 2D object with OCS coordinates and the z-elevation is lost. (requires Qt bindings)
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • extrusion – extrusion vector for all paths

QPainterPath in OCS!

New in version 0.16.

Add multiple quadratic Bèzier-curves to the given path.

Auto-detect the connection point to the given path, if neither the start- nor the end point of the curves is close to the path end point, a line from the path end point to the start point of the first curve will be added automatically.

Changed in version 0.16.2: add linear Bézier curve segments as LINE_TO commands

Add multiple cubic Bèzier-curves to the given path.

Auto-detect the connection point to the given path, if neither the start- nor the end point of the curves is close to the path end point, a line from the path end point to the start point of the first curve will be added automatically.

Changed in version 0.16.2: add linear Bézier curve segments as LINE_TO commands

Add an elliptical arc as multiple cubic Bèzier-curves to the given path, use from_arc() constructor of class ConstructionEllipse to add circular arcs.

Auto-detect the connection point to the given path, if neither the start- nor the end point of the ellipse is close to the path end point, a line from the path end point to the ellipse start point will be added automatically (see add_bezier4p()).

By default the start of an empty path is set to the start point of the ellipse, setting argument reset to False prevents this behavior.

  • pathPath object
  • ellipse – ellipse parameters as ConstructionEllipse object
  • segments – count of Bèzier-curve segments, at least one segment for each quarter (pi/2), 1 for as few as possible.
  • reset – set start point to start of ellipse if path is empty

Add a B-spline as multiple cubic Bèzier-curves.

Non-rational B-splines of 3rd degree gets a perfect conversion to cubic bezier curves with a minimal count of curve segments, all other B-spline require much more curve segments for approximation.

Auto-detect the connection point to the given path, if neither the start- nor the end point of the B-spline is close to the path end point, a line from the path end point to the start point of the B-spline will be added automatically. (see add_bezier4p()).

By default the start of an empty path is set to the start point of the spline, setting argument reset to False prevents this behavior.

  • pathPath object
  • spline – B-spline parameters as BSpline object
  • level – subdivision level of approximation segments
  • reset – set start point to start of spline if path is empty

Returns the BoundingBox for the given paths.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • fast – calculates the precise bounding box of Bèzier curves if False, otherwise uses the control points of Bézier curves to determine their bounding box.

Changed in version 0.18: Uses a new algorithm to determine exact Bézier curve bounding boxes. Added argument fast and removed the arguments flatten and segments.

Returns a Path with chamfers of given length between straight line segments.
  • points – coordinates of the line segments
  • length – chamfer length

New in version 0.18.

Returns a Path with chamfers at the given distances a and b from the segment points between straight line segments.
  • points – coordinates of the line segments
  • a – distance of the chamfer start point to the segment point
  • b – distance of the chamfer end point to the segment point

New in version 0.18.

Returns a Path with circular fillets of given radius between straight line segments.
  • points – coordinates of the line segments
  • radius – fillet radius

New in version 0.18.

Scale the given paths to fit into a box of the given size, so that all path vertices are inside these borders. If source_box is None the default source bounding box is calculated from the control points of the paths.

Note: if the target size has a z-size of 0, the paths are projected into the xy-plane, same is true for the x-size, projects into the yz-plane and the y-size, projects into and xz-plane.

  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • size – target box size as tuple of x-, y- and z-size values
  • uniformTrue for uniform scaling
  • source_box – pass precalculated source bounding box, or None to calculate the default source bounding box from the control vertices

Returns True if the control vertices of given paths are close.

New in version 0.16.5.

Replaces all lines by quadratic Bézier curves. Returns a new Path instance.

Replaces all lines by cubic Bézier curves. Returns a new Path instance.

Returns a Path with polygonal fillets of given radius between straight line segments. The count argument defines the vertex count of the fillet for a full circle.
  • points – coordinates of the line segments
  • radius – fillet radius
  • count – polygon vertex count for a full circle, minimum is 4

New in version 0.18.

Yields all given paths and their sub-paths as single path objects.

New in version 0.17.

Returns a multi-path object from all given paths and their sub-paths. Ignores paths without any commands (empty paths).

New in version 0.17.

Transform multiple Path objects at once by transformation matrix m. Returns a list of the transformed Path objects.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • m – transformation matrix of type Matrix44

Transform multiple Path objects at once from WCS to OCS. Returns a list of the transformed Path objects.
  • paths – iterable of Path objects
  • ocs – OCS transformation of type OCS

Tessellate nested 2D paths into triangle-faces. For 3D paths the projection onto the xy-plane will be triangulated.

New in version 0.18.1.

Returns the transformation matrix to transform an unit circle into an arbitrary circular- or elliptic arc.

Example how to create an ellipse with an major axis length of 3, a minor axis length 1.5 and rotated about 90°:

m = elliptic_transformation(radius=3, ratio=0.5, rotation=math.pi / 2)
ellipse = shapes.unit_circle(transform=m)

  • center – curve center in WCS
  • radius – radius of the major axis in drawing units
  • ratio – ratio of minor axis to major axis
  • rotation – rotation angle about the z-axis in radians

Returns a gear (cogwheel) shape as a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0). The base geometry is created by function ezdxf.render.forms.gear().


This function does not create correct gears for mechanical engineering!

  • count – teeth count >= 3
  • top_width – teeth width at outside radius
  • bottom_width – teeth width at base radius
  • height – teeth height; base radius = outside radius - height
  • outside_radius – outside radius
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the gear shape

Returns a helix as a Path object. The center of the helix is always (0, 0, 0), a positive pitch value creates a helix along the +z-axis, a negative value along the -z-axis.
  • radius – helix radius
  • pitch – the height of one complete helix turn
  • turns – count of turns
  • ccw – creates a counter-clockwise turning (right-handed) helix if True
  • segments – cubic Bezier segments per turn

New in version 0.18.

Returns a regular polygon a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0). The polygon size is determined by the edge length or the circum radius argument. If both are given length has higher priority. Default size is a radius of 1. The ngon starts with the first vertex is on the x-axis! The base geometry is created by function ezdxf.render.forms.ngon().
  • count – count of polygon corners >= 3
  • length – length of polygon side
  • radius – circum radius, default is 1
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the ngon

Returns a closed rectangle as a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0) and the given width and height in drawing units.
  • width – width of the rectangle in drawing units, width > 0
  • height – height of the rectangle in drawing units, height > 0
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the rectangle

Returns a star shape as a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0).

Argument count defines the count of star spikes, r1 defines the radius of the “outer” vertices and r2 defines the radius of the “inner” vertices, but this does not mean that r1 has to be greater than r2. The star shape starts with the first vertex is on the x-axis! The base geometry is created by function

  • count – spike count >= 3
  • r1 – radius 1
  • r2 – radius 2
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the star

Returns an unit circle as a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0) and the radius of 1 drawing unit.

The arc spans from the start- to the end angle in counter clockwise orientation. The end angle has to be greater than the start angle and the angle span has to be greater than 0.

  • start_angle – start angle in radians
  • end_angle – end angle in radians (end_angle > start_angle!)
  • segments – count of Bèzier-curve segments, default is one segment for each arc quarter (π/2)
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the unit circle

Returns a wedge as a Path object, with the center at (0, 0, 0) and the radius of 1 drawing unit.

The arc spans from the start- to the end angle in counter clockwise orientation. The end angle has to be greater than the start angle and the angle span has to be greater than 0.

  • start_angle – start angle in radians
  • end_angle – end angle in radians (end_angle > start_angle!)
  • segments – count of Bèzier-curve segments, default is one segment for each arc quarter (π/2)
  • transform – transformation Matrix applied to the wedge

The text2path add-on provides additional functions to create paths from text strings and DXF text entities.

Returns True if the path has any curve segments.

Returns True if the path has any line segments.

Returns True if the path is a Multi-Path object which contains multiple sub-paths.

New in version 0.17.

Returns True if the start point is close to the end point.

Path start point, resetting the start point of an empty path is possible.

Attach arbitrary user data to a Path object. The user data is copied by reference, no deep copy is applied therefore a mutable state is shared between copies.

Append another path to this path. Adds a self.line_to(path.start) if the end of this path != the start of appended path.

New in version 0.17.

Approximate path by vertices, segments is the count of approximation segments for each Bézier curve.

Does not yield any vertices for empty paths, where only a start point is present!

Approximation of Multi-Path objects is possible, but gaps are indistinguishable from line segments.

Returns new Path in clockwise orientation.
TypeError – can’t detect orientation of a Multi-Path object

Returns a new copy of Path with shared immutable data.

close() -> None
Close path by adding a line segment from the end point to the start point.

Close last sub-path by adding a line segment from the end point to the start point of the last sub-path. Behaves like close() for Single-Path instances.

New in version 0.17.

Yields all path control vertices in consecutive order.

Returns new Path in counter-clockwise orientation.
TypeError – can’t detect orientation of a Multi-Path object

Add a quadratic Bèzier-curve from actual path end point to location, ctrl is the control point for the quadratic Bèzier-curve.

Add a cubic Bèzier-curve from actual path end point to location, ctrl1 and ctrl2 are the control points for the cubic Bèzier-curve.

Extend the path by another path. The source path is automatically a Multi-Path object, even if the previous end point matches the start point of the appended path. Ignores paths without any commands (empty paths).

New in version 0.17.

Approximate path by vertices and use adaptive recursive flattening to approximate Bèzier curves. The argument segments is the minimum count of approximation segments for each curve, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than distance the segment will be subdivided.

Does not yield any vertices for empty paths, where only a start point is present!

Flattening of Multi-Path objects is possible, but gaps are indistinguishable from line segments.

  • distance – maximum distance from the center of the curve to the center of the line segment between two approximation points to determine if a segment should be subdivided.
  • segments – minimum segment count per Bézier curve

Returns True if 2D path has clockwise orientation, ignores z-axis of all control vertices.
TypeError – can’t detect orientation of a Multi-Path object

Add a line from actual path end point to location.

Start a new sub-path at location. This creates a gap between the current end-point and the start-point of the new sub-path. This converts the instance into a Multi-Path object.

If the move_to() command is the first command, the start point of the path will be reset to location.

New in version 0.17.

Returns a new Path with reversed segments and control vertices.

Yield sub-path as Single-Path objects.

It is safe to call sub_paths() on any path-type: Single-Path, Multi-Path and Empty-Path.

New in version 0.17.

Returns a new transformed path.
m – transformation matrix of type Matrix44

New in version 0.16.

This module provide tools for the recursive decomposition of nested block reference structures into a flat stream of DXF entities and converting DXF entities into geometric primitives of Path and MeshBuilder objects encapsulated into intermediate Primitive classes.

Changed in version 0.17: The Hatch entity is no special case anymore and has regular support by the make_primitive() function.


Do not expect advanced vectorization capabilities: Text entities like TEXT, ATTRIB, ATTDEF and MTEXT get only a rough border box representation. The text2path add-on can convert text into paths. VIEWPORT, IMAGE and WIPEOUT are represented by their clipping path. Unsupported entities: all ACIS based entities, XREF, UNDERLAY, ACAD_TABLE, RAY, XLINE. Unsupported entities will be ignored.

Text boundary calculations are based on monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width, non-proportional) font metrics, which do not provide a good accuracy for text height calculation and much less accuracy for text width calculation. It is possible to improve this results by using the font support from the optional Matplotlib package.

Install Matplotlib from command line:

C:\> pip3 install matplotlib

The Matplotlib font support will improve the results for TEXT, ATTRIB and ATTDEF. The MTEXT entity has many advanced features which would require a full “Rich Text Format” rendering and that is far beyond the goals and capabilities of this library, therefore the boundary box for MTEXT will never be as accurate as in a dedicated CAD application.

Using the Matplotlib font support adds runtime overhead, therefore it is possible to deactivate the Matplotlib font support by setting the global option:

options.use_matplotlib_font_support = False

Recursive decomposition of the given DXF entity collection into a flat DXF entity stream. All block references (INSERT) and entities which provide a virtual_entities() method will be disassembled into simple DXF sub-entities, therefore the returned entity stream does not contain any INSERT entity.

Point entities will not be disassembled into DXF sub-entities, as defined by the current point style $PDMODE.

These entity types include sub-entities and will be decomposed into simple DXF entities:


Decomposition of XREF, UNDERLAY and ACAD_TABLE entities is not supported.

These functions disassemble DXF entities into simple geometric objects like meshes, paths or vertices. The Primitive is a simplified intermediate class to use a common interface on various DXF entities.

Factory to create path/mesh primitives. The max_flattening_distance defines the max distance between the approximation line and the original curve. Use max_flattening_distance to override the default value.

Returns an empty primitive for unsupported entities. The empty state of a primitive can be checked by the property is_empty. The path and the mesh attributes of an empty primitive are None and the vertices() method yields no vertices.

Changed in version 0.17: regular support for the Hatch entity.

Yields all DXF entities as path or mesh primitives. Yields unsupported entities as empty primitives, see make_primitive().
  • entities – iterable of DXF entities
  • max_flattening_distance – override the default value

Yields all MeshBuilder objects from the given primitives. Ignores primitives without a defined mesh.

Yields all Path objects from the given primitives. Ignores primitives without a defined path.

Yields all vertices from the given primitives. Paths will be flattened to create the associated vertices. See also to_control_vertices() to collect only the control vertices from the paths without flattening.

Yields all path control vertices and all mesh vertices from the given primitives. Like to_vertices(), but without flattening.

Interface class for path/mesh primitives.

Reference to the source DXF entity of this primitive.

The max_flattening_distance attribute defines the max distance in drawing units between the approximation line and the original curve. Set the value by direct attribute access. (float) default = 0.01

Path representation or None, idiom to check if is a path representation (could be empty):

if primitive.path is not None:


MeshBuilder representation or None, idiom to check if is a mesh representation (could be empty):

if primitive.mesh is not None:


Returns True if represents an empty primitive which do not yield any vertices.

Yields all vertices of the path/mesh representation as Vec3 objects.

Returns the BoundingBox of the path/mesh representation. Returns the precise bounding box for the path representation if fast is False, otherwise the bounding box for Bézier curves is based on their control points.

New in version 0.18.

New in version 0.16.

The ezdxf.bbox module provide tools to calculate bounding boxes for many DXF entities, but not for all. The bounding box calculation is based on the ezdxf.disassemble module and therefore has the same limitation.


If accurate boundary boxes for text entities are important for you, read this first: Text Boundary Calculation. TL;DR: Boundary boxes for text entities are not accurate!

Unsupported DXF entities:

  • All ACIS based types like BODY, 3DSOLID or REGION
  • External references (XREF) and UNDERLAY object
  • RAY and XRAY, extend into infinite
  • ACAD_TABLE, no basic support - only preserved by ezdxf

Unsupported entities are silently ignored, filtering of these DXF types is not necessary.

The base type for bounding boxes is the BoundingBox class from the module ezdxf.math.

The entities iterable as input can be the whole modelspace, an entity query or any iterable container of DXF entities.

The Calculation of bounding boxes of curves is done by flattening the curve by a default flattening distance of 0.01. Set argument flatten to 0 to speedup the bounding box calculation by accepting less precision for curved objects by using only the control vertices.

The optional caching object Cache has to be instantiated by the user, this is only useful if the same entities will be processed multiple times.

Example usage with caching:

from ezdxf import bbox
msp = doc.modelspace()
cache = bbox.Cache()
# get overall bounding box
first_bbox = bbox.extents(msp, cache=cache)
# bounding box of all LINE entities
second_bbox = bbox.extend(msp.query("LINE"), cache=cache)

Returns a single bounding box for all given entities.

If argument fast is True the calculation of Bézier curves is based on their control points, this may return a slightly larger bounding box. The fast mode also uses a simpler and mostly inaccurate text size calculation instead of the more precise but very slow calculation by matplotlib.


The fast mode is not much faster for non-text based entities, so using the slower default mode is not a big disadvantage if a more precise text size calculation is important.

Changed in version 0.18: added fast mode, replaced argument flatten by argument fast

Yields a bounding box for each of the given entities.

If argument fast is True the calculation of Bézier curves is based on their control points, this may return a slightly larger bounding box.

Changed in version 0.18: replaced argument flatten by argument fast

Yields all bounding boxes for the given entities or all bounding boxes for their sub entities. If an entity (INSERT) has sub entities, only the bounding boxes of these sub entities will be yielded, not the bounding box of the entity (INSERT) itself.

If argument fast is True the calculation of Bézier curves is based on their control points, this may return a slightly larger bounding box.

Changed in version 0.18: replaced argument flatten by argument fast

Because ezdxf is not a CAD application, ezdxf does not manage data structures which are optimized for a usage by a CAD kernel. This means that the content of complex entities like block references or leaders has to be created on demand by DXF primitives on the fly. These temporarily created entities are called virtual entities and have no handle and are not stored in the entity database.

All this is required to calculate the bounding box of complex entities, and it is therefore a very time consuming task. By using a Cache object it is possible to speedup this calculations, but this is not a magically feature, it requires an understanding of what is happening under the hood to achieve any performance gains.

For a single bounding box calculation, without any reuse of entities it makes no sense of using a Cache object, e.g. calculation of the modelspace extents:

from pathlib import Path
import ezdxf
from ezdxf import bbox
CADKitSamples = Path(ezdxf.EZDXF_TEST_FILES) / 'CADKitSamples'
doc = ezdxf.readfile(CADKitSamples / 'A_000217.dxf')
cache = bbox.Cache()
ext = bbox.extents(doc.modelspace(), cache)

1226 cached objects and not a single cache hit:

Cache(n=1226, hits=0, misses=3273)

The result for using UUIDs to cache virtual entities is not better:

Cache(n=2206, hits=0, misses=3273)

Same count of hits and misses, but now the cache also references ~1000 virtual entities, which block your memory until the cache is deleted, luckily this is a small DXF file (~838 kB).

Bounding box calculations for multiple entity queries, which have overlapping entity results, using a Cache object may speedup the calculation:

doc = ezdxf.readfile(CADKitSamples / 'A_000217.dxf.dxf')
msp = doc.modelspace()
cache = bbox.Cache(uuid=False)
ext = bbox.extents(msp, cache)
# process modelspace again
ext = bbox.extents(msp, cache)

Processing the same data again leads some hits:

1st run: Cache(n=1226, hits=0, misses=3273)
2nd run: Cache(n=1226, hits=1224, misses=3309)

Using uuid=True leads not to more hits, but more cache entries:

1st run: Cache(n=2206, hits=0, misses=3273)
2nd run: Cache(n=2206, hits=1224, misses=3309)

Creating stable virtual entities by disassembling the entities at first leads to more hits:

from ezdxf import disassemble
entities = list(disassemble.recursive_decompose(msp))
cache = bbox.Cache(uuid=False)
bbox.extents(entities, cache)
bbox.extents(entities, cache)

First without UUID for stable virtual entities:

1st run: Cache(n=1037, hits=0, misses=4074)
2nd run: Cache(n=1037, hits=1037, misses=6078)

Using UUID for stable virtual entities leads to more hits:

1st run: Cache(n=2019, hits=0, misses=4074)
2nd run: Cache(n=2019, hits=2018, misses=4116)

But caching virtual entities needs also more memory.

In conclusion: Using a cache is only useful, if you often process nearly the same data; only then can an increase in performance be expected.

Caching object for ezdxf.math.BoundingBox objects.
uuid – use UUIDs for virtual entities

True if the cache contains any bounding boxes

Invalidate cache entries for the given DXF entities.

If entities are changed by the user, it is possible to invalidate individual entities. Use with care - discarding the whole cache is the safer workflow.

Ignores entities which are not stored in cache.

New in version 0.17.

The functions in this module can help to convert an inverted OCS defined by an extrusion vector (0, 0, -1) into a WCS aligned OCS defined by an extrusion vector (0, 0, 1).

This simplifies 2D entity processing for ezdxf users and creates DXF output for 3rd party DXF libraries which ignore the existence of the OCS.

Supported DXF entities:

  • ARC
  • ELLIPSE (WCS entity, flips only the extrusion vector)
  • POLYLINE (only 2D entities)
  • INSERT (block references)


The WCS representation of OCS entities with flipped extrusion vector is not 100% identical to the source entity, curve orientation and vertex order may change, see additional explanation below. A mirrored text represented by an extrusion vector (0, 0, -1) cannot represented by an extrusion vector (0, 0, 1), therefore this CANNOT work for text entities or entities including text: TEXT, ATTRIB, ATTDEF, MTEXT, DIMENSION, LEADER, MLEADER

The functions can be applied to any DXF entity without expecting errors or exceptions if the DXF entity is not supported or the extrusion vector differs from (0, 0, -1). This also means you can apply the functions multiple times to the same entities without any problems. A common case would be to upright all entities of the model space:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.upright import upright_all
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# doing it again is no problem but also has no further effects

Another use case is exploding block references (INSERT) which may include reflections (= scaling by negative factors) that can lead to inverted extrusion vectors.

for block_ref in msp.query("INSERT"):

entities = block_ref.explode() # -> EntityQuery object

Flips an inverted OCS defined by extrusion vector (0, 0, -1) into a WCS aligned OCS defined by extrusion vector (0, 0, 1). DXF entities with other extrusion vectors and unsupported DXF entities will be silently ignored. For more information about the limitations read the documentation of the ezdxf.upright module.

Call function upright() for all DXF entities in iterable entities:


This example shows why the entities with an inverted OCS, extrusion vector is (0, 0, -1), are not exact the same as with an WCS aligned OCS, extrusion vector is (0, 0, 1).


The ARC entity represents the curve always in counter-clockwise orientation around the extrusion vector.

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.upright import upright
from ezdxf.math import Matrix44
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
arc = msp.add_arc(

(5, 0),
dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.RED}, ) # draw lines to the start- and end point of the ARC msp.add_line((0, 0), arc.start_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.GREEN}) msp.add_line((0, 0), arc.end_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.BLUE}) # copy arc mirrored_arc = arc.copy() msp.add_entity(mirrored_arc) # mirror copy mirrored_arc.transform(Matrix44.scale(-1, 1, 1)) # This creates an inverted extrusion vector: assert mirrored_arc.dxf.extrusion.isclose((0, 0, -1)) # draw lines to the start- and end point of the mirrored ARC msp.add_line((0, 0), mirrored_arc.start_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.GREEN}) msp.add_line((0, 0), mirrored_arc.end_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.BLUE})

Result without applying the upright() function - true mirroring: [image]

# This creates an inverted extrusion vector:
assert mirrored_arc.dxf.extrusion.isclose((0, 0, -1))
start_point_inv = mirrored_arc.start_point
end_point_inv = mirrored_arc.end_point
# OCS is aligned with WCS:
assert mirrored_arc.dxf.extrusion.isclose((0, 0, 1))
# start- and end points are swapped after applying upright()
assert mirrored_arc.start_point.isclose(end_point_inv)
assert mirrored_arc.end_point.isclose(start_point_inv)
# draw lines to the start- and end point of the mirrored ARC
msp.add_line((0, 0), mirrored_arc.start_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.GREEN})
msp.add_line((0, 0), mirrored_arc.end_point, dxfattribs={"color": ezdxf.const.BLUE})

Result after applying the upright() function - false mirroring: [image]

To avoid this issue the ARC entity would have to represent the curve in clockwise orientation around the extrusion vector (0, 0, 1), which is not possible!


The shape of the mirrored arcs is the same for both extrusion vectors, but the start- and the end points are swapped (reversed vertex order)!

Tools to reorder DXF entities by handle or a special sort handle mapping.

Such reorder mappings are stored only in layouts as Modelspace, Paperspace or BlockLayout, and can be retrieved by the method get_redraw_order().

Each entry in the handle mapping replaces the actual entity handle, where the “0” handle has a special meaning, this handle always shows up at last in ascending ordering.

Yields entities in ascending handle order.

The sort-handle doesn’t have to be the entity handle, every entity handle in mapping will be replaced by the given sort-handle, mapping is an iterable of 2-tuples (entity_handle, sort_handle) or a dict (entity_handle, sort_handle). Entities with equal sort-handles show up in source entities order.

  • entities – iterable of DXFGraphic objects
  • mapping – iterable of 2-tuples (entity_handle, sort_handle) or a handle mapping as dict.

Yields entities in descending handle order.

The sort-handle doesn’t have to be the entity handle, every entity handle in mapping will be replaced by the given sort-handle, mapping is an iterable of 2-tuples (entity_handle, sort_handle) or a dict (entity_handle, sort_handle). Entities with equal sort-handles show up in reversed source entities order.

  • entities – iterable of DXFGraphic objects
  • mapping – iterable of 2-tuples (entity_handle, sort_handle) or a handle mapping as dict.

The classes XDataUserList and XDataUserDict manage custom user data stored in the XDATA section of a DXF entity. For more information about XDATA see reference section: Extended Data (XDATA)

These classes store only a limited set of data types with fixed group codes and the types are checked by isinstance() so a Vec3 object can not be replaced by a (x, y, z)-tuple:

Group Code Data Type
1000 str, limited to 255 characters, line breaks "\n" and "\r" are not allowed
1010 Vec3
1040 float
1071 32-bit int, restricted by the DXF standard not by Python!

Strings are limited to 255 characters, line breaks "\n" and "\r" are not allowed.

This classes assume a certain XDATA structure and therefore can not manage arbitrary XDATA!

This classes do not create the required AppID table entry, only the default AppID “EZDXF” exist by default. Setup a new AppID in the AppID table: doc.appids.add("MYAPP").

For usage look at this example at github or go to the tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files.


  • Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files
  • Example at github
  • XDATA reference: Extended Data (XDATA)
  • XDATA management class: XData

Manage user data as a named list-like object in XDATA. Multiple user lists with different names can be stored in a single XData instance for a single AppID.

Recommended usage by context manager entity():

with XDataUserList.entity(entity, name="MyList", appid="MYAPP") as ul:

ul.append("The value of PI") # str "\n" and "\r" are not allowed
ul.append(3.141592) # float
ul.append(1) # int
ul.append(Vec3(1, 2, 3)) # Vec3
# invalid data type raises DXFTypeError
ul.append((1, 2, 3)) # tuple instead of Vec3
# retrieve a single value
s = ul[0]
# store whole content into a Python list
data = list(ul)

Implements the MutableSequence interface.

The underlying XData instance.

__init__(xdata: Optional[XData] = None, name='DefaultList', appid='EZDXF')
Setup a XDATA user list name for the given appid.

The data is stored in the given xdata object, or in a new created XData instance if None. Changes of the content has to be committed at the end to be stored in the underlying xdata object.

  • xdata (XData) – underlying XData instance, if None a new one will be created
  • name (str) – name of the user list
  • appid (str) – application specific AppID

Return str(self).

__len__() -> int
Returns len(self).

Get self[item].

__setitem__(item, value)
Set self[item] to value.

Delete self[item].

Context manager to manage a XDATA list name for a given DXF entity. Appends the user list to the existing XData instance or creates new XData instance.
  • entity (DXFEntity) – target DXF entity for the XDATA
  • name (str) – name of the user list
  • appid (str) – application specific AppID

Store all changes to the underlying XData instance. This call is not required if using the entity() context manager.
  • DXFValueError – invalid chars "\n" or "\r" in a string
  • DXFTypeError – invalid data type

Manage user data as a named dict-like object in XDATA. Multiple user dicts with different names can be stored in a single XData instance for a single AppID. The keys have to be strings.

Recommended usage by context manager entity():

with XDataUserDict.entity(entity, name="MyDict", appid="MYAPP") as ud:

ud["comment"] = "The value of PI" # str "\n" and "\r" are not allowed
ud["pi"] = 3.141592 # float
ud["number"] = 1 # int
ud["vertex"] = Vec3(1, 2, 3) # Vec3
# invalid data type raises DXFTypeError
ud["vertex"] = (1, 2, 3) # tuple instead of Vec3
# retrieve single values
s = ud["comment"]
pi = ud.get("pi", 3.141592)
# store whole content into a Python dict
data = dict(ud)

Implements the MutableMapping interface.

The data is stored in XDATA like a XDataUserList by (key, value) pairs, therefore a XDataUserDict can also be loaded as XDataUserList. It is not possible to distinguish a XDataUserDict from a XDataUserList except by the name of the data structure.

The underlying XData instance.

__init__(xdata: Optional[XData] = None, name='DefaultDict', appid='EZDXF')
Setup a XDATA user dict name for the given appid.

The data is stored in the given xdata object, or in a new created XData instance if None. Changes of the content has to be committed at the end to be stored in the underlying xdata object.

  • xdata (XData) – underlying XData instance, if None a new one will be created
  • name (str) – name of the user list
  • appid (str) – application specific AppID

Return str(self).

Returns len(self).

Get self[key].

__setitem__(key, item)
Set self[key] to value, key has to be a string.
DXFTypeError – key is not a string

Delete self[key].

Delete self[key], without raising a KeyError if key does not exist.

Implement iter(self).

Context manager to manage a XDATA dict name for a given DXF entity. Appends the user dict to the existing XData instance or creates new XData instance.
  • entity (DXFEntity) – target DXF entity for the XDATA
  • name (str) – name of the user list
  • appid (str) – application specific AppID

Store all changes to the underlying XData instance. This call is not required if using the entity() context manager.
  • DXFValueError – invalid chars "\n" or "\r" in a string
  • DXFTypeError – invalid data type

The UserRecord and BinaryRecord classes help to store custom data in DXF files in XRecord objects a simple and safe way. This way requires DXF version R2000 or later, for DXF version R12 the only way to store custom data is Extended Data (XDATA).

The UserRecord stores Python types and nested container types: int, float, str, Vec2, Vec3, list and dict.

Requirements for Python structures:

  • The top level structure has to be a list.
  • Strings has to have max. 2049 characters and can not contain line breaks "\\n" or "\\r".
  • Dict keys have to be simple Python types: int, float, str.

DXF Tag layout for Python types and structures stored in the XRecord object:

Only for the UserRecord the first tag is (2, user record name).

Type DXF Tag(s)
str (1, value) string with less than 2050 chars and including no line breaks
int (90, value) int 32-bit, restricted by the DXF standard not by Python!
float (40, value) “C” double
Vec2 (10, x), (20, y)
Vec3 (10, x) (20, y) (30, z)
list starts with (2, “[”) and ends with (2, “]”)
dict starts with (2, “{”) and ends with (2, “}”)

The BinaryRecord stores arbitrary binary data as BLOB.

Storage size limits of XRECORD according the DXF reference:

“This object is similar in concept to XDATA but is not limited by size or order.”

For usage look at this example at github or go to the tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files.


  • Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files
  • Example at github
  • ezdxf.entities.XRecord

The underlying XRecord instance

The name of the UserRecord, an arbitrary string with less than 2050 chars and including no line breaks.

The Python data. The top level structure has to be a list (MutableSequence). Inside this container the following Python types are supported: str, int, float, Vec2, Vec3, list, dict

Nested data structures are supported list or/and dict in list or dict. Dict keys have to be simple Python types: int, float, str.

DXF handle of the underlying XRecord instance.

__init__(xrecord: XRecord = None, *, name: str = 'UserRecord', doc: Drawing = None)
Setup a UserRecord with the given name.

The data is stored in the given xrecord object, or in a new created XRecord instance if None. If doc is not None the new xrecord is added to the OBJECTS section of the DXF document.

Changes of the content has to be committed at the end to be stored in the underlying xrecord object.

  • xrecord (XRecord) – underlying XRecord instance, if None a new one will be created
  • name (str) – name of the user list
  • doc (Drawing) – DXF document or None

Return str(self).

Store data in the underlying XRecord instance. This call is not required if using the class by the with statement.
  • DXFValueError – invalid chars "\n" or "\r" in a string
  • DXFTypeError – invalid data type

The underlying XRecord instance

The binary data as bytes, bytearray or memoryview.

DXF handle of the underlying XRecord instance.

__init__(xrecord: XRecord = None, *, doc: Drawing = None)
Setup a BinaryRecord.

The data is stored in the given xrecord object, or in a new created XRecord instance if None. If doc is not None the new xrecord is added to the OBJECTS section of the DXF document.

Changes of the content has to be committed at the end to be stored in the underlying xrecord object.

  • xrecord (XRecord) – underlying XRecord instance, if None a new one will be created
  • doc (Drawing) – DXF document or None

__str__() -> str
Return str(self).

Store binary data in the underlying XRecord instance. This call is not required if using the class by the with statement.

The DXF format uses a special form of unicode encoding: “\U+xxxx”.

To avoid a speed penalty such encoded characters are not decoded automatically by the regular loading function:func:ezdxf.readfile, only the recover module does the decoding automatically, because this loading mode is already slow.

This kind of encoding is most likely used only in older DXF versions, because since DXF R2007 the whole DXF file is encoded in utf8 and a special unicode encoding is not necessary.

The ezdxf.has_dxf_unicode() and ezdxf.decode_dxf_unicode() are new support functions to decode unicode characters “\U+xxxx” manually.

Detect if string s contains encoded DXF unicode characters “\U+xxxx”.

Decode DXF unicode characters “\U+xxxx” in string s.

Some handy tool functions used internally by ezdxf.

Set/clear binary flag in data flags.
  • flags – data value
  • flag – flag to set/clear
  • stateTrue for setting, False for clearing

Returns a general unique ID, based on uuid.uuid4().

This function creates a GUID for the header variables $VERSIONGUID and $FINGERPRINTGUID, which matches the AutoCAD pattern {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}.

Returns data bytes as plain hex string.

Suppress trailing and/or leading 0 of string s.
  • s – data string
  • leading – suppress leading 0
  • trailing – suppress trailing 0

Normalizes text angle to the range from 0 to 360 degrees and fixes upside down text angles.
  • angle – text angle in degrees
  • fix_upside_down – rotate upside down text angle about 180 degree

Encode the Standard ACIS Text (SAT) format by AutoCAD “encryption” algorithm.

Decode the Standard ACIS Text (SAT) format “encrypted” by AutoCAD.

New in version 0.18.

The ezdxf.gfxattribs module provides the GfxAttribs class to create valid attribute dictionaries for the most often used DXF attributes supported by all graphical DXF entities. The advantage of using this class is auto-completion support by IDEs and an instant validation of the attribute values.

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.gfxattribs import GfxAttribs
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
attribs = GfxAttribs(layer="MyLayer", color=ezdxf.colors.RED)
line = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 0), dxfattribs=attribs)
circle = msp.add_circle((0, 0), radius=1.0, dxfattribs=attribs)
# Update DXF attributes of existing entities:
attribs = GfxAttribs(layer="MyLayer2", color=ezdxf.colors.BLUE)
# Convert GfxAttribs() to dict(), but this method cannot reset
# attributes to the default values like setting layer to "0".
# Using GfxAttribs.asdict(default_values=True), can reset attributes to the
# default values like setting layer to "0", except for true_color and
# transparency, which do not have default values, their absence is the
# default value.
# Remove true_color and transparency by assigning None
attribs.transparency = None  # reset to transparency by layer!
attribs.rgb = None

Validation features:

  • layer - string which can not contain certain characters: <>/\":;?*=`
  • color - AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) value as integer in the range from 0 to 257
  • rgb - true color value as (red, green, blue) tuple, all channel values as integer values in the range from 0 to 255
  • linetype - string which can not contain certain characters: <>/\":;?*=`, does not check if the linetype exists
  • lineweight - integer value in the range from 0 to 211, see Lineweights for valid values
  • transparency - float value in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 and -1.0 for transparency by block
  • ltscale - float value > 0.0

Represents often used DXF attributes of graphical entities.

New in version 0.18.

  • layer (str) – layer name as string
  • color (int) – AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) color value as integer
  • rgb – RGB true color (red, green, blue) tuple, each channel value in the range from 0 to 255, None for not set
  • linetype (str) – linetype name, does not check if the linetype exist!
  • lineweight (int) – see Lineweights documentation for valid values
  • transparency (float) – transparency value in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is opaque and 1.0 if fully transparent, -1.0 for transparency by block, None for transparency by layer
  • ltscale (float) – linetype scaling value > 0.0, default value is 1.0

DXFValueError – invalid attribute value

layer name

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) color value

true color value as (red, green, blue) tuple, None for not set

linetype name

transparency value from 0.0 for opaque to 1.0 is fully transparent, -1.0 is for transparency by block and None if for transparency by layer

linetype scaling factor

__str__() -> str
Return str(self).

__repr__() -> str
Return repr(self).

__iter__() -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]
Returns iter(self).

Returns the DXF attributes as dict, returns also the default values if argument default_values is True. The true_color and transparency attributes do not have default values, the absence of these attributes is the default value.

Returns the DXF attributes as list of name, value pairs, returns also the default values if argument default_values is True. The true_color and transparency attributes do not have default values, the absence of these attributes is the default value.

Load default DXF attributes from the HEADER section.

There is no default true color value and the default transparency is not stored in the HEADER section.

Loads following header variables:

  • $CLAYER - current layer name
  • $CECOLOR - current ACI color
  • $CELTYPE - current linetype name
  • $CELWEIGHT - current lineweight
  • $CELTSCALE - current linetype scaling factor

Write DXF attributes as default values to the HEADER section.

Writes following header variables:

  • $CLAYER - current layer name, if a layer table entry exist in doc
  • $CECOLOR - current ACI color
  • $CELTYPE - current linetype name, if a linetype table entry exist in doc
  • $CELWEIGHT - current lineweight
  • $CELTSCALE - current linetype scaling factor

Get the graphical attributes of an entity as GfxAttribs object.

The MTextEditor is a helper class to build MTEXT content strings with support for inline codes to change color, font or paragraph properties. The result is always accessible by the text attribute or the magic __str__() function as str(MTextEditor("text")).

All text building methods return self to implement a floating interface:

e = MTextEditor("This example ").color("red").append("switches color to red.")
mtext = msp.add_mtext(str(e))

The initial text height, color, text style and so on is determined by the DXF attributes of the MText entity.


The MTextEditor assembles just the inline code, which has to be parsed and rendered by the target CAD application, ezdxf has no influence to that result.

Keep inline formatting as simple as possible, don’t test the limits of its capabilities, this will not work across different CAD applications and keep the formatting in a logic manner like, do not change paragraph properties in the middle of a paragraph.

There is no official documentation for the inline codes!

text – init value of the MTEXT content string.

The MTEXT content as a simple string.

__iadd__(text: str) -> MTextEditor
Append text:

e = MTextEditor("First paragraph.\P")
e += "Second paragraph.\P")

__str__() -> str
Returns the MTEXT content attribute text.

Reset the content to an empty string.

Set the text font by the font family name. Changing the font height should be done by the height() or the scale_height() method. The font family name is the name shown in font selection widgets in desktop applications: “Arial”, “Times New Roman”, “Comic Sans MS”. Switching the codepage is not supported.
  • name – font family name
  • bold – flag
  • italic – flag

Set the absolute text height in drawing units.

Scale the text height by a factor. This scaling will accumulate, which means starting at height 2.5 and scaling by 2 and again by 3 will set the text height to 2.5 x 2 x 3 = 15. The current text height is not stored in the MTextEditor, you have to track the text height by yourself! The initial text height is stored in the MText entity as DXF attribute char_height.

Set the absolute text width factor.

Set the absolute character tracking factor.

Set the text oblique angle in degrees, vertical is 0, a value of 15 will lean the text 15 degree to the right.

Set the text color by color name: “red”, “yellow”, “green”, “cyan”, “blue”, “magenta” or “white”.

Set the text color by AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) in range [0, 256].

Set the text color as RGB value.

Append text with a line below the text.

Append text with a line above the text.

Append text with a line through the text.

Group text, all properties changed inside a group are reverted at the end of the group. AutoCAD supports grouping up to 8 levels.

Append stacked text upr over lwr, argument t defines the kind of stacking, the space ” ” after the “^” will be added automatically to avoid caret decoding:

"^": vertical stacked without divider line, e.g. \SA^ B:

B "/": vertical stacked with divider line, e.g. \SX/Y:
Y "#": diagonal stacked, with slanting divider line, e.g. \S1#4:

Set paragraph properties by a ParagraphProperties object.

Build bulleted lists by utilizing paragraph indentation and a tabulator stop. Any string can be used as bullet. Indentation is a multiple of the initial MTEXT char height (see also docs about ParagraphProperties), which means indentation in drawing units is MText.dxf.char_height x indent.

Useful UTF bullets:

  • “bull” U+2022 = • (Alt Numpad 7)
  • “circle” U+25CB = ○ (Alt Numpad 9)

For numbered lists just use numbers as bullets:


bullets=["1.", "2."],
content=["first", "second"], )

  • indent – content indentation as multiple of the initial MTEXT char height
  • bullets – iterable of bullet strings, e.g. ["-"] * 3, for 3 dashes as bullet strings
  • content – iterable of list item strings, one string per list item, list items should not contain new line or new paragraph commands.

Constants stored in the MTextEditor class:

NBSP '\~'
TAB '^I'
Stores all known MTEXT paragraph properties in a NamedTuple. Indentations and tab stops are multiples of the default text height MText.dxf.char_height. E.g. char_height is 0.25 and indent is 4, the real indentation is 4 x 0.25 = 1 drawing unit. The default tabulator stops are 4, 8, 12, … if no tabulator stops are explicit defined.
  • indent (float) – left indentation of the first line, relative to left, which means an indent of 0 has always the same indentation as left
  • left (float) – left indentation of the paragraph except for the first line
  • right (float) – left indentation of the paragraph
  • alignMTextParagraphAlignment enum
  • tab_stops – tuple of tabulator stops, as float or as str, float values are left aligned tab stops, strings with prefix "c" are center aligned tab stops and strings with prefix "r" are right aligned tab stops

Returns the MTEXT paragraph properties as MTEXT inline code e.g. "\pxi-2,l2;".

Helper class which represents a single line text entity (e.g. Text).
  • text – content string
  • font – ezdxf font definition like MonospaceFont or MatplotlibFont

Returns the final (stretched) text width.

Returns the final (stretched) text height.

