racc - Ruby LALR parser generator
Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself,
and generates Ruby program.
-g, --debug
- output parser for user level debugging.
-o, --output-file <outfile>
- file name of output. [<fname>.tab.rb]
-e, --executable <rubypath>
insert #! line in output. ('ruby' to default)
-E, --embedded
- output file which don't need runtime.
-l, --no-line-convert
- never convert line numbers. (for ruby<=1.4.3)
-c, --line-convert-all
- convert line numbers also header and footer.
-a, --no-omit-actions
- never omit actions.
-v, --verbose
- create <filename>.output file.
-O, --log-file <fname>
- file name of verbose output. [<fname>.output]
-C, --check-only
- syntax check only.
-S, --output-status
- output status time to time.
- run without any ruby extentions.
-h, --help
- print this message and quit.
- print version and quit.
- print runtime version and quit.
- print copyright and quit.
/usr/share/doc/racc/html.en/index.html (English) or
/usr/share/doc/racc/html.ja/index.html (Japanese).