qmt_map2jnx - convert map to JNX
qmt_map2jnx -q <1..100> -s <411|422|444> -p <0..> -c "copyright notice" -m "BirdsEye" -n "Unknown" -x file1_scale,file2_scale,...,fileN_scale <file1> <file2> ... <fileN> <outputfile>
qmt_map2jnx is a helper utility for qmapshack(1) to convert a map to JNX format.
The projection of the input files must have the same latitude along a pixel row. Mecator and Longitude/Latitude projections match this this property. Transversal Merkator or Lambert projections do not.
To rectify a geotiff map, you can use the gdalwarp command, e.g.
Scale levels must be pass in same order as level files pointed. Empty and zero values equal to autodetect. We can point only needed levels, like:
Calculated levels table can be found:
Most common values for different map scales:
The JPEG quality from 1 to 100. Default is 75
The chroma subsampling. Default is 411
The product ID. Default is 0
The copyright notice. Default is "Unknown"
The subscription product name. Default is "BirdsEye"
The map name. Default is "Unknown"
The z order (drawing order). Default is 25
Override levels scale. Default: autodetect
qmt_map2jnx was written and is currently maintained by Oliver Eichler <oliver.eichler@gmx.de>.
Jan 2018 |