Set stretch factors for FIT and ALIGNED alignments to fit the text between p1 and p2, only the distance between these points is important. Other given alignment values are ignore.

Returns the scaled font measurements.

Returns the left and the right baseline vertex of the text line.
  • insert – insertion location
  • halign – horizontal alignment left=0, center=1, right=2
  • valign – vertical alignment baseline=0, bottom=1, middle=2, top=3
  • angle – text rotation in radians
  • scale – scale in x- and y-axis as 2-tuple of float

Returns the corner vertices of the text line in the order bottom left, bottom right, top right, top left.
  • insert – insertion location
  • halign – horizontal alignment left=0, center=1, right=2
  • valign – vertical alignment baseline=0, bottom=1, middle=2, top=3
  • angle – text rotation in radians
  • scale – scale in x- and y-axis as 2-tuple of float
  • oblique – shear angle (slanting) in x-direction in radians

Transform any vertices from the text line located at the base location at (0, 0) and alignment LEFT.
  • vertices – iterable of vertices
  • insert – insertion location
  • shift – (shift-x, shift-y) as 2-tuple of float
  • rotation – text rotation in radians
  • scale – (scale-x, scale-y) as 2-tuple of float
  • oblique – shear angle (slanting) in x-direction in radians

DXF stores some special characters using caret notation. This function decodes this notation to normalise the representation of special characters in the string.


Estimate the width and height of the MText content string. The result is very inaccurate if inline codes are used or line wrapping at the column border is involved! Column breaks \N will be ignored.

This function uses the optional Matplotlib package if available.

  • content – the MText content string
  • font – font abstraction based on
  • column_widthMText.dxf.width or 0.0 for an unrestricted column width
  • line_spacing_factorMText.dxf.line_spacing_factor

Tuple[width, height]

Estimate the width and height of a single column MText entity.

This function is faster than the mtext_size() function, but the result is very inaccurate if inline codes are used or line wrapping at the column border is involved!

This function uses the optional Matplotlib package if available.

Tuple[width, height]

Returns the plain MTEXT content as a single string or a list of strings if split is True. Replaces \P by \n and removes other controls chars and inline codes.

This function is more than 4x faster than plain_mtext(), but does not remove single letter inline commands with arguments without a terminating semicolon like this "\C1red text".


Well behaved CAD applications and libraries always create inline codes for commands with arguments with a terminating semicolon like this "\C1;red text"!

  • text – MTEXT content string
  • split – split content at line endings \P

Returns True if the associated text Textstyle is vertical stacked.

Returns True if the given text angle in degrees causes an upside down text in the WCS. The strict flip range is 90° < angle < 270°, the tolerance angle tol extends this range to: 90+tol < angle < 270-tol. The angle is normalized to [0, 360).
  • angle – text angle in degrees
  • tol – tolerance range in which text flipping will be avoided

New in version 0.18.

Returns the distance from baseline to baseline.
  • cap_height – cap height of the line
  • line_spacing – line spacing factor as percentage of 3-on-5 spacing

Returns the plain MTEXT content as a single string or a list of strings if split is True. Replaces \P by \n and removes other controls chars and inline codes.

This function is much slower than fast_plain_mtext(), but removes all inline codes.

  • text – MTEXT content string
  • split – split content at line endings \P
  • tabsize – count of replacement spaces for tabulators ^I

Returns the plain text for Text, Attrib and Attdef content.

Returns a string with line breaks \n replaced by \P and the length limited to max_len.

Wrap text at \n and given box_width. This tool was developed for usage with the MTEXT entity. This isn’t the most straightforward word wrapping algorithm, but it aims to match the behavior of AutoCAD.
  • text – text to wrap, included \n are handled as manual line breaks
  • box_width – wrapping length, None to just wrap at \n
  • get_text_width – callable which returns the width of the given string

Returns a readable (upright) text angle in the range angle <= 90+tol or angle >= 270-tol. The angle is normalized to [0, 360).
  • angle – text angle in degrees
  • tol – tolerance range in which text flipping will be avoided

New in version 0.18.

A frozen dataclass as return type for the text_size() function.
The text width in drawing units (float).

The font cap-height in drawing units (float).

The font total-height = cap-height + descender-height in drawing units (float).

Returns the measured text width, the font cap-height and the font total-height for a Text entity. This function uses the optional Matplotlib package if available to measure the final rendering width and font-height for the Text entity as close as possible. This function does not measure the real char height! Without access to the Matplotlib package the MonospaceFont is used and the measurements are very inaccurate.

See the text2path add-on for more tools to work with the text path objects created by the Matplotlib package.

A frozen dataclass as return type for the mtext_size() function.
The total width in drawing units (float)

The total height in drawing units (float), same as max(column_heights).

The width of a single column in drawing units (float)

The space between columns in drawing units (float)

A tuple of columns heights (float) in drawing units. Contains at least one column height and the column height is 0 for an empty column.

The count of columns (int).

Returns the total-width, -height and columns information for a MText entity.

This function uses the optional Matplotlib package if available to do font measurements and the internal text layout engine to determine the final rendering size for the MText entity as close as possible. Without access to the Matplotlib package the MonospaceFont is used and the measurements are very inaccurate.

Attention: The required full layout calculation is slow!

The first call to this function with Matplotlib support is very slow, because Matplotlib lookup all available fonts on the system. To speedup the calculation and accepting inaccurate results you can disable the Matplotlib support manually:

ezdxf.option.use_matplotlib = False

Estimate the width and height of a single column MText entity.

This function is faster than the mtext_size() function, but the result is very inaccurate if inline codes are used or line wrapping at the column border is involved!

This function uses the optional Matplotlib package if available.

Tuple[width, height]

The module manages the internal usage of fonts and has no relation how the DXF formats manages text styles.


The Textstyle entity, the DXF way to define fonts.

The tools in this module provide abstractions to get font measurements with and without the optional Matplotlib package.

For a proper text rendering the font measurements are required. Ezdxf has a lean approach to package dependencies, therefore the rendering results without support from the optional Matplotlib package are not very good.


If Matplotlib does not find an installed font and rebuilding the matplotlib font cache does not help, deleting the cache file ~/.matplotlib/fontlist-v330.json may help.

Factory function to create a font abstraction.

Creates a MatplotlibFont if the Matplotlib font support is available and enabled or else a MonospaceFont.

  • ttf_path – raw font file name as stored in the Textstyle entity
  • cap_height – desired cap height in drawing units.
  • width_factor – horizontal text stretch factor

Defines a monospaced font without knowing the real font properties. Each letter has the same cap- and descender height and the same width. This font abstraction is used if no Matplotlib font support is available.

Use the make_font() factory function to create a font abstraction.

Returns the text width in drawing units for the given text based on a simple monospaced font calculation.

Returns the width of a “space” char.

This class provides proper font measurement support by using the optional Matplotlib font support.

Use the make_font() factory function to create a font abstraction.

Returns the text width in drawing units for the given text string. Text rendering and width calculation is done by the Matplotlib TextPath class.

Returns the width of a “space” char.

  • A Visual Guide to the Anatomy of Typography:
  • Anatomy of a Character:

The default way of DXF to store fonts in the Textstyle entity by using the raw TTF file name is not the way how most render backends select fonts.

The render backends and web technologies select the fonts by their properties. This list shows the Matplotlib properties:

List of font names in decreasing order of priority. The items may include a generic font family name, either “serif”, “sans-serif”, “cursive”, “fantasy”, or “monospace”.
“normal” (“regular”), “italic” or “oblique”
A numeric value in the range 0-1000 or one of “ultra-condensed”, “extra-condensed”, “condensed”, “semi-condensed”, “normal”, “semi-expanded”, “expanded”, “extra-expanded” or “ultra-expanded”
A numeric value in the range 0-1000 or one of “ultralight”, “light”, “normal”, “regular”, “book”, “medium”, “roman”, “semibold”, “demibold”, “demi”, “bold”, “heavy”, “extra bold”, “black”.

This way the backend can choose a similar font if the original font is not available.


  • Matplotlib:
  • PyQt:
  • W3C:

This is the equivalent to the Matplotlib FontProperties class.
Raw font file name as string, e.g. “arial.ttf”

Family name as string, the default value is “sans-serif”

Font style as string, the default value is “normal”

Font stretch as string, the default value is “normal”

Font weight as string, the default value is “normal”

Returns True if font face is italic

Returns True if font face is oblique

Returns True if font face weight > 400

Ezdxf uses Matplotlib to manage fonts and caches the collected information. The default installation of ezdxf provides a basic set of font properties. It is possible to create your own font cache specific for your system: see ezdxf.options.font_cache_directory

The font cache is loaded automatically at startup, if not disabled by setting config variable auto_load_fonts in [core] section to False : see Environment Variables

Get cached font face definition by TTF file name e.g. “Arial.ttf”.

This function translates a DXF font definition by the raw TTF font file name into a FontFace object. Fonts which are not available on the current system gets a default font face.

  • ttf_path – raw font file name as stored in the Textstyle entity
  • map_shx – maps SHX font names to TTF replacement fonts, e.g. “TXT” -> “txt_____.ttf”

Returns the FontFace defined by the associated text style. Returns the default font face if the entity does not have or support the DXF attribute “style”. Supports the extended font information stored in Textstyle table entries.

Pass a DXF document as argument doc to resolve text styles for virtual entities which are not assigned to a DXF document. The argument doc always overrides the DXF document to which the entity is assigned to.

Get cached font measurements by TTF file name e.g. “Arial.ttf”.
  • ttf_path – raw font file name as stored in the Textstyle entity
  • map_shx – maps SHX font names to TTF replacement fonts, e.g. “TXT” -> “txt_____.ttf”

Build system font cache and save it to directory path if given. Set rebuild to False to just add new fonts. Requires the Matplotlib package!

A rebuild has to be done only after a new ezdxf installation, or new fonts were added to your system (which you want to use), or an update of ezdxf if you don’t use your own external font cache directory.

See also: ezdxf.options.font_cache_directory

Load all caches from given path or from default location, defined by ezdxf.options.font_cache_directory or the default cache from the folder.

This function is called automatically at startup if not disabled by environment variable EZDXF_AUTO_LOAD_FONTS.

Save all caches to given path or to default location, defined by options.font_cache_directory or into the folder.

New in version 0.18.

The ezdxf.acis sub-package provides some ACIS data management tools. The main goals of this tools are:

load and parse simple and known ACIS data structures
create and export simple and known ACIS data structures

It is NOT a goal to load and edit arbitrary existing ACIS structures.

Don’t even try it!

These tools cannot replace the official ACIS SDK due to the complexity of the data structures and the absence of an ACIS kernel. Without access to the full documentation it is very cumbersome to reverse-engineer entities and their properties, therefore the analysis of the ACIS data structures is limited to the use as embedded data in DXF and DWG files.

The ezdxf library does not provide an ACIS kernel and there are no plans for implementing one because this is far beyond my capabilities, but it is possible to extract geometries made up only by flat polygonal faces (polyhedron) from ACIS data. Exporting polyhedrons as ACIS data and loading this DXF file by Autodesk products or BricsCAD works for SAT data for DXF R2000-R2010 and for SAB data for DXF R2013-R2018.


Always import from the public interface module ezdxf.acis.api, the internal package and module structure may change in the future and imports from other modules than api will break.

Load the ACIS bodies from the given DXF entity. This is the recommended way to load ACIS data.

The DXF entity has to be an ACIS based entity and inherit from ezdxf.entities.Body. The entity has to be bound to a valid DXF document and the DXF version of the document has to be DXF R2000 or newer.

  • DXFTypeError – invalid DXF entity type
  • DXFValueError – invalid DXF document
  • DXFVersionError – invalid DXF version


Only a limited count of ACIS entities is supported, all unsupported entities are loaded as NONE_ENTITY and their data is lost. Exporting such NONE_ENTITIES will raise an ExportError exception.

To emphasize that again: It is not possible to load and re-export arbitrary ACIS data!


import ezdxf
from ezdxf.acis import api as acis
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
for e in msp.query("3DSOLID"):

bodies = acis.load_dxf(e)

Store the ACIS bodies in the given DXF entity. This is the recommended way to set ACIS data of DXF entities.

The DXF entity has to be an ACIS based entity and inherit from ezdxf.entities.Body. The entity has to be bound to a valid DXF document and the DXF version of the document has to be DXF R2000 or newer.

  • DXFTypeError – invalid DXF entity type
  • DXFValueError – invalid DXF document
  • DXFVersionError – invalid DXF version


import ezdxf
from ezdxf.render import forms
from ezdxf.acis import api as acis
doc ="R2000")
msp = doc.modelspace()
# create an ACIS body from a simple cube-mesh
body = acis.body_from_mesh(forms.cube())
solid3d = msp.add_3dsolid()
acis.export_dxf(solid3d, [body])

Returns a list of Body entities from SAT or SAB data. Accepts SAT data as a single string or a sequence of strings and SAB data as bytes or bytearray.

Export one or more Body entities as text based SAT data.

ACIS version 700 is sufficient for DXF versions R2000, R2004, R2007 and R2010, later DXF versions require SAB data.

  • ExportError – ACIS structures contain unsupported entities
  • InvalidLinkStructure – corrupt link structure

Export one or more Body entities as binary encoded SAB data.

ACIS version 21800 is sufficient for DXF versions R2013 and R2018, earlier DXF versions require SAT data.

  • ExportError – ACIS structures contain unsupported entities
  • InvalidLinkStructure – corrupt link structure

Returns a list of MeshTransformer instances from the given ACIS Body entity. The list contains multiple meshes if merge_lumps is False or just a single mesh if merge_lumps is True.

The ACIS format stores the faces in counter-clockwise orientation where the face-normal points outwards (away) from the solid body (material).


This function returns meshes build up only from flat polygonal Face entities, for a tessellation of more complex ACIS entities (spline surfaces, tori, cones, …) is an ACIS kernel required which ezdxf does not provide.

  • body – ACIS entity of type Body
  • merge_lumps – returns all Lump entities from a body as a single mesh if True otherwise each Lump entity is a separated mesh

TypeError – given body entity has invalid type

The following images show the limitations of the mesh_from_body() function. The first image shows the source 3DSOLID entities with subtraction of entities with flat and curved faces: [image]

Example script to extracts all flat polygonal faces as meshes:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.acis import api as acis
doc = ezdxf.readfile("3dsolids.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
doc_out =
msp_out = doc_out.modelspace()
for e in msp.query("3DSOLID"):

for body in acis.load_dxf(data):
for mesh in acis.mesh_from_body(body):
mesh.render_mesh(msp_out) doc_out.saveas("meshes.dxf")

The second image shows the flat faces extracted from the 3DSOLID entities and exported as Mesh entities: [image]

As you can see all faces which do not have straight lines as boundaries are lost.

Returns a ACIS Body entity from a MeshBuilder instance.

This entity can be assigned to a Solid3d DXF entity as SAT or SAB data according to the version your DXF document uses (SAT for DXF R2000 to R2010 and SAB for DXF R2013 and later).

If the mesh contains multiple separated meshes, each mesh will be a separated Lump node. If each mesh should get its own Body entity, separate the meshes beforehand by the method separate_meshes.

A closed mesh creates a solid body and an open mesh creates an open (hollow) shell. The detection if the mesh is open or closed is based on the edges of the mesh: if all edges of mesh have two adjacent faces the mesh is closed.

The current implementation applies automatically a vertex optimization, which merges coincident vertices into a single vertex.

Base exception of the ezdxf.acis package.

Exception raised when loading invalid or unknown ACIS structures.

Exception raised when exporting invalid or unknown ACIS structures.

Exception raised when the internal link structure is damaged.

A document (sat.pdf) about the basic ACIS 7.0 file format is floating in the internet.

This section contains the additional information about the entities, I got from analyzing the SAT data extracted from DXF files exported by BricsCAD.

This documentation ignores the differences to the ACIS format prior to version 7.0 and all this differences are handled internally.

Writing support for ACIS version < 7.0 is not required because all CAD applications should be able to process version 7.0, even if embedded in a very old DXF R2000 format (tested with Autodesk TrueView, BricsCAD and Nemetschek Allplan).

The first goal is to document the entities which are required to represent a geometry as flat polygonal faces (polyhedron), which can be converted into a MeshBuilder object.

Topology Entities:

  • Body
  • Lump
  • Shell
  • Face
  • Loop
  • Coedge
  • Edge
  • Vertex

Geometry Entities:

  • Transform
  • Surface
  • Plane
  • Curve
  • StraightCurve
  • Point

Special sentinel entity which supports the type attribute and the is_none property. Represents all unset entities. Use this idiom on any entity type to check if an entity is unset:

if entity.is_none:


Base class for all ACIS entities.
Name of the type as str.

Unique id as int or -1 if not set.

Reference to the first Attribute entity (not supported).

True for unset entities represented by the NONE_REF instance.

Represents an affine transformation operation which transform the body to the final location, size and rotation.
Transformation matrix of type ezdxf.math.Matrix44.

Represents a solid geometry, which can consist of multiple Lump entities.
Reference to the Pattern entity.

Reference to the first Lump entity

Reference to the first Wire entity

Reference to the Transform entity (optional)

Returns all linked Lump entities as a list.

Append a Lump entity as last lump.

The lump represents a connected entity and there can be multiple lumps in a Body. Multiple lumps are linked together by the next_lump attribute which points to the next lump entity the last lump has a NONE_REF as next lump. The body attribute references to the parent Body entity.
Reference to the next Lump entity, the last lump references NONE_REF.

Reference to the Shell entity.

Reference to the parent Body entity.

Returns all linked Shell entities as a list.

Append a Shell entity as last shell.

A shell defines the boundary of a solid object or a void (subtraction object). A shell references a list of Face and Wire entities. All linked Shell entities are disconnected.
Reference to the next Shell entity, the last shell references NONE_REF.

Reference to the first Subshell entity.

Reference to the first Face entity.

Reference to the first Wire entity.

Reference to the parent Lump entity.

Returns all linked Face entities as a list.

Append a Face entity as last face.

A face is the building block for Shell entities. The boundary of a face is represented by one or more Loop entities. The spatial geometry of the face is defined by the surface object, which is a bounded or unbounded parametric 3d surface (plane, ellipsoid, spline-surface, …).
Reference to the next Face entity, the last face references NONE_REF.

Reference to the first Loop entity.

Reference to the parent Shell entity.

Reference to the parent Subshell entity.

Reference to the parametric Surface geometry.

Boolean value of direction of the face normal with respect to the Surface entity:
  • True: “reversed” direction of the face normal
  • False: “forward” for same direction of the face normal

Boolean value which indicates the sides of the face:
  • True: the face is part of a hollow object and has two sides.
  • False: the face is part of a solid object and has only one side which points away from the “material”.

Unknown meaning.

If double_sided is True:

  • True is “in”
  • False is “out”

Returns all linked Loop entities as a list.

Append a Loop entity as last loop.

A loop represents connected coedges which are building the boundaries of a Face, there can be multiple loops for a single face e.g. faces can contain holes. The coedge attribute references the first Coedge of the loop, the additional coedges are linked to this first Coedge. In closed loops the coedges are organized as a circular list, in open loops the last coedge references the NONE_REF entity as next_coedge and the first coedge references the NONE_REF as prev_coedge.
Reference to the next Loop entity, the last loop references NONE_REF.

Reference to the first Coedge entity.

Reference to the parent Face entity.

Returns all linked Coedge entities as a list.

Set all coedges of a loop at once.

The coedges are a double linked list where next_coedge points to the next Coedge and prev_coedge to the previous Coedge.

The partner_coedge attribute references the first partner Coedge of an adjacent Face, the partner edges are organized as a circular list. In a manifold closed surface each Face is connected to one partner face by an Coedge. In a non-manifold surface a face can have more than one partner face.

References the next Coedge, reference the NONE_REF if it is the last coedge in an open Loop.

References the previous Coedge, reference the NONE_REF if it is the first coedge in an open Loop.

References the partner Coedge of an adjacent Face entity. The partner coedges are organized in a circular list.

References the Edge entity.

References the parent Loop entity.

References the PCurve entity.

The Edge entity represents the physical edge of an object. Its geometry is defined by the bounded portion of a parametric space curve. This bounds are stored as object-space Vertex entities.
The start Vertex of the space-curve in object coordinates, if NONE_REF the curve is unbounded in this direction.

The parametric starting bound for the parametric curve. Evaluating the curve for this parameter should return the coordinates of the start_vertex.

The end Vertex of the space-curve in object coordinates, if NONE_REF the curve is unbounded in this direction.

The parametric end bound for the parametric curve.

Parent Coedge of this edge.

The parametric space-curve which defines this edge. The curve can be the NULL_REF while both Vertex entities are the same vertex. In this case the Edge represents an single point like the apex of a cone.

Boolean value which indicates the direction of the edge:
  • True: the edge has the “reversed” direction as the underlying curve
  • False: the edge has the same direction as the underlying curve (“forward”)

Unknown meaning, always the string “unknown”.

Represents a vertex of an Edge entity and references a Point entity.
The spatial location in object-space as Point entity.

Parent Edge of this vertex. The vertex can be referenced by multiple edges, anyone of them can be the parent of the vertex.

Abstract base class for all parametric surfaces.

The parameterization of any Surface maps a 2D rectangle (u, v parameters) into the spatial object-space (x, y, z).

Tuple of (start bound, end bound) parameters as two floats which define the bounds of the parametric surface in the u-direction, one or both values can be math.inf which indicates an unbounded state of the surface in that direction.

Tuple of (start bound, end bound) parameters as two floats which define the bounds of the parametric surface in the v-direction, one or both values can be math.inf which indicates an unbounded state of the surface in that direction.

Returns the spatial location at the parametric surface for the given parameters u and v.

Defines a flat plan as parametric surface.
Location vector of the origin of the flat plane as Vec3.

Normal vector of the plane as Vec3. Has to be an unit-vector!

Direction vector of the plane in u-direction as Vec3. Has to be an unit-vector!

Direction vector of the plane in v-direction as Vec3. Has to be an unit-vector!

Boolean value which indicates the orientation of the coordinate system:
  • True: left-handed system, the v-direction is reversed and the normal vector is v_dir cross u_dir.
  • False: right-handed system and the normal vector is u_dir cross v_dir.

Abstract base class for all parametric curves.

The parameterization of any Curve maps a 1D line (the parameter) into the spatial object-space (x, y, z).

Tuple of (start bound, end bound) parameters as two floats which define the bounds of the parametric curve, one or both values can be math.inf which indicates an unbounded state of the curve in that direction.

Returns the spatial location at the parametric curve for the given parameter.

Defines a straight line as parametric curve.
Location vector of the origin of the straight line as Vec3.

Direction vector the straight line as Vec3. Has to be an unit-vector!

Represents a point in the 3D object-space.
Cartesian coordinates as Vec3.

The global ezdxf options are stored in the object ezdxf.options.

Recommended usage of the global options object:

import ezdxf
value = ezdxf.options.attribute

The options object uses the Standard Python class ConfigParser to manage the configuration. Shortcut attributes like test_files are simple properties and most shortcuts are read only marked by (Read only), read and writeable attributes are marked by (Read/Write).

To change options, especially the read only attributes, you have to edit the config file with a text editor, or set options by the set() method and write the current configuration into a config file.

New in version 0.16.5.

The default config files are loaded from the user home directory as “~/.config/ezdxf/ezdxf.ini”, and the current working directory as “./ezdxf.ini”. A custom config file can be specified by the environment variable EZDXF_CONFIG_FILE. Ezdxf follows the XDG Base Directory specification if the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set.

The config file loading order:

user home directory: “~/.config/ezdxf/ezdxf.ini”
current working directory: “./ezdxf.ini”
config file specified by EZDXF_CONFIG_FILE

A configuration file that is loaded later does not replace the previously loaded ones, only the existing options in the newly loaded file are added to the configuration and can overwrite existing options.

Configuration files are regular INI files, managed by the standard Python ConfigParser class.

File Structure:

default_dimension_text_style = OpenSansCondensed-Light
test_files = D:\Source\dxftest
font_cache_directory =
load_proxy_graphics = true
store_proxy_graphics = true
log_unprocessed_tags = false
filter_invalid_xdata_group_codes = true
write_fixed_meta_data_for_testing = false
disable_c_ext = false
text_editor = "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "{filename}" -n{num}

This code shows how to get and set values of the underlying ConfigParser object, but use the shortcut attributes if available:

# Set options, value has to ba a str, use "true"/"false" for boolean values
ezdxf.options.set(section, key, value)
# Get option as string
value = ezdxf.options.get(section, key, default="")
# Special getter for boolean, int and float
value = ezdxf.options.get_bool(section, key, default=False)
value = ezdxf.options.get_int(section, key, default=0)
value = ezdxf.options.get_float(section, key, default=0.0)

If you set options, they are not stored automatically in a config file, you have to write back the config file manually:

# write back the default user config file "ezdxf.ini" in the
# user home directory
# write back to the default config file "ezdxf.ini" in the
# current working directory
# write back to a specific config file
# which has to be loaded manually at startup

This example shows how to change the test_files path and save the changes into a custom config file “my_config.ini”:

import ezdxf
test_files = Path("~/my-dxf-test-files").expand_user()

ezdxf.options.CORE, # section
"test_files", # key
"~/my-dxf-test-files", # value ) ezdxf.options.write_file("my_config.ini")

You can specify a config file by the environment variable EZDXF_CONFIG_FILE, which is loaded after the default config files.

C:\> set EZDXF_CONFIG_FILE=D:\user\path\custom.ini

Custom config files are not loaded automatically like the default config files.

This example shows how to load the previous created custom config file “my_config.ini” from the current working directory:

import ezdxf"my_config.ini")

That is all and because this is the last loaded config file, it overrides all default config files and the config file specified by EZDXF_CONFIG_FILE.

Set option key in section to values as str.

Write configuration into given file object fp, the file object must be a writeable text file with “utf8” encoding.

Write current configuration into file filename, default is “ezdxf.ini” in the current working directory.

Write configuration into file “~/.config/ezdxf/ezdxf.ini”, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is supported if set.

Append content from config file filename, but does not reset the configuration.

Print configuration to stdout.

Reset options to factory default values.

Delete the default config files “ezdxf.ini” in the current working and in the user home directory “~/.config/ezdxf”, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is supported if set.

Enable/disable proxy graphic load/store support by setting the options load_proxy_graphics and store_proxy_graphics to state.

Read only property of loaded config files as tuple for Path objects.

For all core options the section name is core.

The default dimension text style is used by the DIMENSION renderer of ezdxf, if the specified text style exist in the STYLE table. To use any of the default style of ezdxf you have to setup the styles at the creation of the DXF document:, or setup the ezdxf default styles for a loaded DXF document:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.tool.standard import setup_drawing
doc = ezdxf.readfile("your.dxf")

Config file key: default_dimension_text_style

Shortcut attribute:

(Read/Write) Get/Set default text style for DIMENSION rendering, default value is OpenSansCondensed-Light.

Ezdxf has a bundled font cache to have faster access to font metrics. This font cache includes only fonts installed on the developing workstation. To add the fonts of your computer to this cache, you have to create your own external font cache. This has to be done only once after ezdxf was installed, or to add new installed fonts to the cache, and this requires the Matplotlib package.

This example shows, how to create an external font cache in the recommended directory of the XDG Base Directory specification: "~/.cache/ezdxf".

import ezdxf
from import fonts
# xdg_path() returns "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/ezdxf" or "~/.cache/ezdxf" if
# $XDG_CACHE_HOME is not set
font_cache_dir = ezdxf.options.xdg_path("XDG_CACHE_HOME", ".cache")
ezdxf.options.font_cache_directory = font_cache_dir
# Save changes to the default config file "~/.config/ezdxf/ezdxf.ini"
# to load the font cache always from the new location.

Config file key: font_cache_directory

Shortcut attribute:

(Read/Write) Get/set the font cache directory, if the directory is an empty string, the bundled font cache is used. Expands “~” construct automatically.

Proxy graphics are not essential for DXF files, but they can provide a simple graphical representation for complex entities, but extra memory is needed to store this information. You can save some memory by not loading the proxy graphic, but the proxy graphic is lost if you write back the DXF file.

The current version of ezdxf uses this proxy graphic to render MLEADER entities by the drawing add-on.

Config file key: load_proxy_graphics

Shortcut attribute:

(Read/Write) Load proxy graphics if True, default is True.

Prevent exporting proxy graphics if set to False.

Config file key: store_proxy_graphics

Shortcut attribute:

(Read/Write) Export proxy graphics if True, default is True.

Search directories for support files like .ctb or .stb files.

Config file key: support_dirs

Shortcut attribute:

(Read/Write) Search directories as list of strings.

For all debugging options the section name is core.

Path to test files. Some of the CADKit test files are used by the integration tests, these files should be located in the ezdxf.options.test_files_path / "CADKitSamples" folder.

Config file key: test_files

Shortcut attributes:

(Read only) Returns the path to the ezdxf test files as str, expands “~” construct automatically.

(Read only) Path to test files as pathlib.Path object.

Only a very limited set of group codes is valid in the XDATA section and AutoCAD is very picky about that. Ezdxf removes invalid XDATA group codes if this option is set to True, but this needs processing time, which is wasted if you get your DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD.

Config file key: filter_invalid_xdata_group_codes

(Read only) Filter invalid XDATA group codes, default value is True.

Logs unprocessed DXF tags, this helps to find new and undocumented DXF features.

Config file key: log_unprocessed_tags

(Read/Write) Log unprocessed DXF tags for debugging, default value is False.

Write the DXF files with fixed meta data to test your DXF files by a diff-like command, this is necessary to get always the same meta data like the saving time stored in the HEADER section. This may not work across different ezdxf versions!

Config file key: write_fixed_meta_data_for_testing

(Read/Write) Enable this option to always create same meta data for testing scenarios, e.g. to use a diff-like tool to compare DXF documents, default is False.

Disable C-Extension

It is possible to deactivate the optional C-extensions if there are any issues with the C-extensions. This has to be done in a default config file or by environment variable before the first import of ezdxf. For pypy3 the C-extensions are always disabled, because the JIT compiled Python code is much faster.


This option works only in the default config files, user config files which are loaded by ezdxf.options.read_file() cannot disable the C-Extensions, because at this point the setup process of ezdxf is already finished!

Config file key: disable_c_ext

(Read only) This option disables the C-extensions if True. This can only be done before the first import of ezdxf by using a config file or the environment variable EZDXF_DISABLE_C_EXT.

(Read only) Shows the actual state of C-extensions usage.

This option can deactivate Matplotlib support for testing. This option is not stored in the ConfigParser object and is therefore not supported by config files!

Only attribute access is supported:

(Read/Write) Activate/deactivate Matplotlib support (e.g. for testing) if Matplotlib is installed, else use_matplotlib is always False.

Some feature can be controlled by environment variables. Command line example for disabling the optional C-extensions on Windows:



If you change any environment variable, you have to restart the Python interpreter!

Set environment variable EZDXF_DISABLE_C_EXT to 1 or True to disable the usage of the C-extensions.
Path to the ezdxf test files required by some tests, for instance the CADKit sample files should be located in the EZDXF_TEST_FILES/CADKitSamples folder. See also option ezdxf.options.test_files.
Specifies a user config file which will be loaded automatically after the default config files at the first import of ezdxf.

New in version 0.16.

These functions mimic the ZOOM commands in CAD applications.

Zooming means resetting the current viewport limits to new values. The coordinates for the functions center() and window() are drawing units for the model space and paper space units for paper space layouts. The modelspace units in Drawing.units are ignored.

The extents detection for the functions entities() and extents() is done by the ezdxf.bbox module. Read the associated documentation to understand the limitations of the ezdxf.bbox module. Tl;dr The extents detection is slow and not accurate.

Because the ZOOM operations in CAD applications are not that precise, then zoom functions of this module uses the fast bounding box calculation mode of the bbox module, which means the argument flatten is always False for extents() function calls.

The region displayed by CAD applications also depends on the aspect ratio of the application window, which is not available to ezdxf, therefore the viewport size is just an educated guess of an aspect ratio of 2:1 (16:9 minus top toolbars and the bottom status bar).


All zoom functions replace the current viewport configuration by a single window configuration.

Example to reset the main CAD viewport of the model space to the extents of its entities:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf import zoom
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
... # add your DXF entities

Resets the active viewport center of layout to the given point, argument size defines the width and height of the viewport. Replaces the current viewport configuration by a single window configuration.

Resets the active viewport limits of layout to the extents of the given entities. Only entities in the given layout are taken into account. The argument factor scales the viewport limits. Replaces the current viewport configuration by a single window configuration.

Resets the active viewport limits of layout to the extents of all entities in this layout. The argument factor scales the viewport limits. Replaces the current viewport configuration by a single window configuration.

Resets the active viewport limits of layout to the lower left corner p1 and the upper right corner p2. Replaces the current viewport configuration by a single window configuration.

Yields comment tags from text stream as DXFTag objects.
  • stream – input text stream
  • codes – set of group codes to yield additional DXF tags e.g. {5, 0} to also yield handle and structure tags

Yields comment tags from file filename as DXFTag objects.
  • filename – filename as string
  • codes – yields also additional tags with specified group codes e.g. {5, 0} to also yield handle and structure tags

The command line script ezdxf launches various sub-commands:

pp DXF pretty printer, replacement for the previous dxfpp command
audit Audit and repair DXF files
draw Draw and convert DXF files by the Matplotlib backend
view PyQt DXF file viewer
pillow Draw and convert DXF files by the Pillow backend
browse PyQt DXF structure browser for DXF debugging and curious people
browse-acis PyQt ACIS entity content browser for SAT/SAB debugging
strip Strip comments and THUMBNAILIMAGE section from DXF files
config Manage config files
info Show information and optional stats of DXF files as loaded by ezdxf

The help option -h is supported by the main script and all sub-commands:

C:\> ezdxf -h
usage: ezdxf [-h] [-V] [-v] [--config CONFIG] [--log LOG]

{pp,audit,draw,view,browse,browse-acis,strip,config} ... Command launcher for the Python package "ezdxf": positional arguments:
pp pretty print DXF files as HTML file
audit audit and repair DXF files
draw draw and convert DXF files by Matplotlib
view view DXF files by the PyQt viewer
pillow draw and convert DXF files by Pillow
browse browse DXF file structure
browse-acis browse ACIS structures in DXF files
strip strip comments from DXF files
config manage config files
info show information and optional stats of DXF files loaded by ezdxf,
this may not represent the original content of the file, use the
browse command to see the original content optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show version and exit
-v, --verbose give more output
--config CONFIG path to a config file
--log LOG path to a verbose appending log


The ezdxf script is the only executable script installed on the user system.

Pretty print the DXF text content as HTML file and open the file in the default web browser:

C:\> ezdxf pp -o gear.dxf


Print help:

C:\> ezdxf pp -h
usage: ezdxf pp [-h] [-o] [-r] [-x] [-l] [-s SECTIONS] FILE [FILE ...]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF files pretty print optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --open open generated HTML file by the default web browser
-r, --raw raw mode, no DXF structure interpretation
-x, --nocompile don't compile points coordinates into single tags (only in raw mode)
-l, --legacy legacy mode, reorder DXF point coordinates
-s SECTIONS, --sections SECTIONS
choose sections to include and their order, h=HEADER, c=CLASSES,

Audit and recover the DXF file “gear.dxf” and save the recovered version as “gear.rec.dxf”:

C:\> ezdxf audit -s gear.dxf
auditing file: gear.dxf
No errors found.
Saved recovered file as: gear.rec.dxf

Print help:

C:\> ezdxf audit -h
usage: ezdxf audit [-h] [-s] FILE [FILE ...]
positional arguments:

FILE audit DXF files optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --save save recovered files with extension ".rec.dxf"

Convert the DXF file “gear.dxf” into a SVG file by the Matplotlib backend:

C:\> ezdxf draw -o gear.svg gear.dxf

The “gear.svg” created by the Matplotlib backend: [image]

Show all output formats supported by the Matplotlib backend on your system. This output may vary:

C:\> ezdxf draw --formats
eps: Encapsulated Postscript
jpg: Joint Photographic Experts Group
jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group
pdf: Portable Document Format
pgf: PGF code for LaTeX
png: Portable Network Graphics
ps: Postscript
raw: Raw RGBA bitmap
rgba: Raw RGBA bitmap
svg: Scalable Vector Graphics
svgz: Scalable Vector Graphics
tif: Tagged Image File Format
tiff: Tagged Image File Format

Print help:

C:\> ezdxf draw -h
usage: ezdxf draw [-h] [--formats] [-l LAYOUT] [--all-layers-visible]

[--all-entities-visible] [-o OUT] [--dpi DPI] [-v]
[FILE] positional arguments:
FILE DXF file to view or convert optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--formats show all supported export formats and exit
-l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT
select the layout to draw, default is "Model"
--all-layers-visible draw all layers including the ones marked as invisible
draw all entities including the ones marked as
invisible (some entities are individually marked as
invisible even if the layer is visible)
-o OUT, --out OUT output filename for export
--dpi DPI target render resolution, default is 300
-v, --verbose give more output

View the DXF file “gear.dxf” by the PyQt backend:

C:\> ezdxf view gear.dxf


Print help:

C:\> ezdxf view -h
usage: ezdxf view [-h] [-l LAYOUT] [--lwscale LWSCALE] [FILE]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF file to view optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT
select the layout to draw, default is "Model"
--lwscale LWSCALE set custom line weight scaling, default is 0 to
disable line weights at all

New in version 0.18.1.

Convert the DXF file “gear.dxf” into a PNG file by the Pillow backend:

C:\> ezdxf pillow -o gear.png gear.dxf

Advantage over the Draw command is the speed and much less memory usage, disadvantage is the lower text rendering quality. The speed advantages is lost for the text modes OUTLINE and FILLED, because the text-path rendering is done by Matplotlib, but the advantage of the lower memory consumption remains.

Print help:

C:\> ezdxf pillow -h
usage: ezdxf pillow [-h] [-o OUT] [-l LAYOUT] [-i IMAGE_SIZE] [-b BACKGROUND]

[-r OVERSAMPLING] [-m MARGIN] [-t {0,1,2,3}] [--dpi DPI] [-v]
[FILE] positional arguments:
FILE DXF file to draw options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT output filename, the filename extension defines the image format
(.png, .jpg, .tif, .bmp, ...)
-l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT
name of the layout to draw, default is "Model"
-i IMAGE_SIZE, --image_size IMAGE_SIZE
image size in pixels as "width,height", default is "1920,1080",
supports also "x" as delimiter like "1920x1080". A single
integer is used for both directions e.g. "2000" defines an image
size of 2000x2000. The image is centered for the smaller DXF
drawing extent.
override background color in hex format "RRGGBB" or "RRGGBBAA",
e.g. use "FFFFFF00" to get a white transparent background and a
black foreground color (ACI=7), because a light background gets
a black foreground color or vice versa "00000000" for a black
transparent background and a white foreground color.
oversampling factor, default is 2, use 0 or 1 to disable
-m MARGIN, --margin MARGIN
minimal margin around the image in pixels, default is 10
-t {0,1,2,3}, --text-mode {0,1,2,3}
text mode: 0=ignore, 1=placeholder, 2=outline, 3=filled, default
is 2
--dpi DPI output resolution in pixels/inch which is significant for the
linewidth, default is 300
-v, --verbose give more output

Browse the internal structure of a DXF file like a file system:

C:\> ezdxf browse gear.dxf


C:\> ezdxf browse -h
usage: ezdxf browse [-h] [-l LINE] [-g HANDLE] [FILE]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF file to browse optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LINE, --line LINE go to line number
-g HANDLE, --handle HANDLE
go to entity by HANDLE, HANDLE has to be a hex value without
any prefix like 'fefe'

The browse command stores options in the config file, e.g. for the Notepad++ on Windows:

text_editor = "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "{filename}" -n{num}
icon_size = 32

text_editor is a simple format string: text_editor.format(filename="test.dxf", num=100)

Quote commands including spaces and always quote the filename argument!

For xed on Linux Mint use (note: absolute path to executable):

text_editor = /usr/bin/xed "{filename}" +{num}
icon_size = 32

For gedit on Linux use (untested):

text_editor = /use/bin/gedit +{num} "{filename}"
icon_size = 32

The browse command opens a DXF structure browser to investigate the internals of a DXF file without interpreting the content. The functionality of the DXF browser is similar to the DXF Pretty Printer (pp command), but without the disadvantage of creating giant HTML files. The intended usage is debugging invalid DXF files, which can not be loaded by the ezdxf.readfile() or the ezdxf.recover.readfile() functions.

The low level tag loader ignores DXF comments (group code 999). If there are comments in the DXF file the line numbers displayed in the DXF browser are not synchronized, use the strip command beforehand to remove all comments from the DXF file in order to keep the line numbers synchronized.

The tree view on the left shows the outline of the DXF file. The number in round brackets on the right side of each item shows the count of structure entities within the structure layer, the value in angle brackets on the left side is the entity handle.

The right list view shows the entity content as DXF tags. Structure tags (data type <ctrl>) are shown in blue, a double click on a reference handle (datatype <ref>) jumps to the referenced entity, reference handles of non-existent targets are shown in red.

Clicking on the first structure tag in the list opens the DXF reference provided by Autodesk in the standard web browser.

The browser automatically displays a dialog for reloading DXF files if they have been modified by an external application.

