ipcluster - start an IPython cluster
Start an IPython cluster for parallel computing.
An IPython cluster consists of 1 controller and 1 or more engines.
This command automates the startup of these processes using a wide range of
startup methods (SSH, local processes, PBS, mpiexec, SGE, LSF, HTCondor,
Slurm, Windows HPC Server 2008). To start a cluster with 4 engines on your
local host simply do 'ipcluster start --n=4'. For more complex
usage you will typically do 'ipython profile create mycluster
--parallel', then edit configuration files, followed by 'ipcluster
start --profile=mycluster --n=4'.
Subcommands -----------
Subcommands are launched as `ipcluster cmd [args]`. For
information on using subcommand 'cmd', do: `ipcluster cmd -h`.
- Start an IPython cluster for parallel computing
- Start an ipython cluster by its profile name or cluster directory. Cluster
directories contain configuration, log and security related files and are
named using the convention 'profile_<name>' and should be creating
using the 'start' subcommand of 'ipcluster'. If your cluster directory is
in the cwd or the ipython directory, you can simply refer to it using its
profile name, 'ipcluster start --n=4
--profile=<profile>`, otherwise use the 'profile-dir'
- Stop a running IPython cluster
- Stop a running ipython cluster by its profile name or cluster directory.
Cluster directories are named using the convention 'profile_<name>'.
If your cluster directory is in the cwd or the ipython directory, you can
simply refer to it using its profile name, 'ipcluster stop
--profile=<profile>`, otherwise use the '--profile-dir'
- Start engines connected to an existing IPython cluster
- Start one or more engines to connect to an existing Cluster by profile
name or cluster directory. Cluster directories contain configuration, log
and security related files and are named using the convention
'profile_<name>' and should be creating using the 'start' subcommand
of 'ipcluster'. If your cluster directory is in the cwd or the ipython
directory, you can simply refer to it using its profile name, 'ipcluster
engines --n=4 --profile=<profile>`, otherwise
use the 'profile-dir' option.
- Enable/disable IPython clusters tab in Jupyter notebook
- for Jupyter Notebook >= 4.2, you can use the new nbextension API:
- jupyter serverextension enable --py ipyparallel jupyter nbextension
install --py ipyparallel jupyter nbextension enable --py
To see all available configurables, use --help-all.