treetime - Maximum Likelihood Phylodynamics
treetime <positional> [optional]
TreeTime provides routines for ancestral sequence reconstruction
and inference of molecular-clock phylogenies, i.e., a tree where all
branches are scaled such that the positions of terminal nodes correspond to
their sampling times and internal nodes are placed at the most likely time
of divergence.
To optimize the likelihood of time-scaled phylogenies, TreeTime
uses an iterative approach that first infers ancestral sequences given the
branch length of the tree, then optimizes the positions of unconstrained
nodes on the time axis, and then repeats this cycle. The only topology
optimization are (optional) resolution of polytomies in a way that is most
(approximately) consistent with the sampling time constraints on the tree.
The package is designed to be used as a stand-alone tool on the command-line
or as a library used in larger phylogenetic analysis work-flows.
- ancestral
- infer ancestral sequences maximizing the joint or marginal
- homoplasy
- analyze patterns of recurrent mutations aka homoplasies.
- clock
- estimate molecular clock parameters and reroot the tree.
- mugration
- map discrete character such as host or country to the tree.
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- --tree TREE
- Name of file containing the tree in newick, nexus, or phylip format. If
none is provided, treetime will attempt to build a tree from the alignment
using fasttree, iqtree, or raxml (assuming they are installed)
- --sequence-length
- length of the sequence, used to calculate expected variation in branch
length. Not required if alignment is provided.
- --aln ALN
- alignment file (fasta)
- --vcf-reference
- only for vcf input: fasta file of the sequence the VCF was mapped to.
- --dates
- csv file with dates for nodes with 'node_name, date' where date is float
(as in 2012.15)
- --clock-filter
- ignore tips that don't follow a loose clock, 'clockfilter=number of
interquartile ranges from regression'
- --reroot
- reroot the tree. Valid choices are 'ML', 'ML-rough', 'least-squares',
'min_dev', 'midpoint' or a node name to be used as outgroup. Use
--keep-root to keep the current root.
- --keep-root
- don't reroot the tree. Otherwise, reroot to minimize the the residual of
the regression of root-to-tip distance and sampling time
- --gtr GTR
- GTR model to use. '--gtr infer' will infer a model from the data.
Alternatively, specify the model type. If the specified model requires
additional options, use '--gtr-params' to specify those.
- --gtr-params
- GTR parameters for the model specified by the --gtr argument. The
parameters should be feed as 'key=value' list of parameters. Example:
'--gtr K80 --gtr-params kappa=0.2 pis=0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25'. See the
exact definitions of the parameters in the GTR creation methods in
treetime/ or treetime/
- --clock-rate
- if specified, the rate of the molecular clock won't be optimized.
- --branch-length-mode
- If set to 'input', the provided branch length will be used without
modification. Note that branch lengths optimized by treetime are only
accurate at short evolutionary distances.
- --confidence
- estimate confidence intervals of divergence times.
- --keep-polytomies
- Don't resolve polytomies using temporal information.
- --relax [RELAX [RELAX
- use an autocorrelated molecular clock. Prior strength and coupling of
parent and offspring rates can be specified e.g. as --relax 1.0
- --max-iter
- maximal number of iterations the inference cycle is run. Note that for
polytomy resolution and coalescence models max_iter should be at least
- --coalescent
- coalescent time scale -- sensible values are on the order of the
average hamming distance of contemporaneous sequences. In addition, 'opt'
'skyline' are valid options and estimate a constant coalescent rate or a
piecewise linear coalescent rate history
- --plot-tree
- filename to save the plot to. Suffix will determine format (choices pdf,
png, svg, default=pdf)
- --plot-rtt
- filename to save the plot to. Suffix will determine format (choices pdf,
png, svg, default=pdf)
- --keep-overhangs
- do not fill terminal gaps
- --zero-based
- zero based mutation indexing
- --report-ambiguous
- include transitions involving ambiguous states
- --verbose
- verbosity of output 0-6
- --outdir
- directory to write the output to
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian
distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.