Menus and Shortcuts

  • Open DXF file… Ctrl+O
  • Reload DXF file Ctrl+R
  • Open in Text Editor Ctrl+T, open the DXF file in the associated text editor at the current location
  • Export DXF Entity… Ctrl+E, export the current DXF entity shown in the list view as text file
  • Copy selected DXF Tags to Clipboard Ctrl+C, copy the current selected DXF tags into the clipboard
  • Copy DXF Entity to Clipboard Ctrl+Shift+C, copy all DXF tags of the current DXF entity shown in the list view into the clipboard
  • Quit Ctrl+Q

  • Go to Handle… Ctrl+G
  • Go to Line… Ctrl+L
  • Find Text… Ctrl+F, opens the find text dialog
  • Next Entity Ctrl+Right, go to the next entity in the DXF structure
  • Previous Entity Ctrl+Right, go to the previous entity in the DXF structure
  • Show Entity in TreeView Ctrl+Down, expand the left tree view to the currently displayed entity in the list view - this does not happen automatically for performance reasons
  • Entity History Back Alt+Left
  • Entity History Forward Alt+Right
  • Go to HEADERS Section Shift+H
  • Go to BLOCKS Section Shift+B
  • Go to ENTITIES Section Shift+E
  • Go to OBJECTS Section Shift+O

  • Store Bookmark… Ctrl+Shift+B, store current location as named bookmark
  • Go to Bookmark… Ctrl+B, go to stored location


Show and export the SAT or SAB content of ACIS entities:

C:\> ezdxf browse-acis 3dsolid.dxf


The DXF format stores modern solid geometry as SAT data for DXF R2000 - R2010 and as SAB data for DXF R2013 and later. This command shows the content of this entities and also let you export the raw data for further processing.

The entity view is a read-only text editor, it is possible to select and copy parts of the text into the clipboard. All ACIS content entities get an id assigned automatically, this way the data is more readable, by default AutoCAD and BricsCAD do not use ids for ACIS entities. The id is shown as decimal number in parenthesis after the entity name. The ~ is a shortcut for a null-pointer.

C:\>ezdxf browse-acis -h
usage: ezdxf browse-acis [-h] [-g HANDLE] [FILE]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF file to browse options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g HANDLE, --handle HANDLE
go to entity by HANDLE, HANDLE has to be a hex value
without any prefix like 'fefe'

Menus and Shortcuts

  • Open DXF file… Ctrl+O
  • Reload DXF file Ctrl+R
  • Export Current Entity View… Ctrl+E, Export the parsed content of the entity view as text file
  • Export Raw SAT/SAB Data… Ctrl+W, export the raw SAT data as text file and the raw SAB data as a binary file for further processing
  • Quit Ctrl+Q

Strip comment tags (group code 999) from ASCII DXF files and can remove the THUMBNAILIMAGE section. Binary DXF files are not supported.

C:\> ezdxf strip -h
usage: ezdxf strip [-h] [-b] [-v] FILE [FILE ...]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF file to process, wildcards "*" and "?" are supported optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b, --backup make a backup copy with extension ".bak" from the DXF file,
overwrites existing backup files
-t, --thumbnail strip THUMBNAILIMAGE section
-v, --verbose give more output

Manage config files.

C:\> ezdxf config -h
usage: ezdxf config [-h] [-p] [-w FILE] [--home] [--reset]
optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --print print configuration
-w FILE, --write FILE
write configuration
--home create config file 'ezdxf.ini' in the user home directory
'~/.config/ezdxf', $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is supported if set
--reset factory reset, delete default config files 'ezdxf.ini'

Show information and optional stats of DXF files as loaded by ezdxf, this may not represent the original content of the file, use the browse command to see the original content. The upgrade is necessary for very old DXF versions prior to R12 and for the “special” versions R13 and R14. The -s option shows some statistics about the DXF content like entity count or table count. Use the -v option show more of everything.

C:\> ezdxf info -h
usage: ezdxf info [-h] [-v] [-s] FILE [FILE ...]
positional arguments:

FILE DXF file to process, wildcards "*" and "?" are supported options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose give more output
-s, --stats show content stats

This is the verbose output for an old DXF R10 file and shows that the loading process created some required structures which do not exist in DXF R10 files, like the BLOCK_RECORD table or the OBJECTS section:

C:\> ezdxf info -v -s test_R10.dxf
Filename: "test_R10.dxf"
Loaded content was upgraded from DXF Version AC1006 (R10)
Release: R12
DXF Version: AC1009
Maintenance Version: <undefined>
Codepage: ANSI_1252
Encoding: cp1252
Unit system: Imperial
Modelspace units: Unitless
$LASTSAVEDBY: <undefined>
$FINGERPRINTGUID: {9EADDC7C-5982-4C68-B770-8A62378C2B90}
$VERSIONGUID: {49336E63-D99B-45EC-803C-4D2BD03A7DE0}
File was not created by ezdxf >= 0.16.4
File was not written by ezdxf >= 0.16.4
Content stats:
LAYER table entries: 18

LYR_15 LTYPE table entries: 13
STITCH STYLE table entries: 1
STANDARD DIMSTYLE table entries: 1
Standard APPID table entries: 1
ACAD UCS table entries: 0 VIEW table entries: 0 VPORT table entries: 1
*Active BLOCK_RECORD table entries: 2
*Paper_Space Entities in modelspace: 78
ARC (2)
LINE (74) Entities in OBJECTS section: 20

Show the ezdxf version and configuration:

C:\> ezdxf -Vv
ezdxf v0.16.5b0 @ d:\source\ezdxf.git\src\ezdxf
Python version: 3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
using C-extensions: yes
using Matplotlib: yes
default_dimension_text_style = OpenSansCondensed-Light
test_files = D:\Source\dxftest
font_cache_directory =
load_proxy_graphics = true
store_proxy_graphics = true
log_unprocessed_tags = false
filter_invalid_xdata_group_codes = true
write_fixed_meta_data_for_testing = false
disable_c_ext = false
text_editor = "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "{filename}" -n{num}
Environment Variables:
Existing Configuration Files:


Documentation of the ezdxf.options module and the Environment Variables.

The ezdxf.render subpackage provides helpful utilities to create complex forms.

  • create complex meshes as Mesh entity.
  • render complex curves like bezier curves, euler spirals or splines as Polyline entity
  • vertex generators for simple and complex forms like circle, ellipse or euler spiral


This class can be used to render B-splines into DXF R12 files as approximated Polyline entities. The advantage of this class over the R12Spline class is, that this is a real 3D curve, which means that the B-spline vertices do have to be located in a flat plane, and no UCS class is needed to place the curve in 3D space.


The newer BSpline class provides the advanced vertex interpolation method flattening().

__init__(points: Optional[Iterable[Union[Sequence[float], Vec2, Vec3]]] = None, segments: int = 100)
  • points – spline definition points
  • segments – count of line segments for approximation, vertex count is segments + 1

Calculate overall segment count, where segments is the sub-segment count, segments = 4, means 4 line segments between two definition points e.g. 4 definition points and 4 segments = 12 overall segments, useful for fit point rendering.
segments – sub-segments count between two definition points

Render a B-spline as 2D/3D Polyline, where the definition points are fit points.
  • 2D spline vertices uses: add_polyline2d()
  • 3D spline vertices uses: add_polyline3d()

  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • method – “uniform”, “distance”/”chord”, “centripetal”/”sqrt_chord” or “arc” calculation method for parameter t
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render an open uniform B-spline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render a uniform B-spline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render a closed uniform B-spline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render a rational open uniform BSpline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • weights – list of weights, requires a weight value (float) for each definition point.
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render a rational uniform B-spline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • weights – list of weights, requires a weight value (float) for each definition point.
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render a rational B-spline as 3D Polyline. Definition points are control points.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • weights – list of weights, requires a weight value (float) for each definition point.
  • degree – degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1)
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

DXF R12 supports 2D B-splines, but Autodesk do not document the usage in the DXF Reference. The base entity for splines in DXF R12 is the POLYLINE entity. The spline itself is always in a plane, but as any 2D entity, the spline can be transformed into the 3D object by elevation and extrusion (OCS, UCS).

This way it was possible to store the spline parameters in the DXF R12 file, to allow CAD applications to modify the spline parameters and rerender the B-spline afterward again as polyline approximation. Therefore the result is not better than an approximation by the Spline class, it is also just a POLYLINE entity, but maybe someone need exact this tool in the future.

__init__(control_points: Iterable[Union[Sequence[float], Vec2, Vec3]], degree: int = 2, closed: bool = True)
  • control_points – B-spline control frame vertices
  • degree – degree of B-spline, only 2 and 3 is supported
  • closedTrue for closed curve

Renders the B-spline into layout as 2D Polyline entity. Use an UCS to place the 2D spline in the 3D space, see approximate() for more information.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • segments – count of line segments for approximation, vertex count is segments + 1
  • ucsUCS definition, control points in ucs coordinates.
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Approximate the B-spline by a polyline with segments line segments. If ucs is not None, ucs defines an UCS, to transformed the curve into OCS. The control points are placed xy-plane of the UCS, don’t use z-axis coordinates, if so make sure all control points are in a plane parallel to the OCS base plane (UCS xy-plane), else the result is unpredictable and depends on the CAD application used to open the DXF file - it may crash.
  • segments – count of line segments for approximation, vertex count is segments + 1
  • ucsUCS definition, control points in ucs coordinates

list of vertices in OCS as Vec3 objects

Render a bezier curve as 2D/3D Polyline.

The Bezier class is implemented with multiple segments, each segment is an optimized 4 point bezier curve, the 4 control points of the curve are: the start point (1) and the end point (4), point (2) is start point + start vector and point (3) is end point + end vector. Each segment has its own approximation count.


The new ezdxf.path package provides many advanced construction tools based on the Path class.

Set start point and start tangent.
  • point – start point
  • tangent – start tangent as vector, example: (5, 0, 0) means a horizontal tangent with a length of 5 drawing units

Append a control point with two control tangents.
  • point – control point
  • tangent1 – first tangent as vector “left” of the control point
  • tangent2 – second tangent as vector “right” of the control point, if omitted tangent2 = -tangent1
  • segments – count of line segments for the polyline approximation, count of line segments from the previous control point to the appended control point.

Render bezier curve as 2D/3D Polyline.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • force3d – force 3D polyline rendering
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline

Render an euler spiral as a 3D Polyline or a Spline entity.

This is a parametric curve, which always starts at the origin (0, 0).

__init__(curvature: float = 1)
curvature – Radius of curvature

Render curve as Polyline.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • length – length measured along the spiral curve from its initial position
  • segments – count of line segments to use, vertex count is segments + 1
  • matrix – transformation matrix as Matrix44
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Polyline


Render curve as Spline.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • length – length measured along the spiral curve from its initial position
  • fit_points – count of spline fit points to use
  • degree – degree of B-spline
  • matrix – transformation matrix as Matrix44
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for Spline


Random path generators for testing purpose.

Returns a random 2D path as iterable of Vec2 objects.
  • steps – count of vertices to generate
  • max_step_size – max step size
  • max_heading – limit heading angle change per step to ± max_heading/2 in radians
  • retarget – specifies steps before changing global walking target

Returns a random 3D path as iterable of Vec3 objects.
  • steps – count of vertices to generate
  • max_step_size – max step size
  • max_heading – limit heading angle change per step to ± max_heading/2, rotation about the z-axis in radians
  • max_pitch – limit pitch angle change per step to ± max_pitch/2, rotation about the x-axis in radians
  • retarget – specifies steps before changing global walking target

This module provides functions to create 2D and 3D forms as vertices or mesh objects.

2D Forms

  • box()
  • circle()
  • ellipse()
  • euler_spiral()
  • gear()
  • ngon()
  • square()
  • star()
  • turtle()

3D Forms

  • cone_2p()
  • cone()
  • cube()
  • cylinder()
  • cylinder_2p()
  • helix()
  • sphere()
  • torus()

3D Form Builder

  • extrude()
  • extrude_twist_scale()
  • from_profiles_linear()
  • from_profiles_spline()
  • rotation_form()
  • sweep()
  • sweep_profile()

Basic 2D shapes as iterable of Vec3.

Returns 4 vertices for a box with a width of sx by and a height of sy. The center of the box in (0, 0) if center is True otherwise the lower left corner is (0, 0), upper right corner is (sx, sy).

Changed in version 0.18: added argument center

Create polygon vertices for a circle with the given radius and approximated by count vertices, elevation is the z-axis for all vertices.
  • count – count of polygon vertices
  • radius – circle radius
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices
  • close – yields first vertex also as last vertex if True.

vertices in counter-clockwise orientation as Vec3 objects

Create polygon vertices for an ellipse with given rx as x-axis radius and ry as y-axis radius approximated by count vertices, elevation is the z-axis for all vertices. The ellipse goes from start_param to end_param in counter clockwise orientation.
  • count – count of polygon vertices
  • rx – ellipse x-axis radius
  • ry – ellipse y-axis radius
  • start_param – start of ellipse in range [0, 2π]
  • end_param – end of ellipse in range [0, 2π]
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices

vertices in counter clockwise orientation as Vec3 objects

Create polygon vertices for an euler spiral of a given length and radius of curvature. This is a parametric curve, which always starts at the origin (0, 0).
  • count – count of polygon vertices
  • length – length of curve in drawing units
  • curvature – radius of curvature
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices

vertices as Vec3 objects

Returns the corner vertices of a gear shape (cogwheel).


This function does not create correct gears for mechanical engineering!

  • count – teeth count >= 3
  • top_width – teeth width at outside radius
  • bottom_width – teeth width at base radius
  • height – teeth height; base radius = outside radius - height
  • outside_radius – outside radius
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices
  • close – yields first vertex also as last vertex if True.

vertices in counter clockwise orientation as Vec3 objects

Returns the corner vertices of a regular polygon. The polygon size is determined by the edge length or the circum radius argument. If both are given length has the higher priority.
  • count – count of polygon corners >= 3
  • length – length of polygon side
  • radius – circum radius
  • rotation – rotation angle in radians
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices
  • close – yields first vertex also as last vertex if True.

vertices as Vec3 objects

Returns 4 vertices for a square with a side length of the given size. The center of the square in (0, 0) if center is True otherwise the lower left corner is (0, 0), upper right corner is (size, size).

Changed in version 0.18: added argument center

Returns the corner vertices for a star shape.

The shape has count spikes, r1 defines the radius of the “outer” vertices and r2 defines the radius of the “inner” vertices, but this does not mean that r1 has to be greater than r2.

  • count – spike count >= 3
  • r1 – radius 1
  • r2 – radius 2
  • rotation – rotation angle in radians
  • elevation – z-axis for all vertices
  • close – yields first vertex also as last vertex if True.

vertices as Vec3 objects

Returns the 2D vertices of a polyline created by turtle-graphic like commands:
  • <length> - go <length> units forward in current direction and yield vertex
  • r<angle> - turn right <angle> in degrees, a missing angle is 90 deg
  • l<angle> - turn left <angle> in degrees, a missing angle is 90 deg
  • @<x>,<y> - go relative <x>,<y> and yield vertex

The command string "10 l 10 l 10" returns the 4 corner vertices of a square with a side length of 10 drawing units.

  • commands – command string, commands are separated by spaces
  • start – starting point, default is (0, 0)
  • angle – starting direction, default is 0 deg

Create 3D forms as MeshTransformer objects.

Create a cube as MeshTransformer object.
center – ‘mass’ center of cube, (0, 0, 0) if True, else first corner at (0, 0, 0)

Returns: MeshTransformer

Create a cone as MeshTransformer object, the base center is fixed in the origin (0, 0, 0).
  • count – edge count of basis_vector
  • radius – radius of basis_vector
  • apex – tip of the cone
  • caps – add a bottom face as ngon if True

Create a cone as MeshTransformer object from two points, base_center is the center of the base circle and apex as the tip of the cone.
  • count – edge count of basis_vector
  • radius – radius of basis_vector
  • base_center – center point of base circle
  • apex – tip of the cone
  • caps – add a bottom face as ngon if True

Create a cylinder as MeshTransformer object, the base center is fixed in the origin (0, 0, 0).
  • count – profiles edge count
  • radius – radius for bottom profile
  • top_radius – radius for top profile, if None top_radius == radius
  • top_center – location vector for the center of the top profile
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

Create a cylinder as MeshTransformer object from two points, base_center is the center of the base circle and, top_center the center of the top circle.
  • count – profiles edge count
  • radius – radius for bottom profile
  • base_center – center of base circle
  • top_center – center of top circle
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

Returns: MeshTransformer

Yields the vertices of a helix. The center of the helix is always (0, 0), a positive pitch value creates a helix along the +z-axis, a negative value along the -z-axis.
  • radius – helix radius
  • pitch – the height of one complete helix turn
  • turns – count of turns
  • resolution – vertices per turn
  • ccw – creates a counter-clockwise turning (right-handed) helix if True

New in version 0.18.

Create a sphere as MeshTransformer object, the center of the sphere is always at (0, 0, 0).
  • count – longitudinal slices
  • stacks – latitude slices
  • radius – radius of sphere
  • quads – use quadrilaterals as faces if True else triangles

Create a torus as MeshTransformer object, the center of the torus is always at (0, 0, 0). The major_radius has to be bigger than the minor_radius.
  • major_count – count of circles
  • minor_count – count of circle vertices
  • major_radius – radius of the circle center
  • minor_radius – radius of circle
  • start_angle – start angle of torus in radians
  • end_angle – end angle of torus in radians
  • caps – close hull with start- and end faces (ngons) if the torus is open

New in version 0.18.

Extrude a profile polygon along a path polyline, the vertices of profile should be in counter-clockwise order. The sweeping profile will not be rotated at extrusion!
  • profile – sweeping profile as list of (x, y, z) tuples in counter-clockwise order
  • path – extrusion path as list of (x, y, z) tuples
  • close – close profile polygon if True
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

Returns: MeshTransformer

Changed in version 0.18: added parameter caps to close hull with top- and bottom faces

Extrude a profile polygon along a path polyline, the vertices of profile should be in counter-clockwise order. This implementation can scale and twist the sweeping profile along the extrusion path. The path segment points are fix points, the max_step_size is used to create intermediate profiles between this fix points. The max_step_size is adapted for each segment to create equally spaced distances. The twist angle is the rotation angle in radians and the scale argument defines the scale factor of the final profile. The twist angle and scaling factor of the intermediate profiles will be linear interpolated between the start and end values.
  • profile – sweeping profile as list of (x, y, z) tuples in counter-clockwise order
  • path – extrusion path as list of (x, y, z) tuples
  • twist – rotate sweeping profile up to the given end rotation angle in radians
  • scale – scale sweeping profile gradually from 1.0 to given value
  • step_size – rough distance between automatically created intermediate profiles, the step size is adapted to the distances between the path segment points, a value od 0.0 disables creating intermediate profiles
  • close – close profile polygon if True
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)
  • quads – use quads for “sweeping” faces if True else triangles, the top and bottom faces are always ngons

New in version 0.18.

Returns: MeshTransformer

Returns a MeshTransformer instance from linear connected profiles.
  • profiles – list of profiles
  • close – close profile polygon if True
  • quads – use quadrilaterals as connection faces if True else triangles
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

Returns a MeshTransformer instance by spline interpolation between given profiles. Requires at least 4 profiles. A subdivide value of 4, means, create 4 face loops between two profiles, without interpolation two profiles create one face loop.
  • profiles – list of profiles
  • subdivide – count of face loops
  • close – close profile polygon if True
  • quads – use quadrilaterals as connection faces if True else triangles
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

Returns a MeshTransformer instance created by rotating a profile around an axis.
  • count – count of rotated profiles
  • profile – profile to rotate as list of vertices
  • angle – rotation angle in radians
  • axis – rotation axis
  • caps – close hull with start- and end faces (ngons)

Changed in version 0.18: added arguments caps and triangulation

Returns the mesh from sweeping a profile along a 3D path, where the sweeping path defines the final location in the WCS.

The profile is defined in a reference system. The origin of this reference system will be moved along the sweeping path where the z-axis of the reference system is pointing into the moving direction.

Returns the mesh as ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer object.

  • profile – sweeping profile defined in the reference system as iterable of (x, y, z) coordinates in counter-clockwise order
  • sweeping_path – the sweeping path defined in the WCS as iterable of (x, y, z) coordinates
  • close – close sweeping profile if True
  • quads – use quadrilaterals as connection faces if True else triangles
  • caps – close hull with top- and bottom faces (ngons)

New in version 0.18.

Returns the intermediate profiles of sweeping a profile along a 3D path where the sweeping path defines the final location in the WCS.

The profile is defined in a reference system. The origin of this reference system will be moved along the sweeping path where the z-axis of the reference system is pointing into the moving direction.

Returns the start-, end- and all intermediate profiles along the sweeping path.

New in version 0.18.

The MeshBuilder classes are helper tools to manage meshes buildup by vertices and faces. The vertices are stored in a vertices list as Vec3 instances. The faces are stored as a sequence of vertex indices which is the location of the vertex in the vertex list. A single MeshBuilder class can contain multiple separated meshes at the same time.

The method MeshBuilder.render_mesh() renders the content as a single DXF Mesh entity, which supports ngons, ngons are polygons with more than 4 vertices. This entity requires at least DXF R2000.

The method MeshBuilder.render_polyface() renders the content as a single DXF Polyface entity, which supports only triangles and quadrilaterals. This entity is supported by DXF R12.

The method MeshBuilder.render_3dfaces() renders each face of the mesh as a single DXF Face3d entity, which supports only triangles and quadrilaterals. This entity is supported by DXF R12.

The MeshTransformer class is often used as an interface object to transfer mesh data between functions and moduls, like for the mesh exchange add-on meshex.

The basic MeshBuilder class does not support transformations.

List of vertices as Vec3 or (x, y, z) tuple

List of faces as list of vertex indices, where a vertex index is the index of the vertex in the vertices list. A face requires at least three vertices, Mesh supports ngons, so the count of vertices is not limited.

Add a face as vertices list to the mesh. A face requires at least 3 vertices, each vertex is a (x, y, z) tuple or Vec3 object. The new vertex indices are stored as face in the faces list.
vertices – list of at least 3 vertices [(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), (x3, y3, y3), ...]

Add another mesh to this mesh.

A mesh can be a MeshBuilder, MeshVertexMerger or Mesh object or requires the attributes vertices and faces.

  • vertices – list of vertices, a vertex is a (x, y, z) tuple or Vec3 object
  • faces – list of faces, a face is a list of vertex indices
  • mesh – another mesh entity

Add new vertices to the mesh, each vertex is a (x, y, z) tuple or a Vec3 object, returns the indices of the vertices added to the vertices list.

e.g. adding 4 vertices to an empty mesh, returns the indices (0, 1, 2, 3), adding additional 4 vertices returns the indices (4, 5, 6, 7).

vertices – list of vertices, vertex as (x, y, z) tuple or Vec3 objects
indices of the vertices added to the vertices list

Returns the BoundingBox of the mesh.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a copy of mesh.

Returns the MeshDiagnose object for this mesh.

New in version 0.18.

Yields all face normals, yields the NULLVEC instance for degenerated faces.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a FaceOrientationDetector or short fod instance. The forward orientation is defined by the reference face which is 0 by default.

The fod can check if all faces are reachable from the reference face and if all faces have the same orientation. The fod can be reused to unify the face orientation of the mesh.

Yields all faces as list of vertices.

Flips the normals of all faces by reversing the vertex order inplace.

New in version 0.18.

Create new mesh from other mesh builder, faster than from_mesh() but supports only MeshBuilder and inherited classes.

Create new mesh from other mesh as class method.
othermesh of type MeshBuilder and inherited or DXF Mesh entity or any object providing attributes vertices, edges and faces.

Create new mesh from a Polyface or Polymesh object.

Returns the face index as sequence of Vec3 objects.

New in version 0.18.

Returns the normal vector of the face index as Vec3, returns the NULLVEC instance for degenerated faces.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new MeshBuilder object with merged adjacent coplanar faces.

The faces have to share at least two vertices and have to have the same clockwise or counter-clockwise vertex order.

The current implementation is not very capable!

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new MeshTransformer instance, where each face has no more vertices than the given max_vertex_count.

The fast mode uses a shortcut for faces with less than 6 vertices which may not work for concave faces!

New in version 0.18.

Removes duplicated vertex indices from faces and stores all faces as open faces, where the last vertex is not coincident with the first vertex.

New in version 0.18.

Yields all faces as sequence of integers where the first vertex is not coincident with the last vertex.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new mesh with optimized vertices. Coincident vertices are merged together and all faces are open faces (first vertex != last vertex). Uses internally the MeshVertexMerger class to merge vertices.

New in version 0.18.

Render mesh as Face3d entities into layout.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes e.g. {'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}
  • matrix – transformation matrix of type Matrix44
  • ucs – transform vertices by UCS to WCS

Changed in version 0.18: Uses the tessellation() method to process ngons with more the 4 vertices which can handle concave faces.

Render mesh as Mesh entity into layout.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes e.g. {'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}
  • matrix – transformation matrix of type Matrix44
  • ucs – transform vertices by UCS to WCS

Render face normals as Line entities into layout, useful to check orientation of mesh faces.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • length – visual length of normal, use length < 0 to point normals in opposite direction
  • relative – scale length relative to face size if True
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes e.g. {'layer': 'normals', 'color': 6}

Render mesh as Polyface entity into layout.
  • layoutBaseLayout object
  • dxfattribs – dict of DXF attributes e.g. {'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}
  • matrix – transformation matrix of type Matrix44
  • ucs – transform vertices by UCS to WCS

Changed in version 0.18: Uses the tessellation() method to process ngons with more the 4 vertices which can handle concave faces.

A single MeshBuilder instance can store multiple separated meshes. This function returns this separated meshes as multiple MeshTransformer instances.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new MeshTransformer object with all faces subdivided.
  • level – subdivide levels from 1 to max of 5
  • quads – create quad faces if True else create triangles

Yields all faces as sequence of Vec3 instances, where all ngons which have more than max_vertex_count vertices gets subdivided. In contrast to the tessellation() method, creates this method a new vertex in the centroid of the face. This can create a more regular tessellation but only works reliable for convex faces!

New in version 0.18.

Yields all faces as sequence of Vec3 instances, each face has no more vertices than the given max_vertex_count. This method uses the “ear clipping” algorithm which works with concave faces too and does not create any additional vertices.

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new MeshTransformer object with unified face normal vectors of all faces. The forward direction (not necessarily outwards) is defined by the face-normals of the majority of the faces. This function can not process non-manifold meshes (more than two faces are connected by a single edge) or multiple disconnected meshes in a single MeshBuilder object.

It is possible to pass in an existing FaceOrientationDetector instance as argument fod.

  • NonManifoldError – non-manifold mesh
  • MultipleMeshesError – the MeshBuilder object contains multiple disconnected meshes

New in version 0.18.

Returns a new MeshTransformer object with unified face normal vectors of all faces. The forward direction (not necessarily outwards) is defined by the reference face, which is the first face of the mesh by default. This function can not process non-manifold meshes (more than two faces are connected by a single edge) or multiple disconnected meshes in a single MeshBuilder object.

The outward direction of all face normals can be forced by stetting the argument force_outwards to True but this works only for closed surfaces, and it’s time-consuming!

It is not possible to check for a closed surface as long the face normal vectors are not unified. But it can be done afterward by the attribute MeshDiagnose.is_closed_surface() to see if the result is trustworthy.

It is possible to pass in an existing FaceOrientationDetector instance as argument fod.

  • reference – index of the reference face
  • force_outwards – forces face-normals to point outwards, this works only for closed surfaces, and it’s time-consuming!
  • fodFaceOrientationDetector instance

ValueError – non-manifold mesh or the MeshBuilder object
contains multiple disconnected meshes

New in version 0.18.

Same functionality as MeshBuilder but supports inplace transformation.

Subclass of MeshBuilder
Transform mesh inplace by applying the transformation matrix.
matrix – 4x4 transformation matrix as Matrix44 object

Translate mesh inplace.
  • dx – translation in x-axis or translation vector
  • dy – translation in y-axis
  • dz – translation in z-axis

Scale mesh inplace.
  • sx – scale factor for x-axis
  • sy – scale factor for y-axis
  • sz – scale factor for z-axis

Scale mesh uniform inplace.
s – scale factor for x-, y- and z-axis

Rotate mesh around x-axis about angle inplace.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate mesh around y-axis about angle inplace.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate mesh around z-axis about angle inplace.
angle – rotation angle in radians

Rotate mesh around an arbitrary axis located in the origin (0, 0, 0) about angle.
  • axis – rotation axis as Vec3
  • angle – rotation angle in radians

Same functionality as MeshBuilder, but created meshes with unique vertices and no doublets, but MeshVertexMerger needs extra memory for bookkeeping and also does not support transformations. The location of the merged vertices is the location of the first vertex with the same key.

This class is intended as intermediate object to create compact meshes and convert them to MeshTransformer objects to apply transformations:

mesh = MeshVertexMerger()
# create your mesh
# convert mesh to MeshTransformer object
return MeshTransformer.from_builder(mesh)

Subclass of MeshBuilder

Mesh with unique vertices and no doublets, but needs extra memory for bookkeeping.

MeshVertexMerger creates a key for every vertex by rounding its components by the Python round() function and a given precision value. Each vertex with the same key gets the same vertex index, which is the index of first vertex with this key, so all vertices with the same key will be located at the location of this first vertex. If you want an average location of all vertices with the same key use the MeshAverageVertexMerger class.

precision – floating point precision for vertex rounding

This is an extended version of MeshVertexMerger. The location of the merged vertices is the average location of all vertices with the same key, this needs extra memory and runtime in comparison to MeshVertexMerger and this class also does not support transformations.

Subclass of MeshBuilder

Mesh with unique vertices and no doublets, but needs extra memory for bookkeeping and runtime for calculation of average vertex location.

MeshAverageVertexMerger creates a key for every vertex by rounding its components by the Python round() function and a given precision value. Each vertex with the same key gets the same vertex index, which is the index of first vertex with this key, the difference to the MeshVertexMerger class is the calculation of the average location for all vertices with the same key, this needs extra memory to keep track of the count of vertices for each key and extra runtime for updating the vertex location each time a vertex with an existing key is added.

precision – floating point precision for vertex rounding

Named tuple of edge statistics.
how often the edge (a, b) is used in faces as (a, b) or (b, a)

count of edges (a, b) - count of edges (b, a) and should be 0 in “healthy” closed surfaces, if the balance is not 0, maybe doubled coincident faces exist or faces may have mixed clockwise and counter-clockwise vertex orders

Diagnose tool which can be used to analyze and detect errors of MeshBuilder objects like topology errors for closed surfaces. The object contains cached values, which do not get updated if the source mesh will be changed!


There exist no tools in ezdxf to repair broken surfaces, but you can use the ezdxf.addons.meshex addon to exchange meshes with the open source tool MeshLab.

Create an instance of this tool by the MeshBuilder.diagnose() method.

New in version 0.18.

Returns the BoundingBox of the mesh. (cached data)

Returns the edge statistics as a dict. The dict-key is the edge as tuple of two vertex indices (a, b) where a is always smaller than b. The dict-value is an EdgeStat tuple of edge count and edge balance, see EdgeStat for the definition of edge count and edge balance. (cached data)

Returns the Euler characteristic:

This number is always 2 for convex polyhedra.

Returns all face normal vectors as sequence. The NULLVEC instance is used as normal vector for degenerated faces. (cached data)

Sequence of faces as Sequence[int]

Returns True if the mesh has a closed surface. This method does not require a unified face orientation. If multiple separated meshes are present the state is only True if all meshes have a closed surface. (cached data)

Returns False for non-manifold meshes.

Returns True if the edge balance is broken, this indicates a topology error for closed surfaces. A non-broken edge balance reflects that each edge connects two faces, where the edge is clockwise oriented in the first face and counter-clockwise oriented in the second face. A broken edge balance indicates possible topology errors like mixed face vertex orientations or a non-manifold mesh where an edge connects more than two faces. (cached data)

Returns True if all edges have an edge count < 3. (cached data)

A non-manifold mesh has edges with 3 or more connected faces.

Returns the unique edge count. (cached data)

Returns the face count.

Returns the vertex count.

Sequence of mesh vertices as Vec3 instances

Returns the centroid of all vertices. (center of mass)

Returns the estimated face-normals direction as float value in the range [-1.0, 1.0] for a closed surface.

This heuristic works well for simple convex hulls but struggles with more complex structures like a torus (doughnut).

A counter-clockwise (ccw) vertex arrangement for outward pointing faces is assumed but a clockwise (cw) arrangement works too but the return values are reversed.

The closer the value to 1.0 (-1.0 for cw) the more likely all normals pointing outwards from the surface.

The closer the value to -1.0 (1.0 for cw) the more likely all normals pointing inwards from the surface.

There are no exact confidence values if all faces pointing outwards, here some examples for surfaces created by ezdxf.render.forms functions:

  • cube() returns 1.0
  • cylinder() returns 0.9992
  • sphere() returns 0.9994
  • cone() returns 0.9162
  • cylinder() with all hull faces pointing outwards but caps pointing inwards returns 0.7785 but the property is_edge_balance_broken returns True which indicates the mixed vertex orientation
  • and the estimation of 0.0469 for a torus() is barely usable

Returns True if any face is non-planar.

Returns the surface area.

Returns the total edge count of all faces, shared edges are counted separately for each face. In closed surfaces this count should be 2x the unique edge count n_edges. (cached data)

Yields the unique edges of the mesh as int 2-tuples. (cached data)

Returns the volume of a closed surface or 0 otherwise.


The face vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order, this requirement is not checked by this method.

The result is not correct for multiple separated meshes in a single MeshBuilder object!!!

Helper class for face orientation and face normal vector detection. Use the method MeshBuilder.face_orientation_detector() to create an instance.

The face orientation detector classifies the faces of a mesh by their forward or backward orientation. The forward orientation is defined by a reference face, which is the first face of the mesh by default and this orientation is not necessarily outwards.

This class has some overlapping features with MeshDiagnose but it has a longer setup time and needs more memory than MeshDiagnose.

  • mesh – source mesh as MeshBuilder object
  • reference – index of the reference face

New in version 0.18.

True if all edges have an edge count < 3. A non-manifold mesh has edges with 3 or more connected faces.

Returns True if all faces are reachable from the reference face same as property is_single_mesh.

Returns the count of forward and backward oriented faces.

Yields all backward oriented faces.

Yields all forward oriented faces.

Returns True if all reachable faces are forward oriented according to the reference face.

Returns True if the mesh has a closed surface. This method does not require a unified face orientation. If multiple separated meshes are present the state is only True if all meshes have a closed surface.

Returns False for non-manifold meshes.

Returns True if only a single mesh is present same as property all_reachable.

Detect the forward and backward oriented faces.

The forward and backward orientation has to be defined by a reference face.

Returns True if the normal vector of the reference face is pointing outwards. This works only for meshes with unified faces which represent a closed surfaces, and it’s a time-consuming calculation!

This module provides tools to create banded lines like LWPOLYLINE with width information. Path rendering as quadrilaterals: Trace, Solid or Face3d.

Sequence of 2D banded lines like polylines with start- and end width or curves with start- and end width.


Accepts 3D input, but z-axis is ignored. The TraceBuilder is a 2D only object and uses only the OCS coordinates!

Absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons

Close multi traces by merging first and last trace, if linear traces.

Yields all faces as 4-tuples of Vec2 objects in OCS.

Yields all faces as 4-tuples of Vec3 objects in WCS.

Yields faces as SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities with DXF attributes given in dxfattribs.

If a document is given, the doc attribute of the new entities will be set and the new entities will be automatically added to the entity database of that document.


The TraceBuilder is a 2D only object and uses only the OCS coordinates!

  • dxftype – DXF type as string, “SOLID”, “TRACE” or “3DFACE”
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities
  • doc – associated document

Create a complete trace from a LWPOLYLINE or a 2D POLYLINE entity, the trace consist of multiple sub-traces if bulge values are present. Uses only the OCS coordinates!
  • polylineLWPolyline or 2D Polyline
  • segments – count of segments for bulge approximation, given count is for a full circle, partial arcs have proportional less segments, but at least 3



Linear 2D banded lines like polylines with start- and end width.

Accepts 3D input, but z-axis is ignored.

Absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons

True if at least one station exist.

Add a trace station (like a vertex) at location point, start_width is the width of the next segment starting at this station, end_width is the end width of the next segment.

Adding the last location again, replaces the actual last location e.g. adding lines (a, b), (b, c), creates only 3 stations (a, b, c), this is very important to connect to/from splines.

  • point – 2D location (vertex), z-axis of 3D vertices is ignored.
  • start_width – start width of next segment
  • end_width – end width of next segment

Yields all faces as 4-tuples of Vec2 objects.

First and last miter is 90 degrees if the path is not closed, otherwise the intersection of first and last segment is taken into account, a closed path has to have explicit the same last and first vertex.

Yields faces as SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities with DXF attributes given in dxfattribs.

If a document is given, the doc attribute of the new entities will be set and the new entities will be automatically added to the entity database of that document.

  • dxftype – DXF type as string, “SOLID”, “TRACE” or “3DFACE”
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities
  • doc – associated document

2D banded curves like arcs or splines with start- and end width.

Represents always only one curved entity and all miter of curve segments are perpendicular to curve tangents.

Accepts 3D input, but z-axis is ignored.

Yields all faces as 4-tuples of Vec2 objects.

Yields faces as SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities with DXF attributes given in dxfattribs.

If a document is given, the doc attribute of the new entities will be set and the new entities will be automatically added to the entity database of that document.

  • dxftype – DXF type as string, “SOLID”, “TRACE” or “3DFACE”
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for SOLID, TRACE or 3DFACE entities
  • doc – associated document

Create curved trace from an arc.
  • arcConstructionArc object
  • start_width – start width
  • end_width – end width
  • segments – count of segments for full circle (360 degree) approximation, partial arcs have proportional less segments, but at least 3

ValueError – if arc.radius <= 0

Create curved trace from a B-spline.
  • splineBSpline object
  • start_width – start width
  • end_width – end width
  • segments – count of segments for approximation

Helper function to render Point entities as DXF primitives.

Yields point graphic as DXF primitives LINE and CIRCLE entities. The dimensionless point is rendered as zero-length line!

Check for this condition:

e.dxftype() == 'LINE' and e.dxf.start.isclose(e.dxf.end)

if the rendering engine can’t handle zero-length lines.

  • point – DXF POINT entity
  • pdsize – point size in drawing units
  • pdmode – point styling mode, see Point class

New in version 0.15.


Go to ezdxf.entities.Point class documentation for more information about POINT styling modes.

These are helper classes to build MultiLeader entities in an easy way. The MultiLeader entity supports two kinds of content, for each exist a specialized builder class:

  • MultiLeaderMTextBuilder for MText content
  • MultiLeaderBlockBuilder for Block content

The usual steps of the building process are:

create entity by a factory method
  • add_multileader_mtext()
  • add_multileader_block()

set the content
  • MultiLeaderMTextBuilder.set_content()
  • MultiLeaderBlockBuilder.set_content()
  • MultiLeaderBlockBuilder.set_attribute()

set properties
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_arrow_properties()
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_connection_properties()
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_connection_types()
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_leader_properties()
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_mleader_style()
  • MultiLeaderBuilder.set_overall_scaling()

add one or more leader lines

finalize building process

The Tutorial for MultiLeader shows how to use these helper classes in more detail.

New in version 0.18.

Abstract base class to build MultiLeader entities.
Returns the context entity MLeaderContext.

Add leader as iterable of vertices in render UCS coordinates (WCS by default).


Vertical (top, bottom) and horizontal attachment sides (left, right) can not be mixed in a single entity - this is a limitation of the MULTILEADER entity.

  • side – connection side where to attach the leader line
  • vertices – leader vertices

Compute the required geometry data. The construction plane is the xy-plane of the given render UCS.
  • insert – insert location for the content in render UCS coordinates
  • rotation – content rotation angle around the render UCS z-axis in degrees
  • ucs – the render UCS, default is the WCS

Set leader arrow properties all leader lines have the same arrow type.

The MULTILEADER entity is able to support multiple arrows, but this seems to be unsupported by CAD applications and is therefore also not supported by the builder classes.

Set the properties how to connect the leader line to the content.

The landing gap is the space between the content and the start of the leader line. The “dogleg” is the first line segment of the leader in the “horizontal” direction of the content.

Set leader line properties.
  • color – line color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) or RGB tuple
  • linetype – as name string, e.g. “BYLAYER”
  • lineweight – as integer value, see: Lineweights
  • leader_type – straight lines of spline type

Reset base properties by MLeaderStyle properties. This also resets the content!

Set the overall scaling factor for the whole entity, except for the leader line vertices!
scale – scaling factor > 0.0

Specialization of MultiLeaderBuilder to build MultiLeader with MTEXT content.

Set MTEXT content.
  • content – MTEXT content as string
  • color – block color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) or RGB tuple
  • char_height – initial char height in drawing units
  • alignmentTextAlignment - left, center, right
  • style – name of Textstyle as string

Creates a quick MTEXT leader. The target point defines where the leader points to. The segment1 is the first segment of the leader line relative to the target point, segment2 is an optional second line segment relative to the first line segment. The connection_type defines the type of connection (horizontal or vertical) and the MTEXT alignment (left, center or right). Horizontal connections are always left or right aligned, vertical connections are always center aligned.
  • content – MTEXT content string
  • target – leader target point as Vec2
  • segment1 – first leader line segment as relative distance to insert
  • segment2 – optional second leader line segment as relative distance to first line segment
  • connection_type – one of HorizontalConnection or VerticalConnection
  • ucs – the rendering UCS, default is the WCS

Specialization of MultiLeaderBuilder to build MultiLeader with BLOCK content.

Returns the block layout.

Returns the bounding box of the block.

Set BLOCK content.
  • name – the block name as string
  • color – block color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) or RGB tuple
  • scale – the block scaling, not to be confused with overall scaling
  • alignment – the block insertion point or the center of extents

Add BLOCK attributes based on an ATTDEF entity in the block definition. All properties of the new created ATTRIB entity are defined by the template ATTDEF entity including the location.
  • tag – attribute tag name
  • text – attribute content string
  • width – width factor

The leader connection side.

