qelectrotech - Electric diagrams editor
qelectrotech [--common-elements-dir=DIR] [--config-dir=DIR] [--lang-dir=DIR] [--help] [-v|--version] [--license] [FILE]...
QElectroTech is an electric diagrams editor. Diagrams (*.qet) and electric elements (*.elmt) are stored using the XML format. The elements that can be used in diagrams may come from the common collection or from the user's custom collection. Typically, the common collection is readable by all users but it can't be edited by them. Each user owns its custom collection he can modify as he wants.
Note that if one of the three last options is specified in the command line, the programs stops after having displayed the adequate information. If an instance of the application launched by the user is still running, this instance will consider the command line, and notably the files to open. However, options that redefine directories (common collection, configuration and translation files) will not be considered. If a filename ends with .elmt, QElectroTech will try to open it into an element editor. Otherwise, it will consider it as diagrams.
Benoit Ansieau <benoit@qelectrotech.org>
Xavier Guerrin <xavier@qelectrotech.org>
Laurent Trinques <scorpio@qelectrotech.org>
Joshua Claveau <joshua@qelectrotech.org>
Cyril.frausti <cyril@qelectrotech.org>
If you encounter a behavior in the application that looks unusual to you, browse our FAQ <http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doku.php?id=doc:faq> and our BugTracker <http://qelectrotech.org/bugtracker/> to check if the problem is already known. In the negative, please submit a bugreport via the BugTracker.
Copyright (c) QElectroTech developers.
License : GNU/GPL v2+ :
This program is a free software. You can modify and redistribute it. It is
provided as is and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Official website : <http://qelectrotech.org/>
AUGUST 2008 | QElectroTech |