latex2text - part of pylatexenc: simple LaTeX parser provider
conversion to/from unicode
usage: latex2text [--code LATEX_CODE] [--tolerant-parsing]
- [--no-tolerant-parsing] [--math-mode
{text,with-delimiters,verbatim,remove}] [--fill-text [FILL_TEXT]]
[--keep-comments] [--no-keep-comments] [--strict-latex-spaces
[--keep-braced-groups] [--no-keep-braced-groups]
[--keep-braced-groups-minlen KEEP_BRACED_GROUPS_MINLEN] [-q] [-v]
[--version] [--help] [FILE [FILE ...]]
- --code LATEX_CODE,
- Convert the given LATEX_CODE to unicode text instead of reading from FILE
or standard input. You cannot specify FILEs if you use this option, and
any standard input is ignored.
- Input files to read LaTeX code from. If no FILE(s) is/are specified, LaTeX
code is read from standard input unless --code is specified
- --no-tolerant-parsing
- Tolerate syntax errors when parsing, and attempt to continue (default
pylatexenc was primarily written by Philippe Faist.
This script is part of pylatexenc. Full documentation for the
pylatexenc suite
can be consulted at .