Vertical (top, bottom) and horizontal attachment sides (left, right) can not be mixed in a single entity - this is a limitation of the MULTILEADER entity.

This module provides support for the AutoCAD standard arrow heads used in DIMENSION, LEADER and MULTILEADER entities. Library user don’t have to use the ARROWS objects directly, but should know the arrow names stored in it as attributes. The arrow names should be accessed that way:

import ezdxf
arrow = ezdxf.ARROWS.closed_filled

Single instance of _Arrows to work with.

New in version 0.18.1.

This module provides rendering support for hatch patterns as used in Hatch and MPolygon entities.

Yields the hatch pattern of the given HATCH or MPOLYGON entity as 3D lines. Each line is a pair of Vec3 instances as start- and end vertex, points are represented as lines of zero length, which means the start vertex is equal to the end vertex.

The function yields nothing if polygon has a solid- or gradient filling or does not have a usable pattern assigned.

  • polygonHatch or MPolygon entity
  • filter_text_boxes – ignore text boxes if True

Yields all pattern lines for all hatch lines generated by the given HatchBaseLine, intersecting the given 2D polygons as Line instances. The polygons should represent a single entity with or without holes, the order of the polygons and their winding orientation (cw or ccw) is not important. Entities which do not intersect or overlap should be handled separately!

Each polygon is a sequence of Vec2 instances, they are treated as closed polygons even if the last vertex is not equal to the first vertex.

The hole detection is done by a simple inside/outside counting algorithm and far from perfect, but is able to handle ordinary polygons well.

The terminate function WILL BE CALLED PERIODICALLY AND should return True to terminate execution. This can be used to implement a timeout, which can be required if using a very small hatching distance, especially if you get the data from untrusted sources.

  • baselineHatchBaseLine
  • polygons – multiple sequences of Vec2 instances of a single entity, the order of exterior- and hole paths and the winding orientation (cw or ccw) of paths is not important
  • terminate – callback function which is called periodically and should return True to terminate the hatching function

Yields all pattern lines for all hatch lines generated by the given HatchBaseLine, intersecting the given 2D Path instances as Line instances. The paths are handled as projected into the xy-plane the z-axis of path vertices will be ignored if present.

Same as the hatch_polygons() function, but for Path instances instead of polygons build of vertices. This function does not flatten the paths into vertices, instead the real intersections of the Bézier curves and the hatch lines are calculated.

For more information see the docs of the hatch_polygons() function.

  • baselineHatchBaseLine
  • paths – sequence of Path instances of a single entity, the order of exterior- and hole paths and the winding orientation (cw or ccw) of the paths is not important
  • terminate – callback function which is called periodically and should return True to terminate the hatching function

A hatch baseline defines the source line for hatching a geometry. A complete hatch pattern of a DXF entity can consist of one or more hatch baselines.
  • origin – the origin of the hatch line as Vec2 instance
  • direction – the hatch line direction as Vec2 instance, must not (0, 0)
  • offset – the offset of the hatch line origin to the next or to the previous hatch line
  • line_pattern – line pattern as sequence of floats, see also PatternRenderer

  • HatchLineDirectionError – hatch baseline has no direction, (0, 0) vector
  • DenseHatchingLinesError – hatching lines are too narrow

Returns the HatchLine at the given signed distance.

Returns the PatternRenderer for the given signed distance.

Returns the signed normal distance of the given point from this hatch baseline.

Represents a single hatch line.
  • origin – the origin of the hatch line as Vec2 instance
  • direction – the hatch line direction as Vec2 instance, must not (0, 0)
  • distance – the normal distance to the base hatch line as float

Returns the Intersection of this hatch line and the line defined by the points a and b. The arguments dist_a and dist_b are the signed normal distances of the points a and b from the hatch baseline. The normal distances from the baseline are easy to calculate by the HatchBaseLine.signed_distance() method and allow a fast intersection calculation by a simple point interpolation.
  • a – start point of the line as Vec2 instance
  • b – end point of the line as Vec2 instance
  • dist_a – normal distance of point a to the hatch baseline as float
  • dist_b – normal distance of point b to the hatch baseline as float

Returns 0 to 3 Intersection points of this hatch line with a cubic Bèzier curve.
curve – the cubic Bèzier curve as ezdxf.math.Bezier4P instance

The hatch pattern of a DXF entity has one or more HatchBaseLine instances with an origin, direction, offset and line pattern. The PatternRenderer for a certain distance from the baseline has to be acquired from the HatchBaseLine by the pattern_renderer() method.

The origin of the hatch line is the starting point of the line pattern. The offset defines the origin of the adjacent hatch line and doesn’t have to be orthogonal to the hatch line direction.

Line Pattern

The line pattern is a sequence of floats, where a value > 0.0 is a dash, a value < 0.0 is a gap and value of 0.0 is a point.

  • hatch_lineHatchLine
  • pattern – the line pattern as sequence of float values

Yields the pattern lines as pairs of Vec2 instances from the start- to the end point on the hatch line. For points the start- and end point are the same Vec2 instance and can be tested by the is operator.

The start- and end points should be located collinear at the hatch line of this instance, otherwise the points a projected onto this hatch line.

Represents an intersection.
intersection type as IntersectionType instance

(first) intersection point as Vec2 instance

second intersection point as Vec2 instance, only if type is COLLINEAR

An enumeration.
no intersection

regular intersection point at a polygon edge or a Bèzier curve

intersection point at the start vertex of a polygon edge

intersection point at the end vertex of a polygon edge

intersection is collinear to a polygon edge

start point as Vec2 instance

end point as Vec2 instance

signed normal distance to the HatchBaseLine

Helper Functions

Returns the hatch boundary paths as ezdxf.path.Path instances of HATCH and MPOLYGON entities. Ignores text boxes if argument filter_text_boxes is True.

Returns all hatch line distances in the range of the given point distances.

Yields the hatch pattern baselines of HATCH and MPOLYGON entities as HatchBaseLine instances.

Base exception of the hatching module.

Hatching direction is undefined or a (0, 0) vector.

Very small hatching distance which creates too many hatching lines.

This add-on provides the functionality to render a DXF document to produce a rasterized or vector-graphic image which can be saved to a file or viewed interactively depending on the backend being used.

The module provides two example scripts in the folder examples/addons/drawing which can be run to save rendered images to files or view an interactive visualisation

$ ./ --supported_formats
# will list the file formats supported by the matplotlib backend.
# Many formats are supported including vector graphics formats
# such as pdf and svg
$ ./ <my_file.dxf> --out image.png
# draw a layout other than the model space
$ ./ <my_file.dxf> --layout Layout1 --out image.png
# opens a GUI application to view CAD files
$ ./

Example for the usage of the matplotlib backend:

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ezdxf import recover
from ezdxf.addons.drawing import RenderContext, Frontend
from ezdxf.addons.drawing.matplotlib import MatplotlibBackend
# Safe loading procedure (requires ezdxf v0.14):

doc, auditor = recover.readfile('your.dxf') except IOError:
print(f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.')
sys.exit(1) except ezdxf.DXFStructureError:
print(f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file.')
sys.exit(2) # The auditor.errors attribute stores severe errors, # which may raise exceptions when rendering. if not auditor.has_errors:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ctx = RenderContext(doc)
out = MatplotlibBackend(ax)
Frontend(ctx, out).draw_layout(doc.modelspace(), finalize=True)
fig.savefig('your.png', dpi=300)

Simplified render workflow but with less control:

from ezdxf import recover
from ezdxf.addons.drawing import matplotlib
# Exception handling left out for compactness:
doc, auditor = recover.readfile('your.dxf')
if not auditor.has_errors:

matplotlib.qsave(doc.modelspace(), 'your.png')

__init__(ax: plt.Axes, *, adjust_figure: bool = True, font: FontProperties, use_text_cache: bool = True)

__init__(scene: qw.QGraphicsScene = None, *, use_text_cache: bool = True, debug_draw_rect: bool = False)

Additional options for the drawing add-on can be passed by the config argument of the Frontend constructor __init__(). Not every option will be supported by all backends.

Configuration options for the drawing add-on.
the size to draw POINT entities (in drawing units) set to None to use the $PDSIZE value from the dxf document header
0 5% of draw area height
<0 Specifies a percentage of the viewport size
>0 Specifies an absolute size
None use the $PDMODE value from the dxf document header

point styling mode (see POINT documentation)

see Point class documentation


whether to use metric or imperial units as enum ezdxf.enums.Measurement
0 use imperial units (in, ft, yd, ...)
1 use metric units (ISO meters)
None use the $MEASUREMENT value from the dxf document header

whether to show or filter out POINT entities on the defpoints layer

the action to take when a proxy graphic is encountered

the method to use when drawing styled lines (eg dashed, dotted etc)

the method to use when drawing HATCH entities

the length to use when drawing infinite lines

set to 0.0 for a constant minimal width the current result is correct, in SVG the line width is 0.7 points for 0.25mm as required, but it often looks too thick

the minimum line width in 1/300 inch, set to None for let the backend choose.

the minimum length for a dash when drawing a styled line (default value is arbitrary)

Max flattening distance in drawing units see Path.flattening documentation. The backend implementation should calculate an appropriate value, like 1 screen- or paper pixel on the output medium, but converted into drawing units. Sets Path() approximation accuracy

Approximate a full circle by n segments, arcs have proportional less segments. Only used for approximation of arcs in banded polylines.

hatching timeout for a single entity, very dense hatching patterns can cause a very long execution time, the default timeout for a single entity is 30 seconds.

Returns a frozen Configuration object with default values.

Returns a new frozen Configuration object with modified values.


my_config = Configuration.defaults()
my_config = my_config.with_changes(lineweight_scaling=2)

draw all lines as solid regardless of the linetype style

use the closest approximation available to the backend for rendering styled lines

analyse and render styled lines as accurately as possible. This approach is slower and is not well suited to interactive applications.

The action to take when a HATCH entity is encountered
do not show HATCH entities at all

show only the outline of HATCH entities

show HATCH entities but draw with solid fill regardless of the pattern

The action to take when an entity with a proxy graphic is encountered


To get proxy graphics support proxy graphics have to be loaded: Set the global option ezdxf.options.load_proxy_graphics to True, which is the default value.

This can not prevent drawing proxy graphic inside of blocks, because this is outside of the domain of the drawing add-on!

do not display proxy graphics (skip_entity will be called instead)

if the entity cannot be rendered directly (eg if not implemented) but a proxy is present: display the proxy

display proxy graphics even for entities where direct rendering is available

The rendering is performed in two stages. The front-end traverses the DXF document structure, converting each encountered entity into primitive drawing commands. These commands are fed to a back-end which implements the interface: Backend.

Currently a PyQtBackend (QGraphicsScene based) and a MatplotlibBackend are implemented.

Although the resulting images will not be pixel-perfect with AutoCAD (which was taken as the ground truth when developing this add-on) great care has been taken to achieve similar behavior in some areas:

  • The algorithm for determining color should match AutoCAD. However, the color palette is not stored in the dxf file, so the chosen colors may be different to what is expected. The RenderContext class supports passing a plot style table (CTB-file) as custom color palette but uses the same palette as AutoCAD by default.
  • Text rendering is quite accurate, text positioning, alignment and word wrapping are very faithful. Differences may occur if a different font from what was used by the CAD application but even in that case, for supported backends, measurements are taken of the font being used to match text as closely as possible.
  • Visibility determination (based on which layers are visible) should match AutoCAD

See examples/addons/drawing/ for an advanced use of the module.

See examples/addons/drawing/ for a simple use of the module.

See in the ezdxf repository for additional behaviours documented during the development of this add-on.

  • Rich text formatting is ignored (drawn as plain text)
  • If the backend does not match the font then the exact text placement and wrapping may appear slightly different
  • MULTILEADER renders only proxy graphic if available
  • relative size of POINT entities cannot be replicated exactly
  • only basic support for:
  • infinite lines (rendered as lines with a finite length)
  • VIEWPORT and OLE2FRAME entities (rendered as rectangles)
  • 3D entities are projected into the xy-plane and 3D text is not supported
  • vertical text (will render as horizontal text)
  • multiple columns of text (placement of additional columns may be incorrect)

The intended usage of the ezdxf.addons.geo module is as tool to work with geospatial data in conjunction with dedicated geospatial applications and libraries and the module can not and should not replicate their functionality.

The only reimplemented feature is the most common WSG84 EPSG:3395 World Mercator projection, for everything else use the dedicated packages like:

  • pyproj - Cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library.
  • Shapely - Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane.
  • PyShp - The Python Shapefile Library (PyShp) reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
  • GeoJSON - GeoJSON interface for Python.
  • GDAL - Tools for programming and manipulating the GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
  • Fiona - Fiona is GDAL’s neat and nimble vector API for Python programmers.
  • QGIS - A free and open source geographic information system.
  • and many more …

This module provides support for the __geo_interface__:

Which is also supported by Shapely, for supported types see the GeoJSON Standard and examples in Appendix-A.


Tutorial for the Geo Add-on for loading GPX data into DXF files with an existing geo location reference and exporting DXF entities as GeoJSON data.

The GeoProxy represents a __geo_interface__ mapping, create a new proxy by GeoProxy.parse() from an external __geo_interface__ mapping. GeoProxy.to_dxf_entities() returns new DXF entities from this mapping. Returns “Point” as Point entity, “LineString” as LWPolyline entity and “Polygon” as Hatch entity or as separated LWPolyline entities (or both) and new in v0.16.6 as MPolygon. Supports “MultiPoint”, “MultiLineString”, “MultiPolygon”, “GeometryCollection”, “Feature” and “FeatureCollection”. Add new DXF entities to a layout by the Layout.add_entity() method.

The proxy() function or the constructor GeoProxy.from_dxf_entities() creates a new GeoProxy object from a single DXF entity or from an iterable of DXF entities, entities without a corresponding representation will be approximated.

Supported DXF entities are:

  • POINT as “Point”
  • LINE as “LineString”
  • LWPOLYLINE as “LineString” if open and “Polygon” if closed
  • POLYLINE as “LineString” if open and “Polygon” if closed, supports only 2D and 3D polylines, POLYMESH and POLYFACE are not supported
  • SOLID, TRACE, 3DFACE as “Polygon”
  • CIRCLE, ARC, ELLIPSE and SPLINE by approximation as “LineString” if open and “Polygon” if closed
  • HATCH and MPOLYGON as “Polygon”, holes are supported

New in version 0.16.6: MPOLYGON support


This module does no extensive validity checks for “Polygon” objects and because DXF has different requirements for HATCH boundary paths than the GeoJSON Standard, it is possible to create invalid “Polygon” objects. It is recommended to check critical objects by a sophisticated geometry library like Shapely.

Returns a GeoProxy object.
  • entity – a single DXF entity or iterable of DXF entities
  • distance – maximum flattening distance for curve approximations
  • force_line_string – by default this function returns Polygon objects for closed geometries like CIRCLE, SOLID, closed POLYLINE and so on, by setting argument force_line_string to True, this entities will be returned as LineString objects.

Returns __geo_interface__ mappings as DXF entities.

The polygon argument determines the method to convert polygons, use 1 for Hatch entity, 2 for LWPolyline or 3 for both. Option 2 returns for the exterior path and each hole a separated LWPolyline entity. The Hatch entity supports holes, but has no explicit border line.

Yields Hatch always before LWPolyline entities.

MPolygon support was added in v0.16.6, which is like a Hatch entity with additional border lines, but the MPOLYGON entity is not a core DXF entity and DXF viewers, applications and libraries my not support this entity. The DXF attribute color defines the border line color and fill_color the color of the solid filling.

The returned DXF entities can be added to a layout by the Layout.add_entity() method.

  • geo_mapping__geo__interface__ mapping as dict or a Python object with a __geo__interface__ property
  • polygon – method to convert polygons (1-2-3-4)
  • dxfattribs – dict with additional DXF attributes

Filter DXF entities from iterable entities, which are incompatible to the __geo_reference__ interface.

Stores the __geo_interface__ mapping in a parsed and compiled form.

Stores coordinates as Vec3 objects and represents “Polygon” always as tuple (exterior, holes) even without holes.

The GeoJSON specification recommends 6 decimal places for latitude and longitude which equates to roughly 10cm of precision. You may need slightly more for certain applications, 9 decimal places would be sufficient for professional survey-grade GPS coordinates.

  • geo_mapping – parsed and compiled __geo_interface__ mapping
  • places – decimal places to round for __geo_interface__ export

Returns the __geo_interface__ compatible mapping as dict.

Property returns the top level entity type or None.

Parse and compile a __geo_interface__ mapping as dict or a Python object with a __geo_interface__ property, does some basic syntax checks, converts all coordinates into Vec3 objects, represents “Polygon” always as tuple (exterior, holes) even without holes.

Constructor from a single DXF entity or an iterable of DXF entities.
  • entity – DXF entity or entities
  • distance – maximum flattening distance for curve approximations
  • force_line_string – by default this function returns Polygon objects for closed geometries like CIRCLE, SOLID, closed POLYLINE and so on, by setting argument force_line_string to True, this entities will be returned as LineString objects.

Returns stored __geo_interface__ mappings as DXF entities.

The polygon argument determines the method to convert polygons, use 1 for Hatch entity, 2 for LWPolyline or 3 for both. Option 2 returns for the exterior path and each hole a separated LWPolyline entity. The Hatch entity supports holes, but has no explicit border line.

Yields Hatch always before LWPolyline entities.

MPolygon support was added in v0.16.6, which is like a Hatch entity with additional border lines, but the MPOLYGON entity is not a core DXF entity and DXF viewers, applications and libraries my not support this entity. The DXF attribute color defines the border line color and fill_color the color of the solid filling.

The returned DXF entities can be added to a layout by the Layout.add_entity() method.

  • polygon – method to convert polygons (1-2-3-4)
  • dxfattribs – dict with additional DXF attributes

New in version 0.16.6: MPOLYGON support

copy() -> GeoProxy
Returns a deep copy.

__iter__() -> Iterable[Dict]
Iterate over all geo content objects.

Yields only “Point”, “LineString”, “Polygon”, “MultiPoint”, “MultiLineString” and “MultiPolygon” objects, returns the content of “GeometryCollection”, “FeatureCollection” and “Feature” as geometry objects (“Point”, …).

Transform all coordinates recursive from WCS coordinates into Coordinate Reference System (CRS) by transformation matrix crs inplace.

The CRS is defined by the GeoData entity, get the GeoData entity from the modelspace by method get_geodata(). The CRS transformation matrix can be acquired form the GeoData object by get_crs_transformation() method:

doc = ezdxf.readfile('file.dxf')
msp = doc.modelspace()
geodata = msp.get_geodata()
if geodata:

matrix, axis_ordering = geodata.get_crs_transformation()

If axis_ordering is False the CRS is not compatible with the __geo_interface__ or GeoJSON (see chapter 3.1.1).

crs – transformation matrix of type Matrix44

Transform all coordinates recursive from CRS into WCS coordinates by transformation matrix crs inplace, see also GeoProxy.wcs_to_crs().
crs – transformation matrix of type Matrix44

Transform all coordinates recursive from globe representation in longitude and latitude in decimal degrees into 2D map representation in meters.

Default is WGS84 EPSG:4326 (GPS) to WGS84 EPSG:3395 World Mercator function wgs84_4326_to_3395().

Use the pyproj package to write a custom projection function as needed.

func – custom transformation function, which takes one Vec3 object as argument and returns the result as a Vec3 object.

Transform all coordinates recursive from 2D map representation in meters into globe representation as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees.

Default is WGS84 EPSG:3395 World Mercator to WGS84 EPSG:4326 GPS function wgs84_3395_to_4326().

Use the pyproj package to write a custom projection function as needed.

func – custom transformation function, which takes one Vec3 object as argument and returns the result as a Vec3 object.

Apply the transformation function func recursive to all coordinates.
func – transformation function as Callable[[Vec3], Vec3]

Removes all mappings for which func() returns False. The function only has to handle Point, LineString and Polygon entities, other entities like MultiPolygon are divided into separate entities also any collection.

Helper Functions

Transform WGS84 EPSG:4326 location given as latitude and longitude in decimal degrees as used by GPS into World Mercator cartesian 2D coordinates in meters EPSG:3395.
locationVec3 object, x-attribute represents the longitude value (East-West) in decimal degrees and the y-attribute represents the latitude value (North-South) in decimal degrees.

Transform WGS84 World Mercator EPSG:3395 location given as cartesian 2D coordinates x, y in meters into WGS84 decimal degrees as longitude and latitude EPSG:4326 as used by GPS.
  • locationVec3 object, z-axis is ignored
  • tol – accuracy for latitude calculation

Convert degree, minutes, seconds into decimal degrees.

Convert decimal degrees into degree, minutes, seconds.

This add-on is meant to import graphical entities from another DXF drawing and their required table entries like LAYER, LTYPE or STYLE.

Because of complex extensibility of the DXF format and the lack of sufficient documentation, I decided to remove most of the possible source drawing dependencies from imported entities, therefore imported entities may not look the same as the original entities in the source drawing, but at least the geometry should be the same and the DXF file does not break.

Removed data which could contain source drawing dependencies: Extension Dictionaries, AppData and XDATA.



The Importer supports following data import:

  • table and table entry import is restricted to LAYER, LTYPE, STYLE, DIMSTYLE
  • import of BLOCK definitions is supported
  • import of paper space layouts is supported

Import of DXF objects from the OBJECTS section is not supported.

DIMSTYLE override for entities DIMENSION and LEADER is not supported.


import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons import Importer
sdoc = ezdxf.readfile('original.dxf')
tdoc =
importer = Importer(sdoc, tdoc)
# import all entities from source modelspace into modelspace of the target drawing
# import all paperspace layouts from source drawing
# import all CIRCLE and LINE entities from source modelspace into an arbitrary target layout.
# create target layout
tblock ='SOURCE_ENTS')
# query source entities
ents = sdoc.modelspace().query('CIRCLE LINE')
# import source entities into target block
importer.import_entities(ents, tblock)
# This is ALWAYS the last & required step, without finalizing the target drawing is maybe invalid!
# This step imports all additional required table entries and block definitions.

The Importer class is central element for importing data from other DXF documents.
  • source – source Drawing
  • target – target Drawing

source DXF document

target DXF document

Set of used layer names as string, AutoCAD accepts layer names without a LAYER table entry.

Set of used linetype names as string, these linetypes require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

Set of used text style names, these text styles require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

Set of used dimension style names, these dimension styles require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

finalize() -> None
Finalize the import by importing required table entries and BLOCK definitions, without finalization the target document is maybe invalid for AutoCAD. Call the finalize() method as last step of the import process.

Import one BLOCK definition from source document.

If the BLOCK already exist the BLOCK will be renamed if argument rename is True, otherwise the existing BLOCK in the target document will be used instead of the BLOCK in the source document. Required name resolving for imported block references (INSERT), will be done in the Importer.finalize() method.

To replace an existing BLOCK in the target document, just delete it before importing data: target.blocks.delete_block(block_name, safe=False)

  • block_name – name of BLOCK to import
  • rename – rename BLOCK if a BLOCK with the same name already exist in target document

Returns: (renamed) BLOCK name

ValueError – BLOCK in source document not found (defined)

Import all BLOCK definitions from source document.

If a BLOCK already exist the BLOCK will be renamed if argument rename is True, otherwise the existing BLOCK in the target document will be used instead of the BLOCK from the source document. Required name resolving for imported BLOCK references (INSERT), will be done in the Importer.finalize() method.

  • block_names – names of BLOCK definitions to import
  • rename – rename BLOCK if a BLOCK with the same name already exist in target document

ValueError – BLOCK in source document not found (defined)

Import all entities into target_layout or the modelspace of the target document, if target_layout is None.
  • entities – Iterable of DXF entities
  • target_layout – any layout (modelspace, paperspace or block) from the target document

DXFStructureErrortarget_layout is not a layout of target document

Imports a single DXF entity into target_layout or the modelspace of the target document, if target_layout is None.
  • entity – DXF entity to import
  • target_layout – any layout (modelspace, paperspace or block) from the target document

DXFStructureErrortarget_layout is not a layout of target document

Import all entities from source modelspace into target_layout or the modelspace of the target document, if target_layout is None.
target_layout – any layout (modelspace, paperspace or block) from the target document
DXFStructureErrortarget_layout is not a layout of target document

Import paperspace layout name into the target document.

Recreates the source paperspace layout in the target document, renames the target paperspace if a paperspace with same name already exist and imports all entities from the source paperspace into the target paperspace.

name – source paper space name as string

Returns: new created target paperspace Layout

  • KeyError – source paperspace does not exist
  • DXFTypeError – invalid modelspace import

Import all paperspace layouts and their content into the target document. Target layouts will be renamed if a layout with the same name already exist. Layouts will be imported in original tab order.

Import shape file table entries from the source document into the target document. Shape file entries are stored in the styles table but without a name.

Import specific table entries from the source document into the target document.
  • name – valid table names are “layers”, “linetypes” and “styles”
  • entries – Iterable of table names as strings, or a single table name or “*” for all table entries
  • replaceTrue to replace the already existing table entry else ignore existing entries

TypeError – unsupported table type

Import DXF tables from the source document into the target document.
  • table_names – iterable of tables names as strings, or a single table name as string or “*” for all supported tables
  • replaceTrue to replace already existing table entries else ignore existing entries

TypeError – unsupported table type

Recreate source paperspace layout name in the target document. The layout will be renamed if name already exist in the target document. Returns target modelspace for layout name “Model”.
name – layout name as string
KeyError – if source layout name not exist

Translate DXF entities and structures into Python source code.

Short example:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons.dxf2code import entities_to_code, block_to_code
doc = ezdxf.readfile('original.dxf')
msp = doc.modelspace()
source = entities_to_code(msp)
# create source code for a block definition
block_source = block_to_code(doc.blocks['MyBlock'])
# merge source code objects
with open('', mode='wt') as f:


Translates DXF entities into Python source code to recreate this entities by ezdxf.
  • entities – iterable of DXFEntity
  • layout – variable name of the layout (model space or block) as string
  • ignore – iterable of entities types to ignore as strings like ['IMAGE', 'DIMENSION']


Translates a BLOCK into Python source code to recreate the BLOCK by ezdxf.
  • block – block definition layout
  • drawing – variable name of the drawing as string
  • ignore – iterable of entities types to ignore as strings like [‘IMAGE’, ‘DIMENSION’]


Returns the source code as a single string formatted by Black

Requires the installed Black formatter:

pip3 install black

  • code – source code
  • line_length – max. source code line length
  • fastTrue for fast mode, False to check that the reformatted code is valid

ImportError – Black is not available

Source code container.
Source code line storage, store lines without line ending \\n

source code line storage for global imports, store lines without line ending \\n

Layers used by the generated source code, AutoCAD accepts layer names without a LAYER table entry.

Linetypes used by the generated source code, these linetypes require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

Text styles used by the generated source code, these text styles require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

Dimension styles used by the generated source code, these dimension styles require a TABLE entry or AutoCAD will crash.

Blocks used by the generated source code, these blocks require a BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section or AutoCAD will crash.

Returns the source code as a single string.
indent – source code indentation count by spaces

Returns the source code as a single string formatted by Black
line_length – max. source code line length
ImportError – Black is not available

Returns required imports as a single string.
indent – source code indentation count by spaces

Add import statement, identical import statements are merged together.

Add a single source code line without line ending \n.

Add multiple source code lines without line ending \n.

This add-on allows iterating over entities of the modelspace of really big (> 5GB) DXF files which do not fit into memory by only loading one entity at the time. Only ASCII DXF files are supported.

The entities are regular DXFGraphic objects with access to all supported DXF attributes, this entities can be written to new DXF files created by the IterDXF.export() method. The new add_foreign_entity() method allows also to add this entities to new regular ezdxf drawings (except for the INSERT entity), but resources like linetype and style are removed, only layer will be preserved but only with default attributes like color 7 and linetype CONTINUOUS.

The following example shows how to split a big DXF files into several separated DXF files which contains only LINE, TEXT or POLYLINE entities.

from ezdxf.addons import iterdxf
doc = iterdxf.opendxf('big.dxf')
line_exporter = doc.export('line.dxf')
text_exporter = doc.export('text.dxf')
polyline_exporter = doc.export('polyline.dxf')

for entity in doc.modelspace():
if entity.dxftype() == 'LINE':
elif entity.dxftype() == 'TEXT':
elif entity.dxftype() == 'POLYLINE':
polyline_exporter.write(entity) finally:

Supported DXF types:


Transfer simple entities to another DXF document, this works for some supported entities, except for entities with strong dependencies to the original document like INSERT look at add_foreign_entity() for all supported types:

newdoc =
msp = newdoc.modelspace()
# line is an entity from a big source file
# and so on ...

Transfer MESH and POLYFACE (dxftype for POLYFACE and POLYMESH is POLYLINE!) entities into a new DXF document by the MeshTransformer class:

from ezdxf.render import MeshTransformer
# mesh is MESH from a big source file
t = MeshTransformer.from_mesh(mesh)
# create a new MESH entity from MeshTransformer
# polyface is POLYFACE from a big source file
t = MeshTransformer.from_polyface(polyface)
# create a new POLYMESH entity from MeshTransformer

Another way to import entities from a big source file into new DXF documents is to split the big file into smaller parts and use the Importer add-on for a more safe entity import.

Open DXF file for iterating, be sure to open valid DXF files, no DXF structure checks will be applied.

Use this function to split up big DXF files as shown in the example above.

  • filename – DXF filename of a seekable DXF file.
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – invalid or incomplete DXF file
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Iterate over all modelspace entities as DXFGraphic objects of a seekable file.

Use this function to iterate “quick” over modelspace entities of a DXF file, filtering DXF types may speed up things if many entity types will be skipped.

  • filename – filename of a seekable DXF file
  • types – DXF types like ['LINE', '3DFACE'] which should be returned, None returns all supported types.
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – invalid or incomplete DXF file
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Iterate over all modelspace entities as DXFGraphic objects in one single pass.

Use this function to ‘quick’ iterate over modelspace entities of a not seekable binary DXF stream, filtering DXF types may speed up things if many entity types will be skipped.

  • stream – (not seekable) binary DXF stream
  • types – DXF types like ['LINE', '3DFACE'] which should be returned, None returns all supported types.
  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

  • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)
  • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data
  • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – Invalid or incomplete DXF file
  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

Returns a companion object to export parts from the source DXF file into another DXF file, the new file will have the same HEADER, CLASSES, TABLES, BLOCKS and OBJECTS sections, which guarantees all necessary dependencies are present in the new file.
name – filename, no special requirements

Returns an iterator for all supported DXF entities in the modelspace. These entities are regular DXFGraphic objects but without a valid document assigned. It is not possible to add these entities to other ezdxf documents.

It is only possible to recreate the objects by factory functions base on attributes of the source entity. For MESH, POLYMESH and POLYFACE it is possible to use the MeshTransformer class to render (recreate) this objects as new entities in another document.

types – DXF types like ['LINE', '3DFACE'] which should be returned, None returns all supported types.

Safe closing source DXF file.

Write a DXF entity from the source DXF file to the export file.

Don’t write entities from different documents than the source DXF file, dependencies and resources will not match, maybe it will work once, but not in a reliable way for different DXF documents.

Safe closing of exported DXF file. Copying of OBJECTS section happens only at closing the file, without closing the new DXF file is invalid.

The fast file/stream writer creates simple DXF R12 drawings with just an ENTITIES section. The HEADER, TABLES and BLOCKS sections are not present except FIXED-TABLES are written. Only LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, TEXT, POINT, SOLID, 3DFACE and POLYLINE entities are supported. FIXED-TABLES is a predefined TABLES section, which will be written, if the init argument fixed_tables of R12FastStreamWriter is True.

The R12FastStreamWriter writes the DXF entities as strings direct to the stream without creating an in-memory drawing and therefore the processing is very fast.

Because of the lack of a BLOCKS section, BLOCK/INSERT can not be used. Layers can be used, but this layers have a default setting color = 7 (black/white) and linetype = 'Continuous'. If writing the FIXED-TABLES, some predefined text styles and line types are available, else text style is always 'STANDARD' and line type is always 'ByLayer'.

If using FIXED-TABLES, following predefined line types are available:

  • CENTER ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
  • CENTERX2 ________ __ ________ __ ________
  • CENTER2 ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
  • DASHED __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
  • DASHEDX2 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
  • DASHED2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • PHANTOM ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______
  • PHANTOMX2 ____________ ____ ____ ____________
  • PHANTOM2 ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___
  • DASHDOT __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
  • DASHDOTX2 ____ . ____ . ____ . ____
  • DASHDOT2 _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
  • DOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • DOTX2 . . . . . . . .
  • DOT2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • DIVIDE __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __
  • DIVIDEX2 ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____
  • DIVIDE2 _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _

If using FIXED-TABLES, following predefined text styles are available:

  • OpenSans
  • OpenSansCondensed-Light

A simple example with different DXF entities:

from random import random
from ezdxf.addons import r12writer
with r12writer("quick_and_dirty_dxf_r12.dxf") as dxf:

dxf.add_line((0, 0), (17, 23))
dxf.add_circle((0, 0), radius=2)
dxf.add_arc((0, 0), radius=3, start=0, end=175)
dxf.add_solid([(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)])
dxf.add_point((1.5, 1.5))
# 2d polyline, new in v0.12
dxf.add_polyline_2d([(5, 5), (7, 3), (7, 6)])
# 2d polyline with bulge value, new in v0.12
dxf.add_polyline_2d([(5, 5), (7, 3, 0.5), (7, 6)], format='xyb')
# 3d polyline only, changed in v0.12
dxf.add_polyline([(4, 3, 2), (8, 5, 0), (2, 4, 9)])
dxf.add_text("test the text entity", align="MIDDLE_CENTER")

A simple example of writing really many entities in a short time:

from random import random
from ezdxf.addons import r12writer
MAX_X_COORD = 1000.0
MAX_Y_COORD = 1000.0
CIRCLE_COUNT = 1000000
with r12writer("many_circles.dxf") as dxf:

for i in range(CIRCLE_COUNT):
dxf.add_circle((MAX_X_COORD*random(), MAX_Y_COORD*random()), radius=2)

Show all available line types:

import ezdxf

'DOTX2', 'DOT2', 'DIVIDE', 'DIVIDEX2', 'DIVIDE2', ] with r12writer('r12_linetypes.dxf', fixed_tables=True) as dxf:
for n, ltype in enumerate(LINETYPES):
dxf.add_line((0, n), (10, n), linetype=ltype)
dxf.add_text(ltype, (0, n+0.1), height=0.25, style='OpenSansCondensed-Light')

Context manager for writing DXF entities to a stream/file. stream can be any file like object with a write() method or just a string for writing DXF entities to the file system. If fixed_tables is True, a standard TABLES section is written in front of the ENTITIES section and some predefined text styles and line types can be used.

Set argument fmt to “asc” to write ASCII DXF file (default) or “bin” to write Binary DXF files. ASCII DXF require a TextIO stream and Binary DXF require a BinaryIO stream.

Fast stream writer to create simple DXF R12 drawings.
  • stream – a file like object with a write() method.
  • fixed_tables – if fixed_tables is True, a standard TABLES section is written in front of the ENTITIES section and some predefined text styles and line types can be used.

close() -> None
Writes the DXF tail. Call is not necessary when using the context manager r12writer().

Add a LINE entity from start to end.
  • start – start vertex as (x, y[, z]) tuple
  • end – end vertex as as (x, y[, z]) tuple
  • layer – layer name as string, without a layer definition the assigned color = 7 (black/white) and line type is 'Continuous'.
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) in the range from 0 to 256, 0 is ByBlock and 256 is ByLayer, default is ByLayer which is always color = 7 (black/white) without a layer definition.
  • linetype – line type as string, if FIXED-TABLES are written some predefined line types are available, else line type is always ByLayer, which is always 'Continuous' without a LAYERS table.

Add a CIRCLE entity.
  • center – circle center point as (x, y) tuple
  • radius – circle radius as float
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add an ARC entity. The arc goes counter clockwise from start angle to end angle.
  • center – arc center point as (x, y) tuple
  • radius – arc radius as float
  • start – arc start angle in degrees as float
  • end – arc end angle in degrees as float
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a POINT entity.
  • location – point location as (x, y [,z]) tuple
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a 3DFACE entity. 3DFACE is a spatial area with 3 or 4 vertices, all vertices have to be in the same plane.
  • vertices – iterable of 3 or 4 (x, y, z) vertices.
  • invisible

    bit coded flag to define the invisible edges,

edge = 1
edge = 2
edge = 4
edge = 8

Add edge values to set multiple edges invisible, 1. edge + 3. edge = 1 + 4 = 5, all edges = 15

  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a SOLID entity. SOLID is a solid filled area with 3 or 4 edges and SOLID is a 2D entity.
  • vertices – iterable of 3 or 4 (x, y[, z]) tuples, z-axis will be ignored.
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a 2D POLYLINE entity with start width, end width and bulge value support.

Format codes:

x x-coordinate
y y-coordinate
s start width
e end width
b bulge value
v (x, y) tuple (z-axis is ignored)
  • points – iterable of (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuple, value order according to the format string, unset values default to 0
  • format – format: format string, default is 'xy'
  • closedTrue creates a closed polyline
  • start_width – default start width, default is 0
  • end_width – default end width, default is 0
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a 3D POLYLINE entity.
  • vertices – iterable of (x, y[, z]) tuples, z-axis is 0 by default
  • closedTrue creates a closed polyline
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Changed in version 0.12: Write only 3D POLYLINE entity, added closed argument.

Add a POLYFACE entity. The POLYFACE entity supports only faces of maximum 4 vertices, more indices will be ignored. A simple square would be:

v0 = (0, 0, 0)
v1 = (1, 0, 0)
v2 = (1, 1, 0)
v3 = (0, 1, 0)
dxf.add_polyface(vertices=[v0, v1, v2, v3], faces=[(0, 1, 2, 3)])

All 3D form functions of the ezdxf.render.forms module return MeshBuilder objects, which provide the required vertex and face lists.

See sphere example:

  • vertices – iterable of (x, y, z) tuples
  • faces – iterable of 3 or 4 vertex indices, indices have to be 0-based
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a POLYMESH entity. A POLYMESH is a mesh of m rows and n columns, each mesh vertex has its own x-, y- and z coordinates. The mesh can be closed in m- and/or n-direction. The vertices have to be in column order: (m0, n0), (m0, n1), (m0, n2), (m1, n0), (m1, n1), (m1, n2), …

See example:

  • vertices – iterable of (x, y, z) tuples, in column order
  • size – mesh dimension as (m, n)-tuple, requirement: len(vertices) == m*n
  • closed – (m_closed, n_closed) tuple, for closed mesh in m and/or n direction
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()
  • linetype – line type as string see add_line()

Add a one line TEXT entity.
  • text – the text as string
  • insert – insert location as (x, y) tuple
  • height – text height in drawing units
  • width – text width as factor
  • align – text alignment, see table below
  • rotation – text rotation in degrees as float
  • oblique – oblique in degrees as float, vertical = 0 (default)
  • style – text style name as string, if FIXED-TABLES are written some predefined text styles are available, else text style is always 'STANDARD'.
  • layer – layer name as string see add_line()
  • color – color as AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) see add_line()

Vert/Horiz Left Center Right

The special alignments ALIGNED and FIT are not available.

Use an installed ODA File Converter for converting between different versions of .dwg, .dxb and .dxf.


Execution of an external application is a big security issue! Especially when the path to the executable can be altered.

To avoid this problem delete the module.

The ODA File Converter has to be installed by the user, the application is available for Windows XP, Windows 7 or later, Mac OS X, and Linux in 32/64-bit RPM and DEB format.

At least at Windows the GUI of the ODA File Converter pops up on every call.

ODA File Converter version strings, you can use any of this strings to specify a version, 'R..' and 'AC....' strings will be automatically mapped to 'ACAD....' strings:

ODAFC ezdxf Version
ACAD9 not supported AC1004
ACAD10 not supported AC1006
ACAD12 R12 AC1009
ACAD13 R13 AC1012
ACAD14 R14 AC1014
ACAD2000 R2000 AC1015
ACAD2004 R2004 AC1018
ACAD2007 R2007 AC1021
ACAD2010 R2010 AC1024
ACAD2013 R2013 AC1027
ACAD2018 R2018 AC1032

On Windows the path to the ODAFileConverter.exe executable is stored in the config file (see ezdxf.options) in the “odafc-addon” section as key “win_exec_path”, the default entry is:

win_exec_path = "C:\Program Files\ODA\ODAFileConverter\ODAFileConverter.exe"

On Linux and macOS the ODAFileConverter command is located by the shutil.which() function.


from ezdxf.addons import odafc
# Load a DWG file
doc = odafc.readfile('my.dwg')
# Use loaded document like any other ezdxf document
print(f'Document loaded as DXF version: {doc.dxfversion}.')
msp = doc.modelspace()
# Export document as DWG file for AutoCAD R2018
odafc.export_dwg(doc, 'my_R2018.dwg', version='R2018')

Path to installed ODA File Converter executable on Windows systems, default is "C:\Program Files\ODA\ODAFileConverter\ODAFileConverter.exe".

Returns True if the ODAFileConverter is installed.

New in version 0.18.

Uses an installed ODA File Converter to convert a DWG/DXB/DXF file into a temporary DXF file and load this file by ezdxf.
  • filename – file to load by ODA File Converter
  • version – load file as specific DXF version, by default the same version as the source file or if not detectable the latest by ezdxf supported version.
  • audit – audit source file before loading

  • FileNotFoundError – source file not found
  • odafc.UnknownODAFCError – conversion failed for unknown reasons
  • odafc.UnsupportedVersion – invalid DWG version specified
  • odafc.UnsupportedFileFormat – unsupported file extension
  • odafc.ODAFCNotInstalledError – ODA File Converter not installed

Uses an installed ODA File Converter to export the DXF document doc as a DWG file.

A temporary DXF file will be created and converted to DWG by the ODA File Converter. If version is not specified the DXF version of the source document is used.

  • docezdxf DXF document as Drawing object
  • filename – output DWG filename, the extension will be set to “.dwg”
  • version – DWG version to export, by default the same version as the source document.
  • audit – audit source file by ODA File Converter at exporting
  • replace – replace existing DWG file if True

  • FileExistsError – target file already exists, and argument replace is
  • FileNotFoundError – parent directory of target file does not exist
  • odafc.UnknownODAFCError – exporting DWG failed for unknown reasons
  • odafc.ODAFCNotInstalledError – ODA File Converter not installed

Convert source file to dest file.

New in version 0.18.

The file extension defines the target format e.g. convert("test.dxf", "Test.dwg") converts the source file to a DWG file. If dest is an empty string the conversion depends on the source file format and is DXF to DWG or DWG to DXF. To convert DXF to DXF an explicit destination filename is required: convert("r12.dxf", "r2013.dxf", version="R2013")

  • source – source file
  • dest – destination file, an empty string uses the source filename with the extension of the target format e.g. “test.dxf” -> “test.dwg”
  • version – output DXF/DWG version e.g. “ACAD2018”, “R2018”, “AC1032”
  • audit – audit files
  • replace – replace existing destination file

  • FileNotFoundError – source file or destination folder does not exist
  • FileExistsError – destination file already exists and argument replace
    is False
  • odafc.UnsupportedVersion – invalid DXF version specified
  • odafc.UnsupportedFileFormat – unsupported file extension
  • odafc.UnknownODAFCError – conversion failed for unknown reasons
  • odafc.ODAFCNotInstalledError – ODA File Converter not installed

New in version 0.16.

Tools to convert text strings and text based DXF entities into outer- and inner linear paths as Path objects. These tools depend on the optional Matplotlib package. At the moment only the TEXT and the ATTRIB entity can be converted into paths and hatches.

Don't expect a 100% match compared to CAD applications.

The text alignments are enums of type ezdxf.enums.TextEntityAlignment

Vertical Left Center Right

The vertical middle alignments (MIDDLE_XXX), center the text vertically in the middle of the uppercase letter "X" (cap height).

Special alignments, where the horizontal alignment is always in the center of the text:

  • ALIGNED: text is scaled to match the given length, scales x- and y-direction by the same factor.
  • FIT: text is scaled to match the given length, but scales only in x-direction.
  • MIDDLE: insertion point is the center of the total height (cap height + descender height) without scaling, the length argument is ignored.

A font face is defined by the Matplotlib compatible FontFace object by font-family, font-style, font-stretch and font-weight.


  • Font Anatomy
  • Font Properties

This tool is meant to explode MTEXT entities into single line TEXT entities by replicating the MTEXT layout as close as possible. This tool requires the optional Matplotlib package to create usable results, nonetheless it also works without Matplotlib, but then uses a mono-spaced replacement font for text size measuring which leads to very inaccurate results.

The supported MTEXT features are:

  • changing text color
  • text strokes: underline, overline and strike through
  • changing text size, width and oblique
  • changing font faces
  • stacked text (fractions)
  • multi-column support
  • background color
  • text frame

The tool requires an initialized DXF document io implement all these features by creating additional text styles. When exploding multiple MTEXT entities, they can share this new text styles. Call the MTextExplode.finalize() method just once after all MTEXT entities are processed to create the required text styles, or use MTextExplode as context manager by using the with statement, see examples below.

There are also many limitations:

  • A 100% accurate result cannot be achieved.
  • Character tracking is not supported.
  • Tabulator stops have only limited support for LEFT and JUSTIFIED aligned paragraphs to support numbered and bullet lists. An excessive use of tabs will lead to incorrect results.
  • The DISTRIBUTED alignment will be replaced by the JUSTIFIED alignment.
  • Text flow is always “left to right”.
  • The line spacing mostly corresponds to the “EXACT” style, except for stacked text (fractions), which corresponds more to the “AT LEAST” style, but not precisely. This behavior maybe will improve in the future.
  • FIELDS are not evaluated by ezdxf.

The MTextExplode class is a tool to disassemble MTEXT entities into single line TEXT entities and additional LINE entities if required to emulate strokes.

The layout argument defines the target layout for “exploded” parts of the MTEXT entity. Use argument doc if the target layout has no DXF document assigned. The spacing_factor argument is an advanced tuning parameter to scale the size of space chars.

Explode mtext and destroy the source entity if argument destroy is True.

Create required text styles. This method is called automatically if the class is used as context manager.

Example to explode all MTEXT entities in the DXF file “mtext.dxf”:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons import MTextExplode
doc = ezdxf.readfile("mtext.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
with MTextExplode(msp) as xpl:

for mtext in msp.query("MTEXT"):
xpl.explode(mtext) doc.saveas("xpl_mtext.dxf")

Explode all MTEXT entities into the block “EXPLODE”:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons import MTextExplode
doc = ezdxf.readfile("mtext.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
blk ="EXPLODE")
with MTextExplode(blk) as xpl:

for mtext in msp.query("MTEXT"):
xpl.explode(mtext) msp.add_block_ref("EXPLODE", (0, 0)) doc.saveas("xpl_into_block.dxf")

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This library implements CSG operations on meshes elegantly and concisely using BSP trees, and is meant to serve as an easily understandable implementation of the algorithm. All edge cases involving overlapping coplanar polygons in both solids are correctly handled.

Example for usage:

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.render.forms import cube, cylinder_2p
from ezdxf.addons.pycsg import CSG
# create new DXF document
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
# create same geometric primitives as MeshTransformer() objects
cube1 = cube()
cylinder1 = cylinder_2p(count=32, base_center=(0, -1, 0), top_center=(0, 1, 0), radius=.25)
# build solid union
union = CSG(cube1) + CSG(cylinder1)
# convert to mesh and render mesh to modelspace
union.mesh().render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 1})
# build solid difference
difference = CSG(cube1) - CSG(cylinder1)
# convert to mesh, translate mesh and render mesh to modelspace
difference.mesh().translate(1.5).render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 3})
# build solid intersection
intersection = CSG(cube1) * CSG(cylinder1)
# convert to mesh, translate mesh and render mesh to modelspace
intersection.mesh().translate(2.75).render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 5})

[image: Cube vs Cylinder] [image]

This CSG kernel supports only meshes as MeshBuilder objects, which can be created from and converted to DXF Mesh entities.

This CSG kernel is not compatible with ACIS objects like Solid3d, Body, Surface or Region.


This is a pure Python implementation, don’t expect great performance and the implementation is based on an unbalanced BSP tree, so in the case of RecursionError, increase the recursion limit:

import sys
actual_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
# default is 1000, increasing too much may cause a seg fault
...  # do the CSG stuff

CSG works also with spheres, but with really bad runtime behavior and most likely RecursionError exceptions, and use quadrilaterals as body faces to reduce face count by setting argument quads to True.

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.render.forms import sphere, cube
from ezdxf.addons.pycsg import CSG
doc =
doc.set_modelspace_vport(6, center=(5, 0))
msp = doc.modelspace()
cube1 = cube().translate(-.5, -.5, -.5)
sphere1 = sphere(count=32, stacks=16, radius=.5, quads=True)
union = (CSG(cube1) + CSG(sphere1)).mesh()
union.render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 1})
subtract = (CSG(cube1) - CSG(sphere1)).mesh().translate(2.5)
subtract.render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 3})
intersection = (CSG(cube1) * CSG(sphere1)).mesh().translate(4)
intersection.render(msp, dxfattribs={'color': 5})

[image: Cube vs Sphere] [image]

Hard Core CSG - Menger Sponge Level 3 vs Sphere

Required runtime on an old Xeon E5-1620 Workstation @ 3.60GHz, with default recursion limit of 1000 on Windows 10:

  • CPython 3.8.1 64bit: ~60 seconds,
  • pypy3 [PyPy 7.2.0] 32bit: ~6 seconds, and using __slots__ reduced runtime below 5 seconds, yes - pypy is worth a look for long running scripts!

from ezdxf.render.forms import sphere
from ezdxf.addons import MengerSponge
from ezdxf.addons.pycsg import CSG
doc ='sponge', dxfattribs={'color': 5})'sphere', dxfattribs={'color': 6})
doc.set_modelspace_vport(6, center=(5, 0))
msp = doc.modelspace()
sponge1 = MengerSponge(level=3).mesh()
sphere1 = sphere(count=32, stacks=16, radius=.5, quads=True).translate(.25, .25, 1)
subtract = (CSG(sponge1, meshid=1) - CSG(sphere1, meshid=2))
# get mesh result by id
subtract.mesh(1).render(msp, dxfattribs={'layer': 'sponge'})
subtract.mesh(2).render(msp, dxfattribs={'layer': 'sphere'})

[image: Menger Sponge vs Sphere] [image]

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This class implements CSG operations on meshes.

New 3D solids are created from MeshBuilder objects and results can be exported as MeshTransformer objects to ezdxf by method mesh().

  • meshezdxf.render.MeshBuilder or inherited object
  • meshid – individual mesh ID to separate result meshes, 0 is default

Returns a ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer object.
meshid – individual mesh ID, 0 is default

Return a new CSG solid representing space in either this solid or in the solid other. Neither this solid nor the solid other are modified:

+-------+            +-------+
|       |            |       |
|   A   |            |       |
|    +--+----+   =   |       +----+
+----+--+    |       +----+       |

| B | | |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+


union = A + B

Return a new CSG solid representing space in this solid but not in the solid other. Neither this solid nor the solid other are modified:

+-------+            +-------+
|       |            |       |
|   A   |            |       |
|    +--+----+   =   |    +--+
+----+--+    |       +----+

| B |
| |


difference = A - B

Return a new CSG solid representing space both this solid and in the solid other. Neither this solid nor the solid other are modified:

|       |
|   A   |
|    +--+----+   =   +--+
+----+--+    |       +--+

| B |
| |


intersection = A * B

Return a new CSG solid with solid and empty space switched. This solid is not modified.

  • Original implementation csg.js, Copyright (c) 2011 Evan Wallace (, under the MIT license.
  • Python port pycsg, Copyright (c) 2012 Tim Knip (, under the MIT license.
  • Additions by Alex Pletzer (Pennsylvania State University)
  • Integration as ezdxf add-on, Copyright (c) 2020, Manfred Moitzi, MIT License.

CTB and STB files store plot styles used by AutoCAD and BricsCAD for printing and plotting.

If the plot style table is attached to a Paperspace or the Modelspace, a change of a plot style affects any object that uses that plot style. CTB files contain color dependent plot style tables, STB files contain named plot style tables.


  • Using plot style tables in AutoCAD
  • AutoCAD Plot Style Table Editor
  • BricsCAD Plot Style Table Editor
  • AUTODESK KNOWLEDGE NETWORK: How to install CTB files in AutoCAD

Create a new CTB file.

Changed in version 0.10: renamed from new()

Color dependent plot style table (CTB file), table entries are PlotStyle objects.

Custom description of plot style file.

Specifies the factor by which to scale non-ISO linetypes and fill patterns.

Specifies whether or not you want to apply the scale_factor.

Set 1 for showing lineweight in inch in AutoCAD CTB editor window, but lineweights are always defined in millimeters.

Lineweights table as array.array

__getitem__(aci: int) -> PlotStyle
Returns PlotStyle for AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) aci.

Iterable of all plot styles.

Set aci to new attributes defined by data dict.
  • aciAutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
  • datadict of PlotStyle attributes: description, color, physical_pen_number, virtual_pen_number, screen, linepattern_size, linetype, adaptive_linetype, lineweight, end_style, join_style, fill_style

Returns the assigned lineweight for PlotStyle aci in millimeter.

Get index of lineweight in the lineweight table or append lineweight to lineweight table.

Returns lineweight in millimeters of lineweight table entry index.
index – lineweight table index = PlotStyle.lineweight
lineweight in mm or 0.0 for use entity lineweight

Argument index is the lineweight table index, not the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).
  • index – lineweight table index = PlotStyle.lineweight
  • lineweight – in millimeters

Save CTB file as filename to the file system.

Compress and write CTB file to binary stream.

Named plot style table (STB file), table entries are PlotStyle objects.

Custom description of plot style file.

Specifies the factor by which to scale non-ISO linetypes and fill patterns.

Specifies whether or not you want to apply the scale_factor.

Set 1 for showing lineweight in inch in AutoCAD CTB editor window, but lineweights are always defined in millimeters.

Lineweights table as array.array

__getitem__(name: str) -> PlotStyle
Returns PlotStyle by name.

__delitem__(name: str) -> None
Delete plot style name. Plot style 'Normal' is not deletable.

__iter__() -> Iterable[str]
Iterable of all plot style names.

Create new class:PlotStyle name by attribute dict data, replaces existing class:PlotStyle objects.
  • name – plot style name
  • localized_name – name shown in plot style editor, uses name if None
  • datadict of PlotStyle attributes: description, color, physical_pen_number, virtual_pen_number, screen, linepattern_size, linetype, adaptive_linetype, lineweight, end_style, join_style, fill_style

Returns the assigned lineweight for PlotStyle name in millimeter.

Get index of lineweight in the lineweight table or append lineweight to lineweight table.

Returns lineweight in millimeters of lineweight table entry index.
index – lineweight table index = PlotStyle.lineweight
lineweight in mm or 0.0 for use entity lineweight

Argument index is the lineweight table index, not the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI).
  • index – lineweight table index = PlotStyle.lineweight
  • lineweight – in millimeters

Save STB file as filename to the file system.

Compress and write STB file to binary stream.

Table index (0-based). (int)

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) in range from 1 to 255. Has no meaning for named plot styles. (int)

Custom description of plot style. (str)

Specifies physical plotter pen, valid range from 1 to 32 or AUTOMATIC. (int)

Only used by non-pen plotters and only if they are configured for virtual pens. valid range from 1 to 255 or AUTOMATIC. (int)

Specifies the color intensity of the plot on the paper, valid range is from 0 to 100. (int)

If you select 100 the drawing will plotted with its full color intensity. In order for screening to work, the dithering option must be active.

Overrides the entity linetype, default value is OBJECT_LINETYPE. (bool)

True if a complete linetype pattern is more important than a correct linetype scaling, default is True. (bool)

Line pattern size, default = 0.5. (float)

Overrides the entity lineWEIGHT, default value is OBJECT_LINEWEIGHT. This is an index into the UserStyles.lineweights table. (int)

Line end cap style, see table below, default is END_STYLE_OBJECT (int)

Line join style, see table below, default is JOIN_STYLE_OBJECT (int)

Line fill style, see table below, default is FILL_STYLE_OBJECT (int)

Depending on the capabilities of your plotter, dithering approximates the colors with dot patterns. When this option is False, the colors are mapped to the nearest color, resulting in a smaller range of colors when plotting.

Dithering is available only whether you select the object’s color or assign a plot style color.

Plot colors in grayscale. (bool)

# [mm]
0 0.00
1 0.05
2 0.09
3 0.10
4 0.13
5 0.15
6 0.18
7 0.20
8 0.25
9 0.30
10 0.35
11 0.40
12 0.45
13 0.50
14 0.53
15 0.60
16 0.65
17 0.70
18 0.80
19 0.90
20 1.00
21 1.06
22 1.20
23 1.40
24 1.58
25 2.00
26 2.11







[image] [image]

Linetype name Value
Solid 0
Dashed 1
Dotted 2
Dash Dot 3
Short Dash 4
Medium Dash 5
Long Dash 6
Short Dash x2 7
Medium Dash x2 8
Long Dash x2 9
Medium Lang Dash 10
Medium Dash Short Dash Short Dash 11
Long Dash Short Dash 12
Long Dash Dot Dot 13
Long Dash Dot 14
Medium Dash Dot Short Dash Dot 15
Sparse Dot 16
ISO Dash 17
ISO Dash Space 18
ISO Long Dash Dot 19
ISO Long Dash Double Dot 20
ISO Long Dash Triple Dot 21
ISO Dot 22
ISO Long Dash Short Dash 23
ISO Long Dash Double Short Dash 24
ISO Dash Dot 25
ISO Double Dash Dot 26
ISO Dash Double Dot 27
ISO Double Dash Double Dot 28
ISO Dash Triple Dot 29
ISO Double Dash Triple Dot 30
Use entity linetype 31

Build a 3D Menger sponge.

  • location – location of lower left corner as (x, y, z) tuple
  • length – side length
  • level – subdivide level
  • kind – type of menger sponge

0 Original Menger Sponge
1 Variant XOX
2 Variant OXO
3 Jerusalem Cube
Renders the menger sponge into layout, set merge to True for rendering the whole menger sponge into one MESH entity, set merge to False for rendering the individual cubes of the menger sponge as MESH entities.
  • layout – DXF target layout
  • mergeTrue for one MESH entity, False for individual MESH entities per cube
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for the MESH entities
  • matrix – apply transformation matrix at rendering
  • ucs – apply UCS transformation at rendering

Yields all cubes of the menger sponge as individual MeshTransformer objects.

Returns geometry as one MeshTransformer object.

Menger Sponge kind=0: [image]

Menger Sponge kind=1: [image]

Menger Sponge kind=2: [image]

Jerusalem Cube kind=3: [image]

Build a 3D Sierpinsky Pyramid.

  • location – location of base center as (x, y, z) tuple
  • length – side length
  • level – subdivide level
  • sides – sides of base geometry

Renders the sierpinsky pyramid into layout, set merge to True for rendering the whole sierpinsky pyramid into one MESH entity, set merge to False for individual pyramids as MESH entities.
  • layout – DXF target layout
  • mergeTrue for one MESH entity, False for individual MESH entities per pyramid
  • dxfattribs – DXF attributes for the MESH entities
  • matrix – apply transformation matrix at rendering
  • ucs – apply UCS at rendering

Yields all pyramids of the sierpinsky pyramid as individual MeshTransformer objects.

Returns geometry as one MeshTransformer object.

Sierpinsky Pyramid with triangle base: [image]

Sierpinsky Pyramid with square base: [image]

New in version 0.18.

This add-on is based on the 3D bin packing module py3dbp hosted on PyPI. Both sources of this package are MIT licensed like ezdxf itself.

Quote from the Wikipedia article:

The bin packing problem is an optimization problem, in which items of different sizes must be packed into a finite number of bins or containers, each of a fixed given capacity, in a way that minimizes the number of bins used.

This code replicates the example used by the py3dbp package:

from typing import List
import ezdxf
from ezdxf import colors
from ezdxf.addons import binpacking as bp
SMALL_ENVELOPE = ("small-envelope", 11.5, 6.125, 0.25, 10)
LARGE_ENVELOPE = ("large-envelope", 15.0, 12.0, 0.75, 15)
SMALL_BOX = ("small-box", 8.625, 5.375, 1.625, 70.0)
MEDIUM_BOX = ("medium-box", 11.0, 8.5, 5.5, 70.0)
MEDIUM_BOX2 = ("medium-box-2", 13.625, 11.875, 3.375, 70.0)
LARGE_BOX = ("large-box", 12.0, 12.0, 5.5, 70.0)
LARGE_BOX2 = ("large-box-2", 23.6875, 11.75, 3.0, 70.0)

LARGE_BOX2, ] def build_packer():
packer = bp.Packer()
packer.add_item("50g [powder 1]", 3.9370, 1.9685, 1.9685, 1)
packer.add_item("50g [powder 2]", 3.9370, 1.9685, 1.9685, 2)
packer.add_item("50g [powder 3]", 3.9370, 1.9685, 1.9685, 3)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 4]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 4)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 5]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 5)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 6]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 6)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 7]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 7)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 8]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 8)
packer.add_item("250g [powder 9]", 7.8740, 3.9370, 1.9685, 9)
return packer def make_doc():
doc =
doc.layers.add("FRAME", color=colors.YELLOW)
return doc def main(filename):
bins: List[bp.Bin] = []
for box in ALL_BINS:
packer = build_packer()
doc = make_doc()
bp.export_dxf(doc.modelspace(), bins, offset=(0, 20, 0))
doc.saveas(filename) if __name__ == "__main__":



  • example1 script
  • example2 script

List of containers to fill.

List of items to pack into the bins.

Returns True if packer is packed, each packer can only be used once.

__str__() -> str
Return str(self).

Append a container.

Return the fill ratio of all bins.

Returns the maximum fill volume of all bins.

Returns the total weight of all fitted items in all bins.

Returns the total volume of all fitted items in all bins.

Pack items into bins. Distributes all items across all bins.

2D Packer inherited from AbstractPacker. All containers and items used by this packer must have a depth of 1.

Name of then container as string.

__str__() -> str
Return str(self).

Returns a copy.

Reset the container to empty state.

Returns the maximum fill volume of the bin.

Returns the total weight of all fitted items.

Returns the total volume of all fitted items.

Return the fill ratio.

3D container item.
Arbitrary Python object.

Returns the position of then lower left corner of the item in the container, the lower left corner is the origin (0, 0, 0).

Returns a copy, all copies have a reference to the same payload object.

Return str(self).

Returns the volume of the item.

Returns the item dimension according the rotation_type.

Returns the transformation matrix to transform the source entity located with the minimum extension corner of its bounding box in (0, 0, 0) to the final location including the required rotation.

2D container item, inherited from Item. Has a default depth of 1.0.

Random shuffle packing. Returns a new packer with the best packing result, the input packer is unchanged.

Rotation type of an item:
  • W = width
  • H = height
  • D = depth

  • py3dbp package by Enzo Ruiz Pelaez
  • bp3d by gedex - github repository on which py3dbp is based, written in Go
  • Optimizing three-dimensional bin packing through simulation (PDF)

New in version 0.18.

The ezdxf.addons.meshex module provides functions to exchange meshes with other tools in the following file formats:

  • STL: import/export, supports only triangles as faces
  • OFF: import/export, supports ngons as faces and is more compact than STL
  • OBJ: import/export, supports ngons as faces and can contain multiple meshes in one file
  • PLY: export only, supports ngons as faces
  • OpenSCAD: export as polyhedron, supports ngons as faces
  • IFC4: export only, supports ngons as faces

The source or target object is always a MeshBuilder instance and therefore the supported features are also limited by this class. Only vertices and faces are exchanged, colors, textures and explicit face- and vertex normals are lost.


This add-on is not a replacement for a proper file format interface for this data formats! It’s just a simple way to exchange meshes with other tools like OpenSCAD or MeshLab.


The meshes created by the ezdxf.addons.pycsg add-on are usually not suitable for export because they often violate the vertex-to-vertex rule: A vertex of a face cannot lie on the edge of another face. This was one of the reasons to create this addon to get an interface to OpenSCAD.

Example for a simple STL to DXF converter:

import sys
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.addons import meshex

mesh = meshex.stl_readfile("your.stl") except (meshex.ParsingError, IOError) as e:
sys.exit(1) doc = mesh.render_mesh(doc.modelspace()) doc.saveas("your.dxf")


Example script at github.

Read ascii or binary STL file content as ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instance.
ParsingError – vertex parsing error or invalid/corrupt data

Load a mesh from an ascii STL content string as ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instance.
ParsingError – vertex parsing error

Load a mesh from a binary STL data ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instance.
ParsingError – invalid/corrupt data or not a binary STL file

Read OFF file content as ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instance.
ParsingError – vertex or face parsing error

Load a mesh from a OFF content string as ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instance.
ParsingError – vertex or face parsing error

Read OBJ file content as list of ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instances.
ParsingError – vertex or face parsing error

Load one or more meshes from an OBJ content string as list of ezdxf.render.MeshTransformer instances.
ParsingError – vertex parsing error

Returns the STL data as string for the given mesh. This function triangulates the meshes automatically because the STL format supports only triangles as faces.

This function does not check if the mesh obey the STL format rules:

  • The direction of the face normal is outward.
  • The face vertices are listed in counter-clockwise order when looking at the object from the outside (right-hand rule).
  • Each triangle must share two vertices with each of its adjacent triangles.
  • The object represented must be located in the all-positive octant (non-negative and nonzero).

Returns the STL binary data as bytes for the given mesh.

For more information see function: stl_dumps()

Returns the OFF data as string for the given mesh. The OFF format supports ngons as faces.

Returns the OBJ data as string for the given mesh. The OBJ format supports ngons as faces.

Returns the PLY binary data as bytes for the given mesh. The PLY format supports ngons as faces.

Returns the OpenSCAD polyhedron definition as string for the given mesh. OpenSCAD supports ngons as faces.


OpenSCAD requires the face normals pointing inwards, the method flip_normals() of the MeshBuilder class can flip the normals inplace.

Returns the IFC4 string for the given mesh. The caller is responsible for checking if the mesh is a closed or open surface (e.g. mesh.diagnose().euler_characteristic == 2) and using the appropriate entity type.
  • meshMeshBuilder
  • entity_typeIfcEntityType
  • layer – layer name as string
  • color – entity color as RGB tuple, values in the range [0,1]


IFC4 is a very complex data format and this is a minimal effort exporter, so the exported data may not be importable by all CAD applications.

The exported IFC4 data can be imported by the following applications:

  • BricsCAD
  • FreeCAD (IfcOpenShell)
  • Allplan
  • Tekla BIMsight

Export the given mesh as zip-compressed IFC4 file. The filename suffix should be .ifcZIP. For more information see function ifc4_dumps().
  • filename – zip filename, the data file has the same name with suffix .ifc
  • meshMeshBuilder
  • entity_typeIfcEntityType
  • layer – layer name as string
  • color – entity color as RGB tuple, values in the range [0,1]

IOError – IO error when opening the zip-file for writing

An enumeration.
“SurfaceModel” representation usable for open or closed surfaces.

“Brep” representation usable for closed surfaces.

“SurfaceModel” representation usable for open surfaces.

New in version 0.18.

Interface to the OpenSCAD application to apply boolean operations to MeshBuilder objects. For more information about boolean operations read the documentation of OpenSCAD. The OpenSCAD application is not bundled with ezdxf, you need to install the application yourself.

On Windows the path to the openscad.exe executable is stored in the config file (see ezdxf.options) in the “openscad-addon” section as key “win_exec_path”, the default entry is:

win_exec_path = "C:\Program Files\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe"

On Linux and macOS the openscad command is located by the shutil.which() function.


import ezdxf
from ezdxf.render import forms
from ezdxf.addons import MengerSponge, openscad
doc =
msp = doc.modelspace()
# 1. create the meshes:
sponge = MengerSponge(level=3).mesh()
sponge.flip_normals()  # important for OpenSCAD
sphere = forms.sphere(

count=32, stacks=16, radius=0.5, quads=True ).translate(0.25, 0.25, 1) sphere.flip_normals() # important for OpenSCAD # 2. create the script: script = openscad.boolean_operation(openscad.DIFFERENCE, sponge, sphere) # 3. execute the script by OpenSCAD: result = # 4. render the MESH entity: result.render_mesh(msp) doc.set_modelspace_vport(6, center=(5, 0)) doc.saveas("OpenSCAD.dxf")


Executes the given script by OpenSCAD and returns the result mesh as MeshTransformer.
  • script – the OpenSCAD script as string
  • exec_path – path to the executable as string or None to use the default installation path

Returns an OpenSCAD script to apply the given boolean operation to the given meshes.

The supported operations are:


Returns True if OpenSCAD is installed. On Windows only the default install path ‘C:\Program Files\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe’ is checked.

Helper class to build OpenSCAD scripts. This is a very simple string building class and does no checks at all! If you need more advanced features to build OpenSCAD scripts look at the packages pysolid and openpyscad.
Add a string.

Add a mirror() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

v – the normal vector of a plane intersecting the origin through which to mirror the object

Add a transformation matrix of type Matrix44 as multmatrix() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

Add mesh as polyhedron() command.

OpenSCAD docs:

Add a polygon() command. This is a 2D command, all z-axis values of the input vertices are ignored and all paths and holes are closed automatically.

OpenSCAD docs:

  • path – exterior path
  • holes – a sequence of one or more holes as vertices, or None for no holes

Add a resize() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

  • nx – new size in x-axis
  • ny – new size in y-axis
  • nz – new size in z-axis
  • auto – If the auto argument is set to True, the operation auto-scales any 0-dimensions to match. Set the auto argument as a 3-tuple of bool values to auto-scale individual axis.

Add a rotation() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

  • ax – rotation about the x-axis in degrees
  • ay – rotation about the y-axis in degrees
  • az – rotation about the z-axis in degrees

Add a rotation() operation about the given axis v.

OpenSCAD docs:

  • a – rotation angle about axis v in degrees
  • v – rotation axis as ezdxf.math.UVec object

Add a scale() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

  • sx – scaling factor for the x-axis
  • sy – scaling factor for the y-axis
  • sz – scaling factor for the z-axis

Add a translate() operation.

OpenSCAD docs:

v – translation vector

Returns the OpenSCAD build script.

This add-on is not a complete wrapper around OpenSCAD, if you need such a tool look at the openpyscad or pysolid packages at PyPI.

Not sure if the openpyscad package is still maintained, the last commit at github is more than a year old and did not pass the CI process! (state June 2022)

This code snippet shows how to get the MeshTransformer object from the basic openpyscad example:

from ezdxf.addons import openscad
import openpyscad as ops
c1 = ops.Cube([10, 20, 10])
c2 = ops.Cube([20, 10, 10])
# dump OpenSCAD script as string:
script = (c1 + c2).dumps()
# execute script and load the result as MeshTransformer instance:
mesh =

Create an openpyscad Polyhedron object from an ezdxf MeshBuilder object:

from ezdxf.render import forms
import openpyscad as ops
# create an ezdxf MeshBuilder() object
sphere = forms.sphere()
sphere.flip_normals()  # required for OpenSCAD
# create an openpyscad Polyhedron() object
polyhedron = ops.Polyhedron(

points=[list(p) for p in sphere.vertices], # convert Vec3 objects to lists!
faces=[list(f) for f in sphere.faces], # convert face tuples to face lists! ) # create the OpenSCAD script: script = polyhedron.dumps()

The type conversion is needed to get valid OpenSCAD code from openpyscad!

The pysolid package seems to be better maintained than the openpyscad package, but this is just an opinion based on newer commits at github (link) for the pysolid package.

Same example for pysolid:

from ezdxf.addons import openscad
from solid import cube, render_scad
c1 = cube([10, 20, 10])
c2 = cube([20, 10, 10])
# dump OpenSCAD script as string:
script = render_scad(c1 + c2)
# execute script and load the result as MeshTransformer instance:
mesh =

Create a pysolid polyhedron object from an ezdxf MeshBuilder object:

from ezdxf.render import forms
from solid import polyhedron, scad_render
# create an ezdxf MeshBuilder() object
sphere = forms.sphere()
sphere.flip_normals()  # required for OpenSCAD
# create a pysolid polyhedron() object
ph = polyhedron(

points=[ for v in sphere.vertices], # convert Vec3 objects to tuples!
faces=sphere.faces, # types are compatible ) # create the OpenSCAD script: script = scad_render(ph)

  • DXF Reference provided by Autodesk.
  • DXF Developer Documentation provided by Autodesk.

Drawing files of DXF R2004 (AC1018) and prior are saved as ASCII files with the encoding set by the header variable $DWGCODEPAGE, which is ANSI_1252 by default if $DWGCODEPAGE is not set.

Characters used in the drawing which do not exist in the chosen ASCII encoding are encoded as unicode characters with the schema \U+nnnn. see Unicode table

DXF Python Name
ANSI_874 cp874 Thai
ANSI_932 cp932 Japanese
ANSI_936 gbk UnifiedChinese
ANSI_949 cp949 Korean
ANSI_950 cp950 TradChinese
ANSI_1250 cp1250 CentralEurope
ANSI_1251 cp1251 Cyrillic
ANSI_1252 cp1252 WesternEurope
ANSI_1253 cp1253 Greek
ANSI_1254 cp1254 Turkish
ANSI_1255 cp1255 Hebrew
ANSI_1256 cp1256 Arabic
ANSI_1257 cp1257 Baltic
ANSI_1258 cp1258 Vietnam

Starting with DXF R2007 (AC1021) the drawing file is UTF-8 encoded, the header variable $DWGCODEPAGE is still in use, but I don’t know, if the setting still has any meaning.

Encoding characters in the unicode schema \U+nnnn is still functional.


String value encoding

A Drawing Interchange File is simply an ASCII text file with a file type of .dxf and special formatted text. The basic file structure are DXF tags, a DXF tag consist of a DXF group code as an integer value on its own line and a the DXF value on the following line. In the ezdxf documentation DXF tags will be written as (group code, value).

With the introduction of extended symbol names in DXF R2000, the 255-character limit for strings has been increased to 2049 single-byte characters not including the newline at the end of the line. Nonetheless its safer to use only strings with 255 and less characters, because its not clear if this fact is true for ALL string group codes or only for symbols like layer- or text style names and not all 3rd party libraries may handle this fact correct. The MTEXT content and binary data is still divided into chunks with less than 255 characters.

Group codes are indicating the value type:

Group Code Value Type
0-9 String
10-39 Double precision 3D point value
40-59 Double-precision floating-point value
60-79 16-bit integer value
90-99 32-bit integer value
100 String
102 String
105 String representing hexadecimal (hex) handle value
110-119 Double precision floating-point value
120-129 Double precision floating-point value
130-139 Double precision floating-point value
140-149 Double precision scalar floating-point value
160-169 64-bit integer value
170-179 16-bit integer value
210-239 Double-precision floating-point value
270-279 16-bit integer value
280-289 16-bit integer value
290-299 Boolean flag value
300-309 Arbitrary text string
310-319 String representing hex value of binary chunk
320-329 String representing hex handle value
330-369 String representing hex object IDs
370-379 16-bit integer value
380-389 16-bit integer value
390-399 String representing hex handle value
400-409 16-bit integer value
410-419 String
420-429 32-bit integer value
430-439 String
440-449 32-bit integer value
450-459 Long
460-469 Double-precision floating-point value
470-479 String
480-481 String representing hex handle value
999 Comment (string)
1000-1009 String
1010-1059 Double-precision floating-point value
1060-1070 16-bit integer value
1071 32-bit integer value

Explanation for some important group codes:

Group Code Meaning
0 DXF structure tag, entity start/end or table entries
1 The primary text value for an entity
2 A name: Attribute tag, Block name, and so on. Also used to identify a DXF section or table name.
3-4 Other textual or name values
5 Entity handle as hex string (fixed)
6 Line type name (fixed)
7 Text style name (fixed)
8 Layer name (fixed)
9 Variable name identifier (used only in HEADER section of the DXF file)
10 Primary X coordinate (start point of a Line or Text entity, center of a Circle, etc.)
11-18 Other X coordinates
20 Primary Y coordinate. 2n values always correspond to 1n values and immediately follow them in the file (expected by ezdxf!)
21-28 Other Y coordinates
30 Primary Z coordinate. 3n values always correspond to 1n and 2n values and immediately follow them in the file (expected by ezdxf!)
31-38 Other Z coordinates
39 This entity’s thickness if nonzero (fixed)
40-48 Float values (text height, scale factors, etc.)
49 Repeated value - multiple 49 groups may appear in one entity for variable length tables (such as the dash lengths in the LTYPE table). A 7x group always appears before the first 49 group to specify the table length
50-58 Angles in degree
62 Color number (fixed)
66 “Entities follow” flag (fixed), only in INSERT and POLYLINE entities
67 Identifies whether entity is in modelspace (0) or paperspace (1)
68 Identifies whether viewport is on but fully off screen, is not active, or is off
69 Viewport identification number
70-78 Integer values such as repeat counts, flag bits, or modes
210, 220, 230 X, Y, and Z components of extrusion direction (fixed)
310 Proxy entity graphics as binary encoded data
330 Owner handle as hex string
347 MATERIAL handle as hex string
348 VISUALSTYLE handle as hex string
370 Lineweight in mm times 100 (e.g. 0.13mm = 13).
390 PLOTSTYLE handle as hex string
420 True color value as 0x00RRGGBB 24-bit value
430 Color name as string
440 Transparency value 0x020000TT 0 = fully transparent / 255 = opaque

For explanation of all group codes see: DXF Group Codes in Numerical Order Reference provided by Autodesk

DXF R2018 Reference

Extended data (XDATA) is created by AutoLISP or ObjectARX applications but any other application like ezdxf can also define XDATA. If an entity contains extended data, it follows the entity’s normal definition.

But extended group codes (>=1000) can appear before the XDATA section, an example is the BLOCKBASEPOINTPARAMETER entity in AutoCAD Civil 3D or AutoCAD Map 3D.

Group Code Description
1000 Strings in extended data can be up to 255 bytes long (with the 256th byte reserved for the null character)
1001 (fixed) Registered application name (ASCII string up to 31 bytes long) for XDATA
1002 (fixed) An extended data control string can be either '{' or '}'. These braces enable applications to organize their data by subdividing the data into lists. Lists can be nested.
1003 Name of the layer associated with the extended data
1004 Binary data is organized into variable-length chunks. The maximum length of each chunk is 127 bytes. In ASCII DXF files, binary data is represented as a string of hexadecimal digits, two per binary byte
1005 Database Handle of entities in the drawing database, see also: About 1005 Group Codes
1010, 1020, 1030 Three real values, in the order X, Y, Z. They can be used as a point or vector record that will not be modified at any transformation of the entity.
1011, 1021, 1031 a WCS point that is moved, scaled, rotated and mirrored along with the entity
1012, 1012, 1022 a WCS displacement that is scaled, rotated and mirrored along with the entity, but is not moved
1013, 1023, 1033 a WCS direction that is rotated and mirrored along with the entity, but is not moved or scaled
1040 A real value
1041 Distance, a real value that is scaled along with the parent entity
1042 Scale Factor, also a real value that is scaled along with the parent. The difference between a distance and a scale factor is application-defined
1070 A 16-bit integer (signed or unsigned)
1071 A 32-bit signed (long) integer

The (1001, …) tag indicates the beginning of extended data. In contrast to normal entity data, with extended data the same group code can appear multiple times, and order is important.

Extended data is grouped by registered application name. Each registered application group begins with a (1001, APPID) tag, with the application name as APPID string value. Registered application names correspond to APPID symbol table entries.

An application can use as many APPID names as needed. APPID names are permanent, although they can be purged if they aren’t currently used in the drawing. Each APPID name can have no more than one data group attached to each entity. Within an application group, the sequence of extended data groups and their meaning is defined by the application.

String values stored in a DXF file is plain ASCII or UTF-8, AutoCAD also supports CIF (Common Interchange Format) and MIF (Maker Interchange Format) encoding. The UTF-8 format is only supported in DXF R2007 and later.

Ezdxf on import converts all strings into Python unicode strings without encoding or decoding CIF/MIF.

String values containing Unicode characters are represented with control character sequences \U+nnnn. (e.g. r'TEST\U+7F3A\U+4E4F\U+89E3\U+91CA\U+6B63THIS\U+56FE')

To support the DXF unicode encoding ezdxf registers an encoding codec dxf_backslash_replace, defined in ezdxf.lldxf.encoding().

String values can be stored with these dxf group codes:

  • 0 - 9
  • 100 - 101
  • 300 - 309
  • 410 - 419
  • 430 - 439
  • 470 - 479
  • 999 - 1003

If the text string is less than 250 characters, all characters appear in tag (1, …). If the text string is longer than 250 characters, the string is divided into 250-character chunks, which appear in one or more (3, …) tags. If (3, …) tags are used, the last group is a (1, …) tag and has fewer than 250 characters:

... TwoHundredAndFifty Characters ....
... TwoHundredAndFifty Characters ....
less than TwoHundredAndFifty Characters

As far I know this is only supported by the MTEXT entity.


DXF File Encoding

With the introduction of DXF R13 Autodesk added additional group codes and DXF tag structures to the DXF Standard.

Subclass markers (100, Subclass Name) divides DXF objects into several sections. Group codes can be reused in different sections. A subclass ends with the following subclass marker or at the beginning of xdata or the end of the object. See Subclass Marker Example in the DXF Reference.

Some group codes that define an entity always appear; others are optional and appear only if their values differ from the defaults.

Do not write programs that rely on the order given here. The end of an entity is indicated by the next 0 group, which begins the next entity or indicates the end of the section.

Note: Accommodating DXF files from future releases of AutoCAD will be easier if you write your DXF processing program in a table-driven way, ignore undefined group codes, and make no assumptions about the order of group codes in an entity. With each new AutoCAD release, new group codes will be added to entities to accommodate additional features.

Some later entities entities contains the same group code twice for different purposes, so order in the sense of which one comes first is important. (e.g. ATTDEF group code 280)

In LWPOLYLINE the order of tags is important, if the count tag is not the first tag in the AcDbPolyline subclass, AutoCAD will not close the polyline when the close flag is set, by the way other applications like BricsCAD ignores the tag order and renders the polyline always correct.

Extension Dictionary

The extension dictionary is an optional sequence that stores the handle of a DICTIONARY object that belongs to the current object, which in turn may contain entries. This facility allows attachment of arbitrary database objects to any database object. Any object or entity may have this section.

The extension dictionary tag sequence:

Hard-owner ID/handle to owner dictionary

Persistent reactors are an optional sequence that stores object handles of objects registering themselves as reactors on the current object. Any object or entity may have this section.

The persistent reactors tag sequence:

first Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner dictionary
second Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner dictionary

Application-Defined Codes

Starting at DXF R13, DXF objects can contain application-defined codes outside of XDATA. This application-defined codes can contain any tag except (0, …) and (102, ‘{…’). “{YOURAPPID” means the APPID string with an preceding “{”. The application defined data tag sequence:


(102, 'YOURAPPID}') is also a valid closing tag:


All groups defined with a beginning (102, …) appear in the DXF reference before the first subclass marker, I don’t know if these groups can appear after the first or any subclass marker. Ezdxf accepts them at any position, and by default ezdxf adds new app data in front of the first subclass marker to the first tag section of an DXF object.

Exception XRECORD: Tags with group code 102 and a value string without a preceding “{” or the scheme “YOURAPPID}”, should be treated as usual group codes.

The concept of embedded objects was introduced with AutoCAD 2018 (DXF version AC1032) and this is the only information I found about it at the Autodesk knowledge base: Embedded and Encapsulated Objects

Quote from Embedded and Encapsulated Objects:

For DXF filing, the embedded object must be filed out and in after all the data of the encapsulating object has been filed out and in.

A separator is needed between the encapsulating object’s data and the subsequent embedded object’s data. The separator must be similar in function to the group 0 or 100 in that it must cause the filer to stop reading data. The normal DXF group code 0 cannot be used because DXF proxies use it to determine when to stop reading data. The group code 100 could have been used, but it might have caused confusion when manually reading a DXF file, and there was a need to distinguish when an embedded object is about to be written out in order to do some internal bookkeeping. Therefore, the DXF group code 101 was introduced.

Hard facts:

  • Only used in ATTRIB, ATTDEF (embedded MTEXT) and MTEXT (columns) in DXF R2018.
  • Embedded object start with (101, “Embedded Object”) tag
  • Embedded object is appended to the encapsulated object
  • Embedded object tags can contain any group code except the DXF structure tag (0, …)

Unconfirmed assumptions:

  • The embedded object is written before the Extended Data. No examples for entities including embedded objects and XDATA at the same time.
  • XDATA sections replaced by embedded objects, at least for the MTEXT entity
  • The encapsulating object can contain more than one embedded object.
  • Embedded objects separated by (101, “Embedded Object”) tags
  • every entity can contain embedded objects

Real world example from an AutoCAD 2018 file:

100       <<< start of encapsulating object
101       <<< start of embedded object
Embedded Object

A handle is an arbitrary but in your DXF file unique hex value as string like ‘10FF’. It is common to to use uppercase letters for hex numbers. Handle can have up to 16 hexadecimal digits (8 bytes).

For DXF R10 until R12 the usage of handles was optional. The header variable $HANDLING set to 1 indicate the usage of handles, else $HANDLING is 0 or missing.

For DXF R13 and later the usage of handles is mandatory and the header variable $HANDLING was removed.

The $HANDSEED variable in the header section should be greater than the biggest handle used in the DXF file, so a CAD application can assign handle values starting with the $HANDSEED value. But as always, don’t rely on the header variable it could be wrong, AutoCAD ignores this value.

Entity handle definition is always the (5, ...), except for entities of the DIMSTYLE table (105, ...), because the DIMSTYLE entity has also a group code 5 tag for DIMBLK.

A pointer is a reference to a DXF object in the same DXF file. There are four types of pointers:

  • Soft-pointer handle
  • Hard-pointer handle
  • Soft-owner handle
  • Hard-owner handle

Also, a group code range for “arbitrary” handles is defined to allow convenient storage of handle values that are unchanged at any operation (AutoCAD).

A pointer is a reference that indicates usage, but not possession or responsibility, for another object. A pointer reference means that the object uses the other object in some way, and shares access to it. An ownership reference means that an owner object is responsible for the objects for which it has an owner handle. An object can have any number of pointer references associated with it, but it can have only one owner.

Hard references, whether they are pointer or owner, protect an object from being purged. Soft references do not.

In AutoCAD, block definitions and complex entities are hard owners of their elements. A symbol table and dictionaries are soft owners of their elements. Polyline entities are hard owners of their vertex and seqend entities. Insert entities are hard owners of their attrib and seqend entities.

When establishing a reference to another object, it is recommended that you think about whether the reference should protect an object from the PURGE command.

Arbitrary handles are distinct in that they are not translated to session-persistent identifiers internally, or to entity names in AutoLISP, and so on. They are stored as handles. When handle values are translated in drawing-merge operations, arbitrary handles are ignored.

In all environments, arbitrary handles can be exchanged for entity names of the current drawing by means of the handent functions. A common usage of arbitrary handles is to refer to objects in external DXF and DWG files.

(1005, ...) xdata have the same behavior and semantics as soft pointers, which means that they are translated whenever the host object is merged into a different drawing. However, 1005 items are not translated to session-persistent identifiers or internal entity names in AutoLISP and ObjectARX. They are stored as handles.

A DXF File is simply an ASCII text file with a file type of .dxf and special formatted text. The basic file structure are DXF tags, a DXF tag consist of a DXF group code as an integer value on its own line and a the DXF value on the following line. In the ezdxf documentation DXF tags will be written as (group code, value). There exist a binary DXF format, but it seems that it is not often used and for reducing file size, zipping is much more efficient. ezdxf does support reading binary encoded DXF files.


For more information about DXF tags see: DXF Tags

A usual DXF file is organized in sections, starting with the DXF tag (0, ‘SECTION’) and ending with the DXF tag (0, ‘ENDSEC’). The (0, ‘EOF’) tag signals the end of file.

HEADER: General information about the drawing is found in this section of the DXF file. Each parameter has a variable name starting with ‘$’ and an associated value. Has to be the first section.
CLASSES: Holds the information for application defined classes. (DXF R13 and later)
TABLES:: Contains several tables for style and property definitions.
  • Linetype table (LTYPE)
  • Layer table (LAYER)
  • Text Style table (STYLE)
  • View table (VIEW): (IMHO) layout of the CAD working space, only interesting for interactive CAD applications
  • Viewport configuration table (VPORT): The VPORT table is unique in that it may contain several entries with the same name (indicating a multiple-viewport configuration). The entries corresponding to the active viewport configuration all have the name *ACTIVE. The first such entry describes the current viewport.
  • Dimension Style table (DIMSTYLE)
  • User Coordinate System table (UCS) (IMHO) only interesting for interactive CAD applications
  • Application Identification table (APPID): Table of names for all applications registered with a drawing.
  • Block Record table (BLOCK_RECORD) (DXF R13 and Later)

BLOCKS: Contains all block definitions. The block name *Model_Space or *MODEL_SPACE is reserved for the drawing modelspace and the block name *Paper_Space or *PAPER_SPACE is reserved for the active paperspace layout. Both block definitions are empty, the content of the modelspace and the active paperspace is stored in the ENTITIES section. The entities of other layouts are stored in special block definitions called *Paper_Spacennn, nnn is an arbitrary but unique number.
ENTITIES: Contains all graphical entities of the modelspace and the active paperspace layout. Entities of other layouts are stored in the BLOCKS sections.
OBJECTS: Contains all non-graphical objects of the drawing (DXF R13 and later)
THUMBNAILIMAGE: Contains a preview image of the DXF file, it is optional and can usually be ignored. (DXF R13 and later)
ACDSDATA: (DXF R2013 and later) No information in the DXF reference about this section

For further information read the original DXF Reference.

Structure of a usual DXF R12 file:

0           <<< Begin HEADER section, has to be the first section

<<< Header variable items go here 0 <<< End HEADER section ENDSEC 0 <<< Begin TABLES section SECTION 2 TABLES 0 TABLE 2 VPORT 70 <<< viewport table maximum item count
<<< viewport table items go here 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 APPID, DIMSTYLE, LTYPE, LAYER, STYLE, UCS, VIEW, or VPORT 70 <<< Table maximum item count, a not reliable value and ignored by AutoCAD
<<< Table items go here 0 ENDTAB 0 <<< End TABLES section ENDSEC 0 <<< Begin BLOCKS section SECTION 2 BLOCKS
<<< Block definition entities go here 0 <<< End BLOCKS section ENDSEC 0 <<< Begin ENTITIES section SECTION 2 ENTITIES
<<< Drawing entities go here 0 <<< End ENTITIES section ENDSEC 0 <<< End of file marker (required) EOF


Contrary to the previous chapter, the DXF R12 format (AC1009) and prior requires just the ENTITIES section:


DXF version R13/14 and later needs much more DXF content than DXF R12.


The HEADER section requires two entries:


The CLASSES section can be empty, but some DXF entities requires class definitions to work in AutoCAD.

The TABLES section requires following tables:

  • VPORT entry *ACTIVE is not required! Empty table is ok for AutoCAD.
  • LTYPE with at least the following line types defined:

  • LAYER with at least an entry for layer ‘0’
  • STYLE with at least an entry for style STANDARD
  • VIEW can be empty
  • UCS can be empty
  • APPID with at least an entry for ACAD
  • DIMSTYLE with at least an entry for style STANDARD
  • BLOCK_RECORDS with two entries:

The BLOCKS section requires two BLOCKS:


The ENTITIES section can be empty.

The OBJECTS section requires following entities:

  • DICTIONARY - the root dict - one entry named ACAD_GROUP
  • DICTIONARY ACAD_GROUP can be empty

Minimal DXF to download:

(from the DXF Reference)

AutoCAD drawings consist largely of structured containers for database objects. Database objects each have the following features:

  • A handle whose value is unique to the drawing/DXF file, and is constant for the lifetime of the drawing. This format has existed since AutoCAD Release 10, and as of AutoCAD Release 13, handles are always enabled.
  • An optional XDATA table, as entities have had since AutoCAD Release 11.
  • An optional persistent reactor table.
  • An optional ownership pointer to an extension dictionary which, in turn, owns subobjects placed in it by an application.

Symbol tables and symbol table records are database objects and, thus, have a handle. They can also have xdata and persistent reactors in their DXF records.

The DXF R12 data model is identical to the file structure:

  • HEADER section: common settings for the DXF drawing
  • TABLES section: definitions for LAYERS, LINETYPE, STYLES ….
  • BLOCKS section: block definitions and its content
  • ENTITIES section: modelspace and paperspace content

References are realized by simple names. The INSERT entity references the BLOCK definition by the BLOCK name, a TEXT entity defines the associated STYLE and LAYER by its name and so on, handles are not needed. Layout association of graphical entities in the ENTITIES section by the paper_space tag (67, 0 or 1), 0 or missing tag means model space, 1 means paperspace. The content of BLOCK definitions is enclosed by the BLOCK and the ENDBLK entity, no additional references are needed.

A clean and simple file structure and data model, which seems to be the reason why the DXF R12 Reference (released 1992) is still a widely used file format and Autodesk/AutoCAD supports the format by reading and writing DXF R12 files until today (DXF R13/R14 has no writing support by AutoCAD!).

TODO: list of available entities


More information about the DXF DXF File Structure

With the DXF R13 file format, handles are mandatory and they are really used for organizing the new data structures introduced with DXF R13.

The HEADER section is still the same with just more available settings.

The new CLASSES section contains AutoCAD specific data, has to be written like AutoCAD it does, but must not be understood.

The TABLES section got a new BLOCK_RECORD table - see Block Management Structures for more information.

The BLOCKS sections is mostly the same, but with handles, owner tags and new ENTITY types. Not active paperspace layouts store their content also in the BLOCKS section - see Layout Management Structures for more information.

The ENTITIES section is also mostly same, but with handles, owner tags and new ENTITY types.

TODO: list of new available entities

And the new OBJECTS section - now its getting complicated!

Most information about the OBJECTS section is just guessed or gathered by trail and error, because the documentation of the OBJECTS section and its objects in the DXF reference provided by Autodesk is very shallow. This is also the reason why I started the DXF Internals section, may be it helps other developers to start one or two steps above level zero.

The OBJECTS sections stores all the non-graphical entities of the DXF drawing. Non-graphical entities from now on just called ‘DXF objects’ to differentiate them from graphical entities, just called ‘entities’. The OBJECTS section follows commonly the ENTITIES section, but this is not mandatory.

DXF R13 introduces several new DXF objects, which resides exclusive in the OBJECTS section, taken from the DXF R14 reference, because I have no access to the DXF R13 reference, the DXF R13 reference is a compiled .hlp file which can’t be read on Windows 10, a drastic real world example why it is better to avoid closed (proprietary) data formats ;):

  • DICTIONARY: a general structural entity as a <name: handle> container
  • ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT: a DICTIONARY with a default value
  • DICTIONARYVAR: used by AutoCAD to store named values in the database
  • ACAD_PROXY_OBJECT: proxy object for entities created by other applications than AutoCAD
  • GROUP: groups graphical entities without the need of a BLOCK definition
  • IDBUFFER: just a list of references to objects
  • IMAGEDEF: IMAGE definition structure, required by the IMAGE entity
  • IMAGEDEF_REACTOR: also required by the IMAGE entity
  • LAYER_INDEX: container for LAYER names
  • SPATIAL_INDEX: is always written out empty to a DXF file. This object can be ignored.
  • SORTENTSTABLE: control for regeneration/redraw order of entities
  • XRECORD: used to store and manage arbitrary data. This object is similar in concept to XDATA but is not limited by size or order. Not supported by R13c0 through R13c3.

Still missing the LAYOUT object, which is mandatory in DXF R2000 to manage multiple paperspace layouts. I don’t know how DXF R13/R14 manages multiple layouts or if they even support this feature, but I don’t care much about DXF R13/R14, because AutoCAD has no write support for this two formats anymore. ezdxf tries to upgrade this two DXF versions to DXF R2000 with the advantage of only two different data models to support: DXF R12 and DXF R2000+

New objects introduced by DXF R2000:

  • LAYOUT: management object for modelspace and multiple paperspace layouts
  • ACDBPLACEHOLDER: surprise - just a place holder

New objects in DXF R2004:


New objects in DXF R2007:


New objects in DXF R2013:


New objects in DXF R2018:


Undocumented objects:


Many objects in the OBJECTS section are organized in a tree-like structure of DICTIONARY objects. Starting point for this data structure is the ‘root’ DICTIONARY with several entries to other DICTIONARY objects. The root DICTIONARY has to be the first object in the OBJECTS section. The management dicts for GROUP and LAYOUT objects are really important, but IMHO most of the other management tables are optional and for the most use cases not necessary. The ezdxf template for DXF R2018 contains only these entries in the root dict and most of them pointing to an empty DICTIONARY:

  • ACAD_COLOR: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_GROUP: supported by ezdxf
  • ACAD_LAYOUT: supported by ezdxf
  • ACAD_MATERIAL: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_MLINESTYLE: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_PLOTSTYLENAME: points to ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT with one entry: ‘Normal’
  • ACAD_SCALELIST: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_TABLESTYLE: points to an empty DICTIONARY
  • ACAD_VISUALSTYLE: points to an empty DICTIONARY

2       <<< start of the OBJECTS section
0       <<< root DICTIONARY has to be the first object in the OBJECTS section
5       <<< handle
330     <<< owner tag
0       <<< always #0, has no owner
281     <<< hard owner flag
3       <<< first entry
350     <<< handle to target (pointer)
78B     <<< points to a XRECORD with product info about the creator application
3       <<< entry with unknown meaning, if I should guess: something with about colors ...
4FB     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< entry with unknown meaning
7ED     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< GROUP management, mandatory in all DXF versions
4FC     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< LAYOUT management, mandatory if more than the *active* paperspace is used
4FD     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< MATERIAL management
4FE     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< MLEADERSTYLE management
4FF     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< MLINESTYLE management
500     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< PLOTSETTINGS management
501     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< plot style name management
503     <<< points to a ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT
3       <<< SCALE management
504     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< entry with unknown meaning
7EB     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< TABLESTYLE management
505     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< VISUALSTYLE management
506     <<< points to a DICTIONARY
3       <<< entry with unknown meaning
3       <<< entry with unknown meaning
7AE     <<< points to a DICTIONARY with handles to DICTIONARYVAR objects

DXF Structures

In DXF R12 and prior the HEADER section was optional, but since DXF R13 the HEADER section is mandatory. The overall structure is:

0           <<< Begin HEADER section
$ACADVER    <<< Header variable items go here
ENDSEC      <<< End HEADER section

A header variable has a name defined by a (9, Name) tag and following value tags.


Documentation of ezdxf HeaderSection class.

DXF Reference: Header Variables

The CLASSES section contains CLASS definitions which are only important for Autodesk products, some DXF entities require a class definition or AutoCAD will not open the DXF file.

The CLASSES sections was introduced with DXF AC1015 (AutoCAD Release R13).


DXF Reference: About the DXF CLASSES Section

Documentation of ezdxf ClassesSection class.

The CLASSES section in DXF files holds the information for application-defined classes whose instances appear in the BLOCKS, ENTITIES, and OBJECTS sections of the database. It is assumed that a class definition is permanently fixed in the class hierarchy. All fields are required.

Update 2019-03-03:

Class names are not unique, Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 uses the same name, but with different CPP class names in the CLASS section, so storing classes in a dictionary by name as key caused loss of class entries in ezdxf, using a tuple of (name, cpp_class_name) as storage key solved the problem.


DXF Reference: Group Codes for the CLASS entity

CLASS entities have no handle and therefore ezdxf does not store the CLASS entity in the drawing entities database!

2           <<< begin CLASSES section
0           <<< first CLASS entity
1           <<< class DXF entity name; THIS ENTRY IS MAYBE NOT UNIQUE
2           <<< C++ class name; always unique
3           <<< application name
ObjectDBX Classes
90          <<< proxy capabilities flags
91          <<< instance counter for custom class, since DXF version AC1018 (R2004)
0           <<< no problem if the counter is wrong, AutoCAD doesn't care about
280         <<< was-a-proxy flag. Set to 1 if class was not loaded when this DXF file was created, and 0 otherwise
281         <<< is-an-entity flag. Set to 1 if class reside in the BLOCKS or ENTITIES section. If 0, instances may appear only in the OBJECTS section
0           <<< second CLASS entity
0           <<< end of CLASSES section


The BLOCKS section contains all BLOCK definitions, beside the normal reusable BLOCKS used by the INSERT entity, all layouts, as there are the modelspace and all paperspace layouts, have at least a corresponding BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section. The name of the modelspace BLOCK is “*Model_Space” (DXF R12: “$MODEL_SPACE”) and the name of the active paperspace BLOCK is “*Paper_Space” (DXF R12: “$PAPER_SPACE”), the entities of these two layouts are stored in the ENTITIES section, the inactive paperspace layouts are named by the scheme “*Paper_Spacennnn”, and the content of the inactive paperspace layouts are stored in their BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section.

The content entities of blocks are stored between the BLOCK and the ENDBLK entity.

BLOCKS section structure:

0           <<< start of a SECTION
2           <<< start of BLOCKS section
0           <<< start of 1. BLOCK definition
...         <<< Block content
0           <<< end of 1. Block definition
0           <<< start of 2. BLOCK definition
...         <<< Block content
0           <<< end of 2. Block definition
0           <<< end of BLOCKS section


Block Management Structures Layout Management Structures


Objects in the OBJECTS section are organized in a hierarchical tree order, starting with the named objects dictionary as the first entity in the OBJECTS section (Drawing.rootdict).

Not all entities in the OBJECTS section are included in this tree, Extension Dictionary and XRECORD data of graphical entities are also stored in the OBJECTS section.

The VIEW entry stores a named view of the model or a paperspace layout. This stored views makes parts of the drawing or some view points of the model in a CAD applications more accessible. This views have no influence to the drawing content or to the generated output by exporting PDFs or plotting on paper sheets, they are just for the convenience of CAD application users.

Using ezdxf you have access to the views table by the attribute Drawing.views. The views table itself is not stored in the entity database, but the table entries are stored in entity database, and can be accessed by its handle.


2       <<< name of view
70      <<< flags bit-coded: 1st bit -> (0/1 = modelspace/paperspace)
0       <<< modelspace
40      <<< view width in Display Coordinate System (DCS)
10      <<< view center point in DCS
40.36   <<<     x value
20      <<<     group code for y value
15.86   <<<     y value
41      <<< view height in DCS
11      <<< view direction from target point, 3D vector
0.0     <<<     x value
21      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
31      <<<     group code for z value
1.0     <<<     z value
12      <<< target point in WCS
0.0     <<<     x value
22      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
32      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
42      <<< lens (focal) length
50.0    <<< 50mm
43      <<< front clipping plane, offset from target
44      <<< back clipping plane, offset from target
50      <<< twist angle
71      <<< view mode


Coordinate Systems

DXF R2000+

Mostly the same structure as DXF R12, but with handle, owner tag and subclass markers.

0       <<< adding the VIEW table head, just for information
2       <<< table name
5       <<< handle of table, see owner tag of VIEW table entry
330     <<< owner tag of table, always #0
100     <<< subclass marker
70      <<< VIEW table (max.) count, not reliable (ignore)
0       <<< first VIEW table entry
5       <<< handle
330     <<< owner, the VIEW table is the owner of the VIEW entry
37C     <<< handle of the VIEW table
100     <<< subclass marker
100     <<< subclass marker
2       <<< view name, from here all the same as DXF R12
281     <<< render mode 0-6 (... too much options)
0       <<< 0= 2D optimized (classic 2D)
72      <<< UCS associated (0/1 = no/yes)
0       <<< 0 = no

DXF R2000+ supports additional features in the VIEW entry, see the VIEW table reference provided by Autodesk.

The VPORT table stores the modelspace viewport configurations. A viewport configuration is a tiled view of multiple viewports or just one viewport. [image]

In contrast to other tables the VPORT table can have multiple entries with the same name, because all VPORT entries of a multi-viewport configuration are having the same name - the viewport configuration name. The name of the actual displayed viewport configuration is '*ACTIVE', as always table entry names are case insensitive ('*ACTIVE' == '*Active').

The available display area in AutoCAD has normalized coordinates, the lower-left corner is (0, 0) and the upper-right corner is (1, 1) regardless of the true aspect ratio and available display area in pixels. A single viewport configuration has one VPORT entry '*ACTIVE' with the lower-left corner (0, 0) and the upper-right corner (1, 1).

The following statements refer to a 2D plan view: the view-target-point defines the origin of the DCS (Display Coordinate system), the view-direction vector defines the z-axis of the DCS, the view-center-point (in DCS) defines the point in modelspace translated to the center point of the viewport, the view height and the aspect-ratio defines how much of the modelspace is displayed. AutoCAD tries to fit the modelspace area into the available viewport space e.g. view height is 15 units and aspect-ratio is 2.0 the modelspace to display is 30 units wide and 15 units high, if the viewport has an aspect ratio of 1.0, AutoCAD displays 30x30 units of the modelspace in the viewport. If the modelspace aspect-ratio is 1.0 the modelspace to display is 15x15 units and fits properly into the viewport area.

But tests show that the translation of the view-center-point to the middle of the viewport not always work as I expected. (still digging…)


All floating point values are rounded to 2 decimal places for better readability.


Multi-viewport configuration with three viewports.

0       <<< table start
2       <<< table type
70      <<< VPORT table (max.) count, not reliable (ignore)
0       <<< first VPORT entry
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
70      <<< standard flags, bit-coded
10      <<< lower-left corner of viewport
0.45    <<<     x value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
20      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
11      <<< upper-right corner of viewport
1.0     <<<     x value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
21      <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
12      <<< view center point (in DCS), ???
13.71   <<<     x value
22      <<<     group code for y value
0.02    <<<     y value
13      <<< snap base point (in DCS)
0.0     <<<     x value
23      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
14      <<< snap spacing X and Y
1.0     <<<     x value
24      <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value
15      <<< grid spacing X and Y
0.0     <<<     x value
25      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
16      <<< view direction from target point (in WCS), defines the z-axis of the DCS
1.0     <<<     x value
26      <<<     group code for y value
-1.0    <<<     y value
36      <<<     group code for z value
1.0     <<<     z value
17      <<< view target point (in WCS), defines the origin of the DCS
0.0     <<<     x value
27      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
37      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
40      <<< view height
41      <<< viewport aspect ratio
42      <<< lens (focal) length
50.0    <<< 50mm
43      <<< front clipping planes, offsets from target point
44      <<< back clipping planes, offsets from target point
50      <<< snap rotation angle
51      <<< view twist angle
71      <<< view mode
72      <<< circle zoom percent
73      <<< fast zoom setting
74      <<< UCSICON setting
75      <<< snap on/off
76      <<< grid on/off
77      <<< snap style
78      <<< snap isopair
0       <<< next VPORT entry
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
*ACTIVE <<< same as first VPORT entry
0       <<< next VPORT entry
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
*ACTIVE <<< same as first VPORT entry

DXF R2000+

Mostly the same structure as DXF R12, but with handle, owner tag and subclass markers.

0       <<< table start
2       <<< table type
5       <<< table handle
330     <<< owner, table has no owner - always #0
100     <<< subclass marker
70      <<< VPORT table (max.) count, not reliable (ignore)
0       <<< first VPORT entry
5       <<< entry handle
330     <<< owner, VPORT table is owner of VPORT entry
100     <<< subclass marker
100     <<< subclass marker
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
70      <<< standard flags, bit-coded
10      <<< lower-left corner of viewport
0.45    <<<     x value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
20      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
11      <<< upper-right corner of viewport
1.0     <<<     x value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
21      <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value, virtual coordinates in range [0 - 1]
12      <<< view center point (in DCS)
13.71   <<<     x value
22      <<<     group code for y value
0.38    <<<     y value
13      <<< snap base point (in DCS)
0.0     <<<     x value
23      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
14      <<< snap spacing X and Y
1.0     <<<     x value
24      <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value
15      <<< grid spacing X and Y
0.0     <<<     x value
25      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
16      <<< view direction from target point (in WCS)
1.0     <<<     x value
26      <<<     group code for y value
-1.0    <<<     y value
36      <<<     group code for z value
1.0     <<<     z value
17      <<< view target point (in WCS)
0.0     <<<     x value
27      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
37      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
40      <<< view height
41      <<< viewport aspect ratio
42      <<< lens (focal) length
50.0    <<< 50mm
43      <<< front clipping planes, offsets from target point
44      <<< back clipping planes, offsets from target point
50      <<< snap rotation angle
51      <<< view twist angle
71      <<< view mode
72      <<< circle zoom percent
73      <<< fast zoom setting
74      <<< UCSICON setting
75      <<< snap on/off
76      <<< grid on/off
77      <<< snap style
78      <<< snap isopair
281     <<< render mode 1-6 (... too many options)
0       <<< 0 = 2D optimized (classic 2D)
65      <<< Value of UCSVP for this viewport. (0 = UCS will not change when this viewport is activated)
1       <<< 1 = then viewport stores its own UCS which will become the current UCS whenever the viewport is activated.
110     <<< UCS origin (3D point)
0.0     <<<     x value
120     <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
130     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
111     <<< UCS X-axis (3D vector)
1.0     <<<     x value
121     <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
131     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
112     <<< UCS Y-axis (3D vector)
0.0     <<<     x value
122     <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value
132     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
79      <<< Orthographic type of UCS 0-6 (... too many options)
0       <<< 0 = UCS is not orthographic
146     <<< elevation
1001    <<< extended data - undocumented
0       <<< next VPORT entry
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
*ACTIVE <<< same as first VPORT entry
0       <<< next VPORT entry
2       <<< VPORT (configuration) name
*ACTIVE <<< same as first VPORT entry

The LTYPE table stores all line type definitions of a DXF drawing. Every line type used in the drawing has to have a table entry, or the DXF drawing is invalid for AutoCAD.

DXF R12 supports just simple line types, DXF R2000+ supports also complex line types with text or shapes included.

You have access to the line types table by the attribute Drawing.linetypes. The line type table itself is not stored in the entity database, but the table entries are stored in entity database, and can be accessed by its handle.


  • DXF Reference: TABLES Section
  • DXF Reference: LTYPE Table

Table Structure DXF R12

0           <<< start of table
2           <<< set table type
70          <<< count of line types defined in this table, AutoCAD ignores this value
0           <<< 1. LTYPE table entry

<<< LTYPE data tags 0 <<< 2. LTYPE table entry LTYPE
<<< LTYPE data tags and so on 0 <<< end of LTYPE table ENDTAB

Table Structure DXF R2000+

0           <<< start of table
2           <<< set table type
5           <<< LTYPE table handle
330         <<< owner tag, tables has no owner
100         <<< subclass marker
70          <<< count of line types defined in this table, AutoCAD ignores this value
0           <<< 1. LTYPE table entry

<<< LTYPE data tags 0 <<< 2. LTYPE table entry LTYPE
<<< LTYPE data tags and so on 0 <<< end of LTYPE table ENDTAB

ezdxf setup for line type ‘CENTER’:"CENTER", dxfattribs={

description = "Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____",
pattern=[2.0, 1.25, -0.25, 0.25, -0.25],

0           <<< line type table entry
5           <<< handle of line type
330         <<< owner handle, handle of LTYPE table
100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
2           <<< line type name
70          <<< flags
Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____

ezdxf setup for line type ‘GASLEITUNG’:'GASLEITUNG', dxfattribs={

'description': 'Gasleitung2 ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS--',
'length': 1,
'pattern': 'A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,U=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25', })

100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
Gasleitung2 ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS--

ezdxf setup for line type ‘GRENZE2’:'GRENZE2', dxfattribs={

'description': 'Grenze eckig ----[]-----[]----[]-----[]----[]--',
'length': 1.45,
'pattern': 'A,.25,-.1,[132,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.1,1', })

100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
Grenze eckig ----[]-----[]----[]-----[]----[]--

The DIMSTYLE table stores all dimension style definitions of a DXF drawing.

You have access to the dimension styles table by the attribute Drawing.dimstyles.


  • DXF Reference: TABLES Section
  • DXF Reference: DIMSTYLE Table

Table Structure DXF R12

0           <<< start of table
2           <<< set table type
70          <<< count of line types defined in this table, AutoCAD ignores this value
0           <<< 1. DIMSTYLE table entry

<<< DIMSTYLE data tags 0 <<< 2. DIMSTYLE table entry DIMSTYLE
<<< DIMSTYLE data tags and so on 0 <<< end of DIMSTYLE table ENDTAB

Source: CADDManager Blog [image] [image]

DIMVAR Code Description
DIMALT 170 Controls the display of alternate units in dimensions.
DIMALTD 171 Controls the number of decimal places in alternate units. If DIMALT is turned on, DIMALTD sets the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point in the alternate measurement.
DIMALTF 143 Controls the multiplier for alternate units. If DIMALT is turned on, DIMALTF multiplies linear dimensions by a factor to produce a value in an alternate system of measurement. The initial value represents the number of millimeters in an inch.
DIMAPOST 4 Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the alternate dimension measurement for all types of dimensions except angular. For instance, if the current units are Architectural, DIMALT is on, DIMALTF is 25.4 (the number of millimeters per inch), DIMALTD is 2, and DIMPOST is set to “mm”, a distance of 10 units would be displayed as 10”[254.00mm].
DIMASZ 41 Controls the size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the size of hook lines. Multiples of the arrowhead size determine whether dimension lines and text should fit between the extension lines. DIMASZ is also used to scale arrowhead blocks if set by DIMBLK. DIMASZ has no effect when DIMTSZ is other than zero.
DIMBLK 5 Sets the arrowhead block displayed at the ends of dimension lines.
DIMBLK1 6 Sets the arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line when DIMSAH is 1.
DIMBLK2 7 Sets the arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line when DIMSAH is 1.
DIMCEN 141 Controls drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines by the DIMCENTER, DIMDIAMETER, and DIMRADIUS commands. For DIMDIAMETER and DIMRADIUS, the center mark is drawn only if you place the dimension line outside the circle or arc. 0.0 • 2 0 = No center marks or lines are drawn • 2 <0 = Centerlines are drawn • 2 >0 = Center marks are drawn 168u
DIMCLRD 176 Assigns colors to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines. 0.0 • 2 0 = BYBLOCK • 2 1-255 = ACI AutoCAD Color Index • 2 256 = BYLAYER 168u
DIMCLRE 177 Assigns colors to dimension extension lines, values like DIMCLRD
DIMCLRT 178 Assigns colors to dimension text, values like DIMCLRD
DIMDLE 46 Sets the distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when oblique strokes are drawn instead of arrowheads.
DIMDLI 43 Controls the spacing of the dimension lines in baseline dimensions. Each dimension line is offset from the previous one by this amount, if necessary, to avoid drawing over it. Changes made with DIMDLI are not applied to existing dimensions.
DIMEXE 44 Specifies how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line.
DIMEXO 42 Specifies how far extension lines are offset from origin points. With fixed-length extension lines, this value determines the minimum offset.
DIMGAP 147 Sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text. Also sets the gap between annotation and a hook line created with the LEADER command. If you enter a negative value, DIMGAP places a box around the dimension text. DIMGAP is also used as the minimum length for pieces of the dimension line. When the default position for the dimension text is calculated, text is positioned inside the extension lines only if doing so breaks the dimension lines into two segments at least as long as DIMGAP. Text placed above or below the dimension line is moved inside only if there is room for the arrowheads, dimension text, and a margin between them at least as large as DIMGAP: 2 * (DIMASZ + DIMGAP).
DIMLFAC 144 Sets a scale factor for linear dimension measurements. All linear dimension distances, including radii, diameters, and coordinates, are multiplied by DIMLFAC before being converted to dimension text. Positive values of DIMLFAC are applied to dimensions in both modelspace and paperspace; negative values are applied to paperspace only. DIMLFAC applies primarily to nonassociative dimensions (DIMASSOC set 0 or 1). For nonassociative dimensions in paperspace, DIMLFAC must be set individually for each layout viewport to accommodate viewport scaling. DIMLFAC has no effect on angular dimensions, and is not applied to the values held in DIMRND, DIMTM, or DIMTP.
DIMLIM 72 Generates dimension limits as the default text. Setting DIMLIM to On turns DIMTOL off. 0.0 • 2 0 = Dimension limits are not generated as default text • 2 1 = Dimension limits are generated as default text 168u
DIMPOST 3 Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement. For example, to establish a suffix for millimeters, set DIMPOST to mm; a distance of 19.2 units would be displayed as 19.2 mm. If tolerances are turned on, the suffix is applied to the tolerances as well as to the main dimension. Use “<>” to indicate placement of the text in relation to the dimension value. For example, enter “<>mm” to display a 5.0 millimeter radial dimension as “5.0mm”. If you entered mm “<>”, the dimension would be displayed as “mm 5.0”.
DIMRND 45 Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value. For instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer. Note that the number of digits edited after the decimal point depends on the precision set by DIMDEC. DIMRND does not apply to angular dimensions.
DIMSAH 173 Controls the display of dimension line arrowhead blocks. 0.0 • 2 0 = Use arrowhead blocks set by DIMBLK • 2 1 = Use arrowhead blocks set by DIMBLK1 and DIMBLK2 168u
DIMSCALE 40 Sets the overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify sizes, distances, or offsets. Also affects the leader objects with the LEADER command. Use MLEADERSCALE to scale multileader objects created with the MLEADER command. 0.0 • 2 0.0 = A reasonable default value is computed based on the scaling between the current model space viewport and paperspace. If you are in paperspace or modelspace and not using the paperspace feature, the scale factor is 1.0. • 2 >0 = A scale factor is computed that leads text sizes, arrowhead sizes, and other scaled distances to plot at their face values. 168u DIMSCALE does not affect measured lengths, coordinates, or angles. Use DIMSCALE to control the overall scale of dimensions. However, if the current dimension style is annotative, DIMSCALE is automatically set to zero and the dimension scale is controlled by the CANNOSCALE system variable. DIMSCALE cannot be set to a non-zero value when using annotative dimensions.
DIMSE1 75 Suppresses display of the first extension line. 0.0 • 2 0 = Extension line is not suppressed • 2 1 = Extension line is suppressed 168u
DIMSE2 76 Suppresses display of the second extension line. 0.0 • 2 0 = Extension line is not suppressed • 2 1 = Extension line is suppressed 168u
DIMSOXD 175 Suppresses arrowheads if not enough space is available inside the extension lines. 0.0 • 2 0 = Arrowheads are not suppressed • 2 1 = Arrowheads are suppressed 168u If not enough space is available inside the extension lines and DIMTIX is on, setting DIMSOXD to On suppresses the arrowheads. If DIMTIX is off, DIMSOXD has no effect.
DIMTAD 77 Controls the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line. 0.0 • 2 0 = Centers the dimension text between the extension lines. • 2 1 = Places the dimension text above the dimension line except when the dimension line is not horizontal and text inside the extension lines is forced horizontal (DIMTIH = 1). The distance from the dimension line to the baseline of the lowest line of text is the current DIMGAP value. • 2 2 = Places the dimension text on the side of the dimension line farthest away from the defining points. • 2 3 = Places the dimension text to conform to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). • 2 4 = Places the dimension text below the dimension line. 168u
DIMTFAC 146 Specifies a scale factor for the text height of fractions and tolerance values relative to the dimension text height, as set by DIMTXT. For example, if DIMTFAC is set to 1.0, the text height of fractions and tolerances is the same height as the dimension text. If DIMTFAC is set to 0.7500, the text height of fractions and tolerances is three-quarters the size of dimension text.
DIMTIH 73 Controls the position of dimension text inside the extension lines for all dimension types except Ordinate. 0.0 • 2 0 = Aligns text with the dimension line • 2 1 = Draws text horizontally 168u
DIMTIX 174 Draws text between extension lines. 0.0 • 2 0 = Varies with the type of dimension. For linear and angular dimensions, text is placed inside the extension lines if there is sufficient room. For radius and diameter dimensions hat don’t fit inside the circle or arc, DIMTIX has no effect and always forces the text outside the circle or arc. • 2 1 = Draws dimension text between the extension lines even if it would ordinarily be placed outside those lines 168u
DIMTM 48 Sets the minimum (or lower) tolerance limit for dimension text when DIMTOL or DIMLIM is on. DIMTM accepts signed values. If DIMTOL is on and DIMTP and DIMTM are set to the same value, a tolerance value is drawn. If DIMTM and DIMTP values differ, the upper tolerance is drawn above the lower, and a plus sign is added to the DIMTP value if it is positive. For DIMTM, the program uses the negative of the value you enter (adding a minus sign if you specify a positive number and a plus sign if you specify a negative number).
DIMTOFL 172 Controls whether a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside. For radius and diameter dimensions (when DIMTIX is off), draws a dimension line inside the circle or arc and places the text, arrowheads, and leader outside. 0.0 • 2 0 = Does not draw dimension lines between the measured points when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points • 2 1 = Draws dimension lines between the measured points even when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points 168u
DIMTOH 74 Controls the position of dimension text outside the extension lines. 0.0 • 2 0 = Aligns text with the dimension line • 2 1 = Draws text horizontally 168u
DIMTOL 71 Appends tolerances to dimension text. Setting DIMTOL to on turns DIMLIM off.
DIMTP 47 Sets the maximum (or upper) tolerance limit for dimension text when DIMTOL or DIMLIM is on. DIMTP accepts signed values. If DIMTOL is on and DIMTP and DIMTM are set to the same value, a tolerance value is drawn. If DIMTM and DIMTP values differ, the upper tolerance is drawn above the lower and a plus sign is added to the DIMTP value if it is positive.
DIMTSZ 142 Specifies the size of oblique strokes drawn instead of arrowheads for linear, radius, and diameter dimensioning. 0.0 • 2 0 = Draws arrowheads. • 2 >0 = Draws oblique strokes instead of arrowheads. The size of the oblique strokes is determined by this value multiplied by the DIMSCALE value 168u
DIMTVP 145 Controls the vertical position of dimension text above or below the dimension line. The DIMTVP value is used when DIMTAD = 0. The magnitude of the vertical offset of text is the product of the text height and DIMTVP. Setting DIMTVP to 1.0 is equivalent to setting DIMTAD = 1. The dimension line splits to accommodate the text only if the absolute value of DIMTVP is less than 0.7.
DIMTXT 140 Specifies the height of dimension text, unless the current text style has a fixed height.
DIMZIN 78 Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value. Values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only: 0.0 • 2 0 = Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches • 2 1 = Includes zero feet and precisely zero inches • 2 2 = Includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches • 2 3 = Includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet • 2 4 (Bit 3) = Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000) • 2 8 (Bit 4) = Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5) • 2 12 (Bit 3+4) = Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5) 168u

Table Structure DXF R2000+

0           <<< start of table
2           <<< set table type
5           <<< DIMSTYLE table handle
330         <<< owner tag, tables has no owner
100         <<< subclass marker
70          <<< count of dimension styles defined in this table, AutoCAD ignores this value
0           <<< 1. DIMSTYLE table entry

<<< DIMSTYLE data tags 0 <<< 2. DIMSTYLE table entry DIMSTYLE
<<< DIMSTYLE data tags and so on 0 <<< end of DIMSTYLE table ENDTAB

Source: CADDManager Blog

DIMVAR code Description
DIMADEC 179 Controls the number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions.
DIMALTTD 274 Sets the number of decimal places for the tolerance values in the alternate units of a dimension.
DIMALTTZ 286 Controls suppression of zeros in tolerance values.
DIMALTU 273 Sets the units format for alternate units of all dimension substyles except Angular.
DIMALTZ 285 Controls the suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values. DIMALTZ values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only.
DIMAUNIT 275 Sets the units format for angular dimensions. 0.0 • 2 0 = Decimal degrees • 2 1 = Degrees/minutes/seconds • 2 2 = Grad • 2 3 = Radians 168u
DIMBLK_HANDLE 342 defines DIMBLK as handle to the BLOCK RECORD entry
DIMBLK1_HANDLE 343 defines DIMBLK1 as handle to the BLOCK RECORD entry
DIMBLK2_HANDLE 344 defines DIMBLK2 as handle to the BLOCK RECORD entry
DIMDEC 271 Sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. The precision is based on the units or angle format you have selected.
DIMDSEP 278 Specifies a single-character decimal separator to use when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal. When prompted, enter a single character at the Command prompt. If dimension units is set to Decimal, the DIMDSEP character is used instead of the default decimal point. If DIMDSEP is set to NULL (default value, reset by entering a period), the decimal point is used as the dimension separator.
DIMJUST 280 Controls the horizontal positioning of dimension text. 0.0 • 2 0 = Positions the text above the dimension line and center-justifies it between the extension lines • 2 1 = Positions the text next to the first extension line • 2 2 = Positions the text next to the second extension line • 2 3 = Positions the text above and aligned with the first extension line • 2 4 = =Positions the text above and aligned with the second extension line 168u
DIMSD1 281 Controls suppression of the first dimension line and arrowhead. When turned on, suppresses the display of the dimension line and arrowhead between the first extension line and the text. 0.0 • 2 0 = First dimension line is not suppressed • 2 1 = First dimension line is suppressed 168u
DIMSD2 282 Controls suppression of the second dimension line and arrowhead. When turned on, suppresses the display of the dimension line and arrowhead between the second extension line and the text. 0.0 • 2 0 = Second dimension line is not suppressed • 2 1 = Second dimension line is suppressed 168u
DIMTDEC 272 Sets the number of decimal places to display in tolerance values for the primary units in a dimension. This system variable has no effect unless DIMTOL is set to On. The default for DIMTOL is Off.
DIMTOLJ 283 Sets the vertical justification for tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text. This system variable has no effect unless DIMTOL is set to On. The default for DIMTOL is Off. 0.0 • 2 0 = Bottom • 2 1 = Middle • 2 2 = Top 168u
DIMTXSTY_HANDLE 340 Specifies the text style of the dimension as handle to STYLE table entry
DIMTZIN 284 Controls the suppression of zeros in tolerance values. Values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only. 0.0 • 2 0 = Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches • 2 1 = Includes zero feet and precisely zero inches • 2 2 = Includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches • 2 3 = Includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet • 2 4 = Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000) • 2 8 = Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5) • 2 12 = Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5) 168u
DIMUPT 288 Controls options for user-positioned text. 0.0 • 2 0 = Cursor controls only the dimension line location • 2 1 = Cursor controls both the text position and the dimension line location 168u

Source: CADDManager Blog

DIMVAR Code Description
DIMALTRND 148 Rounds off the alternate dimension units.
DIMATFIT 289 Determines how dimension text and arrows are arranged when space is not sufficient to place both within the extension lines. 0.0 • 2 0 = Places both text and arrows outside extension lines • 2 1 = Moves arrows first, then text • 2 2 = Moves text first, then arrows • 2 3 = Moves either text or arrows, whichever fits best 168u A leader is added to moved dimension text when DIMTMOVE is set to 1.
DIMAZIN 79 Suppresses zeros for angular dimensions. 0.0 • 2 0 = Displays all leading and trailing zeros • 2 1 = Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000) • 2 2 = Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5) • 2 3 = Suppresses leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5) 168u
DIMFRAC 276 Sets the fraction format when DIMLUNIT is set to 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional). 0.0 • 2 0 = Horizontal stacking • 2 1 = Diagonal stacking • 2 2 = Not stacked (for example, 1/2) 168u
DIMLDRBLK_HANDLE 341 Specifies the arrow type for leaders. Handle to BLOCK RECORD
DIMLUNIT 277 Sets units for all dimension types except Angular. 0.0 • 2 1 = Scientific • 2 2 = Decimal • 2 3 = Engineering • 2 4 = Architectural (always displayed stacked) • 2 5 = Fractional (always displayed stacked) • 2 6 = Microsoft Windows Desktop (decimal format using Control Panel settings for decimal separator and number grouping symbols) 168u
DIMLWD 371 Assigns lineweight to dimension lines. 0.0 • 2 -3 = Default (the LWDEFAULT value) • 2 -2 = BYBLOCK • 2 -1 = BYLAYER 168u
DIMLWE 372 Assigns lineweight to extension lines. 0.0 • 2 -3 = Default (the LWDEFAULT value) • 2 -2 = BYBLOCK • 2 -1 = BYLAYER 168u
DIMTMOVE 279 Sets dimension text movement rules. 0.0 • 2 0 = Moves the dimension line with dimension text • 2 1 = Adds a leader when dimension text is moved • 2 2 = Allows text to be moved freely without a leader 168u

This image shows the default text locations created by BricsCAD for dimension variables dimtad and dimjust: [image]

The following DIMVARS are not documented in the DXF Reference by Autodesk.

DIMVAR Code Description
DIMTFILL 69 Text fill 0=off; 1=background color; 2=custom color (see DIMTFILLCLR)
DIMTFILLCLR 70 Text fill custom color as color index
DIMFXLON 290 Extension line has fixed length if set to 1
DIMFXL 49 Length of extension line below dimension line if fixed (DIMFXLON is 1), DIMEXE defines the the length above the dimension line
DIMJOGANG 50 Angle of oblique dimension line segment in jogged radius dimension
DIMLTYPE_HANDLE 345 Specifies the LINETYPE of the dimension line. Handle to LTYPE table entry
DIMLTEX1_HANDLE 346 Specifies the LINETYPE of the extension line 1. Handle to LTYPE table entry
DIMLTEX2_HANDLE 347 Specifies the LINETYPE of the extension line 2. Handle to LTYPE table entry

Prior to DXF R2007, some extended settings for the dimension and the extension lines are stored in the XDATA section by following entries, this is not documented by Autodesk:

ACAD_DSTYLE_DIM_LINETYPE        <<< linetype for dimension line
380                             <<< group code, which differs from R2007 DIMDLTYPE
FFFF                            <<< handle to LTYPE entry
ACAD_DSTYLE_DIM_EXT1_LINETYPE   <<< linetype for extension line 1
381                             <<< group code, which differs from R2007 DIMLTEX1
FFFF                            <<< handle to LTYPE entry
ACAD_DSTYLE_DIM_EXT2_LINETYPE   <<< linetype for extension line 1
382                             <<< group code, which differs from R2007 DIMLTEX2
FFFF                            <<< handle to LTYPE entry
ACAD_DSTYLE_DIMEXT_ENABLED      <<< extension line fixed
383                             <<< group code, which differs from R2007 DIMEXFIX
1                               <<< fixed if 1 else 0
ACAD_DSTYLE_DIMEXT_LENGTH       <<< extension line fixed length
378                             <<< group code, which differs from R2007 DIMEXLEN
1.33                            <<< length of extension line below dimension line

This XDATA groups requires also an appropriate APPID entry in the APPID table. This feature is not supported by ezdxf.

Block records are essential elements for the entities management, each layout (modelspace and paperspace) and every block definition has a block record entry. This block record is the hard owner of the entities of layouts, each entity has an owner handle which points to a block record of the layout.


Table Structure DXF R2000+

0           <<< start of table
2           <<< set table type
5           <<< LAYER table handle
330         <<< owner tag, tables has no owner
100         <<< subclass marker
70          <<< count of layers defined in this table, AutoCAD ignores this value
0           <<< 1. LAYER table entry
...         <<< LAYER entity tags
0           <<< 2. LAYER table entry
...         <<< LAYER entity tags

There are some quirks:

  • the frozen/thawed state is stored in flags (group code 70)
  • the locked/unlocked state is stored in flags (group code 70)
  • the off state is stored as negative color value (group code 6)
  • the layer description is stored in the XDATA section
  • the transparency value is stored in the XDATA section

0           <<< LAYER table entry
5           <<< handle of LAYER
330         <<< owner handle, handle of LAYER table
100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
2           <<< layer name
0           <<< layer "0"
70          <<< flags
62          <<< color
7           <<< a negative value switches the layer off
420         <<< optional true color value
6           <<< linetype
290         <<< optional plot flag
370         <<< lineweight
390         <<< handle to plot style
347         <<< material handle
348         <<< unknown1
1001        <<< XDATA section, APPID
1000        <<< unknown first value, here an empty string
1000        <<< layer description
This layer has a description
1001        <<< APPID
1071        <<< layer transparency value

Some layer attributes can be overridden individually for any VIEWPORT entity. This overrides are stored as extension dictionary entries of the LAYER entity pointing to XRECORD entities in the objects section:

102         <<< APP data, extension dictionary
360         <<< handle to the xdict in the objects section

The extension DICTIONARY entity:

0           <<< entity type
5           <<< handle
330         <<< owner handle
9F          <<< the layer owns this dictionary
100         <<< subclass marker
280         <<< hard owned flag
281         <<< cloning type
1           <<< keep existing
3           <<< transparency override
360         <<< handle to XRECORD
3           <<< color override
360         <<< handle to XRECORD
3           <<< linetype override
360         <<< handle to XRECORD
3           <<< lineweight override
360         <<< handle to XRECORD

Transparency override XRECORD:

0           <<< entity type
5           <<< handle
102         <<< reactors app data
B3          <<< extension dictionary
330         <<< owner tag
B3          <<< extension dictionary
100         <<< subclass marker
280         <<< cloning flag
1           <<< keep existing
102         <<< for each overridden VIEWPORT one entry
335         <<< handle to VIEWPORT
440         <<< transparency override

Color override XRECORD:

...         <<< like transparency XRECORD
102         <<< for each overridden VIEWPORT one entry
335         <<< handle to VIEWPORT
420         <<< color override
-1023409925 <<< raw color value

Linetype override XRECORD:

...         <<< like transparency XRECORD
102         <<< for each overridden VIEWPORT one entry
335         <<< handle to VIEWPORT
343         <<< linetype override
DC          <<< handle to LINETYPE table entry

Lineweight override XRECORD:

...         <<< like transparency XRECORD
102         <<< for each overridden VIEWPORT one entry
335         <<< handle to VIEWPORT
91          <<< lineweight override
13          <<< lineweight value

DXF Entities


  • DXF Reference: DIMENSION
  • DXFInternals: DIMSTYLE Table


The MESH entity is the compact version of the PolyFaceMesh implemented by the Polyline entity . The entity stores the vertices, edges and faces in a single entity and was introduced in DXF version R13/R14. For more information about the top level stuff go to the Mesh class.


  • DXF Reference: MESH
  • ezdxf.entities.Mesh class

The following DXF code represents this cube with subdivision level of 0: [image]

MESH            <<< DXF type
5               <<< entity handle
330             <<< block record handle of owner layout
0               <<< layer
6               <<< color
AcDbSubDMesh    <<< subclass marker
2               <<< version
1               <<< blend crease, 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
0               <<< subdivision level is 0
8               <<< vertex count, 8 cube corners
10              <<< 1. vertex, x-axis
20              <<< y-axis
30              <<< z-axis
10              <<< 2. vertex
10              <<< 3. vertex
10              <<< 4. vertex
10              <<< 5. vertex
10              <<< 6. vertex
10              <<< 7. vertex
10              <<< 8. vertex
93              <<< size of face list
30              <<< size  = count of group code 90 tags = 6 x 5
90              <<< vertex count of face 1
4               <<< MESH supports ngons, count = 3, 4, 5, 6 ...
0       <<< face 1, index of 1. vertex
3       <<< face 1, index of 2. vertex
2       <<< face 1, index of 3. vertex
1       <<< face 1, index of 4. vertex
4               <<< vertex count of face 2
4       <<< face 2, index of 1. vertex
5       <<< face 2, index of 2. vertex
6       <<< face 2, index of 3. vertex
7       <<< face 2, index of 4. vertex
4               <<< vertex count of face 3
0       <<< face 3, index of 1. vertex
1       <<< face 3, index of 2. vertex
5       <<< face 3, index of 3. vertex
4       <<< face 3, index of 4. vertex
4               <<< vertex count of face 4
1       <<< face 4, index of 1. vertex
2       <<< face 4, index of 2. vertex
6       <<< face 4, index of 3. vertex
5       <<< face 4, index of 4. vertex
4               <<< vertex count of face 5
3       <<< face 5, index of 1. vertex
7       <<< face 5, index of 2. vertex
6       <<< face 5, index of 3. vertex
2       <<< face 5, index of 4. vertex
4               <<< vertex count of face 6
0       <<< face 6, index of 1. vertex
4       <<< face 6, index of 2. vertex
7       <<< face 6, index of 3. vertex
3       <<< face 6, index of 4. vertex
94              <<< edge count, each edge has exact two group code 90 tags
4               <<< the real edge count not the group code 90 tags!
0       <<< edge 1, vertex 1
1       <<< edge 1, vertex 1
1       <<< edge 2, vertex 1
2       <<< edge 2, vertex 2
2       <<< edge 3, vertex 1
3       <<< edge 3, vertex 2
3       <<< edge 4, vertex 1
0       <<< edge 4, vertex 2
95              <<< edge crease count, has to match edge count!
3.0     <<< crease value for edge 1
3.0     <<< crease value for edge 2
3.0     <<< crease value for edge 3
3.0     <<< crease value for edge 4
90              <<< property overwrite???

The edge and crease data have only a meaning if subdivision of the geometry will be applied! A crease value equal to the subdivision level prevents subdividing for the edge completely, a value between 0.0 and the subdivision level applies subdivision partially.

The cube with subdivision level of 3 and crease values of 3.0: [image]

Front view for better details: [image]

The cube with subdivision levels of 3 and crease values of 2.0: [image]

The cube with subdivision level of 3 and crease values of 1.0: [image]

The property overriding protocol is not documented in the DXF reference and currently I have no access to a CAD application which can created property overriding.

The MULTILEADER leader is a very complex entity and has also some weird and unique properties.

MULTILEADER has the alias name MLEADER which is accepted by any reliable CAD application, but all of them create the entity as MULTILEADER
uses raw color values to define colors
creates a complex context data structures beyond simple tags inside the subclass AcDbMLeader


  • ezdxf.entities.MultiLeader
  • ezdxf.entities.MLeaderStyle
  • ezdxf.render.MultiLeaderBuilder
  • Tutorial for MultiLeader
  • DXF Reference: MLEADER

Example for ezdxf.entities.MLeaderContext created by BricsCAD:

300 <str> CONTEXT_DATA{
40 <float> 1.0    <<< content scale
10 <point> (x, y, z)      <<< content base point
41 <float> 4.0    <<< text height
140 <float> 4.0   <<< arrowhead size
145 <float> 2.0   <<< landing gap size
174 <int> 1       <<< doc missing
175 <int> 1       <<< doc missing
176 <int> 0       <<< doc missing
177 <int> 0       <<< doc missing
290 <int> 1       <<< has_mtext_content
<<< START MText Content tags:
304 <str> MTEXT content string
11 <point> (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)    <<< extrusion vector
340 <hex> #A0                 <<< text style as handle
12 <point> (x, y, z)          <<< text location
13 <point> (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)    <<< text direction
42 <float> 0.0        <<< text rotation
43 <float> 0.0        <<< text width
44 <float> 0.0        <<< text height
45 <float> 1.0        <<< text line space factor
170 <int> 1           <<< text line space style
90 <int> -1056964608  <<< text color (raw value)
171 <int> 1           <<< text attachment
172 <int> 1           <<< text flow direction
91 <int> -939524096   <<< text background color (raw value)
141 <float> 1.5       <<< text background scale factor
92 <int> 0            <<< text background transparency
291 <int> 0           <<< has_text_bg_color
292 <int> 0           <<< has_text_bg_fill
173 <int> 0           <<< text column type
293 <int> 0           <<< use text auto height
142 <float> 0.0       <<< text column width
143 <float> 0.0       <<< text column gutter width
294 <int> 0           <<< text column flow reversed
144 <float> missing   <<< text column height (optional?)
295 <int> 0           <<< text use word break
<<< END MText Content tags:
296 <int> 0       <<< has_block_content
<<< START Block content tags
<<< END Block content tags
110 <point> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane origin point
111 <point> (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane x-axis direction
112 <point> (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane y-axis direction
297 <int> 0                       <<< MLEADER normal reversed
302 <str> LEADER{
303 <str> }
302 <str> LEADER{
303 <str> }
272 <int> 9       <<< doc missing
273 <int> 9       <<< doc missing
301 <str> }
<<< BricsCAD example for block content:
300 <str> CONTEXT_DATA{
40 <float> 1.0
10 <point> (x, y, z)
41 <float> 4.0
140 <float> 4.0
145 <float> 2.0
174 <int> 1
175 <int> 1
176 <int> 0
177 <int> 0
290 <int> 0       <<< has_mtext_content
296 <int> 1       <<< has_block_content
<<< START Block content tags
341 <hex> #94                 <<< dxf.block_record_handle
14 <point> (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)    <<< Block extrusion vector
15 <point> (x, y, z)          <<< Block location
16 <point> (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)    <<< Block scale vector, the x-, y- and z-axis scaling factors
46 <float> 0.0                <<< Block rotation in radians!
93 <int> -1056964608          <<< Block color (raw value)
47 <float> 1.0                <<< start of transformation matrix (16x47)
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 18.427396871473
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 1.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.702618780008
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 1.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 0.0
47 <float> 1.0                <<< end of transformation matrix
<<< END Block content tags
110 <point> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane origin point
111 <point> (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane x-axis direction
112 <point> (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)       <<< MLEADER plane y-axis direction
297 <int> 0                       <<< MLEADER normal reversed
302 <str> LEADER{
303 <str> }
272 <int> 9
273 <int> 9
301 <str> }
<<< Attribute content and other redundant block data is stored in the AcDbMLeader
<<< subclass:
100 <ctrl> AcDbMLeader
270 <int> 2                   <<< dxf.version
300 <str> CONTEXT_DATA{       <<< start context data
301 <str> }                   <<< end context data
340 <hex> #6D                 <<< dxf.style_handle
90 <int> 6816768              <<< dxf.property_override_flags
...                           <<< property overrides
292 <int> 0                   <<< dxf.has_frame_text
<<< mostly redundant block data:
344 <hex> #94                 <<< dxf.block_record_handle
93 <int> -1056964608          <<< dxf.block_color (raw value)
10 <point> (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)    <<< dxf.block_scale_vector
43 <float> 0.0                <<< dxf.block_rotation in radians!
176 <int> 0                   <<< dxf.block_connection_type
293 <int> 0                   <<< dxf.is_annotative
<<< REPEAT: (optional)
94 <int>                      <<< arrow head index?
345 <hex>                     <<< arrow head handle
<<< REPEAT: (optional)
330 <hex> #A3                 <<< ATTDEF handle
177 <int> 1                   <<< ATTDEF index
44 <float> 0.0                <<< ATTDEF width
302 <str> B                   <<< ATTDEF text (reused group code)
...  common group codes 294, 178, 179, ...

The MTEXT entity stores multiline text in a single entity and was introduced in DXF version R13/R14. For more information about the top level stuff go to the MText class.


  • DXF Reference: MTEXT
  • ezdxf.entities.MText class

The MTEXT entity does not establish an OCS. The entity has a text_direction attribute, which defines the local x-axis, the extrusion attribute defines the normal vector and the y-axis = extrusion cross x-axis.

The MTEXT entity can have also a rotation attribute (in degrees), the x-axis attribute has higher priority than the rotation attribute, but it is not clear how to convert the rotation attribute into a text_direction vector, but for most common cases, where only the rotation attribute is present, the extrusion is most likely the WCS z-axis and the rotation is the direction in the xy-plane.

The content text is divided across multiple tags of group code 3 and 1, the last line has the group code 1, each line can have a maximum line length of 255 bytes, but BricsCAD (and AutoCAD?) store only 249 bytes in single line and one byte is not always one char.

The text formatting is done by inline codes, see the MText class.

Information gathered by implementing the MTextEditor and the MTextParser classes:

  • “^I” tabulator
  • “^J” (LF) is a valid line break like “\P”
  • “^M” (CR) is ignored
  • other characters render as empty square “▯”
  • a space ” ” after the caret renders the caret glyph: “1^ 2” renders “1^2”

  • “%%c” and “%%C” renders “Ø” (alt-0216)
  • “%%d” and “%%D” renders “°” (alt-0176)
  • “%%p” and “%%P” renders “±” (alt-0177)

  • the terminator symbol “;” is optional
  • the arguments “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9” and “-” default to 0
  • other characters terminate the command and will be printed: “\AX”, renders “X”

ACI color command “\C”: int argument is expected
  • the terminator symbol “;” is optional
  • a leading “-” or “+” terminates the command, “\C+5” renders “\C+5”
  • arguments > 255, are ignored but consumed “\C1000” renders nothing, not even a “0”
  • a trailing “;” after integers is always consumed, even for much to big values, “\C10000;” renders nothing

  • the terminator symbol “;” is optional
  • a leading “-” or “+” terminates the command, “\c+255” renders “\c+255”
  • arguments >= 16777216 are masked by: value & 0xFFFFFF
  • a trailing “;” after integers is always consumed, even for much to big values, “\c9999999999;” renders nothing and switches the color to yellow (255, 227, 11)

  • the terminator symbol “;” is optional
  • a leading “-” is valid, but negative values are ignored
  • a leading “+” is valid
  • a leading “.” is valid like “\H.5x” for height factor 0.5
  • exponential format is valid like “\H1e2” for height factor 100 and “\H1e-2” for 0.01
  • an invalid floating point value terminates the command, “\H1..5” renders “\H1..5”

  • Width commands “\W” and “\W…x”
  • Character tracking commands “\T” and “\T…x”, negative values are used
  • Slanting (oblique) command “\Q”

  • build fractions: “numerator (upr)” + “stacking type char (t)” + “denominator (lwr)” + “;”
  • divider chars: “^”, “/” or “#”
  • a space ” ” after the divider char “^” is mandatory to avoid caret decoding: “\S1^ 2;”
  • the terminator symbol “;” is mandatory to end the command, all chars beyond the “\S” until the next “;” or the end of the string are part of the fraction
  • backslash escape “\;” to render the terminator char
  • a space ” ” after the divider chars “/” and “#” is rendered as space ” ” in front of the denominator
  • the numerator and denominator can contain spaces
  • backslashes “\” inside the stacking command are ignored (except “\;”) “\S\N^ \P” render “N” over “P”, therefore property changes (color, text height, …) are not possible inside the stacking command
  • grouping chars “{” and “}” render as simple curly braces
  • caret encoded chars are decoded “^I”, “^J”, “^M”, but render as a simple space ” ” or as the replacement char “▯” plus a space
  • a divider char after the first divider char, renders as the char itself: “\S1/2/3” renders the horizontal fraction “1” / “2/3”

  • the terminator symbol “;” is mandatory to end the command, all chars beyond the “\f” until the next “;” or the end of the string are part of the command
  • the command arguments are separated by the pipe char “|”
  • arguments: “font family name” | “bold” | “italic” | “codepage” | “pitch”; example “\fArial|b0|i0|c0|p0;”
  • only the “font family name” argument is required, fonts which are not available on the system are replaced by the “TXT.SHX” shape font
  • the “font family name” is the font name shown in font selection widgets in desktop applications
  • “b1” to use the bold font style, any other second char is interpreted as “non bold”
  • “i1” to use an italic font style, any other second char is interpreted as “non italic”
  • “c???” change codepage, “c0” use the default codepage, because of the age of unicode no further investigations, also seems to be ignored by AutoCAD and BricsCAD
  • “p???” change pitch size, “p0” means don’t change, ignored by AutoCAD and BricsCAD, to change the text height use the “\H” command
  • the order is not important, but export always in the shown order: “\fArial|b0|i0;” the arguments “c0” and “p0” are not required

  • the terminator symbol “;” is mandatory to end the command, all chars beyond the “\p” until the next “;” or the end of the string are part of the command
  • the command arguments are separated by commas “,”
  • all values are factors for the initial char height of the MTEXT entity, example: char height = 2.5, “\pl1;” set the left paragraph indentation to 1 x 2.5 = 2.5 drawing units.
  • all values are floating point values, see height command
  • arguments are “i”, “l”, “r”, “q”, “t”
  • a “*” as argument value, resets the argument to the initial value: “i0”, “l0”, “r0”, the “q” argument most likely depends on the text direction; I haven’t seen “t*”. The sequence used by BricsCAD to reset all values is "\pi*,l*,r*,q*,t;"
  • “i” indentation of the first line relative to the “l” argument as floating point value, “\pi1.5”
  • “l” left paragraph indentation as floating point value, “\pl1.5”
  • “r” right paragraph indentation as floating point value, “\pr1.5”
  • “x” is required if a “q” or a “t” argument is present, the placement of the “x” has no obvious rules
  • “q” paragraph alignment
  • “ql” left paragraph alignment
  • “qr” right paragraph alignment
  • “qc” center paragraph alignment
  • “qj” justified paragraph alignment
  • “qd” distributed paragraph alignment

“t” tabulator stops as comma separated list, the default tabulator stops are located at 4, 8, 12, …, by defining at least one tabulator stop, the default tabulator stops will be ignored. There 3 kind of tabulator stops: left, right and center adjusted stops, e.g. “pxt1,r5,c8”:
  • a left adjusted stop has no leading char, two left adjusted stops “\pxt1,2;”
  • a right adjusted stop has a preceding “r” char, “\pxtr1,r2;”
  • a center adjusted stop has a preceding “c” char, “\pxtc1,c2;”

complex example to create a numbered list with two items: "pxi-3,l4t4;1.^Ifirst item\P2.^Isecond item"

  • a parser should be very flexible, I have seen several different orders of the arguments and placing the sometimes required “x” has no obvious rules.
  • exporting seems to be safe to follow these three rules:
the command starts with “\px”, the “x” does no harm, if not required
argument order “i”, “l”, “r”, “q”, “t”, any of the arguments can be left off
terminate the command with a “;”

There is no reliable way to calculate the MTEXT height from the existing DXF attributes. The rect_height (group code 43) attribute is not required and seldom present. DXF R2007 introduced the defined_height attribute to store the defined column height of the MTEXT entity but only in column mode. MTEXT entities without columns, except MTEXT entities created with column type “No Columns”, store always 0.0 as defined column height. Which seems to mean: defined by the rendered text content.

The only way to calculate the MTEXT height is to replicate the rendering results of AutoCAD/BricsCAD by implementing a rendering engine for MTEXT.

In column mode the MTEXT height is stored for every column for DXF version before R2018. In DXF R2018+ the column heights are only stored if MTextColumns.auto_height is False. If MTextColumns.auto_height is True. But DXF R2018+ stores the MTEXT total width and height in explicit attributes.

The situation for width calculation is better than for the height calculation, but the attributes width and rect_width are not mandatory.

There is a difference between MTEXT entities with and without columns:

Without columns the attribute width (reference column width) contains the true entity width if present. A long word can overshoot this width! The rect_width attribute is seldom present.

For MTEXT with columns, the width attribute is maybe wrong, the correct width for a column is stored in the column_width attribute and the total_width attribute stores the total width of the MTEXT entity overall columns, see also following section “Column Support”.

Background Filling

The background fill support is available for DXF R2007+. The group code 90 defines the kind of background fill:

0 off
1 color defined by group code 63, 421 or 431
2 drawing window color
3 background (canvas) color
16 bit-flag text frame, see Open Design Alliance Specification 20.4.46

Group codes to define background fill attributes:

45 scaling factor for the border around the text, the value should be in the range of [1, 5], where 1 fits exact the MText entity
63 set the background color by ACI.
421 set the background color as true color value.
431 set the background color by color name - no idea how this works
441 set the transparency of the background fill, not supported by AutoCAD or BricsCAD.

Group codes 45, 90 and 63 are required together if one of them is used. The group code 421 and 431 also requires the group code 63, even this value is ignored.

... <snip>
1 <str> eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto ...
73 <int> 1
44 <float> 1.0
90 <int> 1, b00000001   <<< use a color
63 <int> 1              <<< ACI color (red)
45 <float> 1.5          <<< bg scaling factor, relative to the char height
441 <int> 0             <<< ignored (optional)
... <snip>


The background scaling does not alter the width, column_width or total_width attributes. The background acquires additional space around the MTEXT entity.

Columns with background color: [image]

The MTEXT entity can have a text frame only, without a background filling, group code 90 has value 16. In this case all other background related tags are removed (45, 63, 421, 431, 441) and the scaling factor is 1.5 by default.

This XDATA exist only if the text frame flag in group code 90 is set and for DXF version < R2018!

...  <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 80       <<< group code for repeated flags
1070 <int> 16       <<< repeated group code 90?
1070 <int> 46       <<< group code for scaling factor, which is fixed?
1040 <float> 1.5    <<< scaling factor
1070 <int> 81       <<< group code for repeated flow direction?
1070 <int> 1        <<< flow direction?
1070 <int> 5        <<< group code for a handle, multiple entries possible
1005 <hex> #A8      <<< handle to the LWPOLYLINE text frame
1070 <int> 5        <<< group code for next handle
1005 <hex> #A9      <<< next handle

The newer versions of AutoCAD and BricsCAD get all the information they need from the MTEXT entity, but it seems that older versions could not handle the text frame property correct. Therefore AutoCAD and BricsCAD create a separated LWPOLYLINE entity for the text frame for DXF versions < R2018. The handle to this text frame entity is stored in the XDATA as group code 1005, see section above.

Because this LWPOLYLINE is not required ezdxf does not create such a text frame entity nor the associated XDATA and ezdxf also removes this data from loaded DXF files at the second loading stage.

CAD applications build multiple columns by linking 2 or more MTEXT entities together. In this case each column is a self-sufficient entity in DXF version R13 until R2013. The additional columns specifications are stored in the XDATA if the MTEXT which represents the first column.

DXF R2018 changed the implementation into a single MTEXT entity which contains all the content text at once and stores the column specification in an embedded object.


The width attribute for the linked MTEXT entities could be wrong. Always use the column_width and the total_width attributes in column mode.

There are two column types, the static type has the same column height for all columns, the dynamic type can have the same (auto) height or an individual height for each column.

Common facts about columns for all column types:

  • all columns have the same column width
  • all columns have the same gutter width
  • the top of the column are at the same height

The column type defines how a CAD application should create the columns, this is not important for the file format, because the result of this calculation, the column count and the column height, is stored the DXF file.

Column Type in BricsCAD Description
Static All columns have the same height. The “auto height” flag is 0.
Dynamic (auto height) Same as the static type, all columns have the same height. The “auto height” flag is 1. The difference to the static type is only important for interactive CAD applications.
Dynamic (manual height) same as the dynamic (auto height) type, but each column can have an individual height.
No column A regular MTEXT with “defined column height” attribute?
Column Type Defined Height Auto Height Column Heights
Static stored False not stored
Dynamic auto stored True not stored
Dynamic manual not stored False stored (last=0)

For DXF versions < R2018 the column count is always given by the count of linked MTEXT columns. Caution: the column count stored in the XDATA section by group code 76 may not match the count of linked MTEXT entities and AutoCAD is OK with that! In DXF R2018+ this property is not available, because there are no linked MTEXT entities anymore.

R2018+: For the column types “static” and “dynamic manual” the correct column count is stored as group code 72. For the column type “dynamic auto” the stored column count is 0. It is possible to calculate the column count from the total width and the column width if the total width is correct like in AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

Example for a static column specification:

  • Column Type: Static
  • Number of Columns: 3
  • Height: 150.0, manual entered value and all columns have the same height
  • Width: 50.0
  • Gutter Width: 12.5


The column height is stored as the “defined column height” in XDATA (46) or the embedded object (41).

DXF R2000 example with a static column specification stored in XDATA:

5           <<< entity handle
330         <<< block record handle of owner layout
8           <<< layer
100         <<< begin of MTEXT specific data
10          <<< (10, 20, 30) insert location in WCS
40          <<< character height in drawing units
41          <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
62.694...   <<< in column mode: the real column is defined in XDATA (48)
71          <<< attachment point
72          <<< text flow direction
3           <<< begin of text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam ...
kimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ...
ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ...
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd ...
ore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio ...
1           <<< last text line and end of text
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
73          <<< line spacing style
44          <<< line spacing factor
1001        <<< AppID "ACAD" contains the column specification
75          <<< group code column type
1           <<< column type: 0=no column; 1=static columns; 2=dynamic columns
79          <<< group code column auto height
0           <<< flag column auto height
76          <<< group code column count
3           <<< column count
78          <<< group code column flow reversed
0           <<< flag column flow reversed
48          <<< group code column width
50.0        <<< column width in column mode
49          <<< group code column gutter
12.5        <<< column gutter width
1000        <<< linked MTEXT entities specification
47          <<< group code for column count, incl. the 1st column - this entity
3           <<< column count
1B4         <<< handle to 2nd column as MTEXT entity
1B5         <<< handle to 3rd column as MTEXT entity
46          <<< group code for defined column height
150.0       <<< defined column height

The linked column MTEXT #1B4 in a compressed representation:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (348.417876152751, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0        <<< invalid reference column width
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 46           <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 150.0

The linked MTEXT has no column specification except the “defined column height” in the XDATA. The reference column width is not the real value of 50.0, see XDATA group code 48 in the main MTEXT #9D, instead the total width of 175.0 is stored at group code 41. This is problem if a renderer try to render this MTEXT as a standalone entity. The renderer has to fit the content into the column width by itself and without the correct column width, this will produce an incorrect result.

There exist no back link to the main MTEXT #9D. The linked MTEXT entities appear after the main MTEXT in the layout space, but there can be other entities located between these linked MTEXT entities.

The linked column MTEXT #1B5:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
5 <hex> #1B5
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (410.917876152751, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0        <<< invalid reference column width
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 46           <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 150.0

The MTEXT entity in DXF R2018 contains all column information in a single entity. The text content of all three columns are stored in a continuous text string, the separation into columns has to be done by the renderer. The manual column break \N is not used to indicate automatic column breaks. The MTEXT renderer has to replicate the AutoCAD/BricsCAD rendering as exact as possible to achieve the same results, which is very hard without rendering guidelines or specifications.

The example from above in DXF R2018 with a static column specification stored in an embedded object:

5           <<< entity handle
330         <<< block record handle of owner layout
8           <<< layer
10          <<< (10, 20, 30) insert location in WCS
40          <<< character height in drawing units
41          <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
46          <<< defined column height
71          <<< attachment point
72          <<< text flow direction
3           <<< text content of all three columns
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam n...
imata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
a rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lor...
vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita ka...
eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio s...
od tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.   \P\PU...
e velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla ...
obis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim pl...
m ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit ...
lisis.   \P\PAt vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebu...
t labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero ...
litr, At accusam aliquyam diam diam dolore dolores duo eirmod eos e...
ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur
73          <<< line spacing style
44          <<< line spacing factor
101         <<< column specification as embedded object
Embedded Object
70          <<< ???
10          <<< (10, 20, 30) text direction vector (local x-axis)
11          <<< (11, 21, 31) repeated insert location of AcDbMText
40          <<< repeated reference column width
41          <<< repeated defined column height
42          <<< extents (total) width
43          <<< extents (total) height, max. height if different column heights
71          <<< column type: 0=no column; 1=static columns; 2=dynamic columns
72          <<< column height count
44          <<< column width
45          <<< column gutter width
73          <<< flag column auto height
74          <<< flag reversed column flow

Example for a dynamic column specification:

  • Column Type: Dynamic
  • Number of Columns: 3
  • Height: 158.189… adjusted by widget and all columns have the same height
  • Width: 50.0
  • Gutter Width: 12.5

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
5 <hex> #A2                 <<< entity handle
... <snip>
330 <hex> #1F               <<< block record handle of owner layout
100 <ctrl> AcDbEntity
8 <str> 0                   <<< layer
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-133.714579865783, 276.101821192053, 0.0)   <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5              <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 62.694536423841  <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
71 <int> 1                  <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1                  <<< flag text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed dia...
... <snip>
73 <int> 1                  <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0              <<< line spacing factor
1001 <ctrl> AcadAnnotative
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 75               <<< column type: 2=dynamic columns
1070 <int> 2
1070 <int> 79               <<< flag column auto height
1070 <int> 1
1070 <int> 76               <<< column count
1070 <int> 3
1070 <int> 78               <<< flag column flow reversed
1070 <int> 0
1070 <int> 48               <<< column width in column mode
1040 <float> 50.0
1070 <int> 49               <<< column gutter width
1040 <float> 12.5
1070 <int> 47               <<< column count
1070 <int> 3
1005 <hex> #1B6             <<< handle to 2. column as MTEXT entity
1005 <hex> #1B7             <<< handle to 3. column as MTEXT entity
1070 <int> 46               <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 158.189308131867

The linked column MTEXT #1B6:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-71.214579865783, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0    <<< invalid column width
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 46       <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 158.189308131867

The linked column MTEXT #1B7:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-8.714579865783, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0    <<< invalid column width
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 46       <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 158.189308131867

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
5 <hex> #A2                     <<< entity handle
360 <hex> #A3
102 <ctrl> }
330 <hex> #1F                   <<< block record handle of owner layout
100 <ctrl> AcDbEntity
8 <str> 0                       <<< layer
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-133.714579865783, 276.101821192053, 0.0)   <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5                  <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 62.694536423841      <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
46 <float> 158.189308131867     <<< defined column height
71 <int> 1                      <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1                      <<< text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam...
... <snip> text content of all three columns
73 <int> 1                      <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0                  <<< line spacing factor
101 <ctrl> Embedded Object
70 <int> 1, b00000001           <<< ???
10 <point> (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)      <<< text direction vector (local x-axis)
11 <point> (-133.714579865783, 276.101821192053, 0.0)   <<< repeated insert location
40 <float> 62.694536423841      <<< repeated reference column width
41 <float> 158.189308131867     <<< repeated defined column height
42 <float> 175.0                <<< extents (total) width
43 <float> 158.189308131867     <<< extents (total) height, max. height if different column heights
71 <int> 2                      <<< column type: 2=dynamic columns
72 <int> 0                      <<< column height count
44 <float> 50.0                 <<< column width
45 <float> 12.5                 <<< column gutter width
73 <int> 1                      <<< flag column auto height
74 <int> 0                      <<< flag reversed column flow
1001 <ctrl> AcadAnnotative
1000 <str> AnnotativeData
1002 <str> {
1070 <int> 1
1070 <int> 0
1002 <str> }

Example for a dynamic column specification with manual height definition for three columns with different column heights. None of the (linked) MTEXT entities does contain XDATA for the defined column height.


If “content type” is 2 and flag “column auto height” is 0, no defined height in XDATA.

  • Column Type: Dynamic
  • Number of Columns: 3
  • Height: 164.802450331126, max. column height
  • Width: 50.0
  • Gutter Width: 12.5


0 <ctrl> MTEXT
5 <hex> #9C                     <<< entity handle
330 <hex> #1F                   <<< block record handle of owner layout
100 <ctrl> AcDbEntity
8 <str> 0                       <<< layer
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (69.806121185863, 276.101821192053, 0.0)     <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5                  <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 62.694536423841      <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
71 <int> 1                      <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1                      <<< flag text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, ...
... <snip>
73 <int> 1                      <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0                  <<< line spacing factor
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 75                   <<< column type: 2=dynamic columns
1070 <int> 2
1070 <int> 79                   <<< flag column auto height
1070 <int> 0
1070 <int> 76                   <<< column count
1070 <int> 3
1070 <int> 78                   <<< flag column flow reversed
1070 <int> 0
1070 <int> 48                   <<< column width in column mode
1040 <float> 50.0
1070 <int> 49                   <<< column gutter width
1040 <float> 12.5
1070 <int> 50                   <<< column height count
1070 <int> 3
1040 <float> 164.802450331126   <<< column height 1. column
1040 <float> 154.311699779249   <<< column height 2. column
1040 <float> 0.0                <<< column height 3. column, takes the rest?
1070 <int> 47                   <<< column count
1070 <int> 3
1005 <hex> #1B2                 <<< handle to 2. column as MTEXT entity
1005 <hex> #1B3                 <<< handle to 3. column as MTEXT entity

The linked column MTEXT #1B2:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (132.306121185863, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0            <<< invalid reference column width
... <snip>
73 <int> 1
44 <float> 1.0

The linked column MTEXT #1B3:

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (194.806121185863, 276.101821192053, 0.0)
40 <float> 2.5
41 <float> 175.0            <<< invalid reference column width
... <snip>
73 <int> 1
44 <float> 1.0


If “content type” is 2 and flag “column auto height” is 0, the “defined column height” is 0.0.

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
5 <hex> #9C                     <<< entity handle
330 <hex> #1F
100 <ctrl> AcDbEntity
8 <str> 0                       <<< block record handle of owner layout
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (69.806121185863, 276.101821192053, 0.0)     <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5                  <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 62.694536423841      <<< reference column width, if not in column mode
46 <float> 0.0                  <<< defined column height
71 <int> 1                      <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1                      <<< text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam...
... <snip> text content of all three columns
73 <int> 1                      <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0                  <<< line spacing factor
101 <ctrl> Embedded Object
70 <int> 1, b00000001           <<< ???
10 <point> (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)      <<< text direction vector (local x-axis)
11 <point> (69.806121185863, 276.101821192053, 0.0)     <<< repeated insert location
40 <float> 62.694536423841      <<< repeated reference column width
41 <float> 0.0                  <<< repeated defined column height
42 <float> 175.0                <<< extents (total) width
43 <float> 164.802450331126     <<< extents (total) height, max. height if different column heights
71 <int> 2                      <<< column type: 2=dynamic columns
72 <int> 3                      <<< column height count
44 <float> 50.0                 <<< column width
45 <float> 12.5                 <<< column gutter width
73 <int> 0                      <<< flag column auto height
74 <int> 0                      <<< flag reversed column flow
46 <float> 164.802450331126     <<< column height 1. column
46 <float> 154.311699779249     <<< column height 2. column
46 <float> 0.0                  <<< column height 3. column, takes the rest?

I have no idea why this column type exist, but at least provides a reliable value for the MTEXT height by the “defined column height” attribute. The column type is not stored in the MTEXT entity and is therefore not detectable!

  • Column Type: No columns
  • Number of Columns: 1
  • Height: 158.189308131867, defined column height
  • Width: 175.0, reference column width

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-344.497343455795, 276.101821192053, 0.0)   <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5          <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 175.0        <<< reference column width
71 <int> 1              <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1              <<< flag text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam...
... <snip> text content of all three columns
73 <int> 1              <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0          <<< line spacing factor
... <snip>
1001 <ctrl> ACAD
1070 <int> 46           <<< defined column height
1040 <float> 158.189308131867

Does not contain an embedded object.

0 <ctrl> MTEXT
... <snip>
100 <ctrl> AcDbMText
10 <point> (-334.691900433414, 276.101821192053, 0.0)   <<< insert location in WCS
40 <float> 2.5                  <<< character height in drawing units
41 <float> 175.0                <<< reference column width
46 <float> 158.189308131867     <<< defined column height
71 <int> 1                      <<< attachment point
72 <int> 1                      <<< flag text flow direction
3 <str> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, ...
... <snip>
73 <int> 1                      <<< line spacing style
44 <float> 1.0                  <<< line spacing factor
1001 <ctrl> AcadAnnotative
... <snip>

DXF Objects


A BLOCK is a layout like the modelspace or a paperspace layout, with the similarity that all these layouts are containers for graphical DXF entities. This block definition can be referenced in other layouts by the INSERT entity. By using block references, the same set of graphical entities can be located multiple times at different layouts, this block references can be stretched and rotated without modifying the original entities. A block is referenced only by its name defined by the DXF tag (2, name), there is a second DXF tag (3, name2) for the block name, which is not further documented by Autodesk, just ignore it.

The (10, base_point) tag (in BLOCK defines a insertion point of the block, by ‘inserting’ a block by the INSERT entity, this point of the block is placed at the location defined by the (10, insert) tag in the INSERT entity, and it is also the base point for stretching and rotation.

A block definition can contain INSERT entities, and it is possible to create cyclic block definitions (a BLOCK contains a INSERT of itself), but this should be avoided, CAD applications will not load the DXF file at all or maybe just crash. This is also the case for all other kinds of cyclic definitions like: BLOCK “A” -> INSERT BLOCK “B” and BLOCK “B” -> INSERT BLOCK “A”.


  • ezdxf DXF Internals: BLOCKS Section
  • DXF Reference: BLOCKS Section
  • DXF Reference: BLOCK Entity
  • DXF Reference: ENDBLK Entity
  • DXF Reference: INSERT Entity

Block names has to be unique and they are case insensitive (“Test” == “TEST”). If there are two or more block definitions with the same name, AutoCAD merges these blocks into a single block with unpredictable properties of all these blocks. In my test with two blocks, the final block has the name of the first block and the base-point of the second block, and contains all entities of both blocks.

In DXF R12 the definition of a block is located in the BLOCKS section, no additional structures are needed. The definition starts with a BLOCK entity and ends with a ENDBLK entity. All entities between this two entities are the content of the block, the block is the owner of this entities like any layout.

As shown in the DXF file below (created by AutoCAD LT 2018), the BLOCK entity has no handle, but ezdxf writes also handles for the BLOCK entity and AutoCAD doesn’t complain.

DXF R12 BLOCKS structure:

0           <<< start of a SECTION
2           <<< start of BLOCKS section
...         <<< modelspace and paperspace block definitions not shown,
...         <<< see layout management
0           <<< start of a BLOCK definition
8           <<< layer
2           <<< block name
70          <<< flags
10          <<< base point, x
20          <<< base point, y
30          <<< base point, z
3           <<< second BLOCK name, same as (2, name)
1           <<< xref name, if block is an external reference

<<< empty string! 0 <<< start of the first entity of the BLOCK LINE 5 28E 8 0 62 0 10 500.0 20 500.0 30 0.0 11 500.0 21 511.0 31 0.0 0 <<< start of the second entity of the BLOCK LINE ... 0.0 0 <<< ENDBLK entity, marks the end of the BLOCK definition ENDBLK 5 <<< ENDBLK gets a handle by AutoCAD, but BLOCK didn't 2F2 8 <<< as every entity, also ENDBLK requires a layer (same as BLOCK entity!) 0 0 <<< start of next BLOCK entity BLOCK ... 0 <<< end BLOCK entity ENDBLK 0 <<< end of BLOCKS section ENDSEC

The overall organization in the BLOCKS sections remains the same, but additional tags in the BLOCK entity, have to be maintained.

Especially the concept of ownership is important. Since DXF R13 every graphic entity is associated to a specific layout and a BLOCK definition is also a layout. So all entities in the BLOCK definition, including the BLOCK and the ENDBLK entities, have an owner tag (330, ...), which points to a BLOCK_RECORD entry in the BLOCK_RECORD table. This BLOCK_RECORD is the main management structure for all layouts and is the real owner of the layout entities.

As you can see in the chapter about Layout Management Structures, this concept is also valid for modelspace and paperspace layouts, because these layouts are also BLOCKS, with the special difference, that the entities of the modelspace and the active paperspace layout are stored in the ENTITIES section. [image]


  • DXF R13 and later tag structure
  • ezdxf DXF Internals: TABLES Section
  • DXF Reference: TABLES Section
  • DXF Reference: BLOCK_RECORD Entity

DXF R13 BLOCKS structure:

0           <<< start of a SECTION
2           <<< start of BLOCKS section
...         <<< modelspace and paperspace block definitions not shown,
...         <<< see layout management
0           <<< start of BLOCK definition
5           <<< even BLOCK gets a handle now ;)
330         <<< owner tag, the owner of a BLOCK is a BLOCK_RECORD in the
...         BLOCK_RECORD table
100         <<< subclass marker
8           <<< layer of the BLOCK definition
100         <<< subclass marker
2           <<< BLOCK name
70          <<< flags
10          <<< base point, x
20          <<< base point, y
30          <<< base point, z
3           <<< second BLOCK name, same as (2, name)
1           <<< xref name, if block is an external reference

<<< empty string! 0 <<< start of the first entity of the BLOCK LWPOLYLINE 5 239 330 <<< owner tag of LWPOLYLINE 238 <<< handle of the BLOCK_RECORD! 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 6 ByBlock 62 0 100 AcDbPolyline 90 2 70 0 43 0.15 10 -0.5 20 -0.5 10 0.5 20 0.5 0 <<< ENDBLK entity, marks the end of the BLOCK definition ENDBLK 5 <<< handle 23B 330 <<< owner tag, same BLOCK_RECORD as for the BLOCK entity 238 100 <<< subclass marker AcDbEntity 8 <<< ENDBLK requires the same layer as the BLOCK entity! 0 100 <<< subclass marker AcDbBlockEnd 0 <<< start of the next BLOCK BLOCK ... 0 ENDBLK ... 0 <<< end of the BLOCKS section ENDSEC

DXF R13 BLOCK_RECORD structure:

0           <<< start of a SECTION
2           <<< start of TABLES section
0           <<< start of a TABLE
2           <<< start of the BLOCK_RECORD table
5           <<< handle of the table
330         <<< owner tag of the table
0           <<< is always #0
100         <<< subclass marker
70          <<< count of table entries, not reliable
0           <<< start of first BLOCK_RECORD entry
5           <<< handle of BLOCK_RECORD, in ezdxf often referred to as "layout key"
330         <<< owner of the BLOCK_RECORD is the BLOCK_RECORD table
100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
2           <<< name of the BLOCK or LAYOUT
340         <<< pointer to the associated LAYOUT object
70          <<< AC1021 (R2007) block insertion units
280         <<< AC1021 (R2007) block explodability
281         <<< AC1021 (R2007) block scalability
...         <<< paperspace not shown
0           <<< next BLOCK_RECORD
5           <<< handle of BLOCK_RECORD, in ezdxf often referred to as "layout key"
330         <<< owner of the BLOCK_RECORD is the BLOCK_RECORD table
100         <<< subclass marker
100         <<< subclass marker
2           <<< name of the BLOCK
340         <<< pointer to the associated LAYOUT object
0           <<< #0, because BLOCK doesn't have an associated LAYOUT object
70          <<< AC1021 (R2007) block insertion units
280         <<< AC1021 (R2007) block explodability
281         <<< AC1021 (R2007) block scalability
0           <<< end of BLOCK_RECORD table
0           <<< next TABLE
0           <<< end of TABLES section

Layouts are separated entity spaces, there are three different Layout types:

modelspace contains the ‘real’ world representation of the drawing subjects in real world units.
paperspace layouts are used to create different drawing sheets of the modelspace subjects for printing or PDF export
Blocks are reusable sets of graphical entities, inserted/referenced by the INSERT entity.

All layouts have at least a BLOCK definition in the BLOCKS section and since DXF R13 exist the BLOCK_RECORD table with an entry for every BLOCK in the BLOCKS section.


Information about Block Management Structures

The name of the modelspace BLOCK is “*Model_Space” (DXF R12: “$MODEL_SPACE”) and the name of the active paperspace BLOCK is “*Paper_Space” (DXF R12: “$PAPER_SPACE”), the entities of these two layouts are stored in the ENTITIES section, DXF R12 supports just one paperspace layout.

DXF R13+ supports multiple paperspace layouts, the active layout is still called “*Paper_Space”, the additional inactive paperspace layouts are named by the scheme “*Paper_Spacennnn”, where the first inactive paper space is called “*Paper_Space0”, the second “*Paper_Space1” and so on. A none consecutive numbering is tolerated by AutoCAD. The content of the inactive paperspace layouts are stored as BLOCK content in the BLOCKS section. These names are just the DXF internal layout names, each layout has an additional layout name which is displayed to the user by the CAD application.

A BLOCK definition and a BLOCK_RECORD is not enough for a proper layout setup, an LAYOUT entity in the OBJECTS section is also required. All LAYOUT entities are managed by a DICTIONARY entity, which is referenced as “ACAD_LAYOUT” entity in the root DICTIONARY of the DXF file.


All floating point values are rounded to 2 decimal places for better readability.

Since DXF R2000 modelspace and paperspace layouts require the DXF LAYOUT entity.

5       <<< handle
102     <<< extension dictionary (ignore)
102     <<< reactor (required?)
1A      <<< pointer to "ACAD_LAYOUT" DICTIONARY (layout management table)
330     <<< owner handle
1A      <<< pointer to "ACAD_LAYOUT" DICTIONARY (same as reactor pointer)
100     <<< PLOTSETTINGS
1       <<< page setup name
2       <<< name of system printer or plot configuration file
4       <<< paper size, part in braces should follow the schema
...     (width_x_height_unit) unit is 'Inches' or 'MM'
...     Letter\_(8.50_x_11.00_Inches)  the part in front of the braces is
...     ignored by AutoCAD
6       <<< plot view name
40      <<< size of unprintable margin on left side of paper in millimeters,
...     defines also the plot origin-x
41      <<< size of unprintable margin on bottom of paper in millimeters,
...     defines also the plot origin-y
42      <<< size of unprintable margin on right side of paper in millimeters
43      <<< size of unprintable margin on top of paper in millimeters
44      <<< plot paper size: physical paper width in millimeters
45      <<< plot paper size: physical paper height in millimeters
46      <<< X value of plot origin offset in millimeters, moves the plot origin-x
47      <<< Y value of plot origin offset in millimeters, moves the plot origin-y
48      <<< plot window area: X value of lower-left window corner
49      <<< plot window area: Y value of lower-left window corner
140     <<< plot window area: X value of upper-right window corner
141     <<< plot window area: Y value of upper-right window corner
142     <<< numerator of custom print scale: real world (paper) units, 1.0
...     for scale 1:50
143     <<< denominator of custom print scale: drawing units, 50.0
...     for scale 1:50
70      <<< plot layout flags, bit-coded (... too many options)
688     <<< b1010110000 = UseStandardScale(16)/PlotPlotStyle(32)
...     PrintLineweights(128)/DrawViewportsFirst(512)
72      <<< plot paper units (0/1/2 for inches/millimeters/pixels), are
...     pixels really supported?
73      <<< plot rotation (0/1/2/3 for 0deg/90deg counter-cw/upside-down/90deg cw)
1       <<< 90deg clockwise
74      <<< plot type 0-5 (... too many options)
5       <<< 5 = layout information
7       <<< current plot style name, e.g. 'acad.ctb' or 'acadlt.ctb'
75      <<< standard scale type 0-31 (... too many options)
16      <<< 16 = 1:1, also 16 if user scale type is used
147     <<< unit conversion factor
1.0     <<< for plot paper units in mm, else  0.03937... (1/25.4) for inches
...     as plot paper units
76      <<< shade plot mode (0/1/2/3 for as displayed/wireframe/hidden/rendered)
0       <<< as displayed
77      <<< shade plot resolution level 1-5 (... too many options)
2       <<< normal
78      <<< shade plot custom DPI: 100-32767, Only applied when shade plot
...     resolution level is set to 5 (Custom)
148     <<< paper image origin: X value
149     <<< paper image origin: Y value
100     <<< LAYOUT settings
1       <<< layout name
70      <<< flags bit-coded
1       <<< 1 = Indicates the PSLTSCALE value for this layout when this
...     layout is current
71      <<< Tab order ("Model" tab always appears as the first tab
...     regardless of its tab order)
10      <<< minimum limits for this layout (defined by LIMMIN while this
...     layout is current)
-0.25   <<<     x value, distance of the left paper margin from the plot
...     origin-x, in plot paper units and by scale (e.g. x50 for 1:50)
20      <<<     group code for y value
-0.25   <<<     y value, distance of the bottom paper margin from the plot
...     origin-y, in plot paper units and by scale (e.g. x50 for 1:50)
11      <<< maximum limits for this layout (defined by LIMMAX while this
...     layout is current)
10.75   <<<     x value, distance of the right paper margin from the plot
...     origin-x, in plot paper units and by scale (e.g. x50 for 1:50)
21      <<<     group code for y value
8.25    <<<     y value, distance of the top paper margin from the plot
...     origin-y, in plot paper units and by scale (e.g. x50 for 1:50)
12      <<< insertion base point for this layout (defined by INSBASE while
...     this layout is current)
0.0     <<<     x value
22      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
32      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
14      <<< minimum extents for this layout (defined by EXTMIN while this
...     layout is current), AutoCAD default is (1e20, 1e20, 1e20)
1.05    <<<     x value
24      <<<     group code for y value
0.80    <<<     y value
34      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
15      <<< maximum extents for this layout (defined by EXTMAX while this
...     layout is current), AutoCAD default is (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20)
9.45    <<<     x value
25      <<<     group code for y value
7.20    <<<     y value
35      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
146     <<< elevation ???
13      <<< UCS origin (3D Point)
0.0     <<<     x value
23      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
33      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
16      <<< UCS X-axis (3D vector)
1.0     <<<     x value
26      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
36      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
17      <<< UCS Y-axis (3D vector)
0.0     <<<     x value
27      <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value
37      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
76      <<< orthographic type of UCS 0-6 (... too many options)
0       <<< 0 = UCS is not orthographic ???
330     <<< ID/handle of required block table record
331     <<< ID/handle to the viewport that was last active in this layout
...     when the layout was current
1001    <<< extended data (ignore)

And as it seems this is also not enough for a well defined LAYOUT, at least a “main” VIEWPORT entity with ID=1 is required for paperspace layouts, located in the entity space of the layout.

The modelspace layout requires (?) a VPORT entity in the VPORT table (group code 331 in the AcDbLayout subclass).

The “main” viewport for layout “Layout1” shown above. This viewport is located in the associated BLOCK definition called “*Paper_Space0”. Group code 330 in subclass AcDbLayout points to the BLOCK_RECORD of “*Paper_Space0”.

Remember: the entities of the active paperspace layout are located in the ENTITIES section, therefore “Layout1” is not the active paperspace layout.

The “main” VIEWPORT describes, how the application shows the paperspace layout on the screen, and I guess only AutoCAD needs this values. [image]

5       <<< handle
102     <<< extension dictionary (ignore)
330     <<< owner handle
58      <<< points to BLOCK_RECORD (same as group code 330 in AcDbLayout of
...     "Layout1")
67      <<< paperspace flag
1       <<< 0 = modelspace; 1 = paperspace
8       <<< layer,
10      <<< Center point (in WCS)
5.25    <<<     x value
20      <<<     group code for y value
4.00    <<<     y value
30      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
40      <<< width in paperspace units
23.55   <<< VIEW size in AutoCAD, depends on the workstation configuration
41      <<< height in paperspace units
9.00    <<< VIEW size in AutoCAD, depends on the workstation configuration
68      <<< viewport status field -1/0/n
2       <<< >0  On and active. The value indicates the order of stacking for
...     the viewports, where 1 is the active viewport, 2 is the next, and so forth
69      <<< viewport ID
1       <<< "main" viewport has always ID=1
12      <<< view center point in Drawing Coordinate System (DCS), defines
...     the center point of the VIEW in relation to the LAYOUT origin
5.25    <<<     x value
22      <<<     group code for y value
4.00    <<<     y value
13      <<< snap base point in modelspace
0.0     <<<     x value
23      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
14      <<< snap spacing in modelspace units
0.5     <<<     x value
24      <<<     group code for y value
0.5     <<<     y value
15      <<< grid spacing in modelspace units
0.5     <<<     x value
25      <<<     group code for y value
0.5     <<<     y value
16      <<< view direction vector from target (in WCS)
0.0     <<<     x value
26      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
36      <<<     group code for z value
1.0     <<<     z value
17      <<< view target point
0.0     <<<     x value
27      <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
37      <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
42      <<<     perspective lens length, focal length?
50.0    <<<     50mm
43      <<<     front clip plane z value
0.0     <<<     z value
44      <<<     back clip plane z value
0.0     <<<     z value
45      <<<     view height (in modelspace units)
50      <<< snap angle
51      <<< view twist angle
72      <<< circle zoom percent
90      <<< Viewport status bit-coded flags (... too many options)
819232  <<< b11001000000000100000
1       <<< plot style sheet name assigned to this viewport
281     <<< render mode (... too many options)
0       <<< 0 = 2D optimized (classic 2D)
71      <<< UCS per viewport flag
1       <<< 1 = This viewport stores its own UCS which will become the
...     current UCS whenever the viewport is activated
74      <<< Display UCS icon at UCS origin flag
0       <<< this field is currently being ignored and the icon always
...     represents the viewport UCS
110     <<< UCS origin (3D point)
0.0     <<<     x value
120     <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
130     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
111     <<< UCS X-axis (3D vector)
1.0     <<<     x value
121     <<<     group code for y value
0.0     <<<     y value
131     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
112     <<< UCS Y-axis (3D vector)
0.0     <<<     x value
122     <<<     group code for y value
1.0     <<<     y value
132     <<<     group code for z value
0.0     <<<     z value
79      <<< Orthographic type of UCS (... too many options)
0       <<< 0 = UCS is not orthographic
146     <<< elevation
170     <<< shade plot mode (0/1/2/3 for as displayed/wireframe/hidden/rendered)
0       <<< as displayed
61      <<< frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines
5       <<< major grid subdivided by 5
348     <<< visual style ID/handle (optional)
292     <<< default lighting flag, on when no user lights are specified.
282     <<< Default lighting type (0/1 = one distant light/two distant lights)
1       <<< one distant light
141     <<< view brightness
142     <<< view contrast
63      <<< ambient light color (ACI), write only if not black color
421     <<< ambient light color (RGB), write only if not black color

Information about ezdxf internals.

Reformat code by Black for a column width of 80:

C:\> black -l 80 <python-file>

Reformatting the ezdxf code base is an ongoing process, add reformatted code in a separate commit without changing the runtime logic.

The use of type annotations is encouraged. New modules should pass mypy without errors in non-strict mode. Using # type: ignore is fine in tricky situations - type annotations should be helpful in understanding the code and not be a burden.

The following global options are required to pass mypy without error messages:

python_version = 3.7
ignore_missing_imports = True

Read this to learn where mypy searches for config files.

Use the mypy command line option --ignore-missing-imports and -p to check the whole package from any location in the file system:

PS D:\Source\ezdxf.git> mypy --ignore-missing-imports -p ezdxf
Success: no issues found in 255 source files

The Package Design for Developers section shows the structure of the ezdxf package for developers with more experience, which want to have more insight into the package an maybe want to develop add-ons or want contribute to the ezdxf package. !!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!!

A DXF document is divided into several sections, this sections are managed by the Drawing object. For each section exist a corresponding attribute in the Drawing object:

Section Attribute
HEADER Drawing.header
CLASSES Drawing.classes
TABLES Drawing.tables
BLOCKS Drawing.blocks
ENTITIES Drawing.entities
OBJECTS Drawing.objects

Resource entities (LAYER, STYLE, LTYPE, …) are stored in tables in the TABLES section. A table owns the table entries, the owner handle of table entry is the handle of the table. Each table has a shortcut in the Drawing object:

Table Attribute
APPID Drawing.appids
BLOCK_RECORD Drawing.block_records
DIMSTYLE Drawing.dimstyles
LAYER Drawing.layers
LTYPE Drawing.linetypes
STYLE Drawing.styles
UCS Drawing.ucs
VIEW Drawing.views
VPORT Drawing.viewports

Graphical entities are stored in layouts: Modelspace, Paperspace layouts and BlockLayout. The core management object of this layouts is the BLOCK_RECORD entity (BlockRecord), the BLOCK_RECORD is the real owner of the entities, the owner handle of the entities is the handle of the BLOCK_RECORD and the BLOCK_RECORD also owns and manages the entity space of the layout which contains all entities of the layout.

For more information about layouts see also: Layout Management Structures

For more information about blocks see also: Block Management Structures

Non-graphical entities (objects) are stored in the OBJECTS section. Every object has a parent object in the OBJECTS section, most likely a DICTIONARY object, and is stored in the entity space of the OBJECTS section.

For more information about the OBJECTS section see also: OBJECTS Section

All table entries, DXF entities and DXF objects are stored in the entities database accessible as Drawing.entitydb. The entity database is a simple key, value storage, key is the entity handle, value is the DXF object.

For more information about the DXF data model see also: Data Model

DXF entities and objects can have different states:

Entity is not stored in the Drawing entity database and DXF attribute handle is None and attribute doc can be None
Entity is stored in the Drawing entity database, attribute doc has a reference to Drawing and DXF attribute handle is not None
Entity is not linked to a layout/owner, DXF attribute owner is None
Entity is linked to a layout/owner, DXF attribute owner is not None

Create a new DXF document
Load a DXF document from an external source
Create DXF structures from NEW or LOAD data
Delete DXF structures
Bind an entity to a Drawing, set entity state to BOUND & UNLINKED and check or create required resources
unbind …
Link an entity to an owner/layout. This makes an entity to a real DXF entity, which will be exported at the saving process. Any DXF entity can only be linked to one parent entity like DICTIONARY or BLOCK_RECORD.
unlink …

Loading a DXF document from an external source, creates a new Drawing object. This loading process has two stages:

  • LOAD content from external source as SectionDict: loader.load_dxf_structure()
  • LOAD tag structures as DXFEntity objects: loader.load_dxf_entities()
  • BIND entities: loader.load_and_bind_dxf_content(); Special handling of the BIND process, because the Drawing is not full initialized, a complete validation is not possible at this stage.

Parse SectionDict:

  • CREATE layouts: Blocks, Layouts
  • LINK entities to a owner/layout

The ENTITIES section is a relict from older DXF versions and has to be exported including the modelspace and active paperspace entities, but all entities reside in a BLOCK definition, even modelspace and paperspace layouts are only BLOCK definitions and ezdxf has no explicit ENTITIES section.

Source Code: as developer start your journey at, which has no public documentation, because package-user should use and ezdxf.readfile().

The default constructor of each entity type creates a new virtual entity:

  • DXF attribute owner is None
  • DXF attribute handle is None
  • Attribute doc is None

The constructor creates entities with given owner, handle and doc attributes, if doc is not None and entity is not already bound to a document, the new() constructor automatically bind the entity to the given document doc.

There exist only two scenarios:

UNBOUND: doc is None and handle is None
BOUND: doc is not None and handle is not None

  • new(), create a new virtual DXF object/entity
  • load(), load (create) virtual DXF object/entity from DXF tags
  • bind(), bind an entity to a document, create required resources if necessary (e.g. ImageDefReactor, SEQEND) and raise exceptions for non-existing resources.
  • Bind entity loaded from an external source to a document, all referenced resources must exist, but try to repair as many flaws as possible because errors were created by another application and are not the responsibility of the package-user.
  • Bind an entity from another DXF document, all invalid resources will be removed silently or created (e.g. SEQEND). This is a simple import from another document without resource import, for a more advanced import including resources exist the importer add-on.
  • Bootstrap problem for binding loaded table entries and objects in the OBJECTS section! Can’t use Auditor to repair this objects, because the DXF document is not fully initialized.

  • is_bound() returns True if entity is bound to document doc
  • unbind() function to remove an entity from a document and set state to a virtual entity, which should also UNLINK the entity from layout, because an layout can not store a virtual entity.
  • cls(), returns the class
  • register_entity(), registration decorator
  • replace_entity(), registration decorator

DXF Entities

  • NEW constructor to create an entity from scratch
  • LOAD constructor to create an entity loaded from an external source
  • DESTROY interface to kill an entity, set entity state to dead, which means entity.is_alive returns False. All entity iterators like EntitySpace, EntityQuery, and EntityDB must filter (ignore) dead entities. Calling DXFEntity.destroy() is a regular way to delete entities.
  • LINK an entity to a layout by, which set the owner handle to BLOCK_RECORD handle (= layout key) and add the entity to the entity space of the BLOCK_RECORD and set/clear the paperspace flag.

DXF Objects

  • NEW, LOAD, DESTROY see DXF entities
  • LINK: Linking an DXF object means adding the entity to a parent object in the OBJECTS section, most likely a DICTIONARY object, and adding the object to the entity space of the OBJECTS section, the root-dict is the only entity in the OBJECTS section which has an invalid owner handle “0”. Any other object with an invalid or destroyed owner is an orphaned entity. The audit process destroys and removes orphaned objects.
  • Extension dictionaries (ACAD_XDICTIONARY) are DICTIONARY objects located in the OBJECTS sections and can reference/own other entities of the OBJECTS section.
  • The root-dictionary is the only entity in the OBJECTS section which has an invalid owner handle “0”. Any other object with an invalid or destroyed owner is an orphaned entity.

  • LINK interface to link an entity to a layout
  • UNLINK interface to remove an entity from a layout

  • BIND interface to add an entity to the database of a document
  • delete_entity() interface, same as UNBIND and DESTROY an entity

The EntityDB is a simple key/value database to store DXFEntity objects by it’s handle, every Drawing has its own EntityDB, stored in the Drawing attribute entitydb.

Every DXF entity/object, except tables and sections, are represented as DXFEntity or inherited types, this entities are stored in the EntityDB, database-key is the dxf.handle as plain hex string.

All iterators like keys(), values(), items() and __iter__() do not yield destroyed entities.


The get() method and the index operator [], return destroyed entities and entities from the trashcan.

__getitem__(handle: str) -> DXFEntity
Get entity by handle, does not filter destroyed entities nor entities in the trashcan.

__setitem__(handle: str, entity: DXFEntity) -> None
Set entity for handle.

__delitem__(handle: str) -> None
Delete entity by handle. Removes entity only from database, does not destroy the entity.

__contains__(item: Union[str, DXFEntity]) -> bool
True if database contains handle.

__len__() -> int
Count of database items.

__iter__() -> Iterator[str]
Iterable of all handles, does filter destroyed entities but not entities in the trashcan.

Returns entity for handle or None if no entry exist, does not filter destroyed entities.

Returns next unique handle.

keys() -> Iterable[str]
Iterable of all handles, does filter destroyed entities.

Iterable of all entities, does filter destroyed entities.

items() -> Iterable[Tuple[str, DXFEntity]]
Iterable of all (handle, entities) pairs, does filter destroyed entities.

Add entity to database, assigns a new handle to the entity if entity.dxf.handle is None. Adding the same entity multiple times is possible and creates only a single database entry.

Returns a new trashcan, empty trashcan manually by: : func:Trashcan.clear().

Returns a new trashcan in context manager mode, trashcan will be emptied when leaving context.

purge() -> None
Remove all destroyed entities from database, but does not empty the trashcan.

Entity query over all entities in the DXF document.
query – query string


Entity Query String and Retrieve entities by query language

An EntitySpace is a collection of DXFEntity objects, that stores only references to DXFEntity objects.

The Modelspace, any Paperspace layout and BlockLayout objects have an EntitySpace container to store their entities.

__iter__() -> Iterable[DXFEntity]
Iterable of all entities, filters destroyed entities.

__getitem__(index) -> DXFEntity
Get entity at index item

EntitySpace has a standard Python list like interface, therefore index can be any valid list indexing or slicing term, like a single index layout[-1] to get the last entity, or an index slice layout[:10] to get the first 10 or less entities as List[DXFEntity]. Does not filter destroyed entities.

__len__() -> int
Count of entities including destroyed entities.

True if handle is present, does filter destroyed entities.

Remove all destroyed entities from entity space.

clear() -> None
Remove all entities.

Required DXF tag interface:

  • property code: group code as int
  • property value: tag value of unspecific type
  • dxfstr(): returns the DXF string
  • clone(): returns a deep copy of tag

DXF tag factory function.
  • code – group code
  • value – tag value

Returns: DXFTag or inherited

Returns an iterable if DXFTag or inherited, accepts an iterable of (code, value) tuples as input.

Immutable DXFTag class.
  • code – group code as int
  • value – tag value, type depends on group code

group code as int (do not change)

tag value (read-only property)

__eq__(other) -> bool
True if other and self has same content for code and value.

__getitem__(index: int)
Returns code for index 0 and value for index 1, emulates a tuple.

Hash support, DXFTag can be used in sets and as dict key.

Returns (code, value) tuples.

__repr__() -> str
Returns representation string 'DXFTag(code, value)'.

__str__() -> str
Returns content string '(code, value)'.

Returns a clone of itself, this method is necessary for the more complex (and not immutable) DXF tag types.

Returns the DXF string e.g. ' 0\nLINE\n'

Immutable BinaryTags class - immutable by design, not by implementation.
Returns the DXF string for all vertex components.

Returns binary value as single hex-string.

Represents a 2D or 3D vertex, stores only the group code of the x-component of the vertex, because the y-group-code is x-group-code + 10 and z-group-code id x-group-code+20, this is a rule that ALWAYS applies. This tag is immutable by design, not by implementation.
  • code – group code of x-component
  • value – sequence of x, y and optional z values

Returns the DXF string for all vertex components.

Returns all vertex components as single DXFTag objects.

Special tag representing a none existing tag.

A list of DXFTag, inherits from Python standard list. Unlike the statement in the DXF Reference “Do not write programs that rely on the order given here”, tag order is sometimes essential and some group codes may appear multiples times in one entity. At the worst case (Material: normal map shares group codes with diffuse map) using same group codes with different meanings.

Subclass of list.

Collection of DXFTag as flat list. Low level tag container, only required for advanced stuff.

Constructor from DXF string.

Returns DXF type of entity, e.g. 'LINE'.

Get DXF handle. Raises DXFValueError if handle not exist.
handle as plain hex string like 'FF00'
DXFValueError – no handle found

Replace existing handle.
new_handle – new handle as plain hex string e.g. 'FF00'

Returns True if a DXFTag with given group code is present.
code – group code as int

Returns first DXFTag with given group code or default, if default != DXFValueError, else raises DXFValueError.
  • code – group code as int
  • default – return value for default case or raises DXFValueError

Returns value of first DXFTag with given group code or default if default != DXFValueError, else raises DXFValueError.
  • code – group code as int
  • default – return value for default case or raises DXFValueError

Returns a list of DXFTag with given group code.
code – group code as int

Iterate and filter tags by group codes.
codes – group codes to filter

Collect all consecutive tags with group code in codes, start and end delimits the search range. A tag code not in codes ends the process.
  • codes – iterable of group codes
  • start – start index as int
  • end – end index as int, None for end index = len(self)

collected tags as Tags

Return index of first DXFTag with given group code.
  • code – group code as int
  • start – start index as int
  • end – end index as int, None for end index = len(self)

Update first existing tag with same group code as tag, raises DXFValueError if tag not exist.

Update first existing tag with group code tag.code or append tag.

Remove all tags inplace with group codes specified in codes.
codes – iterable of group codes as int

Remove all tags inplace except those with group codes specified in codes.
codes – iterable of group codes

Pop tags with group codes specified in codes.
codes – iterable of group codes

Constructor from tags, strips all tags with group codes in codes from tags.
  • tags – iterable of DXFTag
  • codes – iterable of group codes as int

Group of tags starts with a SplitTag and ends before the next SplitTag. A SplitTag is a tag with code == splitcode, like (0, ‘SECTION’) for splitcode == 0.
  • tags – iterable of DXFTag
  • splitcode – group code of split tag

Represents the extended DXF tag structure introduced with DXF R13.
tags: iterable of DXFTag legacy: flag for DXF R12 tags

Application defined data as list of Tags

Subclasses as list of Tags

XDATA as list of Tags

embedded objects as list of Tags

Short cut to access first subclass.

Returns handle as hex string.

Returns DXF type as string like “LINE”.

Replace the existing entity handle by a new value.

Legacy (DXF R12) tags handling and repair.

Shallow copy.

Flatten subclasses in legacy mode (DXF R12).

There exists DXF R12 with subclass markers, technical incorrect but works if the reader ignore subclass marker tags, unfortunately ezdxf tries to use this subclass markers and therefore R12 parsing by ezdxf does not work without removing these subclass markers.

This method removes all subclass markers and flattens all subclasses into ExtendedTags.noclass.

Get subclass name.
  • name – subclass name as string like “AcDbEntity”
  • pos – start searching at subclass pos.

True if has XDATA for appid.

Returns XDATA for appid as Tags.

Append a new XDATA block.

Assumes that no XDATA block with the same appid already exist:


xdata = tags.get_xdata('EZDXF') except ValueError:
xdata = tags.new_xdata('EZDXF')

True if has application defined data for appid.

Returns application defined data for appid as Tags including marker tags.

Returns application defined data for appid as Tags without first and last marker tag.

Set application defined data for appid for already exiting data.

Append a new application defined data to subclass subclass_name.

Assumes that no app data block with the same appid already exist:


app_data = tags.get_app_data('{ACAD_REACTORS', tags) except ValueError:
app_data = tags.new_app_data('{ACAD_REACTORS', tags)

Store DXF tags in compact data structures as list or array.array to reduce memory usage.

Store data in a standard Python list.
data: iterable of DXF tag values.

Data storage as list.

Returns a deep copy.

Setup list from iterable tags.
  • tags – tag collection as Tags
  • code – group code to collect

clear() -> None
Delete all data values.

TagArray is a subclass of TagList, which store data in an array.array. Array type is defined by class variable DTYPE.
data: iterable of DXF tag values.

array.array type as string

Data storage as array.array

Replace data by values.

Store vertices in an array.array('d'). Vertex size is defined by class variable VERTEX_SIZE.
data: iterable of vertex values as linear list e.g. [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...].

Size of vertex (2 or 3 axis).

__len__() -> int
Count of vertices.

__getitem__(index: int)
Get vertex at index, extended slicing supported.

__setitem__(index: int, point: Sequence[float]) -> None
Set vertex point at index, extended slicing not supported.

__delitem__(index: int) -> None
Delete vertex at index, extended slicing supported.

__iter__() -> Iterator[Sequence[float]]
Returns iterable of vertices.

__str__() -> str
String representation.

Insert point in front of vertex at index pos.
  • pos – insert position
  • point – point as tuple

Replace all vertices by points.

clear() -> None
Delete all vertices.

Returns a deep copy.

Setup point array from iterable tags.
  • tags – iterable of DXFVertex
  • code – group code to collect

Internal management class for XDATA.


  • XDATA user reference: Extended Data (XDATA)
  • Wrapper class to store a list in XDATA: XDataUserList
  • Wrapper class to store a dict in XDATA: XDataUserDict
  • Tutorial: Storing Custom Data in DXF Files
  • DXF Internals: Extended Data
  • DXF R2018 Reference

__contains__(appid: str) -> bool
Returns True if DXF tags for appid exist.

Add a list of DXF tags for appid. The tags argument is an iterable of (group code, value) tuples, where the group code has to be an integer value. The mandatory XDATA marker (1001, appid) is added automatically if front of the tags if missing.

Each entity can contain only one list of tags for each appid. Adding a second list of tags for the same appid replaces the existing list of tags.

The valid XDATA group codes are restricted to some specific values in the range from 1000 to 1071, for more information see also the internals about Extended Data.

Returns the DXF tags as Tags list stored by appid.
DXFValueError – no data for appid exist

Delete DXF tags for appid. None existing appids are silently ignored.

Returns True if list name from XDATA appid exists.
  • appid – APPID
  • name – list name

Get list name from XDATA appid.
  • appid – APPID
  • name – list name

Returns: list of DXFTags including list name and curly braces ‘{’ ‘}’ tags

  • DXFKeyError – XDATA appid does not exist
  • DXFValueError – list name does not exist

Create new list name of XDATA appid with xdata_tags and replaces list name if already exists.
  • appid – APPID
  • name – list name
  • tags – list content as DXFTags or (code, value) tuples, list name and curly braces ‘{’ ‘}’ tags will be added

Deletes list name from XDATA appid. Ignores silently if XDATA appid or list name not exist.
  • appid – APPID
  • name – list name

Replaces list name of existing XDATA appid by tags. Appends new list if list name do not exist, but raises DXFValueError if XDATA appid do not exist.

Low level interface, if not sure use set_xdata_list() instead.

  • appid – APPID
  • name – list name
  • tags – list content as DXFTags or (code, value) tuples, list name and curly braces ‘{’ ‘}’ tags will be added

DXFValueError – XDATA appid do not exist

Transform XDATA tags with group codes 1011, 1012, 1013, 1041 and 1042 inplace. For more information see Extended Data Internals.

Application-Defined Data (AppData)

Starting at DXF R13, DXF objects can contain application-defined codes (AppData) outside of XDATA.

All AppData is defined with a beginning (102, “{APPID”) tag and according to the DXF reference appear should appear before the first subclass marker.

There are two known use cases of this data structure in Autodesk products:

  • ACAD_REACTORS, store handles to persistent reactors in a DXF entity
  • ACAD_XDICTIONARY, store handle to the extension dictionary of a DXF entity

Both AppIDs are not defined/stored in the AppID table!

Internal management class for Application defined data.


  • User reference: Application-Defined Data (AppData)
  • Internals about Application-Defined Codes tags

__contains__(appid: str) -> bool
Returns True if application-defined data exist for appid.

__len__() -> int
Returns the count of AppData.

Add application-defined tags for appid. Adds first tag (102, “{APPID”) if not exist. Adds last tag (102, “}” if not exist.

Get application-defined data for appid as Tags container. The first tag is always (102, “{APPID”). The last tag is always (102, “}”).

Store raw application-defined data tags. The first tag has to be (102, “{APPID”). The last tag has to be (102, “}”).

Delete application-defined data for appid without raising and error if appid doesn’t exist.

Internal management class for persistent reactor handles. Handles are stored as hex strings like "ABBA".


  • User reference: Reactors
  • Internals about Persistent Reactors tags

__contains__(handle: str) -> bool
Returns True if handle is registered.

__len__() -> int
Returns count of registered handles.

__iter__() -> Iterator[str]
Returns an iterator for all registered handles.

Add a single handle.

Returns all registered handles as sorted list.

Discard a single handle.

This section is only for myself, because of the long pauses between develop iterations, I often forget to be consistent in documentation formatting.

Documentation is written with Sphinx and reSturcturedText.

Started integration of documentation into source code and using autodoc features of Sphinx wherever useful.

Sphinx theme provided by Read the Docs :

pip install sphinx-rtd-theme

guide — Example module

Parameters a and b are positional arguments, argument test defaults to None and flag to True. Set a to 70 and b to “x” as an example. Inline code examples example_func(70, 'x') or simple example_func(70, "x")
  • arguments: a, b, test and flags
  • literal number values: 1, 2 … 999
  • literal string values: “a String”
  • literal tags: (5, “F000”)
  • inline code: call a example_func(x)
  • Python keywords: None, True, False, tuple, list, dict, str, int, float
  • Exception classes: DXFAttributeError

The ExampleCls constructor accepts a number of optional keyword arguments. Each keyword argument corresponds to an instance attribute, so for example

e = ExampleCls(flag=True)

This is the attribute flag.

axis as (x, y, z) tuple
axis: (x, y, z) tuple

Method example_method() of class ExampleCls

Text Formatting

DXF version
DXF R12 (AC1009), DXF R2004 (AC1018)
DXF Types
DXF types are always written in uppercase letters but without further formatting: DXF, LINE, CIRCLE
(internal API)
Marks methods as internal API, gets no public documentation.
(internal class)
Marks classes only for internal usage, gets not public documentation.
2D and 3D with an uppercase letter D
x-axis, y-axis and z-axis
xy-plane, xz-plane, yz-plane
modelspace, paperspace [layout], block [layout]
AppData, XDATA, embedded object, APPID

AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
The 3D ACIS Modeler (ACIS) is a geometric modeling kernel developed by Spatial Corp. ® (formerly Spatial Technology) and now part of Dassault Systems. All ACIS based DXF entities store their geometry as SAT or SAB data. These are not open data formats and a license has to be purchased to get access to their SDK, therefore ezdxf can not provide any support for creating, processing or transforming of ACIS based DXF entities.
The Bulge value is used to create arc shaped line segments in Polyline and LWPolyline entities.
Computer-Assisted Drafting or Computer-Aided Design
Color dependent plot style table (ColorDependentPlotStyles)
Proprietary file format of AutoCAD ®. Documentation for this format is available from the Open Design Alliance (ODA) at their Downloads section. This documentation is created by reverse engineering therefore not perfect nor complete.
Drawing eXchange Format is a file format used by AutoCAD ® to interchange data with other CAD applications. DXF is a trademark of Autodesk ®. See also What is DXF?
Raw color value as stored in DWG files, this integer value can represent ACI values as well as and true color values
CAD applications which create valid DXF documents in the meaning and interpretation of Autodesk. See also What is DXF?
ACIS file format (Standard ACIS Binary), binary stored data
ACIS file format (Standard ACIS Text), data stored as ASCII text
Named plot style table (NamedPlotStyles)
RGB color representation, a combination red, green and blue values to define a color.

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Manfred Moitzi

2011-2022, Manfred Moitzi

September 14, 2022 0.18.1